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House General
Reddit thread about a Reddit show with a Reddit atheist protagonist
Why the kangaroo keeps acting like he is white:
(You) are a NIGGER
can you guys help me remember an episode?
its the one where theres a patient with a mysterious disease and then they come up with a diagnosis and try out a treatment but it only makes things worse and then one of them finds out a clue and then they find the real diagnosis
Season 3 episode 8
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Season 2 episode 5: The medicine drug.
average house enjoyer
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Making a general is bizarre.
Season 7 episode 12: Chase has sex (again)
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I'm just testing
>S3, Ep. 8 "Feathered fear": Dr. House poisons dr. Foreman's food with lupus and diagnoses him with fried chicken fever. The compasionate Dr. Cameron enrols dr. Foreman into an assisted suicide program, as black men can't live without fried chicken. Chase and dr. Wilson are also on this episode.
no u
This show is fucking shit and so many shit people (millennials) have based their entire shit personality off of this shit character.
>But you didn't even watch it!
I literally watched every single episode of all 8 seasons.

House is literally modern day Reddit -- a massive fucking asshole with no consideration for others until he needs them that runs around causing chaos and being irresponsible combined with being hyper moralistic, prudish, and judgmental towards anything that doesn't fit within his extremely narrow, blue-pilled world view. And then add on top of that this "When I do it it's okay but you do it it's because you're an evil person" faggotry and you have House, R.E.D.D.I.T
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Too favstian for you
There is nothing Faustian about this western drivel.
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>think it's shit
>watch all 8 seasons to make sure
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I watched the series through random 10 minut clips on Youtube
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damn right

To be fair to myself I didn't hate the show as much when I was watching it. I just got more and more infuriated over time when I realized we were just spinning our tires in the mud. I feel like in the first two seasons House the character was more of a realistic person. He was an eccentric doctor that was a douchebag. Simple concept. Then it became about "Trying to say something deep!" and he became a massive faggot "PUZZLES! GOD ISNT REAL!"

The only thing that kept me watching this show was Olivia Wilde's sexy azz
Also I think the atmosphere of the show is insanely good. Like it probably has the best I've ever seen. The music, the lighting, etc. are just perfect. Too bad the show and characters are all insufferable edgelords.
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>post berserk meme once
>daily berserk threads on /tv/
>post house meme once
>daily house generals on /tv/

Feels good to be so influential with so little effort.
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>another christcuck seething about his progressively irrelevant kikeworship cult on an anime hentai forum
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>the one episode with the ex-christian patient who was a pedophile

why are they orange
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since i started to rewatch the series, i see more and more House MD threads here. This proves that
a) i'm either a reality bender and the universe is changing to accomodate my need to talk about Based MD
b) this is a simulation, only i am real and the AI is making these threads
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The very first episode had an orange tint for some reason.
They dropped it instantly
quite literally one of the last shows before the great PC cultural revolution.
Occam's razor dictates it's option C:
You're just a normal person and were influenced to watch the show at the same time as many other people
>here's your medical show bro
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What has this guy been in since then? The Office (singing kid) and something else?
What was his problem
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>house, take this new case
>no, case is boring
>ER already ruled out all reasons why case is boring
>ok, also your ass is fat
>team, go repeat all the ER tests we need to kill 10 minutes
>Not you homie, you break into the patients house
>I will go insult someone in the clinic
>team argues about the morality of the patient being a professional ball juggler while he seizes in the background
>we haven't tried anything and he's getting worse
>it must be autoimmune
>you're flat
>it must be physical trauma
>you're a kiss-ass
>it must be neurological
>you're black
>we must conduct dangerous medical trial
>house you can't do this it's dangerous
>ok house you can do this but 50 more clinic hours
>uh oh dangerous medical trial made the patients liver fail, they will die in 2 hours
>I will go talk about monster trucks with Wilson
>House realizes the human body is exactly like a monster truck
>time to monologue about the cure while the patient suffocates on their own saliva
>before I can administer the cure...you have to tell me the truth...or you die
>patient admits to also juggling balls recreationally
>ok here is the cure, it's 1 pill
>episode ends with an emotional song montage and house holding his leg (he's miserable)
You'll have to be a little more specific than that. Who ends up being a complicating factor, Cuddy, Wilson or one of the guest stars?
Damn I pulled a back muscle yesterday, I can't be laughing like this
>team argues about the morality of the patient being a professional ball juggler
No but really, what gives him the right?
>it’s another House helps pregnant whore commit paternity fraud episode
Hate those
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my dead husband was a ball juggler
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Was it that big?
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>Foreman: GYAT

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