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Give me your best ancient Egypt kino.

I have already seen The 10 Commandments.
Prince of Egypt
uhh stargate
I don't get the obsession people have with ancient Egypt
Its just kinda lame.
>dude but muh spinx
>dude but muh faroahs
>dude but the pyramids, it's such a mystery bro. Woah
Ok? There's civilisations that are far more defined and interesting. Egypt is kinda lame. It's just fucking sand, stone and the dead
The Mummy
death on the nile
Which one?
I don't know man it was pretty incredible that they were able to build such an empire so early in history.
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Faraon (Pharaoh) 1966
>more interesting
No, there arent
just read the Amerotke Mysteries by Paul Doherty
Yakub biopic when?
All of them
I don't mind them making movies or games about Egypt but why the FUCK are they all about the New Kingdom? Why do no movies or games focus on the Old Kingdom?
I didn’t get it either until I read about primary account of Rameses III BTFOing the Sea Niggers in the Battle of the Nile Delta. His kingdom was already long past its prime, the pyramids were already over a thousand years old, but while every other Bronze Age civilization was being overran he wouldn’t just wait and go gently into that good night but attacked brought the fight to the barbarians. In a way it really was the last stand of Bronze Age and the Ancient Egyptian world (by the time of Cleopatra it was nothing but a shadow of a shadow ruled by Greeks), and even despite Rameses III delivering a crushing victory, Egypt was never the same again after that and started its steep decline. It’s just fascinating that whole generations of people struggled, triumphed, and died before Greece or Rome was nary a glint in Chud’s eye.
because the New Kingdom has the figures that people would recognize, like Tut, Nefertiti and Akhenatan. Not a single character from the Old Kingdom has entered the public consciousness.
Gods of Egypt was fun imo. Had some nice boobkino and corny things like the flat earth played straight were really refreshing
Cause we are the dumb one here
We were barely two steps out from the caves before we created the pyramids, and it’s no coincidence the earliest Egyptian art resembles cave paintings. The fact that they still stand today shows the people then had the same ambitions and hopes as we do today, a never ending battle against death and obliteration, and to this day they/we are still winning
Came here to say these two
Both of them
Black Panther
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For me it's their afterlife, tombs, mummification procedures etc pic related is sarcophagus in my local museum.
I don't care about Sphinx of Pharaohs. It just kings and monuments same like any other ancient civilization.
>New Kingdom stories
>Biblical stuff
>interactions with Hittites, Assyrians, Persians
>construction of massive pillared halls and temples
>Akhenaten's religious autism and aftermath

>Old Kingdom stories
>uh...we built another pyramid
Land of the Pharaohs
I personally want to see a musical set in the Naqada III period.
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>uh...we built another pyramid
Do we really know so little about the Old Kingdom?
nta but I weep for how much knowledge has been lost, burned, or simply never written down. Or if it is written down, it's one sentence in a chronicle or a single image in a mural. We need a team of stenographers with time machines.
We couldn't understand their writing until we had the Rosetta Stone and there was a lot of nonsense about it that came before.
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Cleopatra (1963)

or alternatively, Cecil DeMille's Cleopatra (1934) which is just as kino
90% of knowledge of the ancient world was lost with the library of Alexandria
There were hardly monumental inscriptions and if there were they were long ago most likely repurposed or vandalized, mostly we're left with names/cartouches on tombs and statues
The Pyramid Texts only started to get inscribed in the latter half of the Old Kingdom and those are mostly spells and invocations to protect the king's soul in the afterlife
The Diary of Merer is one of the few papyri we have from that period and just the fact that it has survived is extremely rare and remarkable
Stuff like the Westcar Papyrus has been used to tell us more about the Old Kingdom but even that dates from about a 1000 years after Khufu
Also since Egypt at that time was basically isolated from the other large literate civilization (Mesopotomia) at the time of the Old Kingdom so we don't have third party sources like we have Hittite and other Near Eastern, Babylonian sources for the New Kingdom
Everything. We owe everything to Egypt.
Fuck YHWH.
As above, so below.
99.99% of all knowledge has been lost because it was never written down in the first place
no it hasn't
I spoke with your mom last night and I didn't record it so that conversation has been lost forever
oh damn
Gods of Egypt

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