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Now that the dust has settled, can we agree this was the best Star Wars film they made?
easily the worst of the prequels
Years later did you also begin to enjoy yoda fighting
watch the RLM reviews
Mike Stoklasa stomped this movie
buy an ad
chasing the bounty hunter in the city was so kino
the action was really good

don't care what fat loser eceleb says
Watch the prequels. The RLM reviews are for seething Gen Xers who are still mad about the Star Wars OT Special Editions.
You were sperm inside your dad's nutsack when RLM destroyed the prequels.
There was a time when it was the worst Star Wars movie.
This scene and the scene where they invade the starship on foot are my favorite ones.
the only good scene is obi chasing jango through the asteroid field
Acolyte is like this movie but with better acting.
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This "movie" looks like a fucking PS2 videogame. Just atrocious. I could get past terrible acting and retarded plot if it at least didn't look so bad. But all the bloom, blurry image quality, that PS2 tier CGI, poor compositing, wrong lighting and shadows, etc - it's just horrendous. Mummy 2 Scorpion King tier CG.
Sh-shut up, Unky George is a movie magic pioneer who used the prequels to drive forward important new technologies.
Fuck no are you high?
yeah and now we non stop marvel transformers capeshit trash
Disagree. The phantom menace barely functions as a coherent narrative. Even if you accept it as a movie aimed at small children, it’s just really poorly made.
>watch the RLM reviews
Why would I rewatch something made by a bunch of guys who are on record for having poor taste in entertainment?
You never read very much did you.
Watch the original Cloud City scenes. As in, the theatrical (GOUT/4K80) versions.
no and I rewatched all 6 recently
All 6 recent star wars movies are trash.
nah the prequels are pretty good
Anakin/Padme's subplot sucks.
I like the rest.
how so?
>trade federation blockading naboo
>jedi show up to broker peace
>instead of negotiating, TF tries to assassinate them
>jedi spend the rest of the movie investigating why
it's very straightforward stuff.
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Lol no. The prequels are shit and always will be. Redlettermedia was right about everything.
I don't watch shills, so no
not really
I remember watching this when it came out and realizing that although it’s not a bad film it essentially was the end of Star Wars. The force seemed cheapened by the fact that dozens/hundreds of people were using it, lightsabers everywhere. Acrobatics that were basically cartoonish. CGI all over the place everything felt weightless. None of the characters had charisma. Nothing particularly memorable about the soundtrack, a bizarre convoluted plot. Hayden Christian also is a great actor but he was horribly miscast as Anakin. They might as well have cast Justin beiber or something. It was just a massive wreck. The whole thing was like a nightmare fever dream of a Star Wars film. Now, that being said, I can appreciate it as its own thing like set in a bubble universe or maybe as an EU film or something, but these prequel films just don’t map to the OT. Not in any way. A real backstory to the OT would have cast a taller actor as Anakin, with a deeper voice and probably more masculine features. He would have been more heroic before turning to the dark side, far more space battles with him as a great pilot. More real sets. Yoda would be virtually the same, not flipping around like an asshole. The force would be more subdued with only a few Jedi even capable of tapping into the stuff Luke was doing, the rest mostly just having good intuition. It was a terrible idea to make the special editions and the prequels and everything that came after. Lucas should have just made similar films as a new space film entirely set in another universe
Why did you put rogue one so low?
The one thing they did right with the PT was that they toned down the number of black people in it.
they were bottom of the barrel trash
Only saving grace was good technology and Adam Driver
>chasing the bounty hunter in the city was so kino
>the action was really good
>don't care what fat loser eceleb says
And the clone army wiping out the droids, and Dooku in general, and Padme's tastefully skimpy clothing... why am I supposed to hate this movie again?
>They might as well have cast Justin beiber or something
He was 8 years old.....
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fpbp. contrarian retards need to get a grip, it's not good just because it's le noir. The diner scene is funny, but also the absolute most retarded lucasism in the prequels. Pic related are some of my favorite ships designs in the franchise thoughbeit
It fits well with the overall Star War time line.
>The force seemed cheapened by the fact that dozens/hundreds of people were using it, lightsabers everywhere
It is supposed to be the high time of the Jedi Order and Old republic. Whereas the Jedi in the OT were meant as a last remnant of almost extinct religion. Makes sense to me.
>CGI all over the place everything felt weightless.
I agree, CGI wasn't used well or the movie did feel "fake". But I like the concepts of Kamino, Coruscant and Genosis. Those are neat ideas, even if not very competently put to screen.
>horribly miscast as Anakin
I disagree. He was a good fit for the role. It makes sense that Vader's bigger than Anakin, because he's a cyborg. So it's not illogical that he'd be taller. Also the Clone Wars Series and the novelizations of the prequels did a phenomenal job fleshing out his character.
>Yoda would be virtually the same, not flipping around like an asshole.
I don't really understand why Yoda's fighting style is a bad thing. I think the "flipping around" fits his character, as he's smaller and has to rely more on acrobatics and speed than human-sized swordsmen.
My point was that he was too much of a pretty boy to play darth vader and he didn’t look anything like Luke either. But more than that his character just seemed written wrong, He was too whining, seemed too much like a bratty teen than a fallen hero. The only time when he seemed sort of right was in the beginning ten minutes of ROTS, piloting the ship, saving the storm troopers life, risking himself to save others, being head and shoulders above other Jedi. If they made that Anakin the Anakin of the clone wars, a heroic bro, I would have been much more impactful when he fell to the dark side. We would feel a sense of what could have been and what was lost. Instead it doesn’t really seem like a tragic twist it just seems more like he was always an asshole.
They should have cast his actual father to play him.
Shit tier b8

Also hilarious that it's completely the opposite of how it is. The prequels were mid AF but good compared to the utter dogshit of the sequels. At least the fucking prequels had a coherent narrative lmao
> It fits well with the overall Star War time line.
I completely disagree. The prequels don't match in filming style, set and character design, tone, everything really. They don't make sense watching them in sequence, it's disjointed in almost every way. I'm not saying they are bad films, not even bad sci-fi films. They just aren't good Star Wars films.
> Makes sense to me.
This is just circular reasoning and anything could make sense retroactively if George writes it as such. And just because you can do something doesn't really mean you should. The overuse of the force powers made the world seem cartoonish and it felt less real. In unbreakable the reason a lot of people liked that film was because it seemed like "wow, this is what superpowers might be like in real life" you could think...hmmm, now this is actually kind of believable. If they made a sequel with superman with laser eyes, it takes you from plausibly real to cartoon-land. I'm not sure zoomers and millenials get this.
> Kamino, Coruscant and Genosis. Those are neat ideas, even if not very competently put to screen.
Kamino was ok, but we barely saw any of it. Genosis I barely remember. It seemed like like a rock planet. And coruscant was OK but it seemed terrible to put the Jedi in there. Based on the OT and the way Yoda explained the force, one would thing the Jedi would live in nature or something like hippies.
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I like it, but I find it's better if you view it as an appetizer to the real main course.
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at least the aesthetics of this movie are the best of all
>It makes sense that Vader's bigger than Anakin, because he's a cyborg.
Again, just because something "makes sense" doesn't mean it should be done. Darth Vader just seems like a guy who put lifts in his shoes to be more intimidating. I don't really care about what plausibly makes sense, I care about what would have had a better flow. Hayden was neither menacing or heroic. He just seemed like some annoying brat.
> So it's not illogical that he'd be taller.
My argument isn't that it's logical or illogical. He could have been a midget in that suit with an enormous head. That could theoretically be logical. It's not really what I was hoping to see of the character.
> Also the Clone Wars Series and the novelizations of the prequels did a phenomenal job fleshing out his character.
I don't care about that, I never watched that garbage.
> I don't really understand why Yoda's fighting style is a bad thing.
This has been beaten to death. Yoda AS PRESENTED in the OT was a frail old jedi master that taught Jedi. He himself was not a fighter but a teacher. He was a master of the force as an energy not a knight. There is even a quote of Lucas himself saying UNAMBIGUOUSLY and this point blank in an article during the era of ESB and ROTJ when questioned about it. No, I'm not looking it up, it's out there. Why is this bad? Because, like I said, it's a misrepresentation of the character we were shown on screen from the OT.
> I think the "flipping around" fits his character, as he's smaller and has to rely more on acrobatics and speed than human-sized swordsmen.
That's TRUE. If he was a fighter that might make sense, and perhaps it could have been Yoda like 500 years earlier, but he is an old during this period, his lifespan is like 800 years and to him the difference between the PT and the OT in age should be like being 79 years old to 80 years old. Nobody wanted or expected this. Of course you could use any rationalization hamster to work around this.
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Watched this recently and hated it. It's like it was made when people didn't care about gender fluidity or respecting all types of people in society. It's just silly sci-fi and boring stale pale males. Not my kind of Star Wars at all.
You're putting zero thought into what you're saying and are too insecure to just admit you liked a goofy movie as a kid.
gotta agree yoda showing up and fighting was just a mic drop moment that lucas thought he needed
>Caravan of Courage
Certified kino. I loved that movie as a kid.
I enjoy the prequels but AotC feels like a filler episode between TPM and RotS. Those two had massive events take place that set the stage for the OT and put the characters in new places. Nothing really changed besides Clones being a thing and Anakin losing his arm I guess. The cartoons do a lot of heavy lifting to give the war more weight but they have their own flaws too
Most people don't realize this but in the 80's and 90's George Lucas was basically worshipped as god by a lot of people and everyone thought he was this film genius, he was like Wonka or something. I think, when he released TPM he thought it would be received similar to his previous films and his reputation would be pushed even further. I think he was shocked when he heard a lot of criticism about the film. That there were tons of people who absolutely hated JarJar and felt Anakin was annoying as hell and that the film was largely boring other than the duel at the end. I suspect that he just stopped caring at this point because he had a different vision for the series and instead just gave people whatever he thought they wanted and didn't really put in much effort. I think that's why it seems lazily put together and we got these cheap thrills like Yoda CGI sword fighting and a lot of dumb scenes like that. If you watch the interviews with him he seems like he doesn't really even give a fuck anymore and is just going with the flow, almost like he's working on someone else's project. I could be wrong but that's what I'm seeing in those clips.
>gave people whatever he thought they wanted and didn't really put in much effort.
This is one of the reasons movies are so bad and everything is the same. Not every movie will be liked by everyone.
>I don't care about that, I never watched that garbage.
It's not garbage, it's greatly written.
When it came out, I enjoyed Episode II considerably more than Episode I, and I still feel that way. Hayden obviously has his problems but he's a huge improvement over Little Annie. The Coruscant, clone planet, and Tatooine scenes are all decent. Then we get to Geonosis and the quality drops off a cliff. Everything I dislike in the film is contained in that third act with its vapid brown visuals and its harshly unfunny comedy - it can get very bad at times. But Phantom is bad all the way through and is therefore the worse film.
For all his faults, George Lucas had the creativity to design things kids could love. His creations had a magic spark that made you want to be a part of their world. Boba fett was cool, battle droids were cool, gunships were cool.
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It is not without its problems, but I appreciate it nonetheless.
Why doesn't this mention Mother Aniseya? She controlled life before Plagious or Palps.
Volume two should've been so much longer. But that saesee tiin boarding scene remains pure kino.
If George had managed to get Tartakovsky to stay at LucasFilm we would've gotten even more.
I think the rlm reviews are hilarious and I love the prequels. ama
why do people making bitchy and retarded posts like this what's the point? to prove they are bitchy fags?
>Mummy 2 Scorpion King
Better movies than anything made in the last decade faggot
It's funny that Lucas basically ended cinema with his green screen filmmaking.
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Nah it's the best one

I did, they're retarded

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