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previously on /bb/: >>203886833
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Rubina 4 HoH
Not gonna miss her
Cam and Kimo for final 2
eternally burning chelsie cunt HATE!
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So where are the Angelafags who made a lot of promises?
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Angela came SO fucking close to winning HOH and the veto. What a fucking tease.

I guess i'm rooting for Kimo since I actively dislike almost everyone else. Cam is ok too I guess
all big ange needing to do was go over chelsie’s small ass number and under the 10k number god dammit
>Big Mak wins Comics, if not this week's HOH, to guarantee her safety
>Wins next week's Veto as well
>Comps out and wins final HOH
>Takes Chelsea to final 2
>Loses 2-5
>you have 26 tattooed on you
So her auction number is 26
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I want either Cam or Kimo to win this season for the Vanuatu Man comeback on top of some comedy gold
there is literally nobody entertaining left
it's so over
kino week is still possible if kimo/rubina wins hoh and mak wins pov
I would be fine with this outcome
Thanos said he's going live soon.
yeah i'm tapping out until finale night
Season died when tucker was evicted
I don’t want chelsie to be rewarded after how she’s acted all season desu
that's too bad we're all really going to miss you guys
once again a big FUCK YOU to Quinn for fucking up his second HOH and handing the game to Chelsie on a silver platter.
I still think she’d win if she made it to f2
It’d be like jag where she comped out while deafy/chelga don’t own anything
Rubina beats Chelsie she has kimo tkor Quinn and leah
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>still sucking off tucker
The only thing entertaining Angela could do is be pistol-whipped live by Matt on eviction night. Then shat on by Quinn.
Tbh if Chelsie left this crew could be fun (see the hoh sex talk the other night) but the odds of her leaving this week are insanely low
is that even a valid attack against tucker, everyone catered to t'whore
hopefully mak goes next so that the greater purpose hgs achieve their goal. then the game can really start
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What did we promise again?
The crazy thing about Ange's confession with Julie is that Mak loses against another guest she should have sweeped. I don't even know who Mak wins against (maybe Cam?) she's basically playing for second at this point.
If Mak HoH goes as planned, she'd deserve to win because she's the only one playing with foresight
>Greater purpose hgs
It's Cookout 2.0
They do keep debating between taking Chelsie or Cam to f3
But I’m not holding out hope they make the right decision always keep expectations low during steamrolls/ near steamrolls
not exactly, black males like cam (who hang out with white whores) aren't part of t'kor's master plan
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who id be ok with winning

he was a greater purpose faggot like the others
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She maybe has Kimo, that's it
he gave her 5k after she put him on the block
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The difference between Jag and Makensy is that Jag was actually the one in charge of his group strategically. Matt and Bowie acted on his behalf.
Who would T’Kor vote to win if it was Rubina vs Chelsie? I’m thinking she could do Chelsie. Definitely if she’s up against Kimo
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oh shit, we ovi posting up in here?
If she can't go "black girl", she'll have to consider gameplay, and Rubina's is stronger.
T'Kor's vote is locked for Chelsie 100%
chelsie of course, t’kor was literally the jared to chelsie’s cirie this season except they didn’t even fucking know each other
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for tkor it's
>black women
>brown women
>black men
>brown men
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And then Quinn is a tossup between voting for his Pentagon member and being pussywhipped by Leah to vote Big Mak.
Only needs 4 to win, and Chelsea has a good chance of getting these 5.

Mak has Leah, Angela, and maybe Quinn. Who would be her 4th vote?
t'kor's bs "brand" commands that she vote for the black woman i think
>hey you guys I just want you to know what you’re doing to nicole isn’t very nice
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>ok thats great ovi, we dont care
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I could see cam getting flipped to vote mak to win depending on if he actually gets to the jury house and leah has time to work on him without chelga reprogramming
I don't see either Kimo or Rubina in Final 2. It doesn't work for Chelsie's game to split the vote for her solid alliance. You're basically talking about Chelsie's backup plan to get to F2 through the third player and in that case, Rubina could beat Chelsie by getting Kimo, TKor, Leah, Quinn, Angela, and lose one of those.
Nicole was queen that season.
Holly fans are chuds.
Quinn might actually get laid in the jury house which is fucking wild. It’s too bad that we will never find out if he did
Remember when Jack slipped and called him Poovi
This is weird revisionism because Fatt and him were more give and take, the cormerica evictions were definitely deafy and Bowie convincing Jag for instance, but what fucked Matt with jury was he never owned shit even the moves that he was clearly behind
Maybe chelsie will be smart enough to avoid that but idk she lies to herself and the cameras every damn day
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my guess would be chelsie honestly. and rubina would be fine with it because of the greater cause narrative. what the greater cause being, i dont know. we already have a black female winner
Chelsie seemed to be down to put up Mak against Angela but then two seconds later she did Rubina. What had changed?
Jag convinced Bowie to take out Cam, and Matt to take out Cirie. Matt taking out Cirie in particular made him look like a Jag puppet.
He'll tell Taran, don't worry
Stupina probably rolled over and agreed to go up
She’s extremely flighty with her decisions when not involving Leah or Cam
Remember how her and Mak waffled endlessly over nomming/evicting Quinn?
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I need her and mama dud to play together
no she wasnt, she was just saying that to kimo for lip service. with rubina, she probably said something about it being fucked up because they had mak backdoor leah for them
Half of his deep dive will be recounting his sexual exploits with Leah
that’s a man
He'd be a top 5 player if he did that
True on Bowie but frankly I don’t agree on Cirie or Dud
Fatt clearly wanted to bro out to the end and he still could’ve won had he not lost votes through his goodbye messages and that terrible last speech. Most people figured he had it in the bag if he made it to the end of
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yeah, my makensy manbeck
I always hated big mak. Now I’m justified
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little leah top three
if that's a man slap my ass and call me a faggot
I think Chelsie will go half mask off during a F2 jury. She seems to be self aware of her moves - when production convinced Mak to put up Leah, she noted in DR that it wasn't good for Mak's game (which was Mak's biggest fear) but was good for her game (despite persuading her otherwise). She'll keep some of the mask on when it comes to her allies, but I fully expect her to own how well she was able to get other people to take her targets out.
A human :)
im gonna laugh if tucker actually wins AFP. that would be demoralizing to the remaining cast and how boring america viewed them
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chelsie is actually an evil person for manipulating somebody sweet and pure like mak to ruin real love, she is not going to go to heaven
I honestly think Matt forgot he was playing Big Brother and seemed shocked how hard Jag came at him at Final 2. He really did seem to want bros to the end and forgot he was going for $750k. He had zero self awareness: "It was a group effort" "Nah, it was totally my move, Matt was just in the room" and Matt never bothered to walk back on it.
jag’s final two speech was kino
how did they go into the final 9 with 3 guys and 6 girls and the final 5 is 2 guys and 3 girls lmao
Half her DRs contradict her actions in the house though
Like she’ll say she wanted Tkor out in DR but be extremely reluctant when it happens and then say justice for tkor in a cam talk
Maybe she will, but I’m skeptical the longer the game goes and the more we see her gaslighting herself over every damn thing
Fatt's tard speech at the end made me laugh. Meanwhile jag was talking about bathing in everyone's blood kek
Big Brother needs to retire the "without going over rule" Angela was 5,000 away while Chelsie was 9,000 away. This shit isn't the Price is Right.
I think the top 3 would be even worse in that regard kek
Angela being second and Leah third will cause major seething
The Women's Alliance*TM will happen next year for sure, you'll see!
Guess I'm catching up with the lastest survivor season
women can’t work together, it’s literally impossible
damn I thought she'd be higher
tuck is winning for sure now that those two went out back to back
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Twin Twist!
Angela was up to like 24% last week she might climb again. I think the Tucker shills tend to vote early
she looks better without all the cake on her face
icko is probably only hours away from being balls deep in little leah
one's a glamorous city girl and the other is trailer trash
small brained cutie patootie
I was wondering if anyone else noticed that big mak looks better with little to no makeup
that's why I've wanted it to happen since he left. that or lil leah to piss of the femcel
This thought gives me hope for mankind
He managed to win over a jury that wanted him to fail. Or more likely, Matt managed to alienate a jury that wanted him to win.
I was persuaded.
It's wrapping up quickly. Finale is October 13th. Only 2 more weeks of Chelousy to endure bro.
>Only 2 more weeks
thank god
>if you don't know the fundamental differences between a recap ep and an eviction ep you need to stop watching

dude, you are a total fucking moron. julie said there is no wednesday ep (1 hr) but thursday is 2 HOURS. its not a recap its showing the wed ep back to back with the thursday ep
>crossposting to the last thread 100 posts in
mad you got btfo
yeah you can really tell by this pic too
kek imagine big mak wins hoh and has the hoh room for 2 weeks in a row
Kimo would 100 percent be going home if that happens, right? i guess he could win veto

i honestly don't know any HOH outcome that would make this week interesting. Kimo winning?
Kimo would probably put up Mak and Cam. I don't think Rubina or Kimo are targeting Chelsie at all.
i think they would take a shot at chelsie if she was a renom and veto was used on mak
Taylor is live on RHAP right now and says she needs people to target Chelsie or else the season ended tonight.
Kimo/Rubina would target Mak but I am unsure how they’d handle Chelsie/Cam if Mak won veto
They’ve debated the pros and cons to taking both to the end and Chelsie did just win another hoh, but they’re also tkorwashed to trust Chelsie so who knows
who gives a single shit what she thinks about anything
poor tkor having to live in the jury house with all those crackas
Damn, why is she keepin another black queen down?
She's about two or three evictions too late for that insight lmao has she been browsing /bb/?
If Kimo does this I might change my opinion on him but we all know he's gunning for Mak.
I just thought it was a surprise because people on here bitch about her and assume she wants Chelsie to win
that taylor girl is alright
she doesn't want another black woman winner

she doesn't at all. she rooted for tkor because it was expected but now close to the end and a black chick is favored to win, she's freaking
she wants to be the only one
kek she knows people would think chelsie is a better winner than her
I mean that opinion and what you posted aren’t contradictory
She’s saying if they don’t target Chelsie Chelsie won the season tonight which is pretty true barring getting Pauld . Doesn’t reveal whether she thinks that’s a good thing or not
Taylor is simultaneously overrated and underrated depending on which group you ask.
and they would be right
say whatever about chelsie but if she wins she earned it
what is this alleged group you speak of that thinks she is underrated
i wouldn't agree with that. taylor at least brought a decent social game

chelsie is a terrible liar and only gets away with because the house is retarded. she would get clocked easily if she played last year.
Nah it gives her Mein Kwanzaa material for her autobiography as a self made businesswoman.
>Gradually, I began to hate them.

Checked. Keeping Cam would be the logical choice but Chelsie would be the emotional choice. Which one will triumph on My Little Brother: Friendship is Magic?
here. people act like she's a retard. she's not great, but she's not josh tier or anything
I disagree because if she wins she should be splitting the money with tkor
she allowed Chelsie to glide into jury with little issue, the one time she was in danger told flipped the vote to be sure she wasn’t, and gave her free minions she otherwise would never have had (she barely talked to either of Rubina or Kimo before late prejury ). There’s no way to disentangle Chelsie’s game from the leg up Tkor gave her purely due to her race
chelsie walked into the house with 3 people who would never vote her out because of her skin color
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One of these two need to win HOH or the week is going to be boring as fuck
I rate her low cause it’s pretty obvious that she was a house pariah and wouldn’t have won without production hinting at people that america is mad about her being “bullied” therefore everybody was scared to really make moves against her for the rest of the season
because we think she was a shit player doesnt mean we think she is underrated, thats not how it works
they wish they were as peppy
I still think Taylor only won because of the fucked up leading questions the cast got in the jury exit interviews
her social game was so shit the entire house was targeting her (it was not racism) and then twitter and production decided it was bullying and racism and they intervened. first half of the game she laid in bed eating chips and crying
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I hope Leah has a huge social media presence after the show. I'm gonna miss the little dork
I forgot about how much that annoyed me.
Taylor wanted T'Kor to win, she's never liked Chelsie.
surprised chelsie didnt take mak out. seemed like everyone was onboard. what changed?
Taylor probably doesn't like Chelsie because Chelsie is a judgmental christfag, and Taylor is a massive slut.
her and quinn will do some low rent bb podcast and they will get to interview prejury houseguests like 2 weeks after they were evicted after all the real interviews are conducted. it will be mostly cringe with quinn screaming over her the entire time
probably because she won HOH and knew she would be 100 percent burning yet another jury vote. she would have been down to get Mak out if anyone else put her up
am i the only one who think leah won't speak to quinn again once she goes home and gets back to her normal life?
She's right. I think it would have been a terrible move for Chelsie to take out Mak here. She just got her to do her bidding against her own best interest. To turn around and backstab her immediately is a sure fire way to burn a jury vote.
She might try and milk it a bit after seeing the America and Cory success from last season.
She was universally reviled by the house without her skin color. Her fans say she had great jury management but I disagree. She had one good day. Finale night. Where she gave a great speech that was even better because she was able to compare her bleeding on the block to her struggles as a black woman. The only day she did great was the only day that mattered, but I question whether 1 day of 90 was a reason to vote for her compared to Monte.

Chelsie at least is liked very well by the rest of the cast. And though the is the one eyed man in the land of the blind with a game no other cast would fall for strategy wise, Taylor had to be propped up by production.
Because Chelsie won HoH and knew she still had one week of vulnerability left as the outgoing HoH. Cam can't win anything, Kimo Rubina Angela HoH is too risky, Mak's the only one that has her back 100% since the other duo threatens Mak's game. Actually a brilliant move by Chelsie that took braincells since most anons on here would have taken the shot and risked final four.
t’kor ruined the season
casting ruined the season like they have for the past several
I think she will always be friendly unless Quinn gets heartbroken or clingy. Zero chance they date after or anything though
rubina must have been shitting lumpia when chelsie renomed her kek
if you switch out t’kor with a normal person you don’t have the cancer trio and you don’t have three built in allies for chelsie cause of her skin color
they need to stop casting young black women
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last season had a great cast
true. only 40+ year old black people. young black people are so scuffed
If only she had done that math properly
better than this one for sure
post bb22 black queen rankings:

1.mama dud
2. tiffany
3. chelsie
4. cirie
5. mecole
6. ameerah
7. taylor
8. kirsten
9. azah
10. tkor
11. jasmine

fuck chuddah she doesnt count
id unironically watch those two do a BB podcast
Did Kimo like Angela? I was curious how he reacted to her saying she loved him so much and that she would have taken him all the way
rank the black women from all of bb
Futhermore, it sets Chelsie up in a good position to take Mak out in Final 4. Mak can't compete. Whoever wins HoH will put Mak up. Mak's only hope is a veto win, Chelsie's only way out is a renom where Mak spoils.
Remember if Mak wins HoH this week, Kimo or Rubina will probably go home vote wise and the other will blame Mak for it. Chelsie has maximized her safe positions for two weeks by keeping Mak in this week. Pretty sure Mak F4 backstab is the only thing that can get Chelsie out before Final 3 at this point.
thats asking a lot but amber b #1
everyone, including production hate quinn though?
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tommy truth nuke
>try to rig it for cirie win by casting superfans and older people
>end up with best cast
he was never going to let a white boomer make it to the end (i know she is gen x)
what type of hoh comp do they typically do after a double? another booth?
oh my god can he say that??
buddies are seething in his replies
Big mak ruined the season with her stupidity. I feel bad for whoever works under her on the construction site
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Kek at Leah bringing her Barbie doll with her
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based tommy
working under big mak on the construction site
nope t’kor did by giving chelsie an unbreakable alliance simply because of her skin color
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based brielle
brielle ruined the season
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thats true this hole thing is FUCKED UP!
shes an uncle tom ass hater
I'd like to construct a family with big mak if you catch my drift ;)
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exactly they need a bunch of terrances
Leah and Quinn hanging out together at the jury house while T'kor is forced to hang out with Angela
checked and crockpot pilled
I like to imagine it’s quinn, leah, and angela having fun together while T’kor seethes in the corner
thats the best souvenir
at least Leah will be there to cook in the jury house.
First time Tkor will be alone with so many ypipo
I can never look at Rubina the same after this
t’kor will shockingly turn against chelsie after chelsie sent all the white people to jury and tortured her
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There are people on Twitter who unironically think Quinn and Leah will fall in love and be a couple on the outside kek. If they're smart they'll grift those fools for free money and vacations.
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i fucking miss Quinn. I hope we get some good jury footage on Sunday
Quinn would be up for it. With selling plasma and being a nurse recruiter, seems he'd be opportunistic enough for it.
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Getting your gender confirmed with Lil Leah
little leah will be doing a penis inspection on icko
seems the outcome would have been the same even if mak didnt use the veto on kimo. they would have voted angela out and chelsie wins hoh without a tie breaker. kimo leah noms. kimo smokes the veto again (who knew his comp was rolling a ball down a ramp) rubina goes up and they vote leah out.
mak should have nommed kimo and rubina and kept the noms the same
That would require having a brain now she’s fucked
well sure you can go back weeks and say what should have happened
mak won?
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>kimo voted out, leah wins veto, big mak voted out
damn, big mak really found the one golden path to survive the double
BOOOOOOO just gonna be Kimo and Rubina i'm sure
winning tiny hoh with big mak
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aww she has a tiny hoh key
greater purpose bros???
imagine being mak and trusting rubina and kimo more than leah and angela
That was the most boring double eviction in the history of the franchise.

They expect us to watch this shit for the next 17 fucking days!?!
she didnt win the veto but it kept her safe and now it got her another hoh
Cam would obviously be the renom if there was one but I doubt Rubina/Kimo will win. Shit week ahead of us
AAPI sisters, I don't feel so good
cam looks shook it cant be all inclusive F4 now
probably because he cant win a fucking thing lol
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can grodner convince mak to put up chelsie?
please fucking get rid of chelsie mak you can do it
Can't believe this fucking white bitch won again. There was supposed to be a greater purpose damnit. If she had morals she would have thrown.
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mak hohitus gonna drive them crazy all week
>tiny key
she won't. i think leah did some convincing to her that chelsie was manipulating and trying to fuck her over but the fact that she didn't put up mak and now is HOH makes her relax. it would be the most based thing ever if she put up Chelsie and Cam but it won't happen
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supposedly he was close
nigga will get dragged to F3 and win final HOH
dawgs just have to believe
if kimo and rubina were any type of player they could probably get chelsie and cam on the block but alas, we are left with what we are left with
is it just me or is that a very tiny key for the size of Mak's body?
cam is such a flop
what a disgrace
Any other dawgs at the crib feeling kinda nervous right now...
Kimo is toast
chelsie will give mak a scripture comparing sacrificing leah and angela for her own game
big mak in an hoh comp vs rubina, kimo, and cam kind of had to end with a mak win desu kek
rubina wearing maks hair extensions
watch him go beast mode in the veto again
if I’m kimo or rubina right now I tell mak about how chelsie threw her name out as a renom during the double but they’re doing t’kor’s bidding so of course they won’t do that
This is the prime time to get out Chelsie and just comp out against the others. I'm not sure big mak is smart enough to realize that though.
cam can't win shit
his one veto "win" was because t'snore fucked up
just 2 more vetos to go
maybe rubina randomly beasts comics
>the 4 regretting not taking her out a few hours ago
i can't believe makensy didn't lay down and die for the greater purpose
hahaha retards
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chelsie said Kimo looks like he works at pizza hut or gamestop
>put Chelsie up against Kimo or Zubina and force a tie
>break tie and vote out Chelsie
>destroy everyone in the remaining comps
mak has nearly as many comp wins as the rest of them combined

mak -7
house - 8
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it’s ogre
Other then Leah these people all suck
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kimo was worried about stretching out the extensions because his head is so huge
ok big mak last week’s hoh was a disaster, now you get a do over. do the right fucking thing.
mak seemed uncomfortable with him wearing them
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God's strongest warrior Big Mak can't take the easy road
she has to fuck it up again. its in her dna
Cam seems pissed that they're making chicken tacos for some reason
>why does it have to be CHICKEN tacos?
>evict everyone wanting to work with you
>now it’s impossible to fuck up the hoh since you have no more allies to evict.

1000 iq mak
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Kimo is making hot dogs again.
isnt mak otb for sure next week since she cant play hoh?
i hope she does just for laffs
probably yeah but she’ll have a good shot at winning veto
absolutely. everyone will agree it's her time to go. i think she might as well take a shot at Cam/Chelsie but she probably forgot about everything Leah said already

This final 3 is looking sweet
rubina scrubbing her pits with some kind of solution
yes and chelsie will surely win f4 veto so wraps unless kimo pulls something crazy and gets her to renom chelsie this week
i'm trying to think of a way that Kimo makes it to the final two but i think he legit needs to comp out which seems impossible for him. he's probably the main target this week unless Mak grows a pair
veto is what matters at f4
growing a pair with big mak
probably feels like she's getting razor burn
he spittin facts on god
I swear Cam keeps walking into the storage room because he's already so fucking bored.
unless you are hoh. has anyone ever felt confident enough to throw F5 hoh to get F4?
he could if he fucking played the game
>chelsie asked me who to put up during the double, i said you (mak) but she said it wasnt time yet
chelsie actually looks better with makeup
ainsley actually looks better without makeup
chelsie just confirmed she meant to write 10800
i thought she said yes to the idea but decided on rubina instead?
Matt cried tears of joy when Angela was evicted. He said he’s pissed people like her now and that she’s racist since calling him crazy eyes is a micro aggression.
brielle looks better without makeup
do you think joseph hate watched tonight?
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i missed her little moment with the camera. did she celebrate getting leah and angela out or anything? need a quick rundown if possible
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Cam thought that Angela was gonna kiss Kimo on the lips when she left

they're making fun of that her second speech was basically the same thing as her first
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I just realized we won't get any more Leah food moments :(
These are very hateful people tired of their false positivity.
im not sure what was said to rubina, but she was telling everyone , whoever goes up, angela is going.
but im saying rubina and kimo could try to push for chelsie and cam if they had any sort of game but they are probably going to be flipped over without any fight and take it from behind
she was just celebrating making it to top 5. and that auntie julie is offically her auntie. happy she got angela out , cause anyone sitting next to her was donezo going forward.
didnt say anything about potential noms but said its all looking very promising
she talked about how some as ratchet as her from rancho cucamonga could make it to F5 is an amazing accomplishment and she gushed on auntie julie
>Cam thought that Angela was gonna kiss Kimo on the lips when she left
lmao i thought the same shit too
stepmom Julie
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I miss them
bruh, i thought julie was going to hit angela with one of those 'Please exit the house angela' like she did when kyland wasnt leaving
chelsie told rubina its angela no matter what then rubina said "what do i do" and they cut to ad
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According to RHAP, calling somebody "auntie" is a show of affection within the Black community.
i think "boo" too
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>i'm voting to evict chelsie because she's from rancho cucamoongoo
that shit doesn't happen and i don't know why they think it does
Women are always backstabbing eachother it’s the weirdest thing. I wonder why
unless it’s “boo boo the fool” which is an insult
maks 2 hour schizo rant to chelsie and cam about how they had to target rubina and kimo in the double worked
fascinating i love learning about alien cultures
waiting in the living room for maks hoh room reveal without big mak
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the image of rhap being experts in "the black community" is cracking me up
shouldnt they all be plotting against mak right now?
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Imagine how much better the season would’ve been if Chelsie got evicted instead of brooklyn
Mak/Kimo F2 or mak/Rubina f2
even if cam had went instead of brook things would be way different. tucker even called out chelsie as the mastermind and everyone just let it slide
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Mak always seemed somewhat uncomfortable initially when Leah would do shit like this but maybe I'm just bad at reading vibes
t'kor wouldn't allow her minions to even think of chelsie as an enemy
big mak looks like she has down syndrome
big mak looks like she has whore syndrome
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Mak was afraid of her bisexual feelings.
maks hoh room isnt ready
not like they can get her out this week. they all know she has to go next week
dude these feeds are already fucking brutal. one on ones after the new HOH was my favorite part of the week. i like Kimo and Cam but they're so fucking boring on feeds that they can't hold me
pretty much only time to watch em now are right after new HoH / veto
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>it's a houseguests throw out 50 pounds of food episode
The space is needed for more leftovers.
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quinnsisters... did we win? i tapped out weeks ago
which also gets thrown out the majority of the time
Quinn, Leah, angela, big mak, and cam F5 quinn is HOH
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theres almost no point. mak has to nom rubina and kimo and they wont even push back. tune in after the veto i guess
even if he gets a kiss from Leah in the jury house he will see it all worth it
ainsley owes jankie sex
They need the space for more leftovers.
Would anyone else eat big maks poo?
i think you're the only one screenshotbro. i admire your honesty though
fuck you and your caps
mak and chelga want to keep rubina and boot kimo this week

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