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HOH: Makensy
NOMS: Kimo and Rubina

previously on /bb/: >>203912511
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theres no such thing as AFP
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lets fucking go its big fucking brother!!!!!!!!!!
they barely focus on them, like Cory and America last season, Grod clearly hated their showmance
Imagine where this season would be if MJ lost that arena
maybe they wouldve got more screen time if they actually won something
Still makes me laugh the only showmance to survive more than a day outside the house from that season is the one grod deliberately ignored due to her hatred of the people involved
tucker would still be gone and t’kor would be in the house
Yeah the true turning point we wanted was quinncel putting up Tkor instead of Joseph
It’s the exact moment things went downhill
not sure why quinn thought he could repair his relationship with the trio AGAIN after putting up rubina the first time AND THEN putting up kimo on his 2nd HoH.
joseph would've been the one to go on chelsies HoH. he would've had another whole week to try to wiggle
it's insane how hard they pushed fatt and reilly even though she hit him with the "aww that's so sweet" while slowly backing out of the room when he admitted his feelings kek
feeds incoming
big mak self evicted!
I think he genuinely believes his idiotic excuse that since Tkor was hoh she technically wasn’t part of the group who voted wrong so was being punished. Ridiculous but fits his bullshit
Not only would Joseph have been the target the next week but the trio would be down a member weeks earlier, and Quinn was no comp slouch
big mak did the nomination ceremony topless apparently
weilly's pwomise
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were her nips erect?!
I heard big mak told kimo and rubina to pack their bags because an nbomb is winning this season at the nomination ceremony
i heard they all screamed WAKANDA FOREVER after
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looks like a colorized image of an old days lynching
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hopefully we get some more chelousy content this week since there isn't much else going on
mak is jag, chelsie is matt, and cam is bowie
cam and chelsie have days locked in. mak is cooked
kek he’s just now practicing them, mak was helping him a bit earlier cause she has it all memorized already
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>Rubina: "top 5 last year were Matt, Jag, Bowie Jane, Cirie, Felicia"
>Kimo: "we are the Cirie and Felicia of the season"
>Rubina: "oh my gosh we are!"
>Kimo: "Chelsie is the Bowie Jane, and then Cam and Makensy are the Matt and Jag"

femcel sisters....
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this cap has american psycho vibes
what is that on her lip, a scar?
haha holy shit
There is an idea of a Makensey Manbeck...
Infection from eating cams poopy butthole
You can tell there is nothing going on in there.
dead eyes
>big retard thinks of nothing
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kek yeah that’s what I thought when I took it, here’s another
Chelga BTFO
>Bowie thirsted after Fatt
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kimo has more win equity than anyone thinks. if he isn’t sitting next to chelsie or rubina he already will have angela, rubina & t’snores vote and will only need one more
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Leah is hotter in the house than on the outside
very nice
good capping
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yeah she fucks dogs in Dubai this seals it
That’s her weird hairdresser buddy funny enough IIRC
She definitely got shit on in Dubai but that picture isn’t it kek
rubina and kimo are retarded. they think they have to take mak out
Her auction number is 26 which is tattooed on her wrists.
looks like one of the 9/11 hijackers
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I know that guy is probably gay but I wonder what he thinks of Quinn. None of Leah’s friends seem like the type to hang with someone like Quinn. Leah’s sister probably would though
Not sure on the hairdresser but her sister loves him apparently
they’re following t’kor’s plan, they won’t go against chelsie
>kimo and rubina talking about how taylor won
They’re actually talking about targeting Chelsie this week crazy enough
But hard to see it working
How can they target Chelsie when they have zero power this week and are on the block?
Convince mak to renom Chelsie if someone other than her wins veto + convince her or cam to vote Chelsie out
Like I said extremely low odds of working but it makes sense
Joseph is on twitter now and says he ships Leah and Quinn. Also he doesn’t watch any of the episodes because it’s too weird and that the edit being deceiving is fucked up. I think he’s pissed about how he was portrayed in the episodes
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big mak won
Has he rewinded the feeds to see some of the kino?
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still don't know what he was thinking going on tv
reminder he said he would beast that comp and even beat tucker in it if he played him
I wonder if she would hate the “Big Mak” nickname. She seemed offended by Cedric saying she had a big head, Leah saying she had a giant jaw, and Zingbot calling her a big monster
>Kimo says neither of us have the wins or resume Chelsie has. Rubina is cutting Kimo's hair and says I'm doing the sides short and it looks great. Kimo says these are tiny scissors
I hope Kimo wins veto and puts up Chelga
He was just holding back here
>Kimo says to Rubina there might be an alliance because why would MJ take two people who could beat her vs two people she could beat.
man these players are all tards
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they're gonna push for Mak to put up Chelsie as a renom but they said that Chelsie could easily win veto
I think Mak legit wants to bring Chelsie to the final two because she's a dumbass
jesus Kimo is almost the same height of Rubina when he's sitting down
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>final 5
>there might be an alliance
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they're talking about their ideal weddings, including what their wedding invitations will look like. this is gonna be a grim week
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big mak will officially make it to at least day 87, never thought that would happen when feeds turned on
I would give him a pass if he was a recruit but this guy claims to have watched every season
i like that you can see Quinn in the background looking up at Angela on the staircase. the day the house changed forever
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I watched a jc highlight video the other day, god he was so based
Kimo is absolutely fucked this week unless he wins veto

he's also had the shower on for like ten minutes waiting for it to get hot
i never saw the season. wasn't there a girl that tried raping him or something
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JC was a based little menace sexually harassing anything that moved
one of the most kino nights of the show. they all got drunk within like five minutes and Mak interviewing Cam about his kinks
honestly thanks to him for misting Fessy over and over is why we got such kino that season

him and Aura having a crush on Tyler is a big part of why L6 was able to dominate
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yeah rachel was very handsy with him
>are you a real woman
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i think rubina fucked up his hair
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jesus would have ran this house
sex with /bb/
>it’s only ok when I use slurs
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those dumplings or whatever kimo is eating look fucking great
Leah gets AFP and Sia comes out of retirement and gives Angela 50K is my dream scenario.

Holy shit dude Chelsie is actually not winning this game, her moves with all too weak and hard to understand for stupid people and MJ is going to be seen as flashy and playing hard getting rid of real threats.
rubina and kimo will just do whatever t'kor wants
of the remaining hgs who would be
>best winner
>mid winner
>shit winner
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i'm bored, bros
>best winner
>mid winner
>shit winner

Chelsie probably deserves it the most but it's the most boring outcome
>best winner
>mid winner
>shit winner
fap to big mak
Chelsie is the best player left but she’s such a cunt and not in an entertaining way so I don’t want her to win
maybe to her abnormally small feet but i don't find her fap worthy otherwise
Who is guaranteed to lose up against anyone right now? I think only Cam is like that. Everyone else would win up against him
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just do it
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I want whatever the worst outcome is so ratings will suffer and they'll be forced to consider changing things
but prejury was so successful they'll prob brush it off
I can't see Cam winning, even if he went on a comp win spree and took out Chelsie
Why would you fap to people you watch on feeds?
wallace and gromit lookin feet
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Why would you spam shitty caps?
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Kimo is thinking about if they had another gay man in the house and how it would be trouble for him.
What you mean?
putting on headphones to block out chelga yapping with big mak
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he had a half fag and that was trouble enough
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the house is so lifeless without Kenney now :(
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i miss cam posting
i miss the camcucks vs corycucks slap fights
Have there ever been two gays on the same season? I can only think of the lesbian showmance from bbcan
honestly i think my dad would do this same exact thing if he somehow got on the show. he would just realize he had nothing in common with anyone and give up on trying to talk to them
I wonder what he's up to. I haven't seen any social media activity from him in a while (or he just sticks to Facebook I never check there)
two male gays? there's been lesbians and gays on the same season before but 8 & 9 both had two gay males, but one of the gays on 9 left mysteriously
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Shit I forgot about that. One of them got ejected for mysterious reasons right at the start right?
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Cam was kino. I liked how he toed the line between being a sociopath and authentic. He was an enigma that was fun to root for
his shock of winning AFP was hilarious. every houseguest was either confused or seething
ken fucked up by lying to everyone from the start
he should have just been himself and tried to fuck angela
If any BB houseguest were to start a cult it would be him and it would be kino
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i should just read the old bb25 threads for fun desu
yeah he was an idiot by lying about being a cop. nobody would vote him out because of it. they thought he was weirder for saying he could cook and then never did. also it would help with conversations. he did worse because of the lie
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if both leave back to back the next two evictions, it's actually so deep into the game that one of them won't even talk to t'snore until the roundtable and then stay separated until finale and the other will only get to talk to her for like 2-3 days in the jury house and then they're separated
are there any entertaining BB podcasts? I tried to watch Cody's and he's boring me to death. maybe it's that i never saw his season or something
Damn, I didn't realize they separate them so much while in the jury
I listen to Tiff/Big D's occasionally, Dud appeared for this week

Natalie was a bitch
nope that’s just Cody, he’s a boring dude
What is that?
Dick at Night
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Chelsie's tiddies looking bulbous tonight
hell yeah i love Dud. she's a nice follow on IG too.
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is there even a chance big mak doesn’t smoke them in bb comics?
yeah, I think the first 4 are the only ones who get to really hang out in there and chill. the others spend the rest in hotels
there's always a chance and i wouldn't count rubina out
rubina is too short for all that running back and forth, she’ll take too long
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say no more
shes very milkable
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words of advice from this house:

>Wash your cracks
>To Thine Own Self Be True
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i think i'm just gonna post the top 5 webms of the season but maybe i should wait until a more boring weeek
might as well just go ahead and post
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final five
havent turned on feeds all day =D
almost proud of myself
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Considering what's left in the house, just post now.
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just post bb stuff we'll get through it
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Do you think Icko managed to score with Leah yet? Will he get one win this season?
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lol dud
i think she let him hold her hand probably. she cant just let him get into the candy story willy nilly
i think he would piss his pants and immediately run away if he even got close to first base
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wish they had fun accessories around the house every season. they even had a rock wall too
yeah, i don't even know what the fuck those things are around the fish tank
i hate men
the timing on this one is so good
>they even had a rock wall too
I forgot they had a rock wall. The BB20 house was top tier.
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women are just as horny
Travis was robbed
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anything neat happening on feeds? been pretty quiet...
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>Final 3 will be Cam, Chelsea and Mak
>Cam wins final HOH
>takes Mak and cuts Chelsea for an easy win
>Wins the whole shindig
>throws a huge house party for all the dawg at the crib
would be pretty based. give a story to tell the kids how he cut their mom at final 3 to win the whole shebang
put the phone away chelga
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i miss leah
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we all do :(
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cam chelsie studying days
kimo alone waiting to die
>why are we still here? just to suffer?
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this new meme that chelsie controlled the entire season is so fucking funny
this delusion is why I don’t want her to win
but flip it and she loses we'll be subject to never ending cries that she was robbed
isnt chelsie the best player on this season though?
black excellence does it again
this forced flirting between cam and chelsie so they dont turn on each other is something
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i guarantee that cam would be into chelsie if he didn't know she was a religious virgin. she probably has had the best body in the house all season so he was obviously turned off by something. her attitude didn't come around until she realized he wasn't digging her
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kek i'm not even going to bother tonight
i usually continue to watch feeds but i honestly dont feel much a pull to. maybe if there was a bit of game to be had but everyone seems content with booting rubina kimo this week and next.
Asked ChatGPT who the top 10 most dominant players are and I don't think Chelsie is better or as good than any of them.

>Here’s a list of "the top 10 most dominant players" in the history of US Big Brother

>1. Dan Gheesling
>Wins: Winner of BB10, runner-up in BB14
>Strengths: Legendary strategic game, social manipulation, iconic "Dan’s Funeral" move.

>2. Derrick Levasseur
>Wins: Winner of BB16
>Strength*: Flawless strategic play, never nominated for eviction, controlled the entire game without major target on his back.

>3. Dr. Will Kirby
>Wins: Winner of BB2, fourth in BB7
>Strengths: Pioneer of social manipulation, controlled the game without winning competitions, created chaos to stay safe.

>4. Rachel Reilly
>Wins: Winner of BB13
>Strengths: Competition beast, fiery personality, strategic improvement between her two seasons.

>5. Xavier Prather
>Wins: Winner of BB23
>Strengths: Calm, calculated game, strong alliance work with The Cookout, balanced social and competition game.

>6. Cody Calafiore
>Wins: Winner of BB22 All-Stars, runner-up in BB16
>Strengths: Played a perfect game in BB22, excellent social relationships, strong competitor and strategic decision-making.

>7. Tyler Crispen
>Wins: Runner-up in BB20
>Strengths: Mastermind behind The Level Six alliance, strong in both mental and physical competitions, great at social manipulation.

>8. Vanessa Rousso
>Wins: Third place in BB17
>Strengths: Incredible strategic mind, brilliant manipulation, and competition wins, but fell just short of the final two.

>9. Paul Abrahamian
>Wins: Runner-up in both BB18 and BB19
>Strengths: Dominated both seasons, but narrowly lost in the finals twice. A master at controlling alliances and house dynamics.

>10. Janelle Pierzina
>Wins: Third place in BB6 and BB7
>Strengths: One of the best competitors ever, won the most competitions across multiple seasons, fan favorite, and fierce competitor despite never winning.
Did top 20 too, and in order at 11-20, it's KC, Jun, Dani D, Maggie, Andy, Cirie, Nicole F, Hayden, and Enzo
Even there, I'm not sure if I'd put Chelsie over any of them either
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yeah i'm eager to see how the game plays out but i'm just not interested in any of these people
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based ai giving rachel her due

i can see her on a list that only consists of bb20+
definitely not all of big brother history, that's just nonsense
that's not saying much
mak saying she isnt a project manager. she is one person below the manager
oops, left out Danielle Reyes, she was after Jun
huge if true
kek mak is as dumb as anal but wins comps.
please tell me this isn't true
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large macintosh
i call her big mak
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Good morning ladies
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Morning Hogg!
the cookout would have been cooked
this guy vs. tucker in a battle of wits, CIA vs. FBI tactics on full display. who wins?>>203946961
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shes some dudes secretary
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morning mister hogg
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>Says she's into fat guys
>Falls for Quinn
Can anyone explain?
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i think tucker has it

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