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Sarge edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Jimmy Time every night at 11:00pm EST
• Summer is being groomed
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Taylor has became a coke addict
• B*nl*aks has been exposed as a creepy stuttering and shaking sperg. You are now encouraged to laugh him off to /bant/
• "Jimmy Time" has been established
• Every night from 11:00pm-12:00am EST the hour will be devoted to posting about Jimmy and Jimmy-adjacent things. All that is required is you bring your Silly Suit and Funny Hat.

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203819120
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Teej is kino.
i hope i dont wake up from my sleep tonight. rizzler for season 3
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S1xisters how we feeling about this post in retrospect? It was posted during what was arguably the peak of S1
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My young nigga benleaks
Letty is a princess!
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Did you stay up night 1 waiting for the entity?
S1 was so perfect for PST, literally lined up 1-1 with my sleep schedule
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Manifesting TJaylor!
We need a bisexual Vance OP
We're gonna milk this sarge thing until it becomes unfunny first
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Manifesting mauro
He'll yea boy good friends....can't beat it !
what? like just him existing?
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Are we getting Tacxin back for season 3? He was the lifeblood of Fishtank. He was the glue that held everything together. Without Tacxin, there is no Fishtank as far as I'm concerned.
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kek. also censor fail
w-whos jeff?
you already know the answer tacxin
I am politely but ardently demanding Boomertank with Johnny Neptune, Sarge, and Dave
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he spells his own name wrong
Need Thomas and Jon collab
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Odds we get something like this again for S3?
this, make the call jet or jon or whoever
I hope so
You keep chilling him but nobody cares. Samefagging doesn't count nor do your 2 other wigger friends.
It's katos birthday buy her shit pls
It's a public profile.
What did Sylvia mean by this?

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Tacxin was like watching a dumb 6 foot tall toddler with a camera
....jeff knows sushi

Confirmed TJ would've stopped 9/11 this boss nigger can't stop taking Ws.
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Implied consent sex with Josie
sarge is a monster. he made tayleigh play softball! it's not funny!!
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>jeff knows sushi
does anyone have the cast leak from the CDN
are Jef and jeff two separate entities
Jeff is to Jef as Eminem is to Slim Shady as Claudia is to Claire as Thomas is to TJ
jeff is his wartime persona
jeff is just some korean guy he knows
how do you delete posts?
does anyone have that webm of tacxin zooming in on letty
When does FTL 3 start?
it already has
this is ftl3
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2024 i am forgotten
don't worry about that
>never posted the alleged video
cowardly faggots
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october 1st
He paid them millions to delete it
bitty im fitted chopped and screwed remix status?
who paid who
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>i ate it raw !!
that's already a sargepost, you can cut that comment into like 3 seperate apropos sargeposts
the original premise of the show was never meant to be taken seriously so all of the attempts to poke holes in it have since been rendered pointless. we were sold a bill of goods and the wiggers cashed in. learn from it and move on with a clearer frame of mind.
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Kato getting some weird anti Sam tts tonight, it's making me laugh.
someone should ask jon to invite tj on the next brotank
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Sarge is a bushman of the Kalahari? The old man is whistling through the wheat field?
tts not getting moderated anymore or sumn?
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>ate freshwater fish raw
jacob caused too many problems so we had to kinda distance from him. dont want site being taken down over gay shit before S3
so has abi recovered from being hit in the head with a bat? is she normal now because of it at least?
He’s 5’11
Apart from a blocked words list I doubt there's any human moderation of fishslop streaming tts
she sent one(1) message on tj's stream and that's it
i think its safe to say normal abi is gone
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Pray for chigga
>TJ kino incoming
Edibles in dreams?
>eating raw riverfish
It's so over
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>so has abi recovered from being hit in the head with a bat?
you know exactly what she meant by this
Tayleigh quit because of Sargeposting
that's a weird way of saying she's working with production
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>"And what's the problem if you were? Do you have some sort of anti-semitic problem?"
>"Well, that's inappropriate."
Production are the ones doing the Sargeposting. Jet has a folder with over 50 Sarge reaction images.
she's actually shipping out orders she's probably still home
depends on whose side he is
i got mine today. Lil black fish is always stained white with my jizz.
Cheap labor and ragging on her? I don't see why both can't be true.
post pics
I wasn’t going to smoke weed tonight but decided to last minute while I was in the shower so you’re welcome for the teej stream tonight. I smoked a light dose tonight didn’t go heavy
i'd rather not dox myself
Yeah no we aren't taking your posts into account anymore man you can just go sit over there.
Suit yourself. I’m just calling it how it is.
Right back at you.
Afraid someone will identify you by your jizz composition?
someone would find me on twitter or insta for sure
FUCK MELINDA !!! got me a new bitch , she dont complain
is sarges’s name jef or jeff? why does he refer to himself in the 3rd person.
dont ask questions like that
His name is Jeff and his nickname is Jef (pronounced exactly the same way).
I'm fucking dying dude holy shit lmfao
Does my hideousness have to be the butt of every joke?
These boomer comments are unreal
I been to korea ...jeff knows sushi
sargesisters, they're being mean to him...
Why do all of them type like that it's insane
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why'd they do it bros?
korea is famous for sushi
heartwarming exchange.
how is tayliegh is such a dud when her dad is a fucking badass
Aww this actually made me smile
TJ got his house during 2.5
because nearly every white guy over 55 looks like this and posts like this and drives this
>TJ doesn't believe in polygamy
>"I think people have different interpretations of love[...] the person I love is the person I wanna love"
This boy is too pure.
>1 comment
>his own
KEK what a lonely little faggot he can't even figure out captions!!!!!
fuck this guy for telling me i cant date his daughter.
yeah i wonder how that timeline makes sense with gemma and taylor accusing him and everything.
that guy is clearly hispanic
so he got a place without taylor while they were dating?
It takes a strong man to be able to be vulnerable about one's feelings, semper fi Sarge.
He also mentioned he got sent a bunch of documents during 2.5 where he had to sign and fill them out, and also his dad had to co-sign them. Also I THINK he said he didn't have to pay for it. I may have misheard.
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fuck this fucking faggot
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Tayleigh's father drinks lead paint
I read this in Shinji's voice
what the FUCK did he mean by this
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Semper Fi.
This is too fucking far. Fuck him.
softball Dog ....personall Item. Two far
legendary cat gyatt
shinji knows sushi
He said his dad co-signed but didn’t pay anything. TJ paid whatever fees/rent. With what income I have no idea people say his s2 winnings are invested, his parents manage it, etc.
Didn't he mention he's working at a flour mill?
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Sarge knows sushi...
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What does Sarge think of Jordan? Would he take a short skinny bisexual twink skeet shooting?
that was years ago bro
Last warning

Leave Tayleigh and her family alone
Holy shit, it's bliccy
Damn. Guess it's up to chat to dig for it.
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Dude at this point if I see a post from him saying "ITS DAMN TRUE" I won't even be surprised
if people knew just how psychotic this community is they'd never have a female sign up ever again
Last warning

Leave my wife's boyfriend alone
I'm calling the cyber police
Muslim TJ is canon now.
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yes, hellhouse, evil 4chan hackers, etc.
dumb nigger faggot baby
vandalize this article

these people think they're epic trolls but they're really just pathetic little vermin
Jef is a good dad
and that's the bottom line. hell yeah
post your faggot father’s posts NOW
didn't realize I went on a reality show
my chest hurts from laughing, this is the best one yet
Sarge is so fucking awesome
imagine how long it takes him to type these out
you have a strange sense of humor
we won’t discriminate. I’m sure it’s not a big deal anyway, right?
based jef
or he's a fatass having a coronary
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>works hard and appreciates the awards she ha--ACK!
>doesn't discriminate between wannabe celebrities and anonymous posters
retarded ape
has TJ been asked anything interesting so far?
why does he spell his name with one "f"?
Reading glasses on the bottom of his nose, looking down on the keyboard with a slight open mouth frown, typing with one pointer finger, stopping every few words to spit some dip into a gatorade bottle
>against daddy ball

sargeleigh shippers i dont feel so good.
this guys fb post are not funny
this is about it >>203824466
define interesting
Imagine having such a good father but you were born with a rotten soul that made you a meth addict. Feel for the Sarge
I think it’s funny anons correctly pegged Tayleigh as a softball dyke long before she ever mentioned she played softball.
he lost the other f in korea
you can cross his name out if you want, don’t be a bitch all of a sudden
That's fair
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It is blatantly obvious that the sarge kicked tayleigh out after she started doing drugs and dropped out of college
not really just chilling today. yesterday was emotionally devastating.
I, personally, was at the edge of my seat. I'm really glad Sarge kept me updated.
>txs fusion
that's what he was raging about in this post? lmfao i take it they lost >>203824731
ty for posting this shit anon, hilarious stuff
Supposedly Sarge was a bomb diffuser like in Hurt Locker. He's cool in my book. Its a shame he failed to raise a daughter who has any integrity though.
>trains his daughter to be a tough softball player
>she ends up a retarded druggie quitter who's bulimic and lets people abuse her
Sarge... had a hard life....
LOL!! we dont talk about that

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leave my son jef alone you lil whippersnappers
no Daddy ball.... they get what they deserve and EARN.... Thanks.
It must suck being the Sarge and trying to get your daughter's life on track but then Belinda takes her in and lets her be a NEET degenerate
Its all in good fun Pops these are
my new Computer friends were jus tmessing around heh heh
What's "daddy ball"?
Wasn't the 24 hour stream after 2.5? Taylor seemed fine with it. TJ was trying to get Gemma to move in when he already had 2 roommates?
Tayleigh fucked her dad.
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i was starting to like this guy.... KEK MUCH?
those people at kids sports games that scream at the referees and claim their children can do no wrong
Wtf Sgt. Pen is woke?????
That's incest y'all
this must be after tayleigh came out
>against daddy ball
Tayleigh blamed her racism on her father...
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>raise daughter like she's a son
>she turns out to be a disgusting toxic beat dyke
sarge supports israel btw
some weird term for a coach favoring their kid
what does he mean by size
She's never really explained why but she had to move in with Melinda. She was living with Sarge up until I guess after her breakup with Clayton (she lived at his families' place). Maybe Sarge got tired of her shit.
>not posting the full image
take your SargeSeething back to the discord, you faggot.
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remember this is when Tayleigh came out as a Dyke
The last 2 weeks have been kept alive entirely off the back off the Sarge
it seems like it lines up almost exactly with her dropping out of college
Sarge does NOT take no shit
maria actually has a bunch of pro-lgbt stuff on her facebook too. lame
It starts with an M and ends with a Meth
Has anyone used Jimmy's cameo yet? Does he put in any effort or is it all shit?
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she say it was really easy to buy hard shit in Stephenville multiple times
hope he sees this bro...
Didn't she say he was trying to get a apartment with gemma?
Maria is "built like a tank" and can bench more than me, according to Tayleigh. It'd be surprising if she WASN'T a dyke
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>gobble gobble slam
erm what the spruce? stopped reading there.
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>daughter comes out as trans
>Sarge decides to support Tay by choking on some healthy dose of troon dick
>she hates him anyway
Is there any child more worthless than Tayleigh?
>i ate it raw !!
she's married to a male oil field worker. She is factually not a dyke. Just a stronk mexicana woman.
Not sure. Both sound like they couldn’t have happened after 2.5 though. That seemed like the only concrete evidence Taylor had that TJ hasn’t denied.
Tayleigh ain't the only Pendleton who hangs out with femboys
all you people do is stalk and ruin everyones lives whats wrong with you
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>she's married to a male oil field worker. She is factually not a dyke.
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“May God have mercy for my enemies because I won’t.”
whose life is getting ruined?
...why does every boomer...speak with ellipses...and incomprehensible...jargon?
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anyone will tell you im against daddy ball ....
you have no idea what dyke means do you?
tayleigh fucks with lolcows and asked molesto to dox her fans. she deserves this.
wtf kek
Sarge Lied.
i dont really know whats happening but arent you like stalking tayleighs dad or something i guess you stalk anyone
Ironically the Facebook posting is lighthearted and is replacing the grim and fucked up Sargeposting and the little simp is still whining about it
TJ ate it raw
You're grasping at straws to find an excuse to justify your faggoty behavior.
lying piece of shit. fuck you, jef.
That nose lmao
ok if you say so
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>You're grasping at straws to find an excuse to justify your faggoty behavior.
Y'all have gone too far, she doesn't deserve this shit.
>tfw you will never play "daddy ball" with Sarge as he's done slamming another troon
Well, shit.
>Tayleigh stalks and doxes Chris Chan for years and posts on Kiwi Farms
>Oh no, don't post Tayleigh's dad's public Facebook posts about softball! This is worse than 9/11!
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>Stops streaming and leaves the internet
>People are still so obsessed with her that they're talking her friends and family on facebook at 3 am on a tuesday
pure derangement
rockman_11 won...
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Okay, I'm starting to see why she fell for him.
He seems really nice.
Guys...I have to tell you now. I ate it raw...Jeff knows sushi...
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>mfw remembering telling tayjeets that tayleigh's /bant/ pandering will end badly and getting called dramatic
wtf sarge eats the bugs???
awsome !
Bros I ate a bug bowl chili today hell yeah
I don't know why but I saw a dog in this webm instead of TJ.
Nothin like a bug bowl of chili amen brother......
>Simps getting upset about some playful banter
Shows how soft and normie 4chan has become since 2016. Back in the day anons would have been sending her nudes to everyone she knows and spamming laughing anime girl reaction images in the thread about it
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Tell me about the periods.... why does he always use them?
pause for dramatic effect
>tfw youll never get to pay Sarge's tab at sonic
jef with one f...fucking love it
I fucking love Sarge bros. I wish I had a cool dad like him.
GOOD PEOPLE ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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we are so fucking back SargeChuds
fuck jew's
are there any recent sarge posts or are they all pre methleigh
How many people you reckon The Sarge killed during active duty?
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Teej streams are so comfy.
Also I wonder why Abi didn't talk more.
1488, right Jef? Zoom in on Jef.
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>Was it really that funny Sarge?
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Good morning Saarge
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last one before i close the tab but what a fucking boss. takes no shit. calls douchebags out.
why is tayleigh so fucking lame?
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so true sarge
Is being a chud genetic?
u must be a douchebagg... Lol....
sarge was a peace keeper every fire fight ended with some cold brewskies, a big bowl of chili and new friends.
Thank you so much, these for real made me laugh so hard. Semper Fi anon……
Fuckin love this guy
she wasnt there from what i saw
why even live?
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Damn rite brother……
and omelets for the nerds!
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she was gooning to his stream
what da
Tayleigh going everywhere with her mom when she should've had the real star of the show with her this whole time instead
kek this is crazy
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I have not seen a single Sarge Facebook post about the three foot world. Did Tayleigh lie?
every post of his is above and beyond that the sargeposters posted, that is wild
Didn't she send the first message on the stream?
didnt see her the last hour or so
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Sorry I needed the Dodge babygirl
>tfw no daddy ball, no bug chill bowl, no omelets for the nerds, no paying the tab at sonic
He steals the spotlight of every place he goes
that nigga just made some shit up after she struck out with 3 on base
>i ate it raw !!
why do you have to post this
>Jeff knows sushi!
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What do you mean?
for me, it's the unnecessary periods in place of spaces.
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Why what?
TJ is just a dog that accidentally become human.
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why live
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Fuck it, we'll eat it raw!
the fact that jef doesn't know sushi yet "jeff" does is extremely concerning.
aite chall dis here’s da daddy ball challenge
>tfw your dad steals all your simps from you
>hung like a horse
>wants to fuck horses
im seeing a pattern there
God saw a border collie then zapped it with Israeli magic to become TJ.
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Jeff is his alter-ego when he gets the urge to kill.
Jef is the nice, funny guy.
Jeff is the cold blooded baddass mother fucker

I'd recommend not asking any further questions.
WOOF! jef was a LOOKER!
They both went to Korea. Only one came back.
Hey whos that good lookin fella..LOL 30 years and 30 pound’s ago time flies
if i was a bosnian woman in the 90s i would let this man rape me
One of the saddest Christmas trees I've ever seen
lol the woman Jon is running against got posted by libs of tik tok
He deserved better than to have a daughter like tayleigh, that's fucking grim
shes fucked countless niggers
Kek based boomer
we dont talk about that, soldier.
he can win
We are in a Sargeposting Renaissance, it was falling off for a bit but tonight has breathed some fresh air into the medium
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its the other megan
Thats a different Megan shes running for a different seat. Jon should still call her out for ruining his beautiful town
>jimmy hour
>tj stream
Today was a night among nights
I see Jon shills in the comments. May he win and send all the homeless to Portland
it's shown that he was even more boomer-ish than we previously thought lmao
this made me realize s2 was very lame
>not realizing this the moment cole got kicked
erm he quit actually... also he sucked
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thiel wins again
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evening all, how we doin
>Having a retarded father who posts online
we could be talking about cole right now but he quit.
i wish i could buy taylor her favorite food
shut up leaf how bout u buy me my favorite food instead
You can, she likes tofu and cheese just cashapp her like $10 here
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Memorize this if you are an artist guy
I should do whatever josie's skincare routine is
what did bex say to claire that made claire beef with her? 1:11 on her second september 5th stream.
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>i ate it raw !!
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I can't view this video the same anymore now that I know there was SargeSeed inside of that ass.
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on the borderline of pure dooming and insanity
how about you?
why the FUCK did TJ do it?
Claire has never mentioned Bex at all as far as I know... no one has a problem with Bex
>teej has a boner
come on man... you were about to fuck someone hotter....
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just kidding, you guys are pathetic faggots, carry the thread while we sleep you little bitches. gonna sleep now and think of american superiority.
Fuck I wanna face fuck that face
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You all worship a pedophile
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It’s not really the skin applications but more of her diet which is sperm/semen contents
Please don't post that creepy weirdos face

Now I need an ICE COLD BEER
i time stamped it, just watching her september 5th stream part 2 currently
handsome cat with beautiful eyes
it's a shame that his owner is a dirty whore who pees on the floor
Where is the archive? I am not a full time clairebear
lmao it's been privated i'll reup
nevermind it's 7 gigs. someone else reup
How tf is there multiple Megans running for bend city council
>Keegan had the best music out of any fishtank adjacent person
Have to admit did not see this coming, Sylvia and Vance in shambles
Why would it get privated? That makes no sense
Isn't he just the mixing engineer?
I think large files get removed by gofile after a bit.
Kato's stream is comfy tonight and she's drinking

Best part is you can watch it on twitch too
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Ella’s music is better
I mean there’s all those pictures of him playing shows
That album says lyrics by him too and the location is Auburn where he went to college
Yeah yeah Keep posting tay's dad u fucking sickos
He's a better man than you and he would shoot your ass
Not going to reupload, but both 9/5 Claire streams are on Odysee.
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where's all the baby oil in this joint
Forgot link. https://odysee.com/@GSPallas:4/Claire-streams-9-5-24:6
>Irish tin whistle
Ok I kneel
I fell asleep and had to piss and I started laughing about the sargeposts, fuck you guys lmao
i am a lurker but i have to say those screenshots were fucking hilarious
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Sarge is going worldwide.....
2:59:30 is where she mentions it
If Jet actually knew how to cast bitchtank it would have been good. Put actual mean girls like Claire, Bex, Taylor, Letty and Abi into the mix and you've got actual drama with each other instead of whatever the fuck Shadi and Haley were trying to do.
>actual mean girls like Claire, Bex, Taylor
>Claire, Bex, Taylor
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reminds me of sam pepper from 2009
Whatever; perfect boring princesses like Claire, Bex and Taylor that do no wrong and just happen to keep getting into convoluted beef with people.
Bitchtank was like 60 days in with the physical fighting more than actual drama. was weird. doubt we will see that again. Its when fans want to do too much.
we know absolutely nothing about her, wtf are you talking about
shed be another kalei, again wtf are you on
Doesn't seem serious...
claire leak what bex said
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Bitchtank was fine from a casting standpoint. Got off to an annoyingly lowbrow start thanks to Shadi and Haley trying to force conflict and I guess live up to the name of the show on Day 1, but the four main girls were all quite different from one another. Also, Abi played a mean girl well for a couple days on S2 but crashed out in BT bc she was clearly outmatched in that department, and where on earth do you get Taylor fitting that mold from?
I think fishtank should have consequences for violence or serious attempt of violence because when someone reaches the boiling point and starts throwing hands/items it makes it way more tense knowing that said contestant might be in serious trouble. Watching two turboniggers chimping out 5 times a day over nothing without any consequences got really old really fast.
goodnight taylor
I don't have to memorize josie, I think about her every time I close my eyes.
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im losing my goddamn mind
>but crashed out in BT bc she was clearly outmatched in that department,
Outmatched how? Before she quit, only Haley showed any animosity towards her. Juliana said she's a worthy competitor. Claire was hinting on teaming with Haley(I don't know if she actually meant now that I nothing that she has said can be taken at face value) against Abi.
>Claire was hinting on teaming with Haley
No she didn't, she's too cool and detached to do anything that would've been somewhat interesting.
he’s probably mixing up Haley with Shadi. Claire was def talking about teaming with to take out Abi. Which is completely retarded because fishtank is retarded and has no strategy beyond making Jet and Sam like you while making pro or anti tts dollars.
Hi Mike
Outmatched as in she wanted to go home and attend to her cats more than she wanted to keep competing with the rowdier and bitchier contestants.
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I fucked up my life.
heh, me too. If I had a mind to begin with that is :^)
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tell me about it
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thiel claims another
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