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The events of the first film were all in Arthurs head as he imagined himself doing the crimes of the real Joker who shows up at the end and stabs Arthur, killing him.
Lady Gaga is so ugly.
Has there ever been a movie where it was all a dream actually worked out well?
Look at this fucking thing.
you're kidding, how lame is that
James Gunn is a Jew faggot that will kill DC Comics Todd Phillips was forced in killing Joker franchise
wasnt she like a man or something
Most pathetic cop-out in the history of cinema
Alice in Wonderland
Thats fucking retarded. Literally every witness on trial were from the first movie and I.D Arthur Fleck as the Joker.

What kind of tranny op is going on /tv/ right now
she's a semitic demon pretending to be human, just her little friend maria ibrahimovic
vanilla sky
the cowboy bebop movie
No fucking way that's how it ends, that's too lazy even for Hollywood. Any confirmation of this>
Fuck You Harley Quinn You Bitch and Fuck all the Women of the World
So they really ruined it? Thanks, won't be seeing this now.
I’d still bone her hard
SLOTS >>204100202 SLOTS
thanks but do people even care enough to sustain a torrent?
Eh, I've had worse
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>Apparently this scene was inserted into last minute refilming by order James Gunn.
This is a fucking joke right?
Wow. They were really upset about Joker becoming a rebellious icon to the actual real world and wanted to undo it, didn't they?. Can't have the people act up against authority!
No, hollywood is this fcuking much of a joke anon, they are this obsessed with this shit
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>it's real
its not in his head you reddit retard
real joker does kill this faggot though
Thanks to the first Joker i started reading DC comics i saw all their animated and live action movies was excited by James Gunn DCU now with this with Arthur Fleck dying DC is also dead for me
Desperate lying because we have the real spoilers and it's gonna destroy ticket sales
Who plays muh real joker?
The guy must really fucking suck if that's not the first thing everyone talks about
Woah, slots?
I gotta get on that
i guess he got what he fucking deserved.
Nobody. A Szasz reference stabs him and that's as close as it gets. There is no real joker
The real Joker is played by the friends we made along the way
Well, she is of God's chosen people, despite she does not believe in God.
I've have never EVER seen a company fumble the ball so hard as WB/DC has. What an absolute travesty they will go down as. In the end only Nolan's series will be remembered fondly.
Authority which can rape and murder you without consecuences.
so which is worse this or megalopolis?
1.- They keep failing so hard despite they get the material in silver platters.

2.- This is the problem. They keep depending too much from Nolan's works.
The first Philips' Joker was good
Jacob's Ladder
Nolan's has aged like old milk
why not both.exe

I just watched The Devils Advocate for the first time and was kinda blown away by how good it was. The twist wasn't a huge surprise and I don't actually think it was supposed to be, but it was thematically appropriate and perfectly executed. And then the second twist while also not a huge surprise was also perfectly executed and made it even better
they're the only popular dc movies
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Is there a more spiteful andmean-spirited movie than this one? Main character gets raped, dumped and killed, original fans get shitted on, etc.

Not even movies like The Birth of a Nation are so hatefilled.
Because normies are stupid.
todd philips is a piece of shit
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Jared Leto, the only real Joker.
that was purgatory, retard
No fucking way
Oh no! Anyway.
Source Code
>the it was all in le caput-meme
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Rude! I'm gona talk about your behavour with your mom right after I finish ride with her
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>All the clever unreliable narration from joker 1 gets thrown out of the window
>Phoenix cant sing for shit
>Besides some musical pieces, the non delusional singing parts feel weak because they went with the realistic angle on them
>The movie is all over the place on a technical level
>Joker 2 ruins the friendship Arthur had with that midget
>Lady Gaga do as she pleases all the time for some reason
>Also, the fact that Gaga and every Joker fan backpedals so hard on Arthur when he says he is not le Joker after a series of him clowning on the court, feels so abrupt and unearned
>Ending was stupid as hell mane
Joker 2 should not have been made. It was a mistake
If it only happened in Arthur's head then how did they film it?
Checkmate, dream faggots!
Jacob's Ladder
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Looks like they're actually reacting to the shit ending LMAO
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Nobody. While there are lots of joker fans to be found in the movie (+the joker baby that Harley carries in her womb), nobody shows signs of evil genius intelligence. This has been left vague on purpose. My money is on the joker baby though, because Harley according to the movie is a very intelligent schizo
Huh. I liked that movie a lot but didn't remember it being that way.
O-okay! Reply to this post when you're d-done! I'm not scared
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>O-okay! Reply to this post when you're d-done! I'm not scared

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she's a flaming faggot for sure
It's a light flame. She's bisexual with a preference for men.
Wizard of Oz
>a hate letter to the fans
The only reason part 2 was made was because white males aged 20-30 who could be twisted into lone wolf terrorism identified too much with the original film.

Hence the dream angle, and the tape to remove power from and the ability to look up to the "Joker" and the eventual stabbing. It's a film designed to destroy the cultural impact of the original so the specific audience I just mentioned don't try and use the character or themes of the film to justify doing or being anything against the status quo.

No heroes for white men, only emasculation, consume onions and death.
This 100%
Wow so meta
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>joker movie
>look inside
>no joker
Identity. Not a dream but all in the killer's head. spoilers
What the fuck? Is this real?
Now that would have been kino
No lmao
Everything in the first film happened, he developed a cult of personality & the guy that stabs him at the end is implied to a spurned fan angry that he abandon's his Joker persona, possibly hired by Harley.
That's really fucking dumb. It just makes both movies completely pointless.
he was literally on television with murray, some of it clearly happened
i always assumed the three guys on the subway were done by randall though, that's why he was so quick to give arthur his weapon
Why is she even in the movie? None of the spoilers I’ve read mention her so it sounds like she’s not relevant to the plot
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No, it succeeded in it's purpose. It was made by ((Hollywood execs)) who wanted to spite the chuds who enjoyed the first movie. The message of joker 2 is that if you agreed with any of the themes or ideas in the first movie, than you're just a lonley incel, there's nothing wrong with society, no one is oppressing you, and you wouldn't think the way you do if you just got laid. That if you ever step up and lash out against society you'll get raped in murdered in prison. It was made to disown the first movie, everything it stood for and the people who enjoyed it and in that regard it succeeded in every aspect.
post the gif where lady gaga pretends to shoot herself in the head she is cute in that
>The only reason part 2 was made was because white males aged 20-30 who could be twisted into lone wolf terrorism identified too much with the original film.
You lonely faggots actually believe this. I hate to tell you this but the jews are not actually out to get you. Take your meds.
You're fucking retarded. The most successful films ever made are young adult movies that are all about society being fucked up, the ruling class are oppressing you, and getting laid just causes more problems.

I have no idea where you faggots get this narrative from. You just desperately want to be victimized at every corner.
I'd rather not
Retard, it was successful in that it was made to spite you and that's exactly what it did. It's not made to entertain you or make a profit it was made to spite you and the firat movie and thats exactly what it did.
Who enjoyed the FIRST movie retard.
Retard he's not agreeing with the movie he's simply stating what it was made for. How about you actually read before you reply?
>It's not made to entertain you or make a profit
and yet it was made by (((them))) according to you tards. That doesn't sound like (((their))) behavior now does it.
>vanilla sky
But it wasn't all just a dream in that movie. A lot of things that happen in the "dream" were memories of real events.
Jew spotted. Nice narative shift their shlomo. There's only one thing jews love more than money: Mkaing white people miserable.
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What's wrong with its nose?
where is her prefrontal cortex???
didn't he get gangraped in jail by the only 3 gay cops in Gotham and came after?
Post the webm.
Then why did he go to jail for what he imagined? Why did Harley become infatuated with him?
what the fuck bros, is this movie making fun of us? i loved the first one because i saw myself as the joker he was just like me. but now this movie just turns him into a little schizo bitch. i feel like the jews in hollywood didnt like us feeling empowered finally and told DC to shut it down
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oh for fucks sake...
wrong. the ending ruined the movie for me. it went from interesting to bullshit in the last ten minutes or so
Total Recall movie came out thirty years ago, fuck your spoilers
Nope, he was brutally beaten in a blanket party fashion
JUSTICE is a dish best served HARD.
Why the fuck did they cast her of all people as Harley?
She's Italian, retard.
is that a real Orson Welles quote?
There's a musical number, she sings, her brand is unhinged. It's the closest executives get to math.
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Not a movie but they were the first to start the "it was all of dream" bit (either that, or Dallas with having an excuse to bring back Patrick Duffy's character from death).
what's this from
when what you say and what you do are not in sync, I believe what you do not what you say.
Jews are literally committing genocide and yet supporting Israel is the only issue republicans and democrats agree on. Anyone who denies that Jews run America at this point is completely braindead.
too based for this board
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Can someone explain to me why Warner Brothers decided it would be a wise financial investment to put $200 million into a sequel to their highly successful Joker movie where the director completely shits on everything that made the first film a hit and actively tells the audience that they shouldn't waste their money on this
Wow, so this shit is actually true?
in isreal
They don't pay attention to productions.
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it's Alien^3 all over again
No Country For Old Men
Director was probably coerced or was desperate to pander to woke Hollywood activists and made the biggest mistake of his life because it exposes how leftism self-destructs
I didn't watch the first movie. What were the key points of what it exposed? I figured the movie was just a meme that caught on based on a few scenes
Anyone who wouldn't is a homosexual gay faggot. Fact.
Demon worshiping whore. Just disgusting
What are the real spoilers then bitch?
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It's really not that hard to figure out this a psyop, first one was meant to show the radical dangers of incels and losers, everybody unexpectedly sympathizes with joker character and see's how cruel society is to him.
This didn't sit well with the fuckers that run this shithole and so they quickly concocted the scheme to just make another one and completely shit all over the character that is a stand in for what they see are incels and loser men who are upset and resentful of society. So instead of getting into a big intellectual exposition that attempts to argue that anything meaningful, they decide its easier to just essentially dogshit all over the character and systematically destroy everything spiritually, thematically and psychologically interesting and sympathetic the character ever had.

Director will get tossed a few bones down the road for killing his character and tanking a bad movie flop. Also if you guys are wondering why they pulled ads promoting the movie, its because they screen these things to closed audiences months ahead of time and know in advance how the audiences are going to react, so they know when its a better idea to just pull ads and recoup some of the money.
She's for hatefucking.
Shut the fuck up, poltard
really? cause I think disney and marvel are fucking up pretty bad, if you add up the math on all the successful movies they've probably lost more money than they've gained at this point because they just keep pumping out this huge budget films and television streaming series that cost tons of money to produce and... nobody really watches them, they hate many of them.
Wizard of Oz

>vanilla sky
only half of the sequences were the dream, and the movie hints that something is off throughout them
Idk this kind of sounds kino to me. Joker tries to impress a fangirl by tanking his court case but then she rejects him because he's actually a loser and she was hoping he would change his ways, and then he gets killed by the real Joker (?). Miserycore. I like it.
1st one is about the male prrspective. Sequel apparently tried to "deconstruct" that and nobody likes it
That’s what I’m saying. It’s the perfect story of real life. Most losers live and die a loser and chuds hate to hear that
Even if the themes are interesting the problem that basically every review says is that it's a really fucking boring movie.
Apparently this movie is getting panned even on normie sites like IMDb, metacritic, and RT. It's at like 50% on all of them
Again, that's Purgatory, not a dream.
There's a certain beauty to Hollywood being incapable of creating beauty. Even if they accidentally make a film that understands some element of the modern pathos, they immediately feel revolted at having produced something accurate, and have to ruin it.

Left wing thought consists exclusively of the worship of shit, and shit-color. They are incapable of understanding or loving beauty--which is, also exclusively, a Right wing concept. I think this is now incontrovertible.
thats good news
that means there's a way cooler Joker that wasnt an incel comedian for us to idolize
It feel in an empty zone bc it has no audience and ppl are saying it's dull
Truth. They spent $200 million to own the chuds. Thats pathetic
This is why I probably won’t watch it. I like the idea of shitting on the first movie as a gigantic shit post but I also worry that the movie will just be boring and not worth the ticket
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holy kek
The best art is never understood by its creator. Evangelion, Stairway to Heaven.
jews are trying to get congress to draft white males to go fight for Israel. shut the fuck up jew
Literally only pseudo intellectual unironic redditor faggots are defending it, conjuring up massive essays to convince themselves the movie is some high IQ subversion of expectation, when the entire thing can be summarized as
>The main character from the first film gets humiliated and killed
>Nobody enjoyed this

If you play games it’s the same people that would defend the narrative of the last of us 2, where the main character gets humiliatingly beaten to death by a butch dyke, and then you are told to root for and play as the butch dyke
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>Make a movie
>It resonates with chuds, makes 1bilyon dollars, most successful rated R film ever
>Make the next movie about dunking on said chuds
>it flops even before release
Evengelion was always about selling merch though. I went to japan several times during the late 90s and early 2000s and there was always tons of merch of both asuka and rei. These days faggots pretend its super "deep" and while there are deep themes that goes for most media.
And it backfired in that sense too bc it exposed the shittiness of woke manipulation attempts
It's not Kino lol, it's just trash. The setup could've been used to produce something that people might actually enjoy, but the whole thing felt like Tim Walz stuttering like a retard after lying about his trip to China. They were so asshurt that people actually liked the first film that they rushed through all of the necessary setup to make Arthur's downfall poignant just to get to the "fuck you" ending.

And that's fine I guess, except that the normgroids in the theater do not care that you scored internet points against le chuds, they care that they paid $20 plus tip to see a movie, and it's bad.
exactly, it's just an inherently miserable and unenjoyable story. the first one was unoriginal but an entertaining thriller. why would audiences respond positively to a depressing and boring sequel, regardless of how "smart" you think it is?
How is it doing box office wise? I hope this crap fails. I know a few guys from the gym who aren't going to watch it because of harley quinn
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Make your own original ip then white boi.
>Gym guys are faggots
Whoa who would have thought
That makes no sense.
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Nah they're pretty cool. Most of them constantly get with the chicks that at our gym. I know them well from the sauna and spotting each other. It's weird. People know what "woke" is, but don't say it. At least they're voting with their wallets.
Oh yeah, lady gaga, that popstar who's universally loved by straight men
Hmm I wonder what happened to all the men who died protecting these long nose freaks? It's almost like the world was through meat grinder over some jewish fan fiction.
/tv/ is going to hate to hear this but the character Joker was made by a Jewish man. The movie joker was made by a Jewish man. The actor that plays the joker is a Jewish man (even the dark knight joker is a kike) that being said. If the Jews make a character they also have the right to do with it as they please. Don’t like it? Well then go make you own character then!
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real joker is a chud
I think people are seeing it but it's getting universally panned, even by normies
I take it they're coordinating talking points on Reddit?
That's nice kike. But don't be surprised when nobody want's your crap.
The only DC stuff I've enjoyed since TDK is Shazam 1, Peacemaker, and Batman 2022. They really are run by idiots.
It hasnt been talked about because there is no actor. Its a cgi recreation of Heath Ledger.
Evangelion is still present today. Whether intended or not, the show is about much more than just merch. There's a reason that a seemingly otaku-esque anime is universally loved and praised by otaku, critics, and normies alike.
So is the implication that this is literally the Joker from the first movie and Arthur was just fantasizing the events of these movies? Or is this the real Batman Joker who just took inspiration from Arthur to create his persona
is harley quinn "crazy" in this flick? she seems just normal in all video and photos I see
Depends. I still go to japan and the only thing the otaku market talks about are the girls and model kits. When I last went to the now dead sega arcade there were girls just trying to get plushies of rei.
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Wait, this isn't a joke?
Waking life
I would do it for she
There really are no Jewish men. They're the most emasculated race because they have to deal with shrieking Yentas all the time. 100% of Jewish trickery is actually that their women are so disgusting and evil that they all want Shiksas instead, and Jew women HATE this and have been trying to get back at them ever since.

Every weird feminist thing is actually a Yenta's revenge against her Conservative Jew dad, white people just get caught in the crossfire. The only thing more pathetic than a Jewish woman is a Jewish man who goes along with this stuff because the constant neurotic hysterical shrieking of the Jewess sows around him never ends. They're completely mindbroken, have you ever actually met a Jew? You know how they always talk as though someone's looking over their shoulder? That's because someone is, it's his mother in law.

Every Jew has a Jew living in his head rent-free, and it's Hell on Earth.
There was this movie with John Cusack and Ray Liotta where it was only in the head of a fat guy
The plot is on wikipedia.
No that all actually happened it's just Arthur inspired another lunatic to take the mantle and he calls Arthur a disappointment in his joke
this sounds like next level agitprop.
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Would. Without question would.
Anything lynch has done
she's crazy in the sense that she just does whatever for no reason. she's mentally ill in the same way new age teenage girls are self diagnosing themselves with mental illness as a result of their impulsive/destructive actions
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don't mind if I do
She’s some kind of criminal locked up in Arkham but Arthur is also told at one point that she’s is manipulating him, an intelligent and well trained psychologist, and comes from a wealthy family.
She’s “crazy” in that she is a full joker fanatic and just wanted Arthur to fully embrace his persona
No Country for Old Men. I had to watch it twice to realize it was all just a tommy lee Jones dream.
Sounds dumb, I'll skip and ignore it.
So in this scenario Harley is the "real" joker's mom? Because that would be a supremely retarded direction to take things
I'd kill you if it was legal.
Wizard of oz?
I guess every David Lynch movie
But maybe a better literal answer is Wizard of Oz as these kinosseurs point out
So what, you'd also fuck a couch
Here's a theory. Though Todd Phillips initially pitched Joker 1 to have no sequels, he and Phoenix were excited to see where the character would go, and eventually a sequel was confirmed. But for Joker 2, Phillips was quick to say that he was done with the character. Could it be that he was coerced into taking the film in a direction he did not like, considering that he was enthusiastic about the sequel initially?

Also, Wikipedia states James Gunn was involved in some scenes. Do you think it was he who did this?
>The Jewker
if it makes incels mad it’s a good movie
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>Todd Phillips was forced in killing Joker franchise
Additionally, he still has Harley's child, Bruce and Harvey to work with in his universe. Why would he want to move on from the series?

Anyway, since Arthur dies with a smile carved on his face, it could be that his killer will go on to be the Joker, the one whose origin is truly unknown.
Joker 2 didn't really happen, it was all in his head.
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she is married with michael polansky ,her bisexuality is a larp since most of her fans are trannies and brazilian gay men.
I liked it
>have a billion dollar IP franchise
>kill it immediately
I.. actually like this... Arthur doesn't fit to be the Joker we knew to be honest since he got a soft side plus he's too old when Bruce become Batman. Joker was always a movie about an ideology to the society anyway so the ending kinda fit.
it's all an hallucination anon, Arthur is fantasizing about finally resting while other guy continues his Joker legacy
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Joaquin Phoenix got killed by bombing??
Italian genes kicking in after 30.
Wrong people liked it
because everyone like the main character and his actions
>To prepare for the role, Lawtey avoided watching the versions of Harvey Dent in Batman (1989), Batman Forever (1995), The Dark Knight (2008) and Batman vs. Two-Face (2017) portrayed by Billy Dee Williams, Tommy Lee Jones, Aaron Eckhart and William Shatner respectively.

how the fuck are you an actor and haven't seen even one of those films
It never makes it clear, so you are free to believe anything you want
Lol get fucked.
we get what we fucking deserve
>to prepare for my job, I avoided doing anything
Wow he's just like me!
They have infinite money due to being jews, it doesn't matter to them. Movies are for propaganda.
We are on /tv/, I think anyone knows that the american movie industry is almost entirely jewish.
No the film goes out of its way to tell you he did those things
Pretty much, mang. They do they every time something gets popular the wrong way. Every time.
>communist hairstyle
>communist clothes
I'm usually not the one for conspiracies but this is absolutely the case. It's so obvious.
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>Ellen Page
He's really a WOMAN?!?!?
>real joker
Probably the dumbest twist I've ever heard.
the best part is you can do this for any movie

Batman Begins a Tale a duece

>filafel man
>Rachel Dawes
>Dr. Crane

all show up in court to whine about how terrible it is

Then at the end of the movie Batman grovels and says he isn't batman and then Ben Affleck shows up and blows his head off before saying "IM BATMAN"

You can do the same for Indiana Jones James Bond or Matrix whenever you want to do a sequel
Joker by far. At least Megalopolis has 10/10 art and costume design and looks visionary... also Megalopolis has a good ending that doesn't shit on its protagonist.
Reminder that it wasn't a dream
everything happened
The thread OP is basing his it was actually all a dream came from someone that claimed he watched a Q&A from todd on youtube and never posted it.
The webm of arthur getting stabbed leaves out the only "dream" part where its implied that harleen ordered the hit on arthur
she look like shes ruining the movies again
only works because it's open ended. if they flat out said it was a dream it would've ruined it.
Ledger Joker is still iconic af... only TKDR is remembered laughably.

Also it amuses me to no end was one of Roger Eberts last reviewed before he died was shitting on TDKR
>I must subvert, even my own work!! Oy gevalt!
who fukken told her she could act...this jewish hollywood nepotism is out of control
shut you mouth you dont know what you are talking about that movies suck balls
>who wanted to spite the chuds who enjoyed the first movie.
It won award after award and made over a billion. Despite what people online say it was not a chud movie.
Overall Repo Men is good but the dream part is debatable
Were getting Son of the Joker next. Oh fuck.
If you're young, then it was real.
If you're old, then it was clearly a dream.
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I'm gonna leak the very first scene of Jonkler 3
who hurt you anon...show me were they hurt lil
>It actually has been nine years.
Get me out of this ride.
I think it'll do better than expected by the people here since there is literally nothing else to watch in the theater this weekend unless you go to Deadpool 3 two months after release
why did neymar do it bros?
I have zero idea what's going on in that webm but my interpretation based on that clip is that whatever happens in the movie didn't actually happen and Arthur gets stabbed to death in the asylum without ever having escaped in the first place
thats insanely gay. so whats the reason they decided to ruin this sequel even though everyone praised the other one? was it political sabotage? lots of roastoid bloggers seemed to be offended by the first one for an unknown reason.
This isn't that kind of movie
And I know you guys are going to shit yourselves raw explaining how it is, but it really isn't
he is found guilty in the court
as hes doing his final speech a bomb goes off
he survives and runs to the stairs where gaga is
she rejects him because he said he doesn't want to be the joker
hes sent to jail
he gets told he has a visitor
the webms of him getting stabbed happens, which also includes >>204117471
he dies
Why is he in prison if he didn't do nothing?
No the movie is very literal this time around, everything happens the way you see it
totally agree with you but who is behind it? did any of the original creators get booted? did they ever say why they were changing it in an interview? did some financial institution invest in the company, etc.
The Tim Burton movies are well liked too
>the joker baby
Begins is ok, The dark knight would be fucking terrible if it weren't for Ledger, and Rising is an absolute shit film all the way around.

it's amazing how one person can make an entire trilogy memorable, even if he is in just one of the 3.
Once Upon a Time in America
The correct answer

why would you have wanted the joker to go wild in the city and do a dozen psychotic murders? isn't this shit gross and tiresome. then you have le batman as symbol of right that pops up to arrest who is wrong... so simplistic. that movie was bleaked as fuck which is on par with society right now... people who are fucked by society keep getting fucked, usually. then they die. and those rich in position of power get away with everything.
dont do that anon, israel is getting less money if we pirate their movies.
has anybody shown what the opening cartoon looks like? seems like one of the weirder parts of the movie that's being glossed over but i'm intrigued
Why did they decide to make it a gay musical?
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All the Anons replying "would" will have to do both of these hags. At the same time.
All Joker 2 did was showing us every single way Arthur could go was utterly fucked, in a court setting no less. He embraces it, hes fucked, he tries to renounce it, hes fucked, he tries to put it behind him, he cant. The only people that care for him also cheer on his self destruction and the people that dont care want him dead. And he is just helplessly stick even within his own personal agency and choices because what is there for him to do when he is just filling the big clown shoes that society has deemed him fit to wear. Damned if you do, damned if you dont.
In the end, the only good thing he ever had in his life leaves him, because he couldnt live up to the hype of what people were treating him as, the second he showed his humanity behind the makeup, he loses everything again so he goes back to being nothing.
Then he is also killed by a random asshole mirroring his own words back at him to show that those who live by the sword die by the sword, even when they never ever chose to live by it themselves.
Mark my words, in a few months people will change their minds about this movie. Not on this site of course which is 99% bots and shitskins, but real actual people will see what a perfect depressive deepdive of a Duology the two jokers create.
It doesn't really make sense that after all that happened getting his ass beat is what "snaps him back to his senses"
Why are they eating corpses?
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Why did Todd Philips put these annoying ads in the movie? It was really distracting from the story imho
Doesn’t really make sense for Arthur to regret it in the first place though, he was imagining himself killing the therapist and laughing at people dying in film one, had his nervous laugh completely under control.
Then suddenly he regrets it until Harley shows up in which he’s then raped into changing his mind. The ideas fine but the execution was shit
You just don't "get it". The "corpse" is really a woman who was paid to lie in a tub of disgusting goop and pretend to be a corpse, therefore it's subversive, which makes it "art".
Wizard of Oz
>everybody unexpectedly sympathizes with joker character and see's how cruel society is to him.
>This didn't sit well with the fuckers that run this shithole and so they quickly concocted the scheme to just make another one and completely shit all over the character that is a stand in for what they see are incels and loser men who are upset and resentful of society

did we watch the same movie? It completely harps on the point that it doesnt even matter if it was Arthur or Da Joker Baby, that did these things. He is helpless and completely in the throes of public opinion no matter what he does, and those who support him are just as harmful as those who despise him. He understands this and just wants out, but then Gaga bails because she was in love with the idea of him and so he as a man is punished for showing his emotions to someone he trusted
The movie is still prime incelcore, why are you whining so much about it
to kill caped shit once and for all. by forcing fans to develop mentally beyond teenage simplistic power fantasies.
So Arthur isn't the Joker?
you sound like you wear fedoras and fuck anime bodypillows
So then why did he get raped?
he literally sings about the hopes he has for his son as he is killed by a psychopath aping him. Arthur gave birth to the joker by being a complete victim of society that against his will was turned into an icon of anarchy because society had failed him so completely. Its miserycore like other people said
He made fun of the guards on tv
laughably so
Was the rape made up too? If the movie doesn't exist why bother seeing it?
>Arthur goes to prison
>first thing that happens is he gets gangraped
is that really a thing?
Never said he regretted it, just that Joker 1 was him completely breaking and the consequences of that
Joker 2 is him trying to come to terms with whether or not his insanity is even worth anything. He is living a catch 22 and he understands it, and when he tries to be both, an insane murderer thats still capable of actual stable love with Harley, she leaves him for it.

I know Im going to get shouted down but I really loved this movie, better than the first.
No the rape was real. Film 1 happened too, OP is lying. Another inmate does kill him though and becomes joker
No it happens after he publicly calls out the prison guards for beating him and being abusive of their power
maybe so but i correctly awnsered the question.
Once Upon a Time in America
great argument, I accept your concession
Original joker movie was good because it showed that white males are disfranchised in todays world by women and jews. But the movie was popular so they have to make joker 2 to be woke and shit on opresset white men because jews hate them and want them dead. Hollywood is run by jew who genocide palestinians.
This is all in the last couple minutes though, this thematically fine idea is ruined by awfully paced/sung musical sections, bad romance plot, cruel punishment of Arthur etc
If the film actually did something like let Joker go and have him not being able to fit into society due to his past actions, that probably would have had more weight to it
This is so stupid it took me a while to process. The murder of Maury was seen by everybody on tv it doesn't make sense.
live heroically. find better models for inspiration than this shit. (this is the true white way)
Is this actually fucking real or is OP trolling us?
>awfully paced/sung musical sections
Thank you. This is my only take away. They turned it into a terrible musical really unwatchable garbage what a waste of a good cast (-Gaga) and platform. I was looking forward to it and would have seen it at the cinema - I gradually watched more spoilers and realized it is hot garbage - this musical will tell the story of the internet destroying ticket sales if you try to hoodwink the audience.
So becoming the Joker plays by highlander rules? Where does the raping of a clown man factor into things?
Yeah I can get behind the rushed ending and the music being pretty bad I guess.
But I think the semi-musical as a concept was nice, it was a fitting vehicle for their shared delusions of life being oh so glamorous and cinematic to hide behind.
If the film had let Joker go however, then there would have been no weight behind him being completely fucked from the start. A guy like that cant just go on living, not after all the shit he had been through. He had to die one way or the other, and him commiting suicide would have seemed out of character since he, again, couldnt escape his delusions of grandeur. Those delusions was Arthur at that point
Tim Dillon is the real Joker.
It's real. Todd Philips really, really, really wants to keep his job in Hollywood.
is there a whimsical musical number during this scene?
There is no real joker it's just a title in that universe
>He is helpless and completely in the throes of public opinion no matter what he does
What the fuck are you talking about, retard? He could have gotten away with it if he'd just pretended to be a victim of society even after killing 6 people including his own mother. Dogshit movie
the ultimate fuck you to the character is that an abused mentally ill boy that literally only ever wanted to make people laugh turned into a messiah for violent sadists for decades to come.
and people are still misunderstanding this movie as if it somehow ruins what joker 1 was trying to say and achieve. Gamers rise up, we have to become the monsters we are made out to be
>this is the true white way
Nigger, you are vaxxed.
wow guess you missed the part where he did try to be on his best behavior and repent, until gaga showed up and enabled his worst tendencies only to leave him when he understood he couldnt live up to them.
this site was never smart but you sure are the dumbest motherfucker in this thread right now by a mile
based and joinkler-pilled. Arthur sucks anyways
Shut the fuck up, stop fucking around, him assuming that he did what he did on his own and that he wasn't going to hold anyone else responsible was the only minimally decent scene during two torturous hours of the movie
>one of the guards that raped Arthur was black
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sound like upcoming kino
ummm buddy he was literally mentally ill, and him accepting that he did it on his own is also what robs him of the last vestige of hope and happiness he ever had
>ppl on reddit and 4chan are filtered by movies that does something above marvel tier
>whines about it all month
I really hope to see the same npc takes venom 3 gets but somehow it’ll be fun and a mindless film because it’s a movie that doesn’t require retards to think or feel uncomfortable for once
Why exactly was the first movie considered a chud movie, when basically everyone evil is white, every negro is good or a victim, and it makes a huge point about "privileged" whites keeping everyone else down?
>its ok when jews do it
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since nobody mentioned it yet: the schizo that killed joker in the end also took his own life. you can see him blurred in the background shoving the knife into his throat
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>Megalopolis has a good ending
>trust the people in power over you goyim, they are the smartest and you are too stupid only we know what is best for you isreal is our greatest ally
>Doesnt know what a Glasgow smile is
If you wouldn't, you're a low test anime brainrotten faggot.
>Where does the raping of a clown man factor into things?
Snyder asked for it
based on everything i read this doesn't really sound as bad as people are saying. interesting ideas, consistent with the first movie and how joker just uses anarchy as a way of finding meaning as a loser. once he goes to jail everyone realizes he's still a loser. maybe the execution is just bad?
only subjhumans are anti white technology and science
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sure is buddy. sure is.
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>Joker 2 ruins the friendship Arthur had with that midget
get FUCKED. why isnt anyone talking about THAT. this part was the ONE part that felt like it had actual soul in it, like it slipped out of some other movies script and accidentally fell onto the jokers script in some busy office.

>ar-arthur...i cant reach the door...
literally half of the movie is just lady gaga singing
Yes, Orson Welles was a bit of an Anime Star himself, appearing in multiple dubs.
Cuz it's a man
This. Disgusting.
In Joker 1 we see how Arthur lets that midget go by acknowledging their friendship
In Joker 2, while the whole scene with the midget and Arthur is a highlight from that shitty sequel, Arthur shits on their friendship as the joker. He tells the midget in the end that he is just like the rest of them and calls him out for not figuring out the joker part of Arthur. Thats a bullshit way to give a closure to Arthur's relationship with that midget
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Friendly reminder that it has been almost a whole year since “decapitated babies” and still no proof.
I was told the joker gets his asshole gaped
Waiting to see that
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Seeing that Lady Gaga was in this months ago was a clear indicator it was going to be absolute trash and tarnish the first one. If you wasted your time watching this you deserve to be disappointed.
>>Joker 2 ruins the friendship Arthur had with that midget

when was the last time you had friends? maybe thats why you miss the mark so badly when it comes at understanding what went down... how about arthur ruined the friendship by committing bloody murder in front of him, traumatizing him for life , makinkg him feel impotent and incapable of trust. it was well made and put an exclamation mark on the end of their odd friendship between those 2 misfits. arthur still didnt get it: but i like ou i didnt hurt you etc
Stop defending this slop

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