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how do I learn to enjoy fiction again? i just want that sense of child like wonder back rather than sitting in this cold hard reality
same desu. 30 years old now and realizing if things we're going to change they would have by now. People say try etc and I did. I went out in the world and even got some places, but it didn't matter in the end. I'm in the same place as I was 10+ years ago. Sad, alone, depressed staring at a computer screen realizing I'm just not fit to be around other people. I don't fit into the social games , or the communication networks.
At university I would find out people in class made study chats that I was never invited too, workplace social media group. It's like no matter where I go I'm constantly alienated and I've felt this way my whole life. I'm a perennial outsider. Moved country soon after I was born, and moved around a lot so if you asked me what I'm about I couldn't even give you an answer. I'm such an amalgamation of things that I ended up nothing at all.

Nothing in my life connects or leads to new things, it's just restarts from this position.

Join the Army, I am dead serious about this.
Joining at 30? That feels like another round of social isolation of people asking me why I'm starting at 30.

It will suck, and be a series of embarrassments, but it will fix your life. You'll get good opportunities and be forced to face yourself and grow.
>It will suck, and be a series of embarrassments, but it will fix your life.
People kept saying this about everything and "it'll work out" then it never does
At least you will get to die for israel
I don’t even enjoy masturbating anymore. Genuinely might just have music and books left as sort of enjoyable hobbies. 29 here. Never kissed a girl. So tired of being lonely. Girls don’t want short guys. And my side profile is fucked up. God was drunk when he made me. I abandoned my old friends and now I have no one. They’re getting married and I have fucking nothing. Don’t see how much longer I can cope.
if you want whimsy back in your life you simply gonna nurture your inner child. i bought some 90s reprints of ec comics. didnt buy new comics, i bought shit id want. been reading them on the bus instead of looking at my phone, feels great.
do this instead though. we have too many man babies and too many foreign enemies we'll need bodies to fight against
You can tell Israel shills are on these threads because joining the military was never recommended before. We gotta kill iran goy
Dopamine fast and stop eating food too. If you're young and skinny you can get all your feeling and energy back in like 3 days
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I just want to kill myself but I'm too much of a pussy to do it.
Stop masturbating and watching porn.
life ends no matter what. go do some recklessly fun things. try not to hurt other people, just go out and be wild. if youre really suicidal, ready to throw it away, do some real living that could kill you. Take out a big loan, piss it away on traveling and hookers. go get in a random street fight. if youre really suicidal you have absolutely nothing to lose. you are free.
i think youre just a depressed fag though i am too c;
keep masturbating, about once a week, maybe twice a month if you really wanna cut back. Dont jerk it to any imagery at all though. Let your previous sexual exploits fuel your libido. Fast from the hunt, be hungry, dream of the kill, go and get pussy.
>is a 30 year old man
>nooooo why do my childish distractions not bring me fulfillment?
You know why.
That doesn't really apply to me, it's more life in general. When you're alienated from society, family and friends that causes the problem.
Semen retention.
A heck of a lot of my problems would go away if I had an affordable apartment (not even house) to live in. 3/4 of my income go to rent and I'm not even living in a fancy place, I live in the outskirts of a suburb of a shitty city.
And no, moving elsewhere isn't an option because not only am I broke, this is the only place with jobs.
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nigger acting like being left alone is a problem. You're a free agent my man. The sculptor of your image, no other reflections to dictate your output into the universe. Nobody knows who you are, you can be anything. The less you say the more they wonder. Give less of yourself and youll receive so much from them. Them being anyone. These are not bad problems to have. Become.
become homeless you stupid faggot. i was homeless in the near arctic tundra i got a train ticket south and slept on venice beach until i found my passion.
I pay my rent modeling for art classes. no more factories, no more roofing, take a fucking gamble once instead of crying in the grave you dug yourself.
Games are just not good at this point, the formular is been done to many times and corpo fucked, we're on the cusp of them becoming great again, with A.I feeling more natural and vr goggles not giving you wearers fatigue. Wait a bit while doing something else or play some old or indie ones.
>how do I learn to enjoy fiction again?
Stop watching current era slop. There's nothing good being made, you have to go decades back to watch something that's enjoyable.
>make your situation worse!

How about uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no?
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>dude religion!
Ok, I choose Buddhism
theyre giving away apartments that you dont have to pay rent for as long as you spent some time suffering. High risk high reward compared to you living in limbo and bitching about your shit life on >>>/tv/
the pic rel said to go against religion you retard. I understand buddhists give up a lot, but you can maintain literacy.
people never talk about the real reason they never "fit in" in these threads and it's simple.
it's because we can't be bothered playing the stupid back and forth bullshit "game of life" crap.
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>christcuck makes a joke at anti-religious people
>joke back about christcucks
>angry cletus.mp4

I can't believe I have to explain the joke to you but then again, you're an sub 100 IQ christcuck golem so it checks out.
Wasted quads, as usual.
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needs way moar text. not verbose enough
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It's ogre
>I pay my rent modeling for art classes
I am skinny old and ugly
Now, that was an actual effort post and not some ineloquent mess like OP.
You're not a child so you don't have 'child like wonder' but the upshot is that you can enjoy things the way only an adult can. You can see and recognize complexity in ways that young people can't.

Fiction gets better with age because your cumulative life experience helps you relate to a wider range of characters and stories. Reading novels at 19, you're only kidding yourself that you have the frame of reference required to actually understand how an aged and weary character is experiencing the world or a new father or someone that's just experienced the most bitter failure of their life.

The advice I'll give is to be empathetic and open minded. This sounds like liberal woman garbage but in actuality those people are often the most narrow minded and cold, which is why they fill goodreads with 1-star reviews for any book that has a sexist character.
my passion isnt yours. but most people doing it are fat and lazy, so if you can keep your hand above your heart for 20 minutes youll be fine. but find your own thing faggot.
id argue history gets better with age, and satire is funnier when your older. but i believe we both agree OP is a whiny bitch.
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Quads confirm. chr*stcucks eternally BTFO.
Simple answer: Play a game of Checkers against yourself. Or LowIQ, TIC-TAC-TOE. Or higher IQ, Chess. This is the COMPARTMENTALIZATION CURE. In a sense, you're partitioning a chunk of your brain to operate independently to solve a task. The trick is you tell that compartment to HIDE INFORMATION from you to allow simple gameplay to proceed.

Next Option: Drugs, MILD DRUGS that work as cognitive scramblers like hallucinogens. Here is a interation formula SQRT(8+ANS) or X=(X+8)^0.5
the result is 3.37228132326902 the value is attracted to a definite limit and has interesting properties. You can also predict the value SQRT(8+0.25)+0.5 = 3.37228132326902. Fun eh, the reason fir recommending drugs is to chemically TEMPORARY (don't get addicted) alter your brain chemistry. Iterations lead to fractals, it's what I call "THE ROUNDING ERROR". Too many approximation routines leads to stagnation. Alternatively, a simpler choice is CHANGE YOUR BEHAVIOR, go outside, breathe air, seek novelty, alter your routine, change your food choices, introduce RANDOMNESS. Note in my iterated routine shared so long as the operation and adding 8 remains the same, the result will always be 3.37228132326902. But change the value of 8 to 7 and you get a different attraction result. Same for the square root (or power to 1/2). It can be raised to the power of 1/3 or 1/2.5 or any value. Change your inputs, alter your operation function and you will get different results with similar parameters.

Here is the result of iterating X=(8+X)^(1/2.5) you get 10.5680137703438 which is basically 2.56801377034379^(2.5).

If you switch to iterating X=(8.7+X)^(1/2.5)
2.64161793983607^2.5 = 11.341617939836
11.341617939836 - 2.64161793983607 = 8.7

You see, from a math point of view, you change the stability inputs and the results are stable, but at different stable attraction points.

Or in simpler terms... if your current inputs are leading to undesired outputs. Change your stability functions or inputs.
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Do I have brain problems or something? All my life I had 1 big topic bothering me and I never found any resolution for it. When I try to get others opinions they seem to not fully comprehend what I'm talking about.

What bothers me is that we all get a similar "soul/consciousness/operating system" whatever you want to call it yet we are placed into different times, places and bodies which limits our experiences and ability to fulfil our desires and feel happiness: Like someone born in medieval times completely missed out on all this knowledge and technology and the comfort that I get to experience now. Yet they were a person just like me. Some people are born blind and will never get to experience the beautiful sights I got to experience.

This never lets me go. Why do I have to be me? Why did I get the privilege to be born in the 21st century yet also have all these limitations that prevent me from enjoying all life has to offer? Why couldn't I be one of those nepo babies who are set for life and get a free pass into the hardest to get into industry and mingle with the most attractive and talented people on earth? Why do I have to be tired all the time and have this stupid slow thinking brain? Why do I have to constantly expend energy to go against my pessimistic thoughts? Why is nothing effortless?
>stop being gay son, go outside play ball
>i just want that sense of child like wonder back
You won't getting it back unless you develop Alzheimers, because that sense is based on you knowing fuck all about the world.

>how do I learn to enjoy fiction again?
Don't chase "the current thing". Read or watch old fiction.

>the pic
Fuck off with that "woe is me, the world is against me" bullshit. Most of the time the root of the problem can be seen in the mirror. You expect the world to dance around and babysit your ass instead of making yourself somewhat tolerable, and then start bitching and whining when that shit stops happening and people stop putting up with your bullshit.
Either fix your attitude or prepare yourself for doing a flip in the nearest future.
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>how do I learn to enjoy fiction again?
Just starve the industry, cunt
Stop buying/watching/playing/reading modern media until they stop being woke and go back to be made by normal people for normal people.
Discover the ocean of old/oldish/ancient stuff until then. There is enough awesome material out there to give you ten lifetimes of child wonder.
FOMOs are causing this. YOU are causing this
It's not a matter of being 'unable to enjoy fiction'.
It's a matter of not finding quality fiction to consume.
In a sea of endless TV shows and movies, 99% are going to be vapid fodder that makes you feel more weary than revitalized.
When I only get garbage to consume I feel like I'm bored of fiction, until I find a really good show and watch it all in one sitting.
I watched Bodkin recently >>204037131 and really enjoyed it.
You are not as anti-religious as you think. You are just a cultist with worse beliefs
Ok, but all media are bad now, both for children and adults.
OP needs to go back to avoid the ack
As opposed to what.
Everything is either Hollyjew or one of the streaming platforms.
What are YOU watching?


I rest my case.
Fuck all the advice here so far. The actual answer to your question is easy. Read books. Switch to doing that for a while. Keep a book in bed, bring it to the bathroom like old times.

The way you interact with a book is extremely different than other media. It is a cold medium but paradoxically higher absorption. You'll actually be using your imagination, engaging your own creativity. It will awaken neural collections you've allowed to lie dormant.

Keeping a daily journal of stream of conscious thinking also will freshen everything up.

Also running every day gets your brain recharged with a little more blood flow and the lateral movement stimulates the corpus callosum.

This is the actual answer if you want the same childlike satisfaction as the era of your life in which PE was required.
>Anon is confused about why he isn't perfect
Continued: the other thing about books is all the characters are written from the perspective of writers. Being a writer comes with having been a perennial observer. You're reading how they think and how they manage their own struggles with the same thing you're dealing with.

People are just different theres always going to be outsiders. It sucks to be one for a ton of reasons but it's not unmanageable and there are upsides.
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Agree with this. It seems so simple but jerking off really is taking over your life without you even realizing it. It is fucking your dopamine levels similar to how a drug does. You are basically flooding your brain with dopamine every time you jack off, so every other pleasure seems numb and pointless in comparison. It also fucks your actual sex drive and destroys any motivation to get out there, meet women and have sex because you have a surrogate available that allows you to cum whenever you please. I used to think jerking off daily was normal but it really is not.

If any anons think they arent addicted to porn and think im talking shit, try not jerking off for 5 days. See how you fare. If you cant go any longer than 1-3 days and crumble then you're addicted to porn no question. So many anons laugh at junkies for having no self control and are basically no better themselves and would probably be in the same scenario if they were offered drugs at a young/impressionable age like they were with porn.
I have terabytes of old movies and old anime series. And I didn't bother to probe internet for old TV series yet.
Never subscribed to any streaming scam.
You are part of the problem, and I'm part of the solution.
Holy fucking shit, anon. I've had the same revelation while dude weed lmaoing down to the fucking word.
It's so bizarre. Everyone sees life through their own eyes. Everyone lives inside their heads. Theirs. For some reason. How come I'm not you and I'm me?
Nihilists who go 'dude people are just meatpuppets' fail to consider that there's something more. If people really were machines, you wouldn't be reading this post right now.
if you think rich people are happier and sharper than you, youre wrong. i met a shitload of retards
it's not about happiness for me but being able to experience more and in depth. I have like 0 life experience because im poor and a depressed, anxious, neurotic mess so I rarely go outside and never talk to people.
whatever you do do not join the fucking army. the sort of people who post here are the ones who hang themselves at basic training
>muh old movies
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I accept your embarassing concession
if you were born in america, healthy body, not a midge, you have absolutely nothing to bitch about you stupid nigger faggot. Poor? get on food stamps. Homeless? get into government housing until you can upgrade. If youre eurotrash youre forgiven, but if youre American youre an unimaginative, spineless, faggot.
Open your ass and your mind will follow
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>sign up to fight and die for the forces that are helping, in various ways and to varying degrees, to contribute to your malaise
This isn't the worst advice I've ever seen. Not even the worst ITT. Far superior to joining the military, which is outright pathetic.
It's pretty easy to join the army and be strictly non-combat jobs, if you go in with zero young man tough guy pride. That's what middle class army blacks do. You're helping murder women and children but anyone contributing to modern society in any way is too.
>fried pleasure receptors
>ruined dopamine receptors
>serotonin drained
why do they always come up with this fucking retarded cope instead of just admitting you are a depressed retard. I've been "frying my pleasure receptors" for over 15 years sitting at a computer for most of the day outside of school/ university classes, even NEETed for like 4 years between high school and university and i still wake up with a smile on my face and I could do it all over again for the next 50 years. blaming your lack of finding joy in life on technoloy is fucking retarded
I think it's a deteriorating gut lining personally.
People commit suicide because they join in their late 20s/early 30s thinking it will 'fix their life' but the amount of abuse and discomfort people face in the navy, army and marines is too much to bear especially for an older person who is used to nonstop comfort. It's better to just start lifting, abuse EBT to get protein and find someone online to give you the constant monitored motivation that a drill instructor would
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You're awful, Mr. recruiter
reject all kike religion
Yeh that might be it, I've done some embarrassing things while horny from not jerking off thoug
Finally, a good thread
Meds. Now.
You wait for the near future of AI auteurs to rekindle the kino
First thing's first: Art and entertainment are legitimately worse nowadays in all major categories so there's that. You are quite literally "born in the wrong generation :(" but it's valid.

However there are a few things you can do.

Get off 4chan. It's an echo chamber that re-enforces negativity and cynicism. Yes, media is shit, but you are poisoning your spirit and making yourself a darker, more anti-social, hateful pessimist by reinforcing that feedback loop. Do things in IRL that bring you joy and spend less time online and you will find a little of your enjoyment for art return.

Consume older fiction. You haven't read every great novel or watched every classic film. You can torrent almost anything you could possibly want. Try things you don't think you would like, which brings me on to my next point...

Go outside your comfort zone. Last week I went to the Opera for the first time. I can't say it was my favorite thing ever, but the novelty alone was enough to trick my mind into appreciating it. I'm going to try other mediums like Noh plays or live sport events I haven't been to before. Anything to put my mind into that state where it's experiencing something for the first time.

Create your own art. You think everything being made now is terrible? Use that overwhelming feeling as motivation to write your own novel. Analyze what you think is wrong with modern stories and put it right.

A controversial one but get a gf. Things are better when you are happy and socialized. Also fiction becomes more relatable because it's all about real world experiences and relationships between people. You are hindering your ability to "get" fiction by being a hermit.

This is what I've been successfully doing (except number 5 :/ and it has helped enormously. I went for about 15 years without any enjoyment in art and something snapped in me and I've been consciously trying to put it right the last 2 years and it working.
For the most part you can turn things around at multiple intervals but you also need to be prepared for trauma responses to uproot a lot of progress at different stages of your life.

It will be temporary if you have figured out and learned some basics on how to maintain your own stability, but it’s Sisyphus. Which is ok.

You ultimately need to have a desire to get better and to want to improve, and you will with effort. There will be a lot of people who will try to fuck you over because they are also broken.

For them you can afford grace up to a point, but if they prove to be shit then you have every right to absolutely eject them out of your life. It is easy to spiral but you can pick yourself up as well. You just have to kill the things in you that crush your spirit.

It also helps if you have a support system that doesn’t fucking insist they know you better than you know yourself. Don’t let anyone try to gaslight you in your weakness to try to do shit you don’t want to. My family was CONVINCED I was gay because they are actual retards who didn’t connect their constant and open abuse and disregard of me to why I never spoke to them about anything or could connect to others effectively. They spent like 20 years trying to INSIST this shit on me and I almost killed them for it, true story.

In light of something like that, video game and porn addiction is not so bad. But you can’t go through life comparing assholes to car accidents, or you’ll just become homeless and die.

Root cause may not be your fault, but getting out and away from it all is your duty to yourself and everyone else.

Sometimes, others in your life need to consider their own duty to you however, because otherwise they could end up with their brains splattered against their office walls from how badly they have fucked up the people in their life.

Thank the Lord for restraint and discipline,
9 times out of 10 it's them just getting upset about media being shitty, but they still see NPCs raving about the latest marvelslop so they think they're the problem.

I do fun shit every day. Show is boring or filled with gay niggers? I just don't watch it. I can happily play a game for 16 hours a day if its good.
Skill issue

Git gud
Dress well
Watch anime, read manga
Get a bicycle, go cycling
Find passion in these things

Produce music

Find a nice girl and start a family

Also MOST IMPORTANTLY : militant nofap. Do not watch porn. It will FUCK you up. Use imagination if you truly must although that will delay you as well

Nofap made me go from depressed neet to a pretty fulfilled guy
i don't fucking watch porn. are the majority of men really such gooners they need to jerk it to porn
Charls said it best
"Porn with dicks... I just can't get into that man"
sounds like you were just a normie to begin with

make fan content of your ideal version of the franchises you love. as long as you don't make money off of it, copyright is irrelevant unless you try to r34 a nintendo character.
Okay. Good
Wow and you're such a special weird strange person! You're king of the neets and otakus! Do you want a prize? Lmao

Learn to game the system for what you need or get left behind and keep crying about muh no gf
It's always bias right? I cannot possibly be modern media (and life in general) that are objectively shit
Go hiking and learn to enjoy driving around there's a big world out there and you gotta learn to navigate it friendless sometimes. Also drink and get stoned it'll keep your mind from the abyss on and off
Lmao, ok
Your happiness depends on what's on your tv?
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>get a gf
there is no cure for this, you must keep on suffering like the rest
I don't want a prize for being fucked up, retard. I want to be normal
Reread old books. I reread the Harry Potter series last winter, and I really enjoyed it. It was easy but interesting enough to keep my attention. And it was a great way to wind down after a long day.
I swear most of you have that feeling from never doing anything dangerous. Go do something idiotic and survive it. I joined the military right after 911, combat arms, spent 9 months in Afghanistan, been homeless 3 times since. And any day that I get to lay around and read, watch movies or vidya is a blessing.
read gormenghast
>and too many foreign enemies
Such as…?
fuck off normalfag jesus christ. what an annoying faggot. thaks for ruining this site btw
>The outside world has always done it's best to make me feel unwelcome
No it hasn't. There's been multiple times in your life you could've had genuine friends or even a girlfriend and you didn't because of YOU.
Friendly reminder than unironic doomfag threads are a psy-op
thats right folks, hes dead!
Your enjoyment was predicated on your relation to the environment at the time. You didn't need to worry about bills, you were ignorant of the cut-throat world of normalfags, you had the perception of having a loving family and could reasonably expect to count on two adults that seemed larger than life. Now all of that is flipped on its head and taking the time to immerse yourself in a fictional world is like adjusting chairs on the deck of a sinking Titanic. You need to get a grip on life and sort out your external world and find stability before you can allow yourself to enjoy like a child again. The alternative is to suppress your extroversion and re-orient yourself to your internal world, ignore external reality and learn to be satisfied with inner objects of fantasy. I'm not sure if it's possible for everyone unless you have that kind of predisposition already. It certainly works for me, I enjoy fiction precisely because I don't give a shit about the real world anymore, but not everyone can live that way.
>Dude, have a shit life. Shit media will look better in comparison.
Mmmm.... no
NPR regugitatet "opinion" dismissed
Media are just objectively dogshit now
no shit
It was always a ratio of 90% slop to 10% good stuff, in any era you look back to. You're welcome to go back to the 90s and see what trash they were airing next to Seinfeld.
>Hey Anon this might help
>Oh no it always ends badly for mee
You could join the Army, you could join the Peace Corps, you could join a reading group and it wouldn't matter. You're defeatist subhuman trash who whines about everything like a toddler. You're a loser and you're terrible. I have no doubt you'll forever be unhappy, being unhappy is how you get attention and you're too attached to that character flaws to improve. You're a frivolous pissmoaner and you should get off the board.
>Yet they were a person just like me
No they weren't. Their beliefs in what it was possible for humans to accomplish are so completely different from yours that they may as well have been a different species. Experience isn't general, it can't be abstracted except by introducing mediating concepts that lower the resolution such that if you squint you think you're seeing the same thing. But you aren't and can't. It's an ideological illusion.
Why do normalfags always lash out when you don't suck their dick till completion for giving you some shitty platitude?
wow this comic is so true
Why do losers cry all day wishing they were normals and then lash out at normals?
>goes into a thread on an anonymous image forum and considers a post that doesn't mention him at all to be a lash out attack
Only high-level perspective post in the thread. This anon's ambiguous conclusion is evidence of a struggler's life.
Whao dude you're so mysterious and edgy omg is that an anime figurine? You have a piss bottle? Wow you're king of the losers man well done!

>normie is lashing out.
The funny thing is I didn't say anything about myself, only OP and his HPD. You have a tumblerette disease which in 2024 makes you much more of a normie than anyone on the board.
>Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is a chronic, enduring psychiatric condition characterized by a consistent pattern of pervasive attention-seeking behaviors and exaggerated emotional displays. This condition typically emerges in late adolescence or early adulthood. Individuals with HPD are often described as narcissistic, self-indulgent, flirtatious, dramatic, and extroverted. They may feel undervalued when not in the spotlight, leading to a persistent need for validation. This condition is life-long and treatment-resistant, with psychotherapy being the primary but often ineffective treatment.
You're doomed faggot, have fun with your tumblerina condition lol
>B-b-but bad stuff existed back then
Trite sophism
Tahat 10% used to exist, and now it doesn't anymore.
Where is the Senfield equivalent now?
Because he just wants attention and pity, like an adolescent goth girl
Curb retard
Why do normalfags start giving out psychiatric diagnoses when they're cornered?
These threads are always the same

>Abloo bloo i wish I lived back in history I would have been a warrior fighter not a bored loser! I need excitement!

>Go join an MMA gym


>Abloo bloo I'm bored incel

>Get a job, girlfriend, make money, look good, nofap, no porn, no bibeo


the redpill is the last thing these guys want to have is a normal successful life .. because the pressure and responsibility that comes with it is not in their capacity to handle

Stick to cooming on your pubic area and wiping it with tissues
>Be me
>Try nofap for a week
>Become increasingly prone to anger
>Start having instrusive thoughts about murdering people
>First thing I think when I meet someone is imagining the quickest way to kill them
Yeah this isn't for me, I'm going back to jacking off
this is actually true in my case. i was the opposite of bullied, all the chads and socialites were extremely kind to me and tried to include me but because I'm weird and fucked up I couldn't really mesh with them so it equals out to about the same thing
For me it's the retarded rgb keyboard and backlights colorfully contrasting the melancholy text
these threads suck. it's mostly failed normalfags spouting BS they themselves don't even follow.
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This is your life on atheism.

There is no comfort for those without material wealth and there is no lasting comfort for those with material wealth, it all eventually becomes meaningless and leaves you feeling empty because of its inability to satisfy the soul. There is an enormous God shaped hole in the heart of every man, no matter how many houses, cars women, drugs you throw into this void you cannot fill it. God's Word is where truth is found and everyone is trying to turn you from this reality because it is fallen human nature to desire all people to suffer as others suffer.

Seeking the True and Living God of scripture is the ultimate act of weakness according to those who are full of sinful pride, if you are not glorifying yourself then you are weak according to sinful man.
yeah ffuck your advice failed and larping normal fags. fuckking failures
That's your masculine energy which you should be expending at the gym or learning to fight

Keep wasting it though, then wonder why you're ugly and sex free
What if I want to worship satan
Seethe cry
Yeah it's no wonder he's a loser. He's got the personality of a sub mid white woman in the shell of a beta male. Horrifying
>don't give me advice, I just wanted pity. Why won't you just agree with me and pity me
if you need to "self improve" it's already over and always was.
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At least it's a religion dude
Concession accepted
T. Loser
yeah winners and attractive people don't ever need to think about "self improving" because they don't have garbage loser genetics.
The guy has perspective on life and you're trying to rag on him. No wonder you are a loser
Pseud cope.
Faggot pretend autists ruined this site. 4chan now has tumbler 2015 levels of self diagnosis and trauma dumping.
>Normie to 2015 4chan
I believe the current thing and like John oliver
>Normie to 2024 4chan
I'm not a suicidal self diagnosed autist virgin trauma dumping my failures
normalfags LOVE self diagnosing.
>why why why why
Why? There is no why, only how. Your "why" questions have no answer (unless you want to pick a religion).
Well then the chans are full of normal fags because every other person here is just dying to tell you about their autism
>Well then the chans are full of normal fags
has been since 2012.
What happened to 4chan is similar to what happened to punk music. A medium made around distrusting authority turned into a bunch of fags bitching about ex girlfriends.
Yeah, defend the hobo, homo
>no argument
>Girls don’t want short guys
Not even true senpai. I've been jealous of many shorter guys with more game than me.
Imagine wasting the best years of your life at your PC posting on weird websites and then wondering why you grew up into a sad depressed loser. Must be the world out to get you LMAO
>I don’t even enjoy masturbating anymore.
No shit, you've spent a decade abusing your dick to increasingly depraved mind-breaking pornography. Did you think there wouldn't be any consequences? You were warned, nofappers have been a thing here since I was new 12 years ago.
you realize becoming a depressed shut in is a symptom of being ostracized by society and not a cause right. typically because of ugliness or being neurodivergent.
>32 year old virgin
>99% of the time all i fap to is vanilla pov porn like i always have
i never understood this meme. if anything it's normalfags who typically have the most degenerate and fucked up sexual fantasies.
join the airforce it’s better than every branch and you’ll have the last laugh when its time for another sacrifice you can blow up niggers from the safety of the drone controller on the other side of the ocean
Jesus, the left can't meme
You're not the one reporting dick problems though.
no i mean people just typically equate virgin losers with fapping to the most degenerate and evil shit imaginable when it's typically sex havers who are like that. almost feels like projection.
>masculine energy
I didn't know we had wiccans here on 4chan
Shalom Isaac!
You have just outgrown the things you are watching. Watching Netflix when you are 30 is no better than watching the Disney channel when you are 20. There is nothing there to inspire you.
Go watch some classic films. Maybe even branch out into foreign film so you can learn a new language (this is the quickest way to learn as it gets you immersed in realistic dialogue). Watch long films without breaks so that your attention span can recover from years of Youtube jumpcuts.
damn that's demoralizing
Good advice, minus point 5, I don't care about getting a gf
>actually doing something with your life
>whine about it online
Never change bros
No it's a symptom of a character flaws. If your ostracized by society it's probably because you're insufferable
Hey I'll write OPs response so he doesn't have to
>I tried that
>it didn't work
>I'm sad
normalfags ostracize absolutely anyone that is different in any way whatsoever at the drop of a hat. they also judge people instantly on their looks and nothing else.
>I'm 29 it's over
I'm lolling at 40 year old you looking back at 29 and thinking "why didn't he just do something, if I only had tried then I wouldn't be here now"
Go to tumbler loser.
Yes. That means normoids routinely experience ostracization as well. Everyone who ever experienced rejection doesn't automatically end up throwing their life away online.
sex havers and normalfags don't have to "try", things happen organically through positive feedback loops for them since childhood. if you need to self improve or need to be taught how to have sex or be successful it is over.
normalfags still routinely experience positive feedback in their environment which helps them grow as a person. if one receives nothing but negativity wherever they go since childhood because of things out of their control because normalfags are sociopathic and brutal naturally they will retreat into a life of solitude.
>normal fags ostracized anyone who isn't normal
It's not 1955 retard. Whatever your aesthetic or hobby you have access to millions of people who share it. There is no "normal" you're just a frivolous person with nothing to contribute outside of "poor me" sob stories. You're outside looking in not because you're so special and unique, it's because your boring and annoying.
Stop sitting on your ass complaining and actually CREATE the change you want to see. Say what you will about the dei shit, but they’re actually putting in the hours to create, it just happens to be mostly hot garbagio
yes every sex haver and normalfag is some incredibly diverse and unique human being who juggles dozens of hobbies and has interesting and adventure filled lives so they DESERVE their happiness because muh just world fallacy. heard it all before.
No it's actually because "sex havers" actually tried to have sex and didn't spend their days contemplating how unfair the world is to them and resigning themselves to failure. You're a do nothing that has nothing and you think that's unfair. Lmfao
Oh yeah? How is he awful?
im fed up with you whiny pansies moping about being shitters
>heard it all before
>didn't listen
>nothing changed
Wow super deep and smart. I hope the afterlife exists and your dead ancestors watch you in horror and anger lol
they didn't try shit. women gave them signs that they're attracted to them so things progress naturally and they learn the adequate skills needed to have sex and friends. if people ostracize or are rude to you your whole life you will never learn social skills. you will be gatekept from the normalcunt inner circles and will not learn necessary social skills. this is by design.
Read hyperion
>if people ostracized you or are rude to you your whole life
Then you're probably an annoying faggot, as evidenced by this thread
in glesga how means why
>that man is UGLY and AWKWARD
>we are good people... this is for the good of the tribe...
good ole normalcunt logic.
You keep making up arguements as correct. No one said anything about your looks, ita your lack of personality and ownership over your problems. You think everything wrong with you is because of an externality, which is convenient since you're lazy and if the problem is external you decant be expected to fix it. The reality is your just some dumb worthless fag who can't being themselves to change or improve because you get as much dopamine out of your sob stories as you would out of actually addressing your own issues. You don't want change, you want to complain. No one wants to be friends with a nothing person like that
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>Everyone, and friends and family
>Saying, “Hey! Get a job!”
>“Why do you only do that only?
>Why are you so odd?
>We don't really like what you do
>We don't think anyone ever will
>It's a problem that you have
>And this problem's made you ill.”
to normalcunts looks = personality.
When people reject for some reason, you do have a choice in changing and adapting yourself so you fit in better. If you're bullied because of your appearance, you can improve that, change your hairstyle, your clothes, observe how others act and then mimic them. The alternative is to simply decide not to change and instead just isolate. So in a way, not becoming normal was a choice, a part of you simply didn't think the social approval was worth the effort.
>dude just grow taller and change your facial bone structure
>you didn't even try
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Cool cope, I guess it's everyone else's fault lmfao
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>completely disregard things you can change
>focus on things you can't change and give up
People say go to the gym but I fucking hate being made fun of for being weak.
the only things that matter are the things you can't change physically.
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>I don't like being made fun of for being weak
>so I can't go to the gym
Awe, you were so close, but shockingly you've found an excuse to not improve.
>le go to le gym
>bad frame and sub 6ft
>lol look at the goblin manlet trying to self improve what a fucking loser
i found the outside world will forgive a lot, whether it be attractiveness, personality, etc. based around what you are able to produce or accomplish. Maybe you are the only person that can fix 'xyz'. People will appreciate you for that, at least.
It’s because I’m ugly
Now you're too afraid to address anyone directly. Yeah no one is going to make fun of you at the gym. No one is even going to notice you. You have made up a scenario in your head to justify your inaction. That's why your a no sex faggot, which is good because your genes obviously don't need to be passed on. Thank god.
Take a break from 4chan and social media. Don't quit cold turkey, you are here forever. Just, browse less for a week, engage with the media you want and see how you feel.
men are disposable so of course if the genetic dead end uggos can slave away for the good of le society (the privileged few only actually) people won't demonize you. can't take the carrot of sex and intimacy that will never come away from 80% of men. can't tell them the truth and start a revolt because of the le poor heckin' weak women who are more privileged than men on every level and live like untouchable gods in the west.
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i think about apu a lot. he is my spirit animal. so i wake up, try, fail, and try again :)
Total bullshit, I would get insulted by at least two different people every time I went to the gym.
>the revolt of incels
That would just be a bunch of sad posting on 4chan. Incels have no resolve
Then find a new gym faggot. Or you know, exercise outside of a gym. That's possible too but you're addicted to sob stories so just bettering yourself for yourself doesn't really get the ole dopamine going does it. You need the sob story because your personality is
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I go to the gym regualrly and eat healthy. I'm still a loser but it's enjoyable and it gives me a ton of energy. I still enjoy a lot of modern media.
>goes to gym
>likes that it gives him energy
>still a loser
Not based, you're just a winner in waiting anon. Keep leveling up
bluepillers are the cringiest people on the internet. even blackpillers have more resolve and backbone.
4chan isnt a personality
>blue pillers have no resolve or backbone
You think the people that go to work, raise a family and live their lives are less prone to resolve than do nothing permavirgins? No wonder your dick will never get wet lol
no i don't believe marrying a haggard used up roastie covered in chad's cum stains inside and out is deserving of respect.
>every girl who doesn't have sex with me is a roastie
If anything they show great judgement keeping you a perma virgin
neither is being proud that you were welcomed into the normgroid collective because you groveled hard enough.
all modern women are easy sluts, unless you can bag one out of HS. even then you definitely still weren't her first. how am i supposed to commit to a woman who's had another man's cum all over her face and inside them? impossible.
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Listen to him folks, he's an expert on life without having lived one
>how do I commit to a woman
I don't think you'll ever have this problem lol
you can keep your roasties bro. somebody desperate enough has to love them.
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i dont think women like me in general so i just keep to myself and hope that i die in my sleep
Read something that actually interests you. Then you can watch S1 of True Detective or Farscape again with new perspective.

Rinse and repeat. This system hasn't let me down yet.
>join the zogforce

no mr recruiter, we wont.
this thread is a thinly veiled astroturfed military recruitment effort. did you zoggies seriously think 4chan autists woupdnt recognized your preplanned alley oop?
>there all roasties
>that's why they won't have sex with me
Cool logic copeanon
something like 60% of young men have zero sex while a few have to beat bitches off with a stick because they're tall/handsome yes. you can no longer act like this is something rare when it's the norm. the average man is an incel nowadays.
I platinumed all the ace combat games, if they ever invent a drone interface like that and I sign up the rest of the world is fucked.
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I enjoy things more when I do the following
>Heavily cut back if not cut out entirely social media, and that includes things like 4chan, discord, etc
>Don't ingest modern media (~2012+), or at least be extremely selective
>Have your life sorted, if you have shit on your plate, clear it
>Do it because you enjoy it. Be able to thoroughly explain (if even just to yourself) WHY you enjoy it, whats cool about it, etc. Don't just do it because its habit or to pass time.
Seriously, take these points to heart and give them consideration.
Been enjoying a lot of older shows, movies, and games. Been enjoying Space 1999 a lot lately, and currently playing Wizardry 5 (PSX version) to try and add to my Wizardry clears.
Having a great time since these are things I enjoy, can tell you why I enjoy them, are not being done to just occupy time, and have my life beyond play sorted.
-An anon pushing 40
take your own advice and fuck off for good faggot.
lol, struck a nerve?
just tired of the normalcunts like you coming in here and policing people.
You just have to relax and stop thinking. It's the solution to most problems
Policing? Do whatever you want retard, was just some recommendations on someone who was a neet in their 20s.
Get your head out of your ass
game looks shit
>christcuck shills his cuck jew worship
Isnt heaven supposed to be like a place of pure bliss? Doesn’t that mean the only reason you follow your anti pleasure god is to receive more pleasure? Truly everybody is a hedonist, some people just like to hide it behind fantasies.
Will no fap fix my motivation and brain fog?
Come on recruiter, he's not 17. Be reasonable
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Our artifices are meant to warm us from the cold hard reality, not to fully insulate us. The cold will always be there. Darwinian conditions will always exist. Civilization is about staying comfy and making your kids more comfy than you were.

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Only sheltered goycattle seem to have this problem. Im glad to be able to sit my ass on the computer and have been doing so for 16 years. What a bitch-faggot mindset to have; you can basically ignore all of reality on a whim and you're complaining about it because,for some reason, you only have the Iq score to read botted traffic posts on xhitter and talk to trannies on discord which makes you le bored. Serious niggerbrainage.
>aping josoinua connor troon lingo and opinions
You're just as much of a sheltered faggot as the "goycattle"
>in my experience, you won't find anything that is remotely as fun or entertaining as video games in the real world
spoken like someobody who has never left their basement, holy shit. skiing, driving your car fast, fishing, blackjack, hiking and concerts (just to name a few things) are a million times more fun than vidya
>inb4 i can't afford it
>inb4 i have no friends
its all shit you can do by yourself, and hiking is free. contrary to what you mentally ill freaks believe, most people out there are at best indifferent about you, no matter how grotesque you are. and there are a lot of extroverted people out there who just like talking to people, so maybe they'll talk to your autistic ass
>skiing, driving your car fast, fishing, blackjack, hiking and concerts (just to name a few things) are a million times more fun than vidya
maybe to someone who has to practice eye contact and talking to the cashier
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>just got outside bro
>it'll magically fix everything wrong with you bro
I've heard this bullshit a million times and I'll hear it a million times more because you people are like a broken record who think everyone works exactly like you do.
do the world a favor and hurl yourselves into a biomass burning plant if all you're gonna do is bitch and moan how helpless you are. invalids.
>Die for Israel!
>Go walk around in a desert until a car bomb either kills you or paralyzes you for shit pay and no insurance
well you can sit inside and bitch about skinnerbox MMOs online then
people just want to help
>buy a sports motorcycle
>go fast in strange new places

It's the only thing I really live for now.
lmao bro go to planet fitness
normgroids do not wish to help. they want you to fail and entertain them with your fruitless clumsy efforts.
10 mins later :
...and other fantasy scenarios your neurotic brain conjures
nobody insults people in gym's

retard's say stuff like (omg how could x be doing x)

absolute dikheads berate privately

99% of people are utter bros and just proud of you trying

almost nobody says any of this to you ever

alot of the time people will try to talk between set's ect if you dont like this wear headphones with no music playing

people will still say thing;s like hey bud how many set's left if its a small gym
forgive your parents
the most i ever say is when some giga beast does some crazy lift ill throw out a Nice dude

normalfags will literally commit suicide if they have to stay at home for a few weeks
in prison the worst punishment they can give someone is... being alone
most people naturally seek out social situations because they enjoy it and cant handle being alone

you cant compare people like that to someone who spends years alone at home
Brutal blackpill

Alphas LOVE having betas in the gym as it gives them an ego boost and makes them look good

Whenever I see a dyel struggling to bench as much as me I love it. He's trying and bless him but I also feel superior
they do want to help they just dont know how and so they think you are ignoreing them trying to help and are like
see i knew it they wont listen ect

its sad thats it extreemly sad for everybody the sadness spills over into frustration rapidly
Yet all you hear from neets and supposed otakus here is wahh I'm so lonely me no habe gf me no have social life wahh normie excluded me wahhh
There will sometimes be judgmental people, usually girls but sometimes men, who feel the need to say something like 'why is he doing that haha'. But these people are retards and will comment on literally anything people do, to try and run people down.
wow im proud of you !
you are superior ofc it makes you feel good everybody wants to be the best

whats brutal about it you have a guy trying like you (kinderd spirits) hes makeing you look good badass what part of you does not like him

if your on some i despise weakness shit thats self hate

most of the dudes that thought/think that about me i give them ungoldy motivation by being impressed
yes people do this

i had a gym manager come to me one day i was lifting a weight that i can comferterbly do for 100 ish reps in a single set

he legitimately thought i was going to hurt myself and i was actively asking other memebers of the gym to comment
looks matter more for men now than ever before in human history because women are financially independent and have been for decades. they do not need a man to take care of them so all they want is himbo eye candy who will make other women seethe. a man who isn't attractive or desirable physically will die a virgin nowadays.
>be shut in for most of my life
>in prison for 2.5 years
>1.5 of those years I had to share a cell with someone

Fucking hated it. Once I got my own cell I could finally be on my own, it was actually not that bad.
No I don't hate them at all. I think it's great. You can see yourself get stronger than others, and the people stronger than you fuel you with motivation and anger to beat them
Just say you wet the bed you get your own cell
Or.cover yourself in shit
Sounds like all the art models ive had
I've done most of those activities while having screen-fried dopamine receptors, and while doing them I mostly felt antsy and counted the minutes until I could get back to the nearest screen. They are definitely more fun than anything you can do on the internet for a normal person, but not for someone whose brain is too warped to actually enjoy them.
Holy fuck this thread is pure cancer
This. Fuck retard npc normies. We have one place we can go to be away from them and they infest this place too.
>become a zogbot at 30
lol. lmao even
Make me loser nerd LOL
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>just become a sissy welfare queen promoting trans kids and being a parasite
how's it a blackpill then mr bond...
>demoralization thread #19315
Why do you deserve to live comfortably?
He is awful.
ive always wondered how i would do in solitary, i find myself staring at the wall thinking about nothing for hours sometimes
The us will be minority white by 2035.
There is no going back to what once was.
you break everybody breaks
you just hope you get a good break
Why is this thread still up, do so many of you share OP's experience?
>I've done most of those activities while having screen-fried dopamine receptors, and while doing them I mostly felt antsy and counted the minutes until I could get back to the nearest screen.

You need some kind of forced long term break, honestly rehab or something. If I didn't have to work/family so much I'd be hiking for days on end on my own.
its reddit im shook nobody is disproveing it

its up because people like me get off on giving psudo advice and people like op milk us
Army recruiters on 4chan because Iran just hit Israel with missiles.
yeah ive watched movies and heard that too roleplayer kun
go back.
nobodys ever said anything different
Yet you're crying that you're not normal

Most retarded post ITT. You're just coping because you're a lazy fuck. Which, I am too, but I acknowledge that and have done things to counter-act that, and instead of ending up living with my parents at 30 years old, I'm married and living on my own.

Get your fucking life together, or quit complaining and accept what life you've consigned yourself to.
>taking lifting class in HS for whatever credit i needed (it was mostly a fuckoff class, except you lifted wieghts)
>hung out with the spergs, cuz i was a sperg
>one of the mexicans came over and told me i was doing curls wrong and would injure myself eventually
most gymbros are bros.
later in life i kept at it, never got swole and am a fat fuck rn but nobody really bugs each other or leers in gyms
if you're really insecure go to a 24 hour fitness at the witching hours, it'll be you and at most a few other people
i think most gymbros are so friendly and positive because more guys lifting = more spotters. that and cuz its fun. i think only a small percentage of them are fags
>This retard doesn't understand the difference between police and the military, he also thinks whatever happens in a city must be ubiquitous throughout the country
How fucking bad are the schools in the US that this is the type of logic people use? Maybe it's not your personality, Maybe you're just a fucking retard
Yeah don't join the military
cold, expensive, shitty kids in your way at all times
>driving fast
being a loud obnoxious cunt at everyone elses expense fuck you got mineee vroom vroooommmm
gambling is fun if you have money to burn i guess
get hot and sweaty and killed by a mountainman
pay 20$ for a beer so loud drunk faggots can scream next to me sign me up
yeah dude all that stuff is definitely more fun than videogames normalfaggots get out reeeeee
so you received positive feedback because you're attractive and sociable, which drove you to try in life. i see normalcunt kun. good for you. go brag on leddit now.
>I have an excuse for not doing anything
That's why you haven't done anything faggot
NTA but sounds to me like you're the one coping here.
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>tfw in a few years you'll be Homer Simpson's age and weight if you lose a couple of pounds but no family nor house
damn /tv/ really been invaded by reddit and normies
You don't accept positive feedback subhuman. You make excuses and piss and moan.
Sounds like you're a beta-male that didn't try to fight back.
nah they werent excuses they were all valid points keep trying to save people and be a tough guy on the 4channel tv board though
i like to think tht we all have some part of us that loves seeing other people try
were trying we like it when others do

im not saying it does not come with a lifetime of bullshit id be pissed if a dude got stronger than me faster

but id also use it as motivation

more spotter's is chill but i wouldnt trust a stranger to spot unless i had to i deeply connect with the idea of trying to better yourself
Coping with what exactly? That I'm not a pathetic loser like anon? Wow, you got me. That sure is some cope, being in a reality that is better off than his.

>because you're attractive and sociable
I'm overweight and have zero friends that aren't online. You just lack the initiative to actually do anything and hope that the longer you sit on your ass jerking off to cheap shitty japanese cartoons and playing CS2 and Overwatch, some girl will notice you and try to save you, instead of ignoring you, which they should rightfully do.
You keep coming up with reasons for why things won't work so you can sit in your comfortable little bubble and do nothing.
Half of your copepost is you becoming desensitized to real experiences because you've been alone for so long, the other half is a pessimistic mindset that arose in your childhood cause you weren't loved or encouraged.
moveing fast in the cold


driving fast
i dnt want to write anything here but it has positives

luck is badass

thiiiiis is a mixed one part of me loves it and part of me sees the pain
hike in the cold and your golden hike in the heat and its rough but depending on you hiking in the cold is brutal and in the heat is effervescent

the idea of walking being nice i think we can all agree on the setting and distance seems like an issue if you dont enjoy walking you have stole that joy from yourself

>concerts is to many words
t.been zero concert;s
imagine basing your self-worth on how others have treated you
you will waste away to nothing
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based incomprehensible ESL poster
Good, let it die so something new can take its place.
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Oof,incel chuds btfo with this one
>I'm overweight
opinion not valid
You are right and ignore the posts here. They want life to make sense and losers to be losers by choice so they don't have to feel empathy for them and feel justified stomping on them. Their "advice" only exists to feed their ego.

But in the end you have to think practically. Even if you can justify being a loser and people feel sympathy it's only you who can move your life forward. If your thought patterns lead to being a loser you need to be critical of them and change them to more productive ones. You don't have to stay the way you are.
joining the Air Force won't mean shit if you're a retard
OP will get stuck with a job with no translatability to the civilian side
His only hope is the GI Bill
such a depressing stupid nigger. Kill yourself. Unironically, truly, end your miserable stupid life. Nobody wants to hear anyone bitch and moan, ESPECIALLY if youre born in a first world country where the taps dont give you typhoid. Life is sacred but youre obviously a black cloud if negativity. End your life. Kill yourself.
Imagine this but in reverse. Submit a regular video and AI extends it to the person pulling out a gun and killing themselves.
end your life stupid fag. if youre so sad and hate life so much jump off a building and spare us youre bitching. Nobody in such a dark place is so vocal about their misery. Suffer in silence or fucking kill yourself. Everyone else has a sad story to tell, nobody goes around begging for pitty because you couldnt get a grip on reality and take chances on yourself and try to improve your situation.
Truly, kill yourself. End it.
Ah, this looks like a good thread. Let us discuss some entertainment media and what it means to you on a personal level, despite using that time with it as a coping mechanism to shield from family and interpersonal drama, perhaps appearing more reclusive and isolated, yet, that introvert, embodying the archetype of the wizard, the sage, who is that unassuming intellectual in all the cartoons, that Simon or Donatello or what have you, if you could only see their character sheet, their Wisdom and Intelligence, though that is an abstraction, let us see what knowledge can be gleaned, it is a veritable Dexter's Laboratory hidden away from the waking world, for now, in the realm of ideas, the ideal realm of forms, we are in the gladiatorial arena of the philosopher kings. Let us ruminate over some esteemed and under appreciated examples and find that gem of pure knowledge, by reading the wait this is just a bullying thread here you go "hey you guys suck" haha got you this time.
>end your life stupid fag. if youre so sad and hate life so much jump off a building
NTA but I wish it were that easy.
>leftwing memes
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Reminder that 99% of /r9k/ vocal woe is me incels are poojeets living in western countries and the rest is hapa chuds with high estrogen
based post i would like to argue but you used my wait in my format i have no choice but to aquess

food for thought why do you structure you shit like this is boring and difficult to read its singular reediming quality your prose makeing it taste like honey
>Nobody in such a dark place is so vocal about their misery.

this is an anonymous board with 0 barrier to posting and almost no rules. if there is a place to vent honestly its here.

also I dont respect evil people like you so i ignored the rest of your posz
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Get drunk as shit, and do it. If youre too scared to die, or even make an attempt, then take the reigns and do something good for your life. So many, historically so many come from nothing, and have factors that hold them back. Do they lay down and die like a dog or do they take advantage of what they have and rape this world for everything it has?
You are youre best ally/worst enemy.
Do something. Bitching and being sad isnt doing something. Goddamnit you need to have the shit beat out of you for context on how regular life, enjoying the sum, not being crippled is the highest power a man can wield. We ALL NEED to die one day. Do you spend the waiting room of life crying? you are worse than a baby. Do what you can, do good, do something, do anything.
I would personally beat the shit out of you to knock some sense into whats actually important. Have you ever had a black eye? have you ever spent the winter on the streets? have you ever missed a meal? have you ever had holidays in isolation? If you havent even had one of these basic bitch hardships you NEED to take inventory on your life, count your blessings, and thank God you werent born in india.
heres a chad chop the long ones by 1/3
Kek, perfect timing too.
cry more bitch. i let my misery fuel me to do better. I had nothing, came from nobody, im still a highschool dropout with no drivers license at 25, but guess what faggot i pay my rent modeling. The untimely deaths of 4 childhood friends motivated me to do more beyond my horizons. Do better.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
say "1...2...3...fuck it"
like you should apply to every other part of your life while you're still alive
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I welcome all the shrek i can get my ogre hands on. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. i even have those leadlined mcdonalds shrek cups you were supposed to return. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek. more shrek.
when you live by that method, the world is your oyster. Fortune favors the bold. I wasnt born where i am, i took a chance, slept outside, made something of myself. Your ancestors left the old world for something new, a gamble. You are no different from them. They saw what was offered and wanted something more. Be like them.
>came from nobody,
wow thats so hardcore. rest of your post is yawn
curry thread
you annoy me >>204053513

stop makeing me the faggot with the tie also ty anon
die with no memories of conquest over your environment and yourself.
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>dying for corporations, banks and Zionists
Don't do this anon.
only skinny limp-wristed onions-guzzling permagooning autistic shut-in hiki NEET gamer losers relate to this thread
eat a pizza
die under me while i feel this way
you have to get off your ass to do anything. that also means killing yourself. youre too pathetic to even end youre miserable life. I pity you.
i dont think about you at all
infact you make me pitty me aswell
this. even i was a fat autistic bitch until i decided to do something and make changes for the positive. You cant help incels, they love their misery, theyre fueled by their self depreciation, even government mandated gfs couldnt solve their shit thinking. Incels unironically need to kill themselves, they offer nothing, contribute nothing, only drain on society and complain about everything everyone else seems to be fine enjoying. Incels need to die.
Angry poojeet projection
OP here don't even know how the fuck this happened lol I just wanted tips on getting that little sparkle you know where it's immerseive and shit. didn't fucking want this clusterfuck debate on normiedom
Okay rot away and cry in your bedroom. No one gives a shit lol
i never needed anyone to make myself whole. I am truly, contempt. You need validation to bitch on 4chan.
Get your shit together you stupid nigger faggot. Not for me, not for society, for the benefit of yourself. You are your best ally/worst enemy.
your one of us now pussy make an argument stand on it or leave if you cant do that try to be funny
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Dinner is served,Ranjeesh
youre stupid self deprecation opened the floodgates to the sad faggots lurking who dont even have hobbies. Im a highschool dropout neet but i still get laid and enjoy things. Life isnt hard, you chose to make it shit. Kill yourself OP
This pasta was never good
Fingering sheep and raping chickens doesn't fall under the purview of what the western world calls "having sex",sandeep
4chan losers calling other 4chan losers kek
Neither will you ever get consensual sex with a white woman, abdullah
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