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>Academy Award Nominee Elliot Page (Juno, The Umbrella Academy, Inception) stars as a trans man who returns to his hometown for the first time in years. On his journey, he confronts his relationship with his family, reunites with a first love, and discovers a newfound confidence in himself. A Toronto International Film Festival premiere.




Ew does she have a wart?
that's a man, faggot
That's a different actor.
>that's a man, faggot
wrong homo
She still uses lipstick?
>white tranny

did you assume her ethnicity?
Kino is back on the menu.
>Ya'll got any more of them festival bait roles?
Her hands have always been disgusting, even 10 years ago when /tv/ worshiped her. Always gross stained nails and yellowed fingers from smoking.
Imagine willfully transitioning into a manlet.
So she troons out and her first role is a sexual predator?
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>only new role since trooning is a self-produced festival bait movie with middling to bad reviews

holy shit, it's really over, isn't it
I still can't grasp my head around the fact that the girl from Juno/Super/Inception thinks she's a guy and has made outward modifications to her body as well. It's been like 4 years too, It's just hard to conprehend. This is the strangest change an actress has gone through imo.
>All the comments are from chuds.
The west is healing.
So she's definitely not getting any new roles after this. What will she do once the money runs out? The trans maintanence shit she's on must be expensive.
The problem is Elliot has less range than Ellen
I will never watch anything she/her does ever again because she chopped those pert little titties off. I could live with the mental illness but some crimes can never be forgiven.
Save me some time: Does she show her pussy in it or not?
I'm from Missouri. Proof?
Mindbroken by Bolsonaro. She went to Brazil to interview him about his anti-gay policies and asked if he thought she should have been beaten as a child to prevent her from becoming a lesbian. His response was:

>You can say you are a lesbian, that means nothing to me. You are a pretty woman, all right? You are very beautiful. If I was a young man, I would whistle at you on the street.

I unironically think that single moment is what made her transition.
Growing up in Canada and being raped probably didn't help either.
I genuinely don't get it, I thought you were supposed to be the person you were always meant to be? So why would you want to do a role where you play an awkward trans person?
>So why would you want to do a role where you play an awkward trans person?
because she ruined herself and her career
They should be more creative. She should have been a MtF trans that stalks and fucks another girl. It certainly would show how transitory and infinite the shading of gender is.
She was so cute and small bro
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>Elliot Pageboy
I prefer Ellen Page...can we have her back?
The main problem is that she's one of the worst passing trannies ever. From what I see, most women that troon out to become men would already have a long beard after so many years of testosterone. But nobody would mistake her from a man, and she also doesn't look much like a woman anymore, so her acting options are restricted to non passing troons.
>stalk and fuck a girl
Elliot is one of the most prolific rapists and molesters in Hollywood history. Harvey sold roles and access, his crime was embarrassing a bunch of women with three public revelation they're all whores. Elliot otoh presented himself as a woman and had sex with lesbians without telling them he's really a man, stealing from them their right to consent. Absolutely fucking demonic. The son of a bitch should be kicked in the balls and beaten to a pulp.
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Is she going to try to rape a woman with her unfeeling pseudo-penis?
>mmmm i sure love festival bait mh mhmm iz lile crack but u feel even worse about it after
Did she got bottom surgery?
Can it even penetrate? Isn't it just a piece of soft floppy meat?
Is it? I honesty don't know about all the modern tranny transiotioning medical and bioengineering procedures.
They use pumps. Kek
she doesn't have one, she chopped her tits off is all. minge is still there.
I was referring to the character
When Nikki did that, I literally cried.
>kicked in the balls
Are we getting the extended version of

"our days of mercy"
That's a woman
>FtM tranny wants to rape a woman movie
Who greenlit this?
>Who greenlit this?
Elliot Page
I saw a tweet of someone getting really mad because they played the matt walsh movie trailer before lmao
Is it legal to file a restraining order against trans person in 2024?
>You should know somethin’ about me Joe Rogan. I have a pussy.
i am angry about the state of affairs in our nations and am praying to God for a miracle of holy violence to correct it
It would be very interesting to learn which person or persons diddled her during the filming of Trailer Park Boys S2.
You just KNOW this 5' tall man is totally CRUSHING pussy!
strange she can now only play a tranny in all her movies
Mental illness can ruin a career in an instant.

but Ellen hasn't a dong
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Look how happy ((((he)))) is and how comfortable ((((he)))) looks in ((((his)))) own skin
>same hat
Fucking kek
Well put anon. It’s getting crazy out there
Wrong. That's a man faggot.
UMMM ACKSHUALLY it’s a faggot, man.
>Be a good looking fun actress
>Transfer into a depressed ugly manlet
I blame the Hollywood pedo vampire jews
How can Elliot Page the male actor be an Oscar nominee in the actress category(s)?
she had a cute little ass
She was cute, and I think she realized her cuteness would soon fade. Sad what being a homo will do to your mind.
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it
Then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands
twelve minutes in. when will they introduce a character whose voice isn't very unpleasant.
>produced by independent studios
>no hollywood studios want involvement
have you looked at the filmography?
Ftm playing an mtf sounds pretty funny, would watch that
Based noticer
there was barely anything there anyways, she legit coulda passed the male swimsuit challenge
stop deadnaming
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Actors back then
>Hi, I'm Tom Hanks and I've played a retard, a manchild, a gay man, an astronaut, a soldier and a bunch of other roles

Actors now
>Hi, I'm Elliott Page. I'm a transgender man dealing with trans issues so I can only play transgender man dealing with trans issues.

What the fuck happened? Why even be an actor if you don't want to play other people?
it's a silicone tube wrapped with leg skin.
this man cries a lot. what's up with that?
Troons should only play troons desu. Hunter Schafer is now refusing trans roles because he just "wants to finally be a girl and move on" (lmao). Ellen meanwhile seems desperate for work and I saw a thing not too long ago where she was kind of pathetically like "H-hey, if anybody is looking for a transguy for a movie, I'm available."
omg im crying
I don't bother watching anything below 5.5
She's hurting.
>I smoke ACK!
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It's a pull start.
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>i don't have any special rules. you don't have to obey any rules to be around me.
>you're doing it wrong.
Having a built-in pump in the "balls" is somehow even worse than if you had to feed like a bike pump type device into the urethra to inflate it. How horrifying, it's like a toy.
... There goes my breakfast
I gotta stop browsing this piece of shit site
>pumps it up with the lone ball
this is some looney tunes shit
You will live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.
I ain't clicking that.
good thinking
So much joy.
is it a documentary?
Should i call Hunter a stacy or a chad for pulling that?
imagine if Elliot and Hunter make a movie, would it be kino?
What's wrong with this world?
>hunter and elliot are going to have sex
>hunter giggles starring at “his” “dick” mocking it for how small and ugly it is

Based or cringe?
How would /tv/ react to this scene?
didnt hunter chop it off
It depends, is it a romantic movie or is it a comedy?
My eyes!!!
it's a romantic comedy, like you know, all the slop produced between 1990-2010
Bolsonaro mindbroke her to oblivion.
>"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension"
Then Hunter wouldn't laugh at it, they would get lovey dovey probably.
Name of this movie?
The Illegal Pronoun
10/10 Cannes Film Festival
Powerful - NY times
literally how
There's a brazilian woman who injected testo into her clit or something it's fucking huge like the size of an average cock
Theres a video online of her fuxking a woman in the pussy wirh it and a man in thr anus.
What's weird is it lools like a dick but with the wrong angle. It kinda bends down and doesn't seem to as erect but just constantly huge
Don't ask that. Be a better friend to yourself, like this anon >>203706839
The role she was born (again) to play!
The magic of cinema!
>pumpers like to pump
>pumpers need to pump
Seriously though that single ball look is fucking cracking me up way more than it should like couldn’t they have just put another little silicon thing in there for purely aesthetic purposes to sit next to the pump and give the illusion that the bitch has two balls? Would that really be so difficult? Kek
>”yeah baby, does it get you all hot and bothered when I activate my pump uni-testicle”
links please.
Don’t bite off more than you can chew pal, I’m pretty sure I know who he’s talking about and trust me that’s a box you can’t unopen.
Yeah once you go down the big clit fetish road you will soon be gooning to cuntboys and FTMs and from there you'll go to transwoman aka male trannies
all roads lead there to the most deranged fetish
First thing I noticed as well
The comments section under that trailer is hysterical
Kek, looks like it
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Holy shit that's the exact same outfit
>his career
Amazing how Page can take all the hormones and chop off their tits but my brain still instantly goes "female. ugly female but still female" when it sees "his" face.
Not really amazing, it just means that you're normal.
Sprinkle some crack on her!
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Kek'd on so many levels.
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It has been already over long time ago
is that your biopic vodtranny?
It's like having a sex tide to where you're male gentians supposed to be. Imagine wanting to jerk off but every time you try you just feel that bike pump inside you're pants like some sort of pus
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I know how the characters in HP Lovecraft stories feel now.
We're living in interesting times!
Buckle up, buckaroos.
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Came here to post this but you did it better than I would have anyway.
I think the whole world's addicted to the drama. Only attracted to things that'll bring them trauma.
>I was a fookin' LEGEND in Gin Alley. A FOOKIN' LEGEND! I would take any knight, any knight, anytime!
why do mtfs like taking shirtless pics when you can see the little flaps of fat near the armpit that are characteristically female

ellen's a skeleton but even she has it
meant ftms kek
>let's start casting trans actor on non trans role
>They're way more beautiful and graceful women then Schafer
>There's no way anyone would take up page in anything but a role as some awkward short guy
Wa la
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du du duru duh duh duuu

There's flaps on women that makes them very distinguishable from even the most perfect passing trannies anon
From cute girl to incel.
I used to be contrary to nuclear holocaust.
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just when you think 4ch is dead, there's an honest kek
Is that Kim's daughter?!
Hubba hubba! She can be my dear leader any day of the week!
kek based
>Academy Award Nominee Elliot Page
Elliot never got a nomination, tho.
Old men can get a similar surgery. It's old tech at this point.
>literally how
Yeah, but SHE did!
oh im dead
There are doujins about this.
Pretty sure I've seen it on /gif/. I thought it was natty. I'm disappointed now.
Wouldn't that hurt her?
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So the whole ftm thing is just her preparing for a role? Is she secretly a more dedicated method actor than Jared Leto? We'll see..
Just like in my japanese cartoons!
>sewed on a floppy flesh sausage and got on TRT just for this role
One of the all time great method actors
I fucking kneel
What a time to be alive
I laughed so hard a tear fell from one of my eyes
Women can't have sex with other women though?
If you have a vagina you can't put it inside another woman's vagina
wtf we are so close to the dystopian cyberpunk future, they are literally embedding machines and fake organs into people alreadyYPWMP
>Women can't have sex with other women though?
See >>203707358
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>he doesn't know
Did you Cats like how in the last season of Umbrella Academy she was this huge bartender Chad that basically Fucked all of the women in the small town she worked and lived in?
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I don't think this happened and if it did, it was retarded.
No, that's real.
Proof ?
Post it then
>he thinks I saved it
I'm not a degenerate. Ask around >>>/gif/
>no proof
It doesn’t exist
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Then it’s not real and you making it up
Nigga for real ?
Beg moar.
This nigga have it but he doesn’t want to post it. Don’t wanna get banned
>(A woman, Amy, walks into a dive bar)
>Amy: Where is he?
>Jerry (Bar owner): Who?
>Amy: Don't play dumb with me, Jerry. I know he's here. Where is he?
>Jerry: Hey, Vik! Are you here or not?
>Viktor: Hey. Amy, what... what's up?
>Amy: You know what's up. Call me when you grow up.
>Viktor: Amy...
>Random barfly: Well, that does it. Vik's officially blown through every woman in town.
>(All patrons burst into laughter)
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Is this supposed to be realistic?
I mean that is literally the scene in the first episode of Umbrella Academy S4E1. Viktor is the small town Gigachad.
Who are they trying to convince? Surely even normies think this is ridiculous.
Lmao no fucking way
>"y'all got any more test?"
wouldve been better imo
>whats wrong with those ba- ohhhhhhhhhhhh
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Is that Karl Tanner, the FOOKIN LEGEND of Gin Alley?
why wouldn't she give herself a bigger dick?
I guess it's cute when trannies do it?
>only released in Canada and Bongland
American xisters will save it, right?
Why isn't the woman Elliot's character lusts for a trans too? Surely trans women are women, right? Elliot should have no problem dating a bepenised trans woman either. I hope our Chad is not secretly a transphobe.
Why do women do this?

What a weird trailer.
>looks like a dying cancer patient
>that voice
lmao nobody will be able to watch this with a straight face
Give me sauce
But what about with a gay face? ;)
No way this is true.
Top muthafuckin kek, well played sir
Check out the old fruit director.
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He looks like a fag but also like a pedophile. Which isn't really surprising, I know.
Lmao thats seriously true. She can ONLY do her practiced ( and I do mean practiced) trooner voice. Male trannies have the same issue.
>my here for the 5 o'clock free test giveaway
>and I do mean practiced
There's a surgery for this, but maybe it fucked her vocal cords.
What's up dude
It's going to be a sad day when she kills herself. We could have saved her bros.
Bobby Kelly directs movies now?
I couldn't believe it until I googled it and holy fucking shit, it's real and it's something someone actually released. Ellen really wants to think herself as this brooding stud.
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I had a pair of trainers like that.
I hope everyone involved in this continues to suffer such unimaginable and crippling mental illness that they collectively kill themselves before the end of this decade
it's called acting
>Academy Award Nominee Elliot Page
Strange. The only thing I can find is a nominee for 2007 Best Actress called Ellen Page. Weird. Did they scrub him from their archives?
How can someone look so incredibly miserable all the time?
That's a mutilated woman you retard
Why is it not believable that they would have written and filmed such a scene?

Wrong. You will NEVER be a man, ELLEN. Keep seething, lick my anus and kill yourself. lol
>still no sauce
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God, I hate women so much it's unreal.
Lmao that’s not gonna happen
>the smallest man
he's smiling in that pic though
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I can lend you my toolbox and my basement miss Taylor! I hope the weather will be right!
Wow, ((((he)))) is such a natural! Much talent, very studly
>”this guy is SUCH a toolbag”
Is she?
it's actually pretty hard to play both male and female roles convincingly. the guy's a good actor in my book
Obviously Bubbles. That dude is a monster irl.
But Verne Troyer is already dead, did nobody tell them? (RIP)
The key word here is convincingly. I don’t know about you but for such a manly man that guy sure cries a lot
Holy kek
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Let's be honest. It doesn't look THAT bad compared to the horrors of years ago. Still mildly disgusting desu
>doctors are paid to do this
How can someone do this and consider himself a doctor after it?
I can't unsee Ellen Page as Tyrone Biggums now, lmao
Pump it up a little more
Get the party goin' on the dance floor
>still begging to see a Brazilian woman with a big-ass clit going to town on a dude
Anon that's just sad now.
Only real men will get this post.
And hot.
Where's the pee hole? Where's the pee hole, anon? How does she peepee?
Doctors don't have that kind of technology yet.
Honestly? If I wasn't a based penis haver of 30-some odd years I could probably be persuaded it's somewhat normal looking. That's only going off a grainy webm though.
What is this supposed to mean?
I'm not even sure they know what it means.
>i need to defeat my imaginary enemies
Checked. A tale as old as the internet.
Trips of truth
Total tomboy annihilation. On one hand it’s heartbreaking to see but on the other hand it just goes to show what a retard this chick was in the first place to be this susceptible to brainwashing. If it wasn’t trooning out she’d probably end up indoctrinated into some weird new age cult anyway as if there’s much of a difference
No source
There is. If you were a cult leader, I mean.
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I've had a literal hobo walk up to me today, silently shaking a cup. Before he could say anything I said "no" and he fucked off.
Anyway. You remind me of him is what I'm getting at.
Her pussy is now some sort of dried up monstrosity that reeks of ballsweat.
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There was literally an engorged clit thread up not long ago on /gif/ that had many different examples of this grotesque phenomenon. I know because it made me sick to my stomach. You could go look in the archive because it’s probably still there but you’re too retarded and lazy for even that so I’m sure that’s a bit too much work, please though by all means keep begging for gay shit that is literally a four word google search away. You remind of pic related, just admit you’re a stupid fag and move on

Fucking trips of truth.
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Fuck lmao
Dem numbers.
this shit breaks my heart. cutting off titties and injecting T into women is fucking evil. I don't care if male agp's terrorize women on sports teams though. that shits funny.
reminder: trans influencers and their acolytes will be subject to nuremburg-esque trials with death penalties on the table within the next 20 years
maybe that thing once looked at its man hands and concluded it can't be a woman
Is it known if she got the pussey-penis replacement surgery?
I sure hope so.
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>pump it up
>and air it out
Why are women like this?

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