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TJ is live edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Aperture is a fat disgusting freak (to no ones surprise)

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist


>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203700585
yeah that’s a pretty good first post
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Are you ready for the blackpill that TJ actually cheated, albeit not in the conventional way, and blew his one and only chance of a perfect relationship with a girl who genuinely loved him? And most recent streams showcase him going on a steady decline towards alcoholism and cringe to cope with his loss?
He won it all, and still lost.
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>Anon, do you promise?
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The lovely JC
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shut up nigger tj is live
Hi Keegan
The Taylorseether is a loser!
>who genuinely loved him
come on now bruh.....come on now mayne......come on now fuck nigga
Sodaman looks way too much like a chick when he lets his hair down.
>TJ knows all the rules to Euchre
>TJ can't remember the names of the four suits of playing cards
This man is truly an enigma.
No he's awesome
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It was a bit!
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I don't think TJ is even aware of what Greg did
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why did you do this?
I cannot believe you did this
how could he possibly be
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Hmmmm you remind me of my bitch ex-wife Melinda baby girl
no shit
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>*murders every twitter tranny who got to stream the last week*
did you think he follows the threads?
mogs claire in every conceivable way
he's one of the 3 clairebears tbqh
who be this seemly knave?
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Greg said Pariah the Doll can stream on Fishtank
I'm not going to post the claire pacifier photo for tonight since you all get schizo when posted
TJ would believe every single Hi Mike
who is this and where can i watch her stream
cool joke....just kidding! it sucked
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QRD on why this adult can't tie his shoes?
Goodbye Mike
Bussy is back on the menu boys
he can leave chip alone you freaks hes better than fishtank
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If Fishtank has taught me anything, it's that you should only date women that are completely tech illiterate so they don't end up finding out and wanting to be on a show like this
Looks cute in more natural makeup
She is transgender friend of Peter Thiel she doesn't streab
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Thoughts on Charlotte?
xanax brain bisexual cum dumpster
She got assfucked by Sam in a hotel and he filmed it.
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barely any abi messages in tj's chat...
rebound bros.... its over.....
chip lowkey is one of my favorites
why do you have to say things like that
fishtank taught me that there's no good in humanity, however much we might want to believe it, or pretend to ourselves that we've sometimes seen it, or that it must be out there somewhere
Thiel's orders. Of course xhe can.
is there a way of joining tj’s card game
bliccy's bff
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BAP twitter's castrato
>Greg was Thiel the whole tine
TJ's webcam lagging?
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Didn't she fuck the fat Italian guy that likes power rangers from mega 64 too?
Her own father...
No. Well not for me atleast
just you
Steinful you retard
jesus christ are you faggots ever going to stop? 172 threads of WHAT? this thread reads like some schizo retard video game general for a gacha scam. just the same 5-10 faggots circle jerking over literally nothing. the odds of you all being fucking spics and pakis and just general, undesirable shitskin types in astronomically high. almost a guarantee. the irony truly is almost sickening - fawning daily over a show created by some jew grifter who literally hates your exact type of worm-brained, parasocial, gossipy faggot behavior. just fucking kill yourselves already
tj sucks chip did everything for him and he did nothing
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Red Hoodie Anon, was Betty wearing heals or are you a dwarf?
Marky is seriously a beauty
shit what the fuck is going on then? the card game feed doesnt seem to be lagging or stuttering, and neither does the audio
its been happening all day even though yesterday it was completely fine
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if we were the kind of general, undesirable, worm-brained, parasocial, gossipy faggots you accuse us of being, do you really believe we have the guts?
if you groped betty would she get mad?
The most poetic delaney image
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TJ is shit testing production
My beautiful shapeshifting Betty!
>fucks two fat ecelebs for clout
>over 20 years old
>takes no responsibility for her own actions and suggests abuse
Message recieved sir. Guess ill leave here and make something of my life. If i am successful i will remember this for setting me straight.
But i must ask, why are you here though?
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i hope so
Beegan AKA BlackShark
what did he do? i missed it
that's Q
the eyes match up
Yes, don't do that anon
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Zake could be balls deep in two drunk whores but he'd rather drink bud light until his balls shrivel up and yap about david lynch
Hi MIke
Couple of fuckin NERDS
i thought he's critter's boyfriend
ZAMN critter is packin all of dat?!?!?!
Is it my imagination or is Creature's ass rapidly degrading? That is not the same ass that was in those old OF pics. Is there an ass wall?
allegedly, I think creature mentioned a while back she wants them to get together
I wanna fuck this bitch so bad
filtered by cellulite
why was she more slutty on YouTube and twitch than the ftl site??
did we get socials?
Yes most women are lazy and dont work out so cellulite forms aka cottage cheese ass
it's a gay site
Nope I’m not that crazy lol
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She's 30, she's only got a couple years left in her. Probably jealous of Critter's youthful womb too.
It's not just that. The shape is way worse
She was using height magic, it's not permanent.
>Zake could be balls deep in two drunk whores
No he couldnt be, he literally is a 0/10 subhuman
Depends if you worked on fishtank or not
onfylans models just anglefraud
fibrous septae which bind the skin to the underlying muscle, holding subcutaneous fat in place, are less durable in women, being composed of single vertical and parallel lines, as compared to men, where they take on a more overlapped criss-cross gridlike structure, which better stands up to aging
the ass wall is very much real
no the shape and her body in general were miles better in the OF pictures which makes sense because they are a few years old
If creature shaves her shit I'll fly to orlando and creampie her
nonsense and he could but that means when they break up they couldn't hang out any more
nows your chance theres barely any players
im literally repulsed whenever you post clips with him in it here, he looks like a disgusting albino ape freak, legit vomit inducing
>height magic
Only a dwarf would know of such things.
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and who the fuck are you? creature and critter aren't
TJ doin QnA
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>If creature shaves her shit I'll fly to orlando and creampie her
is that who he cheated on Taylor with?
nows the time to ask TJ the real questions, you know the ones.
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>fibrous septae which bind the skin to the underlying muscle, holding subcutaneous fat in place, are less durable in women, being composed of single vertical and parallel lines, as compared to men, where they take on a more overlapped criss-cross gridlike structure, which better stands up to aging
>the ass wall is very much real
yeah dude
go ahead type them
He's not fucking the girl on the right?
>and who the fuck are you?
Not a disgusting mongrel, albino thing
hes a beta orbiter, hopefully he overdoses on fent pressed pills soon
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so this is why women are sexier
no fucking idea how to play euchre
if cellulite is something you find sexually attractive, then yes, it's exactly why
cooling off tj ngl
tj trying really hard not to say soulless
do it, bro
womens fat cells being different from men doesnt manifest in any other way but cellulite?
Eurochads are missing in action
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anyone else cooling off tj?
what the fuck does that even mean
its means if anyone is fanning his ballsack
actively cooling rn
get the fuck off my board
abi in tj chat spotted
cooling off abi ngl
is she yours? does she even know that you exist?
of course she is lmso
Who would win in a Fishtank freak off?
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cmon nigga
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Critter is ovulating
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What a good stream josiecels!
Just in time to fund the condoms and Plan B pills for Steinfuls visit this weekend kek
this sounds like total bullshit made up by jimmy
time to flood her womb
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>and Plan B pills
then what are the condoms for?
does blacked queen ariel have her bbc addiction under control these days?
cute letty
can i have it?
the buds have sealed off your vas deferens, zake
it means youre losing interest in a person, conversely "warming up" to someone means youre gaining interest in them/becoming more amicable to them
what a shocker that would be
yeah, but you have to give me something cool in return
When he inevitably runs out, he’s gonna need the pills.
Don’t know what diseases Josie has.
no? why would I?
Surprisingly it's not he showed me the Facebook comment the old hag made
>When he inevitably runs out, he’s gonna need the pills.
>Don’t know what diseases Josie has.
but he's going to get them anyway when he inevitably runs out of condoms
it still makes little sense!
my balls do hurt when i sneeze
I wish I could I would nut in her all day. I love country chicks like this they aren’t fake or superficial just real af lol
why is she leaning away and he leaning toward?
Jimmy, come on bro that’s not even a question lmao. I think it’s a toss up tho between him and Sam
>me whenever jimmy starts talking
This is what Jimmy actually wanted to do/say
im an old rich communist
TJ going average /tv/ poster damn
Jimmy would be locked up in pennhurst and that “old hag” would likely be his handler if it was reopened.

ContentGOAT is up
your racism is much grosser
Now that the dust has settled, are we all in agreement on Sam being this era's Andy Kaufman?
Absolutely based trvke. Fishtank is funded entirely by jeet gift card scam money.
Mentally ill freak seethes about someone trying to help mentally ill freaks get over their mentally ill freak behavior
>trying to bait TJ into coming here
oh boy
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race itself is a racist concept, can you stop being gross?
no its not, people are different

Dax Flame mogs him
the best
we're all different, but we're all equal, and all equally unique and the same as each other
that's why it's called the human race
we all bleed red
Yes because rape gang muslims who stalk little girls are totally the same as a hardworking honest God fearing white, black, etc Americans.
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that was years ago BRO
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>Age regression
>Uses pacifiers
>Plays toddler games
>Abused drugs to the point she's stuck mentally at 13 years old
Clairepedos still want to fuck what's essentially a child who's parents didn't love her leaving her vulnerable to predators like you lot
there's more genetic variation within each group than between them
science tells us that evolution stopped at the neck
so you see, there simply aren't any major differences between the different races, which don't exist
In my mind it felt like top pic.
many people are saying this
is Abi still in the chat I was arguing with Indians on Twitter kek
do you think she stuck it in her pooper
is it ok if im 18?
1 message every 10 mins
>mde never dies
>but it rots from the head
whenever I click on fishtank twitter accounts I see them mass replying to huge political (obviously botted) tweets and unironically having political debates with normies on twitter, its so embarrassing
Brown hands typed this

Captcha: KAHN
DAMN teej doesnt wanna come hang around here.....
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>Brown hands typed this
did they? well your hands are equal to anybody else's brother
good it will will be tayleigh all over again
haha 4chan the nigger site s/o s/o
Jet is about to leave his flop era and lowkey start serving cunt with S3 and you're all going to regret all the shit you said about him
>Just little dwarf things
I don't know
yea ok jet
Atleast I have a father

Captcha: WGGGR
Bestie I'm actively funding his transition!
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talk the talk, walk the walk
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CK is cute and I'm tired of pretending she's not
any peppah updates?
Would you rather have Jet, Ben, or Sam give you a toe to head full body tongue bath?
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you wont be a father so who cares
she owes us
Neither of you will ever breed and humanity thanks you both
…nothing, we owe her praise and admiration for her beautiful presence
they probably will
hes in the hospital
Me on the left btw
do you think fouseytube has it in him to be a good person?
should have never left thailand

modi sends his regards
Jet has the cleanest mouth probably
Are you a dwarf or was betty wearing heals?
Kek she was telling him that because she sensed he was a sex offender. She was trying to tell him she works with dozens of jimmy's and knows how he ticks
snotty Scott Sullivan nosejob
he's ignoring the abi question lololol
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>modi sends his regards
Mde is starscurge radahn.
dw about it
I can not wait for 7-9 days in when he gives up and i can laugh for weeks about how useless he is
Kek she did not love him
*mother, we're waiting to close on a new house to start trying for kiddos, sorry to break the news this way
Jimmy is one of those people who is genuinely too autistic to actually rape someone
Ok dwarf
you have no eggs left
He raped nifty in front of everyone
Nice try Jet/Ben/Steinful/Mıke/Keegan
Anon I'm legitimately on my period right now
>spent hundreds of dollars on tts and fish toys for him
>moved to an entirely different state just to be closer to him
Yeah she really secretly hated him
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Here Jimmy misunderstands comedic timing on an almost fundamental level. The entire scenario about Vietnam War history has been built to put a beloved returning character in the spotlight, but Jimmy doesn't spare Tai one sentence before launching into an overeager, mocking impression of him. What should be an interesting moment where the S2 cast of fans meets a S1 cast member ends up being just another instance of Jimmy refusing to play the straight man, and the result is awkward and deeply unfunny as always. I hate the Jimmy, and I hate the Fishtank.
It's odd how this is always memoryholed by jimmycels
How is summer being groomed?
Investments for her future failed streaming career >:)
that so keegan
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He only did it for money, so yeah. Faggets.
I miss nifty so fucking much bros
This looks like Tayleigh
no it doesnt, marlon looks like a male letty
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the purge
Not enough
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I hate da Jimmy and I hate da gobwin
this guy is indian
Hi Sam!
Hi Jet!
Hi Mike!
Hi TJ!

Is there anyone I’m forgetting?
Taylor & Abi
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Januki is an overweight Scottish Hitler guy that grooms mentally ill fishtank girls and forces them to piss on trampolines and suck black dildos for his own sick twisted pleasure. He must be stopped.
Ivan. Never forget Ivan.
>TJ still there
TJ won!
I miss this green motherfucker and all this hi Mike shit isn’t helping. Any word if he’s back for season 3?
Maybe now that he's on meds and "reformed" but his parents definitely sent him away for something bad. Those camps aren't cheap some of them can cost $25k a month.
Common TJ W
he raped a 9 year old with scissors
Why do you only have one pic saved of her sucking on a pacifier? Seeing as it's such a key component of her personality?
Fuck Greg for real, cocksucker crybaby
cleh survived
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I'm a fan of Claire and a pedophile.
imagine just not being _____
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Why do the Jews refuse to give this man a leading role in a major motion picture film which would potentially gross hundreds of millions of dollars at the box office?
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Who was in the wrong here?
claire is all woman though
Ruining your relationship with such a cutie means she's crazy as fuck, anon.
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They didnt he did nothing wrong
His sister even talked about how they only sent her away for being depressed and suicidal
The absolute self projection in these threads towards jimmy is astounding
Fishtank relationships can only lead to misery
no i think the most probable and logical version is that he fucked up because he doesnt understand relationships and probably has no clue he did something wrong
he refuses to audition
hollywood actors audition for roles? what is this highschool theater?
no hes just an impotent moron, stop acting like this was some calculated thing, hes a mental retard
Josie is probably spending all the money made from this to pay for steinfuls flight.. feels bad
His sister also said he took 12 years of mma (if that was even her and not some fag from his discord)
need more josie x steinful smut
hi sister said they sent him away for raping a 9 year old with scissors, I wish jimmy was suicidal
lubecooch cameo lets go
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Jet will never be able to serve cunt as hard as Ben and Steinful
The glitter bomb they can't get rid of.
I have never heard this megcord conversation but I believe it
im glad claire still on but upset oli gone
Do you have proof he’s someway responsible for Betty doing that other than being her main simp
which side of the scissors did he use
I actually think Greg was funny on season 2 and didn't mind him being around for bloodgames and bitchtank but seriously, what the fuck is the appeal of his streams?
Hello JIDF
he's got the energy but the wrong vibes
damn that actually sucks
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>josie mentioned going to a casino multiple times this stream
Wtf Is jidf?
Niggas really thought Jet was gonna kick TJ because Greg said so lmao

Marky <3
Anyone record the TJ stream? I took a nap and missed the fist part.
What will their babies look like?
More karaoke kino W
Hi Marky has a better ring than Hi Mike
How the fuck did autismfishy keep a spot?
Hes lying it's the same fag who keeps self projecting his own desires and actions onto jimmy
Well regardless, the fact remains that Greg is a bitch.
januki internet defense force
Josie fans are probably the most pathetic of all.. the reason you are seeing so much josie steinful posting is because her fans are actual cuckholds who are paying thousands for steinfuls first class flight tonight
januki’s israeli defense force
Part of Jimmy's inner circle chudgang was the worst thing to ever happen to fishtank.
fishy is jet with a voice changer

she can deny it all she wants

Wholesome chungus clip here if anyone needs it

Jimmy has a fart fetish it's true.
take this shitty forced joke back to twitter

That sounded like it hurt. Of course the chincel can't even apologize why are they so autistic the world would be better off if we just nuked Asian and India we don't really need cute hapas and videogames that badly right
Go green haha epic
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buddy, the whole show is forced jokes
I don’t know who he is other than Betty’s simp how did he make Betty make those videos?
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evening all, how we doin
go to rehab
Heya guys Sam Hyde here

What would you like to see in Fishtank S3? Maybe I do a little standup? Come to my shows lol
Hi Marky
Hey Sam! Huge fan. Can you get Ben to show off his pits more?
I would do some horrible things to Josie. Probably snap her twig legs at the knees first.
Hi Mike
I would like to see no former fish or freeloaders.
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why do you bully me, i'm a really nice guy
Is that her way of admitting she's a size queen?
Hi Marky
TJ the best streamer on the site fr fr
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I think Josie is pretty cool.
A face I would love to punch
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it's a pink sword you phallic obsessed FREAK
Shit attempt at blackmail
violent freak
>i'm a really nice guy

Nobody who is a nice person openly says they are nice.
Ofcourse anon
Idk, her facial expression is kind of sus.
She’s saying she loves big long white boy pink cock
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D: oh my god it's true
She’s A SIZE QUEEN throwing out way too many hints
You only care because your penis is laughably small. You have the laughably small penis.
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She's a Queen alright, a size queen.
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i have to turn off tj streams after a minute or so

it's a mix of awkwardness and him not being terribly interesting just like on the show
Hi Marky
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Ok keegan
That's right, I'm Marky and Spongebob and Spiderman from all of your favorite shows, but it doesn't change the fact of your laughably small penis.
Size queen confirmed
Jet got fired at burger king for eating all the food.
Big Purple spotted
yeah but I'm adding TJ's vod with chats you may want to wait 30 minutes for that https://gofile.io/d/abqdbO
he loved him on the show thoughbeit
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that's a super cool hat. i want one too
We have seen him and he is whiter than all the wiggers
i hope taylor gets away rfom greenshark hes ruining her life
i had it on in the background and not gonna lie the thought "keegan may have been right" did cross my mind a few times
>I'm a fan of Claire and a pedophile
You can just say sam hyde. We know he is a pedophile
Hi Big Purple
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She was a TIGHT little piece
Shush Keegan go back to bed
Keegan did nothing wrong. He just wanted taylor to return to the casino bathroom so TJ could experience his first black kween.
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That’s the grin of someone who can’t believe they are scamming paypigs so easily. Wholesome pedobaiting can make you big bucks
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So beautiful
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MDE needs more trannies.
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vote #jontent this november
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More money for steinfuls flight to Arizona yay! More money for condoms and birth control. Wow! More money for mama and papa Martinez smokes and scratch tickets. Yippee!

Someone put this whore out of her misery already.
>birthday boy
How many more hints does he have to drop before the simps realize it's a trany?
That's a man

I love this retard
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TSMT, preferably racist ones
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What's Jimbo thinking here? Is he jealous of their long hair?
This dude's not even trying
He wants a hug
Yes hello based department? I'd like to order one Brazilian tranny please. The last one named Josie didn't work out xe smelled very badly like dirty feet.
why does taylor even listen to greenshark what did he do
He succesfully made her think her career depends on him
What does femboy bussy feel like? Can BL or Sam Hyde chime in please?
Nothing will happen until someone uploads an in-depth YouTube video about Josie and her evilness.
hes a fucking groomer
Probably feels like putting your dick in SHIT
fuck you greenshark youre a freak
he's lashing out, he knows he's been exposed
he needs to send more hate messages they were so good
oh i added it https://gofile.io/d/abqdbO
Just woke up to Jet calling another massive failure a "beta test" so he can avoid any responsibility and chalk it up as a win.
Yep he said the same lines from his script book glad I wasn’t the only one who caught that. Jet jet jet….
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remember that FTL is about scamming investors as much as it is scamming simps
They're just beta testing the show (scam)
need to fuck this slut
He's going to start scaling back the streaming on the site and called it a good beta test.
baker baker?

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