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/tv/ - Television & Film

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My highly testosteronated content addicted goynigger butch witch consoomer mother dragged my pitiful defenseless undiagnosed hypogonadal father to see this movie tonight. He came from a wartorn balkan shithole and is very sensitive to memetic poisoning and my mother is a woman and therefore has zero situational awareness. He described it as “a nightmare movie” and was unable to elaborate further
Why would you talk about your parents like that. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Because it’s all true and necessary context? There isn’t a single thing that is wrong with me. Fuck you filthy kike
wtf are you whining about?
Damn it I forgot that I was posting on the board thats most densely populated with goynigger consoomers with absolutely fucked up endocrine systems. Whoops
You sound super high test bro...
There’s a really gross monster effect at the end
My dad is going to have vivid nightmares tonight and shelkelstein productions is to blame. Im whining because unlike you I have empathy for my people and not sandniggers who arent permitted access to unconsentually rape and sell drugs your children
guess op is the real monster
I don't know why you're being so mean, but the movie is kino. It criticizes beauty culture and the male gaze.
If you’re watching a bad movie you just have to close your eyes and it will go away.
The Substance is based as fuck. It is a high-brow criticism of the beauty industry while being fun asl to watch.
Not perfect but fun.
Also, you need to be more polite to your parents, even if your dad is a European racist.
Oh so its more visceral kike programming to encourage white people to let their daughters drown in black sperm. Fantastic
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>looking at people who wear clothes that make them look naked is…le bad?
Wow truly deep and revolutionary
The villain is a rich white CEO/ executive who tricks the woman into taking fucked up drugs to be considered "hot" but it just makes her younger... Gross.....
I love my parents, but reality is that my mother has been absolutely corrupted and is unconscious trying to spread it to my father who is not able to objectively process any of whats happening around him or the information being presented to him in the kikeslop that she shoves down his throat every so often and is just left scared and confused
>deep and revolutionary
Considering how angry it makes white guys its clearly ahead of its time. Funny how every other race and gender can grasp it but not you?
>pitiful defenseless undiagnosed hypogonadal father
no wonder you're a fag
You people collectively need rape correction yesterday
Ignore the fags trolling you about your parents. I get what its like being that disconnected from your parents morally/socially etc. Especially when they get hypnotized by the goyscreen easily. Its rough.
You live them to death but they are frustrating.
love them to death*
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>My highly testosteronated content addicted goynigger butch witch consoomer mother dragged my pitiful defenseless undiagnosed hypogonadal father
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Not my problem.
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did your mom at least PUMP IT UP?
its funny because that is 90% of genX couples
Thanks for sympathizing man. Bots like to crush unity as soon as they see it blooming so yeah nothing new under the sun in here.

Yeah. Idk why that generation of women is so masculine but yeah believe me, its really bothersome for their offspring. Being a zoomer is nice since all the girls are so pretty and feminine (when they arent on birth control or ssris)
>baby’s first Cronenberg
It's just a movie
>memetic poisoning
Isn't "wartorn Balkan shithole" used to all forms of propaganda? He should just let it roll off his back like nothing. IQ checked
Your dad was getting his dick sucked by your mom in the theater so he was okay with it.
You sound like a fucking dipshit.
spic detected
>Idk why that generation of women is so masculine
They were raised by boomers during the 70s , must have had a seriously bad effect.
You said that in the other thread you uncreative nigger who even cares about the kikeslop ur obsessing over

Cool slippery slope you got there. I wonder where it leads. I bet somewhere very generative and spiritually positive overall

There’s propaganda made by the good guys and there’s propaganda made by devil worshipping child molesters who use child molestation and destruction as a form of currency and leverage

Hi shlomo

Yeah I can’t argue with that. Skill issue though for not coming out of it stronger and wiser and instead weaker and mentally challenged
Idk what you're talking about dude zoomer women are easily the least feminine, but you're right that they're attractive. They know how to do hip thrusts, slather on some makeup, and signal to every virile male in a 20 mile radius that they're ready to get dicked down for the low cost of a Chile's dinner.
But on second thought a lot of them can't even do that. I've seen a lot of zoomer women with really fucked up haircuts, tats, and ugly piercings.
It might encourage your dad to give you another sibling after seeing it
>buzzwords, buzzwords, more fucking buzzwords
Please log offline for one hour per day, it'll do you good.

You're being rude
Based OP

Tick tock shlomo. The goyim know. We know everything and that leaves you knowing nothing
Anons, please, when the hell is this movie gonna be out? I really wanna watch it but I can't get out of my place (agoraphobia)
Gen Z is, how do they say it, cooked.
you faggots are so retarded it's hilarious
Telesync is available now but I wouldn't watch it. Decent quality for a cam rip but there are scenes where their camera fucks up and crushes all the blacks. When Margaret Qualley has a black outfit on the screen just looks pitch black. Probably going to be a couple months, stop being a bitch and go to a theater.
It’s scared
Wow this isnt /pol/ are you lost?
dogwhistles dogwhistles dogwhistles
you dont know whats going on. everything is normal, its your schizo e celebs ruining your perception.
>implying we have literally any need whatsoever to disguise ourselves anymore

You may be right. Let me ask my AIPAC guy to see what he thinks
How about you turn off your PC and don't turn it on again until you've learned to talk like a normal person?

Skizzocore lmao

Jokes aside; Being antisemitic on /tv/? This board wouldnt exist without the tribes. So maybe go back to /pol/
You may not like it or accept it but he speaks the truth
does it break your brain to realize that aipac doesnt have to register under fara not because its some shadow cabal that controls stuff but because all of its funding is disclosed and from united states citizens?
No. It’s your turn to conform. The only difference is that we are righteous and not purveyors of darkness like you people, and also that our psychic invasion wont be as quiet and subversive as yours
Yeah thats what you are.
I'm trying to get better but I live in a neighborhood where all the mcdonalds and tobacco shops have bulletproof glasses to protect the cashiers. But I'm taking small steps. I'll wait then.
No he doesn't you're an idiot if you think OP is normal.

You're a fucking moron.
>Talking like a negro is based and totally not what Shlomo wants you to do
Bruh no cap fr fr
This is easily the most garbage board containing the most worthless and empty discussion on this entire website
You have undiagnosed schizophrenia. I hope you get help. Get medicated soon.
Not that would be /v/
/tv/ is the second worst board
But don’t you DARE post in an off topic thread!!!!!!
>You have undiagnosed schizophrenia.

No, I'm pretty sure he's just stupid.
Because we don't bow down to moronic nazis? Pfffff. Lmao at your clunker brain ass boy.
No way that’s literally exactly what my AIPAC guy told me before he shot my dog with his turbocancer raygun
>retard seething over a comment they saw on another thread
yep you need to log off lmao obsessed
Why the fuck does this movie bring out the biggest schizophrenics on /tv/? Every thread I have seen about this film has been pure schizo babble retardation
look! a triggered nazi
It’s just a shitty Cronenberg ripoff there is no need to be upset ladies.
Don't you have a baby's penis to suck on rabbi?
>black sperm
Mutt's law
>Why would you talk about your parents like that. What the fuck is wrong with you?
You are half a degree below the /sp/ cucks worshipping niggers playing nigger ball. That is why
Fuck off rabbi

Based based based based based

Retards go back
You are literally cattle and probably goon to furry anime trannie porn and getting high all day in your miserable life

>inb4 that’s achuawy a good thing
is this an AI?
Getting mad that Black men are better st sports than you? Lmao. So was it a high school girlfriend you lost? a crush?
ayoo dis freaky ahh movie got my beta boomer dad scared af frfr
>goon to furry anime trannie porn
ok yeah definitely AI. i'm surprised how good it is now

ur a worthless smelly little cunt
oh for real it’s body horror?
i assumed it was just incels losing it over a shitty teen flick again.
Most concervatives turn out to be gay/trans or p**os
Its both.
OP is mad that it shows women being sexy, but not for him. OP is unironically an incel
Are the conservatives in the room with you right now
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Good morning sir
Jesus christ, this board is just the highest concentration of golem on all of 4chan, isn’t it?
How old is your mother?
ur just a boring underage dick who needs to be bullied more and probably will be since you are a smelly detestable little cunt
Not enough beatings as a child.
Yeah. You. You are clearly not a liberal.
You are obviously a Right wing christian
68, I'm 27
>one word BTFO this entire thread
net neutrality was a mistake
Why has no one posted the webm? Why haven't I saved it?
Yeah, OP got called a racist and he started crying
because nobody cares about this shit movie lmao

Can someone please answer my original inquiry
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>My highly testosteronated content addicted goynigger butch witch consoomer mother
At this point it seems unlikely
Liberals are dying in the streets addicted to fent. While we get to change the tides of this war.
Yeah its really sad. Too much hollywood shlop.
sure. to answer your question, no you are not straight
> It criticizes beauty culture and the male gaze.
Why am I still hard tho
You are secretly bisexual and need to admit it.
So basically what I’ve gathered is
Cronenberg but make it lame and gay?
Because you are a fucking moron. white guys don't understand how the movie is LAUGHING AT YOU, yout dont understsnd the themes of the movie.
Another nazi pretends hes not a nazi

In other news:
The Substance is B A S E D
Gen Z chuds are the worst of both worlds. Go outside little nigga! Get off your damn gadgets
cronenberg but make it based and more frenetic
Yeah I would probably derive pleasure out of raping and permanently traumatizing you but I’m pretty sure that’s more masculine than anything. I don’t see the problem ur trying to get at
This. Funny how nazis spend the MOST time online and are the most brainwashed, while normal people are hanging out with people and getting lit.
meh that faggy description just killed what small interest I had
Too many beatings as a child.
You didn't go to the movie with them? Too busy gooning I suppose.
>frenetic movie directed by a woman and released in September 2024
My poor father. Things are clearly reaching a boiling point, I need to rescure him as soon as physicslly possible. Thank you for this startling wake up call
>getting lit
I literally don't care, if you want to pass on kino its your loss. I watched in theaters twice and I'm torrenting this shit in 4k the second its available
This is the first OP that's genuinely made me laugh in a while
>Being homophobic
Wowza thats so hecking nazi-pilled and BASED RIGHT VRO!!??
Fuck off its not funny anymore

Not that it ever was but for real just fuck off and post on /pol/ with your fatso friends.
>pass on kino
which one
Not enough beatings desu.
>Considering how angry it makes white guys
Not you obviously, and you will always be one no matter what
OP is a nazi, nazis are known for being porn addicted morons.
Then leave this thread??
Why do nazis always hide like this? Because they know they are wrong as fuck.
Im not autistic enough to reverse engineer what couldve caused this queer online discourse regurgitation but yeah. My blood will prosper for hundreds of more years and you will never feel the warmth of a woman. That’s pretty much all there is to say after all of this cringe tranny attempt at conflict. I could break your wrists like celery I promise you
Some white guys understand the future. Not the moronic past.
>Craving violence like breaking people's arms
How are you not embarrassed?
Ok bye bye goodnight brainwashed golems have fun circle jerking about your autogynephilia and the like

This cant be real this has to be bait. Well memed my friend
What is wrong with either of those things?
Am I supposed to pretend women wouldn't willingly take this drug if it existed?
Racists get pummeled by /tv/: The Thread
This reads like something a redditor who's desperately trying to fit in would post
> only hwite men get hard from margaret qualley
Rent free
My life be like ooooooooh ahhhhhhh oooooooh ahhhhhhhh
Moderate beatings as a child.
Meant for
It feels warm and fuzzy seeing subhumans seethe at my undeniable superiority. You wouldn’t get it
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>An instant body-horror classic
>Knowyourmeme filename
Hello r/4chan
Nazis lost WW2 btw
It looks like a shittier Society.
>is based as fuck.
choose one, dipshit
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>>Knowyourmeme filename
>Hello r/4chan
how many times do you get mad watching hollywood movies? Knowing they arent made for you.
That is based. You don't understand because you're on the team of the industry who stomps personal freedom down for the sake of "beauty"
You're a lone tranny posting every single minute in a seething sissy tantrum, and it's not convincing
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You're the lonely OP who made a thread because hes a literal nazi wannabe whos mad his mommy forces his daddy and him to do whhst she wants.
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>Anonymous 09/27/24(Fri)23:08:22 No.2039439881693042707553689.png (232 KB, 920x971)File: 1693042707553689.png (232 KB, 920x971) google yandex iqdb wait>>203943957(You)
Yeah honest people who have been surrounded by honest people for as long as they can remember typically don’t see subversion coming until it’s too late. Wow, so impressive kikes really outstanding stuff

It is what it is. The kikeslop is a mere symptom
You will not die with the beliefs you currently hold. I can promise you this. Even if itll take until your last moments, you will not die on the side that you are on
Hmmmm /pol/ is around the corner sister.
/pol/sissies are we lost?
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>No.20394402122b.png (145 KB, 895x1217)File: 22b.png (145 KB, 895x1217) google yandex iqdb wait
I'm not OP, and no one wants you on this board. Go back to your tranny discord and stop wasting your time here
How is this sentence supposed to mean anything to anyone. How is the lastest propaganda piece supposed to not be political?
Not everyone becomes racist, sorry.
The beatings were just right
Lmao a /pol/tard trying to tell /tv/ it needs to be a racist hotspot? Nahhh. Not happening.
>Booru image with 4chanX filename randomizer
>Cobson disrespect
Do you know you are a moron?
This board has 24/7 discord tranny shill squads dedicated to it I just want to talk about movies
It’s much more nuanced than that. It’ll click soon enough
/tv/ is a non-political, non-racist board
Oh. And here I was thinking that I was interacting with real human beings
Not true you schizophrenic piece of shit. We unironically just have better morals than you I guess..
/pol/sissies make up so many lies it's hard for them to stop.
No nigger we are organizing a full nawtsee aryan 1488 trad invasion of tv and we will permanently colonize it and there is NOTHING you can do to stop us AHAHAAHAHAAHHAA HEIL HITLER AHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHHAHAAHHAHAHA TV IS OURS AHAHAHAHHAHA
I don't think an actual tranny leftist would use the term "/pol/sissies"
The sad part is that ones like this one in this thread actually think they'll ever change 4chan. Imagine the waste of energy. Frankly I enjoy it because it just makes everyone hate trannies more if they were previously neutral
Thats scary tho. Don't joke anon.
>/tv/ is a non-political, non-racist board
Exactly, proof that there arent tranny discord shills here.
Baitposters are equally annoying
Yes. And?
smelly little cunt
Well you better pack up your thread OP!
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I feel for your dad, the movie sucked ass
it felt like they wanted to do a sunset boulevard type of movie but that's not "cool" enough for 2024 so they made it all weird
stupid ass movie, 3/10
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>Yes. And?
we were until you fuckers turned TV and film into long smug political lectures
>we were until you fuckers turned TV and film into long smug political lectures
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>>Booru image with 4chanX filename randomizer
>>Cobson disrespect
>Yes. And?
>long smug political lectures
Posts longer than a sentence are now considered long smug political lectures? Lmao.

Just because we discuss deeper themes and topics than old bullshit like Michael Bay explosions (For real why did millenials love that shit so much)?
>Posts longer than a sentence are now considered long smug political lectures?
Wow you are dumb like that?
ok im intrigued, whats the main appeal of this movie? is it just old is badddd, young is gooood?
>Wow you are dumb like that?
ITT: trannies cackling with glee at the mental anguish of a purely innocent victimized White man

Such scum people we’re forced to coexist with. Even the solace I get from knowing I could snuff any of you people out with ease doesn’t feel like enough sometimes. I need to ensure that you people will get what you deserve
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Looks like generic A24 social commentary "horror" trash. Not watching
>randomly imagines trans people
>starts to need violent actions
I think you're unironically in the closet.
yeah the retard that made this thread is scared of me fucking his ass
Why are nazis obsessed with sexual violence?
it's a bell curve and chuds are on the peak
It feels a bit frustrating browsing /tv/ and seeing a bunker tranny trying to subvert the general board user’s beliefs and filling the catalog with their tranny shit. However, it’s emboldening to remember they are literally treating this like a job and dedicating their free time to it, with no positive results whatsoever. Then, inevitably, the depression of being a failed man in ill-fitting clothes sinks in and the 41% comes for them.
A bit of frustration on my part now and then is a small price to pay, knowing nature will match on as intended and the inconvenient troonth will take care of itself.
The parents weren’t beaten to the same degree as each other when they were children, leading to critical variance in the maternal/paternal beatings ratio.
>trannies cackling with glee at the mental anguish of a man
Maybe because it’s relatable to them?
It is a difficult situation that you’ve found yourself in OP. I’m not quite sure which of your parents you need to perform an upwardly mobile inter-generational physical intervention on for the purposes of behavioural correction. There are arguments both way, and honestly, both probably ARE needed, but choosing which parent to make the scapegoat and which to make the golden parent? That’s a real potential stumbling block.

I’d think deeply before you act, you’ll need a lot of insight to navigate the emotional minefield they’ve both contributed to for you, with their familial abuse of an adult child.
Feels like every movie wants to be the next Get Out. What happened to just good horror without the extra pretentious shit?
Monsters only exist when good men do nothing. So unfortunately, we circle back to OP’s father failing to uphold the platonic ideal of spiritual fatherhood. Had he allowed the miracle of transubstantiation to render his right hand into the right hand of the almighty, and had the back of that blessed hand been delivered righteously and promptly unto OP, we wouldn’t be dealing with these problems now.
I disagree. It’s very easy to throw stones, but those who live in glass houses should refrain. It takes a community to raise a child, and it take most of that community to blame the immediate family when they’ve all mutually abdicated their duty.

I think the blame lies with the neighbours, the teachers and faculty of OP’s school, and the coworkers and friends of the parents. They could all have waded in and started throwing hands, but instead they chose to wash those very same (potentially healing) hands, and wring then out as they complained that nothing was being done about the situation. For shame.
Has anyone ITT even considered how kicking could have helped the situation? I’m seeing a lot of reference to general beatings, and anyone being more specific seems to be recommending punches. Isn’t it time to admit an expert with a more precise and dextrous touch was needed? You can’t solve everything with overhand rights these days guys. Come on. Be open minded.
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