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>While in character as Brüno in Jerusalem, Baron Cohen was beaten nearly to death by an enraged crowd of homophobic Israelis, who, angered by his camp and sacrilegious attire, started stoning him, on camera. Baron Cohen was reportedly “nearly killed.”
Early life
best part about this jew is that he wants to jail people for "racism", hes one of the biggest cancel culture advocates and comedy policing
meanwhile he made his entire career out of offensive racist comedy

jews legit think they are about law and above goys
>jews legit think they are about law and above goys
They are, unless they push it too far like Bernie Madoff or Jeffery Epstein.
Epstein is above the law. He's currently balls deep inside a toddler in some Bhutanese cave. You seriously think he's dead? You fell for that shit? Show me his body. He got away with everything. And you, you goyim are fucking cattle that actually believe it.
No shit. You fuckers are so far behind you actually think you're leading.
he is just making fun of historical enemies of his people, germans, arabs in the uk, postsoviet shitholes
I laughed incredibly loud when the dick was swinging and yelled "BRUNO!" at the screen. There were two old white people in the theater who weren't amused. We exchanged glances. Their not laughing made me laugh even harder. Little old white couple. A husband and wife. What the hell were they even doing there?
The Israeli elite is comprised of Ashkenazi Slavs. He was mocking his own rulers
>if you didn't watch the film, why are you talking shit about it?
>if you didn't like the film, why did you watch it in the first place?
His father was a founding member of Hillel UK which is a pro immigration Jewish supremacist organisation. He's from very prestigious family of powerful loxists.
>Have blackmail shit on a bunch of rich people
>CIA get their hands on that information
>The richies didn't have him murdered
Sure thing, anon.
read about pogroms, they were trying to push the 6 million thing long before world war 2, it just didn't catch up at the time
And now this post has me laughing.
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stop laughing it's not funny
this movie has some great parts but its really really REALLY gay. i get that's the point, but still
who hate the people that allegedly saved them
I laughed incredibly loud when the kikes were burning and yelled "COME AND SEE!" at the screen. There were two old kike faggots in the theater who weren't amused. We exchanged glances. Their not laughing made me laugh even harder. Little faggot kike couple. A faggot and tranny. What the hell were they even doing there?
>think they are about law
Halakha goes above any other laws
he got sued for defamation for falsely presenting a Palestinian as a terrorist
Fuck this clown zionist foreigner red coat telling us how to live. Also he's weirdly obsessed with genitalia like most kikes. Yuck!
Bruno > Borat
I needed to see it for myself. Why would he do such a thing? A legend shoots his own legend down, what a sad, mad world. https://nypost.com/2021/05/17/sacha-baron-cohen-im-officially-canceling-myself/
Dude you think they didnt have that already? The people involved were worried about his inevitable trial and all the stuff in it being made public
Judaism is literally all about bypassing their own religious laws
Pray you dont get reborn as a chicken
because it was never "let's laugh at ourselves", it was always "let's laught at them", but it's not allowed in the other direction
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if you wanted "one of the good ones", there's Larry Davis
he makes fun of burgers even though they're good goys
now THAT'S funny
of course they cut the footie
just some good fun at their loyal slaves, have to keep them in their place

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