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/tv/ - Television & Film

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Arthouse and classic cinema.

Adventure edition.

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Previous: >>203660253
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Queen of /film/
Don't you feel the cringe in being obsessed with a (fag) director and post this kind of stuff?
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6/10bros, we were fucking robbed of kino.
Well that's just garbage
>David Gordon Green
It's /film/, people here are not stalwarts of self-awareness
I only liked two of his movies (Halloween 2018 and Pineapple Express) but I’ll take DGG+Huppert over Gugadadingo+Dakota Johnson any day of the week.
>remake of Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion
>with Al Pacino
>written by Paul Schrader
would it have been kino?
I'll take neither, thank you
George Washington was very good, but that was in 2000.
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classic paul
I have to say filtered, but in this case so was pretty much everybody else.
For me, another excellent film from Malick's deeply personal phase in the '10s.
Probably. Hell I would’ve watched it
>execution by destroying bridge
Seemed impractical to me.
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Cecil Beaton diary about My Fair Lady is KINO reading
also is full of draws and sketches made by himself that i would call just art. Amazing
Also i really like the vision of Hollywood in the 60s when they already know an era is ending but still produce one of the biggest films ever. Also the pics of Audrey are beautiful and glamorous
>Film gets a reputation for being /film/
>People watch the film knowing it is /film/
>They end up loving it and regurgitates the same talking points as everybody else
Do you guys ever question yourselves over your tastes and sensibilities? Whether you only liked something because the status attached to it? What separates the earnest filmfags from the ones riding the cultural wave?
>What separates the earnest filmfags from the ones riding the cultural wave?
Liking what you like regardless of critical/audience reception, cultural impact, etc is the most earnest /film/ thing you can do.
No because when it comes to most of the /film/ films I either think they are just okay or outright dislike them
I try not to read any reviews nor see any ratings of the films I choose to watch in order to achieve an honest filmwatching experience. Of course that makes some things a tad more difficult finding stuff to watch, but it's more rewarding when you find something you enjoy this way.
Based, fuck /film/
I think that's just how it is for the majority of people, you naturally dislike most of the stuff you watch because enjoying everything is too good to be true even when you are choosing carefully
>Do you guys ever question yourselves over your tastes and sensibilities?

I used to in Uni. As a literature student, I always thought 60% of the classics were straight up shit, yet somehow tried to "understand" their greatness, only to find that no, they were nothing special. I used to debate with professors the merits of Don Quixote, for example, a book which is completely uncriticized even by the most elitist /lit/fags; I just think it's mid.

>What separates the earnest filmfags from the ones riding the cultural wave?

If you ride trends, you're probably not even /film/; you'd be watching the new A24 or whatever and raving about it in Letterboxd, talking about how it reivindicates trans identities or whatever. Being earnest about anything means that you need to separate yourself from the inherently inauthentic collective to be able to create your own personal taste and canon, or else you wouldn't even be passionate about the artform.
>I always thought 60% of the classics were straight up shit, yet somehow tried to "understand" their greatness, only to find that no, they were nothing special
Name some from the 40% that you actually think were good
Recommend me some directors who made wholesome movies like Fleming, Capra, and Ford did.
but how can you do that? It seems almost impossible to do so. You can't just remove the cultural significance of a movie in your mind as you're watching it, having that baggage means that you're probably going to be more open minded going in than if it's a movie nobody cared for and you know nothing about going in.
Sobre héroes y tumbas
Abbadón el exterminador
Voyage au bout de la nuit
Pedro Páramo
Naked Lunch
Catcher in the Rye
Poeta en Nueva York
When I was a teenager I was somewhat inclined to not be out of tune with the canons or the acclaimed films of the season, so even if I didn't really saw high qualities or actually liked a film, I'd still rate it higher to approach the consensus. But as you grown into cinema, you learn that honesty with yourself is essential. So nowadays I'm very confident in thinking/rating the films the way I really feel about them without worries about fitting in to any group. I can like or dislike a classic, the latest arthouse hits, love a slasher or a dumb comedy and whatever else.
You can respect the canons' existence and their place in the cultural discourse while having just as high respect for what your personal journey through the arts have been.
This isn’t as difficult or unrealistic as you’re making it out to be, I do it all the time. I think you’re just autistic/retarded
Fuck off with this edgy french shitter
Green's career path is baffling and heart breaking.
>Naked Lunch
I watched the film and I think it made me lose a couple brain cells
So much Spanish trash
Kiarostami, McCarey, Ozu
A hack retard making garbage his entire career is baffling and heartbreaking?
He hasn't though, so the point on his career path as heartbreaking.
A well-informed opinion, I'm sure.
I can watch a culturally significant movie, like the movie but then question why and not coming up with like a super satisfactory answer. If somebody put a gun to my head and said "WHY DID YOU LIKE IT!" I could give a superficial explanation but not one that is truly resonating, I don't have some critics mind when it comes to describing what I liked about something.

That makes me question whether or not it truly is for me or not.
Much like your 60% opinion
I enjoyed all the gratuitous shots of Natalie's tummy in this
E word stopped reading right there opinion immediately discarded
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whats the necklace he's wearing supposed to mean?
Holy fucking shit
Those anorexic bitches Rooney Mara and Natalie Portman were antisex in the film
not a lot of adventure recs itt
pretty gay thread so far
watched The Thief of Baghdad (1941) recently, it was great
Good, Christ’s love should overcome these carnal desires
they openly talk about freemasonry in this film
rudyard kipling is a character in it, and uses masonic phrases
it isn't hidden
Do we have an adventure chart?
I’m guessing he’s a Mason.
Oh my fucking god
I tried watching L’avventura but it was the single most boring movie ive ever seen, i stopped watching right after the girl dissapeared
You missed the adventure
The Thief of Bagdad (1924) is better
>pretty gay thread so far
Where do you think you are, kek
His first 4 films are fantastic. Then he started making retard stoner films.
Brother, i think id go insane if i had to suffer another minute of that drivel of a film and i also think that the rest of the film is far from an adventure.
You’ll never know what you missed, it immediately picks up right after the disappearance and it was quite a fantastic journey
what? are those not normal thoughts to have?
Clearly cinema isn't for you if that's your reaction to L'Avventura. Try something else.
Until the disappearance happens the film already achieved greatness. With the afterwards, it turns evolves into a masterpiece.
>His first 4 films are fantastic
I watched Fitzcarraldo after Aguirre and Fitz was much better, it felt more polished and shot better and just seeing the giant ship going up was amazing. Also the whole atmosphere was great
Spanish trash lol
Read the book
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I found another one of your 40%, how could you forget your favorite book, your parents raised you on it!
lol I’m imaging this film is about a safari guide who constantly leads groups into extremely dangerous situations, and as soon as someone is killed he stands up and screams “HATARI!”
Ok, tell me then what was so interesting up to that point, besides the bipolarity of the girl, im curious.
I am >>203684937 and I also watched the Seventh seal which was also much more engaging than the italians although i have to say the theme (among many) “god is bullshit” and “death comes for us all” is kinda a normal thing in 2024-what is wanna say it might have been downright a paradigm shift to portray those themes so bluntly in 1957, today its like “ok, thats a given” but still, great performances from the actors and overall good film
Im gonna try Tarkovsky and see how that goes
Teacher! Teacher! I know Spanish! That makes me smart and my opinion smart! 60% of the classics are shit!
Tarkovsky films except for the first two are all like L'Avventura so I doubt you'll like his stuff
I tried watching Mirror but it was the single most boring movie ive ever seen, i stopped watching right after the girl sat on a fence
I tried watching Stalker but it was the single most boring movie ive ever seen, i stopped watching right after the car slid on the tracks and they got to the Zone
I tried watching Gone with the Wind but it was the single most boring movie ive ever seen, i stopped watching right after Skarlot met Red Butler
Ffs did i really just invent a new copypasta? Ill take that as a win
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>Skarlot met Red Butler
>I'd Fudoh
>*I'd say.
how the fuck
I tried watching Suspiria but it was the single most boring movie ive ever seen, i stopped watching right after Suzy arrived at the Tanz Akademie
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watch better Argento films
Not better than Suspiria
Ha that’s nothing I am the Og Niggaposter and pseud filter anon. Now look upon my works ye mighty and despair
I'm a native spanish speaker
>Clara Calamai's character says she used to be an actress and shows actual young Clara Calamai's photos to the main hero
Rarely say this word but KINO
Congrats for making /film/ so shit
Rewatched this a couple of days ago, it's fun but doesn't have what makes Conan the Barbarian great, plus that little chinese king kid is unbearable. Better than Conan the Destroyer.
Of course.
These guys are jerks.
>Do you guys ever question yourselves over your tastes and sensibilities?
No, i trust my thoughts and feelings above all else.
Fuck you.
Yeah. Walsh is the greatest.
"*I'd say Fudoh..." is what i meant obviously you tard.
Suspiria > Profondo rosso. Phenomena > both.
Oh I forgot this was a /film/ thread
>Phenomena better than anything
>Suspiria > Profondo rosso
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which one /film/?
2001, obviously
Not my favourite Kubrick, but a fantastic film. While Solaris is probably Tark's worst.
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>responsible for the only 10/10 films of the past 90 years
Neither, and this is coming from a Tark fan
Sean Connery also starred in another film with Freemasonic themes, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. It's possible he was a Freemason.
It's slow, but it still enough emotional and intellectual sustenance to watch it to the end. If you weren't deeply impressed by the island scenes then you're just an imbecile.
I always felt like this movie was just Howard Hawks remaking John Ford's Mogambo. They have a lot of similarities, and are equally pointless "isn't Africa cool?" movies.
Obviously Solaris. The latter is imperfect, but what it does have trumps 2001 by a mile. The only really good part of 2001 is David battling with Hal.
The Sacrifice will forever be Tark's worst film and that's not even a controversial opinion
if you're not in chastity, go stroke off to Kubrick (not cinema)
Even the two crazy commies themselves wouldn't agree with that.
lol, he's shaking
This has been a great thread
Keep laughing.
Gonna rewatch this tonight.
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>but that’s impossible!
This always gets better with each new watch. First time I saw it I fell asleep I was so bored. But I have seen it like 4 times now and it’s an all time favorite of mine now.
Only watched it once, in 2011, and i loved it, about time i revisit it. It was my favourite Ishii alongside Crazy Thunder Road.
Japs have so many unknown kinos. Somehow they were as productive as Hollywood and with a higher quality.
Sogo Ishii is very well known & the pet director of all letterboxd trannies.
>Poeta en Nueva York
Kino lit
Movie name?
I'm guessing it's Ossessione, Visconti's first film and also one of the earliest neorealist pieces
Them and Italy were second to the US only in film production.
Hi! You home
If you know you know. Kinda surprised about the hispanic racism in here
/film/ is integral part of /poltv/, so the bitter racism comes very easily for these cinema lovers
People here think that French are born pretentious because French is their first language, what do you want
Read that book a long time ago from a school library, it became an all time favorite of mine. Still know some lines from memory. Years later I purchased the book, now in my home library.
Wakamatsu directed a jazzy neonoir on the streets of Tokyo during the peak bubble economy that involves a plot about snuff film production and it has less than 50 views on letterboxd.

What the fuck? this is kino.
I just read past them, racism here is a boring cliche, not even creative. Lets discuss film instead.
I think Kinema Junpo has his film in which a schoolgirl gets gangraped in their top 100
Completely and unequivocally based.

It is what it is, sometimes I don't know if it's just 4chan being 4chan or if it's for real
Favorite Sam Peckinpah movie?
Name? Research purposes.

I have to see this now
The Wild Bunch, of course, love it. One of my favorite Westerns too.
The most lame insult here is labeling people as ESL. Being an ESL is good, that means the guy knows more than one language, even if you are so bad at it than is obvious not your first. I watch movies in french, italian, english and spanish. It's super fun.
That's pretty fucking crazy.
Go Go Second Time Virgin
>Poppo, a teenage girl, is carried by four teenage boys to the roof of an apartment building and raped by them all. The next morning, she asks them to kill her, but they mock her and one rapes her again.
Complaining about racism is gay.
Thanks for the rec, only seen a couple of Wakamatsus from the 60s.
Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid
Seconding the request.
Name now
Someone hq mega now
No, its pretty fucking accurate. Which other country you would say, France? lol.
Oh i've seen that one, thought you were talking about something else. Pretty weak.
There's probably at least a dozen more with something similar in their list.
Hurry up make mega
I agree, also watch movies in many languages and am interested in learning new languages.

Thanks for the sauce
Get fucked, begging boy
Lots of interesting movies in this thread. Adding to my watchlist. Thanks filmates.
Nowadays I simply can't stomach stuff like that, even Clockwork Orange makes me feel like shit
Kys bitch boy
Rude and unnecessary, my bump-waster friend.
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watch more Japanese films
Megas now
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>Faron Deacon
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Godard is alive that motherfucker
How about go looking for them yourself?
Wtf this doesn't look like an indian guy.
>whats the necklace he's wearing supposed to mean?
The necklace is literally a plotpoint in the film and has a scene explaining it.
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Better hq
What's the name?
The vatnigger site is blocked here.
I can’t remember I think gun was in the title
Go go second time virgin is an absolute classic, like it or not.
Now that the dust has settled, give me your honest thoughts on In Menstrual Frames.
I'm an ESL but no one here ever guesses my nationality, and I'm frequently called a "burger". I guess that's a much worse insult than being called an ESL...
Please do not use fade transitions in your next movie. Thanks.
Curiously specific. Do you feel the project misuses them or are they inherently bad?
6/10 is an inside joke here at this point. I never take it seriously considering how far it is from the truth.
Are any of the 2000s/2010s Cronenberg films worth watching? I mean the ones with Viggo Mortensen and beyond
Read the webm's filename, retard.
We're going to do it, we're going to bask in /film/ till we're too far gone for this world. We will sift through the ages of cinema and find oil. It will destroy us and save us, the synthesis will seep into society and Zack Snyder will finally fuck himself out of the art of moving images. Cinema will become more advanced like the novel there will be more experiments, more love for the silent era and more kino. We will be dust when cinema finally realises itself.
Now all we need is Cumgenus.
You already blew your reputation piss off loser
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this shit was great
monroe was so sexy
How so fucker?
They are fun and bad, kinda like his 70s material but better
what country are you from faggot?
Northern Ireland, Mr fuckeristan
>No, its pretty fucking accurate. Which other country you would say, France? lol.
I meant it was a crazy fact. No need to be mean...
did you have to check the archives you imposter fuck
all shit btw
Would you be disappointed if I was an imposter? Do you love me? Are you gay? Mr shirtlifter
I love Suspiria 2018 but this would've been interesting.
Solaris makes 2001 look like babby’s first science fiction. it filters retards who desperately cling to the idea that the infinite is within our grasp and not something that would simply swallow you whole leaving nothing but the void.
History of Violence is very good.
Oh ok, guess i outed myself as a newfag.
I'm never mean.
Has anyone here seen any of Nobuhiko Obayashi's post-Hausu films? Some of them look pretty intriguing, but I've never seen anyone talk about them.
yes saw 1 but forgot what it was, but i think i may have liked it but i'm not totally sure.
It's literally the opposite of what you said.
Most of his films are great
Seen like 15 of them and most are better than Hausu. I don't get why it's his only film to get any major attention in the west.
Because muh kooky weird Japanese otaku ahahaha!!!!
History of Violence/Eastern Promises are good, despite some goofy aspects

And I suggest reading the Cosmopolis novel (or any of DeLillo's other books) before watching Cronenberg's adaptation
Watch Miss Lonelyheart and The Discarnates, these are my favourites from him.
>Cronenberg's adaptation
I remember liking it when I saw it on release, haven’t watched it since though
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bowman literally transforms into the Star Child in the end, transcending space and time. this represents a union with the transcendent, as bowman leaves his humanity behind. it’s very obvious anon.
on the other hand, Kelvin’s journey ends with his dissolution, we are left in Solaris, wondering if he ever left in the first place. the only ones truly at rest are those dead on the station. why would you reply in a /film/ thread if you can barely grasp the plot?
RYM mogs. Letterboxd's list is unironic shit.
I meant the part where you said Solaris is better than 2001
Titanic is rated 2.9 on RYM, and 3.8 on Letterboxd (lol)
Says a lot about each site's userbase
Kaneto Shindo is the same way, with Onibaba
Both ratings kinda valid ngl
solaris explicates the same theme explored by 2001 10x better; life off-planet would be the most hellish existence imaginable.
>Montage theory asserts that a series of connected images allows for complex ideas to be extracted from a sequence and, when strung together, constitute the entirety of a film's ideological and intellectual power.
>In other words, the editing of shots rather than the content of the shot alone constitutes the force of a film.
>Many directors still believe that montage is what defines cinema against other specific media.
>Montage holds that the dialectical collision of images creates a film's meaning, and thus is less concerned with a script than it is the synthesis of associations between shots.
Sol vs 01 is a fucking stupid argument for pedantic cumskinned diddy daddys/ they are both fantastic meaningful attempts at elevating our human experience, not like every other sci fi film to come out in recent decades about muh oppressed women or my first nig nog in space, or muh cumskin army vs the mutant space bugs, get the fuck out fo here you stupid mother fuckers.
>19 year old film student discovers montage theory
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Dialectical montage is based
we got a live one here boys
a live HWAT
Freddy Got Fingered is rated 2.9 on Letterboxd and 3.2 on RYM
>solaris explicates the same theme explored by 2001
Solaris and 2001 do not explore the same theme. 2001 is like Ghost in the Shell, or Blade Runner, Serial Experiments Lain, or that shitty Luc Beeson film. Solaris is like. Idk End of Evangelion or something.
what is the official cut of this? the one that made it on sight and sound canon?
>Dialectical montage
What is that
The one with lounge music and Sergei Bondarchuk's voiceover I guess
yes they do. they both attempt to answer the ontological question: does man's reach exceed his grasp? kubrick's film posits man can be transfigured through his heckin science and ascend to, what is essentially, Godhood. tarkovsky approaches the same question and posits that man's drive to intellectualize the infinite will result in nothing but his internal collapse into madness. they are both incredibly well-made, and honestly I'd give the edge to kubrick in the more technical aspects, but tarkovsky actually appraises the eternal with a mature respect.
>what is essentially, Godhood
t. never read Nietzsche
Yeah, you know what, that's fair. 2001 looks incredible but I'm not a fan of it. I remember thinking Solaris was really good when I was finally able to get through it, but it took a very long time to get through it. I know Tarkovsky has that quote about purposefully loitering and I can kind of see the point in that, I don't think slow is always bad, but if I remember correctly that one scene where they're just going over the grass and he's looking over the puddle, which may actually be the beginning of the movie, is just excruciating. It goes on for so long. And then we gotta see the irrelevant scientist guy drive in traffic for too long, which wasn't as long as the grass and puddle but still too long.
kek only the biggest brainlets name drop Nietzsche with nothing else to say related to the subject. go ahead professor, explain how the Ubermensch is something more than a cope in the context of 2001.
>Recently, Kuleshov's conclusions have been brought into question. In The Kuleshov Effect: Recreating the Classic Experiment, Stephen Prince and Wayne E. Hensley contest Kuleshov's findings as unscientific and merely a product of cinematic myth.
>They conclude that "Kuleshov's effect - understood in terms of shot juxtapositions rather than associational cues - may tell us little about film or visual communication, but its lingering power tells us a lot about the symbolic uses of the past."
I can understand why most people dislike the slow pace of both movies, I mean the last scene of 2001 with bowman just wandering through rooms also is borderline meandering too. I honestly just enjoy the ambiance. Malick does this a lot too; it rubs a lot of people the wrong way and could be construed as pretentious, but only if the film insists upon itself and doesn't have anything meaningful to say. which most of his works do, in my opinion.
sometimes the monotonous and mundane scenes are explicitly supposed to contrast the exciting or intriguing. they evoke contemplation and reflection when done properly.
With 2001, for me, it just felt like nothing was happening except for the like 20-30 minutes with HAL, which gets referenced so much I thought it'd be a bigger part of the movie. The special effects are incredible and again, it looks gorgeous, but the movie just felt completely pointless to me. Solaris was a difficult watch but I didn't feel like I wasted my time in the end.
I've only seen Badlands. I can understand enjoying the ambience of that, I feel like it contributes to the film. Would be a completely different movie without it. I actually really liked Badlands even though the ending felt a little anticlimactic, it annoyed me initially but it definitely feels like the simplicity and how subdued it is was the point. I really gotta watch Days of Heaven. Badlands definitely left me curious about more Malick.
days of heaven is a great watch, if you like that one too then I'd get around to watching thin red line pronto. it's definitely a lot longer, but is unmatched by contemporary films in its depiction of nature as a motif.
quick rundown on freemasonry? what is that what does that mean?
>thin red line
Thanks for the recommendation. He definitely seems like an interesting filmmaker and I hope I can appreciate the rest of his stuff, even if I don't love it.
>Badlands definitely left me curious about more Malick
Don’t, stop now. It’s massively downhill from here.
he is one of my favorites, but know that most of his work is quite religious. not in an overt way, more of like a Tolkien approach. for example, days of heaven is essentially just a retelling of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis.
silence filmlet
Malick Perfumer
>most of his work is quite religious
I'm not sure if that's something that matters to me but for thanks for letting me know.

I'll decide that for myself.

Solaris = boring, amateurish presentation (SFX, costume desing specially)
2001 = slow but rewarding, proffesional presentation (everything looks like it could have come yesterday, insane SFX and design overall)
Who cares, no one uses Letterboxd for its userbase.
I use Letterboxd to get bitches
>I'll decide that for myself.
No. I’m ordering you to stop and you’ll do as I say. This is for your own good.
t. chaser
Share your secrets
don't listen to this vanguard of redditry anon, malick is kino and he is mad he got filtered
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No actually I’m probably trans
blessed image
Malick is literal Reddit tier
>no u
explain your assessment
Hating on Malick is the same as hating on David Lynch, you have no soul if you do it.
I have where is the friends house? saved on DVR but the description sounds like a lame kids movie so I don’t want to watch it just yet.
Do you hear yourself?
cant stand christcucks like terrence malick who then go onto beat a dead horse with that whimsical bullshit camera bullshit

just a loada bullshit
yeh yeh he had a few good early films but

recent shidd just overdoes it


thw magicks gone pal

im not a christian so like nice mountains and shidd can only sustain you for so long

am not into pretentious whispering

bending to the qhims of the priviliged white man who thriugh some kinda neuropsychiatric delusion finka he is touching the beyond

he is just an extremely mentally ill white man

its not real art

real art is about real fings

not gos. god doesnt exist

lets get back to reality
the entropy and decay of the world
the crushing of dreams

the little victories in the downward slide

god is not real
Movie about kids =/= movie for kids. I loved it, much more than either taste of cherries or close-up, it's almost transcendental
every night i put an antonioni film in background

in silence

celebrating the decay of life
>in background
You should actually watch them.
>Movie about kids =/= movie for kids

Yeah but there is a direct correlation. I am just not hyped for it. I will maybe try it Tonight. Last movie I had to give up on was Colossal Youth a couple months ago.
you have a lot to learn about film, little man

about absorbing artistry
whenever I put on antonono I just absorb zzzzzzzz's and start to antodozo off into slumber.
i am not well
>new pasta in a /film/ thread
im thinking we're back
>everything looks like it could have come yesterday
Kubredditors think this a compliment lel.
I hate how that guy types. Even fucking cumgenus types in a less faggy fashion
Your fat whore mother.
Fucking based. Pay attention, kids.
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I mean, I actually interested in the movie, crime tranny musical sounds crazy, but they're just trying to piss people off with this. Why do this when muricans are practically ready to lynch each other over LGBT politics?
idk anon it has a certain negronic verve that is so sincere yet still satirical I can't help but be in admiration
I'm just losing all right now, /film/s for this feel?
rice steamer

kill it with fire
Big Leboffski
Sounds like you don't actually like the films but you want to pretend to yourself that you do so you throw them in the background because actually actively watching them is unbearable for you.

Engaging with art passively is not engaging at all.
Recommend me some /film/ music videos
What's wrong, anon?
>negronic verve

I like girls.
Best song ever, best video ever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3jYRP9jGKc
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lynch directed a few

not even the best kate bush mv....
I agree with actually, i posted cause it's the most "movie like". Yours, the two versions of wuthering heights, breathing, army dreamers, there goes a tenner are all better.
*I agree with you actually...
Is that mod who gives 1 months to anyone who mentions Valerie or similarly coded films in this thread still around?

No, you can discuss Valerie freely here.
Damn, also forgot about this absolute kino: https://youtu.be/6xckBwPdo1c?si=nUNXLNXLAXs-Chho
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Gorgeous 70s/80s babe.
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She looks jewish here, i disapprove.
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So brutal to sit through this shit. Last 10 minutes were kino. 8/10.
It's over
Great film
Ended up not watching it.
Damn, what happened instead?
Who cares?
Based failer
Someone who doesn't like jews or jewish features?
they're actually doing all the evil shit in the world, they can even blow up your phone now with their evil freemason magic
>talks like an Anthony Bourdain wannabe douchebag
go back and then kys
Based honest anon
Stuff came up.

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