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What is Hollywood's obsession with this podcast?
Sean is really good interviewer. The gimmick is getting old though.
It replaced late-night talk shows. A celeb can come on and show a different side of themselves, and promote whatever they're doing.
the holding company of hot ones was funded by hollywood. it's another one of their astroturf promotions
Never have been asked this before, good question!
It's a psyop to make you buy meat
>Sean is really good interviewer
if you're retarded
I don't give a shit if someone asked this before, nigger. Answer my question, faggot.
he gets it
it feels very fake and planted
that Lex guy also feels like some uncanny artificial thing
I don't need to be tricked into buying hot wings. I do that of my own accord.
>Conan single-handedly destroying and mocking Hot Ones
Really showed how much everyone hams up their performances.
>Sean is really good interviewer
his research team is
sean himself is a charisma vacuum who falters whenever the guest goes off script
>“I’m just like you, goy”
Fixed it for you
who even watches this shit.

The interviewer sounds retarded and scripted. He can't hold a conversation or improvise making his entire presence seem wooden and robotic.

The "celebs" on the other side of it are obviously fake and the questions they get asked any idiot can find answered on wikipedia.

Fucking humiliation ritual.
An interviewer who just reads questions with a robotic voice and ignores their guests’ answers is not a good interviewer.
So true. I find that bald faggot very off putting
>who watches
phone farms in china
they're only pretending to eat hot ones. it's called acting sweaty
what grinds me is the fact that they take tiny little bites.

I'd maybe watch this shit if they went full bore and actually did something entertaining like Conan
The initial premise of the show was interesting but ever since it turned into a mandatory part of a new film's press junket it became any other American talk show format - sterilised and theatrical.
>Fucking humiliation ritual.
ah yes, nothing says humiliation ritual like going from a nobody to popular and rich simply by eating hot wings and asking people questions

do you even know what the fuck you're saying you complete freak
>omg that's such a great question
>wow no one ever asked me that before.

It's so fake man.
remember that time you could see Jenna Ortega's boob?
it no longer feels like a cliche and more like a contractual obligation to compliment the host's questions at this point
cause normies love it and they are mostly brainless morons with awful taste in media
>Sean is really good interviewer.
lol no, he's terrible. he's reading question off of cards
t-take that back
I'm almost certain that it was from the start. Literally every celeb on there utters some variation of that phrase.
ooh, not just a nigger but also a faggot. so brave

They did switch it up. Last episode was the first one of the new season. It was two celebrities eating wings next to each other, facing the screen. Sean wasn't there. Maybe it was a one off or maybe he's left a sinking ship. Or maybe he wanted too much money and they canned him.
what he do?
You can't deduce that from the post? Obviously he ate hot wings and they were mayonaise tier and everyone else is playing make belief.
Coolio did too, he went balls to the wall and just doused every single wing with half the bottle of sauce before mowing them down entirely,
. Then he passed out in their studio for a few hours and went into what they called a “heat coma” because I’m sure it had nothing to do with whatever cocktail of both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical drugs he had in his system at the time which were exacerbated by the blood pressure spike from eating a fuckton of chicken wings that were 40% salty sauce by volume
I will say though I have friends who were gifted the “last dab” boxes with a bunch of versions and those things are no joke. I mean if you throw a little splash on a bite it’s not really bad, it just lingers a bit but is totally doable even to spice plebs but if you pour any substantial amount and let it sit in your mouth while you’re chewing and not swallowing it within two seconds of taking a bite it gets pretty crazy the longer it’s in there. Not something I’d seek out but if it’s there I’ll always try it, some of those can be pretty tasty. But yeah I agree Sean Evans gets way too much credit for being “a good interviewer” even though he’s just a charisma void with cue cards given to him from an actually competent research team. A cardboard cutout with a mini speaker attached to it could do a better job
Some of the sauces they use are actually decently hot and a lot of people have abysmal tolerance for anything spicy. I’ve met people who the absolute maximum they can even handle is a fucking peperoncini so it’s not really that big of a leap. Conan is the man though
Nice try, Zlatan.
>Safe questions
>Chicken wings with hot sauces is a good gimmick to keep audience's attention alive
>Cheap as fuck production
>Sean is likeable as a host
>A butt load of sponsors
Nobody likes Sean, except for his guests. And those are actors or athletes who know the cracking of the whip.
Im not into tabloid shit to actually know who is Sean as a person, but he looks nice in the show. He is well mannered, and eats every sauce coated chicken wing like a champ. He had some moments where he could go apeshit, but he didnt. Off the top of my head, the dj khaleed episode had some good moments that could have pissed off any host.
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Fuck them for allowing Jeff to not even make a proper bite out of them. Either come heavy or not at all, fucking pussy faggot
He hides his personality. It's a fake persona he puts on. Fully understandable, because he has a good thing going, but it's a reason for people to dislike him.
>Artist has a delicate palate and doesn't want to ruin it by eating garbage macho food to prove his masculinity to a bunch of literal whoos on a shitty internet show
Props to Golblum for keeping it real.

You can't memory hole this trainwreck, Sean.
>get this, it's like a normal interview but we make it so the interviewee is distracted to the point of being completely unable think properly or form coherent sentences
Why come to the show at all then? Faggot
And yet not a single confession of childrape has come up. Makes you think huh? Sean is doing the Lord's work, but these fuckers are slippery as hell.
>Look up an obscure detail about a celebrity and hamfist it into the conversation in an extremely clunky way
>this makes me a le good interviewer
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I don't think his handler would allow that.
Samefagging because I honestly don’t know what this is a reference to. Daddy’s-yard-cabinfag anon?
I've never seen an episode. I have bought and gone through four of the season boxes with my friends. Love me some hot wings.

No anon it's just people. People watch Hot ones, the format requires celebrities to eat "hot ones", so the cycle continues until we run out of celebrities. Which will never happen.

The world is one giant ad, how can you be so unaware in 2024?
He was in an episode and the chili brought him to his knees. It sounded like you were making an excuse, so I called you Zlatan.
>Keeping it real
>Hides his personality

And you people wonder why you can't keep a job. Goldblum has been phoning it in for 15 years, he doesn't need you to defend him.
Oh. Anyway I love spice but have several family members who are such fags that they’re so adverse to it like I said their limit is probably that of a bell pepper to still be enjoyable. I’m sure plenty of these Hollywood faggots are super duper sensitive little flowers IRL so it doesn’t surprise me they do the bare minimum.
Its got a pretty wild spread of "celebs" these days. For example, Lewis Hamilton and Donald Duck. I also though the Gal Gadot and Shakira ones were pretty good.
Sean is a charisma vacuum, dude's milquetoast as hell, he's literally defined by his elaborately researched questions and ability to clean hot wings
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>oh, waitress! *snaps fingers* come here, my poppet, I've decided on what I shall dine upon today.
>Oh, and of COURSE! My apologies for not realizing that the hot sauce menu was a subset of the MAIN menu (albeit a separate pamphlet detailing the intricacies of each sauce, as well as pairing suggestions, would be a welcome addition (pass that along to your sauce monger)). I shall sample your in-house BEELZEBUTT'S 7,000,000 SCOVILLE HEMORRHOID HOLOCAUST NUCLEAR ANAL LEAKAGE XXXXXX FECAL FURY SAUCE; and, my sweet, mayhaps a bottle of it to go? Though I am yet to taste it, I am sure that my buddies at the barcade - yes, a portmanteau of 'bar' and 'arcade,' and YES, you can actually DRINK as you PLAY VIDEO GAMES, whatever will they think of next? - will be utterly TICKLED by the label your crew has concocted for that bottle!
*taps glass*
>and another round of your hoppiest IPA, please!
>I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul

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>I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul
It's called committing to the bit and push through the pain. You can see his discomfort from the 4th wing or so, but Conan has over 30 years of experience in the business so he knows how to push through anything as long as the cameras are on. It's funny you think he proves that others hammed up their performances when the opposite happened in that episode.
>that Lex guy also feels like some uncanny artificial thing
wtf don't say that, just take mind melting drugs and forget about it bro
its either become this or shitpost on /tv/ for 12 hours
>lukewarm idpol-free show that glorifies fast food and celebrity worship
Basically sums it up. Show sucks tho ngl. The average Kayak-fisherman is more interesting.
This. People act like he’s on the level of Narduar just because his team works painstakingly to generate interesting and unique questions for the show meanwhile in practice he just sits there mundane as can be ratting them off with the cadence of a local news junior fill-in anchor that’s being focus tested.
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Triple dubs checked
Like most things involving /tv/, the bitter seethe is palpable itt. I'm sure you all have the personality to host a show like this, you just haven't had the opportunity.
You don’t have to have the charisma to host a talk show yourself just to be able to recognize when someone doesn’t have that level of charisma and shouldn’t be hosting an interview show. Much in the same way I can watch two figure skaters and tell you which one has anctual talent and which one probably shouldn’t be going to the olympics meanwhile I can barely skate in a straight line. Sean Evans is just a really dull dude with a talented team backing him that’s all, I’m only speaking for myself when I say this but it certainly doesn’t come from a place of bitterness and jealousy, I know I’m not the kind of person who should do a job like that. Thing is, neither is he.
And his show is backed by a Hollywood bank. It's not organic at all.
I enjoyed the Noel Gallagher episode but only because it was Noel Gallagher.
Isnt the channel literally all rappers and mutts? I cant bear to watch. Americans need to get their shit together, NO ONE WANTS TO LISTEN TO YOUR LITTLE NEGRO PETS
It doesn't matter if they were truly hot or not. What he did pissed all over the show and concept.
>can't have a cheat day for one fuck interview
why bother coming at all.
No. There’s a lot of them here and thereto be sure, maybe even like half. But objectively no.
I never liked this show because the interviewer is a literal block of wood on top of being an amateur who doesn't ask any followup questions.
Maybe he was promoting a movie you tards? Like some other anon said, it's replaced the late night shows as a promotional tool for new movies. It's got more viewers.
How did it piss all over the show and concept? The Conan episode is a man clearly in distress fighting with everything he got to try to hide it and pretend nothing is wrong while acting increasingly erratically. The show is man versus the sauce, and Conan fought the sauce with everything he had and emerged victoriously.
started off as a unique way to interview people that got turned into boring slop as it became more and more corporatized
I’d watch a special edition where they powerslapped each other instead of eating chicken wings.
>they've been trying to get the rock on for years but he refuses because he wants to eat grilled salmon instead of chicken wings
what a diva
The Rock doesn't promote polluting your body with anything nasty.
Just post Jenna's nip slip.
It's like once a month now where he says he's "trying in n out for the first time" anon
He's like 55, aren't you ever forgetful?
Can’t believe it took this long to get this levelheaded of a post. Hit the nail on the head, it’s not the best and it’s not the worst but it has certainly declined quite a bit over the years. There are still fun episodes here and there depending on the guest
i'm gonna hum yeah i'm gonna taste hat chicken and hum it's chicken, right? hum so hum let me take a bite and yea just a little bite like that and hum wow that's wow hum
Are you guys defending the rock? How many layers on ironic facetious contrarian irony does it take to get to this level?
At least it has been losing some popularity to Club Random with Bill Maher. That is at least one sign that people can get smarter.

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