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New LITERALLY ME just dropped

I’m not attractive enough to LARP as him.
It only works with Gosling because he’s a 5.
the martian tier reddit faggotry
i marathoned the trailer and it looks kind of good
I was having a heart attack till i realized theres black women and asians in it. Now i'll definitely pay real money to watch garbage.
They already made this movie, this is just Moon but with marvel jokes
>It only works with Gosling because he’s a 5.
Damn, you are cute.
i presume they lie to him in the movie and say that his "conciousness is transferred" to the new body and thats why there is an issue when he find the replacement, other wise the plot makes no sense
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>i presume they lie to him in the movie and say that his "conciousness is transferred" to the new body and thats why there is an issue when he find the replacement, other wise the plot makes no sense
Might be kino
buy an ad you shill faggot. dumped because of nigress love interest
Continuity of consciousness is an illusion anyway. If your consciousness is your memories does part of you die whenever you forget where you put your keys?
Sure, but it comes back to life when you remember where you put them.
So, lets say we have technology that completely scans and uploads our brain on a computer... youd be willing to neck yourself after you do it, then?
le your most immediate experience of any thing at all is actually le illusion
No, because that feels like dying to me but I'm not sure how to rationally argue that it is. If I was in a coma and my high brain functions ceased then started at a later time how is that functionally different to the uploading scenario without reference to an immaterial self?
I feel like ife seen this exact concept before but cant remember where.
>If your consciousness is your memories
Says who? Did the consciousness fairy tell you this?
the prestige
If you lost all or even a large amount of your memories would you consider yourself the same person afterwards?
No i remember now. Its that episode of Venture Bros when they talk about all the ways Hank and Dead died
Pro: Interesting premise
Con: Everything else
Not an argument.
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>Marvel tier "humor"
Look kino. Based twin kino
looks like Moon mixed with Russian Doll, might give it a try or seethe about it for no reason on /tv/
Yeah? i genuinely dont see why i wouldn't. It would just be the same person behaving differently with different context.
fuck off the martian was kino
Kino director and based Pattinson, im hyped for it. I feel like the quipy trailer is a red herring, hopefully
Moon, but with nigs
They need to sell the movie in a way that shows who is in it and also the basic details of the entire plot to get normies to tell their coworkers about it. It sucks and is a big downside of studios wanting sure things instead of gambles. It’s why we’re getting more LOTR and Harry Potter reboots - studios love trusted IP.
Redditson is mot a good actor
Wholesome quirk chungus
It's more like Moon
looks cute. another Oscar for a non american film maker and then for Bong to yawn about and place in his waste basket at home because its simply a "regional" award, whatever.
looks nice
>gosling is a 5
NTA but he's bogged now.
Kill yourself, retard.
I dunno... Moon with a more Terry Gilliam Brazil feel via that Korean director.
Clones / duplicates are far from a unique concept in sci fi.
Are your hands dirty?
What do they have in common? Other than clones.
some rule about no duplicates at the same time that pushes the plot to the conclusion
Yeah but the setups are very different. Mickey seems more about the titular clone, fully aware of his nature, realizing after sixteen deaths that his job fucking sucks and wants to get out of the cycle. One thing I'm not clear on is why he wants to kill 18, but I guess something has to be saved for the full release.
Contrasted with Moon, where clones only had the memories of their source, and were unaware of their nature. I always equated the Sam Bells to be a superior telling of Blade Runner's themes. It's like if you got to see both Deckard and Batty's stories unfold together, in real-time, instead of the latter's being largely delivered in retrospective monologues.
Call me crazy but I don't see a whole lot of existential crisis themes going on with Mickey. At least not in the trailer.
So what, both movies have clones? I guess Fallout 4 is Moon now.
>One thing I'm not clear on is why he wants to kill 18
Cos otherwise they will kill both of them, retard
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Aren't they going to send both on suicide missions anyway? Like, that's the job.
In Moon, two clones being awake posed a threat because they might try to leak the unethical labor laws being violated. In Mickey, there's no discernible motivation for there not to be 20, 50, or even 100 Mickeys at any given time, in various different areas of the galaxy, dying constantly.
You insult yourself by calling me a retard. It's okay though, I'm not mad. You're special, I can handle special people.
Edge of Tomorrow
>pigeon suit
>Star Wars reference already in the trailer
>nihilist "humor"
yeah, a new reddit movie is about to drop.
i wish unbogged emily blunt raped me
>boomer new york music slop in your trailer

I am NOT watching it
Looks like trash, and Mark Ruffalo is a faggot, so I shan't be watching.
Nigga watch the trailer, they literally say that in a case of duplicity, they kill all clones, pretty sure thats the whole premise of the movie. Of course each clone will want to kill the other one and save himself
Bong should stop directing English-language films. Snowpiercer was mediocre and Okja was embarrassing.
reddit belief

you consciousness is what experiences illusions, so consciousness being an illusion makes no sense
Sixth day
The prestige

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