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What does /tv/ think of this film? Personally I’m a big fan.
why are catholics so afraid of goats?
>and this is what the devil does
Have you ever seen a goat in real life? They're pretty fucked up.
Cuz satyrs/fauns were turned into the image of the devil
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I counter your kino Alucarda music video with another equally kino Alucarda music video:
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I made that thread LOL
Did you know Jewish people have the lowest rate of alcoholism of anyone in the world? American Indians have the highest. They can't hold their firewater.
>American Indians have the highest.
Somehow I already knew this.
What would be the calvinist or lutheran equivalent?
No idea, I’ll have to ask my dad.
I wish this one gets a bray release also Poison For Fairies.
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I was just thinking this earlier when I saw the last release was on DVD back in 2002. It’s criminal Alucarda hasn't somehow gotten an HD transfer yet because it deserves one.
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I like it very much. The guy's other horror movie (Mansion of Madness) is pretty good too
It comes from the greeks and iberian/italian customs. The mediterranean is arid and home to pastoral people. When the local customs clashed with christianity, the local customs became the propane.
Based, thanks for the rec. I’ll have to check Mansion of Madness out during October.
They look scary and have fucked up eyes
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How is this even related to the thread?
what the hell
>man's best friend
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Goats scream like people and it is unsettling. And I don't know why but black goats in particular look evil. Not Catholic though.
Imagine seeing that slowly walk toward you at night lol
Heh, how do you do fellow /an/poster
My friend, I post on a half-dozen different boards but I’ve never visited /an/.
>our lord and master
They look like the devil and growing up in a catholic family it’s ingrained that it exists so seeing that imagery triggers something in our subconscious
I don't get what was Catholic church's problem with this movie. Actually it's very conservative and pro-Christianity
Alucarda's brides are Tulsa and Lana
based op >>>/mu/123658838
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for me, it's the goat tower
wowie beautiful angel sarah gadon is so cool

t. has a pet goat
>What would be the calvinist or lutheran equivalent?
A Catholic. Or any christian, really.
never ceases to amaze me that the average bible-belter will flee in terror from broken halloween toys, barn animals with funny eyes, and cartoonishly violent video games but bleary drooling niggers holding their cock in one hand and a "foty fah pissul" sideways in the other is totally cool and needs the whole "FLOCK" to get together and donate to le'rapems junior's prison bail fund. next to kikes christians are the biggest advocates for rapefugees - bringing them over, housing them clothing them, feeding them giving them free shit. fucking faggot boomer "judeo-christians" fucking love that white savior "im like jesus himself" shit
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Man you’re literally in every fucking thread on this board, aren’t you? Even I’m not this bad.
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Wish I could say the same about you.
looks cool, tell me more, whats the best scenes and so on
That's just a guy in a suit.
the one where alucarda gets naked
what did they mean by this?
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>whats the best scenes
If you like this video, then it’s likely you’ll enjoy the movie. It’s essentially Alucarda condensed into two minutes in a spectacular fashion:
Her mother is Lucy Westenra, a character from the Dracula novel. The other girl (Justine) also becomes a vampire halfway through
do they show their pussy in this movie?
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Yeah, a lot of people do.
Why no Blu-ray?
I have no idea but this film definitely needs an HD release. I can’t believe it hasn’t gotten one yet.
isn't it because goats were often used as sacrifices to pagan gods? also baphomet has a goat's head so there's that
You’re correct. Goats were also significant figures in Norse and Greek mythology.
Not true, I come from a catholic background and here goats are traditionally one of the most beloved household animals.
christians are afraid of goats. Muslims fuck goats
Mondo Macabro seems to own the rights in the US and they planned on releasing it on BD 2015, but nothing came out.
MM have been struggling with cash for a long time now, they don't even bother maintaining their website anymore, do everything through bigcartel
I didn't know about the planned 2015 Blu-Ray release. It’s a real shame they cancelled it, I bet it’d sell out pretty quick on a limited run. Maybe a distributor in Mexico or somewhere else can release Alucarda in HD since there’s clearly issues here in the US.
Might also be a workload issue, I might be wrong but I think the whole company is just two guys. Would explain why it takes them forever to get releases out
Or a British distributor like Arrow or 88 Films.
Why does that company release so many satanic films?
Why does it bother you? They clearly like the trope.
Pretty sure MM is British themselves
It was a popular subject during the era they usually release films from, thanks to The Omen and The Exorcist being huge hits
They're US.
>Mondo Macabro was initially based in the United Kingdom, before Starke suggested basing it in the United States.[3]
We're both right. I knew the show was British but never knew they moved to the US
>Why does it bother you?
The company is likely anti-Christian
Well then don't buy their shit, churchie
Good. Faggot christcucks get the rope.
Where does the trope of having Dracula's name in reverse come from? Is it from the original Dracula (the book)?
I just looked it up and found this:
>"The negative was sent back to the lab in Mexico, who either lost it or outright destroyed it. We're not sure which."
>"Their DVD used the negative as a source. They've shown no intention of using the master for a blu-ray"
If they can use the master, why not just do it assuming it’s not an upscale?
Choke on Jesus' dick.
>*tips fedora*
Go back, retards
Well that sucks
Nobody wants an AI upscaled version man, I understand why they haven't moved forward now. Too bad. If they can find a good theatrical print they could probably do something better than the dvd with it.
>why not just do it assuming it’s not an upscale?
Sorry, reading comprehension. An upscale would be the only option. The master for the DVD is from the negative, but it's just 480 resolution. They'd need the negative again to do a new scan for a Blu-ray master. Master doesn't mean they struck a new print, it means the digital file they made for the dvd
>If they can find a good theatrical print they could probably do something better.
That’s what I was thinking too. If someone got their hands on a decent print from its theatrical run there’d be no issues getting a high-quality scan. Unfortunately, Alucarda is relatively obscure and it’s almost 50 years old at this point so it’s looking less likely the longer it takes… I just really wanna see this classic film in higher quality than DVD. To be honest I can’t believe the negative was lost/destroyed.
Fucking skinwalkers man
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>2016 election tourist chistcuck newfag
>crying about le anti christian film publishers
>telling anyone to go back
norm macdonald would have absolutely hated you and everything you stand for
Go back, Atheist faggot

one of the guys at mondo macabro has this as his sig on the b-r forum -

"Also, we can't do an ALUCARDA blu because the negative is missing and thus far we haven't been able to source an alternate film element to create an HD master. "
Goat eyes and their human-like screams are rather unsettling. Like why the FUCK do they have the scariest eyes in the animal kingdom?
>kabbalist avatar leading a chicken to its own ritual sacrifice
Nothing to see here folks
The are afraid of Pan's GOATED dick.
Loved it. Try Baba Yaga (1973) and Lemora: A Child's Tale of the Supernatural (also 1973).
Atheists deserve to be made fun of just on general principles, but I do agree with anon on telling anyone to go back. It's just cringe.
>inb4 go back
You have to Go Forward
Sideways then zig zag to the window.
>mfw Justine starts wailing in pain while Alucarda licks her blood, tears rolling down her own face as Justine becomes possessed
The first 20 minutes are so cute. Why did Alucarda have to treat her so bad, bros?
Doesn't matter. Stay away from dark-haired womens with big, brown eyes.
my grandpa has goats and they're derpy and cute animals, they don't deserve to be associated with satan
You sound like a lower class highschool student in the 90s.
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>they don't deserve
They're livestock. That happen to have freaky eyes, human screams, and the occasional preference for upright walking
>in addition to being able to digest most anything
Fuckers were doomed to negative symbolism from the start.
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>Stay away from dark-haired womens with big, brown eyes.
I don’t think that’s even possible.
Dark-haired women with brown eyes are indeed dangerous. Duplicitous and capable of extravagant lies.
Nice, just saw this post. Thanks for the recs anon.
I'm a catholic and I like goats. They're very nice animals. Intelligent but not smart in a "I'M A GENIUS, OH NO" kind of a way.

Calvinists on the other hand? Deftly afraid of goats. Then again Calvinists are the scum of the Earth. Especially the Dutch.
This thread’s been up only a fraction of the time yet it already has twice as many replies lol
He's living deliciously.
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Max pain.
Some proto-redditor started to use Pan as Satan and it stick.
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I asked my dad why Catholics hate goats (he grew up Catholic). Not really sure what he meant by that lmao
I'm not Catholic but they're ugly as sin and have a few unsettling 'quirks'
I told you why. I don't care about your hot take.
I posted that screenshot and honestly, I went to Catholic elementary school despite never being one. Most Catholics I know are antagonistic and they’ve openly admitted they believe every other denomination is going to hell.
Oh wait, you’re not describing Catholics when you say “they’re ugly as sin and have a few unsettling 'quirks'”, you were talking about goats.
Lol, yeah I was referring to goats. I judge people based on their actions/interactions. Only Christians I don't like are the "progressive" ones that are Ok with the gay/kabbalist filth etc
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>Ok with the gay/kabbalist filth etc
Like what exactly? Lesbianism?
>Ok with the gay/kabbalist filth
Like ritualistic male genital mutilation?
Nail meet Head
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I’m rewatching the music video yet again haha isn’t that crazy?
Based bumper. I honestly can’t believe an Alucarda thread has over a hundred replies, I guess cuz it’s almost October. I’m glad I made it since I never see this film discussed on /tv/ and it’s incredibly underrated, sexy, and even bittersweet at the end.
Back again already?
Goats fight back. Sheep obediently let themselves be killed.
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seen both, Lemora is cool
nowhere near Alucarda, but still
Alucarda is my go-to Halloween movie, watch it and WNUF every year
loves goatse*
What are your thoughts on the film itself? Someone posted this in the thread on /mu/:
>Fucking alucarda never loved justine and justine never had any say in the matter. Alucarda fucking used witchcraft to make her into her thrall and immediately forgot about her the second she met the blind kid.
Blind bitch pussy just its different anon...
>a dracula
Fucking retarded turned it off the second the title came up
Poison for the Fairies and Don't Deliver Us From Evil are also good and similar. But neither is supernatural
There was no reason for her to just ditch Justine like that though. I get it’s a horror but that shit still rubbed me the wrong way. Clearly I’m way too invested in this flick
A mixture of ritual sacrifices, pagan syncretism, 20th century occult retards and the unfortunate pentacle shape of a goat's head lending itself to iconography. Superstitions don't just fall out of the sky
He cute
woah its Frankenstein backwards.....
Let them in
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Wacky as fuck.
Modern historians have taken the view that black mass and devil worship didnt actually happen and was a smokescreen by the church, fictional gossip or a way to discredit people. From the testimonies I am actually inclined to believe that it did happen. I mean look at those movements to do with the enlightenment. People used imagery and concepts for their own gratification and whats a better way to show your hatred for the church?
I liked the scene where the priestess lady prayed a lighting to hit one of the satanists
Sarah Gadon loves goats.
All the occultist societies "uncovered" on the XVIII century were invented the same year.
I always avoid movies like this as a Catholic. Anything involving nuns or desecrated crosses i cant watch without immense guilt. If there is a sex scene and the girl is wearing a cross necklace in a movie i am instantly turned off.
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Third time’s a charm I guess? lol
Many people post Sarah Gadon
I understand this. I was raised catholic, now atheist. But I'm not anti-theist. My wife is catholic, so are our kids. I just grew up and no longer have faith.
I’m not even religious but can you tell me what denomination Gadon belongs to? Impress me
Quick, to Wikipedia
Sarah Gadon does not ever divulge any informal about her religion or politics. She is a very private person in general.
Question: why are you obsesed with her? I'm really curious about that. Someday you were a "normal" guy, then something happened (what was it?) And from that moment onwards you post about her all day.
For one many people post about Sarah Gadon here. /tv/ is a Gadon board after all.

And how could anyone not obsess over her? She is the most remarkably captivating beauty in the world and most talented actress.
Dont like her, but dont despise her either. The other waifu-anons are not that bad: Milla, Natasha.
I’m curious what made him post in my thread. “Oh Sarah posed with a goat in a picture, that’s relevant enough to post three separate times after I’ve been banned”
He posts in all the threads.
Sarah Gadon is relevant in all threads.
I’ve been aware for a while unfortunately.
That scene where blood got all over the priestess’ face and one of the cultists is struck down during the orgy? Good shit.
Alucarda was shot in English. Also I’m white lol
Norm was a devout Christian.
He was?
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I know this is probably a schizo thread but it's one of my favs.
this stunt guy deserves a medal for this scene.
Goats are one of the few animals that have beards like prople. Most monkeys don't even have them. That triggers subconscious reactions in us making us associate them more with people and project intentions and motivations onto them. Cold hard truth though us that goats are pretty dumb animals that will eat any garbage you put in front of them.
Paulie’s seen some wacky shit.
never heard of it and I'm convinced people like you seek out the most obscure movies no one else has ever heard of, or watched, and then convince yourself that they're good for "clout".

in summation, please sterilize yourself.
yeah nobody is falling for this anymore bro. give me a coherent non cope response to pic related
>never heard of it
stopped reading there
In reality old 'witches' (actual witches) were mostly medicine women with a more gnostic bent to their understanding of faith. Using prayer and faith to cast spells.

The devil worship and satanism as we know it started in 19th century England (Surprised?) where a bunch of bored rich fucks started making their little mystery cult LARPs. That's where you get the Church of Satan etc.

So yeah, Anglos are behind it again.
I’d say the same for you but it’d probably snap
pedolic priests are scarier than goats
>instant homosexual fantasies
You realise only americans do that, mutt?
Black mass was/ is real. Read la bas, a former french satanist wrote it. It’s all just homos wanting an excuse to have orgies with boys though.
this image completely buckbroke paganlarpers on here kek
OP is a faggot for promoting Satanist slop
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>it’s one of my favs.
Based. Not really a schizo thread but I wish someone wanted to discuss the actual film lol
I agree though, the fire stunts were fantastic during those scenes. Do you have any more webms?
seen both, like both
Not true but thanks for the bump.
>Not true
Did you even watch the slop you are shilling? It's degenerate Satanic garbage
I never said it wasn’t Satanic. You bet your ass it isn’t slop though. Alucarda is a cheesy, charming film and I’m a big fan.
I’m surprised this thread is still up.
It's mostly just shizos ranting back & forth at this point, so it's certainly on its last leg.
>that’s relevant enough to post three separate times after I’ve been banned
Here’s a MEGA link to Alucarda (uncut, good quality) if anyone is interested:
thanks anon
juan lopez moctezuma seemed pretty cool. i think he ran an ad agency for work so he didn't need the films for financial support. he pretty much had the freedom to make whatever tf he wanted. if you liked Alucarda check out his film Mary, Mary, Bloody Mary. it's a stylish female slasher, might be on Tubi. also just realized The Blackcoat's Daughter is a somewhat modern version of Alucarda. a slowburner like most Oz Perkins stuff but he always nails the atmosphere.
Is this movie really worth watching or is it just meme?
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I wouldn’t have made this thread and uploaded the film to mega if I didn’t think it was genuinely worth watching.
You mom is a meme.
You’re welcome. I’m rewatching the music video again for the hundredth time drunk as fuck https://youtu.be/5314Ekhu_nA
Based but he should still watch it.
They probably didn't even watch it
But should I watch it?
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Of course. Go ahead and watch it tonight then let us know what you think if the thread’s still up.
>if you liked Alucarda check out his film Mary, Mary, Bloody Mary. it's a stylish female slasher
Appreciate the rec, I just checked and it is indeed on Tubi.
this is the longest lasting /tv/ thread i've ever seen
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Sub 3000 threads
/tv/ is dying
it wasn't a stunt
>why are catholics so afraid of goats?

The Bible is full of parables about sheep being good and innocent, while goats are disobedient and evil
Prion disease, if you stick your dick in it you'll die
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No. Sarah Gadon isn't in it.
Reminds me of another thread I made lol
I love Sarah Gadon.
Four times now… you’re persistent, I’ll give you that Gadonfag.
Many people post about Sarah Gadon.
/tv/ is a Sarah Gadon board.
What goes on inside a goat tower?
They watch Sarah Gadon kinos.
Thanks, sharing is caring
Only you.
You’re welcome friend. Here’s to hoping it gets a Blu-Ray release one day.
>and this is what the devil does
Their head is a pentagram pointing down
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I prefer Mais ne nous délaverez pas du mal
goats are possibly the most based animal you can keep. They can live off eating roots and weeds on stony/desert land and give you milk, meat and hide in abundance relative to their compact size. Goat are the white man's animal.
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yeah I made 3 more because it was kino
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>48h thread on some mexican horror from the 70s that no one has seen
The removal of IP counts and its consequences have been a disaster to 4chan
thanks anon
I've seen it.
I don't think anyone is under the illusion that it isn't one anon bumping it though.
It certainly looks kino from that picture and nothing else
Built for BGC
Ngl I’ve bumped a few times but so have other anons. Imagine if it hits bump limit though lol no one ever talks about Alucarda on /tv/.
She’s so cute, thanks for making these. I only made one >>203696180
>48h thread on some mexican horror from the 70s that no one has seen
unironically based as fuck
I’ve never heard of this before but I just read a synopsis and it sounds great. Thanks for the rec
very cute.
it's hard to describe but it's the one 70s satanic horror that actually lives up to the fantasy of what an awesome 70s satanic horror would actually be when you look at still images.
Worst movie I've ever seen.
t. christcuck
Shit like this is funny because those comics showing satan fucking nuns are always made in catholic countries and its catholic guys who jerk off to it because why would any non catholic find that arousing? Same thing with interracial porn, its always white right wing guys beating off to that stuff
Just considering the amount of Asian porn involving nuns proves you retarded. I won't even start with the obvious projection and insecurities.

The japs were just copying what the catholics were already doing you spaz retard
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2016 has been a disaster for 4chan
Keyword: amount.

Thanks for proving my point, I guess.
I got bored and turned it off partway through
punishment for being a retard zoomer, since most of the cool stuff happens at the end
What does this have to do with Alucarda? I’ve been here since 2012 btw
Weak, you missed the scenes near the end where she goes full Carrie.
>tfw this is probably the most recognition alucarda has ever gotten on 4chan
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for me, it's the hair
I love that shot. I’ve seen it posted enough in /hor/ you’re probably the reason I finally watched this so props to you
/tv/ is a Sarah Gadon board
Yep, just in time for October too. Hopefully this thread got at least a few more people to check it out.
We are just here for Sarah Gadon.
lil goat niggas are so cute
Don't listen to these retards.
The Bible says that at the Last Judgement, Jesus will judge the sheep (the righteous) and the goats (sinners).
The goats are therefore seen as a symbol of disobedience and sin.

This mosaic (Sant’Apollinare Nuovo) shows the oldest pictorial representation of Satan that we know of. He is on the side of the goats.
Blue was the color of error and sin at that time and in that region.
The real black magick is keeping this thread alive.
If you like Alucarda, don't discount Valerie and her Week of Wonders. Bovidae included.
>lucky 7 dubs
And this is what the devil does…
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Alucarda is a great movie, there's a reason it was Mondo Macabro's very first release
And it's October in like a week
There's a lot of people who love this movie, faggot
>More blood, loud screaming and nudity than any horror film I can think of.
>Michael J Weldon, Psychotropic Video Guide
Will you fuck off and die you irrelevant shitfaggot
I hate this pasty bitch and I hope you get fucked in the eye sockets by indians
/tv/ is a Sarah Gadon board.
Correct. I love Sarah Gadon.
Many people love Sarah Gadon.
Valerie was just disgusting pedo shit.
>there's a reason it was Mondo Macabro's very first release
Based, I never knew it was their first-ever release.
Not really
Yes really.
Yes. We really love Sarah Gadon.
True. I heckin love Sarah Gadon!
That’s the fifth time now Gadonfag has come back and talked to himself ITT. Insanity
Many people post about Sarah Gadon here my friend
Also, I just wanna point out that 1977 was objectively the best year for cinema.
No. Sarah Gadon wasn't even born until 1987
are you blind. it's probably one of the most beautifully shot films ever.
>most beautifully shot films ever.
But I don't see Sarah Gadon in it?
What FF is this from?
Poison for the Fairies is on Blu-ray in a box set released by Vinegar Syndrome.
kind of mad they didn't go full UHD since they remastered it in 4K.
God shut the fuck up
But we love talking about Sarah Gadon
certified hood classic. takes me back.
I don't mind Sarah Gadon. she was good in Antiviral. that'd be a fine double feature with Alucarda.
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who did it best
Very nice.

Just ignore and report him, anon.
This movie just caused a hardcore melty in the horror general
Antiviral is absolutely kino of the highest order. Sarah Gadon is mesmerizing.
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Meme actress. Stop spamming this shit
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kek she was a good choice as "actress who drives people crazy with obsession" because I already knew the gadonfag from 4chinz
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100% worth it.
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Naturally. Sarah Gadon has that effect on people.
Stop giving him (You)s first
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Sarah Gadon is a genuinely beloved and acclaimed actress here on /tv/
little known fact - "Alucarda" is "A Dracula" backwards.
this is odd, given that it's not really about a dracula.
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Would you eat the Sarah Gadon stem cell meat /tv/?
My favorite Dracula movie that's actually about Dracula is the film Dracula Untold starring the Canadian actress Sarah Gadon as Dracula's wife.
But they're still funny when they're little.
god damn it
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For me it's the Sarah Gadon bacon bits
Imagine coming back to a thread FIVE times to try and derail it. Isn’t that just hilariously pathetic?
One of my favorite vampire kinos starring Sarah Gadon.
It has connections. Alucarda’s mother Lucy Westenra is a character from the Dracula novel and Justine also turns into a vampire halfway though following the blood ritual.
Sarah Gadon has been in 3 vampire films.
Yes. In a variety of roles too.
>In The Moth Diaries she was killed by a vampire
>In Dracula Untold she was Dracula's wife
>In Vampires vs The Bronx she was the head antagonist vampire
The director had great vision. I mean who wouldn't be obsessed with a goddess like Sarah Gadon.
>wowie beautiful angel sarah gadon is so cool
Well said Gadonbro.
this is the thread outro theme
features a quote from Alucarda at the start.
Gonna watch Antiviral tonight. Thanks for the suggestion lads
nice. If you like it, he also made a film called Possessor which is one of the better modern sci-fi horrors.
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Kino for the true connoisseur
Its ok. Brandon peaked in his first film though. Can't top Sarah Gadon.
What a cutie
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Killer fucking sample on that one, thanks for sharing anon. I really enjoyed this Alucarda thread – gonna reshare this addicting music video since I’m rewatching it yet again:
I don't see Sarah Gadon in that?
What do you get out of acting like this?
The best Cronenberg kinos all have Sarah Gadon
You know exactly what I’m talking about.
What? Posting Sarah Gadon?

/tv/ is a Gadon board silly. Everyone posts her.
It’s you 95% of the time.
Sarah Gadon thread on a Sarah Gadon board
Here’s a fun fact I meant to share earlier: Tina Romero (Alucarda) and Sissy Spacek (Carrie, whom Alucarda channeled while setting everyone on fire) starred in a film together called Missing (1982).
Did you know Sissy Spacek and Sarah Gadon both appear in the Stephen King show Castle Rock? They both had previously starred in other Stephen King adaptations; Carrie and 11.22.63 respectively.
True. Thank god I saw the JFK show years before I knew you existed.
11.22.63 is kino. The majority of the board fell in love with Sarah Gadon because of it.
She is angelic
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Agreed, an excellent film. It's based on the same story as Peter Jackson's Heavenly Creatures.
No she isn’t
excellent film, really is a testament to Jackson as a director that he could do splatter, puppets, epic fantasy and still make a beautifully human story
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Sarah Gadon is angelic.
I’ve never seen Heavenly Creatures before so thanks for the rec guys.
Heavenly Creatures star Melanie Lynskey also appeared in the Stephen King show Castle Rock, along with Sissy Spacek and Sarah Gadon mentioned here
Lynskey had previously acted in the Stephen King show Rose Red.
I love Sarah Gadon

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