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The rapidly growing Taylor edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist


>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203684083
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>this fucking nigga is gonna gamble all of josies birthday donos
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The beautiful Bex
BAP and ignition-activated car bomb just linked up. need it or keep it?
and their sex lives along with bad-mouthing them lmao
Cope. Your plot to Markypost is exposed and she will get banned from the Connecticut show.
rens 500 dollars which she wont even mention going to a great cause!
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Legitimately heart breaking
It's a gay show
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Are people still watching this shitshow? I gave up halfway through bloodgames
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>over 200 people given access to stream on the site
>it's just oddbod and a guy sleeping
Imagine Keegan fully sissified and dolled up. Holy fuck.
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how many 100 dollar donos from ren tonight will be going straight to steinfuls pockets?
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>@abi get a grip cunt
i still dont get why everyone likes that message
This! The fucking psycho wrote out a whole ass story on a white board. She spent all that time writing it out by hand, taking a picture, and posting it online. Not once did she think how unhinged that was.
he waited multiple nights in the dark for a chance of Creature pussy
he’s not wrong.
tj is a pseud.
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get him in the tank
being schizophrenic on here seems really fun i'm gonna try it out. keegan is scott sullivan mma's brother. full name keegan sullivan editor
>muh history
this guy exclusively watches youtube videos about "based" classical history like metatron or that embarrassing chad meme history of rome
don jolly in b3
I think it's important for the average viewer to know Jet and Chip got Letty and Josie drunk and fucked up on whippets and subsequently raped them.
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straight to the one armed bandit
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The Beautiful Taylor
>Excuse me Mr Hyde there is a woman we stalk online called BBC betty and she's coming to your show to yell things I've never met her in real life and I don't even know for sure if she's going but she posts about ballet and her cat and weighs 100lbs so she seems very dangerous please get extra security I know all this because I follow her Twitter and analyze all the latest fishtank developments on 4chan but don't worry I'm not mentally ill, that's just other anons you can trust me I'm totally sane
Did any one catch on taylors last stream that she wants to stream on tiktok? lol
alright keegster whatever you say
>bettypedo falling for the bit
Taylor needs to be locked inside and treated like a fucking housecat
She raped Josie.
it’s extremely gay to take tj that seriously about shit like that
he laughs at it and told his friends about you
its over greensharkk
wrong, they were both taking turns on summer
>BBC betty
Her blacked content is awesome. Which vid is ur favorite?
If you do that she'll claim she's being abused, if you don't she'll go out and fuck black guys again, just stay away from prostitutes.
Who gives a shit? He's not a professor he's a funny guy
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TJ let THIS go?!?!?!
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An important message from Letty:
wha wha whats going on on
tu tu du du du du tu tu du du du du tu tu du du tu tu du du du
she sucks
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Jon heigh moggs Charls
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Well Jon is the tallest fish, so
I haven’t been here this week and don’t know who this new character is. Someone fill me in.
she eats like a pig and doesnt brush her teeth, has an abhorrent personality and bpd, probably stinks too
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okay keegan
how is this nigger still around i thought he wouldve been dead in a ditch by now after he got exiled from the internet in 2015
Keegan was the trader on season 2.5
What the fuck is jontent doing out in New England?
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No Letty gf...
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>drives thru rural india and within a week contracts life threatening illness
no wonder ice only wanted to do hoteltent
Then why turn around and insult letty so much? Why talk so much shit about letty if you were just warning people about jet and chip being a predators? Insulting Josie and letty makes it obvious there safety wasn't her concern.
Yeah starting to really hate Taylor now it's pointless though since she is already irrelevant.
Charls love his whitehouse
Shame is the best way to deter women from making the same mistake twice.
she said she thought they hated her and that's why she was talking shit
she now claims that she doesn't hate them and supposedly thinks that they're both not as ugly as her
He went on Charls' show a long time ago.
This is your schizo headcanon.

It isn't reality.

your a loser greenshark what a shit take
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It's up!
Cope bbc b*tty will be banned from the show. Why does she want to go anyway? Sam blacklisted her. She talked shit on his crew and she's blacklisted from his projects. Shes so obsessed and delusional for going to see a man live that dislikes her. Sick in the head behavior.
I recognize charls and jon but who are the rest of these guys?
what do you mean schizophrenic? thats true
40boys cell agents
6pm. goon o' clock

Tayleigh's pussy leaves a snail trail
Bbc b*tty cope. They love telling anons schizo or telling them to take meds, when bbc b*tty is the schizo on meds. Delusional cucks.
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>Tayleigh's pussy leaves a snail trail
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I love the headcanon you people built up from the past year
abi and bliccy are half sisters from different mothers, it's why they will always make their appearances on the same fishtank seasons but usually not at the same time so fans don't notice the similarity of certain features
Sam peppah has black stool and is internally bleeding LETS GO
Tayleigh fucks her dad
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TJaylor comeback or TJabi rebound.
Call it.
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>not recognising the ceo
Tayleigh Pendleton had an abortion at 15.
Why did he do it?
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>she fucked her dad
Sam banned Betty from his show. Why is she obsessed enough to see him live after he insulted her? She's fucking weird sick in the mind. She needs meds like her cucks.
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sent from my blackberry
I think tjaylor comeback is the more likely choice.
i just want him on season 3 man
Sam insulted Richard Smalls way more than Betty.
Kato also had one
Josie being pinned for having a boyfriend will end the Freemasons as much as uploading a .txt file on the internet. That's why they have to kill people who speak against them. Kill me faggots. I will do nothing else in this life and you've proven it's all a charade anyways. There is no moving on. There is no repair because you're lying anyways. I'll laugh if your kids get raped while I drink and play video games. I'll laugh if you murder me, you're only proving me right and it's not like you're ever going to let life happen anyways.

Invite me on to MDE. I need a break from drinking and video games to turn around on range day.
>You remember when Jet said Jimmy the dog fucker on s2 was a reference to Jimmy the dog fucker from s1 (Winston, "Jimsone1" the passoword Josie used on her Yahoo tacosheep666 email that MDE crawled from black hat databases.) And Heck Aka Jet openly admitted to it being black magick.

Now why is Sam threatening to murder Bad Ideas while hacking Josie's email accounts, while being a freemason? Invite me over Sam, I have a credit card chargeback for you.
Sylvia won.
is this picture real or edited to make him fatter?
can you believe it, Tayleigh's dad was supposed to be on her stream one day, but then she had to sell that chicken and call her fans cucks
Cope that still doesn't excuse bbc b*ttys obsessed lone of thinking. Sam insulted her and blacklisted her and she STILL insists on seeing his comedy show live. She really loves degenerate humiliation. Its sick.
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Fuck TJ. Manifesting TJayleigh from now on
Even if it’s close to zero chance, I personally agree. I feel like TJ thinks it’s a little weird when abi flirts with him in chat. He got uncomfortable when she typed “like u” near the end of teenage dirtbag.
Yikes post
bliccy IS abi's mother
Honestly I ship it. It makes the most sense out of any potential pairing.
He took that Dodge and now she's truckless, haha, fuck her
idk how you faggots haven’t caught on to the bit
>it's real
Your evil will not go unpunished
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sorry lad too late for that
And Peter Thiel is the father through artificial insemination.
Pretending to be retarded is not a "bit" but I understand Nu-MDE fans have some trouble understanding that
It's nice to know the guy who sits in these threads 24/7 seething about Betty cares so much about Sam's well-being. #Heartwarming.
I think TJ and Tayleigh would be a good couple, I think Tayleigh and Jimmy would end in disaster.
wtf is this stroke of a post
could see this working lol
giving TJ sarge's sloppy seconds
dont diss teej like that man
The Lubecooch would be into that shit and you know it
tj would actually fix tay into becoming a decent person, jimmy would beat the living britches out of her
You’re way more “Nu-MDE” if you can’t catch on, faggot. What a gay reply. I get why you freaks get bullied on every thread outside of your containment of /bant/.
lmao exactly
She so cute
You're trying way too hard to fit in
Charls is actually taller than him, that’s embarrassing
hell world
manifest bros?
Man the Betty pedos have been getting owned in these threads lately. Sad they're resulting to hashtags and cope. Betty is mentally ill and she will be banned from the Connecticut comedy show.
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not just one guy, it's her former discord simps
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TJaylor comeback. Abi is already taken.
I typically don’t care, it’s just amazing to still see replies like yours to this day.
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I could heem every single TJeet ITT
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You're here too cuck! you're just as bad, but probably worse cause u white knight for a traumatic brain injury victim.
>i t-typically d-dont care
Arent they too busy taking advantage of summer to be here
Bill Ottman?
who are you quoting?
I would literally be Sam's friend. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about, loser.
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>tj would actually fix tay into becoming a decent person
there is not a single person on earth who would be able to pull it off
This is the saddest thing I've seen since Shadi asked for a job.
A faggot
i’m fine with both outcomes
You’re replying to badidea’s copypastas like it isn’t just a constant jab at you homos and I’m the loser? Get real.
TJ would lick up Tayleigh's snail trail
jon confirmed for 5'5
Betty just flew over my house
Jimmy hogs the luxury family vacation home all summer. He refuses to leave, even when his sister makes plans to go with her friends for a nice private weekend. Jimmy insists on staying. He hovers over them. Jimmy is a selfish, privileged, creepy sperg. He still hasn't addressed these allegations.
i would be his best friend
TJ cumming inside Tayleigh creating the daughter he always wanted.
turn your monitor on
I'll put in a good word for you next time we hang out
he has to get through the sarge first
>TJ = Jessie Pinkman
>Tayleigh = Jane
Watch out for piss and blood
I think it very unlikely to happen too, I don't ever see taylor admitting she might of been wrong anywhere in the near future. I won't say it impossible though I've seen people make worse decisions. I agree with abi being a little clingy in chat, it can't make Tj want her at all.
If that’s true that’s really funny
nobody thinks this is funny or true faggot
But that must make bliccy around 40 years old?

no wonder she is always posting pics of strange drugs it's globalist anti aging serums
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Greg is the white Sinbad
Neither are likely. Taylor was never a good fit for him if she was looking for an excuse to leave so abruptly. Abi is crushing on the monkey boy, but TJ doesn’t want another public fish girl romance. Highly public relationships are not healthy. Tjabi could be a nice friendship though.
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>"guys stop that kind of talk, it's not funny"
Everyone thinks it's both, molesto.
I believe it
>Fred Hyde = Walter White
Turn your computer off and sell it
yeah, totally agree
TJ and Tayleigh picking up their daughter, Trish, from a sleepover at Grandpa Sarge's. It is time for horseback riding lessons!
nah that's johnny neptune
Actually I live nearby and I am going to go to the venue early and tip the staff to make sure betty gets VIP treatment and is allowed backstage.
i’m phone posting, you corny beaner
Johnny Neptune is Todd
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It's real
I literally just said it’s funny if true
aren't they supposed to be busy grooming summer 24/7 ?
Its brown people like you who phonepost thoughever?
Its all cope. Betty is so narcissistic that she can't perceive being simply hated in these threads. Her and her cucks have to get delusional, and accuse us of being ex simps cause she can't perceive herself being naturally hated. Its sad. Those people are seriously sick in the head.
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Half these threads are just erotic roleplaying group masturbation about Tay.
Y'all love to gape me
notice how the josie cuckposting stopped the moment her pre stream went up? all of her "fans" are 2 faced faggots
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Tay as in Tayleigh.
Letty is 5'5 and Jon seems to be about 2 inches taller than her so I'd say the 5'7 anon is right. I remember him saying he's 5'8 during S1 so I'd put him around 5'7-5'8.
idk how she completely brainbroke you but I assure you it'll get better if you move on.
I belive this to be true. His sister supposedly posted this while drunk a few nights ago. Why won't Jimmy address the allegations?
This whole post was written with headcanon & personal hate for no reason
kys bettypedos
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please buy the keychains
Its true and its hilarious that his sister said this.
can we not wish the worst thing on tj ever
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Claire has about 18 hours to go live or else she'll lose her streaming privileges and likely never be seen again.
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Jimmy's half black/half jew ancestor known for playing Mephistopheles in a traveling production. I can't find any Chilean as Jimmy claims.
Not a bettyfag but come on, they do get unnecessary hate when you have gaytriots & josiepedos around
Jimmy used to go into his sister's room at night and put his head under the covers so he could sniff her sleep farts.
Bbc b*tty cope. B*tty is the one with the broken brain. You guys are sick. Take your cuck meds.
Bettyfags, Gaytriots, Josiepedos are all subhumans and make me feel sympathetic for their waifus
If they got back together and he didn't stream again i would be so fucking pissed.
She’ll do a half hour of quizzes tomorrow morning
More B*ttyfag cope. We hate them all.
i think its both
Amazing. They linked up
They're nothing but nice to most of the posters here, everytime they show up it's you guys shitting on them
She WILL stream again, don't worry. Trust the plan.

Just kidding! She won't! :)
Aaron Paul will be on S3 of fishtank.
this is true i feel it in my bones
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why wouldnt it work? honestly
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Your kind are more unbearable than blacked Betty
Sorry, Bettypedo
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Omg shes so beautiful
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TJ can do so much better man
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her audio was a lot better on tuesday, i think we're getting some clairecasts soon
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Many are saying this
Jesus yuk
i will now watch your show
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He can fix her! Just gotta give her a chance!
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Plz jet...
abi looks like she gives really bad head but her tiny mouth makes up for the lack of skill
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>constantly pouting and threatening to show her tits
ck gives claire a run for her money in the brat category tbqh
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I want to fuck her brains out but it's hard to imagine her actually having sex
I don't think that rule applies to fish. I'd rather Claire just stream when she wants, or do a podcast or her vlogs or whatever. Watching her do buzzfeed quizzes or trying to play toddler games on her sister's shitty laptop is just depressing.
she's hot
Reminder Tayleigh hooked up with the bizzaro world trailer park TJ because she had low self esteem :-(

She was right she is awful and deserves nothing.
that's fair
does taylor keep it hairy? i hope so
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where's jacob
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>trying to play toddler games
So this confirms her age regressing was real, add it to the list of why clairepedos love her
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I want to grab her pigtails and do stuff to her so badly.
moving into his content house
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damn i love Josie
not giving up hope for the New Vegas playthrough streams
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That would be epic. I can and have listened to her yap for hours straight.
bush confirmed
latched on to cx like his life depended on it. kick lets him bot like mad too, he has close ties with eddie.
Trish (not her actual name) only pretends to be dumb and all her piercings and tattoos are fake. She's really a graduate student from UCLA studying neuropsychology and sociology and is using the fishtank as a data mine for her research into the physical changes in the brain that streaming shows like fishtank cause. My cousin works in the psych department and has met her several times. Look for her to do anything to get into that house so she can "work" on season 3 and extract more data from their servers.
did she say the N word here? :O
it's 2024, only used up millennials like delaney still keep it shaved
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gorgeous perfect spruce
>unnecessary hate
She doesn't get enough hate anon. She should be forgotten permanently.
Lmao good one. Filipinos can't read
i'm guessing she'll go live tomorrow morning, she went live tuesday just to keep her privileges
Holy shit guys nagger is live!
we dont have any webms to compare to the new girl but brians probably fucking retarded for leaving the beautiful ck
Sam is actually Natalie Mars
That anon's claiming that bettyfags get unnecessary hate, not the ugly jewish whore herself
Shes another Peter Thiel actress thats affiliated with the show.
has big steinful face fucked her yet?
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I want to grow old and enjoy life with Josie
Are you sure it wasn’t anyone of the other one million Filipino hapas in California?
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he's in cali balling out
she bought a capture card....
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clabi josie collab??
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classic pepper
many times
yep. only self insert tjfags think otherwise.
It’s my job to run fair competitions.
Haha yeah lol
You want to grow old with a mentally handicapped brony because you're a creep
He painting critique was the gayest thing I have ever heard.
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Preferring woman to be shaven is one thing but if a man shrieks, bitches, and moans about hair they're either an underage fag or just gay.
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Sorry, brother. My brained was warped by 2007 porn
Here the fucking weirdo that saves strange photos of the egirls he hates. You are a severely mentally incel.
it’s well established that only faggots think this
let's fucking gooo
Bliccy please come to my village. It's really lonely, we can do a festival for you if you come
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>mentally handicapped
i can 100% guarantee she's more witty than your gay ass
>claire sucked jacob's weiner
>she'll never suck mine
its not fair
I think you misunderstood it due to ESL
Bliccy festival of injectables and cheese!
bliccy if you come to australia you can stay with me at my place. i will treat you like a queen
Only gay niggers tryna sound smart say shit like pseud. Calling him a retard you prissy ass faggot. You're welcome
Scared that i'm exposing you little by little, you call others pedos but when claire has an actual pacifier and age regression fetish its all of a sudden ok?
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>im gonna own the Clairebears by saving this picture of her on my computer and phone so I can post it in every thread!

You're sicker than any simp could ever be. That's just deranged behavior.
>thinking it's just one guy who's sick of the clairepedo spam
delusional freak
Yeah, but I think she got one without HDMI output, so it's useless with the Xbox. Or did she get another one?
It's ok if you prefer it shaven anon. All I'm saying is its pointless to bitch about it especially when hair is the easiest thing to get rid of. At least it's better than tattoos which are harder to remove unless you dig it that is.
cordniggers got left in the dust by her in the pre stream chat so now they come and stink this place up
Those things sag to her waist
bliccy come to utah I will put you in an abusive program for troubled teens where they starve you and drug you
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Michael G. Stryker sends his regards. Spooky Season 3 starts Oct 4
Sinbad is one of my top 5 black people, he’s kino
a-hum, hyde = hide
B*ttyfag cope. This mentally ill nigga trying to start a simp war.
Why are you talking about this when it isn't even happening right now? This is actually insane
TJ topping Peter
You should see the dark taytriot gooncord
Now you're trying to shift eyes away from your behavior by blaming it on either betty or josiefags. Jewish tactics you're trying to pull
if there's a single "black guys die first" joke in spooktank im never watching again
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steinful getting his BWC absolutely slobbed by these soft brown lips rn
It's pretty much just people punching themselves in the head over women that don't care about them or know they exist
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this place already stinks we're spraying lysol
>Doesn't talk for the whole show
Might be the greatest Goldstriker incarnation yet
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make it stop
justice for bliccy
every post like this comes from people that clearly do the thing they’re hating on while pretending not to know the ins and outs of these threads
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That's correct.
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These women aren't even good looking
Jason R. Goldstriker
the entity was funny conceptually but I don't know how you'd make it work in practice
s3 is never happening
Cole please come back I am beautiful Scottish Redhead from Guangdong China with green eye and red hair I wed you please and give many children to come back to Livestream and Insta Gram
I love bliccy the most
There's not much you can do, other than keep people awake, or steal their stuff.
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I love traderposting
no guys in a suit or anything, just make the house seem/feel haunted.
hidden speakers that arent used for tts playing strange noises at noise
moving peoples shit around randomly
harness the orbs
bliccy for justice
these kind of posts make sense about mega celebrities
they don't make sense about some girl from a show with 1000 viewers. just add her on instagram, you retard
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would sam as frankensteins monster in s3 be kino?
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watching pepper puke his guts out has been peak kino
Bliccy look, please, if you make the journey over to my village, I can promise you the best time of your life.
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goblina martinez can barely count or read. she's fixated on children's media. also admitted before she has no internal monologue and no visual imagination. actual walking npc who shouldn't be allowed to drive.
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just imagine
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Y'all want to get a big girl on? how about my friend maria she has endometriosis haha-Tayleigh
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the venerable bliccy
marriage with creature
Why does she always make that face?
You missed this bit anon its over we moved on or Make a compilation photo of the older posts.
They need to license "Monster Mash" and play it nonstop the entire season

She's also built like a tank -Tayleigh
It's not a joke
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Wonder how the lil niggas hangover is going.
Her husband will replace her with minion.
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and yet she pulls the funniest shit constantly
stay mad nigger
bliccy come live with me inside my car. The strong seats recline enough you can sleep for an hour at a time before getting to uncomfortable
tayleigh syndrome
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fetal alcohol syndrome
man fuck these pedos I'm out
Or just play it randomly all the time. Or make it like a 500tk SFX for the full song
Her ability to shit on everything especially the people who actually try to look out for her is insane.
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How much did she claim Maria could bench press? I remember laughing at it
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I don’t like thiel fembots. I like zany sweet mary
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and then maria was never seen on stream or by tayleigh ever again
She's a lot smarter than she pretends to be on camera. You just don't get the bit.
Girls with snakes freak me out you just know.
Halloween theme any time Sam enters the tank
belly jiggling with bliccy
Why did Peter Thiel make her do that?
his toast last night was beautiful
What was it to?
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this is our board
And that's a good thing.Imagine letting tay come to your house to stream and she stays for weeks at a time just for her to do that.
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>smartschoolboy9 is josie
Sam paid him
love and life
If the fish didn't stay up all night it was supposed to wake them up and scare them, but they don't go to bed before 3 and are often awake until 5 so...

That reminds me, remember when John was woken up at night by a shark pouring water on him and was going to fight the shark? kek what a tard
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no way these fat disgusting tubs of lard got this much attention
Which celebrity is Fishtank S3 going to curse with pedophilic cancellation?
>S1 Dr. Disrespect saves the show
>S2 Mr. Beast saves the show
Who is next?
the freakshow
I'd be smug all the time too if I was a mildly attractive girl with big tits.
Hawk Tuah girl, notch, or tobuscus
bliccy please visit my village it is really beautiful we can smoke methamphetamine from lightbulbs
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>hey maria can you come on stream and be targeted by TTS
>hey maria can you take me to walmart
>hey maria can you take me to the liquor store
>hey maria i locked us outside of your house can you call the locksmith
Stop joking around
>hey maria i locked us outside of your house can you call the locksmith

Forgot about that one what a tard kek
I'm not joking I like meth it's a very romantic stimulant
S3 markyposters win and sam gets properly exposed
How did Tay even do that?
they seem to get proportionally bigger, so maybe elon musk for s3 and s4 the show actually ends since there is no one richer to save it
Can't even remember at this point.
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aperture face reveal
Looks like a Jimmy/josiecel
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holy fuck look a this fat loser.
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probably the least surprising thing in the world
average greek
That's Ben in a fatsuit
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no cap fr
Aperture is production schizo retards, how we coping?
holy shit THATS notch?
i would concur that this is ben in a fat suit
new Phresh!
They found a new Airsoft Fatty just in time for S3!
Clearly they've loaned the aperture credentials to a friend of production to throw cybersleuths off the trail. Easy to arrange. Doesn't mean anything.
>takes a bong rip
every single time, fishfags love weed
>Sam hates weed and ai slop
>fishtankers love weed and ai slop
so this is the kind of "people" i'm posting in these threads with. Yeah i'm done here see you guys never
do you not smoke? i figured everyone who watched did
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A lot of you are weird but these fags that are still on the tank site are subhuman and we mog them hard.
Pretty much 100% how I pictured him down to the gamer lighting
i fw tell me heavy
Jon loves his toys!
after hearing benleaks talk i’m not so sure
modow twains aw base
if people here did face reveals you'd probably throw up
We are unironically the elite the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.
no wonder this guy hates abi
yeah man me too were like the cool fishtank viewers, all those other fucking loser fishtank viewers are such gay faggots. were nothing like them
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>claire met aperture
fancy goes hard
That's fair
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yeah this guy is on fiver
yeah it's ben
he's breathing heavily just trying to sit
aperture fat
Aperture is one of the major money laundering accounts. It’s run by a team
Edited pic
aperture gave claire the 2k
It's funny how all the female contestants suck up to Steinful so that he'll edit them favorably in the episodes. Fuck even Dumbgay was sucking up to him at one point
i'm kinda warming up to this aperture guy
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>I saw Maruo in the living room. We made eye contact. He looked scared.
Streamtank terrible idea
holy fuck bros, are 4channers the most normal viewers?
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Steinful has fucked all the female contestants
It’s tradcath to say you’re gonna get laid by your bitch
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At least it gave us good tj content
Fat people disgust me. It is not hard to not be fat.
Anon, that IS normal in America in 2024. I would not look twice at this guy at the supermarket.
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>this is a fitting end
I forgot how good Succession is, you guys should be watching that instead
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Let's put it this way, Josie isn't his first
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Laker Brady is a coke addict
Isn't this the guy who stole Christmas from Jerma
Probably not his last either.
*cock addict
that was a bit actually
Was he on Season 1, 2, 2.5 or 2.75?
>How did Tay even do that?
grabbed a lanyard with keys but it was the wrong one.
Season 1 as the milkman
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dugan shoots up heroin
but he's abi's type judging by her previous bf, why is he mad?
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It's just milk!
All of these guys are lame as fuck sorry
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shed is bringing the rockstar lifestyle back
He says it's his grandmother "nana" on his dads side who is from chile
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jc backflip
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thats not a backflip
I like when Logan berates his faggot kids
>JC was still interested in him until she saw his /bant/ and /pol/ posts
holy shit i'd rope
Getting addicted to opiates for some ironic bit is lame
isnt dasha in that? peter thiel funded much?
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he was crying when he made this
Not joking btw, the only possible saving grace is that she punctuated it by saying she wasn't 100% sure they were him (lol).
people in this thread are likelier to smoke weed without making it their personality imo
He's so fucking funny
For one season
wrong , she said she was not interested in him when she did the q&a on insta the day she was out of the tank
She was lying
its funny how you think youre being anti irony when youre literally projecting your lack of sincerity and irony poisoned brain, none of them are claiming its an ironic bit
Turn your monitor on
a new regime must cull all fishtank fans for eugenics purposes
youre the only one that thinks its an "ironic bit"
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Keep defending them bro maybe they'll let you wear aeropostle and take a couch apart looking for percs with them

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