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Why are all these ultra violent shlock films getting the highest possible critical acclaim, festivals, and awards? I feel like we are living in hell and everyone is demonically possessed.
Prudes deserve to be shot on sight
The media is controlled and want you to watch sholock where the bad guy wins every times and gets to murder as they will.

I'm a horror guy but the shilling and success of these films are weird to me.
Why are you shocked that people prefer disgusting gore to musical ass rape joker?
This is fake manufactured outrage.
I enjoy horror, as in atmospheric, the unknown, demonic, etc. Jump scares are fine. Killing is fine.

But this thing where it's torture, brutal torture of innocent women... you have to be some kind of mentally disturbed person to enjoy it.
>I feel like we are living in hell and everyone is demonically possessed.

ABLOOBLOO! Get a fucking spine you pussy.
oh blood pls save me!FUCK OFF!
You are cringe. You are memes.
Aw sweet it's another shill thread! I can't wait to see the same discussion that we have about this slop every day that's totally not being made by shills or anything!
Jew World Order
its not even good, its just b movie schlock from the 80s with a better camera. people were puking and shitting themselves to friday the 13th and whatever else back then
It's hilarious watching you retards seethe over slop like this and act like it's a new thing
You know that films like this have existed since the 1960s, right? The 1970s especially was full of them
These movies aren't popular and make millions of dollars.
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because everything is so sanitised these days, especially in the horror industry.
shuddurr and A24 & the soifags running these shitty movie companies always have to slip their fucking retarded politics in somehow, whereas Terrifier's creator Damien managed to keep them out of his script.

>I feel like we are living in hell and everyone is demonically possessed
sounds like your faith is over reaching your reality, your god will forgive you.
it's better than the slop that shuddur & A24 are putting out lol
>he thinks Terrifer 3 is a shock film
Oh boy, don't wander into the underground of horror & exploitation movies.
because critics are for sale.
Always have been, always will be. Internet is no better as you can easily create enough bots to swing ratings or just pay off the influencers to advertise your movie to millions of people directly.
Is that the Joker
So does that bitch from the 2nd movie get naked for the 3rd?
why do the men in this series get off relatively easy compared to the women? is the director an incel?

>first movie a woman gets sawn in half
>second movie has the bedroom scene
are there any brutal male deaths in the third movie?
Yes, a man gets a chainsaw up his ass in part 3 unironically
>You don't like watching cute girls get tortured to death? What are you, some kind of prude? It's just FUN okay, torture is FUN and it's totally normal to love watching brutal torture for 90 minutes. Don't be a prude lol
These films are gay but actual psychopaths aren't watching these, despite what some here will claim, the only people watching them are edgy teenagers and redditors who watch kill count videos
Nope. Sorry chud
You make it sound like you're being forced to watch this movie.
It's called Catharsis, anon
This isn't a kill count movie. It's just torture. And not torture porn, just brutal, psychotic torture. Of women.

Look, I think feminists are mentally ill with daddy issues and "feminist allies" are lower on the totem pole than onlyfans/twitch simps and pajeets. But this is the kind of garbage only severely disturbed incels and psychopaths can enjoy.
it's just american culture
they are called the great satan for a reason
humiliation ritual
you think watching fake gore on a screen makes you tough you little faggot goy?
You'd be surprised how many women love this edgelord shit and consider Art their favorite horror villain.
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No, it's clearly made for redditor manchildren. You really think an actual psychopath is going to go out and buy picrel?
>It's just torture
No, that would be Guinea Pig and August Underground. Terrifier is just a violent slasher film for retarded golem to kill count and buy funko pops of.
>Of women
He tortures men in the new one too supposedly. Why, would him torturing men instead make it better?
Also as >>204262469 said, a lot of women love it too. It's just dumb goy shit, an edgier version of a Marvel film, even including a marketable mascot and le epic lore than expands in the sequels.
you're just plainly wrong. psychopaths for the majority are low IQ mouthbreathers that enjoy garbage like this and the WWE attitude era
>highest possible
anything under 95 is garbage
>for 90 minutes

Therein lies my main issue with this series. Terrifier 2 had an insane bloated 138 minute runtime.
maybe it's a good movie
kek since when /tv/ is full of soccer moms?
is there anything like the salt scene in terrifier 2? i'm curious but i don't to puke
It’s just an extension of Christian trad larping.
Cool then you never saw the film because that isn’t what happens fuckface
The frustrating part is that the director is aware of this, but he still keeps the movies going on for far too long by slasher standards.
delusional. horror fans have always been a joke, sealclapping at blood and guts
Lol this
Not true, psychopaths are usually high iq. You are thinking of sociopaths
This. Its a reddit slasher tryhard astroturfed shit
>Why are all these ultra violent shlock films getting the highest possible critical acclaim, festivals, and awards?
desperation no one gives a shit about this gore crap or torture porn like saw anymore
>disgusting gore to musical ass rape joker
both can be shit at the same time
marketing thread for garbage
Does the horror genre have the most obese fanbase?
>The media is controlled and want you to watch sholock where the bad guy wins every times and gets to murder as they will.
>I'm a horror guy but the shilling and success of these films are weird to me.
low budget shit so they use the money spamming these threads and buying liars

I saw dozens of italian slasher films that actually had suspense in them, but this shit is just pathetic. Its like "we ran out of ideas so lets just pour more blood and gore into the scenes" .
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Hi. I would like a schlock film where the bad guy wins. Only he's going around brainwashing and bimbofying women.
Saw X did pretty good though. If anything it's doing better than ever when contrasted against these toned down, dull A24 or Peele films.
not even close, tons of stacies love horror flicks
Let's just say I gave up posting in /hor/ because it was EXTREMELY smelly
I will go to my capital city to watch this film ,sir
Because the only reviewers for this are "horror fans" (aka the dumbest humans alive)
These torture porn movies lower cinema as an art form. They debase it

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