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Spooky Clowns Scare Me Edition
Previous : >>204211775
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Why is everyone so shocked about the bedroom scene in Terrifier 2
I think they don't get that it's supposed to be so over the top as to be comical, and they only read it as mean-spirited and sadistic. That was my reaction to the first one, but the second struck the right balance for me.
too soon
because it's supposed to be shocking. now why anyone would be upset about shocking violence from such a character is beyond me.
and like the other anon said the tone is not 100% serious
look at her little italian butt
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In A Violent Nature was a lot of fun, Johnny is based. That part where he paralyzes and tortures the sheriff was mean as fuck, way more "mean spirited" than the scenes in Terrifier that make /tv/ seethe. Also I liked the song that played during the credits.
I would watch a Part 2.
You know a movie is good when it gets the /tv/eddit slop allegations. Probably something besides a gay ass elevated metaphor movie.
I didn't enjoy it. Doing a slasher from the perspective of the killer was an interesting idea and I was invested at first, but it ended up being boring. Also the characters are as unlikable as humanly possible and you just want them to die. I think the idea would have worked better if the movie took itself less seriously and tried to have more fun with it.
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what the fuck went so wrong?
Will probably watch The Blob tonight
Ti West is a hack who makes bullshit and lucked out with Mia Goth becoming a meme actor
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bros is she getting over or under 2.5 goalie saves versus Montreal today?
>in a violent nature
these are my movies for tonight, please tell me I'm going to have a better time than yesterday when I watched Cuckoo and Maxine
>but it ended up being boring
Only part I thought was a little boring was when the chick is running away at the end, by that point I was done with the walking. Wasn't too bad besides that because the movie looked nice.
>Also the characters are as unlikable as humanly possible
Yeah they're all obnoxious retards but to me that seems very intentional because this is a slasher that outright wants you to root for the killer. Not my preferred style of slasher but not a deal breaker either.
They're not very good but I guess they're slightly better than Cuckoo and Maxxxine
so is Art gonna get ass raped in his now movie too? Since we're ruining beloved characters this year.
In A Violent Nature is just okay. Hope you are okay with very prolonged shots for every single scene, no matter what's happening.
Haven't seen longlegs
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Do people actually pay this much to rent a movie? What a fucking joke.
Haven't seen Longlegs but yeah probably.
You are going to have an incredibly “ok” night that you won’t remember tomorrow. This is also what my Tinder profile says.

do girls like your creepy cabin in the woods?
>paying to watch a movie

Never ever.
I turned both off within ~10 minutes. No good movie starts off that boring.
I don't mind spending a few dollars but $20 for a rental is fucking ridiculous and I can't believe anyone would pay that
Already sern It.
If you liked the second one, its more of the same. Didnt like the ending, too open for a fourth one.
any nudity?
isn't that a buying option tho? anyway, you can have blu ray discs for the same price that they won't remove from your library once the distribution contract ends...
Evil Dead Rise... is fucking terrible. It's got a severe case of "only one thing can happen at a time". It's a small apartment, but this scene requires that only these two people are present and so all the noise and commotion doesn't exist outside of this scene and the other character will only enter or exit the scene when it is convenient. Oh, your sister just died because you punched a staff through her face? You're not required to react to that, we're just going to go to another room and leave you all alone, but you don't exist outside of this next scene so that's not an issue. Absolute dog shit. First film I've watched in October that unfortunately.... isn't better than suspiria. Fuck.
I'm watching Shadow of the Vampire tonight, it better be good or I'm gonna seethe and derail the general
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No, it's the rental price
how about stop being a retarded and guzzling down the first result that pops up when you google '2024 horror movie'. you're in a dedicated genre thread ffs we've all opined at length on the flaws with these films and promoted better ones from this year let alone the hundreds of much better older films
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You have ten (10) seconds to post 4 good horror movies released in 2024
Any good haunted house movies?
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the fuck. anybody who rents it for this price is a retard.
the discs are out in 13 days
It was so bad I can't remember anything from it
In a Violent Nature is a bunch of beautiful ambient shots of the ontario wilderness that occassionally cuts to prolonged stock footage of a slasher film. It's a bit surreal and I kinda liked it but ymmv. The credits song is great.
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Speak No Evil
The Substance
Terrifier 3
Eight Eyes
First Omen
>promoted better ones from this year
Idk about that part. Maybe Terrifier 3 but that's not out yet.
nevermind it's already out, i just miread the delivery delays. anyway paying that much for digital is a scam
>we've all opined at length on the flaws with these films and promoted better ones from this year
lmao no you haven't
>terrifier 3
>not even out
asking for trouble
it was revealed to me in a dream that Terrifier 3 is kino
It's only as good as In a Violent Nature and it's less memorable
It's going to be kino. Interested to see if it will pass 2 as my favorite horror movie of the 2020s. There's no real competition besides Terrifier 2 and maybe Deadstream so Terrifier 3 will easily be top 3 of the decade.
this. the chump tax keeps increasing and the chumps keep paying it lol
I watched it twice and can't remember anything from it.
Oddity has an actual plot and doesn't rely on cheap gimmicks
We have like 50+ years of horror movie history proving the third film is always shit
The one girl I ever dated for a significant amount of time did. We rarely ever got to fool around at my house though because my mom thought if I spent any time alone with her whatsoever I’d get her pregnant.
euphagenia doubtfire was an uncompelling protag, all the characters were shit, the script told you way too much way too early, the concept was wasted, but the house was neat.
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What scenes do you find genuinely unsettling?
Saw, Friday the 13th and Halloween have kino third installments
Whoa, is that art the clown from reddit.com? He's heckin based.
Wishmaster films any good bros?
the protagonist is the husband
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what do you think would happen to art if he were captured and sent to prison?
actually it was the toe biter
>Halloween 3
for how long have we been having this discussion?
I've had it with this shit vote NOW
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For me it is she
Not really
>nightmare on elm street 3
>halloween 3
>friday the 13th 3
>child's play 3
>texas chainsaw 3
The third movie in a slasher series is usually at least decent. It's 5 and 6 that are notorious for being iffy sometimes.
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bro... your Exorcist 3...
>mfw I liked halloween 5
Fellas, am I a bad person?
the blonde was cute and loomis going ahab was fun
I think Critters 1 is better than Gremlins 1, though Gremlins 2 is king. May need to rewatch Gremlins to be absolutely sure.
>actual plot
Nah. It's a convoluded series of arbitrary rules and random "scares" that somehow remains predictable the whole time. I figured out the real villain before the girlfriend drove away from the house.
I actually liked Halloween 5 too, but most anons here seemed to hate it.
It's not as great as 4 though.
>comfy slasher with cool kills
>versus "plot"
I'd rather have the former desu.
>forshadowing means the movie doesn't have a plot
I keep forgetting how stupid the average poster here actual is
>it's been 4 days since my colonoscopy and i haven't been able to shit since
/hor/ for this feeling?
Joker 2
My favorite part of this movie is casting an incredibly photogenic actress that looks fantastically expressive when she looks scared or worried, then covering her face in stupid makeup/CGI for most of the movie.
It was alright.
There was this one horror film I watched about a shit monster. A literal feces man, can't remember the name though. I'll think on it and get back to you.
I don't like being scared or looking at discomforting images
>Salem’s Lot
>The Radleys

I hope V/H/S/Beyond is at least watchable
it's just boring and gimmcky, nobody is gonna rewatch that shit in the years to come unlike the actual good slashers
Might be the only third film that is a masterpiece. Exorcist 1 is the scariest experience you can possibly have if you're young and Christian, though. I was like 12 when I saw it and it fucked me up so bad I regressed to half that at bedtime. Needed a light and cartoons on to be able to fall asleep for a while, and it's impressive I could manage that at all given how afraid of my own bed it made me. I didn't get over that movie until about a year and a half later, when I caught Exorcist 2 on cable, braved it out of morbid curiosity, and, well, you know how that one goes. Safe to say I was never afraid again. 3 managed to give me some brief flashbacks to that dread, at least. It really is fantastic.

I don't suppose anything can make you feel that way if you don't unironically believe in the Devil, but I am still looking for a film that can give me a tenth of that fear.
Human Centipede
I can’t wait to see her get her ass kicked again
it's not for everyone i relate to pain so i enjoy horror
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>I hope [INSERT GARBAGE HERE] is at least watchable
I don't think you should be posting on an english language website if you can read basic english.
Back in college I wasn't able to shit for 2 weeks and I legitimately thought I was going to die. I'm still bothered by how calmly and casually I accepted that. Still, when I finally did have to go, it felt like a religious experience, a rebirth. I heard a chorus of angels in my bowel movements. I suspect the issue was I ate a bunch of edamame pods that I thought were just overcooked pea pods or something and they gummed me up for 14 days.
sorry I was distracted by your mother sucking my cock
Based votes
Cute feet! Those seductive arches aside, I'm going to endure the kinoplex to see this, alone. I also saw 2 alone and I was the only one there other than a couple, where the girl absolutely hated it, loudly complaining until she got distracted by her phone, and a group of teenage boys who started off loudly making fun of the movie until THAT SCENE when they fell silent until the end. They also walked out completely silently, all banter gone.

I hope I'm blessed with such normie scum to live vicariously through for this one too.
Beyond is fine. it's better than the other Shudder VHS movies at least.
I'd watch it again.
boring bastard
I can see myself potentially going to see this one alone. I watched Saw X alone and had a good time
Don't scare me like that, anon, it's been 4 days and i'm already worried, can't imagine 2 weeks. I think the fucking doctor who gave me the colonoscopy corked my asshole shut or something. My belly hurts.
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I don't know what a colonoscopy is supposed to do to you in the aftermath, but if you're concerned, do call them and inform them. It's that easy. If there's some sort of problem, they need to know about it, especially if it's their fault. It's probably not that serious, but don't take the chance and let it kill you because you waited too long. At any rate, if I lasted that long, you've probably got plenty of time to fix it.
>no plot
>no nudity
>no real tension
>barely any characters
it's boring, just some decent kills spread out, much better slashers out there
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>no plot
The plot is that a maniac is killing people. It's a slasher.
>no nudity
I don't care that much. Nudity is cool but I'm not going to hate a movie because it doesn't have tits. I actually like watching movies beyond coomer reasons.
>no real tension
I disagree, I thought it had quite a few tense moments.
>barely any characters
It had a big cast of stock slasher characters.
the emperor has no clothes
4 days is a bit long but it's normal to not shit after a colonoscopy.
If you don't shit by tomorrow I'd give em a call.
I don't think you used that one right.
I googled and apparently it's normal to be constipated for a couple of days after, but in my case it's been four already.
Eat some fiber.
that's what your girlfriend told you
horror is a trans genre
Death is Change, after all.
>calling me straight as an insult
you're a fag?
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>vikings played this morning
>I get to spend the rest of the day watching j-horror kino
It's a good day bros.
If I was a fag maybe the insult would have worked. Saying I have a gf isn't an insult lmao, I'm glad.
>I actually like watching movies beyond coomer reasons.
I can't remember the last time I watched a movie for coomer reasons, since the Internet pretty much killed the need to do so, but I'm always gobsmacked by how pretty 80's girls were when I watch a horror made around then. That glorious hair. The volume. The floof.
it is when you can't fuck her properlly, like I could
Yeah the girls are one of the best parts of 80s horror. Not just on a coomer level but on a visual level as well.
>pretending you don't like tits just to make excuses for In a Violent Nature being shit
>pretending you don't like tits
Who did that?
Absolutely. They're art, and the slashers are Jack Nicholson's Joker going to the museum.
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Don't mind me, I'm just waiting on 4k remasters of:
>The Fly (1986)
>Day of the Dead (1985)
>Inferno (1980)
>Frankenhooker (1990)
>Braindead/Dead Alive (1992)
>Bad Taste (1987)
>The Devils (1971)
>Manhunter (1986)
>Phantom of the Paradise (1974)
>The Prowler (1981)
>Masters of horror (2005 - 2007)
>The Deadly Spawn (1983)
>Elves (1989)
>Carnosaur (1993)
>The Serpent and the Rainbow (1988)
>Cube (1997)
>Blood Dolls (1999)
>Cast a Deadly Spell (1991)
>Maximum Overdrive (1986)
>Night Flier (1997)
>Near Dark (1987)
>Shadow of the Vampire (2000)
is this guy supernatural at all or just a psychopath?
shut up fag, go back to the cocksucking factory
Anon™ recommends:
The Reflecting Skin (1990)
Director: Philip Ridley
1h35m, language: english

Synopsis: weird and beautifully shot southern gothic tale about a lonely boy and his misadventures in a small rural town in the 50s.

Great to fans of: Stephen King; David Lynch, americana (culture), Twilight Zone, 50s aesthetic general

You will like this movie if you like one of this: Children of the Corn, Twin Peaks, Blue Velvet, Frailty, True Detective, Angel Heart
I hate Terrifier but I don't mind that other people like it. What I do mind though is the people who are obsessed with it and have to post it all day every day. It's not that fucking good.
Nice projection.
Phantom of the Paradise is such an interesting one. A lot of artistry went into it. It's very much its own entity despite being a Phantom/Faust/Dorian Gray mashup. It's also the only Phantom adaptation that makes the titular character just kind of a fucking loser with none of the Romance or nuance that makes the original character so compelling, but since it's doing its own thing, that works just fine for what it is.
your stepdad projected all over your face you little queer
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Slashers are the best film genre. It's not even a question.
Barbara Crampton pooping out a large buttplug
I've been looking for something like this. I'll give it a go, thanks. I've actually been itching for a film like Mulholland Drive, something so accurately dreamlike, with surrealistic elements like the Cowboy, or something truly gripping like the man behind Winkie's with this bizarre little mini-mythology leading up to it, that ultimately doesn't matter for anything, or is it everything? Something with a nice old love song like Why Haven't I Told You. Do you know of something like that, or am I just pining for a movie I've already seen to feel new again, and just need more Lynch movies? I've been sitting on Inland Empire for a while.
Thank you for making sure not to include actual incest in your gay ERP post. Good priorities.
it's more humilating this way because I implied your real daddy left you!
For me, it's monster movies, primarily the classics or creature features from the practical effects boom of the 70's-80's. I like a good slasher, but it has to wow me in other ways. I think the introduction of slashers who can get back up from anything and teleport offscreen sowed the downfall of the genre.
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movie was garbage and I love slashers.
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>For me, it's monster movies, primarily the classics or creature features from the practical effects boom of the 70's-80's.
That's my number 2.
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Good news for you then
A man of culture. Please, don't mention Lincoln!
It really was fantastic, I loved it
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Time to see how badly they fucked up my favorite book I guess
this movie was amazing and incredible but the ending is absolutely dog shit. is awful
and I'm. it saying that the killer needed to win. but it's so fucking retarded.
the final girl is awful. it made no sense.
Rutger Hauer
Even back in the 80s you could rent a tape for $0.99. Why would the cost be so much higher if they don't even have to manufacture physical media anymore? Are ticket cales really that bad? How much is movie ticket these days?
>7 votes
$12 where i live but I always go on Tuesdays when tickets are only $6
He wanted to adlib a monologue about being a cowboy or something during his role as the vampire in that bad Salem's Lot remake with Rob Lowe. Imagining this beautifully bizarre Cowboy Dracula rant we didn't get left more of an impression on me than the actual product. Can you imagine being the director who told Rutger Hauer not to adlib a monologue after Blade Runner? I'm not even going to look up who that stupid jackass was again.
I should rewatch Gremlins 2 lol.
Some of us do it ironically specifically in response to posts like this because it's funny. I only like Terrifier 2, even, I think the first one is like a 3/10.
unspeakably based
I did that last night. Unadulterated fun, a gag a minute. Always been a favorite.
He dies in Part 1 and becomes supernatural after that.
He is also supernatural in All Hallows' Eve but that's not part of the "continuity."
I have a few options that can help with your Lynchian vision.
I'm also a Lynch fan myself.

Canrival of souls (1962) - dreamlike aesthetic The Wolf of Snow Hollow (2020) - weird atmosphere
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962) - Hollywood crazyness, demented people
Dust Devil (1992) weird and surreal/ mysterious figure
>He dies in Part 1 and becomes supernatural after that.
He was supernatural from the start, brainlet.
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give them more /hor/ror roles!
He isn't according to both the director and the events of the actual movie.
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It’s Mikael Solamon, well known for..nothing
How did she kill the guy in the loony bin with the wooden statue when she would have had to mail it to there and made sure it got inside and been close by to control it like we see later in the movie? This is what kicks off the movie, so if it doesn't make sense, then the "plot" isn't worth anything, right?
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Are you the Electric lady?
>7 redditors trying to pass their shit off as not reddit
Shit is painfully reddit. Horror is sloppa as fuck for a genre so I'm not that mad, but the meme-tier shilling needs to stop. Terrifier is close to objectively bad (and that's fine) as I've seen a horror franchise be in a long time, like last the few Saw movies bad. It wouldn't be so insufferable is the Anons who actually enjoyed it owned up to it.
>it's not supposed to be serious, it's funny because it's over the top!
It blatantly over stays it's welcome, each scene could be minutes shorter and theyd be all the better for it.

Anyway I watched Wishmaker for the first time last night, kind of slow but enjoyable. I thought there'd be a lot more shitting on Arabs for something in the 90's
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Is pic related qualified as a horror movie?
I found it to be pretty unsettling. Reminded me of the movie Requiem for a Dream
I think if the woman's story weren't so long it would have been more impactful. I liked how the forest begins to shake from the breeze while the final girl is watching for Johnny to jump out. It gave off this feeling that Johnny was just a part of a some bigger, more ancient monster. The credita song being about all the death and decay that happens in the canadian wilderness sealed it for me.
Jesus Christ, these look like fictional bad movies made up for a gag in a video store.
>The LOST font on Lost Future
Most of the redditors that post on /tv/ hate Terrifier and call you a woman-hating incel if you watch them so idk what you're talking about.
/hor/ likes Terrifier because it's less reddit than the rest of this board and doesn't think watching gore movies makes you a chudcel.
It doesn't matter, he's just a generic 90s slasher villain. Unkillable until the end of the movie, and will come because he prints money due to virtually no budget
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years of seeing soiface on this site have ruined the Grudge for me
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>watch horror movie
>it's bad
BROOS.... this keeps happening to me, how can I prevent this from happening again in the future?
and there's two Lost Futures with Sean Bean lol. are they different movies?
Thank you very much.
Pretty much this
I never watched the American remake but the Japanese original undermined its fear factor because I only ever thought Kayako was hot as fuck. She makes me primally horny. Need housewife ghost serial killer in my bed NOW.
Wow Anon I'm totally convinced by your post that I was wrong and a bunch of edgy 12 year old redditors don't think Art is God's gift to gore whores. Movie sucks for a lot of reasons, pretending I don't regularly see Anons telling Terrifier shills to fuck off just tells me you're more reddit than you care to believe.

Also who the fuck calls out misogyny on here? Not sure I've seen that at all, I see Anons complain about shilling and that it's just bad. Which is what I'm doing.
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Embrace the bad
>and a bunch of edgy 12 year old redditors don't think Art is God's gift
Correct, reddit is full of sensitive faggots who hate gory horror and think you're a bad person for watching them.
>Also who the fuck calls out misogyny on here?
The retarded redditors who come here to cry about Terrifier and other horror movies.
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Bros, was this the original womanslop?
Idk what that means, but great movie.
Blair Witch is utter trite. Entire thing depends on believing the original framing device.
>my husband is a beta cuck AHHHH I'M GOING INSANE
Anon you're clearly full of shit, shill your gay clown somewhere else. Not surprised since it's Sunday, hopefully /hor/ will be better when school is back in session.
>possession bad
>blair witch bad
Any more retarded takes we need to hear? Halloween bad? Jaws bad? Dawn of the Dead bad?
I think the original was enjoyable the first time but didn't really hold up past that.
>Halloween bad? Jaws bad? Dawn of the Dead bad?
no those are fun

but Possession is arthouseslop and Blair Witch is just whatever if you didn't watch it when it came out
I didn’t get this one
>getting upset about it
You must be one of the people crying about "incels."
Terrifier isn't going away, learn to cope with it.
>Saw X
Blair Witch 2 is kino thoughbeit
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>watch "bad" horror movie
>it's fun

the mark of the garbage enjoyer
>mentioning Blair Witch in the same post as any of those
Go SawX Go Pats
No because it had a few hot scenes.
If I had fun, the movie was good.
i love garbage and by garbage i mean sloppy tattooed asian hags with a cute face and a lifetime of terrible life choices. i also love bad horror movies.
If I'm entertained in a non-ironic way then it's good. A bad movie is one that isn't entertaining or is only amusing to make fun of.
it's one of the few cinema tropes i'm not tired of desu
Wasn't for me. Personally the 'live footage' is a one and done thing. But I'm glad you enjoyed it Anon.
i love the Spawn movie
imagine if you will a timeline where peter jackson went straight back into horror post LOTR and gave us two decades of big budget spook and gore kino
tbfafwyfam the marketing and hype were half the movie. without those, it's pretty average.
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Is this supposed to be making me hate women more or less??? Bros?????
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I can't see myself getting tired of slashers if it hasn't happened yet. They're basically the perfected form of cinema.
Someone uploaded the new VHS to YouTube VHS beyond.
More obviously
Why do Weird Women like this movie so much???
Don't mind me, just dropping off the GOAT /hor/ trailer
Probably because some of those women like watching movies and Possession is a good one.
Also women hate each other so that might be a draw as well.
I've seen it and it's the worst one yet. They were never that great, but this one felt like it was schizophrenic with tone and storytelling. Also, the framing to "link" the stories together was nonsense that didn't work for me at all.
Finally watched 99 because I liked Deadstream and the segment by Joseph and Vanessa Winter was great, by far the best part of the movie. Are they working on anything else?
Yeah, that was the only part in 99 that I liked. Better than the others by a mile.
that was a halfway house i think
you did
>make a movie about a literal normal average woman
>call it possession
I thought the others were mostly enjoyable but that segment blew the others out of the water.
You must have posted the wrong link. Don't worry I've the link to the best trailer.

strange darling
possession girl
catherine tramell
saint maud
loved ones psycho

choose one to fall in love with you and defend against the others. she WILL kill you if she wins.
The American movie scared me as a kid and we used to make Grudge noises at each other at school.
Sienna is my fav final girl since Nancy
>loved ones psycho
Lola will protect me.
Yeah have to agree with you. I got nothing out watching this one.
but then she'll torture you
Ugh not that fucking film they remade three times.
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even if it's one of the weaker in the series it's still way better than a lot of the crap made today
I detested this movie because of the fucking kids. I hate when they try to make me feel bad for kids in a horror movie, plus the fact that one of them was non-binary or whatever. Really fucking insufferable.
C'est la vie.
>it's still way better than a lot of the crap made today
It's not even a question. NoES 5 would be a top 10 of the decade if it released right now.
Lynch is a hack so anything similar to his movies gets a pass from me, thanks for the heads up.
I liked it, but it's not /hor/. Blackest Darkness is, though.
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Twin peaks Definitely Lynched me. I can't be bothered to watch the hours of soap opera shit.
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That’s a damn fine cup of bait
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Phantom is my favorite De Palma film. Carrie and Blow Out are also really good.
The Electric Lady
I don't even find the actress attractive but I know she would get the job done. The sex would probably still be wild, too, my type or not.
The weird eye guy was going to leave the nuthouse for a halfway house but was killed before he was able to leave. That's how the husband who ran the nuthouse got his eye. I think the orderly was supposed to be a red herring but it was so obvious she did it. I thought it was some voodoo magic, but no it was a giant wood statue that she somehow got in there under the husband's and orderly's (who didn't even know the sister existed at first) watch and controlled remotely from somewhere presumably close by. Very silly.
No you aren't allowed to pick that one as favorite. It either blowout or Scarface if you're negro.
Twin Peaks is just about my favourite, but "I do not like the soap opera presentation" is probably the one criticism of it I can agree with.
>VHS beyond uploaded to youtube
huh is this worth 2 hours of my time?
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>best version of hellboy
>in the movie with the weakest story
monkey paw moment
It mid
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But my favorite is Body Double.
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I loved this.
Is your time worth anything?
I'd double that body.
I shitpost on at least 3 different boards, I'm a busy person
It going to get taken down soon.
Its more deserving of it than Viral, '99, and '85 for what its worth. Stork, Live and Let Dive and Stowaway are easily up there as some of the best segments in the series. It also depends on how much you love sci-fi elements though.
You guys have films recommendations for horror movie where protag ends up in surreal location?
witch kinda hot imo
Based on what?
based on my prejudice
Communion (1989)
Body horror, reminiscent of Cronenberg's The Fly and Yuzna's Society as well, so yes. My favorite movie of the year so far, Smile 2 and Terrifier 3 would have to be way above average to compete.
Yo bitch how dare you cum on my website and waste sacred posts by posting single word. Say you're sorry.
Based on the works of D. Snuts.
i sitll like it
Uh oh bros the ballet scene made me unspeakably horny is it over for me???
Are any of the Sleepaway Camp sequels worth watching?
This screenshot makes Communion look cooler than it really is. Still worth a watch though
I like the one about bullying.
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Was it all the eye contact?
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I can't even name 4 good movies from 2024
No, it is fucking garbage. Assume that every anon who defends it is indian.
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No it was all the sexual screaming and discomfort and pain
To each their own. It's just that anons like to highlight the plot as the best aspect of the movie when it's nonsense and full of contrivances. The acting was pretty good, though, and there some great shots here and there. Pretty mid overall imo
There's only one good short and the rest is utter dog shit
Should I watch The Autopsy of Jane Doe?
Sure. Pretty good movie.
Okay. I'll pee on your candy corn if you're lying.
Holy fucking shit, I cannot deal with Sam Neill's character in this movie
this post is true, my suspension of disbelief is wearing thin with how much of a bipolar vacillating cuck he is the entire time
Not according to the actual writer and director of the film who explicitly spoke about this on the commentary track
2 and 3
lol bitch
The actual autopsy section of the movie is great.
Sure. The director also did Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, which was decent for at least half of it.
Based Leone putting a chick he finds hot in a coomer outfit and then filming a scene where she gets whipped for an extended period of time.
it's is genuinely shocking how bad his character is, maybe the biggest cuck in movie history
>my suspension of disbelief
Anon you're watching Possession, it's meant to be completely absurd. If you're trying to take it seriously you're already failing.
(picrel: "coolest" thing in the movie)

Rating system:
Worth a watch!
Good Job! Not Worth Watching! (well-made but pointless and dull)
Hot Garbage!

Slime City Massacre (2010) – As a fan of the original Slime City (1988), the Hot Garbage wretchedness of this late sequel hits even harder. Flatly filmed in the HARSHEST digital clarity, Massacre tries to coast on the nominal cachet of the original -- so whatever interesting concepts it *may* touch upon are all second-hand, were already plumbed to the bottom in the late eighties. And it’s a good thing actual celluloid was all they had back then! Why do people insist on capturing their Z-grade CRAPSTERPIECES in the highest fidelity possible now? Can’t they change a setting, put on a filter? Couldn’t they do that in 2010? Old Necrostorm movies look great! Do some people they think THIS looks good? There’s something to be said for soft focus: how it covers up the seams and draws a soupcon of imagination out of the audience to bolster shoestring budgets, but let’s not kid ourselves: this tired toilet floater would’ve seen scant improvement from even that. Yeah, I guess the few practicals took some effort -- the torso-length vagina dentata for example -- yet none of it looks *that* good. And none of it make it worth watching this kernel of shit-caked corn mined from the polyped asshole of Tubi. (There’s a ton of good stuff there, too, I’ll admit. I’m putting on the gloves again as of this writing!)
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(picrel: Slime City's hungry)

The community drama club acting is not in itself unacceptable, but coupled with the utterly DE-ENERGIZED script and the fat, tired cast, each word falls like a lead turd on wet sand; if I’d watched this at night, I would never have been able to stay awake through even HALF of it. Ten minutes of shuffling, mumbling through concrete fragments at the beginning . . . black and white “1950s” flashbacks in which NOBODY wears a semblance of anything from that decade. Not even a single period hairstyle! They didn’t even try, and that just pisses me off.

Why do people, even Slime City hobos, live in a place with no utilities or heat irradiated by a dirty bomb? Why is everybody morbidly obese if there’s so little to eat? The cannibals supposedly only come out at night -- but those lumpy living jelly rolls are sure as hell eating SOMETHING, I tell you. All these fat old men are always stripping off their shirts, so the MOOB to BOOB (two pairs) ratio is horrifically top-heavy. Almost completely filmed in an abandoned, “brute”-ravaged station in Buffalo New York, there’s almost nothing interesting to look, and no attempt to *make* it interesting with cool camera or lighting tricks either. What you DO get is the occasional smear of florescent slime, representing ectoplasm disguised as Himalayan yogurt. Think that sounds cool? Again, watch the original Slime City! It’s unforgettable Z-grade fun.
You wouldn't get it. You need to be cuck to truly comprehend possession.
i never felt the plot to be super special, it's exactly like an old weird tales/tales from the crypt story
1. murder
2. investigation of the murder
3. murderer is confronted with supernatural vengeance
but the opening scene was spooky and the blind woman was interesting and engaging, plus there was a bit of an unexpected plot happening with the trap door segment, just wish the scene with the husband saying "When the phone rings answer it" wasn't repeated for the retards not capable of paying attention to a simple movie :/ it was insulting
but still
the only greater than 7/10 horror movie to come out in years
It's literally just about a woman doing woman things, though, I'm just having trouble with Sam Neill's character being so enthralled with a woman who's so awful in every way
Based Necrostorm enjoyer. Sorry but people in this thread don't actually watch stuff, they just argue with each other about why stuff they didn't watch is gay
She's pretty hot and the mother of his son
No problem, friendo! But I do it anyway, wind up posting like thirty reviews every October. It's fun for me, and that's what counts!
Do the women in your life kill people and fuck tentacle monsters?
Just finished VHS 2. I thought Safe Haven was pretty good and the rest were okay. Should I watch the other movies in the series?
I wasn't really blown away by this movie.
If only.
It's all downhill from there, pretty much. The one or two good segments per movie becomes one good segment every other movie after 2. If you've got time to waste, I wouldn't like scream at you not to watch them, but it's mostly just that, a waste of time.
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The tentacles are just an allegory for being a skank
Constipation is no laughing matter. I was stressed and a little constipated last weekend -- I think allergies may have worsened it -- so I had a dull bellyache all last week. It was miserable. I think I had a shit deficit that just kept building until my arm-length log of yesterday.
Someone bake
>my soup when i didn't stir the pot for 1 second
The Peanuts theme song is so good

/hor/ related because It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown was on my Oct watchlist
I'll do it if no one else does in the time it takes me.
You've reached the peak, Safe Haven was pretty much the best segment. There are still a few decent ones between the rest of the movies.






>Just like my dungeon hentais!
If that thing were real, half the people on this website would stick their willies in it.
Nvm a based individual did it.
Based, thank you for your service.
Alright, I guess I'll keep looking for other movies to watch. Thank you!
>Shit is painfully reddit.
Brutalising women is definitely not reddit. Art is the best slasher since Michael Myers.
Mid movie.
The most overrated movie of the year.
>let's follow Jason Vorhees around for the entire movie. He just walks around really slowly looking for people to kill, that's it.
I also can't remember anything that happened in this movie past it being set in an apartment block.
What connection it has to The Evil Dead I don't know.
Evil Dead 2 has been one of my all-time favourite horror movies since I was a kid. This movie was just generic trash.
Watched The Platform 2 tonight.
Was kinda pointless and didn't really answer any of the questions from the first movie, at least in a satisfactory manner.
Saw a few negative reviews on IMDB. Their other movies are very hit and miss.

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