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>gets away with manslaughter
how did he do it?
For me it is the fact that he released a longass video essay about some cartoon movie while his brother was dying/dead, lol
I started watching a video made by this dude once but he sounded really fucking gay so I didn't even finish it
The seethe in the comments is hilarious
Most people get away with manslaughter 2bh
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Who are these videos made for?
Band kids and twitterfags
holy shit you weren't kidding, they are all fuming. The funniest part are all the comments talking about reporting him and yet the video is still up after a year
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>there are people unironically quoting some "epic" putdown from a Five Nights at Freddy's game at the uploader because they're so angered by this stupid 5 second video
it's insane so many people treated the way he immediately moved on as normal.
Ngl thats kinda fucked up
>gets away with manslaughter
that was no manslaughter
Fucking KEK. The butthurt is of the charts.
Every time I see this image I think it's the snail from Turbo.
i remember this happening
was the funniest shit ever
A half price coupon at Denny's goes a long way
Why the fuck does anyone pay attention to a guy with a Moana profile picture?
Isn’t Schafrillas that faggot with the Akechi picture on twitter? I wish that fag was dead already
You should have seen all the videos making fun of Jacksepticeye’s dad’s death and Technoblade’s death
Because his audience are manchildren
I remember I once saw a video of his on my feed with his face in it. I wrote a comment calling him and his retard friends ugly and within minutes he responded to me with a seething passive aggressive comment about how he will continue to make face cam vids just to spite me
Post em, I want to laugh
Something tells me that he got stuffed in lockers while he was in school.
if i remember correctly he once wet on a whole rant about incels in his megamind review. keep in mind he looks like this
Is he the balding one with mutton chops? Nigga looks like a simp from 1848
A lot of them have been deleted so I’m gonna have to dig deep for them
>Is he the balding one with mutton chops?
yes that's him
The judge saw he didnt had a penis anymore and let him go
James Rolfe did much worse and people still worship him
Lmao, bet all these zoomzooms in the comments were laughing their ass of with the 9/11 jokes this month. But dont you dare make fun of their hecking parasocial youtuber friends, that's not ok man!
>redditors when a rich kid dies in a submarine: XDDDD funniest shit I've ever seen
>redditors when some eceleb dies: :'( how dare you joke about this REEEEEE
>Safe edgy zoomers being cringe
What else is new?
Don't forget the Queen of England's death being treated as a joke and even a celebration.
You should see all the people crying about people making fun of Ronnie Mcnutt blowing his head off
Literally. Imagine being so a genuine little faggot that you're editing a YouTube video over analyzing a children's cartoon while the brother you fucking mortally wounded is dying alone in the hospital

What a astronomical faggot
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>I like trolling, but this is too much
>every comment in that schaff video
>you’re not edgying right
I hate all these redditor faggots. Safe edgy really is a thing
Anyone got that Pic of the intersection and how blindly obvious it was that he lied about not being able to see the truck?
It was karma for that anime video
Which anime video
Youtuber who reviews Pixar movies and shit like that got in a car accident with his friend and brother (who both also had a hand in the channel). He survived but his friend and brother were killed.
The drama or shitposting comes from how he seemed completely unphased and kept uploading cartoon videos while they were dying. And when /tv/ looked up the intersection where the crash occurred it became obvious he was lying about not being able to see the truck and instead caused the accident by speeding to beat it
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Here you go!
ok that second part is pretty wild, what a psycho
Wait did he not stop at the stop sign
How do you even crash here
I don't even really understand the mechanics of this crash. So he came down that street with the stop sign, didn't stop at the sign / went early, and then the truck crashed into his car and sent it into the ditch it occupies in that pic?
The circled pole looks to be a temporary stop sign for the new flow of traffic due to the construction. For whatever reason the stop sign isn't on the pole so Schaffrillas just blew through it and the semi you see slammed into him. So not technically his fault as the construction crew is too blame but had he used any common sense he would have seen the semi coming a mile away.
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>kids are in danger in a kid show
>"dude this show is so HECKIN' MATURE and DARK because the kids could FRIKIN' DIE. I know no one dies but it just leaves the worst parts to your imagination and that makes it DARKER!"
>kid is sad in a kid show
>"dude this show is so HECKIN' DEEP and EMOTIONAL because kids CAN GET SAD LIKE ME"
Why are cartoon autists like this?
Yeah the sign is new. Out in the sticks it's about yielding to whoever comes first to the intersection. The truck moves slower so it was closer to the accident when they were approaching. This means he should have yielded. But he didn't and got hit.
They're insecure about still watching Disney Channel shows, so they cope by trying to make them look deeper than they actually are.
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Why are artists like him allowed to drive in the first place?
Gravity falls is the epitome of this bullshit for me. I heard a ton of people talk about how interesting and complex and "dark" it was. Which was intriguing because everything I sae about it was that it was just a kids show. So they just have been pretty good at subtlety

So I watched it and no it's just a shitty kids cartoon
Seeing their pictures was something else. Peak mutt mugs
Getting a license in the states is way too easy
Recess has more nuance than any cartoon made in the last 10 years
It is but the self-righteous attitude of the comments is more annoying to me for some reason. Am I a bad person?
New York is a shithole though.
The royal family deserves nothing but the worst humanity has to offer
>t. Irish
Oh god. Why is decent grooming so hard for some?
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He looks exactly like the sort of person I would assume watches cartoons for a living
>2 years younger than me and balding like 50

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