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Sleepy edition

/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 27th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes before season 3
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Some people from the show and retarded orbiters can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Jon is the TALLEST fish
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose.
• Taylor is working on losing the immense amount of weight she's gained but not the emotional abuse she endured on TJ
• Abi and Claire competed for TJ's attention and seethed about Letty
• Letty effortlessly mogged
• Abi is a three time quitter, who couldn't even sit in a room and be friendly
• Rusty is not black
• Cleej is official
• TJ has won the powtank making him a two time winner

>Watch Here
>.m3u playlist


>Show Archives

Previous thread: >>204249478
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Bex lookin like a snack
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the midwest...
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She could heal TJ

From the thumbnail it looks a bit like she's showing off a massive asscheek
Hard agree. I didn't think he'd have anything to add to production, but after powtank, he could definitely do Ben bits with the cast.
same tbqh i didnt expect much of him but i’m impressed
i hope they didnt slight my boy rusty with the prize doe, he deserves some money
Bex looking BOGGED
They should have told him that he gets nothing if he gives up. Might have motivated him to try.
I can't believe how entirely this board has become TJ self-inserts.
That’s fair
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TJ & Letty > Vance & Josie
Why did cops raid the house in the first season of the show? In episode 3 it shows cops at the place but doesn't give any context.
>Jet shutting the site down
>still a week before s2 episodes
>fishtank will have no content until then
Dumbass, why not drop the episodes starting today? Or at least keep Radio Daisy up on site
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Like bros, imagine if you will that she didnt have a top or a bra on here in this picture, leaving her tits just hanging freely. Then imagine me just lying on her lap sucking her boobs like a baby. Fuck yeah...
Someone from the audience called them as a prank
TJ & Letty are better entertainers while Vance & Josie are better in the labor department such as camera work etc.
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how am I supposed to get the ocasional Claire update if they cant stream on the site Jet?
pffft fuck no we want more Mariomovie, you prancing homo lala man
I thought the whole point was to have the show running while at the same time having fishtank related people who are not directly involved streaming their reactions on the site.
Get out of his ear dude
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This but with Letty for me or even better both of them!
I gained a new appreciation for TJ. I respect his approach to being a zoomer in the world as it is. Not chudding out. Not being some anti chud crusader either. Just taking in art that is love and life and believing everyone has something positive to offer the world. More sane than a lot of the alternatives.
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I heard Abi sperged out fill me in
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I feel the same way. It actually hurts not coming to the realization earlier to fully embrace retard and just enjoy life...
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Clabi is going through hard times. I think they’ll still be friends eventually just not ultra besties.
I have been glazed, not filled.
Give me it to me more
So in the end, who were the winners and losers of Powtank?
Claire. I was a Claire hater but her stocks have risen
Abi is the clearest loser
you're gonna have to be more specific about which time
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Claire, Letty, Rusty, and TJ are my pics.

Just pretend Jacob isn't in pic related.
I only heard she had a falling out with clair sperged and went home

Tj - Based as ever
Claire - Seems to have come off well
Jet - Proved that setting up a Fishtank is difficult and he did a good job on the main seasons. Plus, killed some time before S3
Letty - Letty always wins

Abi - Nuked her stocks
Shadi - She stinks
Jacob - He blew it
Summy would have saved powtank
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It was friend tank. Everyone won. Even Abi who had the hardest time being there. It was another good experience for her to get pushed out of her comfort zone even if it made her crash out temporarily. i believe something good will come from it for everyone who went on powtank.
this is a fucking great idea, why are they not doing this? imagine having some greg sylvia scott or even regular streamer soiface in the corner of your feed. increased viewer retrntion + pumping up numbers for the official site
>S3 starts
>Cameras come on
>Jet is lying face down on a mattress surrounded by whippets
>Ben comes up and wakes him
>Jet looks shocked and goes 'oh shit, that was today?'
>He frantically runs downstairs
>Turns out it was a bit and that S3 is actually really well planned

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>Fishtank becomes like Japanese TV

well they had a falling out from what i understand because claire saw abi saying things about her on discord which she wanted to be private, abi was acting spergy during the show in general, claire presumably blocked abi from her phone during one of the nights, and tj arriving made it more awkward between them because they both seem to like him
wtf is powtank
Would abi really cuck her portly mexican gentleman?
ah, you wont believe what happened my man
Be mad. It's just another W in TJ's collection.
Jet has taken down the fishslop streams to fix the m3u8 playlist bug, hasn't he?
tj is going to have a lot of thoughts going through his head on the 1000+ mile drive home
the guy in the american flag clothing kind of looks like simmons. come to think of it all of them kind of look like simmons.
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>ex bf broke her computer
>living with aunt
>no job
>friendship with Claire on the rocks
>fumbled TJ

whats next for ftl's princess of the south, the beautiful Abigail?
Jimmy has her address. Connect the dots.
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He dumped her awhile ago and hulk smashed her computer (according to her). Probably over her being more interested in flirting with fishtank people than him. She’s living with her aunt right now and picked up alcoholism in what seems like an autistic attempt to make Claire think she is cool. But it didn’t. It’s just further destabilized her fragile mental health. Pray for Abi. Think positive thoughts about Abi. Do not be hater or a seether. That’s bad for you too.
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Return the glasses, TJ.
You forgot

>sustained serious head injury
She didn’t fumble tj. There was never anything there to begin with except friendship. She was crushing hard, but that’s normal to go through in friendships between men and women at some stage in the friendship. They’re still on good terms
Chilean-Mestizo shitrape ritual
>He dumped her awhile ago
Bet it was her autist diet
TJ will never read this.
Now Claire, we know you're here. Ask TJ to drop them off on his drive back. It's ok we aren't owned any confirmation or acknowledgement of what happens.
I need abi upskirt por favor
*Owed, It's Monday morning, I have no 'tank, and I hate it.
Autistic Abi OnlyFans for TJ to sub to pls
Its only 170 mile detour and its not like he has to be somewhere.
Why was she in a better mood overall during bitchtank than powtank? Is it cause she got paid more?
Powtank had more real life drama
Exactly Claire, tell him that. GL.

She went in to Powtank with infinitely more baggage, emotional instability and a nice head injury to top it off. It was doomed from the start.
whats the head injury from btw
Ate shit while being drunk and woke up from hospital
I miss when dumbgay would be ranting at Trish and drop some hints about an ethnonarcissistic eschatology scenario, something vague as fuck like, “Well, I’m not like that, so it’s gonna turn out different in the end.” Some we was here first we will be here last type shit.
blacking out and falling off the toilet
sheesh shes really going through it then
Josie didn't do anything during season 2 besides click on empty rooms for the director cam she was USELESS
Speaking of which have him and his family been very thoroughly doxxed? The name would make it probably easier.
I feel more addicted than when the show was running. I hate when fishtank is on and I hate when fishtank is off. Curse you Jet Neptune and your son autistic Roblox boy.
Are you gonna send straight dudes to Haiti ?
Claire is a bad liar
That was kinda the point. She was saving TJ from being stuck on the spot with light teasing. I'm sure she could intuit the real reason as quickly as everyone else could why he didn't watch it and was stuck in ummm mode.
shut the fuck up, spic
The thread is so dead. It's going to be a long 20 days, isn't it?
Who posted Claire’s address in these threads during Bitchtank if it wasn’t Isaac? Same anon also told us her full name and showed us pictures of her and her sisters.
Are people still streaming or was that shut down
its never too late to raise your glass to love and a TJ maxxed life, anon. I'll raise mine with you now good buddy.
That never happened tho
i wonder what theyre gonna do for fishtank season 53. jet jr. u guys are assholes for bringing up his womanising drug addict dad tho.
Shut down. Jet locked the site till s3.

I don't remember her address being leaked since they were stalking her pictures after to find where she was. Some anon did autistically search high schools and found her and her family's social media from there.
Isaac still sounds like a cunt tho. TJ would be way better and always keep shit private.
I ended up talking to my normie friends about Fishtank and we got onto the subject of how attractive the Fish were, I showed them some of the cast and crew, the ones they specifically pointed out as being hot were

>Taylor (Old pics)
There's only gonna be 53 people left watching season 53
It happened. It got deleted by jannies quickly but her home address was posted.
making some webm's of the footage i recorded
Are you ok? You type like you've sustained a head injury.
Damn Taylor straight up told him he can't watch it. Hopefully TJ undestands one day he dodged a bullet.
Are you friends with women or gay men or both?
yo whens Trish gonna show up
lol why wouldn't she
no brian? mustve chosen a photo of him smiling
Why would she not let him I mean
I needed more Claire TJ interaction. Not just from the shipping way, but it just almost feels weird to see them interact. Like it's a 90s cartoon crossover or something. Claire's also really good at teasing him and TJ enjoys it.
There are women in the show (including Abi)
Fuck yeah. Goon for Cleej.
show us your ass again
bro whats the deal with taylor and other women tf
Post neck
Don't know if Powtank was such a good marketing idea from Jet, imagine if you were a new viewer interested in Fishtank and your first exposure to it is Powtank.
Because she's super controlling. She gave that vibe to people, and her fellow Floridian swamp hoe Creature could immediately tell. She probably hated Abi in particular since Abi was too friendly with the Teej. Then she had Keegan's greenshark ass in her air probably making her paranoid about it.
i was bored and felt like compiling this, so here's a list of all the fish and freeloaders and their appearances on all the fishtank productions. i left off a few cell/bitchtank people to fit it all on one screen, if any of them ever make a second appearance they will be added to it.
Did Sam and jet shout it out on twitter?
wtf even is Powtank
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Do you agree with this top 6?
Enough of this faggot minor e celeb lovely dovey simping shit. We need hell house, new fishes with no clue about what they're getting into. Fuck this faggot zoomer rom com tier crap
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we can still manifest TayJ
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why does the table explode, she doesn't seem to throwing that hard
Hi aperture
I mean they didn't really market it and it is kind of immediately obvious it is side content. Side content is equally important, especially when your show is built on para socially connecting with the contestants.it also benefits to have a pool of people to pull from that fans keep up with and have history to the show.
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Letty W
I'd run my fingers through his hair, sink into his gentle embrace, spell my love for the midwest in kisses upon his clavicle

Who was Jan?
The fans will keep up with the show no matter what, the problem they have is that they haven't got any new viewers since S1.
xavier ravenclaw/thehumanmoment.
None of these women are fucking you dork faggot, I wish you fucks never entered the MDE fanbase
nobody watched powtank except the most diehard fans
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Without question.
This has never been hell house. The worst of season 1 was throwing condiments on each other and calling Sylvia fat. Season 2 was more hell house and everyone here universally hated it. Your revisionist bullshit does not work.
Claire is a bad liar
Wish they would’ve brought John Hartman or whatever his name is into the house to really FUCK with Jimmy’s Chilean-Mestizo head.

I feel like a representative of the Pascale-Sykes Foundation.
Rank your top 10 hottest Fishgirls

Same thing was said about Bitchtank and that left a bad taste in everyones mouth.
Hell house can be done and it can be entertaining but it has to be short as fuck like ice poseidon prison stream one week is long enough
Yeah but I'd blame that on the fact that Jet never markets anything. I only found season 1 because it popped up on my YouTube recommended. Luckily it was only 12 days in.
their interaction was like something out of a movie script tj would really like. He should transcribe some of their interaction if jacob releases the footage and work it into his great American novel he wants to write. Maybe he finally found the muse he needs to get past his writing block.
who was Ella?
>picked up alcoholism in what seems like an autistic attempt to make Claire think she is cool
Wow, that makes sense. That didn't occur to me.
Right after this there was a TTS that Taylor was the reason.
What are the clips with the chat in the corner from? How you do that?
And that's why it fucking sucks at the moment. It's just turned into this simping fest where people have these stupid parasocial attachments to these minor e celebs. Fuck TJ and fuck the rest. I want new people and I want them put through the ringer. You all sound like a bunch of middle aged women talking about your favourite soap characters
>why does the table explode, she doesn't seem to throwing that hard
I forget. Tay comments right before she picks it up that she thought it wasn't plastic so it make be something like bakelite which gets frail as it gets older. Also Tay is really strong given her weight and everyone in the tank commented on that fact, the weird angle of the camera distorts shit but she did put some force into the throw.
I hope abi dies soon tbqh
Bring Simmons back for season 3 lel.
Bruh go watch McKamey Manor vids or something
Both fucking sucked tho. Need season 3 with some new blood and new ideas
Oh you posted it never mind
She whipped that shit like a softball
i can't tell if you're asking this sincerely because it's a meme to ask who ella is lol. in case you're not, she was a freeloader from season 1 who was supposed to be josie's doppelganger but gave up on it, then did nothing for like two days, cried about her horse being sick, and left.
No you fuck off and watch that, stop ruining MDE
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There are too many fishtank girls it hurts my brain trying to remember them all in that list. Letty is my #1 over all and that's all that matters.
>Taylor that high
So that's why there are so many TJseethers, didn't realize the thread was that retarded.
>"She's sweet"? *under her breath* Nah, she's not, it's all a front, she's not sweet. That bitch is not sweet, I tell you what. She's Floridian, I know her kind, she's fake as hell. She's a fake-ass bitch. When I was in Bloodgames, I was trying to be nice to her and she had no desire to talk to me or anything, even if I initiated the conversation. If she wasn't around and I was talking to TJ, TJ would talk to me, but if she was around, TJ would NOT talk to me. Like that's weird. That's fuckin' weird behavior. I thought she was shy, too, but she would talk to like all the guys no problem, but when it came to the girls, she would kinda talk to Letty, but that was it, she didn't talk to any of the girls, only the guys. And she would be like *this* close to their face when talking to them. I won't say who, but someone was like "I thought she was gonna kiss me. It was weird".
>What are the clips with the chat in the corner from?
i cropped the chat and made it a separate window on obs
Bitchtank was run by the main show runners and displayed their worst ineptitudes. It was also while they were supposed to be working on the next main season and the inevitable burn out and delay exacerbated the dislike of the season. I think it was worth it tho for Haley Claire and Jacob joining the FCU.

Let's be real, you can cut the following from these polls:

>Anyone off bitchtank that isn't Abi, Claire, Shadi, Haley, Kato and Kalei
>Sylvia (The only Sylvia fan put a baby in her and moved on from /ftl/)
>Maybe Delaney and Nifty but I know some guys have their type
Has any of this shit been worth watching? There's like hardly any clips.
Taylor is hotter than the average ftl girl even if she is insane and evil
Again this show has never been about torturing random people, so I don't know why you come in expecting it. I don't go into Joker threads angry that they aren't historical documentaries instead of gay rape fiction.
She was. Feels like she's walled a bit since s2.
creature may be a retard but everything she says here tracks with what anons were nooooticing during bloodgames and offseason when tj kept blocking and unfollowing random women on socials
Is there a wiki for fishtank characters?
Wtf. Taylor is like a really sweet girl, how could you say she's evil??
>"She's sweet"? *under her breath* Nah, she's not, it's all a front, she's not sweet.
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>Bex winning

Queen of Clubs
Queen of /ftl/
Summy would have RAPED powtank
>Has any of this shit been worth watching? There's like hardly any clips.
Not really
>Is there a wiki for fishtank characters?
Yeah but nobody edits it or gives a fuck.
this claire thing is getting out of hand
/ftl/ seems to be an ass over tits general which is sad.
Exactly and she had absolutely no reason to shit on Taylor at that time. That was peak America's Couple TJ-Taylor posting. Creature just knew. She is an old hoe but old hoes do know things.
Yeah it has always been since s1 day 1 parasocial friend simulator with shipping and simping, even Sam cried several times during s1.
Cmon dude
Seems the queen of spades joke people made during S2 were right after all.
her and bliccy are so overrated its unreal
do you have a #1 fishtank dude?

Tbh THAT webm was making the rounds in S2 as well it's just less people cared
Very few ftl girls with nice big tits
We work with what we have
What about the fact that you can't even watch the streams without making an account
NTA but it's TJ and will always be TJ. No one comes close.
What about Sylvia? She had massive jugs, Too bad we never got a good look at them.
That's gay but I think their issues are bringing people to the site in the first place. They need to try shit like having director cam restreamed to kick and twitch.
Bliccy is really weird to me. She’s mentioned her being posted here on numerous occasions since Bitchtank. The Peter Thiel jokes seem to really trigger and excite her.
I don't believe that, it would've taken off big time then like the Taylor toilet and black security guard pics.
Bruh she's got an Onlyfans. We got very good looks at them.
She has an onlyfans but she's fat so it doesn't count
This one is actually kind of difficult for me. Unlike the girls there really isn't one guy who's overall the best imo. Jon, Cole, TJ, Tai, are my pics and hopefully I'm not forgetting someone. I'm pretty brain dead atm...
What's the @? Why the fuck did she start an onlyfans?
he loves michigan
Yeah, they can also allow restreaming as long as the site domain is linked in the corner. It may also be a good idea to get a normal .com domain since zoomers are retarded and think anything with an unusual domain TLD is a virus (in this case true ofc).
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Bliccy is really pretty and she has a nice body
>why do you keep smiling and then not?
he seems to do that a lot, big goofy smile then it melts off his face in an instant.
It's from before season 1 when she used to fuck nogs for heroin and shit
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This bitch forgot about SCOTTSULLIVANMMA
4/6 and counting
booger city up in them nose holes.
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It was years ago bro
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s3.5 should just be TJtank. Lock him in a room and bring in weird people to hang out with him. Imagine for example TJ just sitting around and 5 hood niggas come in to hang out.
That nose. It’s kind of. Giving. You know? Like uhhh. Maybe um. Maybe Bliccy could hawk-TUAH onto Tristan Tate’s asshole, and press the tip of that phallic thing into its bullseye. Then the force alongside the lubrication of her phlegm would allow that pointer to pass through Tristan’s sphincter, lodging her beak nostril-deep up in-TO Tristan’s rectum through the interior DONUT ring of his Alpha anus. Inshallah most high
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bliccy is jewish
Frank was right, she needs to get back on heroin.
I see a Jiggly Bliccy. Bimbo Alessandra, bleached blonde hair! Her features shapeshift swiftly. The belly fat, it’s THERE!
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i counted scott as production so i didn't add him, but he's kind of on the fringe because he doesn't really do anything most of the time except hang around. so maybe i'll add him next time i update it lol.
Claire is a bad liar
I would watch it. TJ is the most interesting to just throw into random situations. He suffers for the entertainment of all
I liked that one morning when TJ was asking her random questions from the cards
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I can see the appeal of having a slutty fat breeding wife that's always wanting to dress up in weird costumes and outfits and take photos.
Sylvia Large

Sweet jesus I'm back on the Sylviatrain
i'm ready for the post-pregnancy lactating of content
Sylvia is the only fish I’ve busted over
wtf was the point of frank. I'm so fucking confused, I missed out on the context as to why frank was picked to come onto the show.
Is he sam's brother? Why was he such a massive asshole?
kinda ugly desu
I'm not really sure how or why they linked up. But Sam and frank were friends before jet came along.
Looks like your average Italian stacey from NJ
are you coyly revealing a detail regarding Alessandra’s background
That’s a plus if she is desu. I want a nasty little jewish princess
Don't get me wrong, I love watching retards be retards. But Airsoft fatty is too much, even for my tastes.
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I don't know her personally but she is very intelligent
infinitely better than with her make up on
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this is damiel
she's a handsome woman
I liked him in season 2. He got in better and had little arcs with all the fish.
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>I need a hairy little Jewish Princess
>With a brand new nose, who knows where it goes
He didn't want to humiliated while naked during blood games so I doubt he'll be back for season 3
Thank you footage guy for still going through these. Hope you find something cool like Sam beating the shit out of Jet or something.
why do women have zero instinct to protect themselves
>That nigga can commit to any bit you throw in his way.

Yeah thats how he ruined 2 seasons
Huh? He'll definitely be back, they just won't do the nudity this time. Probably for the best because he lost his self censoring fat folds.
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Bouncy Bliccy
Josie nigger.
S3: Fishtank but it's set in an early 2000s nightclub
he's not really a retard though. he's probably more intelligent than the half the fish that have been on. he's just got lolcow fatbrain and slight autism.
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Outdated image faggot anon
Fatty definitely has a humiliation/exposure kink, with how easily he will whip his dick out and walk nude in front of a room of people.
Damiel is the only fish I hope returns for Season 3
I remember there was a theory that Damiel would be the recurring plant for every season which would've been a good bit
To seduce Sylvia and later Tayleigh
Fatty is extremely retarded and extremely autistic.
I prefered jon, less intelligent more autistic but kinder and willing to progress and improve.
nobody watches this slop nigger
He's genuinely low IQ and didn't graduate HS until he was in his 20s, he's retarded
Seethegan. TJ won. TJ won again. Then TJ won a custody battle. And then, I just wrote something in my notes recently, looks like it says TJ won another time. I guess TJ won. I wonder if he'll continue to win in the future will you seethe in a /tv/ thread no one cares about?
Favorite Fishtank hoaxes?

>STRIKE TWO (The girl everyone thought was Jenny)
>S2 will restart/change era at midnight on New Years
>Tayleigh was actually DQ'd for hitting Trish she just doesn't know it yet
>Scott and Haley fucked in the bathroom
>implying I do
wow anon you got me! nooooooo
>bro TJ stop sucking his dick its kills seasons

>Nah ah, imma suck him dry forever everyone must know im a gay man!
He has the emotional and mental maturity of a white trash middle school kid that loves dirt bikes and atvs
He will be back, naked with the shape and form of a Greek sculpture.
Lmao what are you even referencing here. You sound mad.
how are there people watching fishtank who don't know frank hassle? that's the point of the character. he hassles people. also s1 there was a counter for getting him on the show, people were tipping for it. him and sam have worked together on multiple things and honestly frank's content is way funnier than anything sam's been doing. it's over now though because he's been arrested one too many times. he's probably on probation.
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>>Scott and Haley fucked in the bathroom
No, he's quite retarded, anon.
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watching idubbz fight on chip's phone, just after he lost
>Tayleigh was actually DQ'd for hitting Trish she just doesn't know it yet

Was never a thing

Well of course it wasn't, it was a hoax.
His dick is 1/5 of the greek beauty standard though.
Strike Two effortpost "leak" was so amazing I think that can't be beat
>Jet got fired after Season 2 was believed for like a couple days
>"2.5 cast leak" with Alison etc.
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Strike 2 was a hoax but STRIKE 3 was real
it was but for a very short while, like until it became very clear a few minutes later that the wiggers were trying to save tay's ass as hard as possible
you remember that image with stick drawings where some dudes are playing cards , then some other dudes join in, but they dont care for the game so it gets worse, then more normies join in and then even women join in, effectively killing the game/hobby

I think its called the deterioration of a hobby or something like that
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at least youre actually talking about fishtank not just TJ, youre a man bro that aint a lot this days
say what you will about tayleigh but the taymaker was solid she can throw a punch and trish didn't fuck with her after that.
They were so doomed at the end there. They knew they wanted a different 3 way finale and they knew they Trish wouldn't cut it, but because of Jimmy and leavers they were stuck with the same final 4 for like half the show.
thoughbeit they liked babydicks
Yeah but nothing has changed from the hobby. How is TJ different from anything in season 1? You are the one who was never in the original hobby. You are the one moving in and deteriorating it because you want le epic death heck house. You are the one that can fuck off.
>The gumball/vending machine in S1 contained key items for winning the tank
Where do I go to see more of Betty's tits? Did she ever show ass?
No I'm not a coomer I'm simply curious.
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S1 was ass
this is a cool sample of personality types. bliccy being whatever the fuck she is, kato with anxious swaying and rato psychotically still
This has never been refuted btw
Wow that system died so fast. Shame I kinda liked the premise of it but they just had no idea what to put in the machine.
So you want to come in and change it. You are the normies and the girlfriend I. Your reference who want a different product. You're analogy failed and you are just mad you aren't getting what you want.
Tayleigh is in Alabama. Should her and Abi link up?

>Simmons is suing Fishtank
>Summer is suing Fishtank
>Letty is suing Fishtank
Only if it's streamed so I can see Abi spergs out on her next.
>You look like a man
>Why are you doing meth?
at least she has jordan
Sam had to settle with them out of court because no lawyer wants to work with him
this is 100% pure /ftl/ schizo fantasy. i read all of this shit and have a chuckle but if you believe any of this you're an idiot. also this shit is obviously harmful to fucked up people like summer and they believe it and it becomes reality for them. /ftl/ is literally putting people in psych wards.
Summer got better. I think.
Still has yet to he refuted to this day
vance cried
it's funny to pretend that happened but the story behind is insanity
Look bro, I have many crushes, I love every single girl Ive ever been with, I crush on lauren mayberry, I love Nami from the one piece live action.

It dont mean I have to fanboy every priject theyre on. It just so happen that on fishtank TJ is the one that ruins the season. Its just business big dog.
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Female Jimmy
It's real
All of it
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>Anon, your not gonna watch bitchtank right? Thats basically cheating.
>Would you cheat on me? Do you really hate me that much?
>If you really do love me then you won't watch it.
(rave girl) gets me so fucking good lool
Summer is based. Support Summer’s crypto endeavors. Send Summer money. Goon for Summer who is Conner. Goon for Summer. Repent and become a good Christian for and like Summer. Relapse and take bong rips and goon for and like Summer. Masturbate penis for Summer. Be like Summer and breathe in and breathe out and flash those crazy eyes.

There is no meme. I love you.
You're asking for help to pass a basic IQ test
Vance is a little bitch I bet he did cry fuckin pussy get a real job stop pretending to be Sam hyde on youtube
You still haven't even really explained how he ruins seasons other than you don't like him. It comes across that you are either jealous or assmad, pup.
summer told her truth and i,for one, believe her.
>Do you think Claire is sexy and attractive?
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I hate finger tattoos. Especially on a girl. Just comes across too trashy, idk.
I can't believe production directly references it when the story is that Sam VIOLENTLY RAPED Summer in the basement while Vance recorded, sobbing
She still hasn't figured out that it's her profile pic getting her reported every month?
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Can we talk about how beautiful CK is?
Yea my last gf had them they were dumb but whatever
This is tayleigh we're talking about
rumors of her beautiful have been greatly exaggerated
Someone like her shouldn't smoke weed
she looks like a doll also I'm gay where are the Cowboy thirst posts
Sure, but JulJul will always be the humber one (1) in my heart!
He didn't show up for Powtank, no one cares about him.
She's too beautiful, CK for S3.
>She still hasn't figured out that it's her profile pic getting her reported every month?
She doesn't care, she'll take it down to appease the retard janny that took her shit down then immediately upload the banner again for another month or two.
Wow she is beautiful
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>I'm sorry Taylor
>Are you angry with me Taylor?
>Yes Taylor I'll block these women on Instagram
I need more of this vibes Powtank. Jacob better be hard at work for Powtank 2.
>CK getting fired so she can spend all her time samefagging on 4chan
Has she stopped schizing out yet? Is she back on her meds?
What meds Im not on any meds lol. Im just having fun
Last time I checked Twitter she was still in the midst of a manic episode
kek was thinking the same thing.
No meds can contain that kind of crazy for that long. Only King Cole could and he abandoned this world long ago.
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imagine if Summer didnt some weed and wasn't as crazy as she is
Should we keep gassing her up and encourage her to stream on twitch? She was just begging Jet a few days ago to let her stream on the fishtank site, but that’s not a possibility anymore.
CK has you post a pic without crazy filters for us I don't even know what's going on here with all the makeup and photoshop
Cole was drunkposting on here a couple nights ago fyi
where to download s2 archive from other than ftl website ?
I miss Conner, he was cuter.
I don't use filters lol!
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You telling me this lil girl is a controlling abusive manipulative person?
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Why are you hiding your beautiful face?
I don't believe it. i wish he would tho. If he could learn to let it go, he'd benefit from a Cole powtank like TJ just did from TJtank.
CK post a pic if it's really you
It’s a content house. He should just devote that room to having low key house parties and having random people over all the time on stream. If Jacob keeps producing content like that I’m not even going to watch fishtank anymore.
Someone owns that house tho it's not his
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So he’s just paying rent?
Are you glad you didn't end up on powtank? I think jacob would have fucked with you for sport
TJ didn't benefit shit. cole should stay away from ftl
Nah I think it needs a little more focus and planning than just always running, but I think TJ set a standard and a theme if he wants to keep doing them. Have like one big main fish, a couple newbies and then returning small guests that the main fish hasn't interacted with before. Make it a kind of humiliation ritual but mostly just pushing them to do what they do.
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What's your favourite fatty meltdown?
Mine is when he unclogged both toilets with his hands and got shit in his mouth.
How did Powtank end? I thought it was supposed to go on longer.
He doesn't live there I mean it belongs to one of his friends parents that's why there's barely any furniture or decorations in the house (sweet pool tho)
we have somehow forced schizophrenia to develop inside CK
Still sitting here angry pup? I meant TJtank benefitted TJ himself even tho Powtank was not only benefitted but saved by TJ. Cole could easily do the same in both ways.
Bloodgames would've been better if instead of deputy Brian we had deputy CK
I can fix her
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When Frank opened the gooncave door on his head and he pretended like it hurt
Do You Think Taylor Used To Praise TJ and call him a god after he blocked a woman for her, so that's why he thinks he's god when he's blackout
They don't have a lot of furniture because they are streamers that jump across the country. Jacob was talking about not getting his deposit back and on zoomers twitch the mutt was talking about his room. They rent it together.
>How did Powtank end? I thought it was supposed to go on longer.
Rusty and TJ slept for 16 hours straight then were given laxatives, diapers and told to eat hotdogs and a half gallon of milk. Rusty didn't really give a fuck and just tepidly ate a few hotdogs while TJ was vomiting the shit into a pot then they threw Rusty into a bathtub and hurled TJ's vomit onto him.

Rusty W TJ L because Rusty wasn't interested in debasing himself for mere pennies and pissed off all the paypigs by turning the speakers off on shitty special character spam.
That one where he was incoherently ranting in the S1 house laundry room as Vietnam steve, I think it might have been after the "chemical attack"
Benleaks fault
They almost killed tj with alcohol poisoning Saturday night and cracked his head open. The real final challenge was standing on the chair and getting raped by Rusty. When he fell the show was over. They tried to barfing and shitting final challenge last night but rusty refused to try. Jacob didn’t have any leverage to motivate him to go through with it.
No TJ is an atheist and book nerd so it probably spawns from some weird 'we are all God's philosophy he has.
>caused Tayleigh to have a schizo meltdown on Bloodgame
>caused CK to believe Peter is an actual demon and got her fired from IHOP
this place is truly grim and fucked up
Vampire queen bliccy would have been an all time great but I don't think she's into the outdoors much
He's said several times it's another guy who streams who has parents who own the house and is letting him run it as a streamer house.
And don't forget what they did to poor summer
Better yet, why is she hiding her beautiful tits
clip? haven't seen this one.
Oh well then I hope those parents don't mind that room getting fucked. Hope he does more Powtank in the future and brings back TJ just to piss off >>204262702 this guy more.
TJ + Cole Powtank 2
I thought it was officially some 23 year old zoomer streamers house (aka parents rental property) and he rents rooms to other streamers and there's certain streaming obligations?

I doubt an early 20s kid with streaming as their job could lease a property via normal methods.
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for me it's when he shuffled angrily towards letty and tore a piece off the door frame when he brushed against it
Yea very few people are able to pull that off
He didn't break the door frame, that was some liquid shit on his arm unless you're referencing something else.
it was just soup wiping off his shoulder
ah lol
Was it ever revealed who leaked the Summer voicemails?
It was at the end of the tickle the baby bit where fatty went into the goon cave to hide
That shuffle is imprinted in my memory. It reminds me of one of those videos of old men getting into fights.
obviously it was jet himself
Josie. She continues to attempt to sabotage Fishtank. She will not stop until Jet is dead.
Pretty based actually.
She did make multiple Twitter sockpuppet accounts to harass the black fan girl so it's not far fetched
If CK brought me my pancakes at a waffle house I'd be polite to her, just saying. I'd also tip 20% or slightly less, no less than 17% though.
Jet Badson
Who's live on fishtank.live right now?
allegedly you can hack into someone's voicemail inbox if they didn't bother to properly set it up/change the password
Yes. And she's going to get away with it because TJ is too nice.
That's not what happened tho because only jet's phone number and sensitive information like that was censored lol
Son I've got some bad news...
So we're never going back to /bant/?
I miss the comfy threads
More like fishtank.hateanddeath
Oddbod isn't live?
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>Outdated image faggot anon
You never miss an opportunity to suck his cock kek.
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It got shut down. He made the call.
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Greg is the white Sinbad
What would you do if she showed her other pancakes?
Well that's the good news, Odd of will never stream again.
The bad news is Jet shut down streaming so no more TJ Karaoke kino for at least a few months.
Hi Mike
Tread lightly. Slandering the beautiful CK’s name is blasphemous.
Claire and abi ruined their reputation
I wish I was Mike. I was mocking him for calling me big dog and crying about TJ. I'll never be as cool as the green faggot.
Claire will inherit Taylors reputation pre breakup
I hope abi dies a violent unnatural death tbqh
She's not all that bad
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TJ will be production on season 3 and it will be Kino and he will be doing bits as Leland Palmer as well
I don't think Claire did. Abi is the only one that really went into the negative because she never showcased how much of a spergs she was.
I am going to start a CK general on /x/
Abi just looked like an idiot, claire stocks held firm and are still blue chip.

No reputations were "ruined". Except jacob maybe?
>Scottposting to complain about scottposting
idk anon you're the one posting gay shit, self report lmao
Is he tall or is she just tiny
She's OWED us tits for a long time and has accrued a lot of interest on the tit debt.
tjs like 5'7-5'8 she's small
I still think he'd be a good freeloader towards the end of the season. When the heckish house parts are winding down towards a finale he can lighten the mood while fitting in with the shit living conditions and just going with it .
I would never. She's far too beautiful.
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TJ won, everyone else lost to varying degrees.
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All Scott simps just want to have a good time.
I find it funny how fast she ran away when she started crushing on TJ lol. Really cemented her as female Sam emotionally.
thx anon hope you're having a good time too, take care
No let him work production as a harmless intern then make him go to their bedrooms drunk to ramble about bullshit for 6 hours straight.
fuck you abi you ugly dumb cunt
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Of course! Our king knows how to have a good time.
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Someone in a thread said it and it stuck with me. She is terrified of showing genuine feelings like Sam so everything is behind irony and hehe I'm just lying. She couldn't contain her fangirling over TJ and took off when everyone was asleep so she couldn't keep doing it.
ha... could be us... i mean... how do i delete this... ! ha
Hey dickhead, good bit.
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Do you think Bex feels old when she hears all the zoomer contestants talking about how they grew up with early-mid 2010's culture?
Based Mark E
He would definitely be better than Josie in production and he could probably run pretty far with Ben's alcoholic bit.
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about to head to my nigger job
I will spend all 8 hours thinking about Claire
i don't care if im unproductive (i will be), not my problem
GL. Office job here and I'm doing the same instead of working.
>POV: You are gagged and bound to a chair and Summer is calming herself after she cut your balls off with a dull knife.
Never forget:
Tayliegh died from meth and it's funny because it is the truth.
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i'm 26 and I felt old when I saw that almost all the season 2 contestant were 21-23 when it started airing except like Jimmy and Brian which were 27
kinda gave me a lil bit of a quarter life crisis
Try being 32.
stummyache :(
I'd be ok with it if she let me fuck her dressed up as Conner first. It'd be worth the price.
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I've seen what 32 looks like and I'm scared, anon.
this is so crazy man
yeah well i'll get there too and it'll suck I know, unless the grim reaper gets in the way but I also don't desire that
Now I want a spergy gf that looks at me like that.
Would a meth of really be her only good ending at this point? The world seems to exist just to KWAB her at this point
Are these all the powtank chunks that anon published?
Buck teeth Abi is cute and that's a FACT
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It's not a bit.

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