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>made it all the way to 2024
>not one good succubus kino.
>close eyes
>feel like someone is staring at me from the ceiling
That's my .....dog's..... side
Have you seen Siren (2016)?
so two years ago, i had broken off with this dumbass whore. a few weeks before that, she told me about wanting to get a succubus tattoo. well a few months later, i started having shit like this happen to me where i’d lay on my right side and literally feel like some demon woman was hugging me from behind. i could hear breathing. this only happened every now and then. it eventually stopped. no idea what that was about. i am a christian so maybe god threw them out.
Nice try but I keep a wall on both side of my bed
As of next week there will have been two films titled Succubus released this year.
Oh yeah? Name them.
>got a new flat 3 years ago
>apparently the previous owner died there
>heart attack got him, according to neighbors he was at least 400 lbs, if not more
>seen a huge wide mist-like shape here and there
>sometimes I swear food disappears from the fridge
>bought a box of chocolates for my grandmother once, left it on the table, came back from work, it was gone (I live alone)
should I get Dr. Now to exorcise the flat or what?
This nigga a ghost
So the fatass died and he still didn't learn his lesson about eating too much junk food? Damn
Gothic (1986)
Appease him, leave some cookies out at night like with Santa
Watch The Whale with him
That's sleep paralysis, dummy. I get it when I sleep on my back.
My brother lived in a garage that was right next to an old shed and would have weird dreams about being attacked by homeless men. In one of his dreams he was bitten on his elbow and when he woke up he had a tiny wound on the same area. It developed into a large bump which he still has to this day. Later on we found out a homeless guy died in that shed before they bought the property, and our parents didn't want to tell us because they knew it would freak us out.
Put this on the TV and play it on high volume. The demon will depart your house soon.
Burn some sage. This reminds me more dwellings will become haunted as ppl drop dead from the jabs in 2025-26.
Theres literally a movie called Succubus coming out later this year starring, in a fit of uncharacteristic perfect casting, Pic Related as the Succubus.

I used to sleep with my feet sticking out from under the blanket, but a few months ago when I was on my side experiencing sleep paralysis I felt an icy cold touch on my right foot.
thats just my nigga jorge he gets like that sometimes
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Huh, and Ron Perlman, really?
You have to revoke the demon in the name of Jesus and splash holy water on the bed
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Its funny how those paranormal things always happen to absolute imbecils (like you niggers in the thread).
Or maybe, not even ghosts wants to visit me
I'd let her fuck the soul outta me.
Good scary story, but of course it's just a story.
What a dogshit fake and gays story
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>implying I'm not going to turn this haunting into Ghost (1990) but with more rape
Sorry, spooky ghost girls. My penis is immune to fear.
Leave out a salad next time.
Unlike all the real stories in films
Rachel Cook, more like, Rachel I'm gonna Cook an egg on that steaming hot tummy and lick it off her midriff
When I was young I used to sleep with my arms raised above my head and suddenly I had this crazy notion "something will tickle my underarm" and tried to ignore it and then literally a hand tickled my underarm. Fucked me up for life.
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Looks pretty close to my anime succubi. She's no Shamsiel but she'd make a fine Albedo with the right costume.
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if ghosts are real, where are all the caveman ghosts?
Do animals have ghosts? Has anyone ever been haunted by a cat before?
I felt like this every time I slept up until I was like 18. The only thing that stopped it was getting a job and having something I actually had to think about for when I wake up.
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That's the second movie called Succubus coming out this year.
I will be masturbating to this movie
imagine being scared of faggot leech beings
>I get it when I sleep on my back.
same but why does it happen on the back specifically? never the sides or stomach
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First three quarters or so were great succubus kino.
I'm desperate for a human male (White) alien female/ghost female/robot female cute romance, a real romance, not a cucking shit like in Her, I can only find it with japanese doujins I guess
You need to exercise the ghost
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so is this what it's like when you don't believe in jesus and God and you got fucking demons haunting you. Never once felt this cause I had a Cross that was bless in my room pretty much my whole life
>human male (White) alien female romance movie
fuck i need this
It was a thing in Superman, though.
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You can see the hair on her armpits. Disgusting. Would not bang.
>feel shit staring at me
>say the Lord's prayer
>no longer feel shit staring at me
It's just that easy
this has a succubus in it

The Incubus 1982 or 1981 film

"and finds an inexplicable amount of semen in her vagina."

"gets a sample of Tim's semen to compare against that which was found inside the victims, but they do not match"
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>Work 12 hour shift after previously doing an all nighter the night before
>Get home exhausted
>Close eyes to go to sleep
>Hear scary voices whispering spooky shit and threatening me
>Wake up in a sweat and look around, can't see anything because I like to sleep in pure darkness only
>Feel ice cold and see air conditioner is turned on
>Turn on bedside lamp and see a note I left for myself
>It says I didn't turn on the air conditioning
>Too scared to go back to sleep but too tired to stay awake
Why would you write a note about not turning something on to yourself?
Start sacrificing family sized pizzas laced with ozempic to the fat man to get him to pass on to the next realm.
He's saving your life. He doesn't want you to be like him.
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>turns your cross upside down
Was the demon hot? Why not fuck it then?
my longtime alkie schizo buddy has finally gone over the edge, he lives with his grandpa but hes 100% certain his house is haunted badly and so he sleeps in a tent in his backyard, he was whining to me about the rain, in the past trying to ground him in reality was effective but this time he was so certain my words fell on deaf ears, told him to go back to his doctor and he told me "whats the point they wont even believe me I need a new doctor" christ hes probably finally convinced the doctor is against him
For me it’s mirrors. I always feel like I’m going to see a ghost staring back at me like in a horror movie.
>unzips silver katana anointed with holy water
nothing personel
I used to get all kinds of schizo shit happening to me when I was working a hard job with long hours and not sleeping or eating. I would hear whispers I couldn't make out, see shadows at the corner of my vision, and see stairs and hallways that weren't there. Constantly felt like someone was watching me. And sometimes my vision got fucked up like it went through a Photoshop filter.
The worst one was
>Up for 48 hours
>Can't sleep as usual
>Sitting in bed with my head against the wall
>I live in a shitty apartment
>Reading a stupid creepypasta
>Something about grandma in the walls and screaming
>Right at that moment, a rat or something in the walls decides to crawl behind my head, then start squealing and scratching
>Kind of sounds like someone screaming and clawing to get out
>I'm freaked the fuck out but I wait for the sound of it crawling away
>Is it fucking dead? I'm creeped out that it's there
Apparently the last person who lived there was a lady who died of old age. I never made that connection until just now.
Anyways I didn't sleep until after my next shift, kept thinking about the grandma from the story.
You'd like that movie where people get killed by their reflections. It has Keifer Sutherland in it.
Oh, the sound of it crawling away never came. Whatever it was, it stayed at the head of my bed behind the wall as far as I know.
You're describing your life in the way of Jacob's Ladder
>want to sleep
>open thread
>cant sleep
Where all the other homo ghosts at
This will be a fun double feature
Sweet dreams. Don't let the grandma skeleton bite
>walk into kitchen in pitch black darkness
>tightly clench my fists just in case any ghosties show up
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>be walking home one night
>pass by an old closed off section of nearby school
>peer through the chainlink at a light that catches my eye
>it's actually a ball of smoke that doesn't dissipate
>it just floats across the field
>starts sprouting "nubs" underneath it
>continues to move across the field in a stumbling manner
>I realize it looks like a torso with legs trying to walk
>nope the fuck out across the street and take another way home
The worst part is I knew no one would ever 100% believe me if I told them. So I only mention it half jokingly. But it's real. It's real and it will be on my mind when I am old and sickly.
Anyone else get frequent bouts of sleep paralysis?
>wake up
>can't move
>open eyes
>dog sized shadow spider on the roof
>close eyes
it has happened so often to me that it's more of a nuisance at this point, but it does feel like my brain is constantly inventing new ways to fuck with me
>wake up
>sleep paralysis
>feel presence in the room
>know better than to open my eyes
>foot is sticking out of bed
>feel someone lightly run their fingertips across the sole of my foot
>feel someone gently blowing air from pursed lips on my ears
>instinctively know that this is a ploy to make me open my eyes and see something spooky
>goes on for like a minute straight until I wake up
I fucking hate sleep paralysis demons so much bros
I used to get it pretty often but I started sleeping on my side and it stopped. I'm going to have back problems in a few years but at least I'm no longer be tormented in my sleep :)
I had a dream where I was watching myself sleep in bed then I saw ghoulish hand reach out from a dark corner and claw into my back. I couldn't force myself awake but I could feel the scratches even after I woke up.
Get a carbon monoxide detector. My uncle had the same thing happen
Wear a sleep mask
Died and became ghost ghosts, only ghosts can see them.
>He doesn't know what's lurking in the deepest depths
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Withered away into nothingness and died over millennia
I’ve got succubus/sex spirit living with me now. It’s pretty good. It makes you realize that the thread on /x/ is literally filled with either larger or literal retards tho.
>she's right above me isn't she?
>no i'm hanging in front of you
Gross, the faculty has to use a room that people shit and piss in. Probably still smells like piss.
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sounds like you already have
lol that’s just the booze talking.
Only when I’m sleeping on my back or coming down from an alcohol bender
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>move out on my own 6 years ago
>expecting spooky shit, ghosts, UFOs, cute succubi, anything
>just boredom, crushing loneliness and existential dread
It's a new building but still, I feel cheated
What do u mean dude some do these stories are so fucking gay and lame.
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Amber Heard needs to be in succubus kino
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Embrace this and you will sleep better.
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>wake up
>lying on back
>feel giant hairy spiderlike legs slowly creeping up the exposed extremities of my body
>creeps slowly up to my neck, can feel its legs finding purchase on my throat and arteries
>feel it sliding something in my ear, with a prick deep inside letting me know something is going into my bloodstream, beneath the skin
>try to fight, try to run, try to at least see what it is
>arms won't move, legs won't kick, eyelids won't open
>the spider creature nonchalantly crawls off
>its business is done
>never releases me until its done
>intense itching inside my ear
>slowly recedes
>I finally regain control maybe 3-4 minutes later
>this goes on since I was 8 yrs old every few weeks
>finally get a dental mirror and decent phone once moved out
>check in my ear
>same spot
>there's a scab
>it's fucking fresh
Confirmed, defeated demon by sleeping on side.
For all the faggots who are like "hurr durr just a dream"
Haven't had a scab there since I started doing it.
Got one again in college when I got hammered and passed out on my back. Doesn't happen every time but clearly this faggot is still on me for some reason.
We're ignorant animals, and there's a ton of shit in this universe and about this reality we don't yet understand
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Posting in a spooky thread
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And your bed (as well as the space between the walls) is thin enough to fit just you?
You might just have someone living in your walls.
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i've always wanted a ghost in my house, people say they've seen things and heard things while they stay over but never have i personally witness anything really paranormal. Whenever i'm drunk i'll sometimes talk shit to the ghosts to see if anything happens but nothing ever does :/
if you have consistent sleep paralysis then your left and right brain sides are very out of sync. anyone who gets sleep paralysis should be able to astral project. stop being scared of the demons, start working with the hemi sync tapes
It only happens to be on my stomach or back. I assume it has to do with breathing. Could be if you have a certain amount of air restriction you fall into sleep paralysis. It's not always scary. One time my room changed into a more 1700s looking one with my computer replaced with a bookshelf and another desk with a pen and paper. I looked at the edge of my bed and saw a little goblin peeking at me from below. I didn't jolt awake or feel afraid, I simply wanted to know what it was, I slowly moved over and gave it a pat on the head. It didn't really react to it but I woke up shortly after.
I've nver exprienced it (as far as I can remember) but
>a little goblin peeking at me from below. I didn't jolt awake or feel afraid
suggests to me that it's a mental state where you don't take the things you see as you would if you were fully awake. I've had the thing where I woke up as I was hearing voices, which I had heard about and thought would be much scarier. But when that happened I noticed it wasn't, it was more just like my sleepy started with a white noise and then found voices within it. If I was still awake and it sounded like someone was actually whispering in my ear, I'd probably shit.
my sleepy *mind
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sexo goburin
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being afraid of the dark is perfectly understandable animalistic instinct to have, but as adult you should really have enough higher brain power to be beyond it.
Is this the ghost you've been seeing in your apartment
>be me
>don't believe in ghosts think they're cringe and funny
>visit haunted place filled with lots of historical 'haunted items'
>feel burning on neck
>think they're secretly spraying shit in the air to make me feel like that
>start to feel nauseous like i want to throw up midway
>need to leave asap by the end of it, close to throwing up (literally gag/vomit noise)
>feel way better once i'm out of there
>tell a worker nearby ''this might sound weird but i felt a burning in my neck and felt sick''
>tells me he hears that sometimes and shows me a pic of a woman who had a red hand mark on her neck on the same side i felt it
>think it's weird but bs still, don't believe in ghosts
>get literally attacked by demons/spirits during nightmares 3 days in a row
>hard to remember dreams obviously but it was a lot of random horror imagery and gorey shit, almost like a fever dream
>literally trapped in a neverending nightmare the first night
>kept "waking up" but it was actually still a nightmare
>this happened like 5-6 times in a row until i finally woke up scared shitless and gasping for air
>nightmares for the next few nights but not as bad as the first night until they finally go away

these fuckers definitely exist but you have to either go out of your way to experience them or have bad luck and live in a haunted house. im in my 30s and never experienced shit like that before or after that one time i fucked around and found out. i almost eant to do it again to experience it again
Quality post.
Remember that anime succubi are nothing like real succubi
Remember that succubi would steal sperm from the men they fucked and give it to the incubi who would use it to impregnate women (since creatures of Satan can't create life)
>demonic snowballing
>I get to have offspring despite being a forever alone Virgin
Hey, thanks, demons
At the low low price of your immortal soul
Jokes on them, I was going to hell anyway!
That's the sleep deprivation anon, like >>203708345 said I also heard things and saw shadows at the corner of my eyes.
I don’t get it, why don’t you ask (with your minds) if the sleep paralysis demons for sex? If you act enough like an Indian, they will either leave you alone or you get pity sex. It’s a win win.
Why would the professor immediately know what that translated to in Latin? What does it have to do with the story of the girl who killed herself? Did the girl know Latin?
I get that the OP is probably trying to imply that if he had looked up he'd have seen the ghost of the girl hanging there or something since he mentioned how high the ceilings are, but there's too much unestablished with the latin stuff for it to land. Maybe if she'd written that on the wall when she hung herself or something, so that's why the professor immediately recognized the phrase. But even then, how did she get up there to hang herself high enough to not be immediately visible? Did she have a ladder? What did she hang herself from? Sloppy.
There was a story of an asian woman that lived in another mans closet. She took very little food just enough to survive. After a few weeks the owner got a surveillance system and noticed her.

Check your closet anon, Ghosts don't exist but 3.14 qt asian homeless do.
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Would you watch a romantic comedy that plays like your average haunting movie except the haunted is a guy who's into it?
Set him up a seat with milk and cookies while you watch a back-toback of "The Whale" and "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?". If he eats the cookies or drinks the milk, you have a chill rommate. Repeat this process every time you watch movies from then on. Eventually ask him to do things while you're gone that you'd like done. If he does them, no need for a gf. He's your gf.
You don't have control when it happens
History teacher might know latin, but then it starts sounding more like a bad hollywood movie.
I'd need to know more. Not a strong enough idea to alone make me wanna check it out. There's asmr videos where ghost girls haunt the viewer and it turns kinda romancey.
I had this idea for a novel in my head.
>Normal guy
>Really down on his luck
>Starts seeing this chick no one else can notice
>She flirts with him and tells him to kill the people that bother him
>Tells her to fuck off
>Things get even worse for him
>Eventually he really does follow through with it
>Feeling relieved and ecstatic, he fucks her, practically rapes her even
>Roommate and best friend the day after brings up at least warning him in advance when he'd have a girl over
>hfw she isn't a figment of his repressed feelings like he thought she was,
>the twist is that the ghost is a ghost
come on
You can still ask though.
>>turns your cross upside down
oh nice, representing the way Saint Peter was martyred.

lol. not really.
What, in your head?
well obviously the impression she gives off is that she isn't real at all
like an ideal manic pixie dream girl, complete with unusual hair color (preferably red)
things would seem less real the worse things get for the guy, making it all seem like it's in his head because it may as well be

when he snaps, he fully gives into the fantasy
and it turns out not to be a fantasy at all
>Idolatry of Saints isn't Evil
Lol kay
Yeah. I obviously read it in the context of this thread, might be hard to pull off without the audience thinking of it any way though.
maybe also have the roommate see her and talk with her when everyone else has completely ignored her?
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>no succubae kinos
>no biblically themed kinos
what did they mean by this?
ok ninth gate was pretty cool but im talking book of revelation kino
>>Roommate and best friend the day after brings up at least warning him in advance when he'd have a girl over
did they see or hear her at last? Otherwise they might just think he's fucking his hand, Loudly.
Yes. If they’re there to scare you, then surely they have some way to comprehend your mental state. It’s follows then that they might be able to hear you if you clearly mental project a request, in this case a request for sex.
By the sounds of it, anon was fucking his hand loudly while typing that so.....
women are very loud during sex, anon
Maybe this wasn't the first time it happened?
>>Starts seeing this chick no one else can notice
So she was just quiet, then?
this girl has nice tits. worth a watch
Used to happen to me for years. Thinking Jesus and asking him for help was the only thing that stopped it. Not joking.
i'm offended you autists still share useless information about your fucking waifus like anyone gives a fuck. how did you not learn how to fit in among a sea of retards a decade later is beyond me
Anyone have the pasta of that Chad who beats the shit out of a ghost
I have sleep paralysis and people would come into my room and pull my bedsheets right off the bed or they would come in walk around the bed, talk to each other or just kneel beside my bed with their head close to mine watching me.
I had sleep paralysis a few times, some when I couldn't even breathe as if something was sitting on my chest. It also felt like something was in my room somewhere, like a malevolent shadow. Shit is scary and I don't believe it's just the brain getting errors.
Schizos write the best ghost stories
I read this expecting ghost sex and got nothing.
no hes extremely schizophrenic, been committed on and off at the mental hospital about 5 times now, hes been like this 10 years but it escalated from thinking the neighbor was yelling at him through the walls, to trying to buy CIA radio blockers to implant in his ears, to full blown my house is totally haunted by monstrous demons, he also punched his 80 year old grandpa cause he thought this old man raped a girl he was interested in that his grandpa didn't even know
Well, over half of the human population ever is estimated to have existed this side of Jesus - so it's probably a lot more rare to see a caveman than a boomer
what started this? was he isolated and terminally online? did he ever use meth? I have a buddy that I worry about sometimes.
>i am a christian
That’s why you’d believe in a succubus in the first place.
I really don't think people who day of old age become ghosts
Thanks Anon I did a reverse lookup and found this doujin and had a nice big cum. I really like ghost girls.
schizophrenia runs in his family but he has it by far the worst, hes a mulatto that back when we were kids he had a girlfriend in like 5th grade so I thought he was "cooler" than me cause he was younger, then in HS he switched to being a hardcore punk rocker kid and stopped caring about school distancing himself from everything, this is when I started being friends again as we would play in bands together, then he tried to finish HS for what felt like 3 years (after the first 4) and at that time he started to complain to his mother and me that the neighbor was yelling shit at him through the walls like "you're worthless" or "i've won," weird shit like that and I even called out the neighbor cause I knew him and he was a loud juggalo but the neighbor told me dead faced that he never yelled anything outside of like "whats up bro" to his face. Thats when I talked to his mother and we started paying closer attention and he said really bizarre paranoid shit as he slowly become more and more asocial, at this time he drank and smoked cigarettes but barely smoked weed. As years progressed he got medicated and became more and more of a quiet alcoholic recluse and lost all motivation to do anything but drink, though his mental state improved with meds it always gets worse and now like I said hes living in his grandpas backyard cause of the "ghosts" I used to just tell him he was crazy cause it actually worked cause he valued my judgement but now it seems like hes too far gone. Unless hes wasted he doesn't talk at all and I'm basically the only one who will see him anymore. And yes he did do a lot of adderall and eventually some meth (not that much) but this was well after he was already rambling about voices and shit for years. I can tell he hears these same voices a man and a woman all the time, sometimes it even makes him laugh.
You can't just expect the spooky shit to come to you, you have to be proactive. When's the last time you got up at 3:33 AM, or camped on a cursed indian burial ground?
Thanks for sharing, anon. I'm sorry you have to see your friend degrade like this. Do you have any hope for the future?
>reverence for a religious figure known across all interpretations of the bible is idolatry
I can see your nose from here.
An astrophysicist and a warrior?!
she is... right behind me... isn't she???
i just hope that they keep him properly medicated and he remains in that state of hearing voices but not drastically altering his life because of the paranoias like sleeping in his backyard, he hasn't held much of a job since I got him hired at little caesars and later fired (it was over 6 months and he was becoming a serious drag moving slow physically and mentally) he currently gets enough money from the state to pay for his booze and the craziest part is he is the sole heir of both his grandfather and grandmothers side of the family so he already inherited one house (nobody uses yet) and will likely inherit his grandpas house. I'm usually pretty jealous of that but I figure its what he gets for the rest of his life being completely insane. Sometimes I regret all the drugs we did together but at a time it was one of the only ways to get him to socialize. I've been a great guardian/friend outside of his direct family for a decade now but unfortunately I'm moving out of town soon and I fear thatll be it for him.
>I'm moving out of town soon and I fear thatll be it for him.
Don't blame yourself for living your own life. You've done a good thing sticking by him during his illness.

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