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No more excuses, anon. If you have a phone, you can make Hollywood-tier CINEMA.

So why haven't you?
I prefer to watch kinos
For the same reason people think that they'll make hollywood films with "ai" in couple of years.
I don't have a phone.
I think that's cool. The first one was practically filmed on a family camcorder.
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Yeah and shooting films on phones isn't some novelty. Soderbergh shot a full feature with an Iphone a few years ago.
Buy an ad Steve Jobs. There is already plenty of porn that has been filmed on phones.
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Have you guys seen the movie they shot on android? pic related is from the trailer
Because I don't have $100,000 for some attachments
>In addition to using the iPhone 15 Pro Max as the principal camera, some scenes in 28 Years Later were shot with action cams strapped to farm animals—what one might term “GoatPros,” then.

This sounds like shit. These guys have a fetish for making their movies look as bad as possible.
Most people will run into common problems like not having the time to put together a whole movie while also working a job and taking care of whatever other responsibilities they have. Then there are the hurdles of actually getting a cast of halfway decent actors and securing the locations you want to shoot the thing at. Editing is also a skill most people would either need to learn or get someone else to handle. Then unless you can get a deal with a streaming service or something like that then you’ll be forced to just upload it to YouTube and hope it gets noticed. And all of this is assuming you are actual creative enough to put together a fully fleshed out concept that people will find interesting and put it down in an actual script in the first place. Having a suitable camera is literally one of the easiest parts to figure out.
>Then unless you can get a deal with a streaming service or something like that then you’ll be forced to just upload it to YouTube and hope it gets noticed
You send your movies to festivals if you're indie
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Meanwhile back in the real world.
> 50 million dollars in post production. Plus double for advertising and making your ass available for Diddy's sex parties.
Yeah but unless your movie is about how hard it is to be black or gay there’s really not much point.
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Danny Boyle hasn't made a good movie since the original, which came out 22 years ago. He's directing, and he wrote the script with Garland. Garland's last two scripts were Civil War and Men, both of which were incredibly bad. I have no reason to think that this movie will be good.
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See that rig on the right? Yeah, just attach $20,000 of gear and another $50k worth of lighting and you too can make Cinema on an iPhone.
you want to be discouraged
I haven't watched a new movie in many years, but I remember shaky cam being a really annoying thing that was in a lot of movies and I don't doubt this one is gonna have a lot of it.
>with some attachments
Also with top tier makeup, lighting and a studio to film in.
Jodie looks like she has a hairy fucking pussy here

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