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Binging with Joker
>i no longer wish to be a food youtuber after being raped
>it was just a fantasy, i see that now
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>it's real
>I finally believed them upon experiencing a mental health crisis in February when, after not sleeping for 4 days, I found myself ranting combatively and nonsensically to Sawyer and Brad. During a moment of (relative) clarity, I checked myself into a hospital - my thinking was that they would sedate me. There, I was instead admitted to the mental health ward, where I was attacked and sexually assaulted by another patient. When I checked myself out in the morning, between the borderline manic episode and newfound trauma, I hardly knew what was real anymore. I decided to enter a rehab facility, where I spent the month of March undergoing therapy and slowly coming to terms with what had happened (this is why I disappeared for a month last year).

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Freetube is alright. Do we have more details on this?
>falling for the mental illness meme
In the sweltering hot summer of 2022...
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>Finally figure out Krabby Patty secret formula
>Gets gaped
Jesus christ
Giga kek
what's with the amount of rape going up in /tv/
>ranting combatively and nonsensically
Did he quiet down after the rape?
>after not sleeping for 4 days
damn, is cooking food really that difficult?
I have no idea who this is
Its shuts anons from unstable backgrounds up since it reminds them of their childhoods.
He was obviously on a stimulant binge and got psychosis
No, they just took him to the showers and washed him.
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what did it taste like?
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Yep after ruling out most possibilities we think the rain stick is the cause of the hurricane
Anyone ever had stimulant psychosis? Seems like it would be pretty easy to fix. All you have to do is just stop taking stimulants
But how would he find the energy to put out two ten minute cooking videos per week?
He also has a podcast and a merch store dummy
Civilians will never understand.
Hopefully he didn’t get crabs
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Is this tv related?
Pesto Al Tranny
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How do you sleep when you know that you need to figure out the Chili and Sea Bass recipe from Jurassic Park and have a video for it cut and wrapped up in 3 days.
He literally just reinvents the recipes now it’s so lame.
What is this phenotype?
>"hey doc I need some drugs ASAP because reasons pls giv"
many such cases
also it can't be rape because Big Hendrix is black, gay, and has AIDS... racism obviously trumps rape
the redditor phenotype
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>There, I was instead admitted to the mental health ward, where I was attacked and sexually assaulted by another patient.
the patient
Why are Americans like this ?
how do you even get raped in a mental hospital? I was committed to an in-patient facility after I tried to kill myself and they were watching me at nearly all times. It was a bit bright one night so I covered my head with a blanket and they told me over the intercom that they had to be able to see me or they'd take the blanket.
He looks like he’s going to ask me to be in a threesom with his wife
it wasn't rape, he just regrets it
This. Probably cheated on his girl and cried rape when caught
most likely came to his senses when the cum started dripping out of his asshole
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>I-it definitely wasn't me getting gaped and stretched by a man I errrr I mean "Babish" probably just cheated on his girlfriend with a hot chick in the mental hospital
Lmao, this is pathetic Babish. Give it up already.
>be american
>seek psychiatric treatment
>get anally raped
that's ridiculous, that patient has a lot of growing up to do
>have some fake performative mental health episode
>they stick you in a room with some deranged nigger that should be in a jail cell
babish doesn't sound swedish-german yet here we are
dunno doesn't add up
plenty of hospitals have poorly run mental wards
and he was probably high as a kite on cocaine and adderall, but if he did get gaped that's a reportable crime
bet he didn't report it
If anything this speaks to the American healthcare system's almost neo-Victorian treatment of mental health. Having a hard time? Into the asylum I mean loony bin I mean rehabiliation clinic with the other criminals I mean maniacs you go.
It also shows Babby's naive trust in big corporations having his best interest at heart.
Onions face.
you forgot the best part
>Jess and I broke up that summer. I will not go into any details out of respect for her privacy. We are on good terms and I wish her every happiness. Needless to say, however, this compounded my depression and PTSD.
so to recap
>gets raped
>wife leaves you
very much this
protip for anyone going to the hospital: lie on the mental health evaluation form. If you score too "high" they basically strip you of your human rights and they gain the ability to do whatever they want to you.
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not even assinvader's wife was this cruel, she just shamed him
why didn't he just fight off his rapist if he wasn't sedated on any drugs AND had the free will to just check himself out of the hospital?
getting raped is a huge ick tbf
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>tranette no passto
That beard is hiding a lot
This. The "binging" with Babish never referred to the food.
Where did he say this?
reddit ama
>gets raped
>troons out
many such cases
So you don't know?
He's in New York
He posted it on reddit like a jackass. Told everyone his wife left him because of the rape too.
Was it also his first time being penetrated, or was that territory explored beforehand?
The type who gladly takes it up the ass and then cries rape

modern day nostradamus
>There, I was instead admitted to the mental health ward, where I was attacked and sexually assaulted by another patient.
I would literally kill everyone involved in this if this happened to me, holy fuck. The fact that he talks about this with no shame in some faggy Reddit ama makes me think that he enjoyed it.
got a joke for us today Babish?
its actually so insane to me that a man would ever check himself into a place so people can knock him out with drugs when there is nothing wrong with him. He was provably just stressed and needed to take his mind off stuff, not admit himself to a facility where they'd disable his consciousness. ive seen people power through heroic doses of mushrooms and not have to "check themselves in" somewhere. so incredibly pathetic
HA fag
are you feeling it "it" being my prostatenow mr krabs?
>I showed up to a hospital ranting combatively and nonsensically and asking for drugs
>and then for some reason they put me into the mental health ward
How much time until he fully troons out? 2-3 months, maybe?
it makes me horny
>I would literally kill everyone involved in this if this happened to me, holy fuck. The fact that he talks about this with no shame in some faggy Reddit ama makes me think that he enjoyed it.
that's how you know the guy was black. he'd be able to properly blame him and the staff if the guy was white
He was probably under the delusion that places like that actually help you. I was too until the first time I was admitted for being suicidal as a teenager. All they did was drug me and treat me like a prisoner while the addicts screamed going through their withdrawals. Will never ever ever go back.

At least I didn't get raped I guess.
see >>204313194
its already occured
I bet he will troon out
how many addicts did you rape?
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>Drugged up
>Treated like a prisoner
>But I *think* I wasn't raped
Oh no no no who wants to tell him?
I'd unironically bomb the hospital in minecraft if they let a schizo rape me
it's because society is pushing how it's ok/normal to have "mental illness"/having "mental issues" but most retards don't understand how big of an umbrella term that is. So instead of trying to combat their specific mental illness in a way that is actually beneficial to themselves, they just look for the closest crazy ward because thats what the media/society/etc have been pushing as a cure up until the last 15/20 years or so.

when you have it drilled into your head that it's ok to have mental illness and you can simply check yourself into a "mental hospital" and they'll fix your problems, thats how you end up getting raped because you're feeling burnt out with your life and don't know what to actually do about it.
The guards were watching us at all times, the doors were always open (really nice to hear screaming addicts and schizos down the hall while trying to sleep), there were cameras, and they took away everything that could be used as a weapon, so I honestly have no idea how a rape could even occur without the guards being complicit. Maybe it was different in his loony bin.

My asshole never hurt so I'm fairly confident I wasn't GAPED.
to be honest, what kind of wife would still be with a dude that got raped? that must be one of the biggest turn offs ever, this dude u married and will live the rest of your lives together just got raped by either a better male or even worse, some random slut
did he came during the rape?
What do you think would turn her off more - finding out her husband got raped, or having him suddenly shrunk to be 1 inch shorter than her?
nigga he probably got groped by some schizo and that's enough to be called sexual assault
nigga he painting his nails
nigga his wife left him
whatchu think happened nigga
>Go to mental health ward
>Get diddled
Maybe Joker 2 was more accurate than we thought
This happened 2 years ago.
the absolute faggotry of this suburban imbecile
i dont know bros
i dont know.........
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Time is a flat pyramid
What the fuck is uniquely wrong with American psyche? Why do they think any of this shit is normal?
His ass was on drugs. You dont stay up 4 days straight without a major health issue or stimulant abuse. Normal people go to bed, toss and turn, then call a doctor about insomnia. Druggies go crazy and get stuck in the psych ward until they cool off.
Joker was raped in the Joker sequel
Goony beard man
i had to spend a night in the ER for an injury and i was so on edge i only got about an hour or so of very restless sleep. and that was in an ER where it was just sick and injured people who were otherwise harmless, i have no idea how anybody could relax even for a second in a mental ward even if there are "guards"
showdown between the two most powerful icks
>Buttrape with Babitch
To be fair it really is, for both sexes.
pretentious hipster
Babish was brutally raped in the sweet summer of 22'

Asshole status? Gaped and raped
He paid the anal reparations owed to the LGBT persons of color community. He has no right to complain
somebody probably just went up to babish and told him to suck his dick and babish did it then bent over when he was told to as well then he regreted it after.
They're legally liable if someone kills themselves onsite. If it's not suicidality they don't care
No dude, he was anally raped, it was brutal
If this were true he'd have a lawsuit against them. he experimented with another man and feels gross about it.
If you show any weakness at all, show that you're not masculine, any woman, doesn't matter if it's your wife, co-worker or mother, will lose all respect for you and think of you as a weakling not worthy of her time. If it's your wife, her pussy will dry up like Sahara. Getting raped, sadly
Why do so many millennials go bald?
If he'd gone right to the cops with cum on his lips he'd be able to gouge real money out of them
They're actually a very high T generation, but they were psyopped into rejecting everything about their masculine nature. It's insidious.
Why didn't he just go to sleep?
Same reason why Kevin Nash went into that back alley in the steamy summer of '92
The meth kept him awake, and also drove him to keep doing more meth like an animal with no self control. There's no "just go to sleep" when you're a yuppie on a stimulant bender
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>Be Tyrone the infamous nonconsensual booty explorer
>They throw some pasty, white, bald, onions infused big city metrosexual into your cell
>Binge him
Damn I wish I knew sooner.
There's no way that I'm watching videos made by a guy who was the submissive partner in a sexual encounter.
In what way did his life improve by going public about this to his millions of followers?
People need to go back to keeping things to themselves
Oh now it makes sense. The rape was a humiliation ritual to initiate him into the inner circle of DC ghouls
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The truth is much stranger than fiction
schizo found
My question is... why make up this lie in the first place? It's so odd.
saying you were raped in a mental ward is more embarrassing than saying you had a drug problem, therefore people will believe it
how does that make any sense? no one would question someone claiming they had a drug problem.
Because having a drug problem makes you weak and stupid, but having a mental health episode where you were raped makes you a victim.
Is getting raped worse than being gay? As a man your purpose is a protector against evil. If you can't even protect your crust, what use are you?
Is 4 days really the limit? I've stayed awake for 3 days once and my only problems were foggy thinking and finding the sky too bright to look at, despite it being a cloudy day.
What happened to Gary Cooper, the strong silent type?
He was gay, Gary Cooper?
Going by his hair shadow, grown out he'd have a decent comb back look that'd probably benefit the whole youtuber pseud smartman look better than the shaved head cope look he has
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It was the rape that made me gay.
Yes, that's what I'll tell them.
he's not ugly either way, at least given his circumstances
but he fits into a specific archetype of man who didn't face enough real adversity in life and grew soft as a result
Wait did he lie about the sex assault? Link?
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This, I'm tired of all these rape posts...
bald beta
Mr Sausage won
rape is psychiatric treatment
It's only been approved for treating Joker Personality Disorder
No but making sure your recipe is good so your giant audience won't tear you a new asshole is, and he can't just lift it from someone else because his net is too wide, he'd get caught.
How is it that Chef John is the only food youtuber who hasn't turned out to be deranged in some way? Adam Rageusea, Babish, Ja/ck/... All complete lunatics.
Anon I…
Leftist cucks LOOOOOOOOVE getting raped up the ass

They're always finding new ways to get raped it seems
Literally Joker 2 but real
reddit moby
The old guys were already successful chefs and then started youtube channels. The young people are nobodies that went to cooking school and tried to start youtube channels despite being novices. There's no reason to watch millennial and zoomer chefs when the old retired masters are putting up better content for free as a hobby now.
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>ENTERs your cell
>rapes you
How do you respond without sounding mad?
Fran Drescher was raped by two nogs, left her husband, and then immediately started dating a nog. The husband turned gay too, so he probably got broken in that night too.
chef john is jewish. his crimes are just being covered up
Why would anyone rape vsauce? Just dislike and unsubscribe.
People can smell it in the psychosphere
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Ding ding
His weird fucking cadence is a sign of a deeply disturbed individual. Just wait for it.
vsauce is the kind of guy who does the raping, dude has the eyes and mannerisms of an unhinged psychopath
Damn, I'm sorry to hear that, bro. I went to the ER for a freak twist in my gut that almost killed me. Being the hospital was sooooo comfy.
logic doesn't check out
he's jewish. it isn't about logic, it's about living a repulsive neurotic lie
lmaooo so heckin basederino!!!!
oh you're one of those jew guys
desu, I'd rape him too. That schizo that raped him had good taste in soibois
>be Leftist cuck
>put full faith in your government institutions
>gets raped
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Anon, I just jerked off... Don't make me go another round.
Really the story of his times
No wonder women don't sleep with Leftist "men"
The Raped
weak chin + weak hairline + cope
I don't know who this person is, but they sound like every meth user ever.
>gets raped
>is fucked up for days, can't sleep
>cried to his wife about it, his wife divorces him
he's lucky he's already bald, otherwise his hair might have been JUST'd by this
lmao makes you wonder what JUST'd him in the first place
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Does Fagish cover drink recipes?
Cause there is this one beverage i've been wondering about...
>protip for anyone going to the hospital: lie on the mental health evaluation form.

Absolutely true. Think of all doctors, nurses, therapists, counselors, and other professionals as potential enemies.

They may be useful, but they all have the potential of ruining your life with a word.
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I think it would be funnier to find out his ultra painful sexual assault was just a patient masturbating in front of him or something
Heya anon, I hope you are doing better.

I work inna locked psych facility.

We have to physically see your face and verify breathing every 15 minutes.

So a lot can happen in 15 minutes

I was working on the night shift and a woman screamed, I ran down the hallway, it was some weird zig-zag shit where I couldn't see down with a direct line of sight, most places are designed to be as open as possible so you can see someone go into the wrong room,

anyway, this woman screams
she's standing with her panties down around her ankles and screaming and crying
nigger ran out of her room, I caught him red fucking handed, followed him, he dove onto his bed and pretended to be asleep

I stand in the doorway for a bit to see what he's gonna do and he's playing oppossum sitting there with his eyes closed, was hoping he'd peek but he was dedicated so I initiated things

I saw you running out of her room

"Nah it ain't me"

I called 911, skipped reporting it "chain of command" got the police there cuz that's what the patient wanted.

So can you get raped in a psych hospital maybe, at most someone grabbed his ass but it depends on the facility and how often they check on you.
100% they treat you like shit if you have a legitimate suicidal episode.

They'll lock you in a stripped out "psych safe" ER room with someone watching you till there's an inpatient bed ready, could take hours or even days.

I saw a guy who just got out of jail beat the shit out of his room mate at 4am because the room mate was pacing around too close to him while he was trying to sleep and he already warned him not to do it and he was jumpy because he legitimately just got out of jail. Beat the shit out of that guy, I had to send him to the ER to get looked at. Called the doc at 4 in the morning, felt like shit because I never call him on nights but I had to.
>187 replies
>no 92 gets
it never happened
in his proime?
he was smoking meth. he tried to score downers and went to rehab after
>N O R M A L I Z E

Based currently institutionalized schzio
Why are all amerikikes mentally ill?
yeah, never fucking go into a ward. regular doctors and patients are bad enough as it is, forget about a loonie bin. those places literally just exist to torture the already down and out. out of sight, out of mind, thats all the normalfags care about.
shut up retard lol
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Why do you care so much about us when we care so little for you?
it´s not that all mutts are mentally ill (even though it often seems so) this faggot in OP is also jewish so therefore predestined to some mentally deficencies.
this is what being a ashkenazi does to a mfer.
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what's up with so much fucking rape lately? this guy, that negro who raped a bunch of musicians, fucking Joker etc
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>Hey doc, I've been having severe sleeping problems as of late, and I was wondering if-
>whatever the CIA is doing in secret
Wild that's actually acknowledged considering the real Ukrainian government was overthrown by the CIA in 2014 and then had their Zelensky puppet government installed.
Americans have been trained to believe that being a victim is a virtue.
>ran out of ideas
>decides to craft bullshit drama to keep your name relevant and the money flowing
many such stories
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it's a lot of fun
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>Get butt raped
>start putting on nail polish
Buck breaking really changes people. Why does anal have such brain altering effects?
>he fucks but doesn't nut
refreshingly based
On he was asking for it if he was wearing this in the asylum. Who the fuck gets burnt out/stressed being a youtuber, it's not even a real job, you have plenty of free time.
He's a drug addict, he had a psychotic episode where he was probably threatening/violent. Of course they were going to put in a mental ward.
You complain about crazy hobos shitting in the street and attacking people then get mad when society does its job and lock the unhinged when they lose grip.
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the junkie the junkie was with just jerked off and cummed over his shiny bald head. that is all there was to the bumming with babish
I'm surprised he discussed this publicly. For as much as women love to sympathy farm about rape and """rape,"""" and talk about it being the worst most vile thing ever and the victims require endless support, they absolutely hate men who have been raped and want absolutely nothing to do with them.
Also the fact that he went to a rehab facility after the assault. And I doubt they'd let you do a stint in rehab just because you tried dick once anyway.
True. Unless you're really forcing yourself to stay awake, after being awake that long you'd be so tired that you'd probably just doze off while sitting at your computer. Also that he apparently became so aggressive that something had to be done about it sounds like something else was causing his mania than simply overwork and lack of sleep.
Why the food meme guy said that. What does it have to do with food? He isn't one of those Hollywood weirdos trying to cash-in on an autobiography
He was asking for it he dresses like a femboy slut
That’s why I will never vote for a female or a faggot
Yea this he stayed up for days on a coke or meth binge and then had a gay experience he regretted so he told his wife and she left him the rest is probably all cope.
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Everyone gets raped eventually, even you and i. Just a matter of time
You wouldn't do shit, sissies.
The 4chan phenotype, you mean. Babish, at least, used to post here back in the day.
Who do I believe?
Breaking with Buckish
>just happened to get raped while having a mental breakdown and a manic episode
Interesting, surely it actually happened and wasn't just some breakdown induced delusion though
This is why male rape victims are so under reported
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>they sedate you and lock you in a room
>your roommate's face when
After he homed the Pajeet bitch that blew up Bon Apetite, I hope he gets raped AGAIN
How do you even get raped as a guy? I even went to prison for 18 months and many old men tries to groom and rape me but I always overpowered their attempts. It's funny because I actually fantasise about the thought of it. Its a lot different in reality
>It's funny because I actually fantasise about the thought of it.

gay guy much?
guy thought he was Hunter S Thompson
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He got raped and then his girlfriend left him LOL
Did his bussy got destroyed?
That will be $532,546.67 due within 30 days
I don't believe it, his marketing strategy has been to act like a huge faggot and get negative attention, this just seems like a lie.
Nah not gay. I do wish I was attracted to guys tho. It's so easy to get laid. I went on Grindr a few times and would get hundreds of dudes wanting to fuck me
Well... It all started in the summer of '92.
bro you gay
Where's the YT video? I remember this..
the aidsmoby
must be all the violence in movies and sex on /tv/
damn, it really is one thing laughing at a abstract concept, and laughing at events that really happened to someone.
i feel a bit sick
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>having a mental health episode where you were raped doesn't make you look weak and stupid
they have to watch you 24/7 if you're suicidal so that your family can't sue them if you manage to pull it off while under their care
he probably wasn't suicidal and so they didn't feel the need to monitor him
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