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If you actually like when movies do this you are a faggot
>character growth is bad!
You got a better alternative smartass?
Character needs to get an injury. That’s what they always forget, especially if the character is female
>i want bedtime stories instead of actual well-conceived narratives that deconstruct outdated cultural concepts
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Are you a woman or a wannabe?
Bedtime stories are comfy.
I immediately thought of a movie where the protag just ends up where they started, Murder Party (2007) which was pretty good. It's not really a deconstruction of anything, just an experience the protag has with no real lessons to be learned.
Another genre of movies that defy the convention are the 'meta' movies where everything just happens in a story the protags are being told so technically the real main characters aren't personally going through the hero's journey. A Boy Called Christmas is the movie I'm thinking about, it was pretty good too.
Life's fucked already, just deconstruct those outdated cultural concepts while making me feel good at the same time
>narratives that deconstruct outdated cultural concepts

You know this is more derivative then telling a traditional narrative right? It's parasitical
>If you like the way stories have been succesfully structured for millenia you are a faggot.

Get your contrarian ass out of here. There are plenty of great movies that don't fall into that pattern, sure, but that doesn't mean that it isn't one of the most popular outlines of all time for a reason.
Boats? Huh
Why don’t women appreciate the hero’s journey?
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People don't change, true storytellers understand this
le hero's journey was a mistake and Joseph Campbell was a charlatan and a hack
because it's literally centered around masculinity, and not only in an old way of masculinity but a boring way
Le personal growth doesn't exist!
Haven't hit your (You) quota for today?
>people don't change
Its always fat people and/or shy timid people who say stuff like this to justify never putting in any effort into anything to make their situation better
You can go through a “journey” without changing. Sometimes you actually become weaker as a result. This is rarely explored by Hollywood movies outside of horror slop.
Inner growth is a masculine ideal. There is a reason so many female-centered stories amount to "she was always right, the world was wrong"
Me, I'm the boat guy. Like look at this thing. I wanna live in it and then eventually die in a tragic boating accident that'll be broadcasted live all around the world.

Deconstruct your brain you faggot.
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This. The transition from girl to woman is purely biological. I don’t think stories about a young lad setting out and coming back a man resonate with them because of that.
Change for a female means getting a new boyfriend who turns their life around.
It's stuff for children. Most movies for children follow this structure.
The thing is, most of the time people go through journeys they end up unchanged.
Like 99 times out of a hundred.
Everyone knows and implicitly understands that.
Which is why stories of hero's journeys where people do change are so celebrated and retold in history. Not because they're the norm but because they're the rare occurrence.

Also people undergo multiple journeys simultaneously in their lives, so there is always some positive (and negative) change in some aspect that is occurring.
>le jew
any other arguments?
yes i'm jewish and yes i do believe that
these memes suck so much dick.

wow!!! what a funny amazing observation!!! the average character arc ever!!! I love when movies do this!!!!
Can't think of any good movies that actually do this. Literally a manchild fantasy.
it's common in animes. now you see the similarities with children shows.
We know. Your kind lack the creative spark so they have to focus on subversion.
why do you still think that some moral values shouldn't be put into question? are you 12?
Why do you think that questioning them makes you valuable?
>deconstruct outdated cultural concepts
Deconstruction has always been a political weapon. You are either an invader or a useful idiot.
Campbell didn't invent the hero's journey you dingus, he noticed the pattern and wrote about the subject
It’s just analysis. Also a deconstructed hero’s journey would be boring as fuck which is why it’s pointless to even talk about subversion in the context of this thread
boats boats boats
american values are not the objective truth, if anything one should fight the american cultural hegemony.
There's no pattern. He just made it up. Like, lol, what fucking pattern? Most Greek heroes died miserably. The hero journey is hardly a happy one, so I don't know where this meme even came from.
Yeah, a pattern that he made up and tried his hardest to force every mythological tale under the sun to fit into
someone should read you a bedtime story faggot
The most popular and successful legends follow the pattern he set out. It’s also why Lucas was able to make Star Wars a hit
Fight Fight Fight was a little derivative to be desu. Boats on the other hand was a fucking masterpiece
I used to be nice and now I'm a cunt who only pretends to be nice. That's my arc paulie.
Stopped reading there
Retards literally claim that TLJ was a subversion of hero's journey when in reality Luke died like a typical ancient hero. Theseus? Betrayed and exiled. Died like a cuck. Heracles? Killed by a fucking shirt. Achilles? Cucked by his heel. Bellerophon? Cucked by a fucking fly.
And let's not even talk about all those fags like Oedipus, Orpheus or Daedalus.
Differenceis TLJ was shit and made with contempt
The ST was subversive because the MC basically didn’t struggle or even change over the course of the three movies.
No. It's a fucking meme. He deliberately ignored the stories that don't follow this pattern or exaggerated the similarity of different stories.
Star Wars was successful because it was a shitty movie for manchildren and it made them happy. Oh, and it had cool special effects.
for me it's The Wheel of Time book #1, 'The Eye of the World'
I'm pretty sure Rian Johnson himself acknowledged this somewhere. But when people talk about the "hero's journey" they mean the feel-good Hollywood slop formula they've been served countless times before
I find it really telling that this is the post he responds to.
None of the others, just this one.
That isn't character growth, it is mary sue being celebrated for being mary sue.
You are just a contrarian teen who's stuck in the "bad ending = mature" phase
>boohoo I am a disgruntled cat lady so I only want to make other people's children uncomfortable with shitty bed time stories instead of building up my own children's self esteem with comfy ones.
you are a filmlet if you think this trash is good storytelling
They need to deny negativity since they are the negative half of the human dipole and desperately need to avoid confronting that reality, so the only hero journey they can appreciate is a mary sue story where everything comes easy and without conflict since they know they are destined to lose every conflict against men.
No, also skinny outgoing crackheads who want to keep doing crack.
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You would probably like the movie Wind (1992)
Because those moral values were created as a method to help maintain society and keep things orderly. People who reject social norms as "stuffy conventions made by old people" don't realize that those conventions arose for a reason. For example it was considered a good thing to remain monogamous and this was socially enforced. Now with this being challenged it was replaced by a culture where half of all marriages end in divorce. Think about the effect that divorce has on a child in their development, then compound that with the fact it is an ever expanding problem. Every metric of success tells us that divorce will lead to your children being worse off in life. But since we got away with that "childish concept" of socially enforced monogamy, now we reap its rewards.
>be self-proclaimed defender of Western civilization
>know nothing about Western civilization
>think Western civilization is Hollywood slop for children from the 80s
Nah, you are just a self hating fag who just wants stories where everyone gets aids and dies.
I blame video games and anime.
It's a good formula for movies intended for children with incomplete brains. Truth is, personal growth happens when you grow into maturity but after that you're not really in the drivers seat anymore. It's an incredibly bitter pill to swallow, which is why manchildren indulge in these fairytales to feed their delusional daydreams
Damn that sword looked for a second like stuck in the back and character smiling through the pain. Indeed treacherous and mean, needs a panel to adjust perspectives

But it happens all the time.
My most treasured moments, is when I notice a diffuse, sly but undoubted change from within, and nothing around me is indicative or initiative of that. You just feel, see differently. A world within worlds
And it is most enjoyable when it happens in quick successions, the sweetest to talk with someone who knows what you mean. Big soul relevations however like in op, bathed in the source of that change with corporal reflection, that is a milestone of evolution and stories aid as its road signs
"Character arc" or "character development" has to be one of the worst, if not THE worst, cliches in the History of Cinema, it's only purposes is to add unnecessary drama that gives phags and women something to jerk off.

Waste of time and words that can be used to give more cooler scenes and world-building.
OP doesn't represent people.
>Sometimes you actually become weaker as a result
So in other words, you change. Fucking retard.
Not true, most movies aren't deconstructionists.
No that is pretty much all action movies, like Die Hard where he starts out strong and superhuman, but ends a bloody mess limping around having to be carried to the hospital after defeating all the bad guys.
>>The most popular and successful legends follow the pattern he set out.
Name ten.
I like the prequel Raft and the time travel one
this wrong, the hero's journey is an unlikely protagonist reluctantly (not willingly) accepting the call to adventure, but if you don't like this you don't like books or movies or any stories because this is what most of them essentially are, you are a retard edgelord
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here's your (((you)))
But Luke in TLJ become one with the Force after restoring the hope in the galaxy.
>idiots saves the president
>super perfect "totally like me" girl that act smug and is better than everyone else Saves the president
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even fucking Home Alone beats any of your pretentious fag shit-flics
the low effort retardation trolling is so boring
that's all this place is anymore
really fucking old and trite and shit and I should stop coming to this shithole
Boats are very important in American culture. Barbary Wars? They fucked with our boats. Spanish-American War? Boats (allegedly). WW1 and 2? Boats again. Operation Praying Mantis? A boat. Don't fuck with the boats. One country got away with it. Sigh.
It's literally what happens most of the time when normal people go outside and do something good.
You're just a negative faggot who hasn't done anything in your life and you want everyone else to be as miserable as you are.
It's no wonder you don't have friends or anyone who really loves you.
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iDot reporting in
>Saving the President
>Fight Fight Fight
my favorite ever flics

bitch, where's my fucking sandwich
I know She's a entitled piece of shit just for put boats in the list,
who the fuck want movies about boats?
Cars ok that's really average but boats are for boomers, homosexual boomers or the raped children of boomers
This guy is right and everyone else is a fucking retard.
Is this guy going to self delete when trump loses?
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We must retvrn to the long ago time of when I was 10
fuck you
>character longs for more in life
I like characters that like exactly where they are in life and then are forced against their will into adventure. So much more interesting.
>Frodo Baggins
Really likes the Shire, but has no choice but to flee, his life literally in danger
>Yang Wen Li
Just wants to be a military historian, forced to be an officer because of financial bullshit
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going to join his militia when the time comes
Same. Every day the catalog is literally the same
>A few Twitter screenshot reposts
>Random cartoon/web comic image posted for bait
>"(X)bros how do we recover from this"
>"(X)bros how do we respond without sounding mad/our response?"
>Random movie quote and screenshot used to bait replies about le sex or le women
>A few Simpsons threads
>A thread from the Physical media hating autist guy
>A few threads about modern sloppa that everyone will forget in a month or so
>A few random frog posts
>"I don't get it"
>"This made boomers/gen x/millennials/zoomers shit and piss themselves"
>"2024...I am forgotten"
>"Times you acted like (x)?"
>A few generals
>Thread using Fight Club or Falling Down image to gain off-topic replies about wage slaving
Always the same fucking replies to each one too. One of the first few replies is always "controversial" and has shit tons of (You)s
>Frodo Baggins
He excluded himself from the world at the end. Such heroism.
category 5 reddit moment
All the redditors seething at this lmao
Guess you were right, they want capeshit bedtime stories
Ulysses went back home, took back his kingdom, fucked his wife and died of old age
Yes, I want to watch a movie where a fat lonely old man does nothing but sit in front of his computer for 12 hours a day for a decade.
They are just conversation starters on different pieces of media
dilate, tranny

he's most likely a leftist faggot. joseph campbell is particularly triggering for leftists and feminists. you can't get his books in colleges anymore
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>If you actually like when movies do this you are a faggot

What else should I watch? Acolyte?
Yeah but they are the same "conversations" every single time, and they usually turn into buzzword shit flinging contest
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You can tell a Last Jedi "fan" made this thread.
>he's most likely a leftist faggot.
even worse
Then why anything you make is blown out of the water by the shittiest 80s B-movie and peopel relate more to thsoe 80s values and ideas compared to yours?
>american values are not the objective truth

They are. Seethe about it, communist faggot from a non-country without culture.
Then when you become actually adult and drop the teenage contrarianism, you actually go back at the hero's journey because it works
Rian Johnson is braindead talentless cocksucker who cannot follow his own plotpoints.
>zoomer entered the chat
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Its not trolling, OP described a Mary Sue, not a character in active development.
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All movies are for manchildren. You pretentious fags are just like sport niggers who think they are part of a team just because they chant some other man's name.
>"Character arc" or "character development" has to be one of the worst, if not THE worst, cliches in the History of Cinema,
True (to a point). The most belovedcharacter to ever exist were born accomplished an highly comptent. Characters don't need to change at all: they just need to face adversity, be fallible and decently nuanced (as in the audience need to kow their motivation, personality, opinions...)
The rest is just a bunch of options.
>outdated cultural concepts
suck as marriage between men and women, age of consent, and anti gender reassignment surgeries?
then you go and construct something new, instead of "deconstructing" existing stuff.
>outdated cultural concepts
Leftism was outdated back in 19th century, yet Hollywood union niggers keep force feeding it to people who refuse to pay for it.
Maybe media should go back at being interesting, instead of being made by woketards for le "modern audience"?
No, it's you the one who wants contrarian capeshit
Isn’t this literally Frodo in LOTR, except he comes out traumatized and goes with the elves
Care to elaborate? The Hero's Journey is the main pillar of any fiction. Either argue your case, or fuck right off, you contrarian niggerfaggot.
>Implying media hasn't been shit for multiple decades now
>Implying it being good again would make /tv/ change at all
>Implying shit loads of old kinos don't exist (which /tv/ will never watch, as they are too interested in the latest goyslop)
>muh deconstruction
Genuinly kill yourself you retarded underage postmodernismfag. You are """honorary""" Jewish.
You are a sad misrable faggot. Suicide would be a mercy for you.
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>it was always shit you fucking chuds
Here we go.
holy fuck the amount of seethe this has caused, maybe you're right about something
>any other arguments?
Yeah, ridding the world of your filth is the most noble endevour imaginable. A True Hero's Journey, if you will.
>Verification not required.
Nope, when did I say that?
I said "for decades now", ESL. It's been shit since at least 2005 or so. I'm sorry that I don't slurp up Mr. Goldberg's latest 21st century effortless digital slop like a good golem
>>Implying media hasn't been shit for multiple decades now
Yes, your point?
>>Implying it being good again would make /tv/ change at all
Bridges are burned and weels poisoned. You don't just get back to where things were without rebuilting trust the hard way. But let's start with going back at media beign good first. Until then these stupid hypotetics are just mental masturbation
>>Implying shit loads of old kinos don't exist (which /tv/ will never watch, as they are too interested in the latest goyslop)
I already watch those. And I havent' seen any modern slop in many years.
Now what?
>I already watch those
No you haven't. You have not seen every single from made before 2000, and you have likely missed multiple good ones. There's also shit loads of old literature which you've never read. You have literal decades worth of old entertainment.
But instead of looking for some of these, you will instead make the same exact "Um (x) bros how do we respond without sounding mad!" and twitter screenshot repost threads on /tv/ every day, all because "new media is being made by woketards" (which you're correct about, but you just claimed you haven't even watched it in many years, and there's tons of old media which isn't niggerslop)
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>character realizes he's not special and dies with no friends and no gf
yeah now that's my kind of movie
Only pathetic bitter losers and defeatists hate The Hero's Journey
They gave up before it even started
lmao that was a really random post
>which is why manchildren indulge in these fairytales to feed their delusional daydreams
Yeah so? You got a problem with that, nigger? I'd prefer my daydreaming to anything else any day of the week.
>revealing your hand this early
rookie move
i triggered everyone's trauma, because everyone has some franchise they are a fan of and that got "deconstructed" in the last 5-10 years
Only true connoisseurs can appreciate BOAT FIGHT.
He's (and you are too) a subversive poisonous jew, people are right to tell him (and you) to fuck off. Fuck. Off. Jew.
I always see this meme but what boat kinos do you guys actually recommend besides Das Boot?
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I was 19 years old in 2008. I dropped the advice of my family and enlisted in the army, mostly for adventure. I won't speak about my experience with the people in the army, which would be so positive it would sound like a recruiting ad. But I was first stationed in Germany, and was exposed to other cultures and languages. I then deployed to Iraq, and saw the best and worst of humanity. I sat down with Iraqis and drank tea. I shot at several people from a helicopter. At 20 years old I applied a torniquet to a leg so damaged I remember the torn pieces looking like a mop head. I learned to respect people from the middle east while having personally seen a guy fuck a goat under night vision while his wife held a lantern. I watched several airstrikes. I came home, I got promoted, lead soldiers. Left the service, got a degree, threw it in the trash, started over, happier than ever. This isn't an appeal to "respect 4 service", I don't really care, but that is the hero's journey. It's not a new american one either, millions of men through history have done the same.

What you call an outdated cultural concept is humanity. Your muscles grow after stress and pain, why would your soul be any different? Your soul understands the hero's journey because it yearns for it. You, reading this stupid post, you're probably young. Go climb that mountain, go hit the gym, go see a war. Start your hero's journey brother.
>>>The most popular and successful legends follow the pattern he set out.
>Name ten.
The hero's journey is fine and I don't like le subversion but I can't think of many good films that actually follow the hero's journey
Kant's transcendental subject does not exist. People change all the time, some to a higher degree, others to a lesser. When you claim people don't change you're projecting. You're a colossal faggot and I drill your mother on a daily basis.
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I will prefer children's stories, fables, parables, myths and fairytales to everything else until the day i die. Suck it, fags. Verification not required.
i don't care for your service to imperialism. where was the hero journey of the poor men that were defending their country from Bush and Israel?
Clap that man in irons Mathews.
It's kind of a meaningless term anyway because no one is reading Campbell in the current year. I feel like George Lucas was the real visionary who took what was useful from him and showed how to make that stuff work in a movie with mass appeal, and now it's been recycled so many times it's a recipe for a boring, predictable and bad movie
My love of boats is more of a general love of mechanical feats of engineering. It's just cool seeing humans conquer things and concepts that they had no idea about beforehand, like flight, underwater travel, and even space.
You know Jews make le hero's journey slop too, right anon? Look at the latest Star Wars or Spider-Man slop. Le good guy defeats bad guy again so the manchild watching it can clap and buy funko pops of the characters.
They make both. It just depends on what audience they want, the manchild cuckold or the nihilistic troon
Raimi's Spider-Man is excellent. Excellent and sincere. It has soul. Unlike (you). It's a pity that you can't enjoy a good simple story.
For me it's boats 2 oceanic boogaloo
>he's unironically a capeshit fan
Oh no no no no no lmao
Also, don't look up Raimi's early life on Wikipedia, as according to you, they can only make subversive slop and not hero's journey slop too
Hamlets mill is a better book with the same concepts without so much fluff
>Raimi's Spider-Man
are you 12?
>Stories have been told successfully in this way for millennia because they resonate with huge swaths of people in relatable ways
>But yeah, let's get rid of that because it's OuTDatEd.
Woah you are so intelligent.
>"Heh, you're a Jew for not liking my hero's journey slop!"
>"Look up the early life of the director of that slop"
Lmao, nice rebuttal retard
Most hero journey are centred around the characters need to grow in the service of providing or protecting, something which is inherently masculine.
I think you could make a hero's journey work for women if it was centred around nurturing and caring, but I am not sure what the conflict would be.
lol stfu u joyless cunt
How on earth does that describe a Mary Sue? All the OP image says is "character has a different outlook by the end of the story." That's been a pretty common "trope" for thousands of years across all cultures.
idk where you got the idea that female stories are about nurturing and caring but you clearly didn't think about it
women don't like the heroes journey because they cannot believe in heroism (why would you if you were born the universal victim gender?)
if you look at stories written by women (eg. hunger games, frankenstein, to kill a mockingbird) the themes always feature the flaws of humanity which are incompatible with the idealism of the heroes journey
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I'm 30. And when I'll be 60, happily rewatching Spider-Man, I'll muse about how there are so many bitter joyless faggots on this earth, have a chuckle and contniue enjoying a good story,
Rich Boy Silent Hero Saves the President by Fight Fight Fighting on Boats was a cinematic masterpiece, but this woman was so distracted by her fucking phone that she didn't realize it was just one movie (and it was only 1h30m but the cunt couldn't even pay attention for that short time)
Character growth doesn't even exist in real life. People pretty much always stay the same
Which is why people don't watch/read stories where people just do the same thing day in day out with no inner or outer change of any kind.
Sophia niggas be like yoo fugg your action movies let's watch trucrime sloppa: "How the rapist fucked the woman to death 15 times: Every detail re-enacted viscerally and described inticately"
Films your girlfriend wants to watch

>men fight over a woman
>plain woman is object of affection of many men
>a woman can't decide which man to marry
>rich guy is obsessed with a plain woman
>a woman is in an unhappy relationship but finds the man of her dreams
That people don't change doesn't mean that nothing happens to them and that they don't do anything. Sopranos and Succession were both very popular shows for example
Except the 3 main children did change their outlook by the end of Succession. Not all for the best but they did change. And I've never seen the sopranos so I can't comment on it.
>same "conversations"
people just aren't that unique. chances are different people are gonna want to talk about the same topics multiple times.
The hero's journey doesn't necessarily mean that the hero always wins in the end, it's essentially a matter of reaching self-knowledge and understanding your relationship with world, be it good or bad.
>men self insert as heroes to feel better about themselves without ever having to lift a finger and do real good
>women watch true crime because of morbid curiosity and to feel better about their own lives because at least things aren't that bad
I remember being 13 like you
>>Thread using Fight Club or Falling Down image to gain off-topic replies about wage slaving
Don't forget threads about Truman show to whine about being a pathetic loser.
Yellowjacket threads for off-topic discussion about drugs (with the same op every time).
"I'm going to kill myself tomorrow" from Royal Tenenbaums (which absolutely no one posting in the threads is aware of)

1. This board is for specific kind of media (television and film). Either make a board for internet things or take it to /b/.
2. They're not really conversation starters, they're just meaningless filler/spam
>make subject field required to encourage more meaningful discussion
>they fill it with annoying spam phrases instead
Good first step, doesn't do fuck-off without addressing the spam issue. If you can't even have a normal opener then the whole thread is going to be a shitfest.
>cuck cuck cuck cuck
I don't think it means what you think it means
The Hunt for Red October
Master and Commander
I liked your story anon, thanks.
They won their country back 2 years ago
(Can also watch Rambo III)
I tried reading The Hero with a Thousand Faces because I like mythology and am interested in storytelling but man it was dry, I couldn't do it. I'd rather read a bunch of myths and compare them myself.
>maybe you're right about something
Maybe you said something stupid and were called out for saying something stupid
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Now you are just projecting your mental illness on me.
Yeah, becuause you are a soulless artless spinelessretard, like any other decontructfag
>boring, predictable and bad movie
You described any single attempt to get away from the hero's journey
>I have the mental abilities of a 5 years old
Yeah, we know.
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>Le good guy defeats bad guy again s
Lmao, retard
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Men must become, Women just are.
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>A whore sleeps with the president
>Rich boy hero marries average girl
>Loud obnoxious girl period allegory
>Shop shop shop!
That's completely false. You dont' read books, don't watch movies and never knew anything besides capeshit
>deconstruct outdated cultural concepts
This usually ends up being "girls can be badass ninjas as well, chuddie"
Or sometimes, "That upright pillar of the community everyone admires? He's actually evil and corrupt."
How many times do you need to see this?
lmao she's actually mad her boyfriend made her watch Master and Commander
>deconstruct outdated cultural concepts
Cultural Marxist scum
Don't forget:
>handsome serial killer kidnaps, rapes and eats pretty college girl, but maybe he's just misunderstood
To be fair this is also anime for men
Although one thing I’ve noticed, female focused media really likes to have an explicit loser and male always tries to have everyone happy
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>i want bedtime stories instead of actual well-conceived narratives that deconstruct outdated cultural concepts
Master and Commander
Run Silent Run deep
Das boot
Enemy Below
The Sand Pebbles

you know... BOATS
this is why everyone hates everything these days. this is why everybody immediately rejected megalopolis, an actually fresh and new work, within five minutes. everybody's been beaten down so thoroughly into the mindset of irreproachable cynical deconstruction. the only concepts allowed are ones that tear down and destroy. anything else is deemed outright invalid at best the moment its transgression is detected, and at worst mercilessly lambasted. there can be nothing new, no optimism of any degree, nothing is allowed that isn't wholesale forensic destruction, cynicism, and criticism, and everyone's worst imaginable nightmare is someone else "outsmarting" them by displaying even deeper cynicism. it's all disgusting and pathetic.
It’s not a cliche, it’s literally one of the core foundations of writing. But you wouldn’t know because you haven’t put a pen to paper since your highschool teacher forced you to. You just consoom and think your opinion matters.
He's half right tho. While characters arc/development (as in character changes throught the story) is extremely vality, it's wrong to treat it as a necessity. Plenty of valid characters face challenges without being changed, or engaigin in some character arc.
I could go for Boats or Silent Hero Journey Boy right about now actually
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>You see, the Hero's Journey or even something as basic & generic as a classic "Character Arc", which are so universal in fiction in the first place due to being largely rooted in universal aspects in basic human Psychology and thusly transcend even the limits of culture & time, are ACTUALLY bas and should be avoided.

So what is "superior" to that then?
Do you also have a new invention that is superior to "the wheel" and will make it obsolete that you were able to come up with and all the intellectually inferior sheeple throughout all of Humanity somehow just missed coming up with first?
>People don't change
You think this because you haven't met people.
You can't meet people as a basement-dweller.
You know that narratives about good triumphing over evil and the "Hero's Journey" not only predate modern Hollywood slop AND predate Hollywood itself, but literally even predate the Jews, right, Anon?
Like, you're not ignorant of the fact that good vs. evil and the Hero's Arc are literally TIMELESS aspects of human narratives & storytelling, whereas the same can't be said about modern cynical Marxist deconstructionist drivel because it is, as the name implies, and exclusively modern & recent phenomenon, right?
Titanic is the penultimate chick flick, and it's on a boat. Her list is retarded.
Character arcs can be good unless it's a redemption arc, those are always terrible.
This would unironically be a good example of why "The Hero's Journey" exists in fiction even if you DID make it up. If you DIDN'T make it up, it's an even better example.

The pattern I keep observing is that NEET's and terminally-online pedophiles don't understand "The Hero's Journey" and why it's so ubiquitous because they unironically think it's entirely fictional and constructed.
The reality is that, as said in >>204015412
the Hero's Journey is rooted in basic human-psychology, which is universal to humans and even transcends the limitations of culture (which is usually was most heavily divides ALL fiction).
And based on what you said here and the example of it you presented, it arguably goes EVEN DEEPER than even "basic & universal human-psychology". It's arguably even rooted in reality itself. The very basic "arc" of a human traveling forward through time and gaining experiences, knowledge, etc., is so incredibly basic and inevitable that it's practically a function of reality itself. "Start empty-handed -> Have experiences -> Gain knowledge/material/experience -> Be different than you were when you started" is such a basic and inevitable principle that it's practically just "Math", and thusly just as universal. "Human + Experience & Time Moving Forward = Different/Changed Human" is true, and ubiquitously understood, for the same reason "4" is MORE than "2" and that "2 + 2 = 4".

NEET's and terminally-online pedophiles don't understand this because they don't EXPERIENCE "Life", and thus they don't experience a tangible manifest example of "the Hero's Journey".

Mystery solved.
Genuinely good post.
Please see: >>204015427
Death to all cynicism, irony, deconstructionism, postmodernism, or whatever other gay "movements" are responsible for the state of media. Archetypical narratives feed the soul. I don't want to see any more smug fat people going "actually, heroism isn't real and you can't succeed at anything haha" for at least a decade. Drag Milius out of the retirement home and make him direct something.
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>i don't care for your service to imperialism. where was the hero journey of the poor men that were defending their country from Bush and Israel?
>conflict between to groups
>no one is in the right each has their own motivation
>winning is a matter or power and strategy not your emotional or philosophical growth
>mc is simply a member of his army and even if hes the best he has no superhuman characteristics so probably couldn't beat two normal guys if they fought him at the same time
>probably dies in battle because thats how most warriors end up
>resolution is the winning side gets their grievances addressed and the spoils of war NOT everyone becoming happy and evil being extinguished
>american values are not the objective truth
If you unironically think this then you don't belong in America, invader. You're welcome to """fight the american cultural hegemony""" from whatever shitty inferior backwards little country out there prioritizes the backwards "values" that YOU agree with.
Deconstruction is bad when it is motivated by spite & used as a political/social tool.
It is not inherently bad as a concept within fiction. Identifying the tropes present in genre-fiction that remain there solely or almost solely due to convention and then flipping them around to see what happens, or taking a fantastical concept that relies on unrealism and seeing what happens when same fantastical concepts abide by the known rules & patterns of the Reality we exist in, etc., has lead to some very interesting & valuable examples of fiction. I.e. "What would a world where masked vigilante crime-fighters not only existed but were common like they are taken for granted as being in Superhero-Comics ACTUALLY look like? What would be the 'Effects' of that 'Cause'?", "Japan has this 'Magical Girl' sub-genre, but what if instead of a saccharine presentation for kids the 'Fantasy' element of magic was something closer to the 'Dark Fantasy' genre of things like Berserk or Hellraiser II? What would that look like?", etc. People can obviously debate on how "good" the actual end-result fiction was or wasn't but my point stands that they're at least interesting concepts & narrative endeavors.
Sounds pretty fucking boring & trite, NGL.
comfy is just a codeword for boring
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Boats are kino
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>tfw no medieval half-sword kino
Why live
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>When you're such a self-absorbed contrarian autist that you unironically think that you're "too smart" for even something as basic & universal as the Hero's Journey, or even something as basic as a fucking "Character Arc"

Genuinely, unironically laughable. Sounds more like something someone would make up in order to mock contrarian Redditor hipster retards than something they'd UNIRONICALLY try to push for & advocate.
How long until you're "too smart" for "outdated cultural concepts" like "characters", "dialogue" and "settings? How long until you're "too smart" for "outdated cultural concepts" like watching moving images on a screen or reading words printed onto a page? How long until you're "too smart" for "outdated cultural concepts" like breathing-in Oxygen and breathing-out Carbon-Dioxide, or consuming food in order to gain chemical sustenance and expelling the waste-matter?
does red october fall under boats category?

Fuck off with your postmodern jewish deconstruction bullshit. These classic storytelling tropes you unquestioningly criticise have stood the test of time for literally thousands of years because they resonate with humanity and will continue to do so, unlike your postmodern jewish deconstruction bullshit.
Who decides what is outdated?
Character hypes up adventure but is gradually broken both physically and mentally throughout it until he is allowed to return home just to find it feeling like an empty husk due to his trauma
Purple-haired freaks on Twitter that don't know what their own "gender" is and literally worship black people as gods. I mean, duh?...
I admit I am over the hero's journey, because more often than not the hero in those is passive and mostly reacts.
I want an architect's journey. Character has wants. A view of how things should be. Character has resources and means to acquire more resources. Character uses said resources to shape the world to their wants.
>Truth is, personal growth happens when you grow into maturity but after that you're not really in the drivers seat anymore.
You're "not really in the drivers seat" of your own personal development if you're a cuck, maybe.
>why yes i do enjoy the same exact slop in different flavors, how could you tell?
>rich boy hero 4
no movie does this
You're right, I need more mature stories that explores for example characters tax policy.
>we will never see Arnie sown up inside a dead donkey
Fuck this gay Earth
capeshit like Batman and Ironman
no its codeword for fun you retard
>silent hero journey boy
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Hearing fat terminally-online degenerates bemoan some of the most basic principles & values in Human culture being represented & common in Human fiction as being "fairytales" and exclusively fit for "children", "manchildren" or some other synonym for "the intellectually underdeveloped that I am better than", and claiming they are "too smart" for such things or are otherwise somehow "superior" for rejecting them is giving me HEAVY flashbacks to the absolutely baffling "Le Moralfag" bullshit I saw on /a/ more than 10 years ago where there was unironic contention over fiction featuring protagonists that did things that were morally sympathetic at all to an audience of normal, well-adjusted people and generally did the "right thing", as this was apparently "childish" and "immature", and apparently the superior and more "intellectually mature" alternative was to not just fixate on but unironically venerate characters that ate feces, raped children and said "fuck YOU mom you don't own me i do what I want!" and shit like that.

Shit was embarrassing and I'm seeing A LOT of the exact same cringe-inducing shit that made it embarrassing even 10 years ago. Like I'm seeing faggots hit almost EVERY SINGLE last note that they did.
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>An Idiot Saves the President

Fuck this whore
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>Character just wants a normal peaceful life
>Call to adventure forced on them
>All their friends betray them
>Their love interest dies
>Also they become blind/crippled
>Fuck you
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>Silent Hero Journy Boy
Hey, that's me!
>most realistic iteration of the meme's journey
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>becomes the most based character in the whole series
Bravo West!
>Unremarkable girl leaves her boring normal boyfriend for a wild rich chad
10/10 Best romance story ever put to screen!
>can't control your bowels
>get to marry your old sweetheart though and she wipes your ass for you
Hey did alright and also outwitted Bayaz and his central banking jewery
hey! Berserk is alright before the faggot kids show up
Forgot the most important part
>Love interest is a clone of his dead sister
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Luke wasn't the main character. It wasnt his heros journey. It was Rey that was supposed to actually do something in her movie.
Ok so how do I experience this?
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Which one?
you know all of them
>muh arc
>muh development
The need for the Hero's Journey is for people who need to change, to be a functional human. If you relate, then your parents failed you.
Which is probably why burgers love the Hero's Journey so much, it's a bunch of single mothers and screens raising their children, while teachers rape them after school.
>deconstruct outdated cultural concepts
Fucking kill yourself, leftist.
Lol back to atheist reddit, kiddo. You need to be 18 to use this website.
touch grass

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