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>Let us go through the Mines of Moria
>and then the rocks raped Gimli
anon...are you alright?
Sorry I'm just caught up in clown rape programme
Wouldn't that have been the obvious choice from the start, if no one knew that all the dwarves were dead and the mines had become infested by monsters? Gandalf acts like he knows, so why didn't he at least give them a heads up warning, "oh hey, just FYI your cousin is dead and their city has fallen and there might also be a giant fire demon down there"
memebrainrot and fomo
You don't have to parrot everything you see, anon.
we're talking about joker atm. make this thread again in a week and it should "fly"
>this mountain pass is kind of slippery, let's go somewhere safe like the lightless subterranean catacombs of muerte
bravo tolkien
>Yeah, you go ahead, there... I'm gunna stay here... Where I don't get killed by fairy tale monsters.
>make this thread again in a week and it should "fly"
I guess you could say that this thread didn't fly so good?
Nah, it's flying well at the moment.
>Let the ringbearer, who knows absolutely nothing about this place I've forgot how to traverse, and the ancient evil in the depths below, decide what we should do
Gee thanks, Gandalf
>haven't heard from those guys in years, I wonder what they're up to? It is odd that no messages or shipment have come through from Moria in a hundred years, but I'm sure they're fine
Oh this i so embarrassing... he didn't open his email...
I've never actually paid attention to this movie as I'm usually scrolling reddit on my phone. Gandalf knew the mines were fucked with dead dwarves and the Balrog right? Why didn't he mention this before they went in?
He likely just heard a rumor of it
>Gandalf acts like he knows, so why didn't he at least give them a heads up warning
He didn't want to sway Frodo's decision.

>Mines and possible balrog death
>Pass and possible avalanche death

Gandalf was letting his intuition guide him.
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>drubs in the deeb :DDD
Maybe you could reach the mailbox, Dwarf, if your head stood but a little higher from the ground
Gandalf knew that their mission was guided by Eru, and that Frodo was avatar of his Creator's plan of action. To make the choice himself would have usurped the music of the Fellowship's mission, and reflected Gandalf's undying faith in the One he held above all others.

But yeah intuition.
Thank you for stating it better than I could.
isn't gandalf seemingly knowing about moria a hackson ad lib? i can't recall getting that impression from the book
She said "Come to Moria, there's nobody home"!
I came, there were goblins and a Balrog!
No respect!
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>This mentally handicapped special needs child was put in charge of the cronicles of Moria
well jokes on him, he's dead now
Maybe that's why the dwarves knew nothing of what happened to the expedition
>Fookin' 'ell... Another letter from cousin Ori...
>Burn it like the rest of the letters he's been sending all week
All of this very different in the book. The "adults" argued about this in length in Rivendell already and Frodo never got to decide shit. It was Gandalf who always pushed for Moria, fearing Saruman in both the other routes.
I hated this character
Shut up faggot
For all they knew, his cousin lived there bro
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Great idea asshole
Grand elf! lets go to the mines of more reeeeee ah?
Dude, it says here we need a password!
>hundred years
More like decades, one could expect to find dwarves holed up in some defensible part of Moria unable to send messages because goblins, though it is unlikely.
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a most excellent idea
let us go to reddit!
He’s right, anon. You seem stupid and easily influenced.
First of all watch your language. We don't need to bring slurs into it
Cave explorers, and especially cave divers, should be considered essentially suicidal and are a huge hassle for local authorities who have to repeatedly attempt to rescue them from their poor decisions.
You will never get more mad than listening to a cave diver horror story, it’s like watching a horror movie with dumb characters but even worse because it’s real. By the end of it, you’ll almost certainly hate them as much as you pity them for dying.
literally me when anyone tries to enter my kino cave
Worst (best?) part is that two kids got lost, stuck, and nearly died the same way just around "the corner" in that part of the cave, just a few years before. You'd think that'd been warning enough to shut down that cave.
you have posted this on the incel clown rape board by mistake
Yeah. Gandalf always wanted to go through Moria. Aragorn is against it because he has some premonition about it.
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And he did this knowing his wife was pregnant. Now his kid is gonna grow up without a dad and be ridiculed in school for how much a dumbass his dad was
It's the opposite. Gandalf had ALREADY been through Moria, but going East to West. He made it fine because he was by himself and didn't have imbecile hobbits tagging along.
Bruh it had been over 150 years since he had been there
They didn't know for sure that the reclamation effort had failed or that Durin's Bane was a balrog and also still hanging out. Even then, it was a small expedition of Dwarves that set out for it, and Moria is massive. Even after the years they had, they would have only possibly reclaimed a small portion of it, and the rest would be a dark maze of crumbling stonework. And like with any underground lair, there might be orcs. They would have made it through though if they weren't spotted and assaulted like a mile away from the exit, which could have been caused by a number of unfortunate things.
Whereas the other options were the mountain pass that they physically couldn't get through, the Gap of Rohan where they would have to walk right through Saruman's front yard, or straight give up and go back to Rivendell to wait for the world to end.
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What would've happened if they went through the Gap of Rohan? They just would've btfo all the Uruk-hai sent after them, right?
>"oh hey, just FYI your cousin is dead and their city has fallen and there might also be a giant fire demon down there"
Gandalf didn't actually know about any of that. He knew no more than Gimli did, that Durin's Bane chased the dwarves out in the distant past. Gandalf was just more cautious about it than Gimli was
Saruman would have fucked them up. Used his powers to have them all spinning in circles and Gandalf wouldn't have been able to defeat him. Then Saruman of Many Colors would have taken the ring.
He'll give you a taste of duwarfish iron, right up your jacksie
Like shouldn't Gimli have seen a big red flag when his cousin didn't show up to the big meeting of races at Rivendell?
>Balrog phone home
Elrond didn't send invites out for everyone to send a representative because Sauron's ring was gonna be there and he wanted to talk about it. Gloin was there to talk to Elrond about Sauron's messenger showing up at the Lonely Mountain offering a ring of power for news about Bilbo. Legolas was there as a messenger from his dad to tell them that Gollum escaped. Boromir was there because he literally had a prophetic dream to go to Imladris and find some halflings. These were just the people that were present at the time, and Elrond invited them all to his council because it was a matter that concerned everyone in Middle Earth.
And why was Frodo there?
i liked how you could hear the voice of Saurons man in the storm
...did you watch the movie???
He missed Bilbo.
I don't know, my old lady hates drafts...
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Got lost randomly on some flip ass horse and woke up there brah
It's okay guys, I did it, I killed her. Now we can go adventuring like real men! Always hated her anyway, made me work this office job and get fat...
Anyway, Narnia awaits!
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What a god awful way to die
The cave was closed via rock debris the moment the guy died
which is most correct?
they're all correct
none are correct
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This one.
Me when someone interrupts the goon
bro's in his clown rape arc
>Going down a steep drop head first.
Not doing that should be lesson one
What's the actual goal for this? Finding new caves and exits? I've gone through a few caves before but nothing where I could barely move
It's like mountaineering but reverse
Wow. It was that easy. Grandelf is a fucking pushover faggot. ZERO confidence.
Unironically pic related
I think the real issue is that once you get started in that hole, you can’t turn around or go back in any way, which leaves forward as the only option. Very much a “Welp, fuck it.” option. He probably knew he was fuckin boned as soon as he got his feet in the start to the inner-deathtrap.
Which would make it even worse.
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>dwarves are masters of stonework
>this is the bridge they came up with
>extremely narrow bridge without railings that can be used by a single defender to hold off an invading army by forcing them to slowly crawl across it one at a time
>poor design
what would you have built instead?
it may be a higher quality picture, but that doesn't make it more correct
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>poor design
>moria is overrun by the enemy
>muh movie depiction
I'm arguing that graphical fidelity == accuracy.
So how would I feel about the movie depiction?
>His enemy halted again, facing him, and the shadow about it reached out like two vast wings... suddenly it drew itself up to a great height, and its wings were spread from wall to wall...
does not equal
Why are you arguing that? The topic was which depiction is most accurate, not what defines accuracy.
his body is the only thing left in there since the tunnel to the entrance of the cave was collapsed with explosives.

Reading the wiki page it seems like such an innocent mistake cost him his life, one wrong turn. The only time I went caving I almost took a wrong turn as I was getting ahead of my group and thankfully the guide stopped me quick enough. Caving is fun but I think you have to be a bit smarter and cautious than me and this guy if you're going to do it.
>When the road to Mordor leads through Detroit
>It came to the edge of the fire and the light faded as if a cloud had bent over it. Then with a rush it leaped across the fissure. The flames roared up to greet it, and wreathed about it; and a black smoke swirled in the air.
>Its streaming mane kindled, and blazed behind it. In its right hand was a blade like a stabbing tongue of fire; in its left it held a whip of many thongs.
>The dark figure streaming with fire raced towards them.
> His enemy halted again, facing him, and the shadow about it reached out like two vast wings. It raised the whip, and the thongs whined and cracked.
>Fire came from its nostrils.
>Go back to the Shadow! You cannot pass.'
>The Balrog made no answer. The fire in it seemed to die, but the darkness grew. It stepped forward slowly on to the bridge, and suddenly it drew itself up to a great height, and its wings were spread from wall to wall; but still Gandalf could be seen,glimmering in the gloom; he seemed small, and altogether alone: grey and bent, like a wizened tree before theonset of a storm.
>From out of the shadow a red sword leaped flaming. Glamdring glittered white in answer. There was a ringing clash and a stab of white fire. The Balrog fell back and its sword flew up in molten fragments. The wizard swayed on the bridge, stepped back a pace, and then again stood still. 'You cannot pass! ' he said. With a bound the Balrog leaped full upon the bridge. Its whip whirled and hissed.
>At that moment Gandalf lifted his staff, and crying aloud he smote the bridge before him. The staff broke asunder and fell from his hand. A blinding sheet of white flame sprang up. The bridge cracked. Right at the Balrog's feet it broke, and the stone upon which it stood crashed into the gulf, while the rest remained, poised, quivering like a tongue of rock thrust out into emptiness. With a terrible cry the Balrog fell forward, and its shadow plunged down and vanished.
Some anon quoted me as preferring the movie depiction, which made no sense because I'm arguing that just because a depiction looks impressive does not mean it's accurate.
There is no real reason to choose any depictions posted here as most accurate, because they are all depicting the features of the same basic creature.
All you can really do is choose the one you prefer for aesthetic reasons, but don't confuse that with accuracy.
>Teach Sauron how to smith
>Turns out to be a staunch supporter of Morgoth
>"Oopsie daisy, let's not repeat that mistake..."
>Teaches Sauronsman how to smith
Was Aulë the comic relief of the lore?
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el americano vs white man
None, but the russian one is sick, looks like greek orthodox iconography.
Ah, autism. Got it.
>local authorities

It's almost never local authorities, my cousin is a caver with 40 years of experience and whined repeatedly about how almost every country has 0 people officially working in cave rescues or even trained squads just near known caving accident areas. There are so little of them that he has gotten the opportunity to fly all over the country and sometimes abroad for rescues or consultation on rescues. Most of the time it's kids venturing too far into a well known hangout cave, solo cavers that didn't have someone to put brakes on that 'go deeper, venture further' voice in their head, it's very rarely anyone who does this kind of stuff seriously unless it's a collapse or something similar.

The only thing authorities do is cordon off the site and make sure the rescuers have what they need, general coordination, which is also essential. But the actual work is done in very large part by volunteer cavers, ie fighting fire with fire.

I've only gone a few times myself but am too claustrophobic to go anywhere I have to crawl, I get why some people are into it though. Now cave diving though, wow I have a hard time understanding the appeal, there's too many unavoidable dangerous aspects to it completely out of your control, mainly visibility.
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>not recognizing the greatest anglo artifact of all time
That's like a year in wizard years anon. It's the Longbottom Leaf that fucked with his memory over the years, other wizards do fine.
a fucking plywood board
Looks like a brazilian bdsm tranny
no, it wasnt overrun by shity goblins, dwarfs have deat with them before, it was flaming half-god made of hate that fucked them up thats why that bridge didnt do its job
The Valar have a history of almost nothing but fucking up. They are probably the least competent pantheon ever conceived by a human.
I wouldn't have build anything, I would listen and that's what no one else did
not really
some unfortunate typos just muddied the point I was trying to make.
So to summarize:
All these balrog pictures depict the same basic features described in the book, so none of them can be considered more accurate. It all comes down to personal preference.
wtf does music have to d o with any of that?
nothing U fucking tourist, kys
>Now cave diving though, wow I have a hard time understanding the appeal
Boy, do I have a channel for you:
this is some post modern recontextualization bs.
the stories are going to focus on the stuff that goes wrong, otherwise there wouldn't be a point in telling the story.
all the stuff that goes right is summarized in a paragraph here and there describing how some valar or whatever created the entire worldly concept of butt cheeks clapping.
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>100% chance of them all dying vs 100% chance of most of them making it
Gandalf was the only casualty and it was even for the better as he came back stronger. If they kept going through the snow they would all die.
He knew, but didn't want the others to know.
And die instead to an avalanche, flying boulders, and demonic birds.
That's not the point idiot. During those 150 years the mines were overrun by evil.
That anon is getting a little more metaphysical than necessary with it, but divine acts of creation in the setting are described as being done via song. The best example in LotR is Tom Bombadil taming evil things by singing at them.
>Tells your lesser experienced party members to leg it, so you have the boss, the exp and loot all to yourself
Gandalf was a fucking G
The Valar wouldn't have created butt cheeks clapping. They would have designed everything to have Hank Hill ass until Morgoth stirred the pot to fuck with them, accidentally creating elf bitches with dump truck asses in the process. They suck as gods.
everthying that exists in-universe is eru singing. still its flawed logic to me to argue that gandalf is holding back because eru acts through frodo because there is no free will. erus song is the ultimate reality and nothing else can exist. thus gandalf cant change it. he is part of it.
Got 'im!
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>Looks like a brazilian bdsm tranny
exact words of the text
>Lets take the path that will get most of us killed!
Gandalf can't change it, but he has no idea what it is. The Ainur was bound by fate but not privy to how it will play it. Mortals have free will though. Gandalf didn't have Frodo choose because of anything to do what all of that though, it was just a tough decision and if anyone was going to choose in the end it was the Ringbearer.
They almost all died on the mountain. Only one died under it.
>Now cave diving though, wow I have a hard time understanding the appeal
But that's where pirates have hid their treasure throughout history. They didn't bury it in the sand, they hid it in the caves. It's all right there for whoever wants to take it.
Sam is literally me
Don’t you mean Khazad-DOOM?
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When will we get a Blue Wizards Kino?
someone post the ol spicy keychain pasta
Me when i got black out drunk the night before and avoiding my phone.
this one
he was yearning for some elf pussy, tired of Sam's hobbit ass
i don't think that would be an invincible defense against goblins in the movies though, the moria scenes show them crawling up walls easy, they probably live down there in the first place.
they are food for the nameless things
>its sword flew up in molten fragments
so in the RoP universe the Balrog had a backup sword after the dwarf king broke it?
What was the point/moral of the blues anyways?
Tolkien's critique of those who tend only to their own life while ignoring the world around them?
for real, this is like medieval peasants choosing which monk's depiction of an elephant is most accurate.
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To make the Wizard Order bigger and not just three dudes? To make the five wizards able to spread out across Middle Earth so it wasn't as clear cut as it seemed where the ring was and what was needed to be done to protect M.E. That even powerful beings sent from Heaven can lose their way given enough time and it's not just Saruman. I'm sure Tolkien had some cool stories in mind for them eventually
lmao this is what I imagine overconfident idiots' filter over reality looks like.

I think if a cave had an exclusively underwater entrance either the entrance is accessible on foot during low tides or it's a single tunnel system where you can't get lost (but then I wonder how it got found in the first place). I know nothing about cave diving beyond what I've been told personally and videos I've seen on the internet but I have been to an ancient pirate hideout on a small island near Hong Kong and the entrance was very well hidden but on land, not roomy at all though, even as a chubby child it was a tight fit so I can't imagine there was much treasure hidden there at all.

haha this only confirms what I thought about underwater stuff. I really enjoy these in podcast formto fall asleep to, but when I listen to them as I jog or whatever I find they're always too short, he should do a 1 hour format so I don't have to hear the intros everytime. I had no idea it was a YT channel originally, this format is way better ty!
he wouldn't have triggered the event if he didn't have all that dead weight, probably hoped they wouldn't fuck up and it'd all be ok. Either that or he had a premonition from Eru about needing a powerup down there.
watching a few videos you hear things about large caves full of crystals that are pretty much incapable of explanation.
Why didn’t the Balrog look, you know, more like Gandalf? It was not even intelligent enough to talk, didn’t have a name
are you a ring of power dei writer
The wizards look like old men because part of them coming over to help was that they'd be stuck in old man bodies, limiting how much of their inherent power they could use.
Something that happened to some evil Ainur like Morgoth and Sauron is that they lost the ability to take on anything but blatantly evil forms, so maybe the Balrog could only take on that kind of body any more, but it isn't explained why several Maiar decided we're all gonna look like this and be called Balrogs now.
THE Balrog is intelligent, at least enough to use weapons and magic, consider if he wants to step up to Gandalf, and is something Gandalf bothered to warn in the first place. Whether it could talk or just didn't is a total unknown.
>That's not the point idiot. During those 150 years the mines were overrun by evil.

Bruh learn to take an obvious joke, this aint wikipedia edits page.

If you want my serious take:

>The Balrogs were destroyed, save for some few that fled and hid themselves in caverns inaccessible at the roots of the earth. - The Silmarillion

I remember some anon using this quote I quickly recovered with some googling. If you accept Christopher T.'s ruling, there are 7 total Balrogs left over from the War of Wrath, which happened literal thousands of years ago. Gandaf's last and only voyage through Moria happened around 75-100 years ago (iirc, I don't think it was 150), and in all those thousands of years, there is not a single sighting of a Balrog or tale about it encountering a humanoid civilisation. So in those 100 odd years since he last has been to Moria, which is insignificant in this 5000 year timespan of Balrog absence, what are the factors that could lead Gandalf to believe a Balrog is in Moria? To my recall the only thing leaning that way is the lack of communication of the dwarven kingdom in Moria and Aragorn's warning of a ''dark presence'' in the mines. So yeah that could be a Balrog, but it could be anything else (civil war, overrun by goblins, defeated by some new threat sent by Sauron) so the comparative possibility of it being a creature that is very possibly still extinct is not as front of mind (lol) as you'd think. And that very minor possibility is weighed against certain death through the Gap of Rohan or a half year delay through the pass waaaay up north.

tl;dr Gandalf had very little reason to think a Balrog was there and it was the best option (in the book)
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no self-respecting medieval peasant would believe in an elephant, especially not from some fancy drawing by cheese making men in robes.
bro that Balrog had to go straight into a fight after being groggy from a thousand year nap, cut him some slack.
>Blue Wizards in Middle East
>Blue Wizards 2: Shanghai Nights
Gandalf didn't know about the balrog, specifically. He knew the place had been overrun by orcs long ago and some kind of evil juju was going on. Aragorn had also been to Moria and thought it was kind of horrifying inside. In the book they didn't mention Moria as an option until after they were defeated on the mountain. Even then nobody but Gimli wanted to go but they had no choice after wolves started chasing them. Speaking of Gimli, he wasn't like the movie version who thought going to Moria would be awesome. He joined the party to find out why nobody had heard from the Moria expedition for years.
You're right, except about Gimli. He was hype to check out Moria but didn't know it was even an option when they set out. He thought the western entrance had been lost to time.
I can't wait for this shit to die down and then just start it back up out of nowhere in six months or a decade from now
Dat balrogussy be sweet as a sugarplum
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I'm gon getcha
>in the movies
well there you go
I don't think you should let a producer's desire for spectacle influence your opinion of the world building
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where are the bathrooms?
what do you think the overabundance of chasms is for
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oh yeah
Is that Saddam Hussein?
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nah couldn't be
Saddam is orange isn't he?
Getting stuck like that is such horrific high octane nightmare fuel I literally cannot fathom why people would crawl into such tight spaces.
>Maybe you could reach the mailbox, Dwarf, if your head stood but a little higher from the ground
Your email would be deleted before it hit the subfolder
Both Sauron and Saruman used to be his butt buddies. And he also broke Eru's rules by creating the dwarves
nah whenever I read the books I always just forget about the movie, they're separate in my mind. I've always had this knack for not confusing books and their adaptations so I can enjoy both.
ah yeah I'm the same way. for the same reason the sequel trilogy doesn't ruin star wars for me.
but to bring it back to the LoTR movies and the ceiling-crawling-goblins, I imagine it's like Aliens.
The dwarves had that shit locked down, but the goblins found a way in. (and also a balrog)
>What was the point/moral of the blues anyways?
Gotta go off into the wilds and stop the browns from all joining Sauron
It's held up all this time hasn't it? Great worksdwarfship.
>Let us go through the Mines of Mordor
>I mean the Minas Morgul
yeah all jokes aside I agree, it wouldn't make sense otherwise that they had a civilisation going on down there if they were struggling with attacks.

Only thing that bothers me is we know so little about goblins, I don't think Tolkien gave much of a fuck about them besides being a nice medium-level threat and wondering if they were intrinsincally evil or not.
>They don't go to the mines
>Sauron recruits the Balrog
>Balrog just chills in the depths ignoring the worms
>Balrog fucks off elsewhere
it held up under the full weight of a Balrog until wizard jewishry sabotaged it, wizards are the eternal enemy of the dwarven race!
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Gandalf, why can’t we just call the eagles and fly all the way there?
>that bit before the ravens fly by where Gimli first suggests this and Gandalf says in a foreboding tone something like “I wouldn’t take us that way unless it was the last possible option” and gimli doesn't question why he says that and just stays silent
>Where’s your dad at nutty putty boy? Stuck between a rock and a hard place?
>at least you saved money on the burial when he took it into his own hands
They have Nazgûl guarding the tower and mount door you fool of a took
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>2001+ 23
>STILL no videogame that gives you this feel
i hate how little time we got to see interaction with Barlog. It didn't even do anything. Just looked cool whlie chasing them then falls to death. Gandoof didn't even fight it.
The followship could have just kept on running and got outside just fine.
>Gonna get yah maiamonkey
Gandalf and the Balrog fell to the pits of the earth and fought for literal days, battling back up to the peak of the mountain before Gandalf smote it off from the summit and crumpled to an exhaustion-based death himself.
Gimli knew about Durin's Bane too. He just didn't take it as seriously as Gandalf because it was so long ago
I know about the helmet but I meant the art style, it looks byzantine to me.
cave diving should not be anywhere near common enough to have a dedicated cave rescuer squad lmao. your cousins retarded.
Peter Jackson ate it. What are you gonna do about it, bitch?
pirates didn’t have scuba gear so it was impossible for them to get anywhere near where these morons get trapped and die
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Never noticed this shitty CGI before

>if only you knew how bad things really are
Don't say shit like that. They'll hear you.
So you didn't notice his feet?
>in the book its gandalf who actually suggests it while gimli is a bit hestitant
why did hackson do gimli so dirty
Eh I think it works better in the movie. Gandalf being hesitant to go and Frodo deciding to go to Moria puts a lot more stress on his shoulders.
Gandalf does suggest it, he wanted to go that way from the start but Aragorn was dead against it.
Gandalf opted to follow the advice of a Ranger in the matter, and so they went with Aragorn's route first.
When that failed, Gandalf reveals that Moria is an option, but the only person who's interested in the idea is Gimli.
They get attacked by wargs however, and know they would be hounded overland whichever way they went, with news of their every step reported to the enemy, so they didn't really have a choice but to go with Moria then. I don't know why any of this had to be changed for the movie.
The actual last person who needs more stress piled on them is Frodo.
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I actually don't mind cave divers since the only people that rescue them are other cave divers and having that base of rescue knowledge is what allowed shit like that Thai soccer team to be rescued.

Sort of like how most aircraft advancements needed test pilots doing retarded shit

>putting a spitfire in a terminal dive to go supersonic only to get stuck in the dive by the transsonic undertuck and only surviving because the prop exploded and shifted the center of pressure
>skydiving from 80,000ft with a faulty spacesuit to test a new 2 stage parachute for spy planes
>that same parachute system saving another test pilot when his SR-71 disintegrated at mach 2.5 leaving the pilot in a flat spin unconscious and freefalling for 40,000 feet until his automatic drogue chute deployed and allowed him to wake up and deploy his main chute.
>When you show up to help flood victims but FEMA intercepts u
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Keep your stance WIIIIDE
Right next to all of the Neurological Surgeon chambers
>give them a (you) for pity's sake
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>by nightfall this thread will be swarming with samefags!
what if gollum was a dog and instead of being called smeagol he was called beagle
Then he would be a bad dog.
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Doubles! Four Doubles!
What business brings you to sneeds?
>calls it a mine
>gets mad when it's called a mine
me when my wife wants to fuck after her weekly shower
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it reads "reply to thread, get captcha"
what do you spose that means?
oh its very simple if you type captcha you can submit the post!
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Your problem is watching the film instead of just listening to the Audiobook read by the guy who played Merlin in Excalibur

>They buried Thorin deep beneath the Mountain, and Bard laid the Arkenstone upon his breast. “There let it lie till the Mountain falls!” he said. “May it bring good fortune to all his folk that dwell here after!” Upon his tomb the Elvenking then laid Orcrist, the elvish sword that had been taken from Thorin in captivity. It is said in songs that it gleamed ever in the dark if foes approached, and the fortress of the dwarves could not be taken by surprise. There now Dain son of Nain took up his abode, and he became King under the Mountain, and in time many other dwarves gathered to his throne in the ancient halls. Of the twelve companions of Thorin, ten remained.
>He didn’t want to sway Frodo’s decision
He literally screamed “No!” when they suggested to turn back
>which could have been caused by a number of unfortunate things
Sure Pippin, keep deflecting from that fucking bucket incident

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