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This was absolute fucking kino

Any other “characters talking in one room for 90% of the movie” films?
12 Angry Men
Shin Godzilla
reservoir dogs
The man from earth
dinner with andre
Dial M for Murder
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This is exactly what you are looking for. Feels very 90s. It's on Tubi for free. No sign up required.
glengarry glen ross
Sunset limited
I really like this movie. Maybe the last time I saw Samuel L. Jackson trying.
is the man from earth any good? I've almost watched it a dozen times but I feel like it's edgy pseud high school shit and not worth my time.
It's kino, promise.
I hated it, honestly. I like Star Trek a lot and I like movies centered in a single room but this movie is just a slog. The lead does not have the presence at all for the role, the story is full of retarded shit and there's a needless, melodramatic twist at the end. The plot is very similar to a Star Trek episode called Requiem for Methuselah, which I also hate, and it has the same writer.
see, Trek subhuman hates it. Pure kino.
I don't even mean this passive aggressively or disingenuously, you are doing yourself a huge disservice if you actually like The Man From Earth but don't watch Star Trek. It shows that it had a writer from Star Trek on it because it feels extremely similar to a shit Star Trek episode and falls into a lot of the faults bad Star Trek episodes do, but you'd probably like those more than most at least.
came here to post this, its really good. watch it op
I liked it a lot when I was a teenager.
Today I think it's a little silly. Using modern 4chan lingo, I'd describe it as "inoffensively fedora-tier".
Star Trek has a lot of great aspects, but it's a radio drama that found itself in the color TV era. Adopting it as a modern IP slop fandom is just too many cycles of obsolescence for me. I'm curious, what faults are you referring to? It seems to me, the sci-fi concept work is by far the most elite attribute of Trek.
Glen Gary Ross kind of
beat me to it
It is one of its strengths, but oftentimes Star Trek can lose itself in melodrama and soapy writing that distract from the show's stronger points, something I'd say The Man From Earth does at times as well with its very thin romance plot and the twist at the end. Star Trek also sometimes loses itself in the technicalities of a sci-fi situation and how it could happen and it forgets to actually do something interesting with that situation, which I would say The Man From Earth suffers from as well, though I would grant that that isn't usually an issue in TOS, and the writer of The Man From Earth only wrote for The Original Series.
So was he a killer or just fucking with them?
Doesn’t really matter. They had fuck all evidence
The Big Kahuna
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If you like dialoge over action check out Margin Call. If it's the single setting and actor thing then check out Locke, it's literally Tom Hardy in a car from open to close.
I don't think the writing is melodramatic. Some performances and camera work maybe account for your experience, specifically the biologist is a fourth wall breaker. The women aren't completely convincing. As for technicalities, I think it's wrong to both criticize the twist as unrealistic and say the movie is too technical. It isn't too technical, it might be too big of a reach philosophically. Dunno why I'm bothering to disagree but I just wrote this whole post...
The twist isn't unrealistic, it's just melodramatic, and the respects in which its technical have nothing to do with it. It's not technical in a way that's hard to understand, it just gets lost in the semantics of the situation it presents and doesn't spend enough time actually commenting on it. There's a lot of "Supposing someone could have lived that long, they probably would have gone through X, Y and Z, their life would have been like this, etc." but it doesn't actually say much about these things. Someone living that long would know to adjust to the world they live in and would seem just like a regular guy today, just because they lived that long doesn't mean they'd have a perfect memory of the past 2000 years and so on, it's fine to establish these things but then it never brings it anywhere interesting. It feels like it's building to a point it never reaches, other than just that despite living this long, the protagonist is just a normal guy, and even that point it doesn't sell that well in my opinion.

The thing with the ending just feels like they needed to force something dramatic in for the sake of it, it adds nothing to either character involved, doesn't change how you view the film, it just feels like they wanted something bombastic to close the film out on and thought how crazy would it be if you were an old man and you met your father and he seemed younger than you. It's really not that crazy at that point in the film though and just feels contrived and limp.
It's not technical enough. They should've gotten into more language and history. However the ending redeems everything because it's not about a fantasy scenario or thought experiment. This guy is literally part of everyone's family, the way everyone is part of one race the human race. He's in the book on your mantelpiece, he's probably your ancestor. It makes the stuff he says hit on an entirely different level. Not only were Jesus and cavemen real people, the fact that they're just like you means you're just like them. You have a place in history, which is what people reject when they get angry with him. When they say "you're not divine" they're really saying "I'm not divine. This moment is not divine" and they're wrong.
rear window
the romance plot is to show what a fucking psychopath he is, constantly starting and abandoning families, snuffing without a moment's hesitation any adult descendant who recognizes him.
It was clearly going for that angle of this man, despite being so old and even being Jesus Christ himself, is just a man like any other, but I didn't feel it was doing anything to reinforce the divinity of Christ, if anything it seemed to come from an atheist angle with the religious woman being most opposed to the idea and the protagonist seeming to specifically want to distance himself from the idea that he was special. Setting that aside though, I think the premise of the story lends itself well to exploring the idea that even history's greatest men are just men like any other, but I don't think it sells this idea well. Just because those great figures were just humans like any others at the end of the day, that doesn't mean they were without presence or stature, but the protagonist here is completely without either. He's extremely boring and the actor is far too wooden to believably view him as even the most captivating man in the room he's in, nevermind being one of history's greatest figures, and it tries to pass him off as both.

It's also a difficult line to walk between trying to portray a character who is a great figure while also trying to say that they're still just a person like anybody else from a writing perspective, though as an aside I think The Last Temptation of Christ does that well, but I don't think The Man From Earth manages it. It feels silly when he's saying "Oh I'm just a normal guy" and then he lists off how he's met Van Gogh and Columbus and whoever else like he's the center of the universe. Rather than feeling like it's saying "This great figure is just an ordinary human being at his core." it feels like someone trying to convince me this boring guy is a great figure and he's just humble about it.
The Song of Lunch
My Dinner with Andre
He looks the part physically and would doubtless steal your gf in real life, so at the end of the day it's a cinematic issue where the production didn't make him epic enough. We could argue whether that's down to the actor or someone else, but since it's a one-location indie film I think it's understandable why positive reviews focus on the writing instead, and negative reviews are mostly about the lack of epic factor.
It's genuinely hard to write like Jesus in the gospels, they have a good deal of refinement put into them, you could come off as schizo or insulting.
He didn't need to be "epic" and why does it have to be production's fault? It could have been, it could have been the director, but I think there are other fine performances in the film so I'm more inclined to believe the actor just did a poor job. I haven't seen in him enough else to say whether he's a good actor in general, but The Man From Earth doesn't reflect well on him, though I would grant him that it seems like a difficult role to play effectively.
"the production" means the whole act of producing the film. not a goblin workshop where producers delve
Okay, and why is it that the production of the film is failing him? I don't think the movie is impressive on a technical level, but it's not so bad that I think the failure to capture the depth of this character was completely out of the lead actor's hands.
because the script is fine and the casting is fine, and if he tried to entrance them all with a christlike sermon you'd rightly find it appalling.
I would, but I'm not asking for a Christlike sermon. He doesn't need to turn water to wine or some shit to convey the idea that he's a person of importance, which the film tries to say he is even beyond him being Christ with him having encountered and known these other historical figures. He doesn't even convincingly manage to come across as a charismatic professor like he's supposed to, nevermind this person of even greater importance. Not only that, the issue isn't just that he doesn't seem great enough, he doesn't seem down to earth enough either. To really land the idea that great figures are people like anybody else he would have to both be believable as a leader or great thinker and he'd have to have that relatable, human quality that makes you see yourself in him despite his great deeds, but he does neither. He's just bland. Tony Todd has more presence and humanity than him and he's just meant to be a curious colleague.

I don't know what you see in his performance that you feel he actually did just fine and it didn't come across in the final print somehow, but I didn't see it, and I also don't think he let down a great script either. Both the writing and his performance didn't live up to the idea that was trying to be explored.
You don't think the idea should've been explored at all. You think it's too ambitious in scope. You're the jesus freak woman, to you Jesus is a golden idol. He can't act normal and he can't be flawed or human. The character makes zero effort to be charismatic, he's set upon, the script makes that clear. His actions are even morally questionable, but that's deliberate. Once again, it's the lack of movie magic, subtle bass rumble and cool twinkles in his eye that would cue you to feel Jesus is near. The lack of tropes like infallibility. More George Lucas, but that would miss the actual point they were going for. It's just not a point you approve of seemingly.
I don't think any of that, I even mentioned a film that I think does the exact same thing well in The Last Temptation of Christ. I also never once said the movie's issue is that it isn't "epic" enough or there isn't enough bombast, I specifically said the opposite. If you don't want to argue the point fine, but don't delude yourself into thinking whoever you're speaking to actually wants everything they're saying they don't want just because you disagree with them.
They weren't just setting out to portray Christ on film, it's bigger than that, which is the reason for changes you believe were accidental. I simply give the benefit of the doubt when I say you hate the message, not that you're simply ignorant.
I know they weren't just trying to portray Christ on film, which I've also already said. Maybe you wouldn't have to imagine what my thoughts are on the film if you were literate.
The circle

It is goat and is the best in the genre
Someone post the pasta
It wasn't just portraying a great man as normal either, there was a specific goal. It just asked too much of you as a viewer, and that's ok.
>modern 4chan lingo
your lingo is about a decade out of date. modern 4chan would just say it's cringe and s ö y
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There are actually a few rooms in this but 90% of them are bland, interchangeable offices in a financial company so it sort of fits the bill.
Okay, what am I missing then? You yourself brought up the angle of him being like anyone else despite these fantastic features about him and I already said why I think that falls completely flat, and all you've been able to do in response is imagine my response was almost the complete opposite of what it actually was. I'd love to know what hidden depth I'm missing because it seemed to me that the relationship between him as a normal person and him as a historical figure was a significant part of the film.
The Whale
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It sells the point twice. Not only is he like you, you're like him. It allows you to identify with Jesus in a sacreligious way, but the setup where they're dragging it out of him and the secular premise put everything in terms the godless, irony-stricken modern person can accept. It's not about understanding Jesus, it's about meeting him. Not in a supernatural context divorced from real life, but in the way he actually exists. Not an ancient religious tradition at all, not even ancient. He's a metaphorical ur-human, a way of talking to and about shared humanity. In the same way that the globe or hubble pictures form an unconscious mental map of the greater world, Jesus is a way to understanding who we are -- but only if he were truly a man. Not a mythic figure, even in our imaginings.
This is not a hidden layer to the movie, it's what's already been said. Obviously if he is like you then you're like him. And as I said earlier, this is something The Last Temptation of Christ does effectively where The Man From Earth does not because the cast and crew of that film knew how to humanize him while still allowing you to believe he is this great figure, while The Man From Earth does neither. But we're just going in circles at this point, all this has been said already and you're just rephrasing what has been said earlier, not pointing out some new layer to the film.
This is willful ignorance if you can't see the difference between Jesus being nailed to a cross and Jesus being the believable main character of a 2000s atheism youtube essay.
You're a retard.
concession accepted. You can keep going if you're not convinced though.
I watched this but I cant remember how it ended.
I also like this movie.

It's okay. It's much better in concept than in execution.
it would have been better if he lived through the height of atlantis and the ufo wars in the center of the earth but nah hes jesus, literal reddit movie
>absolute kino
>7.0 on IMDB
hmmmm...... not sure about that bud
Ah yes, IMDB. the definitive judge of kino

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