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Who was in the wrong here?
>i'm just a guy with a belief system
Literally who says that
The doctor. He is menacing a patient for his beliefs and should have been reprimanded.
He should have let him die. Nazis don't deserve sympathy.
You for watching an awful show then making a shitty thread about it.
What's wrong with having an S tattoo?
>threatens to kill
>refuses hippocratic oath
The fact that the dude with the maze tattoo turns out to be the bus driver who kills the doctor a couple of seasons later is amazing
Hitler lost
The doctor took an oath to do no harm, so by saying he would purposely harm the patient is itself a violation of his oath. He should be immediately fired.
Nobody is in the wrong. Burning guy healed the nazi and nazi is a wholesome big chudgus
>doctor: I would let you die if I were treating you alone with nobody around us, just because I hate you for having racial pride
The doctor is the villain here. He would be reprimanded for saying this to any patient.
>saved your life at a great personal cost
>at a great personal cost
she was just doing her job
>dr. bailey would have treated me with stepping stones and voodoo magic if white people hadn't invented modern medicine bucko. btw, you are also a study of medicine, not its inventor, and im pretty sure in order to be allowed to study medicine in the first place, you are required to taken an oath swearing to treat me whether you like it or not, so get the fuck out of here dipshit
What personal cost? I didn't see this show.
Lmao. These doctors are literally killing people in their hospitals and all you chuds can do is complain about reprimanding. You lost. It's over. West fallen.
>doctor: I took an oath to never do harm but I would break it to let you die because you think your own race is more important than other races
Fire that doctor. Even a racist doctor would keep his oath but a woke doctor would break theirs in a second.
based. fuck nazis.
You would have stuttered and mumbled to yourself if you had been in that situation dumbass chud
I briefly saw this show but that nurse dude was what we'd call a Chud these days. He was a beta soiboi Reddit cuck type dude. Also having a swastika doesn't automatically mean you hate every person of colour.
>loving your family and nation is bad
Damn what a crazy belief system this guy has
human integrity has been mocked at every turn for decades.
it's all about morality now. subjective, reactionary, morality.
kek what a load of shit. all manner of criminals who do horrific shit and get shot by police still end up in the ER with surgeons trying to save them. they don't go "oh this guy shot at cops? nah fuck him lol"
>ur a heckin nazerino i'd kill you myself if i didn't take this oath
he was just saying that he couldn't save his life alone and he needed another person helping out
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Stupid show for middle-aged liberal white women and worm-ridden faggots.
Lmao no person with a swastika tattoo has ever been that attractive or even normal looking
In jew-run society, being a "racist" is considered worse than being a violent criminal. Especially if the violent criminal is nonwhite. The show is obviously a drama but its sentiment is 100% realistic.
Do Nazis even actually exist today?
>do people who wish to live in homogeneous society and love their nation exist today
Of course.
that doctor is a nigger and could/would lose his job in the real world
keep your mouth shut and do your job faggot
I don't think you responded to the right post
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>black women surgeon doctor
the most unbelievable part of this is that there is a
No, i responded to the right post
Did the meaning of Nazi just shift to preferring to live with your own people?
I do.
Original meaning was pretty much that, later as a result of allied propaganda and jewish fanfiction it became some crazy ideology about killing subhuman races, etc.
What an absolute clown
left wing economics coupled with right wing social policies is just common sense
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>no argument
The jewish fag obviously
I know. It's fucking depressing isn't it?
helping nazis is doing harm.
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he was asking about nazi's not your idiotic idea of what nazis were.
National Socialism is left wing economics coupled with right wing social policies tho
What does a swastika have to do with black people?
Niggers are Jewish golems
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no it isn't. you're just dumb.
he's not saying he'd let him die, he's saying he's too incompetent to do it without help
doctor is still in the wrong because none of this is his business
Does anybody else get tired of seeing the same old threads day after day, year after year?
It's just so tiresome.
When you follow up with "yeah and I wish you had died", you're getting your ass sued and license revoked.
he didnt say he wished he died. he said the world would be better of without him. those are fairly different things.
How fucking retarded do you have to be to tattoo that on yourself?
Fucking dumbass.
>Literally who says that
jewish writers
this scene would have actually been more powerful if it was a nazi doctor taking care of a jewish man with a star of david tattoo.
>us white guys
Whats that tattoo even supposed to be? Looks like an S or a 5. I dont get it. Does the doctor hate tattooed people or something?
Yeah now convince the judge. Otherwise what's the pussyfooting language supposed to imply? If the medical professional wants the world to be better off, then he wishes his patient died. Otherwise, he's saying he wants the world worse off.
Explain why?
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>threaten that you would have killed someone on the operating table
How did he not immediately get fired for this?
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i just did. the fact that you don't even comprehend that courts deal with nuanced arguments means you shouldn't even be old enough to be on here, newfag.
Don't bother. Chuds have had this explained a thousand times but they're all illiterate.
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I remember doctors and nurses during the scamdemic posting on social media how they purposefully mistreated "antivax chuds" in order to inflict pain on them and minimise their chance of survival alot
jews are too clever to get such tattoos
>what about the Hippocratic Oath? yet you say you'd let me die?
>maybe you should change yours to the hypocritical oath!
>he lets off a wry smile
>heh.. you're not so bad after all...
>I never said that but he did call me a kike I think he's just trying to get me fired
>I never said that
But he did say it. You're talking to people that can't pass the Sally-Anne test.
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Lmao trying to make a point about race but too much of a scared pussy to make an actual hate symbol on his chest. There's a lot to take away from this

>black woman doctor
lol, lmao even. white guy totally operated on him but he just wanted to piss him off. If it was a black woman he'd be dead.

Nazis don't hate black people. That's not their ideaology. That's the KKK. Hitler hates jews, most inferior european races, and the mentally handicapped. Anything of hating blacks, browns, yellows, or reds is a brand new type of racism. Should have been a confederate flag but even that wouldn't be a whole truth since most people who use the dixie flag are just rednecks

>great personal cost
No, she didn't. If anything he's going to be paying bills out the ass and they have the audacity to say it was at THEIR expense. He is the one paying for it. You took an oath to help people. It's literally against everything you're taught to say shit like this. It doesn't matter if it's a pedo, cop killer, KKK, obese leftist, an ugly mutated monster. You fucking do your job.

>Threatening to kill someone when you're a doctor
NOOOOO RACISM IS BAD BUT-...BUT MURDER IS GOOD!!!!!! I can call anyone a name but I wouldn't wish death upon them. He probably had a bad personal experience and it warped him into hateful views. You, by being like this, are leading him down a darker path you fucking cougar-fucking 5/10 generic TV doctor.

>Better place
Doubt it. It's like that Fairly Odd Parents episode. Racism is part of our psychology and DNA. If you're not hating colored people you're hating white people. Everybody has ONE group of people they hate. It's natural to hate. What's not natural is wishing death upon other people (even if you hate them) or being fake positive all the time to be an even more toxic and shittier person.
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are you sure about that?
ABC for cranking out twenty something seasons.
The dude who plays the doctor, just because i can't imagine him killing someone and that makes this moment nonsensical
>If you left me to die, you'd have violated the Hippocratic oath and lost your medical license, you fucking retard.
There you go OP
Pride is a sin according to saint Augustine. They both deserve to die and burn in hell.
That doctor was a wimp, btw. A huge beta, one might say. I know because my ex made me suffer through this show.
So you're the one quoting Hitler yet WE are the bad guys, huh?
They don’t know how to argue against NS because they’re all too cowardly to research the ideology properly
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>the virgin what's-his-face
>the chad Robert Chase
Either you do it or you don't, pussy.
>Jews are petty bastards
What's new?

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