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Sir I really came all this way for no reason
Keep your genes in your jeans.
That's good. I bet he didn't come up with that himself.
no real intentions right dr disrespect
>the cleanest best pleasure
You know what, I don't want this cookie.
is it true that pedophiles live in constant fear of being exposed and instantly murdered by the closest humans within proximity? good :)

must be what gays feel like in middle eastern countries. we should adopt their rooftop disposal methods
>be Perverted Justice, a group of old men
>take it upon myself to patrol chat rooms disguised as 12 year old girls to “catch predators”
>carry on sexually explicit conversations with these “predators” for days, weeks, sometimes even months at a time, way longer than necessary
>claim a computer that the courts wanted to see in one of the investigations just “up and quit working”
>very little questioning of the group, only conversations that ever come up is whether it’s entrapment or how awful these “predators” are
didn't all these guys get acquitted because the show was literally entrapment
Only one predator shut his mouth and lawyered up immediately and had all charges dropped against him

Not hard to beat Chris Hansen
>Better luck next time, Chris. Time for me and Kayla to enjoy a chicken pie
No, most were convicted because they’re poor retards and just got a public defender who told them to take a plea deal. The ones who fought the charges had about a 50/50 success rate, sometimes the judge would throw it out but then there was a rich doctor who bankrupted himself fighting the charges, still lost, then just an hero’d
You can't really blame Perverted Justice for this. The reason why they exist is because police are heavily underfunded in regards to dealing with these sorts of crimes. In fairness, the reason why they lack resources is because they need those for more prominent and common crimes, such as domestic violence, assault, drunk driving, etc. Your kiddo getting diddled is bad, yeah, but it's rarer than a Michael Jordan rookie card that someone wants to fiddle your ugly child's violin.
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>Lorne, you've humiliated me. I'm retiring from tv and becoming a gay prostitute. I'm sorry
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Die out
But was guys coming to little children’s houses to diddle them really such an epidemic that we really needed a vigilante group to…what, exactly? I just have a hard time trusting grown ass men who pretend to be little girls to talk sex with other adult men. It’s like that episode of South Park where the detective goes undercover as a prostitute to bust johns but doesn’t bust them till after they fuck him. And 99% of the guys they busted were literal retards. For every David Kaye you had fifty Mickey Mouse or Cowboy guys.
>I just have a hard time trusting grown ass men who pretend to be little girls to talk sex with other adult men.

literally every kpop thread on /mu/
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This is the book Lorne wrote in jail. I may buy it
I don't mind you, spammer-kun
Hemingway, Twain, Fitzgerald. Another American leviathan emerges from the forests of Maine..... Lorne Armstrong
Seems legit

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