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All the Days movies look like that
Its not the 2000s anymore gramps. Phone cameras have been good for awhile now.
it's probably going to suck, not because of this, but just because it's a sequel done over a decade later. That said, I'm kinda looking forward to it.
Please find where I criticised the decision.
If this means good shots of empty london and kino like the first movie then I'm in baby, Im freaking in there

Although you would think if this was 28 years later everything would look destroyed and they cant do that so...

Im guessing they contain it for 28 years and then it gets released again (kinda snore)
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>15 min prologue of how it spread globally after the events of the last movie
>everyone dies
>world is empty
what is this movie going to be about lol?
>inb4 the road kino
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It's set in North East England and part of the Lake District. I think some scenes where shot in Newcastle.
I was at Cheddar Gorge in late July and they were filming there
>28 years later
how do you not make that scenario into an incredibly bad movie?
whys his cock out m8

soft reboot like romulus
its probably going to be some bullshit about accepting the zombies for who they are and not demonizing them
Interesting. I hadn't seen anyone mention part of the film being shot there.
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Sooo... does it look good?
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how do you determine bigness?
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>fake cocks out
>no boobs out
Yeah this movie is going to suck ass.
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Yeah thanks Boyle. We all know how great it feels to watch 28 Days Later now. I'm sure continuing this meme won't feel the same.
might as well be saying "THIS MOVIE IS GOING TO BE TOTAL DOGSHIT" with a big red blinking neon sign

lmao like seriously am i supposed to be impressed? what does this even mean? okay??
one of the kinoest kinos in all of kino
Anthony Dod Mantle is a great dp and he's worked with Boyle for years. Their stuff has always looked great.
I heard the awful picture quality was an artistic decision to make the movie feel like a fever dream but it was a really retarded decision.
relax sperg you're just supposed to think "oh how peculiar"
Good intro but why did you post it twice except on two different videos and delete one of the posts?
I talked about it on here when it happened, but I think it was supposed to be kept secret.
I don't know.
i wonder if they used the filmic app like soderbergh did or if apple finally brought their video app up-to-speed
is this supposed to entice me?
>Can't just hire a couple extras to run around naked
kek what the fuck
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once again they should have made it a trilogy
28 hours later the prequel- london/villages falling
28 months later the sequel to weeks the fall of paris/europe as seen in the ending of 28 weeks later
28 years later the last movie
The zombies have returned balance to nature and an evil industrialist Musk type is trying to rebuild le civilization bad.
i'm pretty sure, big movies shot with an iphone usually have very expensive rigs, and they still use boom mics and the usual film stuff, like lighting, so it ends up being a pointless gimmick to advertise the movie, 28 Years Later is produced by Columbia Pictures so there is no need to shoot it with an iphone, in fact, it would be easier and better to just use a fucking camera if you're gonna shoot it digitally
Have you even seen 28 Days Later? This means that just like that movie 22 years ago, they're shooting on a consumer-grade digital camera. The difference here being this time it might possibly not look like absolute butt.
28 days later had some amazing shots of london being literally empty. it felt dead. it was surreal.
its a travesty that this footage only exists in what literally looks like 360p
i hated it
it most likely is 360p if not even less. how young are you???

its a shit movie nontheless, even if it were shot on film
Makes sense. The first film had a lot of hype for being one of the first "real" features shot on a pro-sumer camcorder. Also one of the first where the look worked and didn't make you want to automatically turn it off 30 seconds in.
wtf did they all dead?
The justification at the time was that they needed to use camcorders to be able to set up and shoot quickly in London.
What contrivance are they going to invent to justify how the rage virus was able to persist after 28 years? It was firmly established in the first one that they're still living people and will burn out after about a month. The sequel had to justify itself by having an asymptomatic carrier starting the whole thing over again. Last thing we saw was the infected emerging from that tunnel that runs under the English channel into France, meaning it spread onto mainland Europe. Would have been a fine jumping off point for a 28 Months Later movie, two and a half years would have been a reasonable timeframe for outbreaks to flare up and burn out all over the world until humanity is reduced to isolated pockets. But they waited too long to continue this series.
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Oh n-
Anyone to attest what Westminster Bridge was like back then? It's tourism central now, I don't know if it was less extreme back then. I remember some family friend with roots in Oxford talking about how sleepy it used to be in the 90's vs. now where it feels very busy despite its size and there are tourism/school field trip groups everywhere
>it’s been 28 years since my soldiers have had sex, we need your women

Will they?
What was he going to say?
Movies are dead
You're cynicism is played out
It's not 360p, it's the DV tape of the era. The camera could do up to 1080p with a Sony consumer camera at the time. The DV tape gives it that unique digital grain look.
So its a big iPhone ad
yeah, that clinchs it.
it will probably look more hd than the film or dv cams they used for the original, but it won't have any soul.
>posting paul dano's cock on a blue board
>The justification at the time
it was a marketing meme, nothing more
> 28 years later not 28 months later

Why though
the fuck is that question
i watched the movie when it came out, on a burned dvd
there's no difference because everything digital uses the same filters
no matter if it's a red camera or iphone
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He’s aged well but he hasn’t aged that well. They simply waited too long.
only for photos, the videos are still immediately recognizable as a phone camera.
He's gonna die in the prologue, it then cuts to black with the "28 years later..." title screen.
They've shot scenes of him at the cabin where the first film ended which must mean the military didn't pick him up and the three of them just stayed there.
Yeah, it’s hard to imagine him doing much in it. Feels like his involvement is a favour to Boyle really because he doesn’t need to be doing this
>it's probably going to suck, not because of this, but just because it's a sequel done over a decade later. That said, I'm kinda looking forward to it.
What could it even be about?
how can there even be infected left after 28 years
its gonna be about another settlement or whatever and another breakout
so just Crossed but more faggy
First film was one of the first full digital films-- Terrifier but with a bigger budget to start, if we're talking box office net. It sounds like maybe they're going back to the found footage cachet of the first, how that translates is up in the air. Making it retrofuturistic assbackwards with current year tech people are keeping together with shoestrings might be Mad Max sort of cool. Can't wait for the Fallout Vault with another military guy running cover for his men trying to get their rape on, lmao.
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But why?
Please find where he stated that you criticised the decision. You both inferred meaning from context.
>Wait for the weekly terror attack
>Drive up and film Big Ben with a hole in it or whatever
It's that easy
Because I want to see what happens after 28 Weeks Later. They're literally making this movie for me.
This is because one of the main characters is a vtuber and the iPhone was necessary for Live2d head tracking.
That explains the random thread about zombies before.
NTA but the deleted video is blocked from being played in other websites
>its going to be a trilogy
>28 centuries later
>zombies on the moon
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I thought my copy was just low quality.
its 480p actually aka SD. its a two edged blade, its atmospheric as hell but a lot more than necessary gets lost sometimes
Imagine the musk of her unwashed VAGINA
>johnson is the lead
I'll be skipping it I guess, not only he creeps me out but he can't act.
28 tampons later.
>Yeah this movie is going to suck ass

All globohomo sucks. Because orcs and hook noses suck
Fast zombies are retarded. Everyone is dead zero chance end of movie.
kek I can see his willy
What an ugly ass hook nose
End of the second one, the infection spreads to Europe. I imagine we are in for a small scope, quiet and regrettably forgettable send off for one of my fav franchises.
Shit that was supposed to be spoiler. Oops
>itll be more 28 days than 28 weeks
>28 years later
>not 28 hour later: the outbreak
They had one job

Great... we moved from ads before the movie plays in the cinema, into product placement ads in the movie, to ads before the movie is even completed.
I hate it.
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>produced by sony
>shot on iphone
>starring xilan xurphy
The entire bridge is covered by Muslims praying now.
Nigger we on part 3 now
I really like that image anon can I save it in my computer?
It's better than the retarded decision to film 28 Days Later on a consumer grade DV camcorder at 512x492. Fantastic movie absolutely ruined by early digital technology.

Still a dumb decision though. Never fuck with gimmicky bullshit when shooting digital. It's going to look like shit.
>it feels just like someone filming on their phone irl!
Is cillian murphy in it?
28 months was dogshit, so yeah
Years Later is split into 2 movies.
>filmed in 15 iphone pro max
>with $100k camera lens adapted
>using all available professional film-making gears

You just know it's gonna be shit when one of their main selling point is a "Shot on iPhone" gimmick
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But they're not zombies, they're just infected with a rage virus that makes them chimp out on an 11/10 scale all the time! So after a few weeks they die off.

How could this possibly still not be contained and eradicated 28 years later?
>scene with scientist dude
>"Somehow, the virus has returned"
That's all they need. A new leak, maybe the virus evolved or if they want to get political, it's all because of anti-vaxxers. Who cares, writing a (not)zombie movie is not too hard
same way as it happened in the 2nd movie. someone still carried the virus, could be animals too like rats.
Seems a bit contrived that this story just happened to take place 28 years after the outbreak
>, they're just infected with a rage virus that makes them chimp out on an 11/10 scale all the time!
That's what a zombie is.
The current state of London is much worse than 28 years of nature retaking it would be.
Once the us falls so does globalism.
Europe invented Globohomo.
Some viruses can live for hundreds of years in the bodies of dead people and animals
IRL a zombie would not live very long, they take horrible care of themselves and have extremely limiting diets
Golems keep saying this but all evidence points towards the israeli puppet state known as the united states of america.
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That's not how a zombie works.
Thankfully the us will be minority white by 2035 and the societal decay we have been witnessing for the last 20 years will speed up greatly.
no vaccine and people not following social distancing
This is going to be another Cambodian Genocide denial piece, isn't it
I don't think camera quality dictates if a movie is good or not. Also those phones have some pretty great cameras no?
Any chance of this being good just evaporated into thin air. Good going.
You realize there are animals running around with rabies right now?
so you didnt like the first one either then?
Iphones have incredible cameras. If he wanted to replicate the look of the original film, he might have as well have used the latest Android model.
>Cheddar Gorge
Sounds delicious.
Anthony Dod Mantle is a great DoP. He can make MiniDV tape look like cinema. Just watch The Celebration.
he also shot some parts of the first one with some crappy phone which is why you can buy it on BD or 4K or whatever but it will never look better than a yify rip
That looks good for blown-up MiniDV tape though? What's the problem?

>it was a really retarded decision
It was genius because it allowed the filmmakers to make the streets of London look deserted thanks to how quickly they could shoot AND it has a grungy look that is perfect for a zombie movie. But I guess you know better than Anthony Dod Mantle?
Looks good to me. Problem?
>"If I had shot those on a big negative, it would have looked absolutely stunning," Dod Mantle reflects. "It was extraordinary to see those city streets deserted. I knew how beautiful those could have been, but we made an artistic decision and I stood by it."
She is so beautiful
Loved the movies back when. But recently rewached 28 weeks and holy shit, the shaky cam is annoying as fuck. Its not creating a feeling of suspense, action or urgency, I just don't know wtf is happening. I suppose they use one because you can randomly shake it around even more than an actual cam
I don't understand how they could have such big budget constraints when you have the guy who directed movies like The Beach and Trainspotting before. Why would film studies give the minimum amount of money to make 28 days later to such an accomplished director.

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