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Classics and arthouse.

Fellini edition.

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Previous: >>203906612
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Queen of /film/
>the text above him
I completely agree.
lil bro...
She ever do anything other than Godard?
You know I really think Godard should remake The Last Dragon
Yes, plenty. Other famous directors she did a film with were Rivette, Fassbinder, Visconti, Ruiz.
Sup /Niggas/
lee is so small and cute :3
who dat
did /film/ enjoy it?
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Someone like Tsai is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good Bruce LaBruce film.
This is not my rec for this thread though.
Tsai is an honest old school fag, not making too big of a fuss about it, whereas Bruce is one of those annoying retards who has to let everyone know exactly what kind of sexual deviancy he gets up to.
>not making too big of a fuss about it
Days has a 20 minute long gay sex scene
Nothing wrong with gays making films for gays. In his interviews Bruce talks more about being gay than about cinema, unlike Tsai.
Is /film/ anti-kink?
Some are anti-fags, some are fags. The usual divide.
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Spoiled brats of /film/
>Buffalo 66
>The Virgin Suicides
Do women really like Buffalo 66?
There are many women on /film/, so don't be a bigot.
Trannies aren't women though.
>The Virgin Suicides
I know some moron who named her daughter after Lux.
We're actual unironic women, silly boy.
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this is the sweetest film I've ever seen
it's so beautiful, gorgeous in every single moment
how did Fellini do it? also, more like this?
>how did Fellini do it?
Oxymoronic question
Yes. 99% of the comments on Gallo's Instagram posts are art hoes thirsting for him or mad at him for being a chud
it was more of a rhetorical question, I'm in complete awe of him
my favorite director of all time, easily
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Hoooooly shit. Inject this into my veins. I need more of this hyper kinetic frenzy explosion carcrash stuff. I already know that Tsukamoto and Gakuryu Ishii are on this wavelength, but who else? Surely there must be legions of semi-pro filmmakers who tapped onto the same pulse
LGBTQ+ general. Go back to r/truefilm with your transphobia.
Based Gallo.
only if the P stands for pedophiles
Film is an inherently feminine medium. Even moreso than music. You're always detached and cooped up away from the real action, much like a housewife.
Are you saying we're all housewives deep down?
Pretty much. Even fags have been known to shed their blood on the battlefields of the days of yore. We're much below that status.
Based fags shedding the blood of their anuses for ´murica.
Well i am a good cook.
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Zoomer poison
corr propa good kittingtonshire diss one
Any of you wizards have a mega for Mike Leigh's latest film?
>Pansy is a woman tormented by anger and depression, hypersensitive to the slightest possible offence and ever ready to fly off the handle. She criticises her husband and their adult son so relentlessly that neither bothers to argue with her. She picks fights with strangers and sales clerks and enumerates the world’s countless flaws to anyone who will listen, especially her cheerful sister Chantal, who, despite their clashing temperaments, might be the only person still capable of sympathising with her.
Sounds kino
corr reminded me im meant to watch a review of diss


adam driver is finished as an actor
saw it today, unfathomable kino
adam driver

driving niggas away from the theater with his ugly ass mug LOOOOOL
>hey guys from the special sekrit klub, do you have a mega for a film that's not even released yet (by a couple of months)?
lol, lmao even
How the fuck does a white man get away with making an all black movie
Coppola is mid, he wants to be a great film artist like Peter Greenaway but he has no POV and no vision.
Kek ha these lowlife negros do not know what to do with the cinema my man
It didn't age that well...
Anybody got a link for L'amour c'est gai, l'amour c'est triste (1969)?
>Love is gay, love is sad
Greenaway a great artist? He's is a fraud repeating old gimmicks. He is already sliding into irrelevancy, nearly forgotten, just like countless other farthouse directors. His films don't speak to the people, they don't touch the soul. He's a mere masturbator.
>He's a mere masturbator.
He just like me frfr ong
I agree actually, but ZOO is pretty cool.
the face of a real /nigga/
Yes he is the greatest living director from the 80s on.
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>My rhythm box is sweet
>Never forgets a beat
If that was true, we might as well brand cinema as a failed art form.
It's been to festivals. Maybe one of you has a connection.
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>claims that cinema is dying because there's not enough wacky editing nowadays
You'll never forget him

Anything that gets posted here is from discord/letterboxd tranny servers, that's the 'connection'
More likely you're just another retard on /film/ with no actual appreciation for cinema.
No, you're wrong, some /film/ users are insiders. You're just one of the outsiders
Copola wasted 150 million dollars on schizo babble while greenaway can create an artistic masterpiece for less than 1 million
lmao, lil bro, you kill me with these copings
Megalopolis will be remembered and discussed far longer than any Greenaway joint. He is already just a mere curiosity for autists to bicker over.
greenaway is just proto wes anderson
Based. Two giants
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I love Grand Budapest Hotel

Didn't know Balthazar 2 was so bizarre
>Megalopolis will be remembered and discussed

Fuck it, I will read Ulysses
Deez gays ass faux niggas do reach no cando to dis here nigga ima betchu oh dat whi powder deez niggas ain’t comin clean in a tossup with big nigga
>there are people who unironically think the post above is funny
lil bro got dubs
Exit your bubble. The Coppola name alone will guarantee that Megalopolis will remain more relevant. Not to mention how it is more audacious and genuinely experimental than anything Greenaway has ever made. That britbong fool can only repeat a hundred year old Soviet tricks and Windows Moviemaker gimmicks.
greenaway is a genuine pseud magnet

>reads about montage theory once

that will be his only legacy, if any
Greenaway is a legit top 10 director for me.
list your top 10

It was me. I called the hit on Tsai's cat. How you like them seeds? Faggot.
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No specific order, but:

Peter Greenaway
Alejandro Jodorowsky
David Lynch
Sion Sono
Shinya Tsukamoto
Kim Ki-duk
Sergio Leone
Harmony Korine
Gaspar Noe
Andrei Tarkovsky
Das some snitch shit rite there muh nigga
>That britbong fool can only repeat a hundred year old Soviet tricks and Windows Moviemaker gimmicks.

You haven't seen Megalopolis, it feels like a cross between Neil Breen, Speed Racer, and Alex Cox's Repo Chicks. At least Greenaway's digitalshit is inventive, see here:

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thank u lil bro that tells me all i need to know bout greenaway fans
>moviemaker gimmicks
I was doing similar editing on my home videos on our family computer back when I was 12.
It is so dense with visual information that it makes Coppola (and Wes Anderson) seem like a child's toy.

The wrong director got $100 million.

Here is Greenaway's masterpiece about Darwin:

This is boring af friendo
My father is visiting me today, we'll watch Idiocracy together. He's casual with movies, and doesn't watch the "artsy" stuff with me anymore.
Legitimately interested, why Jodo?
My dad also likes documentaries
Mountain Dew and Doritos as snacks for the full experience
My dad slept through the ending of Apocalypse Now, so now I pick movies like I'm picking for a 12 year old. He liked Le Samourai though, boomers have truly baffling taste.
Apocalypse Now is a slogfest, Le Samourai is entertaining for most its duration. Not that baffling.
It is not boring, it is academic. Greenaway made Darwin during his creative apex, in that period of Prospero's Books, and The Baby of Macon when he could do no wrong.
Good night, /hor/
A true kinosseur

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