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people were shitting and cumming at the same time at my capital city theater
The constant shilling of this lame slop? Yes, it is fucked up.
>go to watch 'movie'
>its just a tasteless compilation of hyper realistic torture and violence
i would walk out too
But isnt that a win for a slasher horror movie like this one? I mean its in the title's name after all. Those 11 people that walked out got "terrified"
Looks like there's TWO reddit clown movies this month!
goretroons are subhuman
What's the point of these "movies"? Just the SFX crew showing off? Some tax write-off?
allows psychopathic normies to indulge in their murder instinct
> go to watch a slasher
> oh, no, they kill people there, it's not like my star wars marvel movies !!
you know they give people free tickets and specifically lie to them about what movie will be shown to attract people who'll "walk out"
Very jewish
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please watch my totally organic movie
yesza I love R3dditfier
Imagine being this fucking retarded
the first movie was so scary lol there's that one scene where terrible steve comes out of the bathtub and starts stabbing
>what is torture porn horror?
I went out with a chick who touched herself to the second movie
normies tryring to be edgy the movie
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>go to watch 'movie'
>its just a tasteless compilation of hyper realistic torture and violence
i would walk out too
This is so cringe
Didn't people do the same thing for Terrifier 2. Something about a capital.
>you are viewing paid content.jpeg
your post is anti semetic
>hyper realistic
Back in the 80s-90s we had slashers like Halloween, Jason and Freddy Krueger. Everyone was going to see these movies, no problem.
In 2000s we got Saw movies. Again, everyone was going to see these movies and had no problem with it.
Now that we got terrifier, everyone is complaining about these movies for being "too graphic and violent" and then leaves the theater with piss and shit in their pants.
MCU brainwashing has truly ruined and sissified a generation of moviegoers.
Is the deal with these movies that they are trying to make the most gory and realistic torture porn imaginable?
as Ted Bundy said, everyone who enjoys horror movies is some kind of sexual deviant with homosexual and/or transexual tendencies
and get word of mouth yes, but in this case it's actually just pure shilling
that family gets bullied by a dork with a golf club and deadpool "humor" lol
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>go to watch 'movie'
>it's just nonstop talking
i would walk out too
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Tropic thunder?
I like Terrifier 2 because it's just a fun movie.
But it scares me that Terrifier 3 wants to “shock” with violence and relies on shock. In a bad way, like nothing good about something like this when a lack of ideas is replaced with a shock element.
i'm surprised the kikey little director hasn't gotten mad and had every bad review removed. you can ONLY review teriffier if you talk about how much SHIT and PISS and CUM was on the floor of the kinoplex
It's in the name, idiot

Any tits in this movie if not I'm not interested
my capitol city had to close down all the kinoplexes due to the overwhelming amount of shit and piss flooding our streets.
> The Redditire
Gore porn is for psychopaths, unironically
the National Enquirer used to run "The Exorcist put my son in a strait jacket!" stories, so this is a time honored tradition
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At least something is happening in Stalker. Its slow as molasses, yes, but there is some visual development. I think you meant this movie in my pic. Now this is nonstop talking. If I was to see Dinner with Andre on a theater, I would have walked out after 30 mins. This movie is nothing but chatter between the two guys
how much cum was there?
Horror fans are so insecure lol
Go back to the reddit tab
My kinoplex was full of blacks. After the opening scene one stood up shouting LET TERRY GO HE AIN'T DONE SHIT
Wow! I can’t wait to go win this modern classic.
>hyper realistic
Gore in these movies is downright cartoony even by ridiculous (cartel videos) standards.
Keep malding fag, this movie is a boring talkshow where nothing happens
Nah, there is a line you don't want to cross. The Hostel movies also crossed that line and that's why everyone pretends they don't exist.
You’re clearly a zoomer that’s to too young to remember the outrage that torture porn movies like the Saw franchise were getting for their graphic violence, let alone the outrage and crazy censorship of 80s slashers by the MPAA.
Slashers and gory movies always had pearl clutches crying about the graphic violence. Or you’re a nostalgafag
The difference is that a lot of those slashers (at least the first few movies of their franchises) were genuinely good fun movies with more to enjoy than just over the top gore for the sake of it. 80’s slashers didn’t really have that much shocking gore. With the Terrifier, it’s literally just a shit franchise whose entire appeal is the mean spirited gore for the sake of being as SHOCKING and CRAZY as possible, with nothing good or interesting beyond that.
>Just the SFX crew showing off
this question is like "what's the point of a Road Runner cartoon? Just to see the coyote get blown up and crushed with boulders different ways?"
yes, moron, we think it's funny
and it's funny because it's fake, I don't watch real gore vids
well considering it's been 15 years since he started making these, yeah
The thumbnail make him look like dwartf
Went to get some adult diapers at the store today and they were all out. Not feeling good about this bros, I have a scheduled viewing this weekend. Guess I'm going to have to double up on my underwear and hope for the best.
that's what slasher movies have always been, you toddler
Bundy was literally right about everything he ever said, but like Hitler, he's a Bad Guy so everything he ever said was Wrong.
I think I’m turning into a pussy as I’ve gotten older. I was watching Saw 3 the other day, and was just like “This movie’s kind of mean spirited”.
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Can't wait for all the shart and piss and vomit posts
Also it looks like the pearl clutching antigore posts started even earlier but expect them to multiply by the release
"who watches shit like this"
"why is this being made"
A lot of slasher films aren't particularly gory. They do have it, but they are heavily constrained by their small budgets.
Bundy was a narcissist psychopath who was trying to deflect blame for real life murders he'd committed onto anyone but himself.
I like my slashers with a cheapness to it and a story at the very least. Nothing but just plain gore and slaughterhouse? That’s a skip
What kind of sick people watch this crap?
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but he was a BAD GUY so he was WRONG
he was bad AND he was wrong
he was bad because he was a murdering psychopath
he was wrong because he was a narcissist who was incapable of accepting blame for his own actions
The difference is that if this scene was in a Terrifier movie, Art would pour sulfuric acid and rock salt in the victim's wound while fucking his eye socket and make balloon animals squeak in time with the victim's screams.
there is no such thing as crossing the line, it's just fiction bro
yeah, because it's been 53 years since the movie that image is from came out. if every horror movie for 53 years was just "here's another axe to the face" people would get bored.
Capitalcity bros, we are so back.
Anon, have you ever watched his last interview? He absolutely accepted responsibility, but at the same time, tried to take an objective view of the factors in his life and development that warped his psyche and made him more desensitized/vulnerable to to impulses that eventually consumed him. He was a Bad Guy, but that doesn't automagically discount everything he ever said.
Fuck, this guy's cool
another year, another 2 months of forced astroturfing for this dogshit series
>Scary clown
How original.
So many MPAA mommies on /tv/ now, holy shit. I for one am excited for it, albeit part 2 was too long.
Art is a saucy boi who parties hard, so cut him some slack
>astroturfing for a series that started small as fuck literally 15 years ago
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Yes, and that would make for far more entertainment than just a hatchet to the face
>Halloween, Jason and Freddy Krueger
Apples to oranges
I’m sure there’s plenty of ways to freshen up a horror/slasher movie that isn’t just “intensify the gore in a mean spirited way”. Some of the best horror/slashers have simple kills.
The humble origins are long gone. Now it's commercial slop hiring accounts like DiscussingFilm to run pieces on outrage marketing
Not a good look for your fanbase, buddy
It was entertaining 2 movies ago. When all the film is good for is over the top “SHOCKING” violence, after the first few epic kills, it stops being entertaining and just becomes boring tryhard edgy shit.
The second movie was so boring, it’s only saving gracr was the qt final girk
>the humble origins are long gone
>except Leone refused big Hollywood exec offers to reboot the franchise without the salt and bleach gore and Poopyfarter 3 has even more distasteful anti normie gore like onscreen kids exploding literally
These movies are garbage and that clown is just not a likeable slasher movie villain, notice the biggest slasher franchises have SOMETHING going for them while these movies have nothing, it's just a shitty clown guy killing people in very brutal ways just because
>anti normie gore
Ironically this franchise is very normie edgy. It’s the horror film definition of “safe edgy” like dead baby jokes.
>holy shit he killed a hecking animals
>oh my god he killed a hecking kid
>onscreen kids exploding literally
that sounds hilarious
It happens to one of the kids he's giving birthday presents to in the trailer, except some have bombs
There's also more gory onscreen child death in the sequence during which he kills both the mom & son, also alluded in the trailer
it's the /tv/ equivalent of /an/'s toadline exotic bullies meme. SMASHED and SLAMMED and WILD and KRAZY. I agree, it's tasteless and mean-spirited.
>spoiler text
don't make me want to watch a movie and then try to spoil it for me, man
not reading!
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By all means tell me how this is normie gore friendly when it's the most precious species on earth to normies being mutilated with even misogynistic slurs to boot
They're Safe Horror.
t b h this looks like a lot of normie girls' sex fantasies, lmao
it's harder edged, sure, but it's still not so far out there to be disturbing; it's like movie Slipknot
try to get some horror friendly stacey to sit through Bouquet of Guts & Gore, I don't think she's gonna want to
Fuck James A Janice
This. It’s not like there’s any rape or anything beyond tasteless over-gore.

If you can even call “cunt” and “slut” slurs. Not like he ever says nigger or any actual slurs. Cunt and slut are exactly what a normie would think is pushing the line, it’s textbook “safe edgy”
None, it's only gore. Do not objectify women incel.
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There's no actual sexual assault going beyond just grops in literally 99.99999% of horror movies, at least tied with gore, and I can probably count in one hand the amount of horror movies with actual rape + gore.
Because normies still think it's fine to vivisect someone slowly but rape is forbidden.
If anything it's actually EASIER to find rape + sexual assault & gore in movies where the male characters are the eventual victims, especially rape revenge movies where the woman gets the upperhand later
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There are since one of the biggest kill scenes takes place while stacy and chad are having shower sex
I can't recall there being any in Terrifier 2 since even the bedroom scene doesn't focus on it
Terrifier 1 def. has tits though in the biggest kill hacksaw scene
I actually believe these stories. The gore in these movies is gross.
You are wasting your breath. I've seen the same thing in other places. You can't get normalfags to separate morality from objectivity. If someone is a "bad" person than to them anything they say must also be "bad".
It's the same reason you will see politicians saying the same thing but one will get called bad and the other good even though they are doing the same thing.
People are just not very good at separating their emotions from critical thinking.
Trump could get up tomorrow and give the greatest speech mankind has ever heard and completely change the way we think about the nature of our reality and you would still see a vast amount of people shitting on what he said simply because of who he is.
Well, Ted also suggested they hold a horror movie festival to catch the Green River Killer, because whoever he was, he wouldn't be able to resist a good horror movie with women in peril.
But the investigators told him going to a festival wouldn't be enough for probable cause.
Dunno about this one but Saw started out because it was incredibly cheap.
There have been articles of people passing out in horror movies for years.
He was correct about being a porn addict for all his life. He wasn't lying about that. Sure, he tried using it to his benefit, but on that one point, he was NOT wrong.
100% of serial killers are porn addicts. Just an observation. Come to whatever conclusion you will. It was the serial killer generation, the Boomers, who made that stuff normalized and easily accessible, though.
There is zero nudity in the movie why are you lying? Side boob and ass hasn't counted in 50 years. If there is no nipple shown than it is a feminist film.
holy based
kino confirmed
>he is BAD man who was bad 100% of the time and never ever said a single true thing in his 42 years of life
>ignore him also saving people's lives by talking them out of suicide at his job on a hotline
There's nothing hyper realistic about Terrifier movies
Yes that is correct, if a person is ever bad once in their lives they are all bad and can have no redeeming qualities.
Ted Bundy was so fucking obviously possessed that you'd have to be a retard to not figure it out
No. That would upset James A. Janisse and his wife.
There is full blown boob and nipple in Terrifier 1 while the roastie is being hacksawed, cunt.
What doesn't show is her pussy
Fun fact, All of the women who Bundy killed resembled his ex from college who dumped him
I remember that Ichi the Killer had same articles about people not feeling well with what they are seeing. the funny part about it is, that the production gave a themed barf bag to everyone before the movie starts in its premiere, as a joke lol.
whatever your defense mechanism is for your limited world views, fine I guess.
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reminder years ago Damien Fagone got outed by a redditor who went to high school with him as an absolute friendless loser and these movies are basically his massive revenge hissy fit against mankind
Did you actually not recognize the irony oozing off of that post?
I'm aware. But there are others who apparently do indeed hold that perspective.
>normies still think it's fine to vivisect someone slowly but rape is forbidden.
This is too true, this is why Terrifier is just super tryhard safe edgy.
Your point rings especially true with those horror YouTube type guys like the Kill Count dude, who gets so super pumped at horrific gory mean spirited kills, but if a filmmaker puts a rape scene or even if a movie has too much nudity, that’s pretty hecking weird and creepy!
we’re so back
wtf it's a terrifier sequel? I thought it was just an unrelated movie called Terrifier Three
>Mfw when people are terrified by Terrifier
Idk why but this made me kek
Yeah James A Jannie is a faggot. I remember him baseding out over the super gory torture scene in Terrifier 2, but the comical carrot rape scene in Jack Frost was way over the line for him, and he had to make a point about how gross he found it and how disgusted he was.
>taking the word of some literallywho
Meanwhile he's now a millionaire well known in the horror world living his dream despite having started from nothing with no industry connections and learning how to do make up effects from Tom Savini videos, while failed autismos shitpost on /tv/ about Poopyfarter's success
He looks jewish, I will always trust words that disparage a jew.
Calm down, Damien
Wake me up when there's a gangrape scene and they cut the holes in the woman they want to fuck. Climax is a skullfuck until she dies from brain hemorrhaging.
At least that one korean zombie (?) flick had a good skullfuck.
The Sadness was Chinese
i couldnt stop shidding and farding bros
I watched an early screening.
This is back to Terrifier 1 mood and the more comical tone has been really toned down. It’s genuinely pushing the limits, especially the family scene. It’s competent, I will admit. It doesn’t look or feel shit but 99% will walk out during first the 20 minutes.
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>the more comical tone has been really toned down
My interest plummets to 0 immediately
It was? Honestly that shit is all the same to me. I don't know the difference between asians except for that there's a white and a brown variety.
They said the same about the last one and it was a complete farce. I don't believe a word of this shit, even for a second.
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>99% will walk out during first the 20 minutes
impossibly kino if true
He is insanely pussy whipped that’s why.
throwing up or having to leave a horror movie at a movie theater isn't even that big a deal. if you can make me throw up in the comfort of my own home, without any potentially homicidal strangers around or a sound system BLASTING MY ASS BACK INTO THE SEAT WITH SCARE CUE SFX, that would be impressive.
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Terrifier 1 still had comic moments.
And I do prefer the vibe over Terrifier 2 since Art was way creepier there.
How many kids die onscreen?
From what I heard it's 2, one kid with a bomb present and the other with the mom scene
Does the shower scene actually shows any boobs for the female victim? Since for fuck's sake they are naked in the shower
Yes because Jason Vorhees and Michael Myers had such personality.
i was still skeptical about them killing kids, but if that's real, this might end up being one of those horror movies i like but can't show people. lol

this is simultaneously interesting and disappointing. it speaks to the quality of the first two films that i actually think both directions have merits and work well. some of the shit in Terrifier 2 would've been unhinged if it weren't for the comedic parachute.
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>3 gore kinos in a row
Has this happen before???
Can someone confirm this???
He made it that way to filter out people like you
>family scene
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>more Jewish torture porn
No thanks.
go back to facebook soccer mom
They're nothing special as movies but entertaining enough to kill an hour or two
>I'm sure
you sound anything but sure, and that lack of certainty is shared by the people who fund and create movies.
how can it be anything different when audiences have schizophrenic expectations like "different, but the same, but familiar, but fresh, but not uncomfortable"

how many different ways can you explore sticking knives into people?
I'm pretty sure most normies don't fantasize about getting a quadruple amputation, that's firmly in the realm of the sickos
Peeping Tom and Psycho were so heckin gory my fellow redditor!
Art needs to cut the nipples off of one of the girls he kills and sew them on top of his own. Do it early and wear them for the rest of the film. Maybe have one of them fall off in some comedic moment.
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Stop watching filth. Your soul is in peril. Find Christ and save yourself.
>99% will walk out during first the 20 minutes.
This leads me to believe this post is fake. I don't care how gory it is most people going in are going to know. Even half walking out would be insanely high. 99% is just absurd hyperbole.
my capitol city banned this move. 10 people in the kinoplex died from drowning in poop water
Is this the 1979 version? I know I could dig in but I like to go into things as spoiler free as I can so would like to be sure.
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Filled it in for you
They were menacing. The gay clown is just gay.
what does he even do that's so bad? does he cut open someone's baby and do a shit in it?
He says the N word with the hard R in your capitol city.
don't think any gore can shock me these days, good or bad thing, I don't know
Art called a transwoman sir
Is capital city posting back on the menu, sars?
Because it's bad. It's a terrible franchise that cheap out on practical effects for a movie whose gore and practical effects should be the attraction. Torture porn and gore porn for the sake of it is old as fuck. It's be watchable if there was something of substance but there's nothing there.
Saw was good, at least the first one. Comparing it to OP is just disingenuous.
You're not going to watch it?
>Some tax write-off?

First film cost around $50k, grossed about $500k in theaters. Second film cost $250k, grossed $16 million. This film's budget is $2 million, it will gross way more.

Low-budget horror films are profitable. Deal with it.
I like the humor. I haven't even seen any of them this kind of gore shit isn't for me. But the clips of art acting wacky I've seen on here are amusing. I think if it was toned down just a bit and the humor was played up more I might enjoy it. But that bedroom torture scene was too much for me. I can't deal with flayed skin and that kind of shit.
Death should be goofy and maybe a little painful but quick. Dragging it out there's just something wrong about it. I get it's not real and I'm not judging anyone who likes that kind of thing but it's a hard pass for me.
I saw the first two, I don't need to see a pile a shit again to know it's a pile of shit. >>204113704
I guess if you're like 14 and Le quirky killer klown is appealing, sure. Otherwise it's just cringey bullshit I think belong on tiktok
Im talking about the sequels that are ridiculously more gory and made bank because people went to see them and didnt complain about it
I dunno I just like the faces he makes, like how he mocks people silently. The scene in the drugstore with the goofy glasses just cracks me up for some reason. Sure it's childish but who cares man, it's not a serious movie in the first place.
I saw the second one and I'm complaining that it's shit. Gore for the sake of it and torture or the sake of it doesn't make a good gore torture movie.
Horror movies generally aren't serious, I wouldn't expect that. I just wanted it to be good. Personally the main appeal is supposed to be gore/torture but it's not good at that, so that's why I think it's shit.
I know right? The first one was great because it had a fresh horror movie plot with some good plot twists, but every sequel of it was just torture and gore porn. I still kinda enjoy them up to saw 3d because the premises are getting more and more ridiculous
>fresh horror movie plot
Not having a plot is a fresh plot?
Oh again... Anyway I'm planning to see it in my capital city theater.
I mean its a serial killer plot that has an original logic behind his killings.
It has a plot, all movies have a plot. You not understanding the plot doesn't invalidate it.
>original logic behind his killings
Anonplz, it's okay to like mindless shit tier movies, but you don't need to lie about them.
Terrifier Three Men and a Baby is unironically a good movie
Are you normally this stupid or is it just after watching this movie?
Actually sounds tolerable
I'm sorry the plot confused you. If there are any specific details you would like to discuss I would be glad to attempt to clarify. To be fair I haven't seen the movie in at least a decade so my memory will probably not be wholly accurate please keep that in mind.
Now you are being an ass about it.
Jigsaw was an original serial killer concept. I dont remember any other serial killer kidnapping and """"ethically"""" torture his victims with elaborate traps that are a reflection of their wrongdoings. Yes, they milked the whole thing to death, but that doesnt change the fact that Saw's premises were good
You seem to be purposefully being retarded so let me clarify. The plot isn't confusing, it's shit. Motives are confusing, their shit. The practical effects? Shit.
My bad anon, I agree with you, thought you were referring to the clown. Saw 1 is a great example of well used effects and gore on a s budget and still made a good movie. (everything after is entirely personal opinions.)
>The plot isn't confusing, it's shit
But that's not what you said, you said there is no plot. So you are now lying and attempting to cover your tracks by moving the goalpost. I really don't have time for a prolonged shitposting argument about nothing so I'll just accept your concession and move on. Cherrio
Oh a euro, that explains everything.
wtf is this??
I actually will, there's nothing else to look forward to
What's the most fucked up kill in the movie?
Yeah terrifier has a stupid premise but I guess horror/slasher fans seem to enjoy Art's cartoonishly edgy gore. I only saw the 1st one and I expected to add some rhyme into the 2nd one, but all they did was to mostly double down on the gore. I guess it works since people talk about it, but I dont really care about the Terrifier sequels.
Saw 1 on the other hand, was a very good thriller/slasher kino. Saw 2 was alright but it was obvious on 2 and 3 that the series were losing the plot and were devolving into a gore fest, with a ridiculous and sloppy plotlines
Cheap and a great FX resume builder. August Underground was shit but demonstrated great skills and led to real industry jobs
The family scene at the start
I don't get it.
A girl i was seeing took me to see terrifier 2 , i had a gag reflex at one of the scenes, she thought it was cute, remember that if a girl takes you to see this type of shit movie, pretend you're offended and disgusted, seems to work lmao
Can you describe it?
uh that's a terror movie, not a horror movie.
learn the difference if you're going to post here, Chudlington
terrifier hunts down the Jewish cabbal in this one. They also have a naked Anne Frank in it
One of the characters says something disparaging about the Torah. Art kind of loses his shit and goes a little bit overboard. I didn't shit my pants but I feel like it could have been left as an extra scene in the directors cut.
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I don't really care about gore for the sake of gore, it doesn't impress me, but the astroturf of this movie really turns me off what would otherwise be dumbfun tier slop.
this is exactly what normalfaggots think is envelope pushing thoughbeitever
And during this family scene, did you fart, shit, piss or cum, Damie-i mean anon?
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Just show the webm that will be spammed for months already, its OCTOBER 3rd FOR CRYING OUT LOUD
If you want to get laid then put on La La Land. the girl will think you're nice enough to care about what she wants to see, but it's so fucking boring she'll start digging around in your parents. Can confirm, watched it with my step-sis (she's not hot, she wears glasses)
The shilling for the second one here was the most obvious shit I've seen outside of Disney+ marketing threads. Not fooling me again with this 2/10 dogshit, especially not with Jewish defilement of Christmas involved.
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Imagine thinking Capitol City posting wasn’t started unironically by some Indian
Wow it was that bad
You might be surprised to know normies will literally walk out on children being killed in gory ways onscreen, only le hecking doggo etc. deaths make them more repulsed
the Serial Killer film genre and the Slasher genre are different from each other
yeah the star wars prequels
Texas chainsaw massacre barely had any blood in it and it was still a great horror
Star wars

the movie that was too hardcore for /tv/
i have no desire to ever watch any of these movies
Watching this while high and laughing the whole time sounds very tempting to me
The Funny Games remake is actually good though and not nearly as gratuitous as Terrifier
What is funny about the games?
Terrifier 2 was kino and very underrated by the access media.
Who is this made for?
Gory movies is Reddit. Actual snuff films is 4channel.
>I'm aware
Doesn't look like it.
Troons despise Art because he dressed up like them once and pranced around wearing a pair of lopped of tits.
It perfectly explains the seething he receives on this board.
Modern leftists are puritanical faggots masquerading as radical Marxists.
They sleep on seeing faggotry in a movie and guys with their cocks out by cry like a bitch if a girl boss gets her tits chopped off.
Did he really say that?
anyone who pays attention can tell he relentlessly shills these flicks here
At my local theater everyone left the theater and killed every child in the county but they wont report the truth on the news

I won't either because I'm getting child support.

My husband admitted that he was somewhat familiar with the concept of non perfection. Bye loser!
The movie makes all the right people seethe, its certified based
you know cartel videos are real right
In what way?
>gore is unrealistic even by (real video example) standards
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Will Art also do a cringe dance routine before slashing her?
>Inugami Korone loves these
>I am too pussy to watch
Learn to read retard.
How can moving images make someone sick?
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>me taking my clussy gf to see terrifier 3
this guy's face reminds me of that flying jewish alien from the first star wars prequel.
Are there any scenes that top the bedroom scene from 2?
>muh 90 minutes
Retarded boomer showing his age.
Since when do clowns have noses like that?
I do wonder how many shitposters in the thread have seen either of the previous films.
capital city bro we are so back
He couldn't possibly be more correct
I'm assuming a baby or toddler is killed in graphic detail. A dog is probably also killed in graphic detail. This really upsets women and Americans.
How droll
>movie isn't out
>show the webm

Cope. He botched the film reel twice and had to fill time with broll
>doesn't even rape her
Art's a true gentleman
Humiliation ritual.
Just a reminder that the OG Hellraiser is still incredible
its fun. its halloween. teens need something fucked up to watch.
okay, but how many shit themselves in their capital city?

You already know what kind of limpwristed but fucked in the head weirdo actually enjoys these kind of movies. The kind of fag that tries to sound edgy and deep like saying "we're all just sacks of meat clinging to a rock in a void" but is somehow still a total loser that would avert their eyes if some methhead cut ahead of them in subway and dared them to say something about it.
Bro, funny games sucks, do not compare it with Terrifier 2. Michael Haneke pissed and shitted all over unspoken slasher rules such as don't kill kids, don't be excessively realistic, and leave a victim alive. We don't watch horror movies to see someone kill and torture people, slashers are a way to remind us that humans are fragile, but we can fight adversity and survive.
Modern people are so soft
>Everyone pretends they don't exist
Hostel is still one of the most memorable and discussed horror films of all time
>Psychopathic normies
Just say edgy, you’re giving real psychopaths out there a bad name.
Terrifier is so cringe
Psychopaths are just edgy
it's Halloween faggot! So suck it, blood and guts for everyone, not a gay parade for you! Go and wait until June
Based post
it's for 15 year old fat kids with BO and pet snakes
Ok what Horror movie you like?
>Just the SFX crew showing off
hopefully not, it looks like fucking garbage
Imagine being so dumb you fall for the marketing.
The marketing:
So like americans?
I just watched the first one last night (Partly) but then my girlfriend screamed at me during the splitting in two scene.
I think its on Tubi or Prime or some shit for free
why is that black cop harassing that Jewish guy?
yeah pretty much honestly
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Sophistic reptile.
Jewish filth to desensitize goyim to the violence awaiting them.
Reminder that all the posts pretending to be offended by this slop are just marketing
idk why you'd go to Terrifier 3 and expect anything less than a bunch of gore.
Did these people go to the 3rd movie without seeing the previous ones? I doubt it's THAT much worse than 2.
why arent the capital cities filled with shit and cum yet? whats going on actually?
i'm a psychopath and this isn't what i consider kino. this is more like what baby borderlines and narcissists will like, as it's fantasy.
as an aside, the house that jack built is kino.
Liveleak for normies
These film creators must be nonces and/or Jews. It's vulgarity for no reason. I suppose pigs need their slop.
No preggo clown girl, no watch
Brits hated the V For Vendetta film because it denounced fascism. Since the days of kings and serfs, Britain has viewed art as a weapon against their majesty's honor and integrity
>for no reason
How do you know?
I'm not going to bother giving (You)s, but please tell me some gorefest horror films which don't classify as "safe edgy/safe horror/safe gore" or whatever
Every produced film is going to technically be safe edgy or whatever you want to call it. The only truly reprehensible films that aren't just people playacting for a camera would be something like Daisy's Destruction, which is quite literally illegal to watch.
>Just to see the coyote get blown up and crushed

t. retard

The reason to watch Roadrunner cartoons, is for the ACME products
Only japs are white
girls wear shower bras (or a tee-shirt) when they take a shower retard
one man shit so hard he died on the spot
another was forced to cum over and over repeatedly until the amount of orgasms lead to death
it sounds unbelievable, but it happened
Only those that like horror slop. Horror kino fans hate the slop.
They're just weirdos pretending to be hardcore, psychos at least might do something other than pretend
Zoom zoom zoom
I don't believe it
Dubs and it's a marketing stunt
I can watch a movie like terrifier and not be phased, but a live leaks torture video will make me feel sick. For some people the difference between the two won't be as pronounced and both make them feel sick.
I notice a trend in threads about hyper-violent content like Terrifier or Crossed that people who don't like the violence are wimps or sissies, but the people enjoying these movies and calling others wimps are merely engaging with a simulation of violence, there's nothing at stake and their bravado is merely a sign and not real.
I enjoy hyperbolic, simulated violence but it hasn't been a means to delineate myself from others in order to inflate my ego since I was 12

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