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Classics and arthouse.

TIME STOP edition.

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

prev: >>204000593
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I’m going to see it tomorrow. I feel like I’ll enjoy it.
What was the film that made you fall in love with your number one waifu? She's not a real waifu if you have others, anyway.
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Queen of /film/
Mektoub, My Love: Canto Uno, of course.
Disgusting obese hog. Wheel her to the slaughterhouse and make sausage out of her.
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That only works on the other guy. Pics of this guy just inspire me to train harder so I can overcome him in a dance-off and claim Bau for myself.
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I believe in you.
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Thanks, anon.

>1. Hard to Be a God (2013) - Dir. Aleksei German
>2. WAX, or The Discovery of Television Among the Bees (1991) - Dir. David Blair
>3. Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989) - Dir. Shinya Tsukamoto
>4. Mirror (1975) - Dir. Andrei Tarkovsky
>5. Khrustalyov, My Car! (1998) - Dir. Aleksei German
>6. The Cremator (1969) - Dir. Juraj Herz
>7. Reflections of Evil (2002) - Dir. Damon Packard
>8. Das Boot (1985) - Dir. Wolfgang Petersen
>9. Prospero’s Books (1991) - Dir. Peter Greenaway
>10. Possession (1981) - Dir. Andrzej Zulawski
Incredibly relatable post, I couldn’t agree more. She’s my favorite and damn if I don’t think about her way too often.

It’s all about perspective cuz Jess is already 5’4” and looks even tinier most of the time.
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REMINDER: animation is peak /film/
So much meat.
He's so hideous that it makes me oscillate between the highest, giddiest hopes that I myself might be so lucky one day and the deepest, sharpest pangs of sorrow at the thought of those perfect genes going to waste.
Queen of /film/
More forearms.
Looks more like a knight, anon.
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Cat People
clocks don't look like that
More lard than human. She'd fit perfectly in the next new extremity meme body horror joint.

I need to see more of her films. Charming, cute, and a very good actress from what I've seen.

Now that's a woman with real sex appeal.

Gorgeous. A perfect face. Shame about the mental image of Schrader porking her.
I would've never noticed the hair on her forearm if it hadn't been for the previous thread, our brain do be like that sometimes
Is this how women see Klaus because she looks very similar
La dolce vita
Waifu posters should all neck themselves btw
Yo, you guys are gay as fuck if you don't like big asses, there, I said it
niggaposter, that you?
>Coppolakino thread
>not picking One From The Heart
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Klaus looked fine when young. He didn't go full gremlin mode until he was middle-aged.
Girl forearm hair is heavenly.
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Me in a couple years
Perfect for making arab babies.
She is lookism, Klaus was all demonic energy/sexual depravity
Perfect for kissing and cuddling and sexing.
Abdul knows
As will I after I dance him to oblivion.
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Me after exiting the goon cave
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show us ur moves lil bro
>light nigga

still nigga
I went to one of the screenings with the in-person actor and they never showed up. The movie was ass.
sad klaus kinski had better life than me
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>creeps into the thread
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Me irl. We ballin'
what is this kino?
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Nice try, Abdul.
I've never seen a Tsai film, I trust your guys' taste but no offense judging by that webm he makes literal McDonald's arthouse for Cannes critics, not actual human beings
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did you get the /classic/ film references?
>For the calculator?
No, for the human to input the number into the calculator.
>But wouldn't it be... a different film?
Yes, but the probabilities would be very similar still.
Niggaposter left without a trace...
Based fellow Bauchad.

/film/ discord trannies insta-seethe at her
>I trust your guys' taste
kino that filtered /tv/
I've thought the same about that Walker shit, but his old films are good.
Tpyднo быть бoгoм
Watch The Hole, it's easily his best.
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Is this an accurate adaptation of the book?
No, but it's an honest one.
No, not at all.
>scores o
>meme'd into infinity
as shitty things have become, my sides are still not to be found.
You disagree?
If you had the power, what rules would you implement to make this general better?
Abdul tried and succeeded in breeding her
Cutoff year for non-Asian cinema, 2000 maybe, anything after that not allowed
ID and flags. But mainly IDs.
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No more posts.
What's the purpose of 4chan then if it's not anonymous
What if we made a trial on /int/ let's say, for a week. It'd be funny to see the Canada flag in all the posts of the asian niggas that lust after w*ite wymen.
why are zoomer weebs like this
It would continue to be anonymous, as in no real identities, but it would allow the shitposters and schizos to be filtered and forced to reply only to themselves.
Western cinema genuinely is not interesting anymore
Leave it to Copalla to steal from fucking watchmen of all things
Megalopolis just mogged the last 20 years of all cinema worldwide.
For you. For me and others your cutoff- except for le heckin' pure asians- would be stupid.
Japanese cinema is dead, Chinks are repeating the slow cinema meme ad nauseam, and Korea is a slop factory approaching Hollywood levels of retardation. Let's not be wacky here.
Make the bump limit (for all generals) 1000, that would calm things down, I think
More Bau.
Niggaposting and lilbroposting warranting an immediate and permanent ban. That's all.
This guy is right.
That would be interesting.
its called lil brostin lil bro
someone watch this and tell me if it's worth watching
>Cinema Before 1300
>More than eight hundred years ago, a confluence of technological, philosophical, and financial upswellings converged to create the most advanced form of mass media the world had known: stained glass. Jerome Hiler’s passion for medieval stained glass impacted his filmmaking practice and led to a fascinating evolving lecture, “Cinema Before 1300”
Tetsuo 2 > 1
>Cinema Before Before 1300
lil bro i aint watchin a documentary bout stained glass
I've been here nigga

I've always wondered if that film was partly inspired by Tetsuo from Akira, the manga was almost over in 1989 and the anime adaptation came out in 1988
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Pic related is his earliest known film role from 1954 and he already looks like a middle age lesbian.
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that was my first thought as well, but look at the director's other films. this has to be more than just a normal documentary, right? I just want someone to confirm for me
This. Japs havent made a good movie since the horrors of the early 2000s.. and maybe that one Godzilla movie
can hardly tell from that pic lil bro
It is the most bawdy stories recreated word for word but without any of the set up from the prologue and scenes are just smashed together, going from one scene to the next with no interlude. Still a great movie. Pasolini cut out all the scenes of the pilgrims telling the stories which is why it is like this.
Thanks for proving my point.
Confessions by the same director is the best shit ever, I've already shilled it here a couple times
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>retarded cliche ass looking cgi
>orange and teal cliche meme
>flat colors grading
>led lighting
>retarded digital cinematography
>retarded template trailer with retarded template soundtrack
another mkultra victim?
>dude drugs and flat-faced girls lmao
Thanks, I'll keep avoiding these joints.
-Seasonal events
-Trolling (lil bro, etc.) insta-permaban

Pretty much that.
nigga had it and then lost it
Same shit as The Northman. Guy went full Netflix aesthetic. He's off-topic now.
>The Witch
on topic
on topic
off topic
off topic
Хpycтaлёв, мaшинy!
hoe the fuck is he the same director who made witch and lighthouse? how can you lost your sense of aesthetics in 5 years?
A24 is Netflix nowadays. Maxxxine was so ass
Nigga considering how young most people here are you probably were like 17 when you watched that shit, The Witch also sucked. Even /hor/ shitters hate it
>someone watch this and tell me if it's worth watching
Least entitled /film/ poster
Only The Lighthouse looked decent thanks to copying some old techniques. The Witch already looked like modern gray sludge with soft bounced LED-lighting and a dull digital color grade.
yes it sucked but photography was nice and film really elevated lighthouse except the cgi horseshit
Spalovač mrtvol
I know there are some anons here who watch all the megas that get posted, so figured it was worth a shot
>The Witch already looked like modern gray sludge with soft bounced LED-lighting and a dull digital color grade.
any modern digital films that go beyond this pig trap?
I couldn't stand that fat fuck's face.
That's not the part we're having problems with.
Happy Hour was pretty good.
poor man’s Reflections of Evil (2002)
Rangeban Americans
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Pedro Costa is a huge fan of classic cinematography, so he often lights his scenes using hard directional light.
>317 minutes
For what purpose, man... Happy '''''''Hour''''''' my ass.
My friend once told me to watch Drive My Car but I still haven't watched it
niggas the witch was his first film so give him a break on the low level formalism, he proofed himself with the eloquent period dialogue. Lighthouse was both a formalist effort and had good period dialogue framed around a dark comedy. Norfman is the text book definition of Mcdonalds arthouse.
Juventude em marcha looks unbelieavably good for being digital from 2006.
Instaban for off topic posting
more diversity
Das Boot
He never had it- off topic, everyone you know what to do
>led lighting
What specifically do you mean by this and how is it apparent in the trailer? What specifics can you point to?
Ban everyone but me.
Always been off topic
>soft bounced LED-lighting
Even HMI can be diffused or bounced. What specifically about use of LED is apparent?
>Happy '''''''Hour''''''' my ass
Lmao. I'm just imagining you constantly checking your watch and getting progressively angrier not at the quality of the film, but at what you take to be false advertising. Reminds me of that CumTown bit about the guido who rented Party Monster thinking that it'd going by the title alone and thinking that it'd be up his alley.
>period dialogue
>period dialogue
Everyone being so easily seduced by this cheap gimmick is what he owes to his limited popularity. The fact that even you deep throat his cock over this is pathetic.
I don't really watch film, just jap cartoons. I like Leon and Ratatouille though, what else should i watch?
Mektoub, My Love: Canto Uno
You are all retards. It’s well know and publicized that The VVitch was shot with all natural lighting and candlelight. I don’t expect you all to know film craft, but I expect all of you shut in retards to know how to google. (All his features after his debut was shot on 35mm film, it is public information)
I don't anything about all this lighting talk, but I do know The Witch looked like flat shit.
Watch jap cartoons?
Also subtle gimmick anon who recommends Wake in Fright from time to time, where you at?
Meant which. \/\/hich
The Killing of a Chinese Bookie
Sadly, I think that is Eggers preference. Even his works shot on 35 is neutered, you have to have a lot of intention and skill to get 35 like that. It is anything but sloppy. The only one that escapes this is the one shot in B&W
Tel you to kill yourself.
The thing is that 90% of directors leave the lighting almost entirely to their cinematographers, and most cinematographers and "aspiring cinematographers" are autistic gear-head trend-chasers with no artistic eye. Eggers has had the same hack cinematographer shoot all of his movies, and that guy does the same flat shit in his non-Eggers films as well. I suspect Eggers himself isn't much of a lighting guy.
Between Megalopolis and the Substance we have the biggest moment in the history of /film/, now we can convince normies to join us. Instead all you talk about is Ozu and Jarman you are scaring the fuck out of normies people
If normies get filtered by Ozu they don't deserve even reddit.
Really nigga bro is a reddit ass eggers fan? Pathetic. He will be directing comic book movies within a couple years when banks stop subsidizing his flops. He has no talent and makes the classic mistake of Antonioni, relying too much on images when cinema is about moving image to form a cohesive story. It pains me to say this but even Chazelle is a better filmmaker.
nigga I'm not even an egger fan I saysin the nigga is 2/4 so far mane, bad repo' card like a true nigga, but das besise the pt. Cuz the nigga is regressin naht prohgressin
>convince normies to join us
Why the fuck would I want that?
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Silent /film/s with this aesthetic?
Da pussay
Celebrity beauty standards have really gone downhill over the last 110 years.
This looks cool, will insta-watch. Rec more shit like this; party vibes and drugs, -specially if japanese / asian-, but still /film/ at its core.
>what makes some posters turn on the nigga gimmicker is his opinion on a director, not the endless shiposting
this fucking general, man
>not having an autistic introvert gf who only watches whatever you force her to
sucks bro
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Guys I think we should like create a discord server or something.
I do have one, she recently listed Greenaway as her favorite director in fact. Something no woman in history has ever done. I am very pleased so far.
films directe' by mah homegirl Lois Weber, I leik Shoes and THE BLOT
Just create it and send the link then
Wouldn't feel fair to force her, except you know, if it's consensual non-consent and shit
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any Dominatrix recs? Anything with a fullbody latex suit that's actually enjoyable to watch?So far I only watched
Dogs don't wear pants 2019
Irma Vep 1997
I don’t know how I’m too stupid :'(
Maitresse is the best BDSM dominatrix film, don't remember if she used latex in the film.
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Nah this main girl here is a butterface. I need some real screen beauties. The Blot seems somewhat better, I'll see it.
Who the fuck was talking about Jarman or Ozu in the last few threads? Retard.
Had no idea Herzog had a tattoo. This is very disconcerting.
Anything from the 1910s, nothing from the 1920s.
>listed Greenaway as her favorite director
I would break up.
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>find the perfect waifu candidate
>nearly all of her films are lost
>Eet ees an expresshon of ze ulltimit futilitee of laif. Ze grim reeper is alvays looking over your shoulder and ze only zink vee can doo is laff venn he comes kalling.
I didn't seethe, I smirked. Now you on the other hand...
Something like an arm tattoo to me is intelectual counterfeit when compared to a good nipple piercing.

I'm not seething either. What does she look like?
There are no women in 4chan or the internet for that matter.
>Nah this main girl here is a butterface

lmao my nigga its because the film is about a poverty stricken working class girl set against the backdrop of the industrial age.
The more Tsai recoils into slow cinema, the shallower his efforts become.
Women are just about the gayest thing I know about.
lil bro i dont care
i watch a movie i want BEAUTY
movie magic lil bro ever heard of it
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ohso 'somewhere in time' check dis shiet out my nigga, even homegirl cassie reaxt to it

naht silent film but id mach the assthetics
corr reckon it is a point of no return for me

might hafta kill meself soonish
lemme no' if yall needa spare rope, suma deez crackaz leavin free ropes fo me by my tree SHEEEEESH.
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colleen moore cute!!!

not exactly what i was after lil bro but imma check it out looks comfy

reconsider lil bro
I almost killed myself this evening, but I backed out and now I'm fapping. Just find what you love and DO IT!
bruh iz tellin you mane shit legit super comfy fr fr
Many such cases. Slow cinema is a trap
"Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today"
Hope you succeed in killing yourselves
nice bush
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im finishin up my time machine lil bro no time to post
Cinema should’ve stayed silent for at least 20 more years. We weren’t ready.
Sound joints mog silent films. Don't @ me
I will @ you. Name one film better than The Gold Rush.
Absurdly shit but pure kino movie
It's a must see
>reddit shill
I hate jews and niggers
nigga even the sound rerelease of the gold rush is an improvement on the original version
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Succubus of /film/
M (1931). Never seen The Gold Rush btw
You’re high
lil bros thinkin chaplin is the peak of silent film
>lil bro
>goofy ahh
>etc etc etc
You and your kind must be aborted.
I never said that. Lil bro posters are so annoying.
Why? He's known for being a wild and crazy guy
I actually kind of implied it. I am sorry lil bro poster. I should’ve said name one sound film better than The Gold Rush.
i watched it for you anon!
it's extremely spare in a way that may be off-putting to you, mostly closely resembling a slideshow accompanied by a lecture, but I found it fascinating nonetheless.
Herzog's a wacky guy.
Where you're concerned
Absolutely. In Minecraft and on real life.
u r forgiven lil bro
personally i prefer where eagles dare
Imagine Herzog vs Lynch debate
lil bro still playin minecraft...
not like this...
i thought i raised u right
herzog would crush him lil bro
lunch doesnt strike me as the kinda guy whod be good in a debate
Kinda pathetic you watching a whole film just to service some asshole on /film/.

It's a good work, so there's that. More of an essay film than any typical documentary. Very enlightening, specially since general knowledge about that nearly lost artform is so low.
based anon. it doesn't sound like what I was expecting looking at the director's other films, but it still sounds like it might be an interesting watch regardless. thanks
So you had watched the film but didn't say anything about it for the anon asking? Kinda rude.
>Kinda pathetic you watching a whole film just to service some asshole on /film/.
Alpha-beta master-slave complexes in 2024. These nibbas think every interaction in life has something to do with submission and dominance. They just can't conceive someone doing something because they like it. They think he was hoping to deepthroat him or something.
Are nigga and lil bros posters self-aware enough to realize they turned the general worse with their "style"?
He'd feel emasculated if he did something nice in his life. Identity crisis coming.
Isn't that why they do that in the first place? Btw, lil bro guy might be brazilian, lowercase "i" exposes him
Don't forget to open wider
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>Created Maura is Sang at age 26.
What are some other great films made by young filmmakers?
They do know, they just don't care
There it is. The mind that only thinks gay thoughts obsessed with the gayness of others. Many such cases.
>Alpha-beta master-slave complexes
This is distinct discord tranny speak. Why is /film/ infected with these things?
Philip Garrel, though I don't like him personally
Lol, wtf? You think only discord trannies have reflected about these things? lol, lmao even
Jeanne Dielman
>Mauvais Sang
Another is Harmony Korine was 24 when he directed Gummo, and had already written Kids 2 years earlier.
I'm kinda new here, but I gotta say you people really hate each other, sheesh
Isn't that life in a nutshell?
lol nigga dis hizzy ain't fo the weak, on'y duh strong niggas suhivive
Not in my church :D
What's not to hate? Any single thread gives you plenty of reasons. I suggest you get out before you start feeding off bad habits.
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>I'm kinda new here

catch yourself up to speed. however 2024 is now known as the era of /niggas/ and it is the new peak of /film/
Safe space, I guess. I don't know brother, I kinda like the chaos.
Kill yourself
Don't be mean
Cinema peaked in 1895.
I don't want to.imagine that.
>Maura is Sang
Nice typo, Maura is Sang sounds cool.
I just now realize that Chantal Akerman was only 25 when she filmed that and she had already released Je tu il elle.
The people in my church as I know are very kind outside of church, their safe space. Once you get in the habit of being kind, it's not hard anymore.
>Cinema peaked in 1895.
Only joints in that era. It all started in like the 20s, then peaked in the 60s, in Italy.
The only problem is the niggaposter and the lilbrosters, everybody else is cool.
I was joking. But i disagree with your peak.
I'm a kind person, but it's hard to impossible to be kind with highly retarded people, like the ones I come in contact with in online games. I can only be diplomatic in such cases, due to the risk of bans.
We should collectively work to kill the niggaposter and lil bro posters.
Bellatrix vibes.
Stop playing online games, my friend! They suck up the time like nothing else. At least story mode games end.
I knew it was a joke, but it had to be said.
No point. I like PVE games, but competitiveness is part of my ADN.
writin everythin lowercase is a deliberate part of my gimmick lil bro
lol who else is here other than them m8
Yeah, I did for some time, but then I got tired. Just have to live with them, I guess. Kinda like street crime, you really can't afford to go vigilante and shit with it.
Cinema peaked in the 90’s. I know this is going to get a lot of hate, but that is my opinion.
das rite
This. Problem is the jannies and mods don't care. Once in a while one of them gets banned, but the retardation continues with the other ones or just evasion.
lil bro im big bro to u
Can't trick me. Only ESL guys wouldn't know the customs of english. It's like that argentinian guy yesterday, all of his "i"s were lowercase. Too easy to detect, big bro.
i am esl but im no brazilian lil bro
Tell us why.
Until they ruin everything and you get killed by the part and parcel of living with them.
ESL detected.

t. fellow ESL
You got me! DNA*. Captcha: P4PA
/film/'s so awful now, I've come to the strange conclusion things were better when threads were constantly dying before 50 posts
There it is. Started thinking if it's even worth it to write in english as it's obvious this place is ESL only.
What? Those were times of struggle. Of plague and famine.
That was the worst era of /film/, for sure. I'd call it "silent/film/".
Not simply ESLs, but very retarded ESLs. If they were smart, they wouldn't need all this gimmicky shit as a persona.
Don't worry guys, I will bake the new. I got this.
Did you know you can artificially highten your IQ by watching intellectual films, like those of Antonioni and Bregman.
The problem with /film/ now is there are too many competing gimmicks and not enough actual discussion of real cinema.
because lil bros get too bothered by innocent lil brostin
just talk about cinema dont mind me lil bros
Happened since I got range banned. I got my John the Violent review sitting in my desktop, won't post it without the poster image.
Discord will be the only solution that will bring real discussion to /film/.
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lil bro gotta tell us a billion times he got range banned
yea lil bro we get it already
The regulars have been on this place for a long time, they don't care anymore about discussing cinema, this place is their 'home' and they just want to shitpost day after day.
It's not coincidence generals are the worst part of any board.
nigga use the archives if you wanna see real talk
And it's all your fault. Very ESL response btw, are you from Latin America? I've seen the same whiny ass response come a hundred times from latinos.
no lil bro i cant even understand spanish or portuguese or whatever they babble down there
kek, asian?
nah lil bro im in yurop
I was about to post my bread. Maybe next time...
Well, you learn something new everyday.
I bet. Why suddenly are you ashamed to admit where you're from?
There are places in Europe where they talk Mexican and Brazilian language.
Me, you, the argentinian, harperposter, the guy with the greenaway gf, some other guys.
99% of /film/ is ESL though.
>Mexican and brazilian language.
Lol, you mean spanish and portuguese? I was just being sarcastic to big bro. I thought to myself "damn man, these retards are not only in Latin America, but also in Europe, fuck!", you know, being astonished at how degenerate is humanity in 2024.
That's too much. I'd say 50% is safe to say, but in any place on this site (except parts of /int/) the majority is always from english-speaking countries.
I would very much like if there were flags like on /pol/.
I live in America though but I'm ESL too
lil bro i confess 2 u only bout 20% of my posts here are lil brostin most are normal
You have no idea how much I wish there flags or IDs here. Finally I could actually filter all the scum.
I guess big bro, the damage is done.
aint no damage if u just talk bout films lil bro
If your normal posts are on the same level of your gimmick ones, it doesn't make make of a difference quality-wise.
lil bro im one of the most prolific and loved posters here for many years now
The way the talk happens matter
The problem isn't me, I don't give a fuck about your gimmick(s), it's just that these thin skinned fags give you too much attention
I don't doubt the prolific part. I'm sure you're in large part responsible for the quality level of the general. If for a stroke of luck you died, the general would improve instantly.
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lil broooo nooooo
You should have realized already the samefagging going on. If no one's complaining about the gimmicks, they just complain themselves and keep the ball rolling. It's the same method used by the schizos on /hor/.
Imagine deepthroating that mouth.
Shhhh :^)
lil bro respect the lady even if she dead
Don't really believe in that theory. Since the takeover, threads are less "alive" feeling, and some nice guys post less. Samefagging is there, but so is actual complaining.
We lack irrefutable proof here so far, but it's been definitely proved as a strategy they're using on /hor/.
Irrelevant, just ignore that shit and do your own thing. Same as in life, either face the bullies or ignore them. In this case, facing them is a waste of time, so just be yourself I guess.
it was already on my watchlist, anon just gave me the push by dropping the mega :)
there is a distinction between what welles is saying and what coppola's doing. watch more movies.
I watched it myself by looking the guy up on wikipedia after reading his name in an interview and finding it a very odd and attractive title. And so was the film, those stained glasses really are amazing and the guy talks like a nice friend travelling with you.
Moлчи, гpycть... мoлчи
Thank you.

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