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No one will be fired for Joker 2 losing hundreds of millions? Why would there be no consequences for losing money? What the hell type of business are they running?
Oy vey
Hollywood Accounting. Losses are used as a tax writeoff and/or money laundering. It's more beneficial not to be successful.
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They made a billion on a $70 million movie, they can lose a few hundred million and still come out way ahead.
Todd Phillips is never getting a huge budget again
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>anon gets a quick lesson on steins and bergs
>Suicide Squad tanks game profits
>Jokah 2 tanks movie profits and also makes one of their staple characters unmarketable for the foreseeable future
Hollywood gets free money from the Fed.
He did exactly what was asked of him. Try not to too surprised when he gets to make some dream personal project next with an inflated budget.
>Joker 2
>Posts Disney

Ask anyone: the first hint that Joker 2 was going to be shit? When Lady Gaga was cast to be in it. To the point that people thought this was a joke or fake headline.
Because its a very unique situation

>make joker 1
>studio thinks its gonna flop and doesn't pay attention to it
>makes a billon
>director doesn't wanna do another one
>studio says they will have a 200m budget an he can do anything he wants
>makes movie he didn't wanna make
>it sucks ass and loses a lot of money
Like who do you blame? They probably thought Phillips was gonna be their next Nolan
Curious what's in the cards for Phoneix in the future. He just pulled out of that Todd Haynes films and now he has a monumental failure that he was heavily involved in creatively.
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>losing your job for making shit films
Apparently that's not a thing anymore...
Who would you expect to be fired exactly?
>make joker 1 with small budget
>rip off better movies and end up with an alright movie
>market its controversy and make a billion
>director who's absolute dogshit gets full of himself and thinks he can make something without ripping off better films
>agrees to make a sequel with a massively inflated budget
>bombs critically to the point that it kills their box office
phillips isn't even going to get chazelle treatment, he killed their cash cow with his own hubris
>noo the movie was shit on purpose! i didnt wanna do it
He doesn't care. He's an actor, not a star, and he'll work in pretty much anything, and has. He's like the Eric Roberts of the new century...
Nobody will hold that gay movie against him. He has more industry clout than the director. Joker 2 is a huge stain because it was the followup to his biggest personal success. It may just ruin his career and he has to do Marvel slop out of desperation.
I mean what parts he's going to be offered.
>It's more beneficial not to be successful.
you're a retard who doesn't even know what a tax writeoff is
hes asking why has Disney not had the same reckoning despite 2023 fiscal year being entirely bombs except 1-2 hits (like this year)?
you can see how the 1 year fiscal filing was a net negative (2 billion net loss) but the company can still stay afloat due to >>204309499 hollywood/corporate accounting and shifting around assets and costs

this is why corporate umbrellas are used, because if you bill one sub-branch for x thing, you can make it entirely like a wall of conspiracy ideas all linked together like yarn, it will be a bitch for someone to properly audit

i.e. a smaller micro example:
my company sends out our electrician to quick swap out the breaker for a recent heat pump install. he realizes (after ive drilled this fucking shit into them) that the disconnect is old and is also a fused disconnect, needs to be replaced. well, we cant get any more money from the customer, because we already had them sign a contract. well, the electrician then bills the salesperson a higher fee than what was expected, taking away from his commission. this is what internal billing ends up like; one trade deducts from another when they fuck up or undervalue the job. now extrapolate this for multiple departments and branches, for external contractors and external marketing, etc

you can get really creative
The same as always: mentally ill weirdo.
It was subsidized
I wouldn't be surprised if the gay movie is a stain too. He was the one pushing for it to be nc-17 and had a ton of input on the script. All he's doing is making himself look unreliable
No, he was sodomized.
He made the studio over $400 million profit with the first movie. The studio gave him free reign with this project and gave him full creative control. This is standard practice in Hollywood since the '20s. If you make them a shit load of money they'll reward you. This joker 2 will lose about $150 million after all ancillaries are added up. He still made them $250 profit over two movies. He's not going to get a $200 million budget again unless he makes another blockbuster, but he's set for life and he'll easily get another $50 million budget project. This movie was the equivalent of a free play in handegg. Let the director wind up and do his thing.
The average IQ on this board must be at 90 these days
If they changed the "Joker gets raped" into a "Joker gets beaten" scene this would have been a great movie I'm sure, but had the Joker always been raped as he was in the movie I couldn't stand the idea of enjoying something that makes a fanfare out of a murderer's rape.
kek WB didn't want to split the budget with other investors because they thought they were going to make another billion dollar movie and didn't want to share the profits.
I'd still cast him in something.
>Why would there be no consequences for losing money?
because that was the plan duh
Why are directors such fags?
>says the phoneposter
The same type of business that says we refuse to advertise on certain content instead of wanting your ads to be absolutely every where to sell as much product as possible.
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It's neat how you pretend to be knowledgeable without actually contributing anything that would make people think you're knowledgeable.
WB got almost nothing of Joker's box office because they provided almost nothing of its funding.
rejected by critics? I thought critics were jewish pawns
They will be rewarded. Hopefully by doing the live action adaptation of Evangelion. Imagine the chudie reactions.
>no one likes it
this was made for YouTube contrarians, and no one else
You notice how the green numbers are bigger?
Disney owns about half of these. Plus all their merchandise. Also, this was before Inside Out 2 became the #1 animated movie of all time.
but at the end of the day, in youjr example at the bottom, SOMEONE is losing money ...right?
>if the gay movie is a stain too
>the gay movie
which movie is this?
Frozen 2 was really awful
how is it so high up the list and Frozen isn't even there?
this may sound harsh but I think whoever designed this chart like this should be killed
Haven't seen any of those movies, with the exception of the Jurassic World movies, for obvious reasons.
why are they so cheap?
The budget of the first was like 50 million?
WB doesnt have 50 million? wtf
Those people are idiots, they killed the snyderverse
It's a direct result of unrestricted capitalism. Communism died so the capitalists became feudal lords
It's baffling to me, too. The only explanation I have is that kids are dumb.
It's pretty ugly.
>for obvious reasons
You hate fun? You worship Ron DeSantis? You consider yourself somehow above the "common man"?
It's not about the money it's about sending a message.
They were paid by Blackrock beforehand anon they control your media now
They didn't provide it because they didn't think the movie would succeed.
Ignoring the fact in every communist government they create a new caste system somehow more arbitrary and top heavy than feudalism.
why is the movie bad wtf the first joker was kino wtf happened today is literally the first day Im hearing these bad reviews
Even ignoring the rape meme, making $200 million dollar flop that is panned by both critics AND audiences should lead to some firing.

Like, you made a expensive movie that literally no one liked or saw. How do you get off scott free like that?
Where have you been, newfag? There’s been nothing but rape meme threads and threads detailing the movie’s bad reviews and bad box office.
>try to do something arty
>completely fuck it up though
Todd Phillips has definitely helped doom future blockbusters for a while. The studios will learn to double down on slop
It reminds me of the Last Jedi
WB split production on the first one with Village Roadshow and Bronn creative. So they put up around 30 million and P&A and got about $250 million in profit. WB split production on part 2 with Domain, but they took the lions share of the risk. There's some Hollywood people on this board, but most are flyover state dumbasses that make up shit like WB didn't pay for the first one and made no money. As for the inflated budget on 2, word is that almost $75 million went to the pay for Phillips, Phoenix and Gaga alone. That's how you balloon a budget. Here's the best rundown of the first Jokers costs and profits for those that care:

kek classic "number go up" psychology, don't bother with what the numbers mean.
Deadpool 3 is at 1.33 billion.
It's like no one's seen the producers
Do you?
Children and revenue from dvds/streaming probably.
>uncanny cgi movie
doing my part to crash the industry by doing nothing
I'm sure you've made a significant dent.
Jews. That's all you need to know.
We don't need your money. It's about the message, chud.
That money has long since been spent
I don't understand why these people aren't openly killed for losing that kind of money. Never mind when they come out saying they did it on purpose like they continually seem to do.
If you understood 6 degrees of seperation (aka the Kevin Bacon game) you'd understand how influential a very small number of people are and why this site is shilled so hard.
Both Avatar movies were ultra based.
I thought the 2nd film was boring and silly.
>Jake runs away from the RDA because they want to kill him
>Like, they want to kill him more than before

He fought them with bows and arrows in the first movie.
Ridiculous, Gaga doesn't deserve shit. She's lucky to even be there
He is a family man now, he prefers to keep his children safe rather than die like a hero

You don't get it because you're single. Protecting your children always comes first to absolutely everyone
I can't believe entire industries have dedicated their time and money solely on owning le chuds.
Joker 2 is an Oscar bait movie is not a Capeshit movie is an art movie for people who truly enjoy real Cinema
I feels like no one every really gets negatively affected by bombs since the woke era began. They all protect each other and hire each other for signaling to the team. I wonder if Phillips even felt even a small amount of discomfort over this
Hollywood sometimes doesn't fire, it stops called and/or soft-ostracizes until the contract's time is up. Gaga is over, Phillips set his career back 20 years and Phoenix has lost his spark.
That's not really how it works
This. They don't behead them in the streets, they just get less financially rewarding work.
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>It's more beneficial not to be successful

Not a business. A pyramid/money laundering/arm of CIA-Mossd's propaganda industrial complex to support the military one where money funnels back to them -- why'd Ben Stiller, Sean Penn go to prop up Zelenskyy early on, so he can get endless billions of aid every few months?
Because movies are always a gamble. There is no such thing as a guaranteed hit.
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>losing money
they didn't lose anything
you retards still don't understand
demoralization is worth more than any amount of money they DID NOT LOSE
This is because, firstly, the ones who made the deal have already exited the company, dc was not involved, it was made under wb pictures, so gunn and safran are also ok

Second, and more importantly, max is becoming the cornerstone of wbd as a whole, it is currently in its Netflix like expansion phase, they had already added 6million new subscribers this quarter like a couple of weeks back

They are looking to add more as they are still to roll out in Asia Pacific, most of europe, all other services have maxed out geographically

They will follow theater business, but from their perspective 110 million and expanding subscriber base every month can offset losses in the theater side of the business for now
Genital parts, in his asshole
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cool it with the antisemitic remarks.
A movie too kino for the modern cucks basedboy people
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>popular entertainment is about selling popular entertainment
well, yes, but not the kind of entertainment you think
Sure, but you would still think they'll just fund a 50 million movie for giggles. At the very least it would have recuperated it's production budget since the Joker is the most famous comic book villain. The fact that they refused to fund the first movie and got nothing out of it in the end is mind boggling to me. Especially hilarious they went all in on this one and instead will money.
Called it, this shit was an inside job
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>how influential a very small number of people are
>Why would there be no consequences for losing money?
Because the money used to make the film never existed in the first place so where is the crime?
Shills and discord glowniggers throw out "demoralized" and other buzzwords pretty often like they think they're on reddit or someshit. Most people shitposting in the middle of the night on 4chan don't exactly have jobs or families or any of that. I dunno why retards come here talking about propaganda this and demoralized that and whatever else.

Movie sucks dick and it's pretty clear that """"they"""" made it suck dick on purpose. Just kinda odd they would do that to piss off a nonexistent boogeyman or a handful of nerds who really like movies shitposting late at night during the week. Part of me suspects it's old twitter marketing data influencing the influencers and """"they"""" really think there's a huge audience for this sort of thing and this is all just terminal retardation.
>"you can't beat titanic"
>fucking force awakens almost did
well shit
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They did a good job
Loosen your tinfoil a bit. Phillips made them a ton of money with Hangovers and Joker. Enough that he earned the right to make a movie with no studio interference. And so he did, somehow blowing $140 million (past the payment to himself and the two stars of 52 mil) on a movie that practically had no SFX needs.

And he made it with an agenda baked in. It's not some conspiracy.
Literally me on the right.
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So who will take accountability for pissing away shareholders capital. I can imagine they're not very happy.
Losses in films are covered by tax credits, which can be sold as they are transferrable. Making money selling tax credits is non-taxable income.
Humping the bunk on a movie means your losses are covered by the taxpayer.
Imagine you’re a movie producer, and you owe $20 million in tax. Make a shitty movie that loses you $20 million and you’re in the clear. If it loses $30 million you’re clear and you can sell the extra $10 million to a friend.
It gets worse when BlackCock and Vanguard get involved.
Honestly, no they didn't. They tried too hard and made everyone avoid the movie, thereby keeping the memory of the first Joker unsullied.
What's the average profit from these 2 films? Even if not a single Joker 2 ticket was sold, the "franchise" still earned money. That's what the suits are thinking. In fact a tax write off means the "series" gained even more money.
The Joker's ass got fired
This is like shit I lost count how many straight DC flops in a row
I dunno if Gunn can change that
You might be right
NTA but to use his analogy; it'd be like WB charging theatres extra to make-up for the loss in box office revenue for what is ultimately their own low-performing movie, except they have also have ~$12 billion worth of other avenues like tv, other movies, theme parks, merchandise, subscriptions, record labels, licensing fees, etc. The 'loss' is just absorbed by a slight increase to what they charge for other things. It's partly where the phrase "too big to fail" comes from because of how embedded their whole infrastructure is with everything else.
>6 degrees of seperation
That's a JJ Abrams movie, dipshit.
Because it's all part of the plan
>They didn't lose money!
>...OK they lost a ton of money, but they don't care!

OK, so they DID lose money?
>Thinking there will be any fallout for all the players doing what they were told to do.
Do you guys remember the whole Covington Kids debacle? When multiple "news" companies put out completely fabricated stories demonizing a group of literal children who did nothing wrong and were even, if fact, the actual victims of harassment, because they were White and one of them was wearing the "wrong" hat? And they got sued into the ground over that?
Did you know no a SINGLE person involved in that was caught on record lying about that shit lost their job?

Do you know why?
Because they were supposed to lie. Because losing your company a bunch of money and PR isn't grounds for termination. Deviating from The Narrative is.
The Narrative they were told to push was "demonize Whites/Males/Republicans/Trump-supporters". And they did that. Mission accomplished. There would only be accountability if they failed in that task somehow.
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>$1billion hit
what did they mean by this bros?
>whining that money is more important than art
>crying that a gigantic corporation is losing money
Hamas and Hezbollah are losing
The fuck?
Who would be fired exactly? After the movie is finished the cast and crew aren't working for them anymore. The only people that can be removed in any capacity are WB execs which likely won't happen over 1 movie.
electric chair and I will be home in about an anime whose name is the most of them are going to post the punch out her 28yo son smokes and I don't know what baths are you doing today isn't that the Simpsons persona talking to an hour or a meme writer and I don't know if I should go to Austria Hungary I

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