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why don't all movies look this good?
It was shot on film and probably with super expensive lenses.
Garbage for women
His last good film was The Master. Inherent Vice was okay.
All movies do look that good. Get your eyes checked.
Lighting, lighting, and lighting.
(also 35mm film and good framing)
I don't think this movie looks good. They've put a bit of effort into it, but it still just looks like they tried really hard and still looks contemporary.
All this same-fagging
>dude there's GRAIN which makes me feel safe because it looks OLD and I'm scared of GLOBOHOMO
Because they are not shot on film
wasn't it 70mm
No, Phantom Thread was shot entirely on 35mm.
Some portions of The Master were shot on 65mm.
hope you enjoy being wrong.
despite your bait, film looks better due to a higher dynamic range, almost infinite resolution and superior reproduction of colour.
But nothing there proves me wrong. The movie was shot entirely on 35mm film.
nigga are you confusing lens focal length with film size, lmao
my bad.
but the movie, as well as The Master was shown in 70mm in theaters, so I'm a bit confused.
Phantom Thread had 35mm to 70mm blow-up prints done.
yep, PTA surrounded by yes men who told him he can do anything.
It's not uncommon to project films on 70mm even if they were shot on 35mm. There's less generational image quality loss when you make larger prints, regardless of the film negative's format.
Because 99% of directors aren't as good as PTA. Same is true for why all Marvel movies look like crap. Kevin Feige enforces a cinematography and color grading style that legit looks horrid but looks good to his shitty taste
Movies look awful nowadays
Kill yourself my man
>Garbage for women
I wouldn't go that far, or even say it's for just women. But the target demographic for this movie is definitely older upper middle class types. I don't know what 20 somethings are supposed to get out of this, other than to be transported to another time and just enjoy it for how pretty it is but the metaphor about what a relationship is, the relationship itself, what is a 4channer going to extrapolate from that? Nothing.

Not even his autism and perfectionism is relatable because he's an aristocratic dick.
Embarrassing post
So in your mind, different demographics for art just doesn't exist? every movie is for everybody?
Its cheaper to skip post
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For me it's The Master, one of the few movies besides The Love Witch that perfectly recreates that vintage photographic tone with hard lighting
Now this is a film for men
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I'm gay btw
Greatest fight scene ever in movie history
The Master looks so unbelievably good.
at least I don't see niggers in it, at least in the screenshots posted.
the sound design is so good here, that sound when he grabs him by the throat and slaps him, sounds so fucking good.
I love The Master a lot, and those first 20 minutes are perfect, it's does so much with so little, there's no clumsy exposition, or war montage or heavy handed PTSD scenes, just him being slightly off.
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>me at work suddenly getting the drinking shits from the night before and having to immediately stand still pretending to be thinking hard or concentrating while really I'm using all my body's muscles to lock my sphincter against the explosive release of hot diarrhea with acidity to rival xenomorph blood
That's incredibly specific but I know exactly what you mean
Based fellow pigfuck
The movie was spammed on here by the shills when it was new.
I pirated it, because I never give enemies money.
What a boring and stupid movie.
There is no plot since nothing really happens.
Guaranteed you will be checking your phone within 5 minutes of this turd starting.
Horrible acting too. It ranges from annoyed, to annoying, to faggoty. That's all you will see from the characters
Also it's a dumb chick movie about muh dresses and muh relationship.
Do yourself a favour and watch a movie about killing orcs instead
And good set design + makeup something cinematography spergs sadly forget
Thanks fren. Notice the shills can't say what is good about the movie. They just post pics.
Lol, maybe it would make a good silent film
Too bad they are really lacking a script. Seriously, nothing happens the entire movie. No beginning, middle or end.
Lack of good lighting and colour grading. Most consumers don't care so they just shit out whatever.
kill yourself retard
I fucking loved the photography scenes. You could tell they must've run a lot of tests to nail those, and it paid off tenfold.
Everything seemed to come together in a preternaturally perfect way for that film, from the writing, to the technical aspects, to Greenwood's score, and of course Phoenix and Hoffman delivering some of the best performances every put to film.
I remember when this movie was in production I read that PTA wouldn't be working with his longtime DP Robert Elswit and had hired some literal who Romanian guy. Turns out the movie looked absolutely stunning and there was an article where PTA talked about personally going into the film lab to oversee the color timing which made me think how much of the cinematography was PTA himself. Then Inherent Vice had Elswit back and it looked pretty decent but Phantom Thread looked even better and PTA publicly said that there was no official cinematographer on that movie but just him and his cameraman.
Made me realize that PTA is a damn fucking good cinematographer himself.
But it's still a boring movie where nothing ever happens.
Your celeb gushing over "production help" doesn't change the fact it's a shitty movie
For art? Of course not. Those exist for media and products. It's one thing if you simply didn't like the film, but to think that you must necessarily relate to something in order to get something out of it is a child's mindset.
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Oh if you already have an opinion about the movie, then why post it, PLEB FUCK?
Based auteur mentality. Can't wait for his next flick.
>$150 million dollar budget PTA flick with Leo
If it were old school /tv/ we'd be having daily threads about it, discussing and wondering what kind of wacky Pynchon world PTA is spending all that money on
He's right, Phantom Thread is a trash 'not like other girls' fantasy for women
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Everyday I mourn old /tv/.
Can't you read. I already said it's a boring piece of shit where nothing happens.
Or do you disagree?
Please regal us the big events of this epic of storytelling
We wait with baited breath at all the exciting things the film holds
I don't even think the film works as a chick flick.
There aren't handsome men in the pic. Women want to choose between chads. And there is no race to the airport scene. Chick flicks always have a race to the airport or the romance is lost forever
How very subtle anon.
You're acting like a brat for no reason. Do you want me to get the mushrooms out?
like a meme you mean?
but they do
i loathe the 2010s i do
Why did PTA fuck Bauman out of a cinematography credit?
not every movie has to be some large scale adventure epic
12 Angry Men and My Dinner With Andre are just people talking for 90 minutes and they're some of the best movies ever made
3 anons that "liked" the film can't refute that nothing happens the whole movie.
Here's a better idea.
Go to a restaurant with a boomer patio. Buy a cheap drink and just watch the world go by on the patio. Boomers so it all the time
Then you will have 2 hours of nothing happening...
But now with infinite resolution, natural lighting, and etc. What a triumph of the cinematic arts
Sorry Mr. Navy SEAL man, not everyone lives a life of over 300 confirmed kills
I'm starting to suspect you are THE phantom thread! Wow what's it like being a film?
unwatchable garbage.
Based. Don't let shills sucker more people into watching the good time killer
If you like movies with no story or events;
Why not just look at photos or painting. You can still gush over the composition, contrast and framing.
And the rest of us aren't left wondering why this movie exists. Who greenlit a movie where nothing happens? What actors were dying to portray the dullest moments of life in a boring normie fashion
>Why not just look at photos or painting.
Because I know it will make you seethe
truly embarrassing post
ahhhh wheres the fight scene with the boomb boom aaaahhh
>Movie critic just for trolling
Is that you Roger Ebert?
It was a good post. It could only be improved by saying the movie is garbage for Karen's.
The film has an aura of wanting to talk to the manager
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>digital with filters to fake the film look
this never works
Yes. A story needs events in the plot which causes further events or changes in the characters.
Seinfeld jokingly refers to itself as a show about nothing. But they still have events and a story which occur.
The boring clothes couple movie has no events, no story and no character arc
And the shills got exhausted trying to carry this garbage
Total shill defeat
No shills left standing. I am triumphant
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the man is a kino machine.

licorice pizza looked great, too

I wouldn't expect a basement dwelling incel to relate to PTA movies since they are about human connections.
>Nothing happens
>We'll look at that nothing on the screen
>If you were a snob, you'd ignore the nothing and praise it
Lol. You buzzwords don't exist. Nothing happens in the movie, therefore it is a boring movie fit for the lamest dullard
That guy looks like a boomer faggot. Do you pretend to like that sack of soi and passive aggressive behaviour
Did we just witness the last shill starring Tom hanks
Phantom Thread was shot entirely on 35 mm (Kodak Vision3 200T 5213, Vision3 500T 5219). PTA says himself in the video you posted that those tests were shot a week before principal photography began.
I saw that on 70mm at a local indie cinema. It lookwd gorgeous... even if most of the people were ugly individuals.
But it was boring and nothing happened.
Even the best paid shill can't claim anything interesting happens in the 2 hour movie. The editors should have cut the entire movie. Just title card, then credits. Snobs would still call it a great movie
I think a lot of people lost interest when they found out PTA was a nepo-baby.
I hope he makes a really good movie again. He peaked with The Master and even he admits it himself. He really needs a comeback masterpiece to solidify himself as a top 5 all time great. At least his movies always have top tier visuals.
Can't believe they pulled that shit with The Holdovers, which even had a $13 million production budget.
I immediately knew I wasn’t going to watch that movie when I saw the 70s title card with the copyright text in the trailer. At least Tarantino knows he’s being kitschy when he does shit like this
>He really needs a comeback masterpiece

Will it have a story or will it be another snoozefest
start doing this
captcha: smsshh
>Do yourself a favour and watch a movie about killing orcs instead
Is there anything more annoying than blockbustertards? Insufferable.
Just nostalgia, briefly animating a 2D aesthetics? Douglas Sirk made a world of the upper-middle class life in catalogs, and revealed it to be a nightmare of irrepressible emotions.
Cranky old faggot gets a mommy dom fetish from a mid girl. Also set in a 50s beauty parlor for some reason
Even less happens than that. This isn't his first girl. So all the same boring nothingness happened before
>Is there anything more annoying than a movie where nothing happens

Sure there is. The clown cult defending such a boring waste of time are more annoying
Few care in the industry and the audience. Why scenes aren't blocked well anymore too. Excessive focus on headshots.
Masterpiece from a director who has like 3 or 4 other masterpieces. Just so unfair how far ahead PTA is from everyone else.
funny thing is that PTA had a feud with his normal cinematographer during this movie and he quit. PTA was rumored to have shot most of the movie himself and the guy who quit shit all over how the movie looked afterward. PTA denies that it was all just him though
if i had to sit with you and hear you say this shit i would beat the fuck out of you for being such a hoople head retard

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