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What an AWFUL last season, they totally whiffed it.
I didn't watch the last season. No for any particular reason, it just didn't happen.
man their faces crack me up
Honestly the whole thing seems corny and dated.
I re-watched season 1 after almost 25 years and the dialog and "slang" usage is atrocious. The women are easy on the eyes though and it's dumb enough fun I guess so I stuck with it. On S02E03 now and Spike has just entered the equation.
Just watch Angel season five instead.
How many threads do you buffy cucks need?
>How many Buffy threads u need?
Enough to drown out the 2024 current year sloppa threads
>Honestly the whole thing seems corny and dated.
Yeah, it's great
As if
Nothing in the current year is even relevant so no need
Talk like a human you fucking faggot.
He wrote, he didn't talk. You can't talk on a forum lol this guy
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I don't know what they were thinking with the whole Xander leaving Anya at the alter and then her dying in the final episode in the most anti-climatic way possible. Just really weak all around.
Talka like a real HUMAN BEAN sloppa lover, said the clickity clacka keyboard warbride
>Row 2 Column 1
>My wolf tongue unfurls like a heavy red carpet
How did Allison Hannigan manage to hide this?
damn eliza dushku looks hot as hell and so does willow, sarah michelle gellar should be ashamed of herself getting mogged so hard in her own show
Just watched the musical episode, now I am firmly convinced that every show should have one. Pure kino
Carried hard by that old theatre nig
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Many tried but nobody came close
That kiss though....
>That Cordelia leg
Dear fucking god it goes for miles.
what if they made Xander the go to magic guy and kept Willow as the science nerd?
They should have given him a gun and made him the practical solutions guy, especially after they shoved a soldier into his brain that halloween episode.
Hell wasnt he the one who got the rocket launcher and the c4? Just keep doing that. Make him Wesley before Wesley got to do it. Silver bullets and molotovs and shit
that would be boring, doesn't really reflect Xander's wacky personality
Riley was that and he sucked
Riley sucked because Riley was a shit character, not because he knew how to use a rifle.
guns would be boring in buffy, they would be too op if they actually worked because 99% of the combat is just punching each other
Yeah man because when Wes pulled out that fucking flamethrower it was boring as hell.
Expect more in the months to come. Disney just made a deal to let Tubi stream the entire series for free on their website. So newfags posting about Buffy is going to be a thing for a while.
True, guns break buffy. Unironically.
Literally, too (see S6)
for me it's when they gear up for war carrying those massive war axes and then end up just punching the demons as usual
>magic is dangerous addictive and hard to learn
>xander reads latin from book and conjures fire
Lol willow a shit.
Xander getting addicted to magic would have let them milk the 'dads an alcoholic' thing for a bit too. Would have hit harder than the neurotic jewish girl ending up with it.
>willow stops getting dicked
>turns evil
what's the message here
dark xander wouldn't be too bad
One thing that would have helped with the final season would have been instead of Willow being with some random girl she should have got with Faith.
for me it's The Zeppo
sarah michelle gellar kisses weirdly and its offputting
there, i said it
she looks like shes trying to eat the other person
The only real "problem" with latter seasons of Buffy is that they leant too heavily on real and dark subjects in a way that lacked all the good fun and levity it had in the beginning. Sure, early seasons dealt with "serious subjects" all the time but the main characters werent as affected by them. The dialog in early seasons dont bother me because its a dumb show about dumb teenagers having dumb adventures, and like you said all the girls are sexy enough to make you forgive how corny it can be.

No spoilers but Buffy gets SERIOUSLY depressed for a while, and seeing her still kickflip and bounce around like crazy just doesnt mesh. The only saving grace of season 6 and 7 is Spike, who manages to avoid being a mopey retard (mostly)
The entire premise of buffy breaks buffy. The town of sunnydale has a mortality rate of Yes.
Not a single vampire in the show bothers with just wearing a chest plate, good luck staking me now fuckers.
The show rides on the wave of ridiculousness perfectly for the first few seasons, but after high school it just became too adult while still being a tween show
him struggling with being irrelevant and dabbling in forbidden magic is instantly more kino than a sociopathic dyke sperging out.
Its like they made Xander leave Anya because the writers realized that he was the only character left that wasnt completely morally reprehensible
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what if... vampires using guns? What if the matrix was real
charisma won in the end
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For me? Buffy/Faith
i hate yurifags so much it's unreal
face to face like this you can really see how much more attractive Eliza was/is. Just look at their profiles. Sarahs face just juts out like that while Elizas is straight as an arrow
Peak Seasons 1-3
Good Seasons 4-6
Trash Season 7
I haven't watched 7 yet but 4 is significantly weaker than the rest until now
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I like every season, including 7. Yeah it's the weakest season but I still think it has enough redeeming qualities to make it overall enjoyable.
Sarah's face is tilted back here whereas Eliza's isn't. Therefore it isn't a sound comparison.
I gotta pull rank here. I follow scientific principles whereas you're just chomping at the bit to confirm biases.
Agreed on Eliza being hotter though, just in general.
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I love S4, it's the funniest season
Filler episodes are good but the story arc is hot garbage. That frankenstein's monster dude looks so fucking bad. How did the season 1 poverty era managed to have a random monster-of-the-week episode with a better looking bad guy than the season 4 main villain?
the season is at least 80% monster of the week, so although the main story sucks it's also pretty easy to ignore
Yeah but look at this dude it's fucking rad.
Spike ruined the last season of both Angel and Buffy. They even wanted to give him Angel's prophecy.
I Robot You Jane is my favorite episode of Season 1, hilarious and awesome and introduces best girl
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The movie is the only Buffy related thing that's worth watching.
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It's fun but no
poor, poor Rupert
You have to go back
It's Trachtenberg for me
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me on the left
Dushku mogs everyone, ESPECIALLY when she wears low cut 00s bluejeans
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based and dushkupilled
>no Joyce
3/10, torso too long
Buffy's musical episode works because it's actually written like a proper musical should be. Each song (barring a couple comedy ones) advances the plot and/or changes the character dynamics in a melodramatic, theatrical fashion. Then they break the spell at the end and have to deal with the fallout of it all. Once More with Feeling is easily one of the most pivotal episodes of the entire show just for how much shit happens in it.
The problem with every other musical episode in a TV show since is that almost every single one is just an excuse for a fluffy, meaningless, "fun" episode where they get to show off how many cast members were on Glee. They're all pointless. Buffy still wins.
>no abs
Kristy is cuter/hotter than SMG and might actually have been a better Buffy (though it's difficult to compare 90 mins of characterisation and performance vs 7 seasons' worth), but she's about the only thing going for it. Even Rutger Hauer can't save that film.
Pee Wee Herman was pretty gud, but all in all it was a bit of a dud.
True, he's a fun henchman.
For me though, it's Donald Sutherland phoning it in as hard as possible because he plainly doesn't care about any of this.
It's great despiste it being a musical
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>it's another "Spike carries the entire show" episode
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>It's another "Giles carries the entire show" episode
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Giles carries the first half, then Spike carries the rest
I wonder how many gay fanfics have been written about these two
about 17

Could have been better but it wasn´t bad. It resolves the main character arc, it brings in a decently good villain, Faith is back and gets some closure too. I honestly don´t know why people complain so much about the season.
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>about 17
>I wonder how many gay fanfics have been written about these two
Why would you wonder that?
they seem like two characters that fujos would obsess over
Spike/Xander is a much more popular pairing, along with Spike/Angel
is it Spike buckbreaking Xander?
>You have to go back
go back to where? 4chan circa 2004? fuckin gladly. unfortunately i can't because of newfags like you polluting the board
Nah, with that mongoloid vocabulary and the cute edge you fit right in among the retards
All musicals are bad, and the only people who enjoy them are homosexual men and wine aunts. Make an opera or make a drama, randomly switching between the two is jarring and they *all* only exist to show off how many of the cast had been previous musical theatre poofs.
says you. and who the fuck are you. just some jizz stain
>dis nigga doesn't like The Sound of Music
I can't watch Buffy for one reason and one reason only: I want to fuck all the women on it so badly that I feel cucked watching all these gay male characters fuck them instead. On some weird level I feel literal ownership over the women so that it's like I've been kidnapped and I'm being forced to watch a bunch of fag frat boys wander into my personal harem and fondle all my personal whores. Every time I see Buffy interested in some male character I feel something welling up inside me like when Richie Aprile says I'LL KILL YA and chases the Bevilaqua kid with the baseball bat, it's not rational, I want to kill Matthew Bevilaqua (Angel). It doesn't help that they're all clearly homosexuals in denial. If they'd just be more honest with themselves they would never have defiled my women. So it was a totally needless defilement.
that's cringe but understandable
Classic parasocial (antisocial) relationship
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>Is called Buffy the vampire slayer
>gets bitten, defeated, seduced, or falls in love with every major vampire that appears
(and that's a good thing)
Common mistake, it's actually Buffy the vampires layer
>Buffy the vampires layer
you can't fool me
Lots of homos in this thread. I’m going to leave before I catch a case of the gay. Later suckers.
good thing i'm a cuck, i don't have that problem
>Later: suckers
Why do you call it that?
>last season
>Black man appears, super special origin
>Buffy goes on a date with Wood, finds him attractive
>Faith sleeps with him, she wants more
Was this guy someone's self-insert?
no Joss was going through an interracial cuckold phase, this was not long after he BLACKED Fred on Angel
He gets brutally buckbroken by Spike in the best episode of the season, so it balances out
wrong, spike was the only good thing about them
Dawn was surprisingly good in the last season
Dawnie was always good
I mean she outshined most of the main cast in Season 7
This board has way too much feminine energy now I hate it, that’s partly why I don’t come here like I used to
>then threatens to leave
you´re the feminine one
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This is what you have to work with now. Enjoy.
Whedon was high on 9/11 propaganda during that season

that's why Buffy was a depressed killjoy that had her mind in nothing but killing those terrorists/ubervamps
What causes jaundice? Is she just drinking herself to death?

Xander also ended up as an alcoholic and has mugshots.
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She just really loves being young, nubile, submissive, and vulnerable. Vampires tick all her boxes.
Also, reminder that crying Buffy = best Buffy
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Whedon had a Faith spinoff in the works so he started introducing new characters in season 6-7 with that in mind
a Faith/Illyria show would've been kino
SMG's crying performance is unmatched, I normally find her ok looking compared to other actresses but when she starts crying... jesus
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This guy was considered a villain in the 90s

now bootycalls aren't even controversial and Buffy would be seen as a square for not having one night stands
>What causes jaundice? Is she just drinking herself to death?
Could be either drug or alcohol abuse, or pancreatic cancer.
how times have changed
Do regular students not use the library? What if a student walked in because they needed a place to study, help with a paper, or something like that
Student body is aware that is the HQ of the scoobies, when they do come to the library it's awkward and the scoobies are like "who the fuck are you?"
Take a look at the calendar you incels
she does look sick though
>Elton John AIDS foundation
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>Sick how?
Wasn't part of the point that she was kind of a square then as well?
Parker was definitely toying with her, but the subplot was also about how Buffy was naive for just fully throwing herself into this like he was gonna be the next vampiric love of her life
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>women when they hit 30
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>she replies to plebs
Back to your slop thread, ai faggot.
Post tits
dear god
If we ignore Xander leaving Anya, him Spike and Dawn were the only characters at the end that hadnt shat the bed completely. Everyone else just sucked. Also why did we have to hang out with Andrew all of Season 7? What was that gay little loser dweeb meant to be to the audience? Self insert? Any self insert of mine would have created a harem out of the potentials where they would have to fight daily for bed privileges
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i always suspected that Giles protected the library with some anti-student charm
I do that when a show has completely fallen off, and I no longer give a shit how the story ends.
It's better to just cut your losses and call it a day rather than waste time on something you no longer find enjoyable.
>Any self insert of mine would have created a harem out of the potentials where they would have to fight daily for bed privileges
Remember that dream Xander has that one episode?
That's what I'd do, unironically.
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Xander is my favorite character
Who had it worse, Matthew Perry or Nicholas Brendon?
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Was there a lesbian on the writing staff who was vehemently opposed to Willow actually being Bi or something?

Because season 1-3.5 Willow clearly loved the cock!
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You just know she was getting rawdogged by Oz every full moon
for me it's vampire willow
Very low energy and tired. There's brief moments where it breaks through the fog like the ending of episode 2 with Spike in the church. Mostly though, it feels like everyone just wanted it to be over
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Good choice. Vampire Willow was so much better than Dark Willow desu
she had such an insane game there, with the torture stuff even
Still not as lame as Supernatural last season.
1-3 is Peak
4 is garbage
5 is good
6 is garbage
7 is okay
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Can you imagine if Buffy lasted for 15 fucking seasons?
Do Angel count as part of Buffy Cinematic Universe?
Well obviously. But it's not all one, single show.

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