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More like Kinoyasha.
I wanna go back, lads.
old anime is absolute garbage. new anime is so much better, both in visuals and writing.
name an anime that's not bleach that has a better overall soundtrack, you can't
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I always thought Inuyasha was handsome, but when looking at characters in different shows, I learned to appreciate his beauty even more. Good god he is such a specimen.
i have a feeling op is brazilian
I have to admit, its impressive how Inuyasha appeals to both men and women as equally as it does. I feel like thats rare.
>the original ending theme
>the peak comfy cel colors
>the reveal of his lunatic demonLord brother
Peak. Demon Slayer is just storeBrand Inuyasha.
t. Jakotsu
Inuyasha was always DBZ for women
I recently found out this isn't even the actual theme song, but it's the one that came on for years. It's better than the original OP imo.
peak-comfy adventure anime that anybody can enjoy, sorta like Pokemon earlier seasons
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Characters that are literally you.
It artificially drug out the Naraku bullshit
So is this dii
>digimon card
It was the perfect late-night anime to fall asleep to. Tune into Adult Swim and see what the gang is up to.
It's episodic, comfy, beautiful animation and music, you don't have to heavily invest into the story or what happen last episode.
The gang travels to another village, finds another demon with a jewel shard, they kill it, naraku escapes, kagome tells Inuyasha to sit boy, miroku grabs sango's ass, watch the ending theme, go to sleep.
Oh no! My asthma!
whenever jakotsu hits on inuyasha and he says YOU'RE DISGUSTING!
based gay hating japs
was this in the adultswim dub or something? when did the little green goblin hit on inuyasha
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Jakotsu is the femboy from the band of seven.
I started watching this earlier this year and it’s pretty enjoyable. Usually I don’t care for anime that has a main character who is in high school or that is set in high school. But this one is mostly action focused and in the past. So it’s pretty decent. I need to finish it.
you are now remember that sesshoumaru had kids with the little girl he was protecting
>But this one is mostly action focused and in the past. So it’s pretty decent. I need to finish it.
you know what's weird
it was written by a woman
it supposed to be a shoujo series about furry bf that lead girl can fix
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You're thinking Jakken, that's the little imp guy who follows Sesshomaru around.

Incidentally I've decide to download Yashahime to see what the deal is with that, if it's got a cute dog girl who acts like Inuyasha then I might be on board.

I rewatched Outlaw Star recently and Jim's unease around Fred Lowe is hilarious, Gene is skeeved out too but professional enough to fanagle some free supplies out of Fred but Jim is on full alert and clearly grossed out by Fred's lifestyle.
Also the episode where he gets a little pirate gf then kills her and her cats without knowing it was her is just as sad as it was 25 years ago, goddamn. Pool kid.
I remember a million erotic fanfics back in the day featuring him and an aged-up Rin, so this isn't shocking at all to me at this late date.
>a million erotic fanfics back in the day
haha yeah back in the day nobody reads those anymore
>if it's got a cute dog girl
will you settle for wolf?
well because of yasahime they're ALL canon now
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Explicitly, yes. I've wanted a wolfwife ever since she showed up on screen.
>inb4 noncannon, not in the mango etc
Don't care would merry
>Incidentally I've decide to download Yashahime to see what the deal is with that
It kind of sucks
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It's crazy how this character appeared for one episode and became so memorable.

Kikyou was my waifu though.
why did this female-written manga/show has so many hot bitches
what the fuck
I thought women were supposed to hate this stuff
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Imagine this cheery energetic loyal wolfgirl throwing herself at you, utterly devoted and ready to bare your children, but you hold out for some slut from the future instead (and she's not even into you). Even back then it made me angry. I would make her happy.
Yura of the hair is a great villain, a haunted comb that was used to brush the hair of the dead. She should have been recurring for at least a little while.
The most degenerate torture porn/guro doujin mangakas are all women.
Reminder that she also wrote Ranma 1/2, which appears to be far hornier than Inuyasha.
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This was a kino power up.
Female fantasy of having their cake and eating it too.
The loose canon alpha male to give them the vagina tingles and do her protecting for her but also magically castrated with a word so he's a kept male betamax.
I remember when I was 11-12 and would sneak downstairs past my bedtime to watch this on Adult Swim. Those were the days
Kagome was hot and I wanted to be Inuyasha and have a good reason to carry around a katana and be a wolf guy.
Was Miroku ever useful? "Oh no, poison bees are around so I cant use my palm asshole vortex.". This happened literally every episode.
I just remembered this story about emptyhero catching a giant Blackman watching Inuyasha while on post. I wish I could find it
>fall asleep watching tv
>wake up in the middle of the night to this blasting
rumiko wrote urusei yatsura, ranma 1/2, inuyasha, and a few other ones that didn't get popular. what a gift
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He did eventually bang several kids into Sango, so that's something at least. During the show though no, his job was to suck up some low level demons or hit them with his stick.
Shame about the filler.
I bet sango pegs him
*Unsheathes wasps every single fucking time*
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he chose
long-form episodic anime isn't complete without the horndog character hitting on women left and right (and being rejected)
tfw no Kagura wife
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Gone with the wind
>Gets little girl slave
>Raises her into a hot piece of ass
>knocks her up with twins
Based groomer dog demon
Can name a bunch but Inuyasha's was certainly god tier. I get an urge every so often to actually watch it from start to finish BECAUSE of the soundtrack, but always get deterred by what a timesink it'd be
The mangas are good too but they're the same. Great series and comfy AF but def one you can pick up/put down anytime
it's ok cause he's hot
>"Adult" Swim
Do Americans really? In my country it aired like at 6 PM.
I think it was closer to 9-10 over here when it was on.
when i was a kid i thought this was porn and kept watching hoping there would be more lewd stuff cause i wasn't used to general japanese lewdness without it going further
It was like 11 PM every Saturday
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I wonder what gave you that idea anon
I used to love Sango.
But she was nice too.
need a kagome gf
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I liked her eyeshadow
I need to finish the anime and read the manga. It have been 20 years...
The end credits with the Ferris Wheel give me some serious feels 2 decades later
I still haven't gone back to watch The Final Chapter, I don't think I've seen all the movies either though I have 1-3 on tape, recorded from that time they had a marathon.
If you weren't brain broken by redpill speak you'd understand that's why its hot.
im going to kill myself soon if time doesn't turn back 25 years
For Inuyasha?
The show dragged forever and ended with “we’ll just keep chasing Naraku forever”

Among entry level shit there is much better.
Among Toonami/Adult Swim animu there is much better.
Among Rumiko’s work’s there is much better.
Gotta question your taste if you’re missing anything from the inuyasha anime for anything other than the EDs
Have an amazing show in KinoYasha with epic characters and story

Fuck it all up with a shit new series about Inuyashas unlikable daughter who sucks ass.
Sesshōmarus daughter who dresses and acts like a dyke and that's also unlikable.
Sesshōmarus other daughter who's boring as hell and that steals the role mirokus daughters were supposed to have.

Ruin classic characters by bringing them back and either making them retarded, have done retarded things or are just unhappy.

How do you have such a great series and ruin it with half demon princess
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Are you going to just keep running away?
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You do know this a show for women right?
Now now, better to kill to kill your enemies
>even if you get got you will feel like a supreme being when you extinguish evil
I'm not running.....
Have you checked the current year? I'm a fucking sea turtle and this show is great
There hasn’t been a show for men in decades.
i was jacking it every time Kagome or Kikyo were on screen
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I was so in love with kinoyasha, sisters
I still remember borrowing the manga from the library and seeing the main girls boobs.
tfw inuyasha gf
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>people told me this was their favorite arc of the show
Yuri of the Hair is so hot that you're objectively wrong
>tfw you would willingly donate your skull just so she touches you
Ha, couldn't be me....
My girlfriend, before she died, loved this show. Should I watch it in her honor?

tuck me in, let me die
fuck off and fuck this intro
From this
To this lmao
Welp, I was gonna show some mercy for the "decent" ones but after that
>all my enemies are going to Funkytown

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