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i smell death edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (fake date)
• S2 episodes coming before Bloodgames
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Jon is officially the tallest fish
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 20 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Taylor has became a coke addict
• Claire continues to put fries in the bag
• Br*wnl*aks has been exposed as a creepy stuttering and shaking sperg, currently MIA (grounded)

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203909624
Ludwig confirmed for season 3
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i ate it raw !!
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Ella is crying in b3
i have seen beautiful things
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What would it take for you to stop watching? The second a white woman has sex with a brown man on the show I'm turning it off permanently.
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>cute monkey
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jet neptune dies today.
why do you guys keep choosing my replies in particular
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Manifesting TJaylor!
that was more kino than anything you're gonna get with season 3 btw fyi
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eternity is coming
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>Ben: D-don't go Jet-sama!
Jet: Sorry Ben, it's been based and kino working with you

>/ftl/: We'll miss you Jet!
>(Everyone Liked That)
Jet: I love the fans!

Trans Cole: You know, we've never seen eye to eye.... but it won't be the same without you Jet
>Jet: (crying) To be honest Cole, you always were my favorite fish

>Claire: How about one last KINOOOOO for them /ftl/ boys back home?
>(/ftl/ cheering in the background)

Sam: THINK IT DREAM IT DO IT! (starts tearing up)
Sam: I trained you well..... (sobbing)

>Jet: Heh, this is just like the Vance cried meme from 4channel
Vance: (wiping away tears) yeah

>Jimmy: Nah on some real shit Jet like I know you had to do it for the show so you know when you recreated the programs on season 2 I still have like massive respect for you and shit so yeah when you die of course I'm going to be crying yeah
>Funnyjunk, Reddit and 9Gag tip their hats from a distance
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No curse will stop me from posting Shadi's big juicy ass!
honestly like 50% of the spooky posts were me
i made it all up :)
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wtf is wrong with her
ill probs tune out if/when jimmy or dunye show up
what the fuck was that thread, did everyone just lose their minds or what
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except the gnome, unfortunately he's real and he actually is very agitated now
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JET WE NEED A VIBE REPAIR PRONTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
don't worry about that
just stocked up on galaxy gas
Alright, but was the gnome real??
beautiful stuff right here man. got me inspired to make a fishtank inspired greek tragedy
i was just letting those two guys samefag tbqh
if Tayleigh shows up I'll never watch again period
Jimmy showing up
you didn't see the gnome?
i fucking saw it
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so who's going to be the one to make the first fishtank goonpilation
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speed through the fog of madness and forge a new path towards the light
the what?
nah i saw it
i wonder if the other girls felt mogged
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don't worry about that
Did y'all see them trans Cole leaks I just woke up and I'm losing my shit looking at the pics
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taylor ate the last thread.
Kek it's kino!
can /ftl/ recover?
eternal wounds have been inflicted on our collective spirit i fear
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She died for our sins
no. i did my best
there's a dark force looming
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So if there’s not a trailer tomorrow then we’re pretty much guaranteed for a delay, right?
Even though Molesto and Jimmy hit it I'd still plap that fat brown booty desu.
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S2 was visual kino throughout
people think this is a bad sign but I think it's a sign that the ethereal, incomprehensible energy of Season 1 is making a comeback
why do you guys keep choosing my replies in particular
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>guaranteed for a delay
unless jacob is fucking around he's starting his thing on the 4th and i don't know how the site can handle that.
Did Jimmy or Shadi ever confirm/deny?
What thing? And this fucking sucks I was really waiting for October
isn't it past your bedtime?
jef knows sushi!!!!!
he said the first
no jacob wants to start jacobtank on the first so it will done by the fourth.
Jimmy did and said her pussy didn't stink lol
>I was really waiting for October
stfu jet no one wants season 3 anytime soon
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why do you guys keep choosing my replies in particular
lol ever the charmer.
it wasn't even a reply and you guys still chose it
Most of jacob's stream before he started watching music videos/youtube shit
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you know something is off when taylor eats the bread
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>Makes half of /ftl/ seethe and spam bad shops of her nose and impotently wish for her death by virtue of being a glittery, pretty Disney princess.

How does Claire so effortlessly domineer the minds of haters?
I opened this on mobile without realizing it was a webm and got jumpscared by TJ moving around slightly while in a decrepit mummy pose.
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holy shit fishtank sissies gonna seethe when Ludgod shows up and mogs their goat. His streamer event mogged Jet's Broodgames and Ice's Hunger Pains
those are just two guys
*enters your thread*
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Why can't they just buy an ad.

What, just keep making millions of dollars and never contribute to the site that has given you millions of dollars of free advertising?

Are the mods in on this?
Are they allowing essentially advertisement 'generals' on this board and getting paid to do it?
Why as we as a community tolerating this?
so many lives are about to be destroyed
this thread and the last one are making me suicidal
Posting that image exposes you as not actually caring about the sanctity of /tv/ and instead just seething about Sam. Not realizing we all hate Sam here anyways for ruining the show.
dude what the fuck is this image please qrd I've been out of the loop this is insane
why do you guys keep choosing my replies in particular
>she cheated at goblinpoker
did stinky pete knew all along?
>Why can't they just buy an ad.
because 4chan ads are a joke, they dont work
>that has given you millions of dollars of free advertising?
least god complexed 4chan nigger
>Are the mods in on this?
Why do you still think this dead website has non bot, real human moderators lmao
>Are they allowing essentially advertisement 'generals' on this board and getting paid to do it?
This is a normal /tv/ general thread, get help
>Why as we as a community tolerating this?
because /ftl/ is quintessential 4chan, we dont care about softcore porn r/watchitfortheplot threads
that was the trader's audition for 2.5
it's too late to turn back
There is a tranny janny named Emily Le1ghton (lives in Methuen MA coincidentally) that spergs out on the other mods when they delete the shill threads. Congratulations Sam 4chan is now your person big purple army.
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Channing won
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Taylor is cute! Cute!
Tayleigh appearing in any shape or form.
the choir will soon perform
>both Vance and Tay quit streaming at the same time
lmao jet really hired Tay
damn that bish is ugly
who is this?
Two autistic teenagers printed out markyshirts and went undercover to one of Sam’s shows. After the show they asked for photos and just as the photo was being taken they unzipped their jackets revealing the marky pic plus the text “he can’t keep sucking away with it”(I don’t know why, esl Eddie reference?). Sam asked if they wanted to talk about it and they ran away in fear, now they’re apparently making a big Sam expose video with interviews with various people he’s wronged.
that's me
thats an ugly woman
Come to think of it meg hasn't streamed in quite a while
I wish Sam just like, talked about it normally. Acknowledged it with a tweet or something. him being evasive is why everyone brings it up and makes it seem much worse than it probably is
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Its retarded that they are keeping production members as a secret. Former fishes could be streaming and hyping people for s3 but for goranian reasons they cant tell who is delivering cigarettes this season.
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They didn't want to get tackled like Channing. Sam is unhinged he's going to end up in jail someday.
>delivering cigarettes this season
No fucking way, are they seriously still doing that bullshit, this show will continue to die the longer they keep around those god awful fishtoys that genuinely make the show unwatchable
Ok keep me posted
They said they weren't going to do cig deliveries, because it fucks up the whole house
Literally nothing wrong with how this was handled wtf is the point of this conflicting post and image???
Tayleigh appearing for any reason. Watch the viewership drop like flies

sam couldn't even make it a couple days without reminding tay he can't stand her, zero chance she's involved with s3. he wants a refresh, not a rehash of the contestants everyone, including him, hates
they need to get rid of all pointless shoutout fishtoys forever
how can fishtank fans watch over 8 hours of people walking and talking in rooms every day for six weeks?
>It was in self defense.
This clip gets even worse every time I watch it
They're going to do pumpkin pie and apple cider donut deliveries to fit the theme of this season
True true unless Sam really has stepped away and it’s The wi-wi-wi-Wigger and The Jets Show.
cute i like that
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>TJ quit streaming again
jet here

pumpkin pie and apple cider donut deliveries have been cancelled for being overbudget
noooo :(
I need big Shadi ass applied directly to my face.
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Nothing don't worry about it
I’m not smoking weed again until Sunday so no teej streams until then sorry. You saw how the last stream went he played a goodbye song, didn’t know what to talk about anymore and then went offline. He will be back when he has things to say again no rush. Trust the teej and the weed.
vast inner world, high IQ
benji made him quit with his cuck story :((
>What would it take for you to stop watching?
If Tayleigh appears on the screen in any capacity other than her being publicly executed, I will close the tab and never look back
Jet should have left her in that room with Cryokeen forever
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>Sam asked if they wanted to talk about it and they ran away in fear
lol talk about headcanon. Sam was literally stunned and just stood there for 2 minutes like he was about to shit his pants, trying to think up of a comeback and by the time he came up with one and blurted out to them to stay and hang they left/were leaving.
doing this kind of stuff is just as embarrassing as being an obsessed fanboy
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Did he actually? When was his last stream, I haven't been keeping up.
Fear of missing out on potential kino and storyline plots. For example no one wants to be the person that missed out live on contestant blah blah blah breaking one of the house windows and going apeshit over racist TTS.
Nah it's way funnier
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they look like their mom dropped them off and picked them up to do this lmao
Has anyone here tried to be somewhat parasocial with teej on instagram? I don’t know if I could he seems like one of those dry texters. He definitely opens up more in person.
Mental illness
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Love this guy, I wanna chill with him.
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No that was just b*tty
Production hands made this post.
Production enjoys irl marky posting too?
Be nice to Betty she's trying her best.
we do
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>Sam at Williamsburg
Based, punk those faggots!
>Sam getting trolled
No, that's embarrassing, leave Sam alone!
He literally says in that image that Sam asked if they wanted to hang out to his face.
>but he was heckin pushin them
You can see in the images his hand never even touches them.
Based wiggers trolling Sam behind the scenes with uncensored mark E TTS
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>how can fans watch over 8 hours of people walking and talking in rooms

you just described most of game of thrones

evening all, how we doin?

tfw only a week away from another season of life sucking kino
I am Mark E. Prost
Been thinking about it, all jokes aside. Wonder how he behaves outside of his streaming persona.
He's literally trying to cover up the image on their shirts with his hand..
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You can literally see Sam touching him in that pic lol.
I’ve thought about it too but he seems like he hates messaging and texting in general. Jimmy on the other hand is an open book I think he’s the only fish that lets people hang out with him irl lmao
I've had friends like Jimmy growing up, definitely someone you'd be chill with having within your circle as long as you don't fuck with him in a way he notices but definitely wouldn't want to be alone with him.
That’s how Josie is gonna look when I got her strung up by her wrists in my bdsm dungeon. 100 buckaroos if you wanna join
Don't worry anons I'm currently working behind the scenes to bribe the josiepedos dealer to cut his coke with rat poison and Xylazine. He won't bother us for much longer.
>Jimmy on the other hand is an open book I think he’s the only fish that lets people hang out with him irl lmao
because he has no friends
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on the list you go. you'll pay for this
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I wonder how steinful feels about that giant Josie clitty
S2 trailer was released during the show btw
Kek I forgot about that
Jet kicks off the best contestant early one more time and Im out. He's 3 for 3 so far (bitchtank isnt a canon season)
Simmons wasnt the best contestant
No but also yes
What they did to Meg was terrible
If Tayleigh is on S3 and if she's replacing Bex then that would be the saddest downgrade since Liquid Cole to Cole
JC and Meg leaving absolutely destroyed the momentum of s2 and then it just turned into the torture Tayleigh show
you are a bully. i actually grow/make most of my drugs and have other chems imported straight from a trusted distributor. my coke dealer is the weak point but i have test kits. the day the kits are defeated is the day josie is no longer my fav comedian because i'm dead. try 3-mmc, it's great

also who the fuck are these people https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1726887780048855.webm
I’ve been saying for months that contestants shouldn’t be removed until the last two weeks.
Mmm bacon

Megmonsters get in here

What was your fave Meg moment?
Okay good luck with that they don't make test kits for rat poison tho
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>it just turned into the torture Tayleigh show
is this nigga serious rn
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And attractive
The only ones I ever see harm reduction sites give out for free are for fentanyl
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roblox talk with big god
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Wonder why this tranny has a love boner for Sam but a hateboner for Mr Beast
It's literally the same shit but 80% of Mr Beast threads are deleted, and negative ones about him stay up slightly longer.
not reality tv
when chris lynch talked to her for hours about inane bullshit like roblox because he thought she would let him fuck
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who is this
It turned into the torture chud gang show. And then they rewarded TJ because he’s ideal non-political ‘intellectual’.
He's getting a show on Amazon and had his youtube content divided into seasons and put on Tubi for a while. Nice try shill.
do you not see the cognitive dissonance of using "tranny" when defending a guy whos best friend is an unironic tranny
Neither is fishtank.live currently
Right now it's autistic kick.com minus the gambling sponsorship
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Say hello to your newest freeloader
What did this bitch do to piss everyone off
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the type of kid you leave in the woods and just drive off
Who is she
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speaking of gambling, do any of you engage in sports gambling?

we can use these gens to share our sports degeneracy. if you listened to me tonight you'd have made money taking the giants +5.5. an EASY one
not reality tv
that's something else which just so happens to be on the same site
it's not fishtank, and we're not here to talk about that
we're here to talk about the reality tv show called fishtank
>an EASY one
I thought the cowboys were going to win by 3+ touchdowns

its sam getting a taste of his own medicine
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>not reality tv
except it is lol, one of his recent vids was a literal ripoff of Survivor
Jet doesnt look like that
do Jews have gnome blood
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Goodnight brehs.
artistic guys pay attention
how did you manage to fuck this up
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>8 hours
Closer to 20 hours
How about we just place Josie behind bars and murder her simps?
Abusing drugs and alcohol for years
Naemuti isn’t a mod tho
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A child was groomed by a grown man for self-harming and sex on the josiecord.This was all buried and kept hush-hush. Josie knew all of this

It's only a matter of time the rest of the community finds out
Tick tock Josiepedo tick tock.
That's Emily? Why is xer last name auto banned then?
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MrBeast has no business being allowed a platform on this website even if he is making a tv show, morality matters more in this case

Turkey Tahm is canceled
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jeremy vibes
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Morality matters to Sam Hyde fans now? Interesting
i hope it's not 16 contestants next season. there's no way that won't suck
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define simp. i just watch josie's streams because she's wholesome and funny as hell. she's not my type sexually
6 of them will be nontent and quit on week 1 so its okay
embarrassing double reply
That's a man
Probably. I haven't even watched the video yet.
Same. I swear right hand on the bible that i find her streams funny and i subscribed to her channel to support her content creating. I do not find her sexually attractive.
If you support the owner of a pedo groomer discord then you get the rope too sorry simps
>banned all the cheaters in his chat
what does season 3 need to do in order to be great?
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>No fans in cast
>No weird neptunian narratives that lead to nowhere
>No production rigging and fucking around with challenges
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jet better get some FIT women for s3. no fit bitches, no watch for me
Serious injury/death, legal troubles for Sam/Jet, the show permanently shuttered. S4 would be like, pic related, but real. And the memes would live on forever.
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It really is as simple as that
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Evil Kevin may have been the most enigmatic character of seaon two point five
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Josie is a human right.
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Do you guys want to hear about the time when a 28 year old groomed a teenager in Josie's official discord and how it was quickly buried. Not trolling btw.

Josie fans groom minors on Josie's secret discord

Josie knew about this.

Josiepedos are real.
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The Epstein network is reconstituting itself I see
whats with the josiepedo that has been posting his waifu nonstop since yesterday to zero (0) replies? Is he retarded?
Love is love. Also just shows how brave Sam is for having a romantic and emotionally turbulent relationship with a transgender lady given the time period, and working through and deconstructing age based trauma for a flowering woman trying to find herself even when society doesn’t approve. He’s not actively fostering an environment of misogyny and sexism in his professional business or under feeding and over tiring the contestants of his reality show production legitimately endangering the lives of people he’s currently responsible for like MrBeast is doing
It took me forever to realize that’s Josie’s account saying that. I thought that was the kid she groomed saying that about Josie
60 big ideas and 60 small ideas to fill up every day
Not bad actually. Not all of them need to be good, anything is better than them sleeping all day
Thats not josie. Thats the brit from bant that went from "ill never make a youtube acocunt" to making one, subbing to her and donating all within a month. His chosen name is "queso for life"
He said he started forcing himself to watch the shitty puppet youtube josie watches just to feel closer to her. Dudes tapped
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Marky wasn't trans
She was a TIGHT little piece
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he's a total loser, fuck that guy
Jet is going to get mad at a contestant that is bigger than his production and he will kick them and then the season will go to shit until it stumbles into a 6/10 ending
That's a man
you're a faggot fr if you wouldn't pipe this freaky mulatto
WTF can this anon see into the future or something?
Based Claire maxxer. I hope S3 has someone so compelling I can synchronize sleeping and showering with them.
I don't remember this but that's hilarious
Want an absolute 1/10 fuck, would not do.
shut up I’m slaying pussy today
>either get cuttin or get runnin

LMAO this is probably Sammy’s funniest shit he’s ever said. I always crack up when I see this brought up in the threads
Bitchtank made me not want to watch this gay shit ever again.
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>went to see John Maus without Charls
What's going on here?
so if josie wanted to have sex with you, you would reject her?
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Fred Hyde would not be impressed
We love marky <3. Sam treated her good no forced wrist cutting just wanted to take her ane but she had shit in her ass when he told NOT to eat anything.
LMAO hey don’t beat up on Sam too much about that it was a different era back then
josie's dying btw
Finally our children are safe
Anon she’s taking a “mental health reset” vacation. Her and charls are weird like that she needs her 3 month vacation away from charls and her kids to refresh her mind and soul
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The undeniable goats of fishtank
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I am a markysexual
I don't think she appreciated being mocked in the Boston Ross sketch tho
Oh well
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Guys I'm starting to think I might be cursing inadvertently?
- used to follow this ex-pornstar on twitter: 6 months later she's kicked out of her home and is now homeless.
- used to follow this ex-camgirl: husband divorced her, took their kid, filed a restraining order. now she lives in a gutted out houseboat and shits in a bucket.
Now I'm following Claire and I worry I've cursed her somehow.
I miss them...
That's just what happens when you're attracted to shitty women
Different anon here. I would FUCK Josie like no tomorrow, her streams are dogshit and made for kids and pre-teens. Gonna be rated R activities only, NSF YouTube if I got my hands on her.
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>so if josie wanted to have sex with you, you would reject her?

yeah, without a second thought
what does that mean for Claire though?
Josie smells like a foot
You should follow Jimmy and Tayleigh
Probably nothing good. I don't think her family wants her to shit in a bucket tho
Fishtank trivia!

1. Who were the first Fish to be eliminated by an actual challenge (I.e. not kicked, quit, etc) in S1 and S2?

2. Who was the first freeloader in S1?

3. In S1, there were 'team' shirts merch. Josie's shirt said 'stimming rn'. What did the other contestants' shirts say?
Ex pornstar name?
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we're all dying, anon
I hope Josie dies tomorrow
Sperm semen content shot glass for Josie, drink up :D
Kristina Rose
Tj is a confirmed fag then? He didnt cheat
So both my parents think living till 85 is too long but I’m trying to live till 85 probably even longer. I’m 26 btw. No gf no kids but I really dont wanna die anytime soon. I have my bouts of depression or sadness but something about dying is extremely fucking scary. I do believe in God and a spiritual world but idk fuck death
TJ lost
You'll probably be pretty bored at 85 and ready to go
He cheated, get over it
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i'd figure she's just drunk and put her to bed

josie is not for sex
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fishtank is good vibes
Josie is for putting in prison for being a pedophile
ariel hurry up and deliver abi's taco bell
Yeah that could be a possibility. Would I want to live forever? Fuck no I just don’t wanna die anytime soon. I’ve had those feelings before when I’ve gotten too high it feels like youre slipping away or everyone else is leaving and you’re all alone.
If you smoke weed you deserve to die now

Tick tock tick tock
what the FUCK did she mean by this
Yeah no shit retard
Here’s a bitter truth nuke

>The show WILL be delayed
>The wiggers will wind up accidentally sanitizing the odd charm of the show by going full speed into the “reset” and in trying to recapture the magic of season 1 will destroy the magic of 2 and 2.5
>Bitchtank is what this show is when the wiggers and wiggers alone are left in charge of things
>It’s over
What did I mean by this
The absolute state of /ftl/
Ariel in a car sounds extremely dangerous. What if she has another masturbation seizure?
The brake pedal could become covered in urine and become very slippery. It is concerning.
Jon in S1 and Brain for S2.
I am the last remaining poster on /ftl/
Jokes aside I thought they wouldn't let you get a drivers license if you had epilepsy?
Jon sort of quit S1
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Brian was already eliminated twice before the final time he got kicked kek
No fuck you answer my question.
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Kris has been kicked out, Beast has learned his lesson. Has Sam?
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>Both sisters mog her
>Lost bitchtank
>Hates being compared to Letty
>Life is miserable except for that small moment in bitchtank
>Folds when starting shit
kys claire you dog faced cunt
Josie has those Trish lips going on here
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Who cares fishtank live is for fatherless faggots.
>probably other fags idk
I am noticing a trend here you may be onto something
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Stomping on claires large head
Breaking claires beak of a nose
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It's why I'm the most sane Fishtank orbiter.
I have a good relationship with my dad and don't look at Sam Hyde as a father figure.
Hi Mike
You wish you were as sane as me Matthew.
Anyone else here gay and need a HUGE fat nut load in their asshole right now?

Sent from Greg’s iPad Mini
Something HAD to of happened to Sam growing up that made him do things like telling women he’s gonna ruin their life, “cut my name on your wrist”, recording the humiliation fetishes on his personal phone. I feel like a detective trying to crack the case on Sammy but it’s like im missing something. What do yall think? Like was his dad actually abusive, didn’t show him love? His mom? He lived with his mom for a while so I doubt she was the main culprit.
That's my slave name. My real name is what I call myself. Soup Can Harry.
Molested by a male baby sitter as a child
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His bloodline runs Jewish. They're just a sick and twisted people.
Why is no one talking about Greg lying about swatting himself for donations? Why is he allowed to get away with this?
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Forgot my picrel sorry guys
What makes you think he swatted himself?
because no one cares, i dont know anyone in /ftl/ who likes him.
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Who the hell cares? It's all fake and gay anyway. Paid for by Jew dollars.
Highly likely an emotionally distant, but spoiling father fucked him up. Gave him his own bedroom PC in the 90's and let him access all the porn he wanted.
Ive also heard unconfirmed reports that the girl Sam chased into Art college (that part is true, Sam mentioned it as one of the reasons he switched to RISD) cucked him with a black guy (dunno there)
He did check out but technically was the first elimination. If you don't agree then it's Sylvia.
I think he lied too about the pizza and cop dox for sympathy donations right before his birthday. We know from Taylor he’s not above lying, but anon there is just no way to prove it and saying he lied gets you dogpiled to all hell
This is too smart of a post for the thread. No one even wants to talk aboht the actual show anymore.
>Steal Claire's credit card and use it for online gambling
nigger you are fishtanks biggest fan
Remember when sam and jet called Greg a pedophile on twitter after the Mauro incident? That was pretty funny.
Because of his obvious fake crying and the fact that police sweep a house in any real swatting situation and also his begging for money over it immediately afterwards. Greg is a faggot and deserves to be ruined
I see this brought up in the threads occasionally but there’s gotta be some proof somewhere that he said this
the wiggers use fishtank to muddy the waters about their controversial stuff (greg is a pedo simmons is a pedo, ____ was raped) I don’t really care about any of it but it’s funny they do that
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everybody squeeze in
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We should form a team and steal Sam Hyde's Jew gold. Then boil it in oil and give it to the homeless so they can buy drugs.
Greg is the biggest bitch, he’s actually evil
Nah the biggest bitch has got to be that Australian cocksucker, Lance or w/e his name is.
lance is based, he makes bettycels wanna shoot themselves for some reason
Taylor doesn’t get enough credit for being the only one with enough balls to publicly eviscerate Greg
All true but there’s no way to prove it. The only evidence we have is A. He was never doxxed before and hasn’t been doxxed since. B. It happened right before his birthday for donations. C. He’s lied before about the original Michigan trip fund.
It's a win/win for me. Either the show is delayed and the years of the FTL community sustain me, or it comes out and I heckle MDE and the fatherless Scam Hoydlstein fans for their tears.
Wasn’t your nigger ass in bed with him for a good while
I want to take both Josie and Letty as wives
I hope Claire is having a wonderful night, getting along with her parents, making good progress on saving for a capture card, and continuing to crush her sobriety challenge.
Greg deserves rape
That part was funny but the way he tried to troll CryoCringe was too far for me.
Only as far as fucking with Ariel. Once he went after CryoCringe, someone I actually like, I thought he was a bitch.
literally who gives a fuck about cryokeen? wow some drunk guy wants to fuck tayleigh... riveting
do you think you are fatter than cryo?
Makes sense. No real love from his dad he just got spoiled. The computer with access to porn at a young age. Cucked by a “black” guy. Now it’s all coming together I think.
She’s an apostate actively lying to her parents about her spiritual beliefs so they keep giving her money. You should be praying for the state of her soul anon she abandoned the church
That can't possibly be true. I've never watched the show outside of a few clips
I forget which video it was that he said this probably one of the ones of him ranting in his car or giving out lootboxes in random parking lots in the hood
Nah I'm taller though and don't drink.
this but unironically
>omg our very own lolcow!
>we should call turkey tom to make a video!
>lets get him on the show!
>he's such an epic meme!
He's still a more redeemable human being than Ariel.
Also bros before hoes.
yeah you just nolife this thread months after the show ended and keep track of every single thing that happens to these people. not a fan at all
She’s probably going to take communion this Sunday in front of them just to appease them when she knows her soul is in a state of mortal sin
Genuinely horrifying
Being a parasite is hard Anon
Your post brings up a question of mine, are women supposed to have mentors like men do? Who was supposed to steer Claire in the right direction or did her parents just say whatever and focus on her other 2 siblings?
do you envy cryos gorgeous hair?
omg you're so right omg that terrible lance what a monster he uhhhh.... laughed at cryokeen on a stream 80 people watched!
I'm a 4chan addict that much is true
I am a girl
oh no, its not a 4chan thing, WinstonStatus. you are fishtanks number one fan, be proud!
Reminder to report these threads as off topic
I'm addicted to Twitter (yet)
The threads are fun and no one cares about your dying tranny board
Not addicted* oopsie doodle
I’m a girl with titties and boobs and Vafina!!
You seem awfully confident about her spiritual life for not knowing much about her other than what you observed on a reality show where she was constantly trolling, and on which she even prayed by the way.
Look at that poor, brain-damaged whore. She's so gross and retarded, it's a miracle that she's infertile and thus unable to ruin the lives of future generations.
Hey lads, thoughts on Cowboys Giants game tonight?
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Wait there are trannies here? God I fucking hate trannies.. they're so fucking disgusting. Fucking freaks.
Hey lads what’s your favorite martini?
Thoughts on election interference in the primaries?
>they're so fucking disgusting. Fucking freaks.
Just like you and Ariel. Lose weight, fat fuck.
Skull may be fatter than cryokeen and a 15 yr old groomer like Sam but I still support him as the lesser of two evils.
I would drive a PT Cruiser
In a truly righteous and fair world, the three of them would be put down.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer as they say
Hey I am a 30 year old with a philosophy degree (LOL) I was thinking of doing a cool STEM degree. Personally, well, I am not very smart (about 107 IQ) but I kinda like Astronomy... The issue is that it's not a good degree without postgraduate education. Are there any interesting yet well paying STEM degrees you would recommend
>30 year old with a philosophy degree
Damn you fucked up
I told you that the answer is a mathematically dense reason, I tried to give you the short answer that relativistic effects are really strong and time would pass slower, leading to a perceived time and orbit difference. But since that's not satisfactory for you, the answer would actually be that the solution for precessions of orbits to Einsteins equations give:



As a solution which match with Mercury's precession. See how this is a non-obvious answer? That's because its impossible to give a meaningful answer that isn't mathematically dense. TL;DR if you want an actual answer that you can understand with proper learning, read a GR book like Gravitation, else you will not understand.
Meme popsci-tier major. If you're easily filtered by physics or astrophysics, just pursue engineering or a post-bacc CS program if you just want a career and you don't need a grad degree for those fields. Good luck!
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I want to dress like a peasant from the 1800s.
Can someone recommend brands that fit this aesthetic?

Brands that I know of that fit this aesthetic:
Archivio J.M Ribot
Marc le Bihan
John Alexander Skelton
Frank Leder
Paul Harnden
Elena Dawson
Is it just /pol/ propaganda, or is is India actually safe for solo female travel? My younger sister is 5', blonde, and frail as shit. She did a solo trip though Korea, then one through Japan, now she thinks she's a travel expert and wants to do India. We all freaked and told her it was dangerous, but she showed us some travel videos on YouTube where you can see Indian girls walking around alone selling flowers and shit and because of that she thinks it's safe.

What is she in for?
nice copypasta b8, but it's just common sense that not a single developing country is safe for solo female travel lol
>hates sam hyde
>keeps the name skull hyde
The propaganda is slightly exaggerated. Sure it's a shithole and the average Indian man is a creep, but the number of rape cases per capita isn't particularly higher than other places. 10 million people visit India each year and most visits are trouble free. If she keeps her wits about her and only visit safe places, then she'll probably be fine. Don't get shitfaced drunk, don't go to certain places after dark, etc. If she's the typical naive, "brown people can't do anything bad :)" type of girl and wanders into the slum at night, then she'll probably not be fine. I'd still recommend her to link up with a group of girls once there, because there's strength in numbers and it significantly reduces the risk of anything bad happening, especially if she plans to go out for drinks in the evenings.
he's a methhead who lives in a trailer
Yea you're just asking for trouble unless you stay in the ultra touristy resort areas
Good idea but only a fag cares about fashion brands

why did blud say that??? :skullemoji: :skullemoji: :skullemoji:
>The study authors estimated an average of 5,300 salamanders in every patch of forest the size of a football field in the Northeast. Even though each individual is a mere 3 inches long, the sheer number of red-backed salamanders means that they also have some of the highest biomass estimated for animals other than insects in the Northeast, similar to or greater than white-tailed deer.
Make me, trannie.
What the fuck are these threads anymore? Why is this shit allowed?
Former meth head, and I live in a house with a foundation.
you wouldn't get it
Do multiple growlights stack when it comes to potency? If I have two lights the same distance from the plant instead of one, will it be stronger or does it just function as more area covered?
just go to law school retard
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>move into aunt and uncle's old apartment since it's cheap and I don't have to pay a deposit since we know the landlord
>Aunt leaves behind two EXTREMELY neglected aloe plants
>Both grown indoors with a single 60w kitchen light bulb for sustenance, one in a vase of water and nothing else, another in a bucket with no drainage
>Both are essentially dead upon being "gifted" them (read: left behind)
>Set one outside (in late April where it still gets down into the 20s at night) and the other one on the counter top corner with intentions to toss both away
>Forget about both for months due to life
>Outside yesterday checking my boxwood and Barberry shrublets
>aloe growing

I already have two aloe plants but I kinda feel obliged to take care of them at this point. Literal months of being treated like trash and their response is to just go "fuck you" and keep growing anyway.
You can just get an MBA and go into finance instead
This is a really great thread about television and movies
Reading comprehension, you druggie. Also, lifestyle and dietary changes will ensure that you don't die from cardiac arrest in the next five years, you morbidly obese degenerate
Fuck that trannie in particular with the big man feet.
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No you, trannie.
I'm a man.
And every night
I shut my eyes
So I don't have to see the light
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I watched half of it anon judging by the score cowboys barely pulled off that win when they usually stomp all over the giants. Cowboys are fucking sorry this year there’s definitely some internal conflict going on plus you got Jerry jones talking about dick sizes of his players on an Instagram live tf?
Not a fan I tried a vodka martini and couldn’t finish it just wasn’t my thing and I like the James Bond movies.
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I really wish he'd markypost on camera instead of the most impotent way possible.

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