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Yep, it's kino time
>not AoD
>he doth not slather his za with bbq sauce
I'm sure he's sharing that with his girlfriend and isn't eating all of that alone like the fatass incel he is.
>no soda
no way since she'd be mad over the grease on the blanket

this guy is alone
Enjoy your kino.
Pineapple on pizza is divinely orgasmic.
Needs some round meals as well
>fresh frozen product
>serves 3 men
This is how I'm living now after the divorce.
who has custody of the cat?
who has custody of your ex-wife's son?
Soda is bad for you
I hate that I crave Dominos every now and knowing that it will be a disappointment.
No wife, great life
who has custody of your widow's body?
Protip: Little Caesars is Dominos from the 1980s.
soda is good. drink lots of soda and you'll never die of cancer.
is this not the default for everyone? Not having grease and oil in your bedsheets? Only a dog would be happy about it
I eat Little Caesars more often than anywhere else. I just make sure to order an Extramostbestest and they make it fresh. Shame how the crazy bread almost always sucks now. Out of the last ten times maybe two were not brown as fuck, hard, or mush.
cats would also be happy. and frogs.
I hadn't had dominos in about 15 years and just had it again recently because a friend wanted to order it. It was fucking awful.
>Shame how the crazy bread almost always sucks now
Same where you're at too? Fuck. Yeah. 99 times out of 100 it's not worth it. It's not quite like that, but they don't put hardly any parm on anymore so it has no taste. Pass.
>he does not fly to italy to eat pizza and pasta and italian boys
>no annoying bitch telling you what you're watching and eating, and withholding sex to blackmail you into submission
Sounds like hell.
grab my butt and buy me pizza :3

i unno, what can i say mf...i'm just a kinogirl...
>all that greasy shit in your bed
For what purpose?
>carbs carbs carbs
>why am I so fat?!
>food for 4 people
>eating on bed
why are you such a disgusting lardass, anon?
for me it's pizza and Beauty and the Beast with the gf.
Please tell there are 10 people in the room with you to share all that food? No way this could be eaten by a lone man.
>feet next to open pizza box
imagine the smell
I identify 4 icks here
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I eat in bed all the time. its so comfy. the problem is sometimes food gets on the bed. messy
They made it that far into the movie without eating a single slice? With the lid open the whole time? The pizza is cold now.
>no mushrooms
>no red pepper
>no honey mustard dip
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I've eaten thousands of these things and never won a visit from Davis.
That's a fairly small amount of food for an average-sized person, I'd say?
I never associate movies like Lord of The Rings and Harry Potter with Pizza.

Pizza is for action, scifi and horror.
>boil plastic with food
i feel sick everytime i see this

I’ve been seeing this for years assuming it was genuine American goyslop and and only now bothered to look it up to see that it is fake
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I can't really enjoy a kino without a nice snack
I have the opposite problem, I can't enjoy a nice snack without a kino
It sucks when you're a fast eater. 5 minutes into the kino, my food is gone.
or they ordered the pizza for delivery after they already started the movie and it just arrived
My gf just cancelled on me again so I'm ghosting her and ordering a ton of pizza stuff tonight and watching sopranos compliations by ceerious and borko. /blog
Me and a female co worker love barbeque base on pizzas. Everyone else is disgusted by us.
She is never going to have sex with you
>no weed
Tonight I'm going to the cinema to watch The Count of Monte Cristo alone and then eat at McDonald's
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Just picked me up a bag of some of these bad boys and I’m about to watch Apocalypse Now
why would you put lights around your projector screen? You know you're supposed to keep the room as dark as possible for the correct experience right? this is super retarded.
Is this actually burger flavoured or just made to look like one
Well it’s certainly not keto time
Women care more about ambience and feel then the movie they put on
That looks rank
To make it look like it has fairy dust around it
there's like 4000 calories on that bed at least. People don't realise how many cals are in one of those pizzas
what is that like 4,000 calories? i don't even eat that in a day
For me it's watching mukbangs while I stuff my face
It's not too far off from reality, and that's what makes it good.
that's so he spent more money on the food than on the kino hardware
>boil in bag

Gee why is cancer on the rise and so many people dying prematurely now surely it must be a vaccine doing it all!
>Gay little lights around the screen
>Zero attempt to even make them placed decently
If you're not from Hobbitown, that is if you're at least 190cm, you spend 4k calories just by not being a neet.
>those are mens feet
>fat niggers never heard of any form of cardio
We already have once and just stayed as pals she's like a sister to me u fat ugly cunt
>fairy lights on
>still as the ceiling light on
Fucking freaks
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>twink feet
>Watching a visually stunning film on a laptop screen
What a waste desu
>dark room
>stains everywhere
>mess on the floor
>screen is a laptop from 2006
>lonely incel about 2 consume two pizzas in a 3-hour window
>movie genre heavily associated with escapism
You are dancing on the boundary between kino and depressed.
this is why I only have one bed in the smallest room of my house. so I only go in there to sleep. it also means I can enjoy my VR fetish porn in my master bedroom as a VR room.
can zoomers not afford tvs? this is fucked
>spends 100$ on crap franchise 'za
>Can't afford a television

Sad really. Mentally disturbed & disgusting. Wake up baby-man!
>she'd be mad over the grease on the blanket

rightfully so, that's disgusting
Holy hedonism
Maybe stop eating for bit so you can afford kinostation
How many bros are sharing that with you?
This is funny because the price of food these days makes it actually real. Just wait till the tide of plastic junk stops
I could never eat at my bed. Thats just vile. If this is your real house. Can you show your whale lair some more. I'd like to see how you live
You can get like 55" TV for 400€. That's like 20 pizzas, no?
it's more like 40 for dominoes, 2 for 1 deals and all that shite
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I eat like shit and always stayed lean. Only reason I can think of is the fac that I'm physically active at work
he’s a big boy huh

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