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Ridley is SEETHING

While we're at it, fuck that nigga Cameron too. Romulus is the GOAT Alien kino.
Ridley produced it and liked it. It's about the black goo and the hybrid looked like an Engineer.
>in IMAX theaters
yeah it's just like being the most handsome horse
Dude next to me got bored and started browsing his phone midway through. Can't say I blame him, shit was terrible.
this, ridley is secretly winning and it's the first step in him reclaiming his authority over the franchise and he will use it as leverage to get the third prequel film
Looking forward to Gladiator II
i don't consider it canon. its a teen jump-scare movie.
highest inflation of all time becomes highest grossing of all time. funny how that happens.
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>in IMAX theaters
That's just sad.
It was like a 6/10
dunno what you mean by that
the film flopped domestically but was saved by the overseas box office
why would Ridley be mad? Romulus is a straight up sequel to Prometheus and it factors heavily into the 3rd act
>highest horror movie on a thursday made after 1999
fuck off
Alien > Aliens > Covenant > Prometheus > 3 > Romulus > Resurrection
>in IMAX theaters
Lmao it's nothing
red letter media said it sucked so im not going to watch it
Alien > Aliens > Prometheus > Resurrection > Covenant > 3 > Romulus
how woke is it
It's surprisingly not woke.
Woman and nigger save the day.
Aliens is the only decent movie in the entire franchise.
it's the throat goat
Only current year movie where it has a nignog that can act and isn't a shit character for once.
how disappointing
I guess we can look forward to more garbage sequels
Name some other horror movies in imax.
>in IMAX theaters
Oh wow its fucking nothing
Horror fans don't have a lot going for them.
I was bored and stopped paying attention like 20 minutes in. It was slop. Snapped out of my daze near the end only to see Mark Zuckerberg as the big bad monster. Totally checked out at that point.

At least with Prometheus and Covenant I'm engaging with it (even if the movies are dumb)
>highest grossing movie of all time*
>horror movie
>in IMAX theaters
>in 2024 inflatable buxxx
Aliens> Alien and that's where the franchise finishes being good.
doesn't know what woke means
Women love horses
very. it's better you not watch it, anon
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I watched Aliens and then Romulus back to back and the difference is genuinely staggering. I feel like the most fair movie to compare it to would be that one, since tonally they're (supposed) to be the most similar, although I would say this movie is far more similar to Resurrection in terms of action and pacing.
I would say that this film is generally quite enjoyable, although not particularly good.
It has a few moments where I think it shines, and a few moments where I think it shites. Mostly it is let down by awful writing, clumsy dialogue, and due to how serious it takes itself, this becomes quite distracting and often comical.
That being said, it was still a pleasant surprise from what Álvarez had me expecting. It wasn't too safe, it wasn't too boring, but he was far too reliant on source material and clumsy with how he used the opportunities that material gave him. In my opinion Alien Romulus is the best cinematic Alien release since 1997, but it could and should have been much better.

you need to remove yourself from politics
I just released the second highest grossing movie filmed in my basement on a thursday in september
Is seething in the room right now OP?
Based sex and the city enjoyer
hating niggers is not political
It's psychopathic. You got brainwashed.
Can we adjust this for inflation real quick?
AKA 'did you know that the guy who made Rome fall was a black dude'

I'll pass
You're mad the comic about fake gladiators has blacks? lol?
No, but it's tiresome that they will make it so that this one black dude in the movie was the one who made Rome fall

Now you need to try another straw man argument
not on the site, you have to do it and post results here
>Now you need to try another straw man argument
You're mad that a cool black actor is in gladiator 2 because the internet told you to be angry about it. you're a dork.
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>Now you need to try another straw man argument
Yeesh what a cringey retard kek
I'm starting to like these legs a lot more than the dogs legs they keep using.
>BBC alien kills men and is fought off by women
It was unsurprisingly always woke
>Has never seen an alien flim
The woman and/or the nigger always saves the day.
one of the few movies i've watched where my expectations were ABYSMALLY fucking low and it still managed to duck under them like a limbo champion. fuck this god awful retard movie. kill yourselves you shill faggots

Why was it so bad? Do you have anything beyond boring rhetoric?
If it you can’t sense it out in the current year, then you’re hopeless anyway
>If it you can’t sense it out in the current year
ESL detected
>most handsome horse
Film sucked though. Shit cast, retarded premise, cuck android when they've always been based as fuck.
Should have just continued David's story.
>le perfect species
>hyper intelligent and aggressive
>gets outsmarted by humans every single time
>gets outsmarted by a bunch of fucking teenagers this time
Straight up garbage movie.
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>want to go see it
>it's already left my local cinema
Literally the only horror movie in IMAX, honestly can't find another one can you name a few others?
"in IMAX" hahahahahahahahaha
>alien romulant is now the fifth best movie of all time....according to me
>alien rhombus earned the most amount of box office money for a movie that released on a leap year with film titles that begin with the letter 'A'
>alien rammstein has surpassed all expectations as the most likely movie to make the most money out of all other movies
Nigga it's been weeks.
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>Slop: REDEMPTION to become the highest grossing fantasy psychological horror comedy movie released in 2024 of all time in IMAX 5D experience smellovision theater!
I also totally prefer plantigrade Aliens, at least when they come from humans. Not only is does it make them more uncanny and intimidating, but I feel it would also discourage the tendency to turn the Xenomorph into a wild animal rather than a mysterious and intelligent predator.
All the best scenes in Romulus have a slower, quieter, taller Alien, like early on when they're lurking in the dark, or even the final boss.

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