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I feel that Superbad gets a lot of credit and love for being a timeless movie and while I really like the movie I have a lot of issues with the movie
I really don’t like how 40 minutes of the movie is dedicated to that party that Michael Cera and Jonah Hill go to
There’s not really any funny jokes in that part of the movie and it really drags
I also think the A and B plots could have been easily connected
Have the characters actually rob a liquor store and get away with it and then have the cops and Mclovin have that in the back of their minds where we still have all the best parts and scenes with the cops
I always thought that one scene where the cops tell them to get on the ground felt incredibly out of place in the movie and that way the 2 plots are connected have the characters get into different situations as well
Superbad is kinda like Pulp Fiction where the beginning has tons of snappy dialogue and funny moments but then the party scene which is The Gold Watch segment which drags the movie but then has a amazing ending with Mclovin winning and the dinner scene
What do you think Anons do you agree with me?
Your other identical thread is still up you dunce
At a certain point it does drag
As far as early 2000s dude comedy go, nothing tops Hot Rod
My favorite comedy of all time is hundreds of beavers
It was groundbreaking in 2007 if you were in high school. The tone was new. Movies of 1997-2006 didn't feel like that movie, but it was the first to feel that way, even compared to the existent Apatow comedies.
The soundtrack made it feel fresh to younger ears too, plus the cast was geeky enough to relate to
>early 2000s
Can you not count?
It's hard to pass 30 year old Jews off as wholesome everyman teenagers
McLovin and the cops carry the whole movie on their back
Agreed I feel that if they added like 3 scenes of the boys doing different things like maybe a awkward bus scene with weirdos on a bus and then arriving at the first party with the cops hunting them down it would have been better
Also Project X is better more funny and doesn’t drag
Also Michael Cera should have fucked that one girl

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