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<3 edition

/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 27th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes before season 3
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Some people from the show and retarded orbiters can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Jon is the TALLEST fish
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose.
• Taylor is working on losing the immense amount of weight she's gained
• Powtank ends on October 7th or maybe today
• Abi and Claire competed for TJ's attention and seethed about Letty
• Letty effortlessly mogged
• Abi is a three time quitter, doesn't even mooch in the house or sometimes shows up to screech anymore
• We are now watching TJ harem tank
• Rusty is not black
• Cleej is official
• Shadi has quit the powtank...
• Creature has also arrived and with that the powtank experiment is concluded. thank you for tuning in everyone!

>Watch Here
>.m3u playlist


>Show Archives

Previous thread: >>204221721
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Cleh kys you dog faced cunt
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>show was billed for claire & abi
>TJ as a guest
>drives 1300 miles to carry the show and endure repeated humiliation rituals
Pretty fucked up
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Greg is the white Sinbad
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no he isnt.
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That's what he gets for destroying their relationship
TJ didn't do anything. The unwarranted hate towards Abi is also pretty fucking wild.
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The Beautiful CK
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the beautiful taylo
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Jet needs to bring Jimmy back for season 3 in Joker makeup
then rape him
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The Beautiful Tayleigh Pendleton
Which Fishtank girls would you hang out with if you had the choice?
I'd probably put Claire and Trish at the top followed by Kalei
Maybe Abi if she takes Xanax and signs a contract that prevents her from calling me retarded
kalei has aids
you dont want to accidently get aids
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Claire could save TJ
Many are saying this!
Why do you think Jacob’s dad was disbarred and had his attorney’s license revoked? https://www.txcourts.gov/All_Archived_Documents/SupremeCourt/AdministrativeOrders/miscdocket/07/07916900.pdf
Wonder if Taylor knows about Powtank and TJ being on it
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>Pft. Women.. amirite Teej?..
>Ummm... uhh.. yeah..
>That's fair
Do any of the girls on fishtank ever show their butthole?
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Creature if she wears these and eats taco bell
love claire
She probably knows but doesn't care.
letty, bliccy, ella, maybe abi, maybe claire
Well i wouldn't be ingesting her body fluids so i should be fine
obviously but he’d prefer to mope about Taylor for a year
Greenshark is sending her all the relevant clips so she doesn't have to watch it
Fuck you Jet for entertaining the idea of bitchtank.
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Unfortunately this. Bruh it's been two months get your shit together.
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claire or trish if we're taking out the fuckability aspect
how do you think she fucked up her hand? she punched a wall out of seethe
please be nice to CK
me and claire would be best friends. trish is probably fun to hang out with in a dumb hot girl way but i'd just want to fuck her. i thought kalei was a retard when she first showed up on bitchtank but watching a few streams she actually seems cool. i'd still just want to fuck her though. maybe letty but there's something about her personality that reminds me of my ex gf so i think we would argue a lot and it would end up pissing me off. no abi because i can't deal with female autism.
>Jacob is a nigger tier show host
Jet maybe a piece of shit at times but he would never do shit like this, or at least he would recognize it and compensate accordingly
It was his first actual relationship and the lil guy fell head over heels in love. Give him some slack
The die hard fishtank viewership has includes some of the most deranged losers on the internet that can only stave off their own suicide by trying to make vulnerable sensitive people more miserable than they are.
claire is really pretty
Can't believe I had to unironically delete my TJabi folder and make a Cleej one
creature is constantly in a state of approaching butthole cleavage
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fishtank fans are a bunch of yt pizes of shet
Might be because he died.
>better call Saul tier father
This explains a lot
must've been a disgraceful death if it lost him his license
Female autism is a piece of cake to wrangle. I choose Abi.
happens when you die
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He died in 2013, that order is dated 2007.
I hope they give TJ the day off from drinking he is walking kino but he deserves a break. More than likely thats it's finished anyway.

The TJ drunk scale

Stage 1 TJ - plain TJ
Stage 2 BossNigga - TJ with more confidence.
Stage 3 Thomas - TJ with no filter max confidence.
Stage 4 Leland - more nonsensical drifting from real opinion to pulling random things from nowhere.
Stage 5 GodNigga - Full on schizo breakdown mode fits of crying to shouting.
just let the guy rest in peace ffs
Sam and Jet busting through the door, grabbing Jimmy, beating him, then dragging him into the bathroom and buck breaking him
who cares, nobody watches this slop nigger
Abi would've been in the room longer if they put a games console in there
wtf why is Shadi still there? I thought they sent her home
TJ is boring can they stop shilling him and move onto new contestants season 3 aleeady who are clueless to MDE
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fishtank fans
Witnessing all those stages first time was, sublime
i think i got a dude i met last night at the bar laid. like i instigated it put them together and they left together. i'm feeling really good about it
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Just find the boy another Taylor to give him a hug.
Him breaking down when Letty hugged him was a clear cry for help. No pun intended.
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>will receive zero backlash due to Keegan and ruling her miniscule following with a iron fist
one was in site chat and the other seems organic
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I look like this and watch this
why do aperture and keegan hate TJ so much? what did teej ever do to either of them?
Her following is like 2 mods
Sodaman isn't a fishtank fan, he was brought in by the priest guy to help with 2.5 because he has D&D experience.
TJ is easily one of the best fish of all time you're opinion is wrong homie.
Now post the fanettes
i know people say every girl is fucking someone off camera but shadi probably is
I found him. He has earlier one for public drunkenness. These were in Mississippi, haven't checked Texas.
>blonde meg
no one cares
who the fuck is this and why should i care
you’re an idiot
no, i could have made it much worse actually
Who is this?
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so quirky LOL!
Keegan hates TJ because he actually started dating Taylor after getting out of the house. Aperture I really don't know what the fuck his problem is.
both his parents are good looking but hes a dysgenic freak, mustve been drugs, hypothyroidism, lack of breastfeeding, etc. during pregnancy and his infancy
This general needs to be removed from all boards immediately
At this point, I'd argue he might even be the goat. This is coming from a lettybug who was in the trenches during S1.
...ok? are we just doxxing dead randos now?
you cant and wont do shit faggot kek
i don’t think aperture minds tj
abi tier loser troon
Jacob's dad I think. People were asking why he lost his lawyer license.
I find aperture's hate for rusty to be hilarious.
no you couldnt have, there are many sexy fishtank fans see: Peter Smalls
where the taytriots at?
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>At this point, I'd argue he might even be the goat. This is coming from a lettybug who was in the trenches during S1.
absolutely zero memorable moments or content in season 2
lmao he's the other tj seether besides keegan and biff
surprised you dont know yet
It's pretty incredible to see nearly everyone come around on TJ. He's had some real seethers in his time, but I mean look at the stocks, he's at the top of the charts.
Unfortunately jet does have more professionalism in that sense. He 100% would dial back the alcohol to TJ. He'd probably just start watering down TJ's drinks which would be the smart move.
He was in chat rallying people up to send more hate tts to tj, he 100% has some weird problem with him.
its pretty funny both oddbod and richyninenine seethe over TJ bc they were both clairefags
let's say jacob wasn't gaslighting about a girl liking tj: was it claire or letty?
He's a normal looking guy, I'd even say handsome, and Jacob's mom is a smokeshow. how did Jacob end up so fucked up?
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S3 soon !!
none left after methgate>>204229239
if you even have to ask even ironically it proves no girl has ever shown interest in you
Kek Jacob is not falling from the tree.
lol'd at the dance at 0:21, shame i missed that
Claire for sure
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the who?
fucking terrible take
crazy seeing two people he considers friends pay to fuck with him at 3 am
claire definitely likes tj. honestly most girls seem to have a thing for him. he's cute and endearing.
Claire, she said herself that she likes TJ but is worried he doesn't like her.

TJ is probably worried he is being gaslit + another public relationship is off the menu
friends is far fetched
True and factual
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summer my love...
be sure to remind TJ of this when he leaves this shit behind
yeah but this is tj
nah he’s got like a faggot fishtank fan’s outlook on tj. he’ll give him props and send tts and fishtoys one second and then type “uhhhh uhhmmm” in chat and call tj a retard another second. it all goes with the flow of the chat’s reaction to whatever tj is doing.
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thank you for your service
Died with their meth queen. TJ confirms it's true:
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shadi in chat said they wanted to pay her (shadi) to kiss him so maybe not far off
I have a hard time talking to girls and cant read body language can you help a brother out on this one?
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Everybody loves TJ only hate and death faggots who should kill themselves think otherwise.
damn when was this?
rare based aperture
Hawk Tuah! Spit on that thread.
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lol sounds like you identify as one of the people in the picture, i'll add more when i have time and i won't cherry pick, here's another fan i left out
post the one with guys modelling "stimmin with josie's face" t-shirt. Those are the real ones.
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Man it feels like anything could happen today! Crazy times!
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I have a feeling he's gonna pull a Cole once this is over
Did everyone just forget about S2? Aperture is a Jimcel through and through.
After Letty pressed him about Taylor
Jimmy won by being himself
Hate and Death triumphs over Love and Life redditors
lmao that was actually funny
tj don't care, literally
can someone fill me in on this powtank thing going on, haven't checked in on anything tank related for a while because I thought nothing was happening till season 3
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she looks so much healthier in this photo
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I thought Letty was gone by now? Who's with TJ and Creature?
Never paid attention except I knew he is a big whale, during bitchtank i realized he is a huge weirdo faggot.
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TJ is just going through severe Claire withdrawal symptoms
give him a week or so to recover
Seriously no one cares about your guys lame ass whatever the fuck fishtank is, i mean my god go away Sam Hyde you absolute un-funny weirdo grifter
Sloth he's crashing out on them for forcing tj to get drunk for entertainment
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I'm serious I wanna know.
I think Abi left yesterday as well.
i see. that’s gay and all but he’s not a hater, he’ll just push for “content” despite how that respective person feels. i’ve seen him support tj too but no one mentions that. i also don’t want to come off like i’m defending him too hard because i do find him repulsive for many other reasons.
lol yeah not gonna "register" to watch your shitty whatever the hell this thing is.
he did say real to a tts saying they wish claire was there so he had someone to get drunk with
>Jimmy won by being himself

What show did you watch jimmy is never himself and always victim he is pathetic.
TJ will take a detour to return her blue glasses
Jacob started a content house with some tik tok friends and invited over some fish to do a cell challenge. He also found a black guy named Rusty who has never heard of fishtank and he tried to rape TJ last night.
go discuss the latest capeshit faggot
He's also never won anything in his entire life.
its unironically sloth when letty left jacob said to get sloth to work on tts/computer
son of a bitch , madarchod fakar
its 2pm wake the fuck up
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Fish Shows made me realize that people in chat are ugly and retarded, probably true for /ftl/ too
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they debated over capeshit yesterday on this show, you dumb nigger tranny
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Does he still have them?
Jon's anti bicycle shit is genuinely making me like him less
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>people burst into laughter at the mere thought of you od'ing on heroin
Don't you fucking get it? YOU'RE THE FUCKING JOKE
Karmic justice, TJ broke his arm and now it came back to bite her
claire clearly likes him, but she’s only made this obvious when he was outside the room or blackout drunk so he hasn’t picked up on it. doesn’t help that letty, jacob, and tts are all telling him that every girl in the house wants to fuck him
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Summer the queen of /tv/....
somebody said they were in the bathroom but that lard ass shadi will probably take them
same people that were calling letty the ugliest woman on earth during s1
cole is the only decent looking /ftl/ poster
Wrong the beautiful CK is.
many are saying this
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Letty helped carry the show and make it watchable. Now shes back at to stream once every few weeks, wake up at 7pm, post on twitter a couple times a week?
I don't find him interesting at all
because it’s true, and she’s a bug that eats dust
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TJ has the fool's luck, despite always losing he ends up always winning
It was never watchable
cant say, shes an enigma
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Creature wants to be sexually exploited by TJ and he's simply not interested at all.
insanely trooned out basket case
The only thing he's ever won is rape. That motherfucker is worse than any ftl poster
It’s a db issue to focus on. He should focus on banning homeless camping in city limits. Which is what the other people at the town halls were actually concerned about.
Creature, Letty and Betty.
she just got a new apartment just before powtank so hopefully she knows she can rake in easy cash from regular kick streams
>Share soju
>Police at your door the next day
the true fool scoffs at the victor while proclaiming luck
Claire also left her make up there. I wonder if on purpose ;)
Hes retarded, no one wants more traffic in small city centers, how the fuck does making it more walkable, bikeable make it worse for local businesses, stupid tard
Wow great opinion. My saying the majority of people like him and you both saying you don't like him, it's almost as if... there's a minority of people that don't like him. This is a crazy world, very insightful.
yeah she has rent as a motivation now, which is good for her
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Show's so bad I'm considering watching another stream on the site.
>wake up at 7pm
same. how to break this cycle?
>inb4 get a job
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go outside
I swear I saw a ghost in the thread, it was just there a moment ago a few posts up but it vanished. THIS IS NOT A DRILL
Did any of you watch this live? I was watching powtank so i missed whatever was going on here
Everyone hates cyclists. Once you hope on a bike you became an annoying entitled retarded cunt. Now imagine the person hopping on the bike is an already entitled retarded cunt from the pacific northwest. I would truck of peace every cyclist after a day of driving in Oregon.
holy fuck
Pffff nice try but I won't be fooled by your jewish sunlight.
jesus christ i forgot about this nigger, hope he got hit by the hurricane or whatever you've got going over there
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That's my TJ, Vampire Slayer.
Except the bike lanes in city centers of small cities like Bend dont have those obnoxious spandex wearing cyclists, its completely different
>*dishes it out but couldn't take it*
what part of the stoic badass gamer strategy was this?
I've said for ages that he has some luck devil on his side
They were being whores, what's not to understand?
Creature is a tragic
Letty LOVES to take advantage of men when they are at their most vulnerable state.
A spider in human flesh.
tuned in quick because chat was talking about it and the other girl was shaking her ass
these are the hot normie women the contrarians itt rave about, im dead
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Boondocking status?
How are people not bored of watching these retards yet? Is it a parasocial thing?
thats not what happened at all but whatever
any clippers?
why do you need the clip, theres literally no need for it
In this one case she actually wasn't. She was just the most responsible person in the house. Now she's gone, that title belongs to creature or Shadi. TJ is going to die.
Yeah, she took him away from the cameras and tuck him into bed. She surely wasn't waiting for the other girls to go away nor chipped away his bravado by feeding him alcohol and poking at him over stuff he wants to keep private.
Ive watched TJ do family trees of medieval families this is nothing.
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grim and fucked up
stop responding to retarded tjmaxxers they seethe about every fucking fish perpetually with pure delusions
for tj's reaction, he apparently said he swore off relationships for a while or something like that
Xavier bloodgames videos status?
>She surely wasn't waiting for the other girls to go away nor chipped away his bravado by feeding him alcohol and poking at him over stuff he wants to keep private.
She unironically wasnt
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How do you charge your power tools while boondocking
these guys are on average, average looking, what is even the point of this post
Yeah it was actually pretty funny as Letty slowly realized she was stuck in there with Jacob and his gang of zoomers and no one else was going to help TJ at all. If she wasn't already planning to leave, she would have after that lol.
>share soju
>wake up at kent hospital with a sore asshole
claire needs to take her dads trucks, 500mg of benzedrex, i love it on repeat and make the 750 mile drive. she can "get her glasses back" tonight.
It's over
is a princess?
i know not of what you speak and stay away from mine ear machinations, redguard
>I only cared about fucking vampires and living to the extreme.
what an ugly sob
She's terrified of actually caring about something and not being behind 700 layers of irony. She's female Sam. It's why she left in the first place.
insane that it took her that long to realize
Relax tranny
who's average in that picture? I count 4 out of 11 at most, maybe 5 counting Cryo?
because god damn if that's average I'd be above average
epic 4chan troll so cool >:)
not including the first pic
Lol i also liked it when he called her nigga letty
The stage between Thomas drunk and Leland Palmer drunk is truely the best TJ. Shame its a sliding scale and impossible to keep him there.
Show's over, huh?
They all like him, but not enough to get in a relationship with him after watching him through Season 2 and Bloodgames.
Abi got the ick, Letty won't babysit him while he mops over Taylor, Claire probably won't tie herself to another man for a while, Shadi is in it for the clout and Creature would quickly drive him away with her friends and lifestyle.
TJ deserves to take his time delaing with the breakup, find a woman completely unrelated to Fishtank and have a relationship in private.
Hes too busy dealing with a girl being kidnapped on his discord server
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what was the deleted post
>falls down and loses the challenge
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jet neptune dies today
what's wrong with women in front of cameras that makes them behave like whores?
truly divine intervention
Yeah totally agree
>TTS noise
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>Abi got the ick
its over
Honestly anon... you don't want to know.
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I miss Sargeposting.
taylor got carpal tunnel from cookie clicker and hand jobs to casino johsn.
TJ just... he just... he just... he just... do you hate him?
left one is hot
right one looks like a fat simpsons character
letty pretty much ran everything and had all the ideas so yeah
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Anyone willing to go digging through Jacob's friends socials for behind the scene footage? Apparently some of them were streaming last night so there might be some worthwhile footage floating out there.
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jet neptune dies today
Biological drive to find a suitable mate, selfish desire for attention, end goal being some rich viewer paying for an easy life. You see, being a woman is to be powerful. The power to use others for an easy life.
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>the raping
>the debating
>the spanking
Last night was kino
what the fuck are you taking about ? he said he is not interested in any of them and don't want to date them. shadi ? lmao
Creature is old enough to be their mother btw
minor coded
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ill ruin the fun for everyone lol
The only people still watching are the perpetually parasocial'd. The tj seethers dont spend their lives on ftl
bitchtank claire had the perfect body she got a bit more fat so now its only 10/10
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Jet Neptune rides today.
The parkour
Me too man. Instead we just get these kids arguing about stranger's life's again.
It was pretty hot when Letty tickled Claire
how late were these people awake last night wtf how are they still sleeping
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Nah, they're still here.
wasn't it obvious?
Took Initiative
>Boxed Sam and destroyed his rib, didn't want to see Taylor
>Boxed Ben when hammered
>Beat Jimmy in boxing
>Beat Tayleigh in boxing and destroyed her already sour womb
>Got honeypotted
>Kicked honeypot off the show so he could stay
>Disobeyed Sam and went downstairs
>So righteous his honeypot has parasocially fallen in love with him
>Building harem
>Only one with an arc
>Raped Sam
>Stopped doing the retard dance
>Best WWE intro
>Sam was jealous of his beautiful locks and made him shave it
>Won the build a bed challenge by getting drunk and falling asleep on his wood pile
>Survived a cardboard box to the head thrown by Frank when he was hammered
>Best monologue of the show Bedroom 1 painting
>Stood up physically to Frank when he threathened his baby
>Funny when hammered
>Didnt give Dumbgay any of the team prize money
>Mogged Oliver right when he came in leading to Olivers entertaining B plot
>Wonderful song that made even the simp Chris give him the win over Tay.
>Tribal dance in tribal paint to worship the King Chris, Sam told him his was best.
>TJ and Frank hassled Greg together
>Got to go with Bex to the doctor
>Sleep mogged Sam
>Lives rent free in Jimmy's head
>Withstood the most intense dogpiling over Lubecooch allegations
>Beat the lubecooch allegations via lie detector
>Only one keeping in character for final challenge
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We're just controlling the market saturation to increase profits.
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You best start believing in ghost stories, Miss Volyanska... you're in one!
It's a beautiful Sunday and I'm ready to spend the day theorizing on TJ's love life.
Literally no one is thinking about her other than you. You are fucking obsessed
just took a shower and I peed while I was in there u mad?
Hi Mike
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Thats just lying. Gaslighting is something completely different. Fucking retards misusing buzzwords is so annoying
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I'm ready to be normal
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TJ is god nigga
a little bit man yeah
Tj was having fun toying with Abi here. Caressing her hand giving her affection while spitting and drooling. At the point he realized every woman on the show or watching wanted him and he could do whatever he wanted.
Imagine getting a surprise visit from Abi in the shower.
it's what we do
I dont get the reference
i get it that's fair
Woulda grabbed her and pulled her in with me. Tj has no initiative
he is heavily drunk and taped to an ugly rat who he thinks is taylor . poor fella
Should pulled her in and got her soaked.
Damn, I thought we'd get to see more of the house. Last night Creature said they were streaming and held her hostage right around the time you could hear several people yelling from downstairs.
How horrible
she screamed rape from being taped together don’t think that would’ve went well
Kek I just remembered those now. What happened to them? I guess they’ll have the same fate as the s2 episodes.
>Won the build a bed challenge by getting drunk and falling asleep on his wood pile
I've never laughed so hard in my life. All of these are great highlights, no other fish comes close.
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What time can we expect our announcement today?
Kiwitroons will ignore this post
Theres gotta be more, the other guys were walking around with their phones like they were streaming and they are all tiktok zoomies.
Expect today's announcement on Tuesday
many people are saying this!
The announcement today is that there's gonna be an announcement tomorrow
Nice find anon.
announcement on that soon
Oh shit did creature leave jacob?? That was so cool he got to sleep next to her. I bet his undies are filled with precum and he probably constantly was waiting for her to finally make her move. Jacob is so cool man, it looked like they were like bf and gf sleeping next to eachother like that. Also powtank has been a massive success and Jacob is cool.
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>announcing an announcement
tomorrow is now, what's with the delay, Jet
Is TJ okay?
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>effortlessly moggs your chud fishtank host
announcement on that soon
what is neons fanbase made of?
don't worry about that
she's with tj rn according to sloth in chat
jacob is a stud muffin no one mogs him
This could be great bait if ne0n wasn't a fucking bitch, 5 outta 10, great idea terrible subject to execute it with
Okay <3 Yay <3
>Is TJ okay?
he went home.
someone let jacob know his heart of hearts is stepping out on him. But he may be jeremy tier and like it who knows
the announcement today is another announcement announcing that the announcement has been delayed till tomorrow so we'll get another announcement tomorrow announcing that announcement until we get the announcement
>great idea
its literally just fishtank
Of course Shadi and Creature suck up to those zoomers for attention kek.
Yeah Shadi said he was up early getting water and I think creature is with him now or something.
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>Nice try kid
havent watched any of it what was it?
yup, shadi follows them around the entire time
I meant anons bait post, trolling was a art and all that bullshit
>they sent an intoxicated/severely hungover dude back to his home
Bad news everybody, Creature has unbirthed TJ.
Probably for the best
Okay good but why the FUCK is Shadi still there
nope got KWAB'd out of the tank
She was passed around by the zommie streamer mutts and now that Letty left, she and Creature are competing for production member with the most brain cell(s).
jet effortlessly mogs jacob in ever single way its insane
Only watched a couple of clips, seems like fishtank but for turbo normies
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A common use definition without looking it up; gaslighting is a method of using a series of focused lies for the express purpose of getting someone to believe something untrue, even when faced with that very truth - often to the extent of making the target question their own senses/memories/thoughts/experiences.
>A house is red, but everyone coordinated to agree the house is green, when Timmy shows up and tries to correct them they all act like Timmy is the crazy one. "Obviously the house is green!" If they all agree, it knocks Timmy's confidence off balance and he's no longer sure to trust what he sees or what others agree upon. The moment he concedes the house is green, he's been gaslit.
Whereas "lying" on it's own is less of a holistic approach and more so convincing someone of a specific untruth. Knowingly stating something untrue with the intent to convince someone that it is.
>You're a shit student and your mom wants to see your report card. She knows they should be sent home on a certain day but when that days comes you lie and tell her it was pushed back for whatever reason. She isn't necessarily "gaslit" into thinking the date moved, but she's just taking you at your word.
There isn't really a fine line between the two concepts. You could boil it down to gaslighting being a more focused set of lies with the intent to confuse someone while lying is more straight-to-the-point deceiving.

tl;dr who cares, don't get triggered over a word. Hope somebody learned something I'm going back to bed.
not really btfo if Jacobs show has been utter trash for 2 days
Because Letty did all the job
>all im doing is pressing buttons
We can tell
i said im going back to bed fuck off
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new update
No More Fishing For Jawns / Suspendas Thinks He Will Be Friends With Sampanday Soon Again
that's fair
is he no longer with riri?
>steam is currently offline

I saw TJ cry and hug letty last night but that’s about it did I miss anything good??
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Love jet. Protect Jet. Hug Jet. Cherish Jet.
after that, no
Good point from Twitter
reminder that jet is somehow getting 50% of all the money from powtank
>did I miss anything good??
Nope, goingtobedbros have been on fucking point lately
I think kalei pisses me off the most she ignored all my chat comments about not talking to or bringing home BBC guys.
Jacob is a stupid low value faggot, his show has been as dysgenic as he looks
Absolute dismal failure only limping along because of legacy cast members showing up
Jacob feels like he did nothing because he did nothing
Nothing was unique
Its all copied and pasted from fishtank and jet. I fucking hate that frog looking fuck
You'd probably have to be a real loser to say that stuff in her chat though
Jet needs to get a projector so he can make announcements to the fish Wizard of Oz style instead of inserting himself into every situation. Get the fishes attention with an air raid siren TTS and get all the fish to assemble in front of the projector.
holy trvke
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Jacob btfo
Artist type guys take notes.jpg
yeah no clue why anybody hasn't mentioned this to him while he's sober
Just passively checking the site and what I'm seeing is evidence of irreparable damage to the fishtank brand. Why not just make s3?? It's impossible to know what is happening
He said he doesn’t believe in God he believes in love so that should tell you there’s type of person he is inside
jacob should pay TJ 25% of the money they made
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We are never getting to see Claire again, are we? Give me one good reason why I shouldn't end it all rn.
it's a quote from the matrix
>You better start believing in the Matrix, Neo.. You're in one!
>Why not just make s3??
that requires effort
lake mungo lookin ass
50% with the other 50 going to Letty
Check CK's Twitter she just said she's going to do it.
lmao what's with tj constantly calling other people taylor
Goon for Nina. Start tugging on your little thingaling and making it feel all warm and fuzzy for Nina. Reminisce on certain moments like when she was petting the camera and calling it a good camera in Bloodtames, like when she danced and bounced in Bitchtank. Nina mogs, effortlessly. Goon for Nina. Take another hit off the poppers and masturbate your dong to Nina. Look at Nina’s bikini babe bod and bate your bloated boner to her big bouncy boobies! Goon for Nina.
more like an enema
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Glad he escaped fatlor
i'm manifesting s3 going to shit and jet bringing in claire as a freeloader. there is always hope anon.
hi mikeing has been cancelled on account of his egregious samefaggory last night
wdym by that
you're gonna find out
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what would be a fair amount per day to offer claire to be a freeloader in s3?
She is getting fat and that is a good thing since I will not be a simp for her anymore
5 jimmy money
1 hour facetime call with TJ every other day
It's so over, all three of us clairepedos need to kill ourselves claire will join us soon
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youre going to put her in your asshole?
fishtank actually is corny and we should all move on
I can't decide what to eat for dinner this evening, I have a choice between:
A. Bacon Cheeseburger with homemade cajun spiced potato wedges
B. Go to store and buy a whole roasted chicken and eat with a twice baked potato and garlic fried brocolli and brussel sprouts.

Does anyone have a link to the other camera?

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