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Oh yeah that happened

Now that the dust has settled, did they rape him or not? Seems pretty ambiguous.
makes zero sense how THIS is the reason he decides to stop the joker persona and pussy out and go back to being arthur. this is fucking retarded.
crust status?
>freeze frame
>record scratch
Imdb says he got raped, so yeah.
I mean it doesn't make any difference if he pussies out at this point, he's in jail.
Getting that bussy blown out.
with no survivors
>40 second long shot of him quivering after getting raped

was this really necessary
His PTSD is revived, proving the joker persona didn't solve his prior issues (the cards he's deal with in life.) He has no use for joker anymore
Get literally made him into a woman. There is not a better reason.
overstimulated prostate needs time for recovery
you can tell how much the director was seething at chuds liking this character, its like when the pepe frog comic artist tried to have a "funeral" for the character
i just thought it was fucked up trailer music sings about sweet sweet love if all you got in store for people is a mentally ill dude receiving gay gang rape and bitch breaking up with him afterwards.
I've never seen a movie hate its protagonist so much. Even Hitler biopics are more sympathetic towards him than this.
Before this he breaks a bit when his only friend from the first is scared of him, and after the rape his only friend from this movie is strangled. It’s a buildup.
well thats one way to stop the incels from using him as role model
Well he's technically not an incel anymore after this scene.
>everyone so focused on the rape no one is talking about the part where he willingly kisses a dude
do you even know what that fucking word actually means without looking it up?
Why would they rape him that’s gay
Do you?
im jewish
That word trigger you or something?
at what point in any of the first two movies did arthur go on a computer and post on /r9k/ about how he can’t get a girlfriend because of arbitrary things that are completely his fault?
>straight men who have sex with woman
>"Joker wasn't raped

>closest homosexuals imposing their sexual fantasies onto Arthur as their self insert wishing they were raped by a group of strong men
>"Joker was raped"
not at all. see >>204157159
https://cytube.implying.fun/c/srb2k were watching it at double speed and it unironically saves the movie holy shit
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Corrective rape
>In prison
>Raped by police
>Not a minority
that's believable......
so he wasn't raped then?
Involuntary celibacy
(Translator's note: celibacy means abstention from sexual intercourse)
Having sex == not an incel
I thought the first one was all right but I can't stand "lady" gaga. Is there any chance the stabbing is symbolism where the joker persona kills Arthur (so basically full schitzo storyline) or is it really just Jewish subversion?
Deu xmoi tips about Titanic era Leo/Joaquin kissing after taking X:
>now that the crust has settled
Does this mean Joker was buck broken?
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actually he fucks gaga girst
then he loses his anal virginity towards the end of the movie
I don't think YOU know what incel means.
You can't possibly be autistic enough to think a character getting dragged over to a separate room and stripped of his clothes while shouting "no! no!" followed by a shot of him getting dragged back in his underwear was just punched off-screen.
>his only friend from this movie is strangled
Oh yeah that non-character who followed Arthur around and never had any meaningful bonding scene with him. That the guards just straight up murder in cold blood and is never mentioned again. Great writing.
I'll take the latter
>watching a musical starring lady gaga where the main character is gay raped
If you watch this you're zesty af
What are the odds Joaquin Phoenix went to a Diddy freak off?
He kissed a young admirer who thinks he's the real joker. Using his celeb status to land some white twink...typical jew tricks
well, all right. Nolan's Joker was the best (sorry Mr. Nicholson) anyway...
Does he laugh? Of he doesnt start laughing from his condition then this movie is SHIT
This seems like a metaphor for how hollywood treats its characters. Any movie that becomes a hit is raped and turned gay.
Todd howard did not want to do a sequel
I mean the guard is abusive but never shown as gay. I was assuming they were waterboarding him and shocking his balls. He's all covered in water and his make up is smeared. I figure if they raped him he'd be leaking shit and blood on his underwear. I don't see any shit or blood.
He does in the movie but not after the rape.
it's only gay if you're willingly penetrated
Those kinds of rapists delude themselves into thinking that raping men is a power play and doesn't make them gay.
Joaquin is straight.
kek first thing that came to mind
Has any of the other Jokers been straight up raped? It just turns out a bit of rape could have saved many, many lives.
Unless I see raw thrusting I'm going with ball shocking. I wanna see bone on bone. Just mashing it in there. Man I hate liberals.
Yeah thats what i mean. He should have been laughing uncontrollably. Shit writing, shit movie
Dude I love the work of Jean Genet.
you were definitely gay raped in the ass
If you refuse to believe something just because you didn't see it, then why do you believe he got ball shocked if that wasn't shown either? You're being disingenuous
why would they drag him behind something and pull his pants off? if they just beat him they'd show it on screen
It doesn’t even look like they’re into it. Who would get hard to that gangly male body?
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This. This just proves that all batman has to do is rape the Joker.
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>POW, right in the asshole
>POW, right in the asshole
>POW, right in the asshole
>POW, right in the asshole
You mean that American made frog you retards spam?
>times you acted like the Joker

Did they run a checkbox on all the things they can do to Arthur to humiliate and degrade his character? Seems excessive
Do you honestly think that goofy fuck was getting laid living with his mother? With that job? With that face? With that fruity demeanor? Retard
>the system is a big problem not taking care of mentally ill people and pushing them into an edge
>actually no, you are the problem faggot
what the fuck was Todd Philips thinking? What was the point of the rape scene? if in the end they are just going with "lol joker was the problem all along"
The whole movie is one long humiliation ritual for Arthur, you can directly feel how butthurt the director was that some people emphasized with him in the first movie.
honestly makes one wonder how the fuck the studio let all this shit go and thought it was a good idea. I mean you bank a billion of the first one, sure you up the money for the second ones making but they flat out destroyed the character and you'd think at some point someone would have say but 'wait we want endless sequels'.
Holy fuck you really NEED it to be tape don’t you? Relax tranny
If they didn't show it on screen then it didn't happen. The whole point of movies is to show the story they're telling. No rape seen clearly on screen? Then there was no rape.
Wait, what is it?! I can’t see it on my iPhone.
>What was the point of the rape scene?
It's a giant humiliation ritual. The point of it isn't that Joker is being raped. The point is that YOU and everyone else who liked the first movie are being raped.
The whites were getting a little too quirky after the first one so the juden had to come down hard. Sinking 200 mil is a drop in the bucket to ruin an iconic performance.
>>the system is a big problem not taking care of mentally ill people and pushing them into an edge
>>actually no, you are the problem faggot
It's almost impressive how both movies were directed and written by the same guy.
The first movie was mid tho
>starts thinking about trannies unprovoked
>the juden
Joker 1 is a jewish psyop that portrays social outcasts and revolutionaries as assets of the elite. By using the Trickster archetype (Jewish: Hershel of Ostropol), the film tricks the audience (holly wood was used to cast spells) into thinking Arthur is against the system when in fact he works for it.
>first, that stage comedian absolves Jews of sin in the audience's minds by claiming they're discriminated against (saying the college won't accept him)
>the black mom love subplot to push race mixing, also every black is portrayed as another victim of the system, much like Arthur, while le evil Wayne/Drumpf whitey is the bad guy
>Arthur and his mom are MK-Ultra'd (explains his laughter), his entire revolutionary persona is staged by the elites, as are the protests
>media associates the film with MK-Ultra patsy James Holmes
>Superrats=Jews, that's why Murray jokes about "Supercats" so that his audience doesn't take it seriously (Supercats=anti-Zionist measures)
And the only thing that happened after Joker 1 was the "summer of love blm" riots.
>be so angry that some people found "the Joker" cool that you dedicate the entire sequel to making sure nobody will ever admire the character again even if it means the movie will be a flop
I kind of admire the dedication
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good times
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Of course it's the prison guards doing the raping
lady gaga was the problem. she acts like a diva, 100% she asked for those changes
I was molested so if anything I'm going to self insert as him twice as hard now
So what I'm getting from this is the following scenario. Writing ideas bullet points prior to filming:

* What if George Floyd but with a white guy? Bet they'd get their mind blown then huh?

* What if rape but it's a GUY that gets traumatized. Bet chuds would see the evil of rape culture if it happened to their precious incel anti-hero!

I assume it felt pretty clever at one point. It almost kind of is, but not really.
This movie is so jewish
Isn't it more how people could recognize themselves in parts of the character? The despair and loneliness, not getting any help and becoming hateful because of it etc. Sure it gets taken to 11 but that's just entertainment.

Anyway, I'm not watching the sequel it seems like just more modern garbage.
the splash art is straight date but he takes it up the ass from guards and kisses boys on the prison yard.

Man i´m not paying for this, Arthurs a faggot
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I've never seen audiences so pissed off by a movie in my life. Everyone seemed to enjoy the first one a lot but absolutely NOBODY I know is interested in this movie. The reviews get worse and worse every day and the people who have seen it seem genuinely outraged by how bad it is. My dad loved the first movie and has been ranting all day about how everyone says "they fucked it all up" with the sequel. And now he's in a pissy mood like he has lost all hope for Hollywood. It's not just that it was a disappointing sequel, it seems designed to demoralize audiences. Everyone who watches it just becomes miserable and pessimistic about the future of this industry. I mean holy shit how did Warner fuck up this bad
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>You mean that American made frog you retards spam?
Arthur/Joker isn't the same character in the second movie. Just compare him at the end of the first with any of the courtroom scenes. Phoenix doesn't even tries to act the same, it's a conscious mockery of the character. Joker 2 actually tries to claim that Arthur isn't mentally ill and is fully responsible for his actions, despite the overwhelming amount of evidences in the first movie. At the end of the day it's just a movie about a poor mentally ill man who has been abused since he was a child getting further humiliated, raped and killed. Classy.
>it seems designed to demoralize audiences
I watched it (yeah i'm a retard) and this is exactly what it was
He came and couldn’t handle it.
That's the main issue. This is simply not a movie about the Joker (the supervillain from Batman).
It's false advertising.
WTF Joke is woke now?
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This movie stinks HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
So glad I got to see this for free, can’t imagine paying for this shit kek. My friend went wearing a Sam Hyde shooter shirt and I went in my Drive jacket
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The only way for me to enjoy movies is if I can see myself as the character. So when I saw Joker get raped on screen, I saw myself getting rapped. I had to pay for the whole experience, the least they could've done was pay me to sit through their humiliation ritual.
based director owning the incels
>beaten up by...wall street guys
>gangraped in prison by...the guards
something's off with these movies
makes you think, if this film is to be believed, how many cases of alleged mental illness could be cured very easily just be smacking them around a little bit.
Personally i think violence is never the answer but you have to admit that parents hit their kids for thousands of years and everything was fine until they stopped like 10-15 years ago.
they were just kicking his nards
stop talking out of your ass and don't ever have kids, you know nothing about parenting
yeah because retards and psychopaths didnt exist back then anon.
Shalom kike
The first movie was the hyperbolic made for TV movie everyone watched in the Joker 2 universe that was overly sympathetic to Arthur and got everything wrong
Maybe they gave him the wedgie of a lifetime
More like sodomized with a nightstick is what'd I'd say it was.
>lady gaga was the problem
lady gaga was unironically the only person who played her role well. she evoked the reaction she was meant to from the audience (contempt for her)
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>Make an entire movie called "Joker" about a mentally ill social outcast who invents the persona of the Joker and enacts all of his depraved fantasies
>Make a sequel
>Actually that guy wasn't the Joker this rando faggot who stabs him is
Genuinely what the fuck were they thinking
>I've never seen audiences so pissed off by a movie in my life.

lmao, even. time to grow up a lil' bit, zoomzoom.
Oh no too many based boys idolised the character as a sigma male and they had to make an example out of the character
What I was thinking.
They were thinking your artsy fartsy character study is fun and all but we've got underoos and notebooks to sell with this character's likeness on it, we have a whole new Batman movie coming and we need the Joker back.
no, it's just a movie
but did he coom from getting his prostate blasted? damn i hate it when movies leave questions unanswered
KEK FOR REAL he wouldn’t be killing him lmao
Sounds like DEI/jews pounced on this and tried to ruin it as quick as possible because the original was popular. I never even saw it all the way through, but this new one looks unwatchable.
>screws aren’t absolute crust busting faggots
I don’t get what you’re implying.
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it's really weird to me the director and tons of circlejerkers pretended the first movie was this indictment of the treatment of the mentally ill, then goes on to make torture porn like this and you're clearly supposed to cheer that "le incel gets comeuppance"
haven't seen the movie but there's an unholy aura surrounding this release
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That's the most Jewish thing I've seen all my life. It deserves another Oscar.
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not beating your kids is exclusively a white person thing, according to every nonwhite i've spoken to and twitter/reddit
which is weird since before that, i thought beating and molesting your kids was a uniquely white and mexican thing
Todd Phillips was mad that people liked Arthur as a character so he made this sequel to ruin destroy him so nobody likes him and he unfortunately succeeded. The real question is why the fuck WB would approve of this shit.
oh shit! thanks for clarifying :P
You cannot convince me this whole movie isn’t some shitty attempt at a corporate Jewish psy op. The song when the saints come marching in is about judgement day. The hope of being among the faithful who are saved. The lyrics express a longing for spiritual redemption and the desire to join the saints in heaven.
And then you that set to the backdrop and implication of Joker getting anally raped by white police officers.
The whole idea being they’re defiling the popular character of Joker and what that meant for male audiences in 2019. You can go further and say that they’re implying the “white incel” ideology of 2019 was anally raped by the “white police are bad therefore all whites are bad” ideology of the 2020 USA riots.
I can obviously see the film industry got upset Joker won awards because they were fearful of the ideology it had.
This is the response, this is their futile attempt at fighting back at whatever self perceived message they got out of the first film.
Which I think sucked btw, but I’m amazed at how so many people took it personally.
If you freeze frame you can see something leaking down his leg…
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Lady Gaga was obviously a subversive glownigger plant working to kill Arthur and the Joker movement using all of their usual tricks.
>Rich kid who went to school to be a psychiatrist
>"Checks herself into the asylum" to be close to him
>When he sees her, she comes into the hall and all the guards just let her do her little psycho performance for him
>Next scene, the head guard pulls some strings so he can be in the music class even though he never explicitly said he wanted to
>She moves with impunity even though she burnt the asylum down
>She has unfettered access to him. Not only in solitary but also all the various visitations
>she convinces him to fire his lawyer
>implied she is the defacto leader of Le Joker Revolutionary movement
>she empowers him to embrace Joker in the courtroom which ultimately gets him raped
>she disowns him
>Joker Revolutionaries blow up the courthouse and he escapes
>She just happens to be at the most obvious spot
>Black pills him one last time after shedding her Harley persona
>As soon as she leaves, law enforcement is immediately there in droves
>"You've got a visitor, Fleck"
>implied it's her/the system setting him up by making it think it's her
>Gets stabbed by nameless psycho
>His last public words is that he's a literal who nobody
Did they creampie him?
It’s no coincidence they timed it just a few weeks before the election.
Why are white c*ps so EVIL?
It's no coincidence this was released right before the election. Real insidious shit.
plot twist: joker has a gun up his ass which shoots a flag that says BANG!
>Oh my Science! Authoritarianism has truly taught me the error of my ways. I will never rebel against the establishment ever again, no sir
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now we know todd phillips was trolling this whole time, homaging the best rendition of the joker
I think it's a case of WB didn't really give a shit about the first movie, didn't think it would do big business but when it became a huge hit they begged Phillips to do a sequel and they let him do pretty much whatever he wanted. He might have fucked things up for future directors because if this movie bombs DC and WB won't let anyone have such freedom ever again.
Kek. They really ran the gamut on the character assassination bit.
>they all came inside
imagine the smell
is that a recurring thing? enjoyed watching movies with Anons years ago, but never seen it being a thing since
And they still think chubby Superman from pedo director Gunn will do shit for them lololol. Audiences have been conditioned to believe DC movies will be a bad theatre experience.
So is it actually a musical? I haven't seen anyone mention the music yet
It's like the moment WB realizes they have something really big, the curse activates and whatever comes next is doomed.
It is a musical, it's just that the song sequences isn't particularly notable, feels tacked on to pad out the film and make it over two hours long.
is the soundtrack good at least?
he had a nice creamy crust
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>stops being the joka after this
does rape correction work irl? if i rape a black dude will he stop stealing?
Why does this film have so much coded gay intimidation against the incel protagonist?
They did him a Gadsby, like they say in standup circles
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>Korean Chuds are rising up
>They are sitting in the PREGNANT women seats
gook-women btfo!
Do you think he came when they bricked inside his asshole?
>WB greenlights a musical/gay porno movie where their most popular villain is constantly humiliated and ultimately raped and killed
All for the low, low cost of $200m. Bravo.
Doesn't Hollywood have test audiences just to avoid shitshows like this? I can't imagine this movie testing well with anyone.
Gee, thanks for reminding me that entire anthology comic exists. It has the same spiritual signature as Joker 2, except the comic's author clearly meant it positively and the film smacks of resentment/cynicism. Plenty of rape in both though. Plenty of rape.
Yeah Hildur's score is good. the Album is better than the movie
Actually, yes. A intelligent historical scholar named Tariq Nasheed did a documentary on the subject.
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funny enough
Sounds based as fuck
he's not an incel. he's fucking women. getting fucked in the ass by guys. far from celibate
it's only gay if you're receiving
Your dick has to get hard to fuck someone. If it gets hard for a guy, you're gay.
>Joker 2 actually tries to claim that Arthur isn't mentally ill and is fully responsible for his actions

separating your actions behind a wall of mental illness is retarded which is why he had enough of his lawyer
>If you don’t let some asshole trust fund kids brutally murder you on the subway train you deserve to get your crust busted!1!1
Jok3r :
Phoenix as Final Boss level Joker who has no memory of his gay origin story but likes to kill while dancing to Lady Gaga songs vs that jacked Reacher guy as Batman
getting that clussy clown out
you just know joaquin asked for this scene
both movies suck ass literally
>all this rape
>all these gay scenes
someone check the credits. is tariq nasheed involved this time?
Most Hitler biopics treat him as a human, mainly to enforce the themes and ideas. But it is kinda fucked here
The prequels where really hated until Disney fucked up harder. The seething from the last jedi is still very vocal, but the hatred for Jar Jar still exists today
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Jim Gordon wanted to rape the joker cuz he raped his daughter (batgirl) in the comics
>if i rape a black dude will he stop stealing?
Yes, it's called buckbreaking
Is it true that the ending is Arthur getting stabbed to death by a guy who's supposed to be the Heath Ledger Joker
They need to re-add the scene of Lee kissing the female heckler now wtf both of them should be allowed to be gay
This reminds me of that tragedy that happened in the summer of 1992.
there was no poopy on his whitey tighties after they drag him to the cell thus there could have been no poopy rapey
All the studios care about nowadays is content, and how much content they can license onto streaming services.
The incentive structure to produce watchable movies has collapsed, it's now just shock value rage bait and/or previous IPs being endlessly rehashed. If you want to watch good shit,
Your birth?
No, someone got raped and murderer I'm the hot summer of 92
Kevin Nash isn't my dad as proven by the fact that I'm not dead
I think it makes perfect sense. First movie he snaps and starts living out a fantasy which he only gets away with for so long because of luck and surprise attacks. It makes sense that being bitched out makes him crash back to reality. Like yeah try being Mr hehe killer guy around a bunch of strong men who will fuck your ass. I haven't seen the movie
who the fuck still watches movies?
haha I get it wow that's such a funny meme! i'm sure it will catch on in just a few more weeks!
my thoughts exactly. Everybody in the film business is a fucking faggot sellout cultist. Ruins the whole thing for me.
all chud must die
I am gay man
it's uniquely resentful modern garbage, I would not subject myself to it.
It's pretty clear Jackie and the guards were going to do it again if he got out of line on tv. It's why Arthur was staring at the camera and we were cutting between Arthur and Jackie looking at each other through the screen for like 20 seconds.
>make a character incel nazi freaks love
>rape him and turn him gay in the sequel

lol, lmao even.
this was deliberate. it was made for no one. this was money laundering and a strategic tax write off.
The same reason all the guards were fat boomers. Phillips was humiliating Arthur and the power structure at once. A blanket take down of white masculinity.
>he thinks security guards are what you need to worry about in prison
>he thinks wealthy guys in suits are what you need to worry about on the subway
that was the entire point
>Joker reviews come out
>Every villian in the movie is a white man including Arthur
>Incels and trolls start identifying with the character when the movie comes out
>the movie is also genuinely good and well recepted
>Director is seething that his creation has emboldened the people he meant to disenfranchise
>Makes the shittiest move ever and spends $200M to do it
>Studio can write off the losses against their gains on other films this year
>Incels spiraling over the rape and overall message
>Reviews are terrible
>No mention of Incels shooting up the theaters though
Only takes one retard to take it really personally...
Possibly the Joker from the Suicide Squad game, but I don't think it was rape.
Joker: Fole Un Bussy
>Everyone seemed to enjoy the first one a lot but absolutely NOBODY I know is interested in this movie
because nobody asked for joker 2
It's the Jewish worldview. No redemption or catharsis. Just gross nihilistic misery then you die pointlessly, executed with gleeful sadism from tricking you into believing there could have been anything more
I hope in Joker 3 he rapes Bruce Wayne
he trimmed her bush
>this character you liked?
>anyway, we made him a homosexual and he gets gang raped
Unironically, where did the budget go? First movie was $55 million. They tripled the budget, but basically shot the movie on two sets.
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to be fair, the way he shoved his fingers into Bruce's mouth then trailed his fingers down Bruce's chest in the first film felt not exactly straight. there's reason why people will say the Joker is a homosexual coded character.
and there's this from the first Joker's script, pic related.
is there a full camrip with subs fr?
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>anon's first humiliation ritual
does he use his weird effeminate zesty voice when he says it? It was so weird when he started doing that out of nowhere in the first movie
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batman did
If it's ambiguous, it happened. There is no way after all the bullshit and dragging through the dirt they do for Arthur that they'd not want you to assume that was the case. The insinuation is very clear.
>literally the one movie that needed test audiences
>doesn't get them

you can't make this shit up
I think it's also worth noting WB has been putting out bombs and claiming them as massive financial loses for tactics purposes. What if this is for that purpose?

Sorry, I can't trust anything to they do. They don't seem like a real company anymore.
sounds more like they knew it would bomb
Underrated kek
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top fuckin kek
People are saying that Phillips humiliated Arthur to spite incels who resonated with him, but is that really case? When you think about it, almost everything bad that happens to Arthur is because he pussies out from embracing the Joker. If he fully committed, he wouldn't have lost Harley, he wouldn't have been stabbed by the disappointed inmate, he would have escaped with the fans who helped him after the courthouse bombing, and wouldn't have been recaptured. He suffers because he tries to go back to keeping his head down while being a doormat to be walked over.
No, he imagined telling them to buy him dinner before ass fucking him, he imagined them dragging him to the rape showers, he imagined them yanking his pants down to rape his asshole, and he imagined them dragging him loose-assed and mind broken back to his cell.
He was in Arkham. He was already committed.
I'm going to pretend that there's only one movie and no sequel.
How old is Brendan Gleeson? Kinda funny getting raped by a 70 year old fat Irish guy
>$2.50 "convenience" fee

Truly a society.
Damn he predicted all of this.
pozzed joker
Only smart comment in this thread.
People dont want to understand just how helpless Arthur was
shut up zoomer retard
humiliation ritual
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all actors are gay
Why are the Jews so spiteful?
Crucifying martyrs is kinda their thing.
Because baby we were born this way. Lady Gaga is Abramovich’s acolyte and because Lady Gaga serves so loyally she gets to do basically whatever she wants, so that’s why she’s in this. The movie is the way it is though because the reaction to the first was unexpected and caused a panic among the elites so they set out to sacrifice another male role model while not realizing how dangerous it is that people were seeing themselves in that version of the Joker of all people. They’re trying to kill The Lord of the Rings especially, but failing and that is massively pissing them off.
Not raped
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>You have to do it Batman. You have to rape The Joker. Trust me, it'll work.
Turns out he was right all along.
Genuinely one of the worst movies I've ever seen in theaters. I hope Todd Phillips dies from cancer that retarded faggot
Funny how the "downtrodden" who insist they liked the first movie because they could relate to Arthur immediately dropped the mask the moment, in that suffering they say they understand, he gets emasculated.
It really is all a bunch of third world incels who'd betray each other the moment a guy gets humiliated by society huh
Going to a theater and seeing Joker 2 is like a retard test...and you failed you retard
Pretty much yeah.
And sad how they relate to him as a murdering psychopath, but not as a rape victim
You aren't wrong. I'm fucking retarded f9r having given this kike my time and money for this piece of trash. Hopefully Todd philips develops pancreatic cancer so that I can feel a bit better about my dip shit decision.
maybe it's up to the viewer to decide. real art house stuff here
Was he too young to understand all the 70s movies and headlines he ripped off were inspiring to certain viewers?
>pregnant women seat in worst corea
it's basically a free seat
This is the kind of shitskin who sucks off the rich. Literally no higher thinking with ant brained retards like this China man
Imagine posting and replying to this obvious psyop faggotry. You fucks are gonna die in WW3, and ur kids, they will have a worse fate
He's laying there with 3 dudes loads in his ass. It's official cannon.
Probably, that would be another real-world headline Todd ripped off
dying in WW3 would be a mercy
thats why its such a shit rendition of the joker, gets raped and doesn't even get any kind of revenge, dude was never joker in the first place cause joker wouldve done something
>fans rebel against malicious humiliation ritual
>noooo you were supposed to lay down and take it
>canon joker's only vulnerability is rape
does that mean that indian joker is invincible?
>if they just beat him they'd show it on screen
I'm surprised they didn't show the rape. It's not like it hasn't been done plenty of times before
yep definitely this
At least you can officially say that the Joker is literally you now.
>Todd Phillips was mad that people liked Arthur as a character
Is there any actual proof of this or is it all just speculation?
You rebel by mocking male rape victims? It's almost like you're upholding the status quo like some kinda cattle!
that makes sense the way you say it but I cant imagine thats what Todd Phil intended
ah the ole 1992 special
Is this the "kiss" that's triggering people? Here I was expecting he'd be taking that twink to the moon but it's barely a peck that neither enjoy.
So Joaquin is totally checked out, the twink comes with some stupid shit the guards are using to tease him, and Joaquin does it and goes "here, leave me alone". Basically "he's sank so low, he'll even kiss a man" — how can anyone think that this is gay propaganda?
With that context removed it turns them on, so therefore it's propaganda
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>Jackie, aren't you gonna buy me a drink first?
>*Lady Gaga - Bad Romance starts playing*
Was this really necessary?
You know shit is bad when shills are pushing for a that.
the first movie was filled with him suffering, and in the main moment he gets back at the wall st boys, in this one hes supposed to have developed further into joker mode and yet he doesnt achieve anything against anyone and is even more a victim that the last one, why would he take pleasure in seeing our hero make no attempt to right the wrongs he receives
The dinner comment and him acting mega faggy says yeah.

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