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Just watched “Waiting”, what are some other food/restaurant movies?
Is that supposed to be food?
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It’s the most popular dish in America
We do things a little different here in Cincinnati.
non americans wouldn’t understand. I eat spaghetti chili 5 times a week. it’s basically our national dish.
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It’s definitely not ai.
Anything with Christina Applegate, Fixed Pokies
>spaghetti bolognese with cumin and some cheddar cheese and onions
Unironically I think brits would love this.
>spag bol + cheese & beans
It's chili. There are beans and stuff in it.
I need some pepperonis on my pizza, extra thin, extra crispy.
Stuff in your chili, like fingers from wendy's, bk, and mcd?
After reading this thread I'm gonna need some Dino Nuggies.
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With veggie island and ranch dipping pond?
Heck yeah with horse radish.
A funny thing is to mix them up, ranch and horse radish, they're really good.
I got botulism just looking at this. Do Amerilards really just dump a kilo of shredded cheese on a plate and call it food?
Chili doesn't have pasta you fucking nigger.
Interesting, I'll have to try that out sometime.
no just people in cincinnati
No, we leave it to you euro sacks of shit.
I don't think you understand. I'm not disagreeing with you.
Do you lower your faces into your plate of cheese and snort it up like a pig?
Fuck off euro / asian / nigger bitch.
Do you honestly think that we care about you?
Of course not you scumbag, I'm not French.
Theater of Blood?
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this is a great movie to watch with your family
Kind of looks like some california / detroit / chicago pizza parlor shit hole
Cincinnati chili, making Bongistanian fried lard and spotted dick slurpers seethe, as per usual.
Holy fuck, just the thought of Cincinnati anything makes me want to puke.
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Go eat more spic slop, ameriexcrement
The Slamming Salmon is a restaurant movie from the Super Troopers guys, I always preferred it to Waiting
Better than your shit hole country
Clearly that needs more hot chicks!
Yeah right, that's why you keep coming here, you fucking cunt.

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