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It Follows is kino and you should watch it edition
Last time >>203937267
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Gayest retards of /hor/ (UPDATED):
>80s Cock Lodge fag
>Garlic Crust
>Christcuck/gay SpongeBob guy
>Hall Monitor guy
>“not /hor/” fag
Anyone I’m missing?
I want to be scared. I haven't been scared in so long. Please, PLEASE, give me a horror film that will scare me. Anything goes, body horror, cosmic, whatever the fuck - but a simple gore film won't scare me.
Art only kills sluts, I am safe.
The Hall Monitor faggot IS the Pissman lmao
He made that pretty obvious. Also you forgot CreepyThinMan
Latest films I watched that were terrible
>texas chainsaw massacre
>Friday 13th (first one)
I want to see something GOOD REEEEEE
How does grown man actually get scared from watching horror movie about fictional horror?
Don't say that, there has to be a film that scares me in some fashion. The last thing that terrified me (decades ago) was Ring and The Grudge. Films can surely still be scary? Recommend me something please anon I beg you.
Non-horror films that could easily pass as horror
>Eyes Wide Shut
>Assault on Precinct 13
What else?
Watership Down
Probably cliche due to memes by now, but Chernobyl.
Schindler's List
It's scarier than any horror film
Terminator is definitely considered sci-fi horror.
Also more fantastical.
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>beg for a scary horror film
>faggots start talking about watership down and schindler's list
it's so fucking over
Stalking Moon established all the slasher movie tropes 10 years before Halloween.
I will watch your recommendation, thank you Anon. I will be back.
You are pretty annoying with your gay Alucarda forced meme
>watching interview with the vampire movie
Holy shit...it's GAY
Watch cartel videos and take vacation to Cancun if you want fear.
Phoenix and Cain. De Palma /hor/ couple?
Its also not horror.
Is this bait? Those are all great.
Gayest retards of /hor/ (Definitive edition):
>80s Cock Lodge fag
>Garlic Crust
>Christcuck/gay SpongeBob guy
>Hall Monitor guy
>“not /hor/” fag
>Alucarda tranny
Mulholland Dr
Don't waste your time replying to people who just say everything is shit or dumb shit like "someone recommend an ACTUALLY scary movie" they're just dead inside or underage.
Please do tell me how suspiria is great.
It's carried by its aesthetics, which, to be fair, are an important aspect of filmmaking.
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What do I gotta do to join the roster?
>my heckin' red and green lights and the music
oooo, the "aesthetics". Fuck sake.
You guys like bonesaw?

Start posting gay cartoon porn of Spongebob unironically
When they're not trolls they're often literal/cognitive 14 yos whose very idea of horror is limited: where are le scares? Where's le gore? Recommend me LE TRULY SCARY HORROR MOVIEZ.
A variation of that is the limited edgelord who sees a list of movies (some of which he probably hasn't seen) and goes nooooo none of those are good, the last good horror was made in 1919 etc
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Hot. I didn’t make those /hor/ gens btw, more than one person here likes it
It cannot be taught. What do you consider a good horror movie? What are your own standards?
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totally agree.
This film has an oppressive and eerie atmosphere.
Absolutely underrated western flick.

Good for you, that tranny was annoying and cringe
Watched from Beyond.

Wasn't really a fan, the movie just felt too "small", the characters kept going back to the machine too many times and it didn't do enough with the concept. Also the silliness of the final third didn't gel like it did with Re-Animator (although the original short story was a comedy anyway so the tone fit better)
I liked the first half and it did a great job with the slow burn of existential dread and paranoia of not knowing when the thing will strike. But once it attacked her openly on the beach, the movie turned to shit.

Speaking of which, would the thing have attacked the originally cursed guy in the movie theater with all those witnesses?
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Have you seen it? If you have, you wouldn’t feel the need to ask such a question.
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Glad to see Letterboxd approves of your wholesome LGBT friendly kino
Is this actually good? I almost watched it a few days ago
Christcuck forgot to remove himself kek
Alien, The Shining, Mountains of madness, Grudge, Ringu, It Follows, The Fly, The Thing, Annihilation, Color out of space
Those are some off the top of my head. I get that this genre invites pretentious ideas, but they're easy to filter out, like suspiria.
Those are all great. Makes your initial post feel weirder. You should "get" those if you liked all these.
I literally watched it a day or two ago, complete waste of my time.
films from the past five years that scared me:
>the dark and the wicked
The soundtrack definitely belongs to a horror movie.

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David Robert Mitchell's new movie Flowervale Street has started test screening. I'm not sure what it's about, but rumors are it's set in 80s suburbia and involves dinosaurs.
I didn't really like Suspiria the first time I saw it years ago. At the time I wasn't really familiar with any other Italian or Euro horror. Suspiria also kind of just info dumps a bunch of lore in one quick scene an hour into the film. The sequel Inferno is more focused on plot and is also an excellent movie. Eventually I was able to appreciate Suspiria a lot more after watching Inferno. Both classics.
>hates the hall monitor guy - the guy who polices other people's posting styles
>makes a list trying to police other people's posting styles

I love you 4chan. Don't ever change.
I didn't know about Inferno. I'm happy to give it all a chance so I'll look into it.
In the Mouth of Madness (if that's the one) is similar to Suspiria in that it's very sensorial and meant to impart there's something else in the story, in Suspiria's case witchcraft. It's not a movie for a literal approach or for template expectations, it requires understanding that it goes in a direction that's not focused on scares though there are some. In sum, it requires an aesthetic sense and it helps to know about Argento's three mothers' concept
The thing about hall monitor guy is that he goes on and on and often assumes other ppl to be NPM/cock lodge etc
>people that post about roasties and black dicks totally aren't NPM okay?
I could hear you beating yourself off as you typed that self important tripe.
Has anyone seen lovely dark and deep, is it any good?
>Ugly roastie dykes
Cringe af
Do you even watch good horror films?
Honestly this shit got kinda scary in the last 30 minutes
There you go second-guessing aimlessly. You have to identify the pattern in order to detect NPM's etc presence
>always check the the Leaving Soon because they've got me paranoid about what's actually leaving and what isn't.
>compared to the '20's stuff, a lot of the '00's and '10's I used to avoid aren't that bad

Some good ones I've watched lately:
Walled In (good)
2001 Maniacs (great)
Mask Maker (good)
Laid To Rest (decent)
No Vacancy (decent)

YMMV, no refunds, offer void where prohibited.
The effects in the trailer looked like AI, it wasn't really scary.
Wow, another walled whore being posted by a simp! It Follows is reddit af
Feminist garbage
Le strong women defeats evil aliens! Cringe
Can you even theoretically understand that some things could be outside your grasp/sensibilities?
Answer this: how would you have felt if you hadn't eaten breakfast?
Lol look it's the hall monitor trying to force his reddit faggotry onto /hor/
That's beta af
You a fan of Ti West too, hall monitor? I bet you like X an MaXXXine kek
us oh he's back
Keep going. How do you feel about Maika Monroe's and Nell Tiger Free current looks?
In percentage terms, how would you rate yourself among other men quality-wise?
>us oh
Dumb ESL hall monitor
Go back to /horror, cucky
All of that is overrated af
Horror is a lame genre for roasties and beta males at this point kek
>Can you even theoretically understand that some things could be outside your grasp/sensibilities?
That's why cosmic horror is my favourite subgenre. I don't go in for abstract art house mental masturbation. And the answer is not hungry because I had lunch. Now piss off.
>The sequel Inferno is more focused on plot and is also an excellent movie.
Inferno cranks the batshit antics to 11 even when compared to Suspiria.
Found footage trash is never scary, just annoying and dull
Found another horror thread you guys can post in too
Based, every time I find a horror thread I will continue to link them in /hor/
i must instinctively know its almost october because i got the urge to watch tales from the crypt
Reminder that gore slop is Jewish shlock
It's made for dumb golems who love mindlessly consooming their programming
Fuck gore slop
>That's why cosmic horror is my favourite subgenre.
Cosmic horror has a very well-defined causality, it's not super complex once the premises are understood.
> I don't go in for abstract art house mental masturbation.
And there's your limit, not least because Suspiria is far from abstract, it simply focuses on visual/emotional impressions
>And the answer is not hungry because I had lunch.
Kek, sorry you failed the test.
It's too unbelievable to be any kind of disturbing, faggot.
Kolobos ending was tacked on because they had to fill running time.
Real life Jews are quite scary. You ever see that one webm of the black woman in club getting hit by beer bottle on the head and getting vomited on by old jewish man.
We are soooo overdue for dinokino. Fingers crossed.
i dropped it 20 minutes in you actually kept watching?
Black Mountain Side?
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Kinds of Kindness
Fine idea with ok execution. Obvious budget constraints and some lame acting but overral it's worth a watch if you read the synposis and think "yeah ok". You may also enjoy The Last Winter and Antarctic Journal as well.
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My friend even knows that one, although I’m not familiar with it
There's 3 dinosaur movies out next year if Flowervale Street is included, hopefully one of them will be good. Primitive War looks like some cheapo sci fi channel stuff and the plot sounds the same as Kong: Skull Island. Jurassic World: Rebirth has Spielberg taking a more hands on approach, but there are rumors that it's not good.
God should kill them all. And He will! He will purge the October /hor/ threads!
it's pretty good, a definite watch if you're into that whole lovecraftian horror genre
>When an animal looks up at the night sky, what does it see? Thousands and thousands of tiny points. Then a man looks up at the same points and sees millions of stars; galaxies, within which are billions of planets. Do you want to know what I see? Were you there when I created the stars?
because you keep posting this list in every thread
>he doesn’t like satanism/lesbianism in his horror
clearly you are in the wrong general
>with dinosaurs
please be a carnosaur readaptation
Will it be as good as Crawl though
I wouldn't call Incantation scary but I enjoyed it. The only thing I find mildly scary is japanese horror shorts because some stories make me a bit paranoid when I take too much melatonin.
You are at least 2 of those.
Keep in mind feeling "scary" is subjective and you're better off giving examples of movies that made you feel that way. Here are some options in different subgenres:
The Eye (2002, dir. Pang Brothers. It features 2 of the scariest scenes of all time)
Ils (Them)
Martyrs (original French one)
The Haunting (63)
It abuses so many tropes and leaves too much out. Had it's moments though. The Medium was better and so was The Wailing. Exhuma ends up being in another category for me. I just hope the novelty of these modern Korean spooktales doesn't wear off soon. They are comfy, at least.
That actually looks good
Was it conceptual fear? Like what it could all mean? Or was it the idea of that happening to you?
I can't believe you retards let some faggot sucking off dogshit like It Follows make a /hor/ thread and then unironically post in it, keeping it active. If this the state of modern /hor/ threads, I might as well never come back because you are all embarrassing retards.
Alucardanon is based and i'm glad he's in these threads.
First time I’ve posted that list.

Why would I include myself? That’s just cheating lol
It was both realistic and metaphysical fear. The former as it showed utterly cruel, indifferent people who'd use others as experiments, and the latter by presenting the viewer with a vague, sinister afterlife riddle that is implied to be linked to one's actions in this life ("Mademoiselle's" ambiguous remark and subsequent action)
I for one actively encourage you and any other "that sucks" contrarian not to come back. Criticize a movie all you want, but do so clearly and stating your opinion
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Reminds me of Bone Tomahawk. It has the same problem as well, people can’t figure out if it’s a horror movie or if it’s just very violent.

It Follows is great.
anons i have just seen the most vampire kino ever made and would like to share. add this link to your halloween playlists, you are not ready for this fucking legendary shit. it starts with a bang and the fangs never let up.

darkness (1993)

how tf is this real. it's like an ultra violent lost boys in 90s white suburbia.
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It’s horror
It's just a western with some violent scenes. I don't understand the contention.
The third act is definitely horror. If it's not horror then neither is Alien, Psycho or From Dusk Till Dawn.
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>He's just now seeing Leif Jonkers Magnum Opus for the first time
reminder Arrow still hasn't released a Blu Ray of it yet despite announcing it literally like 4 years ago.
That's why you have no argument and can only cry contrarian you insecure retard lmao
Imagine being this much of a faggot over your STD horror movie acting like it's some work of art lmao. Name one good performance it in that isn't just wooden bullshit.
No, you just sound like a dull contrarian clinging to your own tastes as universal canon. Even those who dislike It Follows can argue their point whereas you just sound boring and devoid of anything to say. Make an effort
>He deleted his post because he's embarrassed by minor grammar mistakes
Why do newfags do this. We can literally still see it just by updating the thread, dumbass.
But you do sound both boring, cringe and uninsightful. Your comments are content-free rants and you have not said one single thing that's interesting so far
>Your comments are content-free rants and you have not said one single thing that's interesting so far
as opposed to someone who's entire rebuttal is saying they are a contrarian and boring. Your argument is more hollow than anything I said.
It's called correcting a word-- one of the reasons why the delete options exist. Your seething spergouts are a typical newfag overreaction, man up and control yourself
>Why do newfags do this.
give me a good horror/thriller
Look how defensive you are because you're embarrassed about a simple misspelling as if anyone is going to call you out. It's newfag behavior and your showing your insecurity again.
Seeing this in an hour
then the shitshow Megalopolis probably
The rebuttal was simple: your presence here is optional and you and others whose comments have no actual rationale behind them are cringe and vacuous. By all means feel free to go away, maybe stay off the internet for a while, exercise, sleep properly, clean your room and let your dopamine circuit replenish itself
I'm explaining why you overreactions are cringe since you lack self-awareness. It's ultimately a kind gesture to spare you needless seething and embarrassment
Nice goalpost and nonthingburger argument. Also thanks for answering my legitimate question about naming a single good performance in the movie but of course you didn't want to actually discuss the film and instead wanted to cry about someone shitting on a bad movie.
It follows and Babadook are some of the worst mainstream horror movies of the past 15 years
You have no arguments to defend your shitty STD film lmao
Enjoy your wooden acting, metaphors, and boring cinematography
I'm a bit of a horror-let. I've watched a fair amount, but still not many compared to other genres. I just have a tough time with horror since so much of it is cookie-cutter normie shit. Can I get any recommendations? For reference, I am greatly fond of Exorcist 3, Prince of Darkness, The Thing, Zombi 2, Bone Tomahawk (does this count as horror?), As Above So Below, Halloween 3, F13 Part 4.
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Watch Aniara. That shit really freaked me out
y...you g..guys are c...contrarians!!
Calm down dummy, go rewatch It Follows and see if you're less filtered this time around, perhaps read what others have said about it. Maika's performance was fine and widely seen as such
Surely you've seen Hereditary?
I do but again the likes of you take longer to understand the otherwise obvious that saying "movie so and so is shit" isn't worth debating. It's up to you to unretard yourself if you don't want to be ridiculed
>go watch dogshit movie again
>literal who no one remembers was good in the film because I said so
Yes oscar worthy i'm sure.
Remember when we were all stoked for Longlegs for months and it turned out to be incredibly stupid?
Okay but do you have any actual reasons why generic ugly metaphor wooden acting horror film number 10000 is so great?
What is the best thing about the Halloween season? The candy? the horror themed specials and movies?
speaking of which... what the fuck was that obelisk thing they picked up?
Fucking utter misery kino, Aniara. The movie is bretty good too.
The third stage of grief.
I enjoyed Longlegs: not a masterpiece but one of this year's best horror movies and one who managed to get a mainstream audience without being Scream VI-retarded.
Maika's acting in it was misguided and one of the movie's flaws because it's too catatonic and withdrawn.
Such a behavior would get an agent in any law enforcement job taken off the streets.
Whether that dazed mumbling style was her or the director's choice is anyone's guess but he is ultimately responsible and should have had her tone down the sleepwalking underwater demeanor of the character.
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the best thing is all the halloween related /ss/ content that will be shared on various porn sites throughout the month. I am generally also looking forward to watching all the nostalgic spook cartoons I grew up with.
the songs

>Being excited for porn
The absolute fucking state of /hor/ lmao
just realized the It Follows defender is just OP which explains a lot
There’s some very wise words in that movie.

Oddity was decent

It wasn't Citizen Kane but pretty good

Feels like at the beginning the released patient should have tried harder to prevent her death. Running away was unwise. He knew exactly what was going on and why, he should have told her everything.
I'm not excited for porn. I'm excited for Halloween themed /ss/ porn. Massive difference.
>explaining how based you are
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What is Terry Bogard's favorite horror movie?
>Defending It Follows
>Unironically replying to namefags
>Being excited for porn
>Posting in low effort OP threads like this one and the "gay-coded" one
>Replying to the spammer enough to motivate him to keep spamming for over a year now
Only in nigga/hor/
It Follows isn't an actor's movie-- that's your first misconception.
The cast walks around as a collective display of late teen disorientation and tentative steps towards adulthood. Sex lingers around them as a vague metaphor that signals anxiety about pregnancy, disease even if it's inevitable. The movie shows timeless teen fears, which is why the director mixes several different types of generational signifiers.
It Follows closest non-horror parallel is Larry Clark's Kids
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Another movie I really recommend is Black Mountain Side
Gremlins 2
>explaining how based you are
why thank you.
Nope. And my initial reaction wasn't "defending" the movie but pointing out how boring inarticulate contrarians are.
My opinion on the movie replying to another comment: >>203962348
Why is Elvira so fuckin' hard to access? I want every episode of Macabre, Thriller, Midnight Madness, Search for the Next Elvira, etc.

It Follows was that directors worst film.
>The acting is SUPPOSED to be bad, okay? It's not actually supposed to be good! It's bad on purpose! You just don't get it!
>The film is about REAL LIFE horrors, dude! Like metaphors and shit! You know, adulthood, STDs, generational trauma!? Because horror is about METAPHORS, not cheap immature shlock!
>It's just like a (shitty Jewish flick)!
Wow, bravo! Powerful!
last time i watched elvira it was an old episode on prime 4 years ago
>boring and inarticulate
Gee reminds me of someone else who's been posting. Oh yes now I remember.
>your presence here is optional and you and others whose comments have no actual rationale behind them are cringe and vacuous. By all means feel free to go away, maybe stay off the internet for a while, exercise, sleep properly, clean your room and let your dopamine circuit replenish itself
Lmao yeah I remember that nothing response. Just admit you got BTFO multiple times and call it a day
My parents thought I was weird as a kid because I liked this song so much. I only knew it from Dark Shadows
Sorry i'm late /hor/
>The acting is SUPPOSED to be bad,
It's underacted and when the main character has to freak out she does so adequately.
>The film is about REAL LIFE horrors
All movies are, Timmy. That monster under your bed doesn't really exist
>It's just like a (shitty Jewish flick)!
It's dour but not unrealistic. There's nothing in the movie that's outside the expectations of that social milieu.
Newsflash: many people have 1)friends and 2)sex. Once you realize that It Follows should be easy for you to grasp
Do you actually know how to refute anything without giving vague generalzations
>Alucarda general?
For me is:
Blood and Roses
The Vampire Lovers
The Moth Diaries
The Living Dead Girl
Basically any other vampire flick by Jean Rollin
Never heard of it. Thanks for the rec and download link. Getting now.
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Thanks anon. I just like posting about films I enjoy.
>It's underacted and when the main character has to freak out she does so adequately.
And she doesn't do it good. I've seen literal shlock with better acting lmao
>All movies are, Timmy. That monster under your bed doesn't really exist
It's a film, faggot. Not everything has to be "Hurr durr the monster was a metaphor lmao! It's real life, dude!"
>Newsflash: many people have 1)friends and 2)sex. Once you realize that It Follows should be easy for you to grasp
There's nothing to grasp, retard. The entire concept is "Dude what if adulthood anxiety and also le monster was an STD metaphor!?". The concept is dumb, the cinematography is boring, the colors are dull, the acting is shit, the music sounds like stock "modern horror film" music, the "80s" aesthetic is awful and doesn't even feel like an 80s film, etc
70's british horror is some of the most boring shit imaginable.
>The concept is dumb, the cinematography is boring, the colors are dull, the acting is shit
stop stating facts
I can't dumb it down any further for you, Timmy. Stop trying to fool yourself and reread the comment until you get it because that remedial lesson is essential for you to move out of your evidently filtered, entry-level state
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post horror movies better than It Follows.
watch Trick or Treat (1986)
Anon was referring to that one anon that spergs out and starts posting screenshots whenever NPM makes himself known
>And she doesn't do it good.
ESL English. No way I'm gonna read the rest of your midwitish rant, too late for you to try to save face, just make an effort and come to terms with your ignorance, anything else you've said is probably just low IQ tranny nonsense
>actor is good because um... she knows how to be boring and forgettable until she go CRAAAAAAZYYY and does it such with such elegance and professionalism
That's how you argue unironically lmao
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i wasn't in it at first but then they showed an explicit scene between a woman teacher and one of her female students and i'm 100% on board now
This film is a billion times better than Trick r' Treat
>Has no rebuttal
>Starts spamming buzzword babble
I accept your concession lmao
Also, "low IQ trannies" are the target audience of It Follows, anon
>ESL English. No way I'm gonna read the rest of your midwitish rant
Says the retard who literally deleted a post because he can't type for shit, then reposted it like a retarded newfag because he was afraid of it being pointed out and then bitched when someone called you out for doing so
You can't make this shit up.
what are some horror movies that i can goon to?
Anything by Jean Rollin. Maybe give Strip Nude for Your Killer a shot too.
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Lmao It Follows guy will forever be remembered as one of the biggest faggots in the history of /hor/. Makes Kolobos spammer look like someone you'd have a beer with
Damn, if they only built a bigger bridge this wouldn't have happened.
Terrible engineering.
Say no more.
Nekromantik and Nekromantik 2.
any horror movie streams going?
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Just wanted to give people a quick update. Few years back everyone was looking for a lost Halloween documentary from 2010 called Halloweenville which was talked about frequently on /hor/. The flick was made by Gary P. Cohen who directed the classic cult SOV horror film Video Violence from the 80's. The search continued until someone in New Jersey managed to find a copy at their local library however they had no way to rip it and put it online so nothing ever came of it.

Within the past year however, the director randomly decided to upload the full doc on his youtube channel along with both his films Video Violence and Video Violence 2. This means you can now watch this rare documentary for free. There is one issue though. By uploading his other films such as Video Violence onto his channel puts his channel at risk in the future because these are movies that feature nudity and gore which goes against youtube's policy if it becomes noticed. My point is, if you don't want to see this become lost again, I recommend someone download it and either post it themselves on a separate channel or archive.org.
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link to the video

It Follows sucks but it’s good to have different opinions in these threads rather than risk it becoming an echo chamber.
just stop
Saying "it sucks" is barely an opinion. The point is, as you mention, being articulate about likes and dislikes rather than cluttering the threads with Beavis and Butthead knuckledragging banalities.
As for the echo chamber thing, there's a shrill minority here who, as abundantly shown above, isn't exactly clever so they can't coherently argue a point but at the same time are still seething because they were filtered by, say, It Follows, X and Talk to Me.
It's not simply a question of disliking these movies and moving on but actually getting stuck because they can't enjoy them and perceive their qualities as so many ppl have but can't define (except for the generalizations such as le cuck scene, le allegory etc) what they disliked about it either.
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I remember those threads
I love how you are slowly becoming a recognizable faggot here like Pissman and Garlic Crust
>Beavis and Butthead knuckledragging
You've said something like this before
>ppl, bc
You seem to love using these words here
How about you stop posting in these threads? We don't need another faggot shitting up /hor/
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Reminder you got destroyed so hard that you stopped replying to all the people who deconstructed your base level arguments and now saying they got "le filtered" wont suddenly change that. It's also funny to cry contrarianism in a thread where you're the only person defending a shit movie.
Add this pathetic sack of shit to your list too >>203963993
Lets call him "It Follows Man"
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One of the rising stars.
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What should I watch tonight:

The Green Inferno
Black Mountain Side
Rebel Ridge (not horror)
You should kill yourself, tripfag attention seeker
Let my digits decide between
>Beezel 0-4
>Black Mountain Side 5-9
>Black Mountain Side
I'm torn... which one wins???
rebel ridge
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>2 days until October
>/hor/ actually interacts with tripfags
I'm rolling again
Black Mountain Side it is
Enjoyed it when I watched it years ago. Maybe it would be a good October rewatch.
Green Inferno, probably the last cannibal movie for a while and a bold release even if in 2013 woke lunacy wasn't as cringe as it's become a couple of years ago.
It's also fresh in that it's approach is harshly critical of human nature in general, something that some previous cannibal movies already did but Green Inferno goes one step further by showing environmentally-destuctive lunacy as well as hints of retarded social group dynamics
I was secretly hoping it would be Black Mountain Side. It's on deck for tonight.
You're a rising star
Doesn't bitch and moan like you do
Is she any good as an actor, or is she just an eye piece? Genuine question, I haven't seen anything with her in it, desu.
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Imagine if a fully uncut version was released. It would be top 3 Friday movies.
She has a very sharp angular face, i dig.
This but with Part 5.
>imagine if one of the most retarded slasher sequels got an uncut version
who the fuck cares? Top 3? The fucking movie with a literal telekinesis girl battling Jason being higher than any of the quadrilogy movies? What a joke.
Like the original Halloween and movies such as City of the Dead (60), Lisa and the Devil and Rollin's Fascination and Grapes of Death, It Follows has a strong sense of place and occasionally displays the liminal space vibe that makes some aging millennials seethe bc they assume it's a "zoomer" thing
Just finished Fire in the Sky. Not a bad rec. Aliens freak me out. Went to take a piss after it had finished in the dark and found myself psyched out a bit. Dashed back to my room.
Ok, based on those comparisons i'll download it. You better not be lying.
Jason gets unwillingly transported to Manhattan
The seethe comes from zoomers (and some millennials) not knowing what liminal spaces actually are and just thinking any creepy photo is "liminal."
>He's still going
Holy shit lmao
>The Eye (2002, dir. Pang Brothers. It features 2 of the scariest scenes of all time)
the elevator scene? lol pussy
I see the comparison. It does have that dreamy "liminal" feel at points.
The uncut weed whacker is gnarly.
Time to give that one anon (maybe more than one) another look at the scene that he talks about over and over:
Edward Furlong was never a good actor.
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>Villain is evil because he is hungry
Everyone who posts here for being a genrefaggot and not actually giving a shit about film.
Watching House of Wax (2005) with my mom tonight.
That is all.
You're not fooling anyone, zoomie.
>for being a genrefaggot and not actually giving a shit about film.
"Horror fans" are some of the only people on this board that give a shit about older films.
Name 10 films you like
Which is often a growing up feeling directly related to It Follows' characters. Not quite feeling stuck but dazed and overwhelmed by the surroundings that feel familiar but also eerie: stark suburban nightlights and roads etc
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Watch the 1953 one next.
Well aren't you a brave little man! Congrats, now please tell us how the chair scene didn't faze you either, we're very impressed
He literally did nothing wrong. In fact, i'd say that guy specifically should go into the "did nothing wrong" hall of fame. He's so not wrong it's insane.
Did Vincent Must Die not get a US release?
beautiful women and horror movies, is there a more kino combo?
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Agreed, guy just wanted some meat. nothing wrong with that.
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>not actually giving a shit about film.
Watch that and the original version. 2005 remake was retarded.
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This is it. I'm never watching another movie made by a woman.
Mean girls, The inbetweeners 1 and 2, diary of a wimpy kid, black panther wakanda forever, the expendables, gamer (2009 with gerard butler), layer cake, mission impossible 2, the gentleman
>beautiful women and horror movies
how about beautiful women and horror movies starring peter cushing, christopher lee or vincent price
Lets not pretend like M Knight Shyamalan didn't direct it
That doesn't even sound like a real name.
Probably quicker to type Britt Ekland tbph anon
I was a bit disappointed because I enjoyed the novel way more
man... why are there no straight shota horror movies? Surely Brazil or some shithole had to make one at some point.
Remember that one day you went to high-school/college and the hallways were deserted. Or when you went out to buy something and the store was closed and the parking was deserted with a fainting buzzing sound and leaves rustling in the distance?
There you go, you realized what the liminal feeling is
'cock was so based it's insane. Fat bastard really knew how to make a point.
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I genuinely like her a lot in everything I’ve seen her in besides X
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If we didn't have women directors we wouldn't have one of the most important films in 4chan history.
She's perfectly fine but I don't think she's done anything that requires very good acting
Kek what an ugly ass whore
Lil' bro tryin' to shill his zoomer slop
>That image
Why do horror films always have the dumbest whores? Lmao
why does this guy samefag so much?
It's like asking why the top competitors in the Darwin Awards are all braindead retards.
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Why don't you kill yourself and find out?
Lil' bro tryin' to shill movies with interracial sex scenes now bruh lmao
Uh oh here comes the hall monitor! kek
Come on, hall monitor, moderate the thread! Hopefully you'll get a good paych...oh wait, you do it for free! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA
I'll say it again. It was fine until the pool scene and then it got fucking stupid. I don't care, it sucked.
>Being evil whores
Name a more iconic duo lmao
This is especially true in horror films, it's a trope at this point
Once October rolls around you'll be adding me to that list. Stay tuned.
Someone post that picture of smug Mia Goth’s zoomed in face from that Suspiria pic please
Based as fuck
Lil' bro showin' this gay ass hugbox what /tv/ is actually like lmao
Lol that film is woke as fuck
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>I-Is that a tripfag?
to say it is the scariest scene of all time is retarded
Alucarda is good tho but The Blood Spattered Bride is better
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What's a kino /found footage/ to watch tonight?
>Please post a gay reddit-tier reaction image for me
How about you loose some of that weight, you worthless fat piece of shit LMAO
Also Mia Goth has never played in a good film
Lol that's what some these lil' bros be doin' when they tryin' to be hall monitors and /tv/ invades their hugbox lmao
Them lil' bros be kino as fuck lmao
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Just finished watching this. Not the best Friday, but still liked the absolute beatdown Chris gives Jason in this installment.
You're trying to hard to belong and draw attention. Chill out, calm down, lurk for a while
It's Rorschach or Bad Ben. Gunna be honest with ya buddy, that's the kinda night it is.
Lol here comes the hall monitor again
Keep moderating threads for free, nerd
Jason is /our nigga/
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Tracie Savage is hot af in this too.
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>/found footage/
REC exists
I have actually lost 72 pounds since last October I’ll have you know
Trying way too hard. Cringe
Lacking reading skills is even more retarded for 2 simple reasons you fail to notice:
-since fear/scariness are subjective, it can be argued that those scenes were the scariest of all time and the fact that they're often mentioned as such attests to that
-the specific initial comment didn't say they were THE scariest scenes of all time though, so you're just nervously arguing to yourself
Lil' bro got filtered by The Wicker Man lmao
Nah I don't give a shit about no dumb ass dykes
Take that shit to Letterboxd, lil' bro
>The Hall Monitor is still doing the Jannies job for free
kek, must suck being a nerd
What's next, your gonna call me "pissman" or "cock lodge"? Guess what, I'm not either, Hall Monitor
>Jason is /our nigga/
On to The Final Chapter
Good for you CA, keep going
you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded
you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.
Blair Witch Project is a good film
Final Chapter is kino but New Beginning is better because it's nigga/hor/
He is seemingly here right now
Some lil' bro is doing Jannies work for free lmao
2 and 3 are objectively the best in the entire franchise by a large margin.
Lil' bro is deleting is posts again over spelling errors kek
Go suck off It Follows again
>tfw when actual october /hor/ begins soon and my oldfag frens come back
for one month a year /tv/ is once again glorious
>Lil' bro got filtered by The Wicker Man lmao
Literally names the exception instead of the standard.
It's not others: it's you. You're stupid and simply reeing at your own otherwise obvious limits. Trying being less retarded and lose your virginity
the scenes from the eye are not scary whatsoever and you are homosexual
>Lil' bro thinks all the big bad trolls will leave his hugbox in October
I will be there
Garlic Salt will be there
Pissman will be there
Cock Lodge will be there
Spongebob Gay Porn guy will be there
>>203966181 will be there
Not Horror guy will be there
And you will still be there, being a hall monitor nerd
I prefer 4, 6 and 7 over 3. But to each their own.
Ah yes, 3 unlikable retards yelling at each other in the woods for an hour and half with nothing ever happening.
Fuck that boring ass gimmicky movie and the retards that bought into that shit.
5, 8, and 9 are nigga/hor/ therefore they are the best
Listen, ESL: the fact that you don't understand what subjective means implies you could be retarded, and your meltdown is probably linked to sexual frustration/small dick energy. Relax and learn
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I only liked 5 for big tiddy broad.
I need those tits wrapped around my cock
Indian movie?
It's good
Nta but prob 2015
Why did he kick the map?
It's too small for that, lil' bro
When I first saw this movie I watched this scene over and over while jerking off. It was like my first exposure to porn.
He was frustrated
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Not my favorite Friday movie overall but Chris is probably my favorite lead in the series.
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Best story arc for her. The fact that she's absolutely crazy at the end is fucking tragic.
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Part 3 is /tv/'s choice
What a twist!
Yeah this sucked, idk why I paid to see it in a theater knowing the RT%
Okay that was good. A little movie, like 90min and mostly just two people in an apartment. But well done. Megaflopolis will have to wait
I remember being here for that
>Best story arc for her.
Unironically a better "trauma" plot than any recent horror movies.
I'll bake.
New thread
I want to apologize to Edward Furlong, just in case he lurks these threads. I didn't mean what I said.
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Every female in part 4 is hot, except for "banana girl" of course.

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