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>Empire was filmed at 24 frames per second, and is meant to be seen in slow motion at 16 frames per second, extending its 6+1⁄2-hour length to 8 hours and 5 minutes.

What? Shouldn't the running time be multiplied by 1.5 then?
Can somebody explain this?
>The film does not have conventional narrative or characters, and largely reduces the experience of cinema to the passing of time. Warhol stated that the purpose of the film was "to see time go by."

>In 2004, Empire was included in the annual selection of 25 motion pictures added to the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress, who deemed it "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".

People that make and promote this shit are poison to society and culture.
learn some math lil bro
And yet you cannot concretely define what is and is not "art." Curious.
Sure but my question is of a purely technical nature.
How is it that the movie is shown at 2/3rds the fps (the speed) yet the film doesn't take 1.5 times more time?
Warhol was a pseud.
Because fart huffing idiots can't do math.

There's no creativity or vision in this tripe. Call it art if you want, call shit smeared on canvas art if you want, but it doesn't mean it has any value or beauty. Some things belong in a museum--this belongs in the trash.
Boomer culture like Andy Warhol's "pop art" absolutely destroyed western civilization
>t. brainlet
I've gone down the Warhol rabbit hole a few times as I'm fascinated by him and those times. It's amazing such an absolute retard who wasn't a kike was shoved up on a pedestal and everyone just went with it back then.

It also goes to show how much better times were back then economically. Things like that couldn't happen today as the kikes have just shattered money so much. All of that was coming because Andy was getting paid fat commissions for stupid portraits and commercial work. But things were so economically good back then that it financed a whole empire of freaks in New York City back then. Those things just couldn't happen today because things are so kiked.
Go back to /pol/ bitch
Empire is a good piece, and people who seethe about it just don't get how it can be used. You don't need to watch the entire fucking thing in a sitting, it's an installation piece. You look at what seems like a static photography piece for like five minutes, then you go around the museum for several hours, then you come back and this same piece looks different despite being completely static when you saw it before.

Literally kill yourself, faggot cut dick nigger jew parasite.
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks
The duality of /tv/
He had an idea for a thing, decided on the way to make the thing, and made the thing. How does that not include creativity or vision?
Are the people that found value and beauty in it wrong? Are they all just pretending?
>times you acted like
more frames per second the slower it will be
it isnt rendering like in vidya
A feminist wanted to kill him.
>He had an idea for a thing, decided on the way to make the thing, and made the thing. How does that not include creativity or vision?
I already told you how I feel about it. I won't go over it again.
>Are the people that found value and beauty in it wrong?
>Are they all just pretending?

It's weird how the jews keeping wanting to make that schizo prostitute into some kind of icon. When really they were just a pathetically mentally ill rat.
He really wasn't. His painting work is good, like on a basic level it just looks cool visually.
His film work was somewhat indulgent mostly because it was very early experimentation for him and he just didn't really know what to do. Although Empire in particular is interesting, I have already posted in the thread how it works in a museum setting.

Literally nothing I said was incorrect, you cut dick nigger faggot.
don't pop an aneurysm nigga

Don't rape children, cut dick nigger jew.
So in other words it’s completely culturally irrelevant in the soon to be minority white us of today?
No one answered OP's question.
I think it's an interesting use of the medium. Of all the things you could take issue with Warhol for, I don't see how this is one of them.
speed [fps] = frames [frames] / time [s or hrs]

If the total amount of frames is kept equal the following equation holds:

speed1 * time1 = frames = speed2 * time2


time2 = (speed1 * time1) / speed2


time2 = (24fps * 6.5hrs) / 16fps = 9.75hrs

Yet the 8hrs 5mins is mentioned literally everywhere.
No? It's physical film stock. It was shot with a camera that captures 25 frames per second. It was shot over a period of 6,5 hours. If you project it at 16 FPS that means that in a second it will show physically less frames than it would have shown at 25 FPS. Which means it would take longer to physically project all of the frames present in the film strip.
Yes, 1.5 times longer in fact. This is what I said.

To be clear I said that the running time (6.5 hours) should be multiplied by 1.5 which gives us 9.75 hours.
Yet everywhere it says that the 16fps version is 8h5m long.
For some reason I thought you were asking "why the film is slowing down and not speeding up". I don't know why I thought that, like that's not what you were asking at all. But I read the thread first and then replied without rechecking the OP and that's what popped up in my mind. I even got the amount of frames wrong. Dementia type shit.
Not sure what could the answer for your question be. Maybe it's a mistake on their part or something. Like they made a mistake originally and then everyone repeated it.

Andy Warhol probably listened a bit too many times on John Cage's 4'33''
it's excluding the amount of adverts they have in america. like they say the xfiles is an hour-long program, but it's actually 40 minute, and they say the simpsons last half an hour but it's really 20 minutes long, because americans spend a third of their waking lives watching adverts like trained dogs
> Empire consists of a single stationary shot of the Empire State Building filmed from 8:06 p.m. to 2:42 a.m., July 25–26, 1964

The period of time they were out there filming was 6h36m, but they probably had to change film rolls like 10 times and as a result only got 5h23m of actual film footage.

Most articles just repeat stuff that’s already been said in other articles. People confused “we filmed for 6.5 hours” with actually having 6.5 hours of continuous footage

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