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Classics and Arthouse

Batman Begins edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Prev: >>204232910
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Did some 14 year old with a dull sense of humor discover /film/? Won't post in this thread anymore.
Directors who exposed themselves as retarded or deeply degenerate in interviews:

Please add
This is the first time I've noticed that the crown was changed into a burger king crown.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out
Jesus Christ. Why would he even admit something like that? How was that even relevant? "Darkie brand toothpaste" is hilarious.

Going to be entirely honest. I don't watch really watch any black directors. Filmmaking is sort of our blindspot, black Americans at least. There are great and lauded black musicians, writers, artists -- not really any notable or worthwhile black directors, as far as I know, at least.

That being said, Felicia Rivers.
Worst OP in weeks.
We just had a Joker 2 edition recently
Watch Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One.
I repeat; worst OP in weeks.
But what was the worst OP ever?
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Based OP
>t. OP
Yeah, I could check this out. Thanks. If anyone else has any obscure black films or directors they can recommend that might be interesting.
is Killer of Sheep good? Always wanted to see it but never got around to it
Dwayne McDuffie
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The ultimate redpill is that this chart is the truth
Already the worst thread in a month.
Thanks for showing up.
Stop complaining and try discussing films, or you are only contributing to it being shit, retard
You may have misread my post, I really wouldn't know. I feel like black directors have never really made the type of films that interest me. There should be a black Russ Meyers.
lil bro is salty af
My bad, I was trying to ask the thread in general in response to your post
How to into Weerasethakul?
Don't really know much about black American directors, but there's plenty of kino by African ones. Check out:

Ousmane Sembène
Souleymane Cissé
Djibril Diop Mambéty
Roger Gnoan M'Bala
Idrissa Ouédraogo
Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese
Mahamat-Saleh Haroun
Nabwana I.G.G.
watch his movies
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It's the best of the Nolan trilogy and I'm tired of pretending it's not
It's in no way the worst thread in a month. You could say that only if you came in here yesterday.
Aren't blaxploitation films kinda like a black Russ Meyer? I remember some stuff like Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song being directed by black dudes. I feel like I have to try and watch that film again, first time I turned it off because I thought it sucked.
Does anyone in /film/ have a physical media collection?
>thread is able to go 18 minutes without outright discussions on gay sex
>anon declares it the worst thread in a month
Ah. Sorry.

Thank you, I'll look into them.

>Aren't blaxploitation films kinda like a black Russ Meyer?
>I remember some stuff like Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song being directed by black dudes.
Melvin Van Peebles.
>first time I turned it off because I thought it sucked.
Yeah, that's the thing about blaxploitation films, they're not good. And quite a lot of them were directed by white guys. I haven't seen Sweet Sweetback yet though.
post your most popular letterboxd review
>implying I would even have a trannybodx account
shiggidy diggity
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>It was like 90 degrees on Hollywood Boulevard. I stayed for two-and-a-half weeks until I found a courier flight back to New York. I met this one hippie chick, though. I got fellatio, and I gave her head back. She had this hairy hippie crotch–those '70s bushes that you don't see anymore. Lemme tell you something, when you looked at the snatch of a chick in the '70s, that beautiful, natural hairline. It was so fuckin' beautiful, so fuckin' beautiful. And you know what, they didn't work out, so when they had a nice body it was nice in a different way. It was amazing– amazing. I can sniff and taste it now. I haven't been with a girl that had that natural glow in a long time. They're all so worked out, toned and yoga-ed–they're yoga-ed and waxed. Gimme a nice little chubby belly, ya know, with some big bush– but not bush down the leg, just like a little bush, a natural bush. I mean, my idea of cutting-edge grooming was that they shaved under their arms. That was good enough. When I think of the prefect chick, I close my eyes and I remember those first days of summer in Buffalo, when the sun finally broke out and that first halter-top appeared. The girl would lean over, and you'd see just the side of her boob. That– that's what I think of. Thank God for girls...
/film/ will have no problem with this but somehow Joe admiring the black male form is too much. Double standards.
He's 100% right.
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Queen of /film/
Asian anon here again
What a weirdo
Based fellow Bauchad
Is this guy ever wrong?
Off-topic, you know what to do.
Yes, you know what to do, kill yourself
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I know it’s a joke chart but I still don’t get what you’re REALLY trying to say.
>>204248744 #
The Innocents is far superior in every way. It is more horrifying, written better, acted better, filmed better, edited better, better mise en scene, better sound design, etc. You get the idea. Also, you are dead wrong for shutting on Valerie, Demons, Viy and Possession. I hope you kys.
I love how much fucking seething Nolan causes in /film/. Based OP
A classic film is simply intellectual counterfeit money compared to a good Rob Zombie or Eli Roth flick
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>Classics and Arthouse
>Batman Begins
It's a modern classic
Tell you to kill yourself yet again?
Nice to see you too, angeranon.
It's so based how an off topic OP causes people to call out the off topic OP, yes.
lil bros malding
Intellectual counterfeit is simply intellectual counterfeit when compared to a good non-intellectual counterfeit.
>ME: Worst films you've seen this year?
>HIM: Swingers, the L.A. Jewish Mean Streets. Paul Thomas Anderson's Sydney, starring Harvey Weinstein's fellater Gwyneth Paltrow. I know she's gonna blow her way to an Oscar one day. Any French film. Gummo -- when I think of all the great films that barely get released, to think of this midget, rich Jew from Nashville coming to New York City pretending he's Jean-Luc Goddard, and getting to make that piece of crap -- wow. You young kids are lost. You don't have anything better to do with your time? Why don't you clean your apartments, or at least your bongs. Bastard Out of Carolina -- Angelica Huston directing, need I say more? And the dreadful thriftshop ad I Shot Andy Warhol, why would anybody put Lili Taylor in a movie? She is so ugly. Ugly is ugly ok, it's not interesting. It's ugly, OK? She ugly. Ugly ugly ugly. I don't like her. Plus she's an asshole. Nothing worse than an ugly asshole, shouldn't ugly people at least be nice? It's bad enough most good looking people are assholes. Anyway, just seeing a movie poster with Skeet Ulrich on it is more than enough to make me pass gas. In a perfect world, Skeet Ulrich would be stopped by the doorman.

>ME: Wow, you know your films. Are there any actors you'd like to work with?
>HIM: No.

>ME: Any actresses?
>HIM: Well, I do like girls, so let me think. I just saw some scenes from the unfinished Lolita, and the girl in it, Dominique Swain, is brilliant. She blows that asshole Jeremy Irons off the screen. And I think the little girl Kirsten Dunst will be really good. She's already good now. If they were still young, I'd like to do kissing scenes with Tuesday Weld, Sandy Denis, Kitty Lynn, Deborah Winters, Glynnis O'Connor, Nicoletta Machiavelli, and Elizabeth Montgomery. Lee Remick, she was cute. I guess I only like whiteys. Yeah, whiteys. Although, remember that TV Show "Julia" with the black lady in it? She was cute. Nah, forget it. I couldn't do it.
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All Reddit. You could've at least tried.
Yes, the ones on the left are reddit, that's the point
The ones on the right are /film/
Films on the right look like the favorites of a random Letterboxd tranny. Watch more movies.
Off-topic, you know what to do.
>starring Harvey Weinstein's fellater Gwyneth Paltrow. I know she's gonna blow her way to an Oscar one day.
The films on the left look like the favorites of a generic white man
So, a random Letterboxd tranny.
why do whities have such horrible taste
No, a generic, straight white man
The films on the right look like the favorites of somebody who has an actual personality and isn't just Generic White Male number 10000
kek. It's all basic Reddit cinephile 101.
Watch more movies.
Spoken like a triggered white guy
Get an actual personality and realize that you can enjoy films that "reddit" likes
What an incredibly off-topic post. You know what to do, reddit!
Nolan films that already are classics: Memento, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Inception, Interstellar

Cult classic status: Following and The Prestige
Possible classic status to come for: Dunkirk and Oppenheimer
>Spoken like a triggered white guy
Oh the irony
Holy fucking based.
Joker 2 - Venice Film Festival
Megalopolis - Cannes Film Festival
The Substance - Cannes Film Festival

If you have a problem with these films, you don't belong on /film/
All festivalbait. Off-topic. Festivalshit isn't welcome here.
>Going to sleep right now
>Contemplate with dread that every time I wake up in the morning I remember I'm going to work
>Every minute at work I feel like I want to kill myself after doing genocide on the human species as a whole

/film/'s for this feel?
What a load of trash, man. Everything I see by this man is the same. Just generic white male in a hero role and some epic "boom" shit in the background. And guns.
Based and festivalpilled

Off-topic posts
It's insane how relatable he is. Spiritual soulmate.
why did you chose to mention they're white?
It appeals to the power fantasies of the average generic straight white male
Imagine if he made a film about a queer black man? His target audience would seethe endlessly
I hope you die.
Megalopolis was really fucking good. Joker 2 and The Substance sucked ass.
Look man, I'm white, but his characters are just so generic. Generic brooding white man with amnesia. Generic brooding white man with vigilante complex. Generic brooding white man building the bomb. It's so insanely cheap. Would be more varied if he did different types of characters, like vigilante black guy, mogul woman... Idk. His style of cinema is the most bottom of the barrel shit for me. Same with David Fincher (except Fight Club, that's based).
All this time I thought that Lili Taylor and Rosie Perez were the same person.
You forgot The Dark Knight Rises, a meme classic and an essential /film/ in the history of /tv/
True. Equivalent of male basic bitch cinema. Himbo cinema.
It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
>Look man, I'm white
And I'm a Soviet rocket scientist in my 90s
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I don't know if the anon who was asking about movies similar to 964 Pinocchio is in the thread, but you should definitely give this a watch, better than 964 imo. The high contrast black and white looks amazing, one of my favorite movies on a visual level I've seen in a while.
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>If the film language and sensibility are not integrated somewhere in the narrative, then they are inconsequential, separate. And if you have one point of view, one aesthetic, one sensibility throughout everything you do, and you don't let people sway you away from that, especially your cinematographer, then the film develops a soul. I'm a very structured person. I've acted in 17 movies now, and when I go on a set, the director lets you rehearse the scene, they do this stupid thing called the walk-through. The cinematographer pushes the director into some wanker idea he has, the actors push the director into some wanker idea that they have, and the director kind of gets wanked around and comes up with his own wanker version of the scene, and it's a kind of "spontaneous" and "risky." To me it never seems to have a singular point of view. It all seems so easily manipulated. When I went on my set, I would go with the first a.c. and a set of primes [lenses] and look through the lenses. No one was allowed to say anything-I didn't give a shit what anybody's ideas were. I didn't want to go one step further until I had a concept. When we went to storyboard the dinner scene at the family's house, Lance was running around with the first a.c. and he was giving me the same shot sequence that I had just done in five dinner table scenes in five other movies. I started screaming, "What the fuck is the concept, man! How many shots have you seen in your fucking life where they go over the fucking shoulder. This sucks." My concept was Da Vinci's "The Last Supper" where we only see three sides of the table. Then I realized that there's four people at the table, but there's never actually any point in the script where all four people are listening, looking or talking to one another. The only way this family operates is in these kind of triumvirates or duets of conversations. One person is constantly disappearing in the scene. So there I had this concept of how to shoot the scene.
Just downloaded it yesterday. I'll watch it (when I can).
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A true auteur.
Nigga talks like he invented the wheel by simply not doing the most traditional mise-en-scene
>I've only had three idols in my life. Johnny Unitas, Richard Nixon, and Chris Squire, the bass player for Yes-- Squire being my number one. My love, fascination and devotion for Chris Squire is deep. The pain of my whole childhood was sedated by listening to Yes, King Crimson, and Genesis records. And now here I am, 25 years later, and my Yes obsession is the only thing I haven't outgrown. As I was doing the script, the first thing I wrote was a tap dancing scene with Christina set to King Crimson's "Moonchild." We shot the scene and from then on, I felt that progressive rock worked for this movie. I'm not trivializing that music, I'm acknowledging that that music is classic and timeless.
white people can't see their own whiteness. They are just gonna be like, that is how it is supposed to be.
Probably the most based Gallo quote I’ve ever seen. The Moonchild tap dance is my favorite scene in Buffalo ‘66 and Chris Squire was an absolutely killer bassist. /prog/ as fuck
Yes and Genesis are the least interesting of the major /prog/ bands though. The Moonchild scene is amazing and live in my head rent free.
I’m a KC/Yes guy all the way though Crimson is obviously the better band. Never cared about Genesis
>70 years later
>people still focus on boomer shit

die boomers
Seethe harder, zoomer. And enjoy your economy
This, /film/ is a Playboi Carti and Nettspend general.
We don't do that here.
Thoughts on Megalopolis?
I’m not even 30 yet you stupid fuck lol
Just say a tranny.
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>I’m not even 30 yet you stupid fuck lol
His music is basura but he had a cool music video with the speakers and the hair. I thought that one was cool
My 'We' do that here
honestly no, I get the argument against streaming but I don't see what advantage a bunch of plastic disks have that a hard drive full of hundreds of movies doesn't
Menopausal festivalspergs getting a taste of their own medicine, heh.
t. underage
this is the most based gallo quote
Blah blah blah
Blah blah blah
I have like five classics on 4K/blu-ray but that’s it.
Only Memento counts
Which ones?
Memento, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Inception, Interstellar
Anybody know any film about conscientious objectors during WWII?
these charts are shit
Prepare to be disappointed in what I consider classic:
Suspiria (4K)
Lawrence of Arabia (4K)
Assassination of Jesse James
Whiplash (4K)
Walk Hard
Each movie on each chart was carefully selected by the great minds of /film/ - the premier center of intellectual film discourse online. You might disagree with some of the picks (there's no accounting for taste after all), but to dismiss them as "shit" only betrays your lack of cinematic knowledge.
There's just not enough of them. where are all the genre charts
What are the best/your favorite asian films of the 2010s and 2020s
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I need more atmospheric movies like Possession and Fallen Angels where the camera moves around freely.
If you like something like Wong Kar-Wai there's nothing i can recommend you.
Tarr. But I don't care, I still appreciate films from all these directors
Because he's a self-hating white soiboy.
Wtf, really? Surely there's more like that.
Blame gen X'ers/millenials for not doing better, asshole.
Really? We had Nirvana, Arcade Fire Kanye West, PJ Harvey, Cardi B, Radiohead, Sufjan Stevens. We had PTA, Fincher, Wes Anderson, Yorgos Lanthimos, and Ruben Ostlund.

Zoomers once again skip all of that for boomer shit. It is still Coppola, Ridley Scott, Martin Scorsese, New Hollywood, King Crimson, Beatles. Why wont the boomers die off already.
>We had Nirvana, Arcade Fire Kanye West, PJ Harvey, Cardi B, Radiohead, Sufjan Stevens. We had PTA, Fincher, Wes Anderson, Yorgos Lanthimos, and Ruben Ostlund.
Tell me this is a joke, please.
Start with Blacked Raw
We had Xavier Dolan, we had Greta Gerwig and Jordan Peele, we had Catherine Sciamma and Caroline Forgeat and Damien Chazelle. Where did it all go wrong wokebros.
>he hasn't seen tenet
Jesus walk off a bridge loser, whites invented cinema, everything else is essentially exotic / foreign cinema
>We had Cardi B

A beautiful mess. Filtered millions
Cardi B DeMille
Holy shit
>Born February 29, 1908
>His critically acclaimed nihilistic jidaigeki such as Roningai (1928) made him one of the top Japanese film directors
>he was only 20
based. I'm sick of boring pilates bodies
Bertolucci has him beat, made his first
film at 18 (it's in the criterion collection). Age isnt a big deal for film because so much of it is tropes and short hand that any idiot can memorize. Musical genuis, and novels however can't be faked.
I started with Tropical Malady and I'd recommend that you do the same.
The trolling has become too obvious at this point.
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>Age isnt a big deal for film because so much of it is tropes and short hand that any idiot can memorize. Musical genuis, and novels however can't be faked.
I recently watched the dollars trilogy and I didn't enjoy them as much as I did as a teenager besides The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Bertolucci made his first feature when he was 21, still impressive though
Whoever made that and keeps posting it thinks about cuckolding more than I think about Jess and that’s REALLY saying something lol
Why is Wong Kar Wai so hated on /film/?
Probably because he constantly filters the cannes audience by refusing to play into their Asian exoticism gimmick. The way other directors like Koreeda and Apitchatpong Weeselthul do.

>2046 uses 'so bad it's good' kitsch'
>my blueberry nights is a hollywood movie
>the grand master is an actual kung fu movie
>blossoms is a netflix streaming show
I've never seen a WKW film but judging by the fact that this thread thinks that Tsai is high art cinema and Kubrick is off topic I wouldn't trust /film/'s opinions on anything, unless you post a very specific film and can strike up a conversation with one of the anons and he recommends you something
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This man has never seen a boob
good morning, /film/!
Gonna watch Babe and Babe: Pig in the City for my sweet nigga Gene Siskel
>rapes his own daughter
>she hangs out with him no problem

never change women
good movies
megaslopalis was god awful
t. dionysian mind
No it wasn't. It was a solid 3/5 film.
The rumors around him fucking his own daughters came long before Pola's article.
>she took it from Aguirre
No, he adlibbed it in Aguirre because it is his sick fantasy.

This was also well before Pola's book:

>It comes as no surprise when Ruth Tocki, Nastassja Kinski’s mother, accuses the actor of harbouring a willingness to have sex with his own daughter. The book even makes allusions to such a desire, and one sees its spectre approaching well in advance, insofar as all the female figures in this story serve no function other than to service him. (When they are not having sex with Kinski they seem strangely out of place.) Likewise, it comes as no surprise that Kinski once tried to arrange for Nastassja to play his love interest in his pet project, the film Paganini, about the early 19th-century violinist who was rumoured to have sold his soul to the devil. Though seeing Kinski and his daughter play these roles would have been a spectacle to behold – or perhaps avoid – it didn’t happen. That he planned to do it, however, is quite likely the truth.
I don't see "fucking" anywhere. He probably was just creepy as fuck but didn't actually touch her. Lets be real about the actual accusation.
mfw I use my dionysian mind to not have the boom mic in the shot
How would you describe Tsai's films?
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>mfw 10 pixels of a boom mic in the shot
among many other lazily constructed scenes and general poor filmmaking. I understand le roman meaning, but no one has been able to tie that to a meta justification for the movie being bad on every technical level.
>lazily constructed scenes and general poor filmmaking

Craft is overrated, soul is what counts
Alright, thank god you were at least joking. I'm a little tired about getting gaslit about this shitass movie.
>soul is what counts
Craft is to cinema what eloquence is to language. Digging deep and meaning something really hard counts for jack shit without eloquence.
Enemy of cinema.
Who's the craftsman of cinema?
Vittorio De Siecta
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Did you know František Vláčil's The Valley of the Bees is now available in blu-ray?
Ophélie Bau's dad
It makes sense that people who have never attempted to create something in their entire lives hate Megalopolis.
some of these probably don't count as "asian", but whatever. bring on the h8
13 Assassins
The Act of Killing
The Assassin
As the Gods Will
Black Coal, Thin Ice
Claire's Camera
Drug War
The Garden of Words
The Grandmaster
The Handmaiden
Hill of Freedom
Ilo Ilo
I Saw the Devil
Jiro Dreams of Sushi
Journey to the West
The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness
Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter
Like Someone in Love
The Look of Silence
The Man From Nowhere
The Night Comes for Us
Planet of Snail
The Raid
The Raid 2
Right Now, Wrong Then
Romancing in Thin Air
Stray Dogs
The Tale of Princess Kaguya
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
The Wailing
Why Don't You Play in Hell?
The Woman Who Left
The World of Kanako
Yakuza Apocalypse
Your Name
The Medium
as you can see, I haven't seen a lot of 2020s films yet. I'm sure there are plenty out there that I'll think are at least great when I get around to them. I also know I'm missing a lot of /film/ essentials from the 2010s, but I most likely haven't watched them yet either
Anime: Takahata's Kaguya
I'm realizing I probably should have tiered the films, so you don't assume I think they are all the same quality. so here you go
>one of my favorites of the decade tier
The Look of Silence
The Raid
Why Don't You Play in Hell?
The Woman Who Left
The World of Kanako
Your Name
>amazing tier
13 Assassins
The Act of Killing
The Handmaiden
I Saw the Devil
Jiro Dreams of Sushi
The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness
Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter
Like Someone in Love
The Man From Nowhere
Right Now, Wrong Then
The Tale of Princess Kaguya
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
The Wailing
Yakuza Apocalypse
>great tier
The Assassin
As the Gods Will
Black Coal, Thin Ice
Claire's Camera
Drug War
The Garden of Words
The Grandmaster
Hill of Freedom
Ilo Ilo
Journey to the West
The Night Comes for Us
Planet of Snail
The Raid 2
Romancing in Thin Air
Stray Dogs
>great tier
The Medium
I assume I'll be shit on even harder after this post, but whatever, that's my taste
>your name over kaguya
I appreciate the effort put into this post, I have to check trailers for some of these out to see which catch my interest
Shinkai is the Terrence Malick of anime except unlike Malick he never really made a great film
I understand that Kaguya is much more technically impressive, and looks much better, but Your Name actually made me tear up, which is very rare for a film to do. I may have just been emotionally manipulated, but I don't care. I loved that film
don't expect to like all of them. I've come to realize that I have a pretty strange taste compared to most /film/ posters
Cemetery of Splendour
Casting Blossoms to the Sky
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
Happy Hour
opinion discarded
I don't understand people like you. discarding an entire medium, just because...?
Anime is garbage but... damn... I have to say this... better than Tsai and modern Hollywood, sorry
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>mogs you're favorite arthouse
nothing personnel kid
and because I'm bored, here's a list of asian films that could potentially make one of these tiers once I get around to watching them
0.5 mm
Alipato: The Very Brief Life of an Ember
Another Year
Asako I & II
Ash is Purest White
Balangiga: Howling Wilderness
Blade of the Inmortal
A Bride for Rip Van Winkle
By the Time It Gets Dark
Casting Blossoms to the Sky
Cemetery of Splendor
Cold Fish
Dead Souls
Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains
An Elephant Sitting Still
From What Is Before
Guilty of Romance
Happy Hour
Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai
Helter Skelter
Inland Sea
Kaili Blues
Labyrinth of Cinema
The Land of Hope
Like Father, Like Son
Long Day's Journey Into Night
A Lullaby to the Sorrowful Mystery
Mekong Hotel
Mountains May Depart
Mr. Long
Nobody's Daughter Haewon
Norte, The End of History
One Cut of the Dead
On the Beach at Night Alone
Paths of the Soul
Ruined Heart: Another Love Story Between a Criminal & a Whore
Shin Godzilla
The Whispering Star
The Boy and the Heron
Decision to Leave
Drive My Car
Evil Does Not Exist
Godzilla Minus One
Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell
In Water
Man in Black
The Monk and the Gun
A New Old Play
Only the River Flows
Onoda: 10,000 Nights in the Jungle
Perfect Days
Return to Seoul
Ripples of Life
The Shadowless Tower
Shadow of Fire
The Woman Who Ran
The Works and Days (of Tayoko Shiojiri in the Shiotani Basin)
Youth (Spring)
probably some I missed, but that should be more than enough for anyone to dig through
>says he's bored
>makes boring posts
it passed the time, so good enough for me
well /film/?
Fuck that. I'm done with polls, charts and the likes. One per year is way more than enough.
indians samefagging le hilarious shitposts just like the ricecel discord samefagged tsai here, what's the point?

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