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Classics and arthouse

Michael Bay edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Prev: >>204271660
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The Dark Knight trilogy is based and it's /film/
Kys retarded faggot
Live a good life Intelligent straight man
Avengers better.
I'd take Michael Bay over Wong Kar-Wai and Lars Von Trier.
Rubbing my clit right now
Sarah Gadon is the queen of /film/
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>So what got you interested in making movies?

>I went to L.A. from New York City for the first time in '78 when I was 16 years old-I had taken one of those messenger jobs where they pay you $50 to go on a plane and deliver a package. I had $50, this one-way ticket to L.A. and the connection to go back. I had a blue mohawk that was a little grown out, and I had an antique bathing suit from the '20s, the one- piece kind with the top. I took a bus all the way to Muscle Beach because I heard it was cool, but I couldn't find it,so I got off in Malibu. I went swimming. I came out of the water, and my shoes, my keys, my clothes and my money were missing. And a bunch of surfer jerks were standing there smirking. I have the ruthless, vindictive evil of 100 men in me, but these were big surfer jerks, so I got in a wicked fight, and these five Malibu blonds stomped me after I took a couple of swipes at them. The next thing I know I was kicked back onto the Pacific Coast Highway with no shoes, no money, nothing, wearing my bathing suit. It took me about eight hours to hitchhike home. I went back to the hotel, and there was this groovy, cute, weird chick there who sympathized with me, bought me lunch and took me to the movies that night where I saw Pasolini's Salò at a place that was kind of an erotic gay theater. They were showing it with a soft-core gay porn film, but this girl was hip enough to know that the Pasolini part of the bill was special. And it changed my life. It was such a heavy experience, I can't explain. It's a very good film.
Someone like Lars von Trier is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good dose of Bayhem.
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>What specifically about it blew you away?

>There were three things. First of all, it was the first time I had gone to see a European film. I'm from Buffalo. They're hard to see there. And it was the first time that I understood that there were these whole other cultures around the world that had their own insights, points of views, and sensibilities that could transcend America. I'm 16, it's a funny age, I'm still a little naive, but I was blown out that these Italians-and you know my mother and father are Sicilians-had a cinema language that was completely separate from anything I had seen before. I can't tell you how shocking that thought is at that time in your life. And the other thing was, there was violence in the movie that was not presented in a titillating way. Instead, it was disturbing. Really disturbing. There's a scene where one of the fascist queers is in a room, and the room is dead silent; you can't hear the horror of the torture outside this room, but you can see it. One of the cast members is looking out the window at the torture of these young boys and girls. He can only see it, he can't hear it. We could see these horrific things, but we were aware that we were seeing them through glass, that we were separated, that someone was in a beautiful study observing this horror. And something about this detached point of view disturbed me. My brain left my body. It refused to see what I was seeing. It shut down. My mind went blank for ten seconds.
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The third thing that happened was that since I have an unusual face, in Buffalo I was certainly not regarded as good looking. But seeing Pasolini's film made me feel better. When I was a kid, I wondered why I wasn't on "The Partridge Family:' I was a really good looking kid. When I turned about 11 or 12 and got ugly, I realized I could never be in movies as an actor. I'd have to fix cars. I remember once I went to one class at Stella Adler I could only go once because I couldn't come up with the tuition - thank God. I went back to Buffalo for Christmas before that first class. It was a really bad moment with my parents - I had just moved out - and my mother asked me what I was doing in New York. If she only knew. I said, "Oh, I got accepted in this school, Stella Adler, and she taught Marlon Brando." And my father slammed on the brakes of the car. He pulled me from the back seat by my ear and smashed my face on the rearview mirror, opening a big cut on my mouth, and he said, "Look at your face! Look at your face! Do you look like Robert Redford? Do you look like Paul Newman? You look like an asshole, all right! So let's stop with this fantasy about acting bullshit. Get a simple job, all right, and be happy with that!" And I knew he was absolutely right there was no way that I was going to wind up in motion pictures the way I looked then. But when I saw Salò, I got the same feeling I used to feel about "The Partridge Family." I thought, why wasn't I in a Pasolini film!
Gallo really has nothing interesting or insightful to say about cinema.
Yeah, Salò is pretty great.
On the opposite, he does.
Still waiting for it then.
>salo is... le disturbing

Bravo Gallo
10/10 aesthetic masterpiece. MANGIAAAAAA!
The gore at the end kinda is.
Gallo's father was such an insecure asshole. My compassion for Mr. G.
If we're to believe Vincent's stories the was an absolute psycho.
>I don't pretend to an artist, I don't imagine myself in film history. When Harmony Korine does a film, he already knows that the film is going to get shown, he already knows that he's going to get on the cover of The Face magazine, he understands the trendy appeal of who he supposedly is. He has a conscientious relationship with that fact, so he runs around pretending not to give a fuck because he knows that that's part of the persona. If he were really doing his own thing in a real way, I would feel it in the films. But I sense in all those filmmakers - Paul [Thomas] Anderson, Darren [Aronofsky], Harmony - that they're very conscientious of they are in film history, who their audience is, and how they're perceived personally as filmmakers. It doesn't seem spontaneous. That's were it becomes a little boring for me. Good art is much more interesting than the people who make it. It's much more interesting than them personally, it's much more interesting than their reasons for doing it, and it's much more interesting than their own understanding of it. I would hope that all the work that I do in my life is fifty time more interesting than me and my petty little small-minded reasons for making it.
>But you feel those other filmmakers you mentioned think of their work differently...

>They don't care about those other things; they only care about the perception that people have about their work. It's so clear - Quentin Tarantino was a great example of that. He was such a fan, but there was never any transcending of his faness in his work. It was so directly related, you know? If you take someone like Jean-Luc Godard, I'm sure he sat around watching American films 24 hours a day, beating off to them. Filtered through his small-minded petty grievances and his little reactions and his small perversions, and his affairs with Anna Karina, and his hate for an actor or his love for a particular actor, the end results were things that transcended him and his small minded humanness. They became very interesting parts of the evolution of culture and language. And even though a fan and obsessed with film, he allowed himself to be destroyed by it, to be small minded, lose objectivity, lose perspective on himself - and that's why his films have a certain charisma and soul. But those other guys, these more contemporary guys, this generation of kids, they're not self-destructive - they're very protected, very guarded in the moves that they make. Very guarded. If you see Pasolini films, they're exactly like how he really is - not who he's trying to invent himself being. He really thinks the pimple-faced kid at the Roman train station is the most beautiful boy in the world, and that's why Ninetto Davoli is in most of his films. He's not a guy who got a little success and so now he's gonna prove to the world that he can make Brad Pitt interesting in his film. These other guys are such great filmmakers that the film they make with Brad Pitt is going to be great, because Darren Aronofsky is so genius...
Highly based quote. The more I know about Vince, the more I like him.
>so he runs around pretending not to give a fuck because he knows that that's part of the persona.
Never seen that concept put into words before. It's true.
I love Sarah Gadon
And Paul Thomas Anderson went on to become 10x the director Gallo is. Sad!
What he says here >>204285840 is even more based.
Gallo Eternally Seething
Many people love Sarah Gadon
Destroy yourself for cinema.
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Gallo Coward
>they only care about the perception that people have about their work
Ironic coming from someone who became too scared to release his film after some critics trashed it at Venice.
Explained A24's tendency to use bizarre actors such as Adam Sandler and Brendan Fraser for their "serious" movies without even knowing about A24. And the Fraser flick is an Aronofsky joint. Figures.
Couldn't deal with the trolling and humilliation. What he had to do was to just don't give a fuck about it, but I guess it's hard to do that when everybody and their mom is shitting on you. And you were already traumatized because of your father being a neanderthal that constantly berated you. It's understandable, really. The loss is on us, though.
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Queen of /film/
Someone get this hog on ozempic.
Enemy of ass, you.
An enemy of ass is an enemy of life.
God Warrior lookin ass mf
Based fellow Bauchad
I agree
What are some fast-paced, kinetic arthouse films? Basically the opposed of Tsai.
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Are classic slashers /film/ approved?
Gaspar Noé's stuff
Black Christmas is
Where have all the good waifufags gone?
But of course
6 Underground
Tsui Hark, literally the anti-Tsai and Kar-Wai.
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this one is
Gadon > Huppert > Bau = Adjani > Harper
Huppert > Adjani > Harper > Lee > Bau >>>>> Gadon
Oh yeah, and Kinski between Huppert and Adjani.
Huppert = Harper > Bau > Adjani >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gadon.
I vote Huppert. The webm said all that had to be said.
Adjani > Harper = Huppert > Gadon > Bau
Bau > Adjani > Gadon > Harper > Huppert >>>> Lee
Also >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> after Huppert, obviously.
Yes. Elevated arthouse, to be precise.
A born filmmaker. Vince is special. Besides for not liking Harmony Korine and a few other things this man is spot on.
missing friedkin rn
Power Gap > Kinski
missing bogdanocih, davies, jakubisko
cry me a friedkin river
I watched Maniac recently, I thought that was quite good
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missing griffithfag rn
Maniac is great.
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>someone actually remembers that one post I made
kys and join him
Missing Cimino, always.
missin de palma

i'd rather wait for his inevitable comeback
Michael Bay hasnt made a good movie since 13 hours which was almost 10 years ago
Missing Spick Lee RIP lil nigga
He died and no one said a word.
6 underground and ambuLAnce both mog it
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not really /film/ but I am currently sexually obsessed with Lisa Gaye as she appeared in Nuke Em High 2. Hot dommy jewess.
yeah paul ws anderson is a more interesting auteur these days
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Harper > Huppert > Adjani > Bau >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gadon
Yall niggas sure love mid bitches
Anybody who agrees Gadon is by far the worst one is my beat friend.
Is Beavis and Butthead do the universe /film/?
why all yall niggas hatin' on gadon?
she's mid lil bro
quads say yes
Everyone hates Sarah Gadon.
Based quads of destiny say yes, but I say no. It's nostalgic, but not /film/.
Bau > Harper > Adjani > Huppert > Lee > Gadon

Based fellow Bauchads

From most to least cringe in descending order
>>204287365 (not truly cringe, but insufficiently Baupilled)
>>204287724 (same as above)
Too basic bitchey for me.
Lee > Harper > Adjani > Bau > Huppert > Gadon
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Fuck yeah it is. Also checked
post five attractive women lil bro
The word gets thrown around but she really is painfully mid. Like if you input "generic blonde white woman" into some AI image generator
Probably because people are very mad with the Gadonfag. I myself was never bothered by him, he just posts her in an autistic-robotic way.
Gadon herself is a classical blonde beauty, trying to pretend she's somehow bad feels petty and delusional.
>>204287365 and >>204287724 should be reversed.
Did Gadonfag just start another waifu war?
odd how out of that list the lady from 100 years ago is the race mixer
Catherine Deneuve
Marika Green
Jane Birkin
Charlotte Rampling
My ex
Based mention
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i blame it on the webm that triggered /tv/
Bau married a nafri and his kid recently. Adjani is half nafri, Seydoux's part spic. Pretty diverse list.
all mids sorry brodies
is this some kind of black panther 2024 race or some shit.
Gadonfag has the most robotic personality of any waifuposter on 4chan. That’s one of the reasons why everyone hates him, he antagonizes everyone and it’s like talking to a brick wall every single time he posts.
Watch Starlight Memories. I’m not joking
no, it's just that no one hates pretty white women like college aged white men do
I simply think Sarah Gadon is a generic type of beauty
Shampoo commercial erotic
Just look it up, dawg. He's a North African Arab (very obviously not white type as opposed to say a Leb or something).

This is a latino general.
Every other waifu suggested apart from Lee is basically white (Adjani's honorary, and that thing about Seydoux being a spic sounds like bs).
This general is fucking ruined by shitposters and loser coomers
That's the way to win the war, though. He'll probably outlive us all in his waifuposting.
>that thing about Seydoux being a spic sounds like bs
She's like 1/8 venezuelan
When you talk about the Bay, will you talk about yourself?
This general is ruined by being a general
Too many great films out there to waste time with a minor director like Allen.
Speedy Gonzalez cinema
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Personally, I think the current Gadonfag is an imitator/understudy. It’s not the original.
This is the truth btw, Harperposter is the only american here.
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Oh come on now, it’s not that bad is it?
I'm Australian (BauJoechad).
You're my favourite guy, man.
Have there been any other serious /film/ husbando posters besides Leefag?
Am I the only person in here with a normal sleep schedule? Supposedly there's a taiwanese guy and an australian dude too, yet I see you guys shitposting all day AND night long kek. Wtf? Captcha: K0KH
no I am not the gadonfag, but I think he posted a pic in this thread. I am just the guy who ranked gadon as peak and am perplexed why everyone thinks she is bottom tier. If you saw her walking down the street she would look like an aryan princess.
I sleep from 6AM to 1PM. I'm fucked.
ahhhhh OKAY, for a moment there I thought you were a FAGGOT. But you you ARE definitely A MANLY MAN.
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>I sleep from 6AM to 1PM.
Based, me too
>aryan princess
The basicness is what turns us off. I prefer girls with something distinctive about them, be it the boobs, the ass or the face. She feels AI generated desu with u
>Have beautiful hairy forearms
>Cover them up with gloves
I sleep for 45-59 minutes at a time maybe 3-5 times spread across a 24/hour cycle.
There's like a million women over here that some brown guy would call an aryan princess. She's boring to me. I'm not into blondes. Too familiar.
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Someone arrest the producer.
For real? How do you feel about it?
Idk I watched Cosmopolis when it came out and didn't really think anything of her and completely forgot she existed until Gadonfag started spamming her all over the board. Like the other anons said, she's too generic
100% this. I feel that this also applies to Monica Bellucci (obviously replace "aryan" with "med" and so on). Still utterly mogs Gadon, of course.
Unflattering picture. Her forearms look like mine lol
Be sure this hate is not unanimous. Only drooling tards shit on girls because they're too beautiful.
Hello fellow skinnyfag.
>because they're too beautiful
Me too. I didn't even knew she was in the movie until years later kek
That's crazy.
Agreed. Pretty sure my comment here explains part of it as well >>204288144
Hi. Skinnyfat rn. Looking to cut and maybe go back to the gym. Still pretty toned. Abs potential.
don't drink
You don't defend you waifu by coping like this. You mass reply to all disrespect with kys.
There is something about perfection that isn't really "hot" to me. When I look for porn, I'd much rather go for some big booty latina with weird teeth or whatever rather than a woman that looks like Gadon. Just too boring. Same with Belluci as you said, but she's hotter.
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hello darlings! what film pairs well with a good palak paneer. i was thinking Aggro Dr1ft or Accetone but i'm open to suggestion. x
>Gadon is too generic
>endless praise for the likes of Harper and Huppert
Guess which type you're more likely to find, the classical blonde or the unassuming skinny girl next door?
Now we're talking.
I only drink a beer on weekends. Used to be a near alcoholic in my teens. Drank in parks until I blacked out. Stupid shit, really. I kinda miss it.
What the hell is palak paneer?
can you translate this into english for me pablito
The problem with Gadon certainly isn't her looking too "perfect".
I'm a Huppert truther and I've only met 2 girls like her irl. One was fat (shit was cash) and the other almost anorexic (shit was cash). Very rare phenotype.
kek, this.
>When I look for porn, I'd much rather go for some big booty latina with weird teeth
based for me it is broken latina whores check out BLG beba on eporner
Tell anyone who disses your girl to kill himself.
Huppert has a very distinctive look, more unique than Gadon I would say. Agree that Harper is kinda generic looking.
>Unflattering picture.
Thanks for the deja vu: >>204251063
I like Huppert a lot too, I had her second place after Gadon, but Huppert is mega based.

She is for me. Looks like an idea instead of a woman, like the mental projection of many men of what it means for a woman to be "perfect".
huppert is a redhead so she's obviously a more rare phenotype/look
gadon literally just looks like a low tier stacey that played volleyball in high school or something, these bitches are everywhere
Gadon is the brown/asian man's ideal white woman. It ain't hard to get.
Not my swag. I prefer LaSirena69, Diamond Kitty, Bridgette B... Brokenlatinawhores look like they came straight up from the trap house bro...
I agree with >>204288699 about Gadon (earlier posts were more about the generic aspect of her looking AI-generated), tho "perfection" is apt in a qualified way for Bellucci. What we can seemingly agree on tho is that the paradox is that her "perfection" is undermined by her lacking an all-important je ne sais quoi.
This but unironically. I have seen asian man lust deeply for the Sarah Gadon type white woman.
>gadon literally just looks like a low tier stacey that played volleyball in high school or something, these bitches are everywhere
Classics and arthouse...?
Classic beauties.
broken latina whores is cinema it is the passion of joan of arc (1928) tries to achieve with deep performance of the central actress. It is Dreyer levels of power.
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this has been a pretty good thread so far
You weren't kidding. It's a shitshow of exactly that from your post down.
sure if you're a retard
You need to explore cuisine as much as you explore cinema. I encourage this for everyone.
paneer in a creamy spinach base, it's wonderful and my go-to curry. i haven't collected it yet so there's still time to rec...
lil bro malding
No one is brave enough to have a black kween waifu
I'm old. I've seen enough to know even thru anonymous forums that if people are hating on a beautiful blonde haired blue eyed woman its probably not going to be the asians lol.
Just watch Accattone. Aggro Dr1ft is crap, unless you're crazy about the infrared look. There's not much else going on.
Nigga I ain't white your waifu is just mid
Post eyes.
Yeah, I'm thinking kino.
post hands
Nice Lee. Love the juxtaposition of the Raybans and the monk robes.
Kek anons are actually talking about porn now
I'm latino and no I'm not posting pics of myself
Just a couple of beers on the weekend, like the other anon. I got drunk twice in my life and i hated both times enough not to go beyond the couple of beers on the weekend.
You're white as snow.
>alleged latinos are the ones talking in ebonics
chingadera cabron you could at least tell if you are white latinx, colonized latinx, blacktinx, or the rare asiatic latinx.
what's with the race obsession here
we finally know the culprits behind the niggaposters. WE NOW KNOW.
We're all marathonists on /film/
post feet :)
Tsai holding a rally for /film/ posters
what even is latino
The curse continues…
You can believe whatever you want to believe man

Yea I don't think we have any real niggas other than the homie TB

Arab latinx.
Let's just get back to waifus
bruh those niggas are literally every race, and yet somehow manage to be the most racist demographic next to the jeets.
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Our influence is MASSIVE. Just look at that crowd.
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We're all storytellers here.
>Arab latinx
100% this guy is a lebanese brazilian.
There's something so comfy about these pics.
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there honestly is. Man in pic is literally me
We got fucking Columbo over here

You're right
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Huppert is stunning but Harper just does it for me.
Are you Asian?
How is your dating life?
I’m white.
You sure? How white?
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Get help.
Let's everybody itt take a dna test right now and settle everything for good.
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Both of my parents are WASP just like picrel.
Are you really tryna probe into my personal life so you can rationalize why I'm not attracted to your waifu lol
I feel this way about Grace Kelly, does nothing for me despite being objectively beautiful
Damn she looks really great here.
this nigga looks balkan
Cute Harper
>hear the name harper
>think of this
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Lmao. Wrong race but otherwise accurate.
This one feels wrong desu asians aren't really attracted to "thicc" women
>asians aren't really attracted to "thicc" women
Speak for yourself
That probably explains the widespread anti-Bau sentiment here.
This was a terrible thread.
Somebody bake.
Too early.
on it
On it.


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>he actually created a new thread
Funny you should say that, because she was the second to come to mind after Bellucci. Also brutally mogs Gadon.
You know what to do.
on it
Alright so who’s jumping into traffic?
How it feels to post Lee in a waifuthread
I hope that /bakefilm/ one day gets to the point where /tv/ is perpetually just ten pages of /film/ threads with nothing but waifus
on it
all this lean got a nigga movin like lee
Good night, /waifu/
Honestly I'm jealous of asians in general, they seem to exist with much less existential anguish than other races (esp whites), or at the very least they're less blatantly neurotic usually
Look up suicide rates in South Korea and Japan, look up the birthrates too.
main bitch from Ghost World reminds me of my ex gf so much frfr
got lil bro in his feelings
need me a trans bitch
Garbage time i guess.
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Night, /filmhor/
Both Japan and Korea are heavily populated considering their territories and can manage their population fine
>Gloves again
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Woke up at 3 am to tell you to kys.
That's how it's done.
Get on that Sara Salazar action like GODard.
Like cacti...
Average /hm/ poster
Cigars are lame.
this guy sucks
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Get a load of this faggot.
All real directors smoke cigars.
I used to make my short chubby huge titted gf cut her hair and dye it the exact same way and wear the same glasses. Unfortunately she was a natural blonde so she wasn't very hairy and she left me for a rich guy later on so fuck her.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, but sometimes (always, in GODard's case) they're Salazar surrogates.
just stop being a poorfag
That is true.
man's got an oral fixation
Yeah I'll just go back in time and buy $10 worth of Bitcoin.
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I sensed a disturbance lol. I would also like to point out that when I post in /film/ I don't try to derail the thread or shit on anybody else's waifu.
legit just be smarter lil bro
diversify yo bonds
one from the heart SUCKS
nastassja kinski SUCKS
klaus kinski RULES
kinski paganini RULES
Have you watched her at least 50% of her filmography. If not, your opinion is invalid.
her filmography SUCKS
Asian autism
I’m all for saying that she is overrated and even a poor actress, but I haven’t seen her entire filmography, so I cannot assert anything yet.
You guessed it. You are literally right.
Han Ye subs?
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if i don't get a late 90s indie emo gf with a short dyed black bob cut and bangs soon i'm gonna fucking shoot myself
it aint the 90s no more lil bro...
cringe taste
The word emo has lost all meaning
It's a 6/10 but 10/10 visually. So much style that it becomes substance. One of my favorite looks for her as well.
Uncouth, uncalled for, and frankly rude. And you probably got filtered.
>derail the thread
Meaningless phrase.

>shit on anybody else's waifu.
Based. No more brother wars.
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Based as always.


>when I post in /film/ I don't try to derail the thread or shit on anybody else's waifu.
What a lovely anon, good fortune and merriment to you my friend!
I want Tracyanne Campbell.
someone else baking?
File: kg.jpg (68 KB, 640x597)
68 KB
i also love young kim gordan
I loved this thread.
lil bro malding
Jolie laide kinda thing goin on
that's just what i like lil bro
no arguments here lil bro

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