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This has got to be one of the most divisive movies released in the last few decades
Is the hammer not literal
I can't even remember the last time I was happy.
That's not a hammer zoomer. And a floppy disk isn't the "save icon".
>letterboxd reviews
the actual pleb haven of the internet
all that means is it’s probably good
Wow that's a horrendous synopsis. Sounds like fucking shit unless the utopia is flawed in some way.
>That's not a hammer zoomer
Wtf is it then
It's gotta be something from Egypt but I was too afraid to ask
For fuck's sake:

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Freemason or masons hammer
i've mostly heard people say either
>that movie was a stupid fucking mess
>that movie was a stupid fucking mess and i loved it
Yeah. Honestly, I don't get why. It's really only "weird" or "experimental" in terms of being made by a director of big, mainstream dramas (if you disregard the fact that his previious couple of movies have been kind of "weird and experimental" too)

Sure you can argue about how good it is, but for one I think it's disingenous to say it isn't better than mediocre (It's just way too dynamically directed for that, no matter whether you think the plot amounts to much) or that it is worse than a lot of other shit that came out recently. Hell, I thought Civil War was easily as pretentious and vapid as this movie is accused of being and people were ready to cut that movie a lot more slack and everyone's still pretending Dune 2 was good.
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a Tsquare, he's an architect not a carpenter
>D+ cinemascore
Am I the only one getting fart-sniffer vibes from this movie?
The expensive cast and vibrant colors aren't helping.
majority of the negative reviews will be because coppola isn't woke
its not its genuinly shit, even /tv/ contrarians that always claim a shitty movie hated by normies to be kino won't say its kino
do modern architects even use that, I imagine it's all done on computers now
it has funny moments, the actors do a good job, the outfits are great but the plot is dumb and disrespects the history its loosely based on
Nobody tell him.
i hope ur joking
The synopsis sounds very woke.
On Instagram, Coppola also criticized the patriarchy of the last ten thousand years and it seems that the film may be about that.
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Yeah see picrel. Not watching this trash to find out how much of the feminist shit ended up in the final film, I'm not trans.
I find it hilarious that the both sides hate him
im not surprised. the movie wasnt really 'socially' woke. all the females are either supporting roles or stereotypes, the only black male character is a manservant of the white protagonist and shia plays a psychotic, incestuous NB crossdresser.
Masonic symbol in mainstream media. It’s a product of the illuminati. Coppola is being blackmailed by them to make an anti-Trump movie because they are afraid of having to delay the destruction of the US by 4 years via unmitigated immigration. It’s all part of their plan to create a divided class of easily rulable brown, genderless, amorphous blob humans hooked on porn, prescription drugs, and soda.
>"so go to the cluuuub"
What does it mean?
Doesn’t seem too divisive, it seems universally agreed upon to be shit except for some people huffing copium and digging for anything good to say about it because “muh Coppola”.
Has it ever occurred to you to just get a job?
I have a fed job.
>actual masons use these tools
>any depiction of them in media MUST mean they're referencing the masonic order
Why do so many retards never use half stars but only full numbers? By doing that they're limiting their options.
That should be a curve.
All the faggots who say this movie was woke did not pay attention to the film at all. Claudio literally admits his power base will come from immigrants who don’t care about Rome, Coppola brought attention to the pedophilic habits of the elite (Virgin pledge and Christmas scene), in Claudio’s coup of the bank he replaces all the white board members with blacks, it’s fucking right in your faces that this is a exposé
Can’t stop thinking about the scene where they find out the 16 year old pop star Vesta Sweetwater is actually 23 and from Indonesia lol.

>”What a lying slut!”
No it's not. No one thinks it's good.
I don't know what this word means, can you write for the average /tv/ poster and not for one of your wine drinking aunts?
it means you see a penis or a vagina in the movie
Almost verbatim from the movie:

>Uhhh remember that nuclear soviet satellite that was supposed to crash into Labrador?
>Well it’s not crashing over Labrador. It’s crashing here. Like right now
>cut to sattelite crashing into new york
>being so mindfucked by "culture wars" shite that it overcodes every single aspect of your thought and perception.

Take a break. Go on holiday
You are fucking with me now aren't you? He would've said someone is exposing himself, not this french sounding word he used. Must be something else.
I'm debating on watching it, is it trying to riff on Ayn Rand or evoke her?
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It reminds me of Bioshock, but uses the nuDeusEx style of cover. It's probably pretentious schlock.
>it reminds me of my video games
>but it's probably pretentious schlock
this is a joke right
go fuck yourself, Coppola’s most important films all have political undertones
They aren't mine, and they are indeed schlock as well, especially nudx
>men swooped down.. and began.. many things we all should agree are terrible
>"Also 'man' began writing"
Fucking lmao what a retarded faggot.

I find it hilarious how much the "humanity used to be matriarchal until the 'PATRIARCHY' came along" shit gets pushed. It's all based off of one female Lithuanian anthropologist's studies of fucking grave burials and 0 written records. Because the "matriarchal" societies/civilizations had no fucking writing systems lmao.

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