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>oh no we are too powerful and based we must genocide ourselves I wish I was a normal human nigger

What a fucking whiny weak socialist woke faggot
but muh baseball muh dad
What are you even doing on this board if you don't know
I do kinda miss AoT. I wrote several orchestrations of its OPs and EDs
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>Season 1: Eren gets kidnapped
>Season 2: Eren gets kidnapped
>Season 3: Eren gets kidnapped

>Anime onlys: What the fuck is going on?
Manga readers: Evil laugh

>The walls were built to protect titans from Levi.

>If someone says anime is for kids, I'll show them Attack on Titan.

>Attack on Titan? No.. We Otakus prefer Shingeki no Kyojin.

>Child eren: did you do it?
>Adult eren: yes
>Child eren: what did it cost?
Adult eren: everything :'(

>Eren is controlling Isayama.

>S1-S3 Eren: *chuckles* I'm in danger
S4 Eren: *evil laugh* I am the danger

>Avengers endgame : we had the best charge ever.
Erwin : hold my beer!

>Game of Thrones: Who are you?
Shingeki no Kyojin: I'm you, but better.

>Mikasa appears in Season 4 Trailer
Anime onlys: I've never met this man in my life.

>Reiner : why cant you let me die?
Isayama: NO.

>Levi:''I have tons of fangirl "
Eren 19 years old: "Hold my abs!"

>Eren S1: Call an ambulance!
Eren S4: But not for me!

>Season 1: Eren, run!
>Season 2: Eren, run!
>Season 3: Eren, run!
Season 4: It's Eren! RUN!

>Non manga reader: WTF is going on with the music and genre?
Manga reader: YES

>Reiner :Have a beard
>Mikasa :Short hairs
>Eren : Long hairs
>Everyone : Who are they?
>Jean : I'm still a horse
Jean now : I'm PewDiePie

>Remember when this was all about a noisy kid who wanted to kill titans to avenge his mother?

>Friendship ends with Humanity
Titans Are my Friends Now

>Zeke: I'm ineviteble
Levi: and i am LEVI ACKERMAN

>Reiner: I'm sick and tired of walls.
>Extroverts in quarantine: First time?
Introverts in quarantine: Pathetic

>Zeke: I have an entire titan army
Erwin: we have a Levi

>Mikasa: I can't wait to marry Eren!
Historia: Imma bout to end this girl's whole career.

>Tybur: As Ambassador for the Marleyan government I declare war on Paradis
Eren: I’m about to do what you call a progamer move

>Zeke: Ymir do what I ordered you to do
>Ymir: no
Zeke: understandable have a nice day
Antinatalism is pure cringe.
Wow, distilled reddit. Good job.
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>Get turned into a Titan or have your memories fucked if a Monarch with the Founding Titan simply wishes it to happen
You are mentally ill.
Yeah I never really got why he wanted to sterilise them all like that
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>literally had a better plan than Eren
Why was he ‘evil’ again?
>demon worship and cannibalism is actually really cool and le based
Eldians aren't even cannibals, they just chew people up and spit them out. They're just monsters
>Just kill yourself
This is the ugliest anime ever made. Its actually unbelievable how bad the art is
>Game of Thrones: Who are you?
>Shingeki no Kyojin: I'm you, but better.
Don't tell me this one is real.
I've tried watching it a few times because these fags are always going on about it but I can't get into it. Maybe that's why.
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same retarded nihilistic motive is pic related
You haven't watched a lot of anime.
Is there a name for this type of animation where everything is like 3d computer animations and absolutely nothing looks handdrawn or soullfull in the slightest?
Attack on mid is weeblop anyway
Muv-Luv is superior
Literally did nothing wrong.
Yeah, Eren's plan was that bad.
Why is this a recurring anime plot hole?
not that anon but I can tell that I have read that "joke" from NPC's/redditors so yes. I can confirm
unfiltered autism
Retconning Zeke from legitimate threat to LE WACKY MONKE with daddy issues was a mistake
Titans existing was a problem for everyone. Eldians would forever be discriminated against or the rest of the world would suffer under them.
Zeke’s plan was the least violent way to just end the problem forever.
The rumbling would’ve also been fine.
children's cartoons are not television
Yeah. It's called bad 3d animation.

anime board. cope
Anime isn't supposed to be profound or even make sense
isayama fucked up making eren a cuck. ruined a potentially goat antagonist by turning him into a pathetic fag in the 11th hour
towards the end of the show i got confused who was fighting for what plan anymore
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It's/television and film/, not /Chinese cartoons for babies/. That poster is rightfully confused why anti-kino is being posted here
This. If it doesn't have the kosher stamp of approval by my hollywood masters, I don't want to watch it!
I tapped out a few episodes into the first season when I got bait and switched into a mecha anime when I thought the show was going to be all about the spiderman movement gear. Literally the second the main character transformed, I closed the tab and never watched another second of it.
good post
Funny because it was the complete opposite for me. I thought it was boring up until that point.
How? It was almost a horror series before that point. Then it became shounen power level trash#26273839.
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Quality post, made me chuckle
I really, really, really like this post
>it wasn't shounen power level trash when they were training and being ranked on their power levels and the girls were stronger than the main character and could beat him up
>every military boot camp scene ever is actually shounen
You're genuinely mentally ill if you couldn't see shounen tropes in the show before episode 8 or whenever Eren transformed. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you watched it a decade ago and just don't remember.
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maybe it has something to do with japanese philosophy?
He understood that it's a useless cycle and the only solution with the least bodycount without excess use of violence is for Eldians to go extinct. He has a stoic perspective on matters, even though he mostly experienced life on one side of the wall. Your 'it's them or us' mindset is admirable, but it's inescapably a small, bit-player perspective compared to his own.
>"Looks like there is an angry woke mob outside my house that hates my family for being White and are going to break in soon to try to murder us all."
>"Should we fight them, Dad?"
>"No, son. The only solution with the least bodycount without excess use of violence is for us to go extinct. We all need to commit suicide."
they're the woke mob thoughever
then go on /a/ you fucking faggot
>Muv-Luv is superior
holy based
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>hanji died for nothing
>the way the alliance was formed
>annie and armin in love with each other despite barely interacting before the crystallization
>most plot points were abandoned
>a lot of dead characters never got a proper closure
>the backstory of Ymir the founding was short and had a nonsensical conclusion
>Mikasa never let go of Eren, completely destroying her character
>characters not being themselves, completely betraying their beliefs
>Eren actions betraying his own internal monologues

the fact that we still have ending defenders 2 years later is astonishing, and proof that you can put good voice acting and Sawano's soundtrack on like lipstick on a pig and people won't see through it.
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>dude just let your all race die the others are just too many
>a small, bit-player perspective
Putting the interests of your own nation above others is the exact opposite of small-mindedness. Eren had a maximalist counter-opinion which was only for the Eldians to survive; with more bloodshed sure but ending the conflict and ensuring the survival of the Eldians decisively. This is the main reason I liked AoT, because the author, probably unintentionally, created a world where coexistence was no longer an option. Despite breaking away from this in the last chapters with the Avengers bullshit, I can not think of many works of fiction which portray this very realistic scenario which has happened in history and continues to happen today. But fiction refrains from these settings, because it is thoroughly illiberal.
Floch was based and Erwin should’ve been chosen
NPC's, I understand why you can't see through his eyes. You don't have to sing to the choir. Zeke is unfettered by national identity and "whodunnit"'s. He knows the primordial truth of humanity, no one is "in the right", violence begets violence, Eldian domination is the exact same as non-Eldian domination in the grand perspective; a bloodbath followed by a future with potentially more peaceful auspices. Zeke wanted a mercy kill for Eldians, but the cyclical NPC mindset triumphed and they ended up being massacred.
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>I will put an end to 2000 years of titan domination
What a chad, literally did what Eren couldn't.
you have a pathetic, cucked mindset.
>it doesnt matter these are mine people.
>It doesnt matter we are superior.
>We will kill ourself because thats whats in the best interest of our enemies, and there's more of them. Total happiness in the world increases :)
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>power level trash

There are no "power levels" like DBZ or Naruto or Bleach. Eren is consistently weak and loses a lot actually because everyone else is more experienced. With experience Eren becomes better too. I think you should rewatch it with this in mind.
NTA but Zeke's upbringing and fallout with his parents is why he's the person he is in the story, completely blackpilled and convinced the only "peaceful" way out of this is through the euthanasia plan. Of course, that would never stop people from invading an island of elderly "devils" for some of the most valuable resources on earth. Zeke realized it was an "us or them" situation just like Eren did, but Zeke chose to side with the tyranny of the majority than to let a small minority of humans wipe out the rest of them, in a utilitarian frame, Zeke is in the right.

I'm just glad the extra pages came out after 139 that proved Armin wrong.
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>dying peacefully of old age is le suicide or something
>can't wait to have my memory erased by the founder AGAIN and live in my slave castle AGAIN being tormented endlessly by giant monsters AGAIN
No thanks you subhuman.
>I thought the show was going to be all about the spiderman movement gear

The beginning of Season 3 (I think) will appease you a little. There's a secret service for the king that uses their own ODM gear but their weapons are meant for people and they slaughter a bunch of the scouts.
>there is no difference in importance for me between my own family and random people I don't know
You're a sociopath.
>I'm just glad the extra pages came out after 139 that proved Armin wrong.

>in a utilitarian frame, Zeke is in the right

This is only true if you consider human lives to have the same value as titan lives. Which isn't the case. With your logic we should kill all humans to let ants prosper in peace
Reminder, Zeke's plan wouldn't even be the end of all Eldians, just all the descendants of Ymir. Yes, a lot of people are apparently Ymir's daughter's rape babies and rape babies of those rape babies who then interbred, which honestly means there's no "royal" blood since they're all relatives, but not all.

With no Titan inheritors all else could live in peace
isayama added some extra pages in the final volume that showed Eldia getting glassed in a future war long after the rumbling. This was also in the credits of the anime
>vague nothing sentences that can be interpreted in many ways

be specific with your criticism or it's just shitposting
oh I see, what was Armin's prediction then? I guess I missed that part
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Armin thought that there could be peace after stopping the rumbling and that they wouldn't be murdered by the survivors.

But also Eren's secret plan that makes no fucking sense is that Armin will kill Eren and look so cool doing so that everyone will stop being racist towards Eldians. They didn't.
this series was scuffed as soon as Eren turned into a titan, revealing that the whole shitshow was a fucking mecha anime
The Zeke plan makes no sense as everyone is still gonna hate Eldians if they were sterile or not. No Eldians is just gonna go "whelp, I can't breed anymore, time to just die!".
I wished Eren fucking killed everybody and let the world be run by Eldians.
I like it, added an unexpected third side to the conflict
>destroy the world
>negotiate/compromise with the world
>remove ourselves from the world
Too bad it's so undercooked, all of it.
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>>Eren S1: Call an ambulance!
>Eren S4: But not for me!
Zeke’s plan somehow ended up better than Eren's though. What Eren ends up doing has almost the same result as what Zeke wanted, except maybe like 3 more generations of Eldians get to live before they all die in a genocide. Hurray!

ok here's something more specific:

A major theme of the story is about generational guilt, generational trauma, and forcing the next generation to pick up the pieces for the sins of their fathers (see: Zeke and Eren's relationships with Grisha). Eren refuses to let Historia be turned into a baby making machine, because it's unethical to leave fate up to the next generation. So what does he do? He puts them in a situation where he can't possibly oversee its outcome, and leaves everyone else to pick up the pieces of the mess he's left.

Actually, it's really close to being a brilliant ending because Eren IS the ragetard who would come up with a plan this fucking retarded, contradictory, and self-defeating on his own, but the story ends on a somber note of everyone still loving Eren instead of hating him, and he ends up the victim because it-was-secretly-Ymir's-doing-all-along. All they had to do to fix the ending was give Eren full agency of the plan and berate him for being an idiot for not even once trying to work with his closest friends rather than force his retarded ideas on everyone else. If Eren's final scene in 139 was Eren explaining away all the contrivedness and plot armor everyone had in the final battle, followed by Armin grilling the fuck out of him, and everyone recognizing him as the worst person to have ever lived, and it being entirely out of incompetence rather than genuine hate, it could have worked.
Go back to /a/
human lives have more value than titan lives unless you are one of the nine and that's a fact
>durr mindless monsters are good or something
i didnt like the new kids from Marley and new tech (different tech era, really).
Looking back, i wish it ended with them discovering the sea.

Conflict with Marley was kind of a mess , and the new protagonist attempts in Gabi and Falco - couldnt care less about those brats.
It’s just an easy “goal” for the edgy villain and it can make him come across as deep and philosophical to retards (most anime watchers), so japs like to use that trope a lot.
fucking mary sue stupid character
He cute
>they almost destroyed the world and killed 80% of humanity
>but did you see how cool that guy looked?
Are you retarded? They were under total Marleyan control and indoctrinated from birth. Gabi and Reiner are a perfect examples for that.

The REAL plot hole is the initial attack on Eldia that sets the entire story in motion. It is later explained that Eldia (although not being imminent treat becasue of the Founders pact of non-aggression) needed to be attacked? The explanation for that is that Titans under Marleyan control are growing weaker because of technological progress and the other nations that can potentially threaten Marley. So they decie to randomly attack Eldia BECAUSE ITS RESSOURCE RICH!

WTF of a dumb plot is that?

Love the Zeke/Grisha plots btw, big fan. Gigabased scenes,
>Titans existing was a problem for everyone
The world was already starting to surpass the Titans in technology which is why Marley needed the Founder
> So they decie to randomly attack Eldia BECAUSE ITS RESSOURCE RICH!
They attack Eldia to recover the Founder and because they are scared that in the hands of someone outside the royal family the rumbling would be used.
The founder excuse doesnt really apply, because Marley didnt care about him for hundred years. They literally say its because of ressources.
I always read the full thing
Then why wasnt Zeke, the defacto leader of the warrior unit part of the initial attack?
Zeke is royal blood and wasnt part of the mission. Explain that. Why not use the literal guy that can access the founders powers.
Because the founder was in royal hands thus unable to be used.
Why would he? They wanted to recover the founder and Zeke is already on the verge of death by the time of the events. They would have given it to someone else or give up and wipe Paradis as to not leave it to any chance.
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To this day i cannot understand the frustration of the ending when the credits scene is the most based thing since the ending of Legend of the Galactic Heroes.It is the exact same message about the human condition, although LotGH does it in a more poetic way. AoT still is on the same level.

Now people always argue (retarded normies) "OMG IT WAS ALL FOR NOTHING MY BELOVED EREN AND MIKASA THEY DIDNT CHANGE ANYTHING" Thats the entire point. Nothign gets ever solved.and the kid in the end, after probably some thousands of years after the event of AoT, is just another reset of that cycle,although he might lead to a different outcome. The harsh truth is, that the real catharsis is the fire of war as we see it in the ending that wipes all the bad decisions and events clean again. Its an absolute stellar ending.
no one cares you subhuman mexcrement bitch

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